The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 17, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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A druRglst In Macon Ga says CI
have sold a large quantity of Mothers
Friend and nave never known an In
stance where It has failed to produce the
good results claimed for It All women
agree that It makes labor shorter and less
Mothers Friend
is not a chance remedy Its good effects
are readily experienced by all expectani
mothers who use it Years ago it passed
the experimental stage While It always
shortens labor and lessens the pains ol
delivery it is also of the greatest benefll
during the earlier months of pregnancy
Morning sickness and nervousness are
readily overcome and the liniment relaxes
the strained muscles permitting them to
expand without causing distress Mothers
Friend gives great recuperative power to
the mother and her recovery is sure and
rapid Danger from rising and swelled
breasts is done away with completely
Sold by druggist for I a bottle
Send for out free Uliutiitod book foe eipecunt mother t
of Best Varieties at Hard Times Prices Small
fruit in large supply Mlltlnns of Htrnwborry
plants very thrifty anil well rooted Got the
best near homo and rjavo freight or exproa
Bend for price list to
North Bend Nurseries
North Bend Dodge County Neb
Free Reclining Ghair Cars on all Trains
daily fast TRAINS EACn WAY
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
era and Eastern points
Dnexcellod time and accommodations
to tilt
Famous HotSorines of Arkansas
For more complete information doscriptive
pamphlets etc address
AG F and P A TPA
Southeast Cor 14th and Douglas Sts
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures Fistulas
i n
1 11
Burns Scalds
Wounds Bruises
Cuts Sores
Boils Tumors
W Eczema Eruptions
Salt Rheum Tetter
Chapped Hands
Fever Blisters
Sore Lips Nostrils
S Corns Bunions
Stings Bites of Insects
Three Sizes 25c 50c and Jioo
Sold by druggists or sent post paid on receipt ot price
Frazer Axle Grease
1 fmUr
tR g iliWri SMALt IWm Vf araJf I
I Not affected by Heat or Cold
Highest Award at Centennial
I Pari and World Fair
Muuhctured Coi7CD I iiddipitdd fln
innin kuuniumun vwij
FMtoriMt CkcUso St Louit Km Ywfc
mnn r
Passengers Punish Some Tin
Horn Gamblers
3ruriirit Tutitiilln 11 Viiuiic Foreigner Un
til tlm Itionmiciuit Could M11111I It no
loiiKor Clilel Wliliiiiiiiu Iiiik IMnihlor
Tliein If Thoy Appinr Hero AruIii
From WodiipHilnyV Dally
Tho following account of n light
which took placo on 0110 of tho trains
miming out from Norfolk wits takon
from tho Sioux City Tribnuo of last
Ohiof of Polico Widaman says ho has
had kuowledgo of this class of fellows
boing around hero and has boon watch
ing thoir notions tooking for au excuse
to arrest them It is oxpoctod that they
will oppoar horo tomorrow and endeavor
to got in thoir work on tho people who
will attond tho circus in which case
they will certainly bo arrested Chiof
Widaman and his assistants are prepar
ing to meet all emorgencios aud tako
care of all graftors and gamblers that
may try to ply their vocation tomorrow
aud that thoro will bo a number of thom
there is not much doubt
Following is tho story as takon from
the Tribnuo
JohnT Oogau A F Pay and W J
Crisp of Sioux Falls spent last night at
tho Garrotsou Thoy arrived from
Doadwood in tho afternoon whore they
had assisted in the installation of a big
lodge of Elks Thoy report a mammoth
On tho way to Sioux City yesterday
after leaving Norfolk there occurred a
free-for-all fight in which somo eight
men engaged aud the other passengers
niado a hasty escape into other cars fear
ing some gun plays Mr Cogau
says tho Sioux Falls men were in the
smoking car playing whist when at
Norfolk five grafters got on who were
going to a big picnic at Dixon Neb to
day On the car was a young Italian
boy with a couple of valises and tho
tough quintet for some reason began
picking on him They pretended that
they were goiug to throw him out of tho
window and did push him half way out
They went through his pockets and va
lises and tormented the lad until he be
gan to cry The brakemau who was in
the car laughed at tho proceedings
while the other passengers got angry at
the big burlies because of their bullying
ways Finally the uproar became so
loud aud tho boy so troubled that Mr
Pay went to the brakemau and threat
ened to report him if he did not compel
the grafters to behave themselves
One of the tinhorns overheard the re
mark and threatened to whip Mr Pay
At this juncture a stalwart German who
had been about on the verge of interfer
ing on behalf of tho boy said something
in tho lads defonse Here the grafter
threatened to slap tho Germans mouth
if he didnt shut up and finally did so
He had scarcely delivered his slap how
ever until he was tangled up with the
seats and then sprawling in the aisle of
the car Tho German had hit him a
terrific blow The other crooks came to
the aid of their companion aud several
men who were with the German mixed
in the melee It was a hot fight which
followed and the other passengers fear
ing some shooting ran into other cars
Conductor Gary came in having been
hunted up by one of the outraged pas
sengers and endeavored to get the men
quieted down This was finally accom
plished but no effort was made to have
tho disturbers punished Tho South
Dakota law empowers a railway con
ductor to make arrests in cases of this
kind and tho South Dakotans asked tho
conductor of tho train if he oould not
arrest the men He seemed to think it
was too much of an undertaking
The grafters got off before the
train reached Emerson Here a defect
ive of the Omaha railroad interviewed
tho young Italian boy who cried and
affirmed that the men had taken 25 of
his money The detective telegraphed
back to have the men arrested
S 0 Fairchild of Oakdale was in the
city yesterday
D M Danphlin of Tildeu was a city
visitor yesterday
O S Hayes made a business visit to
Stautou today
0 B Durland had business in Mead
ow Grove yesterday
Nelson Barber returned today to his
home in Fullerton
Superintendent D O OConnor made
a trip to Central City today
Ed Braasch came down from Tllden
yesterday and visited with his parents
Arthur Ahlman returned today from
Dixon where he won first prize in a bi
oycle race
Mr and Mrs E E Mills of Burling
ton Wis are visiting at the home of
Herman Gerecko
Comity Attorney M D Tyler returned
lasteveuing from his visit to his old
home In Indiana
Workmen ore engaged today In erect
ing the hitching poatsou Fifth street re
cently provided for by the city
Mlsa Luella Reniy returned yesterday
from a visit to her home In Ainsworth
aud the Long Pine Chautauqua
Olive Dorphan of Newman Grove
took carbolic acid In plnoo of modlcluo
Tho prompt action of tho physicians
savod hor llfo
Mrs Goo Spoar aud daughter Miss
Grnoo roturnod last evening from Col
umbus whore thoy havo boon visiting
f rlonds for sovorul wooks
About 3S frionds of Mrs 0 13 Iiimnii
surprised her last evening at hor homo
southeast of tho city tho occasion boing
her 17th birthday Tho tlmo was pleas
antly employed with cards social con
versation aud refreshments
Omaha TradoNxhlbit Freight trains
aro crossing tho bridge at Omaha toward
tho oast on au average of one every six
mitmtos theso days and in spito of that
fact tho grain in Nebraska can scarcely
bo moved for lack of motivo power
Tho Salvation Army folks aro prepar
ing to sorvo ice cream tomorrow aftor
noon tho proceeds to be used toward
paying thoir indebtedness Ensign Ol
son will give a graphophono concert Fri
day oveulug an admission of ton cents
boing chargod This will also bo used
to pay ludobtoduoss
Tho son of Mr aud Mrs
Thoodoro King who has boon sick for
somo tlmo diod this moruiug at tho
homo of tho parouts on North Ninth
Btroet aud tho fuuoral will bo hold to
morrow from St Marys Catholic
church Rev Fathor Walsh presiding
Tho llttlo ouo was tho pot of tho family
aud tho sorrow of tho parents is deep
Mr Albert Stovons Brass died on Sun
day tho 15th at Boomer after much pain
aud Buffering ago 58 Ho was ouo of
tho first settlors of Logau township
Camming county coming thore after
his dlschargo from tho U S uavy
whoro ho served two years on tho ram
Avenger Ho loaves a largo family of
children The burial service was on
Tuesday aud interment in Dowitt ceme
A merry-go-round has pitched its tent
on the vacant lot south of Tiik Nkws
olllco aud will endeavor to reap in a few
of tho coins drawn here by tho cirous to
morrow SL If it has a squeaky hand-
organ aud a screaming engine and this
nonor is not issued tomorrow and the
enterprises in tho neighborhood sudden
lv susDeud business the reason need not
be wondered at
Word was rocoived here last night
from Oaklaud where Mrs Salter is vis
iting announcing tho serious injury of
Marion the little daughter
of Mr and Mrs Fred Salter Mr
Salter and his brother Dr Frank went
to that place this morning taking the
train to West Point and from there be
ing driven across They telephoned up
that the little girl was in a buggy the
folks preparing to go out for a drive
when the horses started and threw her
out tho hind wheels of the vehicle pass
ing over the childs abdomen It had
not been ascertained at the time tho
message was sent just how serious the
little ones injuries were
Sioux City Journal Hanging to a
nail in front of n Fourth street mer
chants fruit store was a green object
which appeared to be alive snake
Nearly all who passed the place of busi
ness would strain their necks and rub
ber at it A closer scrutiny disclosed
the fact that it was a peculiarly formed
cucumber Tho couuterfeit head is
about 2 inches In thickness aud it grad
ually tapers to the tail a distance of 3t
feet There are white and green stripes
the entire length of the cucumber
which add to tho delusion Men who
havo raised cucumbers all their lives say
they never before saw suoh a peculiarly
formed specimen It was brought in
with a lot raised in Nebraska near
Walkers island
Road Notice to Land Ounerx
To all whom It may concern
The commissioner appointed to view
aud locate a road commencing at the
northeast corner of tho northwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter- of section
35 in township 24 north range 1 west of
the 6th principal meridian in Madisou
county Nebraska naming thence east
on section lino between sections 2G aud
35 and 25 and SO a distanceof one mile
and GO rods and terminating at the in
tersection of said section lino with the
pnbllo highway running from the city
of Norfolk to the town of Stautou has
reported In favor ot the establishment
thereof and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must bo filed in tho
county clerks offioe on or before noon
of the 7th day of October A D 1809 or
said road will be established without
reference thereto
Dated at Madison Nebraska this 7th
day of August 1899
E G Heilman
County Clerk
Attend College Thin Year
Never in the history of our country
was there a grander opportunity than
tho present for educated young men and
women What an auspicious moment
for those who are just now on the
threshold of life
Graud Island Business and Normal
college has for rourteeu7years been the
leading Institution of its kind in the
western states and last year more thau
twice as many calls were received for
Its graduates as could be supplied
Everything necessary for a successful
start iu life is taught business normal
and shorthand courses Expenses low
Board only 150 per woek One years
time given ou tuition If dosired Col
lege record sent free or for six cents will
send elegant catalogue
A M Habeos President
Grand Island Neb
No Imtlior ytirntlnu Aliout lltn liirrtlloii
of Norfolkn fnltlli
tint lilircli Lot CIioaoii
From Wodtir idnin Pally
Tho Norfolk public building site is
settled Hpoolnl Agont McDowell made
his report to Assistant Secretary Taylor
at Washington yesterday afternoon and
tho latter gentleman bus decided to pur
ohaso in accord with his recommenda
tion Tho sitois thoono at presout oc
cupied by tho Baptist church
Whllo thoro were many opinions as to
tho proper location it is probable that
this site has had more enthusiasMo sup
porters than any of the others and it is
believed that tho majority of the people
of Norfolk will heartily second the
choice of Mr McDowell Tho site is
very conveniently located in reference
to tho business intercuts of tho city aud
is well locatod in regard to residence
population Tito site could hardly havo
boon chosen on Norfolk avenue without
holping somo busiuoss properties to tho
detrimont of others which will not ho
much bo tho caso now It is probablo
that this decision will mako Fourth a
busiuoss Btrcot 11 result which many
have anticipated ami one to be desired
as business interests will bo mora com
pactly locatod In timo Madison avo
nuo may also become a busiuoss street
Tho following is tho report of tho
Sioux City Journals Washington cor
respondent in regard to tho deal
Assistant Secretary Taylor of tho
treasury department today aunouncod
ho had decided to purchaBO tho Isaac
Power property at Norfolk Nob as tho
sito for tho now public building at that
placo Mr Taylor returned to Wash
ington today and tho report of Special
Agent McDowell was presoutod to him
this afternoon At tho same time
Mossrs Buoholz representing tho Brown
sito ou Norfolk avouuo aud Hays repre
senting the owners of tho sito solectod
had a couforouco with tho secretary and
Mr McDowell aftor which tho secre
tary aunouncod his decision Tho prop
erty selected Is at Madison avenue and
Fourth street and will cost tho govern
ment -1775
During tho coming fall wo havo to
harvest 170 acres of boots at Pilgor aud
Stanton We wish to contract for tho
hauling with ouo or several parties
For terms please apply at our olllco
American Bret Suoaii Company
Tlm Vuriety Store
will open about September 5th in tho
Richards block with the most popular
goods and prices ever offered
Article of Iurornorutlon
of The Pacific Hotel Company of Nor
folk Nebraska
Know all Men by These Presents
That we H H Patterson E A Bul
lock Daniel J Koeuigstoiu E H Tracy
and Burt Mapos do associate ourselves
together for the purpose of forming and
becoming a corporation in tho state of
Nebraska lor the transaction 01 tuo ousi
ness hereinafter described
1st The namo of the corporation
shall bo Tho Pacific Hotel company of
Norfolk Nebraska
2nd Tho principal placo of transact
ing its business shall be in the city of
Norfolk county of Madison state of Ne
JJrd Tho nature of tho business to bo
transacted by said corporation shall bo
tho leasing purchasing operating sell
ing and routing of hotels aud hotol
properties in the city of Norfolk aud
elsewhere aud transacting such other
business as naturally belongs to tho own
ing and operating of hotels
4th Tho authorized capital stock of
said corporation shall be twenty fivo
thousand dollars 2500000 in shares
of ten dollers 1000 each to bo sub
scribed and paid as directed by the board
of directors
5th This corporation shall commence
doing business on tho 8th day of August
1899 aud terminate ou tho 8th day of
August linJ
Gth Tho highest amount of indebt
edness to which said corporation shall
at any time subject itself shall uot bo
more thau five thousand dollars 5
7th Tho officers of said corporation
shall be a president secretary and treas
urer who ahull bo chosen by tho board
of directors and shull hold their oflices
for one year
8th The business of tho corporation
shall bo couducted by a board of direc
tors not to exceed three in number to
be elected by the stockholders such elec
tion to tako place at such time aud to bo
conducted iu such manner as shall bo
prescribed by tho by laws of said cor
9th The first board of directors shall
consist of the following persons E A
Bullock H H Patterson aud Burt
10th The manner of holding the
meetings of the stockholders election of
officers and method of conducting tho
business shall bo as proscribed in the by
laws to be adopted by tho board of di
In witness whereof the undersigned
have hereunto set their hands this 7th
day of August A D 1899
II H Patteiison
E A Bullock
Daniel J Koesicjstein
E H Tracy
Burt Mapes
Tut State of Nebraska J
County of Madison J
On this 7th day of August 1890 be
fore mo W H Bacholz a notary pub
lic in and for said county personally
appeared the above named E A Bul
lock H H Patterson Daniel J Koenig
stein E H Tracy and Burt Mapos
who are personally knowu to mo to be
the identical persons whose names are
affixed to the above articles as members
thereof and they severally acknowledg
ed said instrument to be their voluntary
act and deed
Witness my hand this 7th day of Aug
ust A D 1899
W H Buciiolz
seal Notary Public
My commission expires February 8 1904
ItoMtltft of nit t11111l1111tl011
County Superintendent O V Onnu
lms recently classified tho results of an
examination of Klghth grade pupils held
by htm In May for tho purpose of ascer
taining who were entitled to tho bono-
flits of tho new high school attendance
law passed by tho legislature This ex
amination is an indication of how city
pupils compare with those of country
schools There were examined 101 pu
pils Of theso ill were from country
schools IIS from Norfolk iW from Madi
son and four from Nownutn Grove
Tho following were tho general aver
ages of each class of pupils Norfolk
71 Madison ill Newman hove til anil
country pupils ill They wore examined
in spelling writing arithmetic geogra
phy grammar physiology and history
The general average shows that whllo
ouo class of pupils excel in a certain
study another class is first in other
studies It was not necessary to exam
ine city pupils under tho new law but
It was done to establish a standard for
country pupils
Tho highest grade iuFpclling was
made by Jossio Wells of district fit near
Kmorick In arithmetic by Maud
Whitohorn of district 27 near Tildon
In goography by Olms Warwick of dis
tilct 18 near Meadow Grove In gram
mar and history by Itoss Gain of New
man Grove schools In physiology a tie
by Glum Diorks anil Carrie Farrago
both of Madison schools Forty five pu
pils make au average grade of over 71
percent Of those 12 are Miulison pu
pils 20 Norfolk one Newman Grove ami
12 country Fifty per cent of tho town
school pupils and I3 per cent of tho
country pupils examined niado n grudo
of 70 or better
Tho highost avorago grade was made
by UossOalu of Newman Grove Ho
was a country pupil in district 18 until
about a year before the examination
Tho next highest grade was a tie be-
twoon Maud Russell of Norfolk and
liertlin Moneoly or district 4f near
Newman Grovo
DoiN Coftcn Ari With Yon
If not drink Grain O made from
pure grains A lady writos Tho first
timo I mado Graiu 0 I did not like it
but after using it for onu weok nothing
would induce me to go backto colVeo
It nourishes and feeds tho system Tho
children can drink it freely with great
benefit It is tho strengthening Sub
stauco of pure grains Get a package
today from your grocer follow the
directions in making it and you will
havo a delicious aud healthful table
boverago for old and young lf aud 2io
ItiillcrinSlx Mourn
Distressing kidney and bladder
disease relieved in aix hours by New
Great South A met lean Kidney Cure
It is a great surprise on account of its
S S S is the Only
Remedy Equal to this
Obstinate Disease
exceeding iiroinpLiic M 11
pain In bladder klili eys and baCK n
male or female Kollovo retention of
water almost Immediately If you
want quick tollof and cure Mils Is tlm
remedy Sold by Kneulgstolii Phar
macy Norfolk Nob
KIDNEY 1 v deceptive illsoaso
thousands havo it
tmwxi iii
I KOUIJLh anlilontknow it If
you want quick results you can mako no
mistake by using Dr Kilmers Swamp
Hoot the great kidney remedy At
druggists In oO oont and 1 sizes
Sample bottle by mail free 11K0 pamph
let telling you how to find out if you
have kidney trouble
Address Dr Kilmer iV Co Bingham
ton N Y
Kemen Brothers lire an old firm and
keep in advance of tho times Tho
great hIiows will bo horo tomorrow
Dll 0 S PAlilCFlt
At 1ivrri Kvory Monday
Mast Block - Norfolk Noli
Iiiciitnd on tlm lllinoln Cmitriil It It in
nd iiIho IopiiImI on tin Ynzoo mid MIbhIhhIop
Vnlliiy It It In tlm Iiuikiuh
Of MlHHlilli
Speclnllly ndmittxl to tliorns
Corn and Hoers
Soil Richestin the World
Write for Pamphlets and Maps
Land CominiHflioiinr Avut Lnnd Oomr
111 Cont H II Co Inrk Kow lloomM
Thoro are dozens of remedies recommended for
Scrofula some of them no doubt being ublo to
afford temporary relief but S S S is absolutely
tho only remedy which completely cures it
Scrofula is one of the most obstinate deep Heated
blood diseases and is leyond tho reach of tho
many so called purifiers and tonics because some
thing more than a mero tonic is required S S S
is equal to any blood trouble and never fails to euro Scrofula because it
goes down to tho seat of the disease thus permanently eliminating every
traco of tho taint
The serious consequences to which Scrofula surely leads
should impress upon those ufllicted with it tho vital im
portance of wasting no timo upon treatment which can
not possibly effect a cure In many cases where the wrong
treatment lias been relied upon complicated glandular
swellings have resulted for which the doctors insist that
a dangerous surgical operation is necessary
Mr II EThompson of Milledgeville Ga writes A
bad case of Scrofula broke out on tho glands of my neck
which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering I
was treated fo a long while but tho physicians were un
able to euro me and my condition was as bad as when I
began thoir treatment Many blood remedies wero used
but without effect Somo ono recommended 8 S S and
I began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles
Continuing tho remedy I wan soon cured normanentlv
any one
and havo never had a sign of tho disease to return Swifts Specific
is tho only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate deep seated
blood diseases By relying upon it and not experimenting with the various
so called tonics etc all sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured
instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines
the constitution S S S is guaranteed purely vegetable and never fails to
euro Scrofula Eczema Cancer Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison Boils
Tetter Pimples Sores Ulcers etc Insist upon S S S nothing can take its place
Books on blood and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by tha
Swift Speoirle Company Atlanta Georgia
FALL TKIitI Ontiin Mondtr mornlnir Bent 3 Work for Hoard Wo furnish all
students with plat on to work rot hourd You cn attend this coIIoko for halt the money
rtqulrod id d ulstitthtrH tiund ui it nuuiea and addresses ot youni people Interested In
uulmtsj ttduRiitlou and tfet our CoIIcko Weekly one year free Our new cataloit free to
Prom ioc a DoubleRoll up
Window Shades Room ouldins Paints Oils Glass
n ithist Brushes Etc Etc
Painting Paper Hanging and Decorative Work at Fair Price