vat SSI K - v A t i 9 WHITE WHIPS LYONS Two Championships Arc De cided at Dubuque KENNEY WINS IN THE SEVENTII Lewis Ih All Kill Itino mid Dcllbeinttty 1otlls to Knvc llliiicirn Itiiurknttl Onl oroil tlglitci 31kci n Siiiuu Strugiilo Agalint 111 KipiM liiliuml Opponent Duiiuquk Aug 51 Tonuny Whito got the decision ovor Henry Lyons col ored nt tho end of iv 20 round bout hero Inst night Thoy fought for tho ISO pound championship Lyons put up a good fight but begun to weaken in tho last round and Whito landed almost at will Neither man appeared to possess much power Tho decision did not meet with tho entire approval of the audience owing to tho good showing LyouB made in tho first 15 rounds Iu the proliminaay bout between Lewis and Kenuoy for tho lightweight championship of tho west Lowis was all but out several times In tho seventh ho was going and Kenny was given tho decision and tho entiro purse on llofereo Silers decision that Lowis deliberately fouled to save himself a knockout KINGMONDJS FIRST Iilolltus Slnlilo Coiiiiiinloii Taken Down tho S 00 Iiiihu For V34 Trotturx DuiiuyuE la Aug 81 Kingmond owned by Frank Jones of Portsmouth Tj H and tho stable companion of Idolita who Tuesday won tho Horse Keviow futurity took down tho 1000 purse offered for 234 trotters at tho Nutwood Driving park Cornelia Bella took second money Dainty Daffo third uud Escobar fourth Tho first was tho fastest of tho three heats 211 and Kingmond took all threo heaUi hands down Tho second event on the card the 235 pace took six heats to decide Dan Patchen owned by O T Hancock of Dubuque finally lauded first money winning tho fourth fifth and sixth heats whilo tho favorite Armada Prince had to bo confront with second money after taking down tho second and third heats Minnie Simmons who took tho first heat was out of the running aftor that being distanced in tho second Tho third event a 207 pace saw tho fastest time of tho meeting Four heats were run Sally Toler taking two Giles Noyes one and Indiana one Tho sec ond heat was run in 205 Tho time of Giles Noyes in this heat was OO1 101 l33ift 203 Darkness caused the postponement of the deciding heat Why tho Jury Failed to Convict GlKAim Kan Aug 31 Tho prohi bition town of Walnut has just furnished an odd spoctaclo in the case of a man tried for running an illicit saloon Tho case against the joiutist was clearly proven Whon it was given to tho jury a constablo was placed iu charge of tho 12 men After supper tho constable took tho jury to a room and brought them a bucket of beer During the night tho jury kept balloting and drink ing tho constable bringing them plenty of beer In the morning tho jury re ported thoy could not reach a verdict During tho whole of the night tho bal lot stood nine beer drinkers for acquittal to threo abstainers for conviction Fli ht Cash For u Free Train Piekke S D Aug 31 Tho first cash on tho fund for the return of tho South Dakota troops 1000 from this city was received by State Treasuror Schamber yesterday Besides this tho people of Blunt in tho eastern part of the county have raised 100 which is in excess of the amount apportioned to tho county If other districts do as well as this tho fund will soon bo raised Rock Inland Ignore Itestrulnliifr Order Kansas City Aug 31 All tho rail roads that proposed to boycott tho Pitts burg and Gulf railroad have obsorvod tho restraining order of tho federal court thus far except tho Rock Island road Tho Rock Island refused to transfer threo cars of fruit to tho Pitts burg and Gulf Its officers and agents may be arrested for contompt df tho order of Judge Thayer Iluys IIUnoiiH Zinc Itlliieg Jopiin Mo Aug 31 Ex Governor W O Renfrow yesterday purchased for tho American Zino Load and Smelting company tho Center Valloy companys leaso on 200 acres of mineral land Tho price paid was 110000 This makes 1200000 invested by this company in Missouri zinc properties withiu the last threo mouths Mourning t Grand Inland Guand Island Nob Aug 31 The remains of Frank Neptune laton mem ber of tho Colorado regiment which has just returned from Manila arrived in this city yesterday and will bo interred hero whero his parents reside Death took place at tho Presido aftor tho ar rival of tho regiment iu this country Fee lorn Heine Shipped to Iowa Pieiuie S D Aug 31 Every point along tho lino of the Northwestern road east as far as Highmore reports a large number of buyers out for feoders aud heavy shipments being made to the corn fields of Iowa whero tho cattle will be put in shapo for the market Unfaithful to Ilia Trust Maryvillk Mo Aug 31 Investi gatiou of tho affairs of Henry Graves who shot aud killed himself last week accordiug to his own statement shows that he was 12703 short in his accounts as public administrator Nouraakuu Eutera Weal Iulnt West Point N Y Aug 31 Among tho candidates who were yesterday ad- mitted ns cadets to the military acad emy haviug passed successfully their en trance examinations was Robert L Robisou of Nebraska CENSUS OF CUBA rrrnldi nt Send rtoi tiitiinllou to llroobnnt llimitni Waiiinuton Aug 31 President McKinley has sent to General Hrooko at Havnna the following proclamation The disorganized condition of your island resulting from the war and tho absence of any generally recognized au thorized authority nido from the tom jwrary military control of tho United States have made it necessary that the United States shall follow tho restora tion of order aud peaceful industry by giving its aid to tho suc cessive stepa by which you will proceed to tho establishment of an efficient system of self govornniout As a preliminary step in tho performance of this I have directed that a census of tho people of Cuba bo taken and havo appointed competent and disin terested peoplo of Cuba as enumerators and supervisors It is important for the proper arrangement of your now gov ornmont that tho information sought shall bo fully and accurately given aud I request that by every means in your power you aid tho officers appointed in tho performance of their duties LAWS FOR PORTO RICO Insulin Commission Submits 11m Iteport to Suuritary Hoot Washington Aug 31 Tho insular commission consisting of General Ken nedy Judge Curtis and Major Watkins which has given six months study to tho conditions of tho island of Porto Rico yesterday mado its report to Sec retary Root It rocormouds a form of civil government of tho island to tako the place of the present military regime and submits for adoption a code of laws These laws it recommends should be put in operation by oxecutivo decrco arguing that a congres sional enactment of goneral laws would chauge tho status of tho island toward tho United States and make it part of tho constitutional terri tory of tho United States Tho code of laws and tho civil government proposed do not givo tho Porto Ricaus tho fran chise for any offices nor extend to them tho privilege of trial by jury except in United States courts iu cases of felon ies involving an amount in excess of 500 It recommends that tho military force remain in the island but be kept in the background and touch tho peoplo only with u soft hand English is to be mado tho official language of tho isl and but for tho present all except tho federal courts aro to bo conductod in Spanish Ioyin Nnliiunkii Tiiirua Lincoln Aug 31 Plattsmouth Su perior Columbus Geneva and other cities in the state who sent their sol diers forth gavo them an enthusiastic welcome home yesterday thick Hills 31 K Conference Hot SiiUNos S D Aug 31 The Black Hills annual conference of tho Methodist Episcopal church will con vene at Sturgis today with Bishop Warren presiding TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Tho revolution in tho southern parts of Peru has been completely crushed Tho secret service has discovered a new counterfeit 2 treasury note of tho series of 1801 Tho big battleship Wisconsin will bo ready for its trial trip inside of a fort night or three weeks N E Crissy an areonaut of Johns town fell iOO feet to instant death at Pnnxsutawney Pa fair grounds Wed nesday A destructive fire visited the little town of Tyro O Wednesday and near ly completed its destruction Ten build ings were burned to tho ground E J Rickes who it is said holds a responsible place under Swift Co at Kansas City was taken to Bollevuo hos pital Now York Wednesday violently insane The body of James Allen engineer at tho pumping station at Whitehall Ills was found Wednesday near tho station It is thought to be a case of robbery and murder Prices of coal aro advancing with moro than tho usual rapidity this fall Tho Reading company issued orders to its agents to advance prices 25 cents a ton Friday Secretary of Agriculturo Wilson is ar ranging for an exhaustive scientific in vestigation of tho abaudoued farms of Now England with a view of thoir reclamation Dan Coughlin who disappeared from Chicago last July and forfeited his bond of 15000 rathor than faco a trial for alleged jury bribing has been traced to Argentine republic Threo patients at the Marathon county Wis asylum while working in a silo Wednesday wcro overcome with car bolio acid fumes and were dead boforo they could be rescued A sufficient number of enlistments havo beeu made for the three regiments in tho Philippines and tho work of en listing for tho first 10 regiments called out is now in progress Whilo two Englishmen Hill and Jones were asconding tho Dent Blanche iu Switzerland their rope broke uud Jones and threo guides were precipitated dowu tho mountain Their bodies have not been fouud A IIoU In His Had A hole in his right heel enabled a negro workman iu the diamond fields of South Africa to secrete aud steal gems to the value of K73000 These ho expressed In small parcels of fruit to a cousin Iu King Williams Town In tho extreme south of Africa from which place both recently departed for England R THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY AUGUST 31 1890 TELLS OF FARMERS TRUST Wnltcr N Atlrii Il oinoler of thn Sclii nir 1mii an Aitilrr thing Inillnulmn ToiKKA Aug 31 Walter N Allen president of tho Farmers Federation of the Mississippi Valley has issued an uddress giving an explanation of tho plan Much of the address is an appeal tc the fnrmeis to enter the combine uud Mr Allen argues that his scheme is tho only salvation for the agriculturist aud stock raiser Tho banker the manufacturer and tho wage earner all havo gone into trusts and each trust preys on tho far mur Allen myn and wo must light thcdovil with fire It is proposed to save to tho farmer tho profits of middlemon In order that the business of concen tration may bo facilitated in the hands of the Farmers Federation it is pro vided by tho bylaws that thero may bo issued 10000000 of fi per cent 20 year dobouturo bonds of tho ooinpany U pur chaso tho business uud good will of tho commissiim houses of Chicago Kansas City Omaha St IjouIs and Now Or leans Thero also may bo issued 10 000000 of non tninsforablo 3 por cent 20 your bonds to tho farmers at dis count of 25 cents on tho dollar HONOR GEN MANDERSON Nvhrankaii Fleeted Iretldenl of tho Amer ican I tu r mulitllin Buitaia Aug 31 Vice President Manderson called tho American Bar as sociation to order for the closing session A resolution expressing sympathy with M Labori in his suffering and his strug gle for justice in tho Dreyfus court-mar tial was again introduced and met with much opposition some believing it might work evil to Dreyfus It was finally carried by a vote of 130 to fill The committee appointed to doviso a plan of observing Feb 4 1001 as John Marshall day reported and tho report was adopted Hon O F Munderson of Nebraska was elected president for tho ensuing year Freight Cura Itnn Ainitek Ninv Youk Aug 31 The Erie ac commodation train from this city was wrecked on the bend just east of Ar lington Two freight cars broke away from a siding at Mont Clair and crashed into the passenger train One man William Nurio of Arlington was killed and J J Council of Bloomllold was fa tally injured itrliitormnnt of John llrnwnH Followers LAKK PlACll N Y Aug 31 Thirty five hundred persons wituossod tho ceremonies at tho reinterment ol John Browns followers in tho littla graveyard at tho John Brown form al North Elba about two miles from horo yesterday afternoon Tho date is tlm 43d anniversary of tho battle of Ossa wattomie Wednesdays IlimebitU Games NATIONAL IKAUUE Cleveland S Boston 8 Chicago 11 Now York 2 Louisville II Philadelphia 3 Ilttslmrg 1 Ilrooklyn J Cincinnati 4 Baltimore WESTKItN IIAOUK Kmihs City 1 Oram Rnpid i 3 St Paul t Indianapolis 0 Milwaukee - Buffalo i Second gnino Milwaukee II Buffalo 1 Minneapolis I Detroit 2 WHEAT PRICES HIGHER Oiilck Upturn Hi ought About y Sudden IlKiease In iport ISiisIiikmi CllieAoo Aug A sudden increase In the export business following tin announce ment of an increase in grain rates brought tlm wheat market around with n jerk today nd vancing specula five prices nearly a cunt Tha close was at Jiitfso advance Corn was firm on dry weather talk and closed WMie higher Oats closed KJiv higher Provisions showed easiness and closed 2Jj4ac lower Closin prices Wiikat Sept 70o Doc 72Hc CoitN Sept lllo Dec 28Ji32SJiic OATd Hept aJ Jo Dec lyilOJiJo PoiiK Scpt 820 Oct 827830 nili8 8nptSlfygJ17 Oct 522d535 LAim Sept J520 Oct 4527 Cash quotations No 2 red wheat 7210 H0 3 spring wheat 15ft09ic No 2 corn aijjc No 2 oats 21c Chicago Ilvu Stock CniOAOO Aug Cnttlo Hocolptl 14000 cattle of kikkI quality worn in active demand today but common and medium grades hold tilowly and at weaker prictM goosl to choice cuttlu brought 5fiGfiU coiumoiicr grndn4 400i555 stockeru and feoders sold at IU40 fi0U bulls cows and heifers t2009525 Texas steers tll23425 nnd calves t4Wa 715 Hogs Koocipts 25K0 hogi were in good demand at Hteady prices early but tint market weakened and prices closisl about 6tol0o lower heavy hogs nold at 40ii475 mixed loti at and light at 4ft4UO pigs Hold at i4y4V aud culls at t20tl00 Hhcep Heceipts 18000 trade in nhiH nnd Inmhi wns fairly active at steady prices native sheep sold at i2U0ti00 for cults better grade bringing 350J425 western range sheep brought 350415 lambs 325585 Kausu City Live Stock Kansas CiTtf Aug I0 Cattlu llecnlpta 9050 natives 2070 Toxans all grades of Blaughtoring cattle steady common light weight western feislrrH lower others steady heavy nativu steers 55iyfl20 light 1545T 605 htookcrs and feeders J3fi0fjt525 butchers cows aud hoiferri 800ig500 can ners 12503300 western steuru t4XVq ll0 Texans J35038fJ Hogg ltFccipt 8000 dumand hardly n good tiKlay and suhvi slow to Co lower heavy I447ji457s lulled 440iJ tXlii livhts 445V9470 Uhesp Kecelpts 8780 supply largo plainest grade were lower lambs 42Vff52i muttons 4b7100 stock ra and feoderu 1300375 culU 1225300 Bouth Oinuhn Ilvu Stock Bouth Omaha Aug 30 Cattle Itooelptf 4800 beeves steady feoders strong to 10o higher cows easier native beef sters 1471 010 western steers 1400490 cows and heifers 1250400 csnoers tl75250 stock era and feeder I376O500 calves 140X9 025 Hogs Kecelpts 6000 steady on light i weak to 5o lower ob Uaavy hwivj 480445 mixed ll4tt tfl60 lisht 44V4S7H bulk oi sales J485q445 Sheep Receipts 7I0 sheep steady lambs lower western iiiultoui 437VJ 400 ktock sheep 1876385 lamtM 460j525 VAB Baking 4SCLUTELY tURE Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome norm stfiNi powsca eo st y xnrinnsra Tfllrpltniin Ktilem unit Number Klrsl glvn thu rrnnk nun ipilcW turn This ring our hell and also signals tlm conl rnl iilllri Tliod immediately put the hand tele plume to our ear When the operator linpiires NiimWi1 give tho number of the part you uniitlmt not inlir own number unlesH the operator iisUh for It Tlinnpv or will In stantly connect the when ami riiiR your party forjou Kivp the lelephoueto Jour rai If the party ym waul In in lie will answer the opera tor without jour ringing Donnl rln Imrk If thenpeiator oalln In at all time miHwer her In prevent disconnection When throuiih glvn n slum ring todiseotuiect Hccoinl When railed do not ring hark hut nt mire put the telephone to jour ear ami talk Third If after Jon han railed the ntxitntoi says linsj it means that the party called for is connected with some one olnn Walla few uiitiiibN and cull ngiiiii Fourth Never ring the null except to anil Central or to disconnect Fifth Avoid loiul and boisterous conversa tion Speak In your natural touii ami close to the transmitter Hlxtli When not iu use always hung Hie hand telephone on its hook Inrire end down otherwise jour telephone wont tulU well Heveiilh Donoluno jour telephone during a IhumlerHtorm No Hiihsoriber 18 American Heot thinnr Co nlllco IU Amorican Hoot Himar Co MrH resldoncn Mil Adams J C lesldelice 877 Alexander W K residence 47 Alliiisou A II residence 8U American Kxprow 7 Auzeiitcr 135 Ahlinan Ir llerthn residence IU lliaaKch A uelow uiocrr 1 111 Barnes J uiIko residence H Hear Dr residence 30 lllrchard P T roslilnnnn til llraasch A Itees coal aud itraln olllce IH lluttorfield W II residence 78 llruusnii Dallns residence lit llliikemau W llresideuco 7S IIhkKHKc TrittiHfor due Ml Bailey Nellie lesldence 311 Bates K W residence Bill Bell P I resilience 4 Box II V yrocery 107 Box I W residence Al Bullish l V residence m lllatt It resilience V2 Boas 1 K nlllco 118 llundlck N residence M llullock 10 A oilico h7 Hiicholz Ilermaii lesidenre 1I7 Bullock K A resilience 110 llridttii S residence 12 Ilnird V II residence 82 BildeV II residence 1 Citizens National llnuk fill City Waterworks f7 City Kirn Alarm 10 Cole 11 J residence 101 Colo Dr lllotllci 84 CSt P M iiO lty HI t hicsKo lumlMir Co 12 Chapman C rosldeucis r7 hapuiau C olllce 117 Creamery till Creihton depot r5 City Water Commissioner roiiilsuco 72 CIner Belle 1211 Cold 127 Cronk 1 IC residence 111 Coy lit 1 nines grocery 111 Collamer V Irant grocery r2J Cotton H S residence 140 Cooley II resldenci 11 Cliristoph Geo 1 Drug atom 22 Daht Nkwh business otlioo 27 Dnrliiml A J Oliloe WO Durland A J resldenci 112 Davenport fieo Sr residenco ir Davenport ten barn M7 Dean H rnsidonce 117 Ieuer Albert hardware 121 Dexter B K cold Htora 7i Dudley Heo livery barn 02 Dexter W II residence 111 KhleUeo 80 Kdwiirds 1 V boiHeslioer 16 Kddy A N residence 52 Kdwards A Bradford Limber Co 711 Klectrio Light f KberhartH restaurant 337 Kstahrook K L realdanco 147 Kills A B oaidmico fill Kuesler 8 bakery 41 Kiiiliiy John hardware BH K K A M V By Crehihton Depot 70 H K it M V Train Dispatchers uUloo 2 Fair Storu B7 K K M V ronnd bonne 118 Knller C A rosidimce 440 Fullor Choater A oilico 417 3H s 149 VIA BU 67 iw 35 3 ierecke Herman rnslclonoa Jhssinan meat market Creen Millard resilience Qroeno D W residence Harnwl C U l rosidoncaj UaKor Dr W il II realdonoe HnrdiiiK reamory Co Hardiug Chas residence Hardy 11 K coal umoe Hays jno It resilience 130 Hazen M C residence 25 Hospital for Insane 88 Huso W N resideneo 21 Huso W N nlllco 3H HorshiBor J L drug store V Hidden Dr 11 T residence 101 lloldeu Dr H T olllce 31 IlolohanC II olllce 7 Hull John 42 High School 137 HolTinan W It residence In Heller ieo saloou 57 Hayes US residence Id IlibbenC 1 residence tU iliilverstein I residence 114 JoluiMin Dry ioods Co 121 Journal otiioe 88 unction Drug Store 132 Junction Moat Market HI Inuomiiu F Volicrt rl Junction School Hons IBS Johnson A J residence 13i Jenkins C D rosldimco W Karo Bros meat market 108 Kingman J H residouce 25 Koipor Dr- superiutoudont Iusaue 62 Kiosau A 11 drug store 150 Kiosau Ur F W residenco 1K1 Knollin A J t Co Mgrs resideuce 477 KoonigBtoin D J residence 50 Kioeau A H residence 21 Leonard Asa K drag store 81 Laundry W Luikart i A residenco 31 I oiler Harry saloon 48 IjoIhmw Mrs M residenco 131 Lowe K A residence 121 Lowis A Shonardson olllce 144 Leonard A K roildenco iS Macombor Dr A LoHice 103 Madsen Fred L losideuca 51 McDonald Fern 79 Mlhilla 3 W livery barn 21 Mittlestadt L U olllce Ill McNomoe W J residouoe 14 McKlm 5 A residenc 11 Mackay Dr J II olllce 69 Matrau HU otllco 124 Morrow J S rosnleuon 125 Morrow T J roHidouce 11 Ulapes V Hazen Ji Musters O P residenco 451 Mullin J A residence 49 Norfolk National Hank M Norfolk Waterworks 111 Naegolc ic Zimann meat market 76 Norfolk Klectrio Light A Iowor Co 83 Norfolk Htoam Laundry 65 Norfolk Foundry 74 Oznard Hotel 677 Odiorno T K rtwidonce 75 lacifio Hotel 39 Pacific KprossUo 55 Patterson II II residence 61 Patterson H II offloe 577 Iarkor Dr S residence 347 Powers Judge residence M Iasnwalk 11 A implement warehouse 29 Pasewalk II A reaidence 91 Public Telephnuo Norfolk Juactlon 97 Pnbllc Telephone Oznard Hotal 100 Public Telephone Pacific Hotel 109 Balnbolt N A residence 71 Reynolds C 11 residence 102 Iloland W grocery 21 Holler Mills 70 IleynoldBO H olllce 416 Itlsh W 11 residenco 61 Itlce Chas aaloon 61 Itoijus H Il residenco 77 Stewart R A residence J26 Salter 4 Salter Drs oHIm B6 Baiter Dr P H reldenw 64 Baiter coal office 20 Bchoregge E J bakery 324 8esslon I retHenoe 132 Shaffer Mat meat market 2 Bhurtz O K grocery 19 Sidler P residonc 120 Siirochor T realdenoe tl Sugar FaeUiry 21 Sugar City Cereal Mills tl Beilor 1 H livery M Salter Dr Frank - rendeuea 43 Seymour Kd residence 71 Spear fleo H hotel 101 Stoveus K W reidence 630 Stafford P residence 42 School District High school 53 School District rt17 Spanlilinu H I residence 616 Scoggln H L residence 19 Sidlers Dray lino C51 Hhuti C K reoldiuco 103 Suiter M P residenoi 24 Sprecher P F residence 95 Schelly Fred lesldeuce 134 Sheop rauch 111 HcliMnrtfnrgcir W A roildmies Mil Teal A residenco 117 Tiishjeitu Dr A II illicit 15 TliompHonsUrocerT IH Times Trtbuun Olllce 10 Telegratih nlllco 145 Troutmau J 1 tnslilnncfl 41 Uhln Oscar grocury 54 Union Paillk 112 Verges Dt I- residenco M Walker M c food oils and asollnn IW Wegener Kd livery It Wistotn Union Telegraph otlino 55 Water ommissloner Ml Walerwoiks pumping station 37 Walker M C tesldelico 91 Woltot It II olllce 65 Wleter V lesidenco tt WletrotK olllce 63 Washington hcIiooI 1117 Wellel It B nwiilelice 1137 WllllaniH Win I residence 40 Vomit M olllce Long distance telephone Willi metallic cir cuit OAeToniA HRn tho yf Iho Kind You Havo AlMys Boupht Signature of BlgnBtoro of Zs jMt A Hiillllil Liver Makes a Well Mull Aro you billotm coiiHtimtMl or Ifotthleil will jiittiiilicii Hiolt hoiuluuho bad tiusfn in nioutli foul lirtmth coittod toiiKUt tlyspopniu iiiiliifOHtion hot dry hUIii pitiii in buck mill IhiIwihim tho HhouttlnrM oliilln mill fovor oto If you Imvo any of tlioso Hyiniilonmyour livtif is out of onlcf uud your blood iH slowly boiiiK jioiKouid bccntiso your livor tloitt not not promptly lloibino will ruro any of tho livor Htoninch or IiowoIh It lnus no ttuui tt s it livit incilloiiio 1rlto ri pontH Kito trial boltlout O M OhriHlophH o asioaii nan the f You llav AlftllfS BOUfiht Blgnatnro of 6tf Aroyou luokiiiK in Htronulh mid on orjy Aro you norvons dospondont irrituhlo billiotiH coustiiittd mid Koiiorully run down in houlthr If ho your livpr in torpid nnd u fow Iohoh of Horbino will euro you liorhino hits no Mltml iu4 it htiiltli roHtoror OltO 15 OlIltlsTOlll CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho sjf yt Slguaturo of LaSe7ZJ CcU4 If your nliild has thin palo ohoukn uncertain appotito and unrostful sloop it has worms and curing with Ntron uiLdicino only nlakos conditions woreo by irritating its dolicato stoiniioh Whites Oroiiiu Vormif tmo is mild but curtain in effect and is iv superior tonio as well us a positive worm destroyer Greo H Oiikistoiii 0SkSrO3ElXSL Bean th jrn 1tie Kind You Hare AUvays BOUjrht Twonty flvo Con In fortlio Jampiilgli Tho Stato Joariial printed overy Tuesday and Fritlny will bo sont postpaid with all of tho nows of tho world from now until after election for only 2 cents It is worth that much to read about the Kiphtin First Roi inents return Tho Journal printed at thohtnte capital is tho loading Nebraska paper and its mighty oheup at a quarter DAILY OAK SKRVIU15 TO HOT SIMUNOS SOUTH DAKOTA via Till NORTH WKSTKKN LINK Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment gives instant relief It allays inflammation aud heals It is oromot iu its action and positive in its effect It is tho kind that cures without pain or discomfort It is for piles only 50 conts Tubes 75 conts Geo B Oiinis roiii r The frit undertaker Who plants bv the acre Poor victims of cough and cold Is sighing nnd crying Ior weve nlf stopped dying Since llraillian Ilntm was sold And for those who desire Not just yet to go higher It Is worth its weight iu gold Stop that barking by the use of Bal lards Horohound Syrun It arrests tho cough allays irritation of tho throat and relievos congestion of tho lungs in a day It is safe and pleasant to tako and never disappoints 25 and 50 conts OHO B OlIltlSTOIMI Hart Catacrh Yonrs Josinh Jlacon conductor on the I W 15 R R says I had suffered with catarrh for 36 years and regarded my case as hopeless One day I saw the testimonial of Geo II Hearn in a Braz ilian Balm circular Hearu was the engineer on my train aud I knew his case was desperate I talked with Hearu and his cure gave me hope I began the use of the Halm at otice There was not much change for the first two months but then I began to improve aud iu six months to my inexpressible satisfaction I was entirely cured Grlppo Cured Last winter I had a bad cold and severe cough I was lame in everyjoint aud muscle I was sick and felt as though I was coming down with typhoid fever It was no doubt a bad case of grippe Mr K I Hudge gave me a bot tle of Uraziliau Balm saying he was sure it would help nte The reli was almost instantaneous It v stopped my cough aud took the b wKh all the naius and soreness ota my system I gave the balance of th 50 cent bottle to Mrs Hishop Wiley for her daughter It proved so beneficial she says she never intends to be without U iiuwm riizjoues viueiuuuuuuiu Pneumonia Cured Mrs A J Lawrence of Heaver Pa says Hrazilian Halm brought me out of a severe attack of pneumonia iu splendid shape It is a wonderful rem edy for coughs and luug troubles Also for outward use for burns cold sores and chapped h mils and ftce it cures like inagc It is invaluable in the family AT- UHLES v Money to Loan ON Real Estate THE Morth Western LINE F E M V R R Is the best to and from tho SUGAR BEET FIELDS of North Nebraska Groceries Always Fresh and Just as Represented - IliIiOHt Market Prlco 1iiltl lor llutttr anil Etis GRSEILER Sale and I mm 84iriftf TiitiO Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold in Commission Uraasch Avenue and Third St PHONE 44 LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE ty LITTLE LIVER PILL I IL HJUll UTMTIlli 1UU flLLd 1 25 CTS Ffcoifjrtpfce4 irwH un I CURES iBiliousnoss iConstipation Dyspepsia Sick Head and Liver Complaint SUGAR COAT1D Bold by all drugelata or Hunt by mall NcrrlU MeJIul Co Cklcaf Kor sale by Goo B Ohristoph Norfolk REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY -- m M - vKXM nt V vW mf Made a Well Man ti 4 Ul lIC CfrfUEjkZ1 Wl rAjV prodacna tlm above ronnltH ln30 days It ictl powerfully and quickly Cures when all others alt VouDgraen will regain tholr lost manhood and old men will recover their youthful vigor by uaioa UK VIVO It quickly and surely restore Nerroua ness Lofct Vitality Impotcncy Nlgtitly Emission Lost Iower Falling Memory Wasting IllseaBea and all effects of self abuso orexceHiaod Indiscretion wblch unfits one or study buUness or marrlago II not only cures by starting at tho seat o disease bat Is a great nrrve tonic and blood builder bring ing back tbo pink glow to palo clieksandr storing tba flro of youth It wards off Insaniti and Consumption Inslnt on having REVIVO no other It can bo carried In vest pocket 17 mall 100 per package or six or 0000 with a po tlve written Roarantee to core or rraa4 tbemawer Olrculartree Address Royal Medkioe Co Koraala In Norfolk by Oou 11 Christo To PATENT Good Iriiu may be secured by our aid Address THE PATENT RECORD BilUmor tU BubKrlptloni to The Tatent Ilecord lt00 per annum 50 YEARS X EXPERIENCE Ijmrra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketrh and description mar quickly ucertaln our opinion true wiiettivr an turciitlou 1 probably patentable Communlav iloiintrictlrconddenllal Handbook on 1atuata tent f reo Oldeat agency or securing patents tateuta taken turough Muuu 4 Co receli tpicUii notitt without charge In tha Scientific JRtticricaiu A handiomely llluetratixt weekly IariroJt clr lulatlou of any rletitlUc journal Term ti nan four months L tjoldbyull newtealr MUNNCo36Boad New York Uranch Offlce iB6 Y BU Washington 1 C