ti a I K Ai i 1 V I mi i iniii f HEADACHE Is only a symptom not a disease So are Backache Nervousness Dizziness and the Blues They all come from an unhealthy state of the men strual organs If you suffer from any of these symptoms if you feel tired and languid in the morning and wish you could lie in bed another hour or two if there is a bad taste in the mouth and no appetite if there is pain in the side back or abdomen BR ADFI ELDS FEMALE REGULATOR will bring about a sine cure The doctor may call your trouble some high sounding Latin name but never mind the name The trouble is in the menstrual organs and Bradfields Female Regulator will restore you to health and regulate the menses like clockwork Sold by druggists for ft l Kittle A free Itluttritel hook will I sent to any wtwnin if request be niulrtl to THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA MMMI WIIIIIIIIIH TREES AND PLANTS WffWE of Best Varieties at Hard Times Prices Small fruit In largo nupplj SlillioUB of atrnwborrj jilnntn verj thrift j nnd well rnotcil Out the DhST near linmo and eaTo freight or expre Sonil for price liBt to North Bend Nurseries North Bend Dodge Count IS eh Free Reclining Chair Gars on all Trains QUICK SERVICE CLOSE CONNECTIONS TWO DAILY FrtST TRAINS EACH WAY BETWEEN OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis With direct connections to all South ein and Eastern points Unexcelled tune ami accommodations to the Famous Hot Sarinas of Arkansas BE SURE TO SECURE TICKETS VIA THIS LINE For more complete information descriptive pamplirts etc nddreas 3 0 PHILLirri W C BARNES A G F and P A T P A Southeast Cor I4th aud Douglas Sta OMAHA NEBUASKA HUMPHREYS WITCH HAZEL OIL Piles or Hemorrhoids C Fissures Fistulas Burns Scalds I J Wounds Bruises Cuts Sores Boils Tumors r Eczema Eruptions Salt Rheum Tetters Chapped Hands E Fever Blisters Sore Lips Nostrils O Corns Bunions Stings Bites of Insects Three Sizes 25c 50c and 100 Bold by druggists or sent postpaid on recc Ipt of pries llUUllltHS1 JHDU III A IIS llllSNUrk Frazer Axle Grease 5ftJ inTHEOLQRFIIADir - y - Ji hSnucNO 1 c S mould utc iAir Mfimi 1 ivh4 roiny ylKCcHWJ iR TWICE A- I NY Dl HF i Not affected by Heat or Cold Highest Awards at Centennial Paris and Worlds Fair Sp Frazer Lubricator Co FtetoriM Chciigo St Louli Now York CRUSHED WIFES SKULL Dennis Sullivan Puts a Monkey Wrench to Bad Use MRS SULLIVAN 18 STILL ALIVE llm Asstillittit lit MipptKfd tt Unto Merit I elnpiiinrll limutin The Ttotilile Ol urrtit nt M endow lron Details ol ii Hoirlliltt 11 tinier In Stiutltiti Cotiutj Kmni Tnpiilnjt Onlll Humors of n tragedy or what nearly resulted in oho nro hoard from Meadow Grove in whicli Dennis Sulli van u well known resident of tlmt vi cinity stiuck Ills wife over the head and fractured hor skull This sensational happening took place yesterday about dinner time Sullivan 1ms occasionally not been quite right in mind aud it is supposed that it was during ouo of theso tempo rary nborratious that ho attacked Mb wifo In some manner she aroused in him an ungovernable At of angor and sioziug ii moukoy wronch which waa lying handy ho struck hern fearful blow over tho head fracturing her skull As soon as possiblo medical nttendauco was summoned and an operation per formed to removo tho splintorod bones and cover tho exposed portion of tho biain The lady is getting along all right since tho oporation nnd thoro is aehnuco of her ultimate recovery At last reports from tho bccho of the tliillculty Sullivan had not been ar rested but it is uudetbtood that Jounty Attorney Tyler has boon notified of tho circumstance aud ho will undoubtedly examine into matters aud prosecute providing there is sutlicient evidence or olso have Sullivan placed in the hands of the insanity commissioners Sulliyau aud his wife have lived in the viciuity of Meadow Grovo for years and have been universally respected Kills Ills IIitlMtiotlir r Another awful tragedy has been add ed to tho list of those enacted in Stnuton county a man 60 years of age beingtho victim The trouble occurred Sunday afternoon in tho Swede settlement about 10 miles north of Stanton aud north and east of this city nt the farm of Audiew Colander Andrew Johnson sr an old settler m the county wns tho victim and his assuilant was Oliver Audersou a half brother Anderbonjweut to the home of Mrt Johnson aud became involved in a quar rel with Johnson over the settlement of a guardianship matter Johnson having acted as guardian for Anderson both in this country and in Swedeu Both men had been drinking and were somewhat intoxicated and there quarrel resulted in a fight Andeisou was getting tho best of it when they were parted by mutual friends During the melee he received a deep gash in the loft leg After they weie parted Anderson was induced to get into his buggy and go over to the farm of a neighbor a Mr Colauder who resides about three quarters of a mile from tho Johnson place Peter Pierson a grand-son-in-law of Johnson who lives at the John sou homestead and who was instru mental in stopping tho fighting accom panied Anderson Audersou began dressing his wound aud making arrange ments to go to Stanton In the meantime Johnson left his home aud started for Colanders place stating that ho was going to Stanton to tell about what had happened evidently intending to make a complaint to tho authorities Ho took his gun with him saying that he would have to take a gun to protect himself from Audersou Mr Pierson met him on the way return ing from Colanders and endeavored to porsuade him to return homo but he re fused to do fo aud at his request Mr Pierson accompanied him back to Colanders Mr Colauder discovered the approaoh of Johnson and im mediately informed Anderson of it nd vising him to get out of the road or de fend himself Ho himself got into some bushes that were growing near and concealed himself Anderson dashed into a small shed standing near aud grabbed up a gun that was standing there and went out to meet Jounsou He shouted Get out of this ap plying an epithet and waved his gun at him Both mou thou throw their guus to their shoulders Johusou waB tho quicker but his gun au old fashioned muzzle loader snapped but did not ex plode Anderson was equally un fortunate but at his second trial his gun exploded nnd Johnson dropped over twenty four shot having taken etlVct in his breast aud abomeu Anderson immediately went to town and gave himself up Corouer Dern proceeded to the sceue of the shooting and impanelled a jury which after viewiug the dead body aud the sur roundings adjourned till this morning when after hearing the testimony re turned the following verdict At an inquisition holdeu at Stanton Stautou county Neb on the 37th aud 28th day of August A D 1891 before me Louis Dern corouer of said county upon the body of Andrew Johnsou sr lyiusr dead by the jurors whose names are hereunto subscribed the said juror ou their oath do say that said Andrew Johnson dr came to his death by reason of a shot from a gun in the bauds of Oliver Anderson the shooting being unuecessary The jurors were 0 Ii Harris W A THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST 31 18M Brown II V Brown Audrow Ulasoll K J Newman Ollvor F Clockor Johnson was n citizen be ing ptssessod of two or throe fnrnis lino herds of cnttlo nnd hogs aud had con siderable ready mouoy on deposit Ho leaves a wifo ouo son a daughter aud two grown orphan grandchildren who have made their homes with him The niurdoier OHvor Andtusou is a bachelor and has for years boon u hard drinker It is mi id that ho has spent tho worth of a couple of good farms for liquor Tho weapon he used was n single barreled bieech loading shotgun and was heavily loaded with powdor and No J shot Tho chin go scatteiod badly and the entire fiont of tho dead man from neck to middlo was put for ntotl with shot Ho lived about 10 mill utos after the shooting but did not speak A IiUiiI Flf tit Henry Marion mot his death thlH morning in a most unfortunate manner As uourly as wo can got at tho facts Morris Casoy was going along tho road to his work when ho was mot in the road by Henry Matron and his throu sons in front of thoir placo near Water bury Au altercation followed in which blows woro exchanged Matron wns knocked down and in about au hour died Whether any blow struck by Casey was tho direct cause of denth caunot yet bo told Casey claims that ho was first attacked and struck m self defense with no thought of seiiously injuring tho man It is coitniily a most unforuuate affair tho far reaching results of which were unforeseen by all parties to tho fray Ponca Journal IirM Ward Cant us The First ward lepublicau caucus was hold last evening pursuant to call The meeting was called to order by Com mitteeman Henilobon Upon motion O V Kisolcy was named as chairman and Geo H Spear as secretary Motion was mado and carried that S L Gaidner bo allowed to name live delegates to tho county convention whoieupon ho named the following W II Widaman C F Eisoloy W Henileben Al Johnson aud 1 W Id wai ds It was moved by Geo II Spear that another set of five delegates be named Motion lost Upon motion C F Ihseley was elected as judge of tho pnmnry election and W Homlebeu as clerk Motion prevailed that tho caucus re commend to the county judgo tho uamo of O F Kiseloy as judgo and Geo II Spear as clerk for appointment to serve at the geueral election in November Foul th Ward Ciiiiciik The caucus of the republican votois of the Fourth ward was called to older at tho Junction hoso house at 815 last evening by Committeeman J C Aid who also read the call Oil motion J C Aid was elected chairmnn and W H Kish secretary On motion tho following named weie placed it nomination for delegates to tho county convention vi 111 Thomp son W H Hish J L Heishisor H H Hull Geo W Beemer and J C Aid Upon ballot being taken the three following weio declared tho nominees for said convention W H Hish J If Thompson aud J L Horshiser Ou motion J H Thompson was chosen as judgo and J L Horshiser as clerk for tho primary election to be held August 2 from 12 m to 7 p m On motion W H Rish was nominated judgo and Leo Herslusor as clerk for tho geueral election Tho county delegates weroon motion instructed to act as precinct delegates and the caucus adjourned Itoad Nutlet to Landowner To All Whom it May Concern Tho commissioner appointed to voiw and locato a road commencing at tho northeast coruor of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion in township 22 north range 1 west in Madison county Nebraska and the northwest corner of tho southwest quarter of tho southwest quarter of sec tion ill in township 2J north range 1 east in Stanton county Nebraska run ning thence south ou county lino about fct rods to tho towuship lino botweon townships 21 and 22 thence wost on said township lino in said Madison couuty one mile to connect with a pub- Ho highway leading to tho city of Madi son already established and recorded hasioported m favor of tho establish ment thereof aud his repoit having beon ondorsed and concurred iu by a like commissioner from Stautou county nil objections thereto or claims for dam ages must be filed in tho county clerks oilico on or before noon of tho 12th day of September A D 1899 or said road will be established without reforeuco thereto K G Hkilman Couuty Clerk Letter Mat List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postoflleo August 28 180 Frank Bernam Davis and Smith C Harris Harman A J Kame Edwin Lee E C Lee 3 Frauk Ohm Ida Bolls Mrs J Raycroft Robert Smith L A Taylor II H Wulf If uot called for in 30 days will be sent to the dead lottor ofllce Parties calliug for auy of the above please say advertised P F SlBECHKU P M The horseless horse thiof is said to bo iu close pursuit of tho horseless carriage injured Trainman Inalh Krum Momlnr Dull Frank P Boal the brakoiiinn who wns iujmod iu a railroad accident on tho morning of August 1st at tho luiio Hon died from tho injuries he tecelved Sunday morning at 2 minutes past midnight and his funeral is being held this afternoon at Tlldon his former home The deceased made a long and deter mined struggle against death aud his friends had lioped that he might win out but it was not to be and tho grim niessengei nininioned him to his long homo at the hour stated Since the in jury he had looelved eveiy attention that medical skill and lmiug hands and heaits could piovido and these with the injured mans bravo elloit to get well augmented for his iccovcry but unit hor sympathy nor otlorts availed Mr Heal wns n member of the Brother hood of Itailwuy Trainmen also of tho Ancient Order of United Woikinon at Tlldon and members of both orders sought in every way to loliovo tho dis tress of himself and family Members of tho Trainmen lodge provided a spec ial train to convoy tho leinnius and the funeral party to Tlldon where inter moiit will take place Besides tho tolativos of the deceased delegations from tho Trainmen aud Workman lodges at this placo accom panied the lemains to Jllden whete services ill be hold under the auspices of the Tilden lodge A IT W Tho defeased loaves a wife bosidoH other lelativos at Battle Ciook and Tlldon to mourn lor bun They have tho sympathy of a largo cucle of lriends in Norfolk and at the other towns Cliriip Kitten South On the Hist and third Tuesdays of oach month up to ami intituling Octo ber the Southern Kail way olleis to honieseekeis and settleis the advantages of cheap one way and round trip tickets to piactically all points in Tennessee Mississippi Alabama Georgia Noith Carolina South Carolina Virginia and Florida Hoinoseekeis tickets will bo Mild at tho into of one line plus 2 for the round trip tickets good 21 days tiom date of sale in which to let mil The southeastern terntoiy olleis to tho prospector and settlor more advant ages than any othor part of the United States and tho Southern Railway lias arranged for tho salo of tickets on tho dates mentioned above at low enough rates to enable any one to go South and investigate tho opportunities ollered in that territory For illustrated matter lates and fur ther particulars addross Wm II Tayloi A G P A Louisville Ky J C Beam Jit N W P A 80 Adams St Chicago Ills Article of I n orporittloii of Tho Pacific Hotel Company of Nor folk Nobiaskn Know all Men by Theo Piosents That wo II II Patterson E A Bul lock Daniel J Koonigstoin E H Tracy and Burt Mapes do associate ourselves together for tho purposo of forming and becoming a corporation in tho state of Nebraska for tho tiansaction of tho busi ness hereinafter described 1st Tho name of tho corporation shall bo Tho Pacific Hotel company of Norfolk Nebraska 2nd Tho principal place of transact ing its businoss shall bo in the city of Norfolk couuty of Madison state of Ne braska ird Tho nature of the business to bo transacted by said corpoi ation shall bo the leasing purchasing operating soil ing aud renting of hotels and hotel proportios in tho city oT Norfolk and elsewhere and transacting such other business as naturally belongs to tho owu mg and operating of hotels 4th Tho authorized capital stock of said corporation shall bo twenty five thousand dollars 25000 00 in shares of ten dollors 1000 each to bo sub sorilKsd aud paid as directed by tho board of directors 1th This corporation shall commence doing business on tho 8th day of August 18I9 and terminate on tho 8th day of August 191 lith The highest amount of indebt edness to which said coiporatiou shall at any time subject itself shall uot bo more than five thousand dollars 000 00 7th Tho ollicers of said corporation shall be a president secretary and treas urer who shall bo chosen by the board of directors and shall hold their ollices for ono year 8th Tho business of tho corporation shall bo conducted by a board of direc tors not to exceed three in number to bo elected by the stockholders such elec tion to take place at such timo aud to bo conducted in such manner as shall bo prescribed by the by laws of said cor juration 9th The first board of directors shall consist of tho following persons E A Bullock H H Patterson aud Burt Mapes 10th Tho manner of holding the meetings of tho stockholders election of ollicers and method of conducting tho business shall be as prescribed iu the by laws to bo adopted by tho board of di rectors In witness whereof the undersigned have hereunto set their hands this 7th day of August A D 1899 H H Patteksov 10 A BlMOOK DWIRI J KOKMUsTKIV E II Tkaov BUM MlEs Tut Sta ie ok Nbhraska Couuty of Madison i On this 7th day of August 1899 be fore me W II Bucholz a uotary pub lic iu aud for said couuty personally appeared the above named E A Bul lock II II Patterson Dniel J Koeuig stein E II Tracy and Burt Mapes who are personally known to me to be tho identical persous whose names are atllxed to the above articles as members thereof and they severally acknowledg ed said instrument to lie their voluntary act and deed Witness my baud this 7th day of Aug ust A I 1891 W II Btinioi IsKvti Notary Public My commission expires February S 1901 i tllto tint dlillilion it Dilnlt culled Urnin O it is a dollolous iqipo tiiug limit Ishlng food diiiik to take tho place of colloo Soldjby all grocers and liked by all who have used it be cnuse when properly piopaiod it luslos like tho finest colloo but is flee fioin alt its Injuiious propeitioH lialn O aids digestion and sttongtlioiis the neives It is not a stimulant bill a health buildei and chilthou as wi 11 as adults can dunk it with gioat benefit Costs about ono fouith as much as coder li and 2i cents llilllt O Itollol to the colloo drinker Colloo di inking is a habit that is universally indulged iu and almost ns univiu sally Injurious Have you tiled UruinO It is nlmost like eotleo but tho ellects are Just tho opposite Colloo upsets the stomach ruins the digestion otloots the heart and disturbs tho whole nervous system Grain O touoa up tho stomach aids digestion and stiengthons the nerves There is nothing but nomishmoiit iu Grain O It cant be otherwise Ifi nnd 2i cents per package F H Poavoy A Co ot Minneapolis who am extensive grain buvois In this state ate having 1000000 bushels of old com shelled troni tbeii cribs at stations along the hue of the C St P M A O for shipment into Sioux City Of this 1 10000 bushels will come fioin Wmsido as much fiom Carroll and 1 18000 bushels fiom Wayne Considerable of this com is the ciop of I SOU which has been carried by that firm until now waiting for tho use in pi ice which that linn knew would eventually tome Tho Peavey people have domoustratud that they had tiuth m Mulvinloy ami his ad miuistiutiou Two laws are pioposod for passage by tho next congioss lor the bolter pioteo turn of citizens of othei nations and tho pievention ol such situations as that in which we are now placed by the lynch ing of Italians in Louisiana It is hoped that if it is more laws or hottci ones that aio needed in order to Mop tho sway ot mob law that they will be speedily passed and thou that public sentiment will demand their rigid on forcoment Tho democratic Detroit Freo Pi ess says that tho democrats have one of tho finest fighting opportumtos presented thorn in a half century So a mad bull may have a chance to fight with a solid stone wall Poor lies ton is now known as the lair of tkmaldo CANCER Results Fatally In Nine Cases Out of Ten Cure Found at Last -A 5 IliMotiilliiti of Ctinilttlniitn At a regular meeting of ICIkhom VaL leylodgo No 101 Brolhorhood of Rait road Ttaiumen held at Norfolk on Aug list 27 1809 tho following proamblo and resolutions were unanimously adopted Whereas It has plonsod the Worthy Grand Master of the IJulvorHo toiemove ftom our midst our beloved brother and fiiend Fiank P Thorofoio Do it lesolved that in the loss of Brothel Boal tlih lodge loses a onions and failhrul member his wifo a loving husband his patents a dutiful sou and tho lommuuity an exemplary ollUou Resolved liirther Thai wo extend to the family of our departed biolher our heaitfoll sympathy iu their hour of alllictiou Resolved furl hor That as a token of our reipoot and soirow for thedoparted our uhaitor bo draped in mourning for a peiiod of thirty days nnd that a copy of these lesolutioim bo forwarded to tho family and to the Norfolk and Ttldeu paper i Binmi K Beuss R L Canoid John Buck Commit too A1PN Kidney trouble preys up A M II discouragort AINI uml lussons ambition WOMEN beauty vigor and cheer fulness soon disappear win uthe kidneys me out of oidei or HHca od IVu pleasing results use Dr Kilmers Swamp Boot the great kidney lomedy At tlinggists Sample bottle lion also pamphlet Addiess Dr Kll nior 6c Co Binghaiiiton N Y TURTLE OIL Is test gaining in populaiity and bo coming a household necessity There is no medicine that will so quickly leliovo pain It is an antiseptic destinysmi i lobes mid disease brooding gernm N on cannot allot d to be without it 2ric and oOo at tlinggists iuiuaiiteetl by 1 Cosgrove Pi op Oaktlaie Nob DR C S PARKER UKNTIST At Ili rn Cjci Moiidiiy Mast Block - Norfolk Neb ALWAYS USE u COCOA PURE HEALTHFUL LfiULi I This I in nl dispfiso often firt npppars a- i uiiH intcli it pimple or lump m hi linist too -mill I to attract nny iiotif until in many cases tho loudly 1- hilly developed Cancer cm not Ixj cured by u surgical operation lieeause the disease is a virulent poison in the blood circulitinj throughout the system and although the sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may be cut away tho poison remains in the blood and promptly bieaks out aficah with renewed violence The wonderhil succe is of S S S in curing obstinate deep raeated blood diseases which were considered incurable induced a few de spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer alter exhausting tho skill of the physicians without a cine Much to their delight S S S proved equal to tho disease and promptly effected a euro The glad iiovvh spreui rapiuiy aim ii was soon iiemotisiraieii beyond doubt that a cure had at last been found for deadly Cancer Evidence has accu mulated which is incontroveitible of which the following is a specimen Cancer is hereditary in our family my father a sister and an aunt having died from tins dieolful disease My feelings may bo imagined win n the hor rible disease made its appearand on my side It was a unligiiant Cancer eating inwardly insiich a w ly as to cause great alarm Tho discaso seemed beyond the skill of the doctors for their treatment did no good whatever the Cancer growing worse all tho while Numerous remedies weio used for it but the Cainvr grow steadily worse until it seemed that I was doomed to follow the otheisof the family for I know how deadly Cancer is especially when inhorited I was advised to try Swifts Specific tS S S which from tho first day forced out the poison I continued its use until I had taken eighteen bottles when I was enrol sound and wll and have had no symptoms of th dreadful alllictiou though many years have elapsed S S S is the only cure for Cancer Mits S M Idol Winston N C Our book on Cancer containing other testimonial and valuable information will bo sent free to any address by the Swift Specific Company Atlanta Georgia ifi MKS s St IDOL tMMffllEIHEffllE FALL TKIItl Opiiis Monti iy moriiin J Work lor Hoard W furnish tl utuiloiitH wih places to work ot lMVnl You can attend this colltvt for It it It the itiotioy rtijulrtiil lo ti eiMtwliort nt nil us Jo initios and addresses of yon nc people Interested la business eilUiiitt m Hid get our olleirn Weekly nut jetr free Our new ciitalttt free to anyuiirt Address KOIIIt HOI ill Itllos Oiiihiiu Seb -v-v-v H C TRUMAN WALL PAPER Prom ioc a Double Roll up in u an 11 I n a fill nl1 id winnnu vnanoei wnnm mn nmpc KainTC n ic mass Room Mouldings Pa Brushes Etc Etc i i Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Prices V v