The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, August 03, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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    II AHA
RhllliM 1SH7
Btmt rlsr nti Hnnilsy
k 1ft routs Hr iimll ixr vrnr MX
W N HUSK Publlolior
rUtsiillsiirri 1KM
HTiwjr TtinmUy Hjr tnnll r ycur IIM
AnUrrst t tlm Potolllr nt Norfolk Neb s
oml oIhm mutter
TWonhmm No 22
AkiiIiiiiIIob DcfVntlur
That panto of tho democratic lenders
aro KoinK n x mr t10r ntntH
on tho administration for iB conduot of
tho Philippine campaign in ovldont to
h11 level minded peopln hut whon thoBo
attacks become ho vIuIouh or to bring
a protest from patriotic citizens of thntr
own political faith they aro getting
protty rank True American country
loving democrats willintlino bo brought
to realize that tho name anarchist lis
Applied to qertalu members of tholr
party iH nono too sovere
Tho following from tho pen of a mum
bor of tho Madison Stars stnff 1h a bo
two arraignment and has loop signifi
cance coming an it doos from ono who
in not a political friend of President
MoKlnley or his adminlBtration
Tho Western Laborer of Omaha in
ono among several American pnpors
that has roproducod Howard V Drays
articlo iu Tnilnfl lontiy Mngitlue in
which Bray BpoalcR of his intiuinoy with
tho Filipino loaders and particularly
with Agulunldo whom ho lauds to tho
bUUb In tho uoxt paragraph Bray iu
very bHtor language roaatH America
and Americans on acoonnt of tho pros
ont situation of affairs in tho Philip
Now lot uh boo who this Bray iB
Tho writ or spent somo time in tho Phil
ippiuoB and had opportunity to acquire
some kuowlodgo of tho history of this
man Uo is not an Englishman as ho
declared in his articlo but a renegade
American who was compelled to lloo to
tho other sido of tho earth to oBcapo tho
consequences of violating American
laws If other proof of this fact was
lacking his confessed residenco among
tho nativoB of tho littlo dirty foul
smelling town of Cuvito Viojo will
abundantly indicate that his past record
wan Buch that ho shunned investigation
Howovor thoro exists plenty of ovidouco
that ho is a rogue of tho first water
Ho is tho head of tho Filipino junta at
Hong Kong is tho man who has been
tho most instrumental iu stirring up tho
insurrection in tho Philippines and is
morally responsible for tho death of our
bravo boys who now Ho Blooping bo
Jioath tho sod of that tropical laud He
is the man behind the throne tho man
who has negotiated for the arms and
ammunition now being usod by tho in
surgents and tho author of tho num
erous and violont attacks upon the
Americans that have been published un
der Hong Kong date linos
Tho Star does not agree with tho ad
ministration in its policy of territorial
acquisition espooially in tho Philip
pines but it has too much rospect for
its country to reproduco attacks made
upon it by a renegade American who is
compellod to dwell iu a foroigu laud be
cause of crimes committed under tho
folds of tho stars aud stripes
It is announced that tho leato of
Dalys theater which has yot eight
years to run has been sold to Klaw
Erlangor of Philudolphia and that
Charles Frohninn who already controls
five of New Yorks leading theaters
will be its manager Under tho man
agement of tho late Angustin Daly tho
theater was one of tho most widely
known playhouses in thie country It
was ono of the few theaters either in
New York or elsewhere to which peo
jJe of intelligence aud refinement could
t all times resort without the risk of
being annoyed aud offended by prurient
filth or vnlgnr folly It was Mr Dalys
aim to maintain the stage in dignity
-parity and beauty and in this ho suc
ceeded in tho highest degreo possible
It is hoped uot alono by tho people of
New York and its immediate environs
but by thoso throughout the country
who find interest aud plensnro in tho
highest and best productions of the dra
matic art that Mr DalyB high stand
ard will be maintained
Tho London Lancet gives some inter
rating data showing tho desire for no
toriety as tho motive forcrimo It cites
the caso of Luccheni tho assassin of
tho empress of Austria who at first
was downcast and sullen but later be
came decidedly cheerful his eyes spar
kling with gratified self importance
when ho learned that ho was the sub
ject of general press comment So the
journals aro talking of mo he in
quired with evident satisfaction The
case illustrates the largo part which
vanity and a desire for widespread pub
lic attention play in reconciling the
criminal to his fate and even leading to
the commission of crime in cases where
the mental balance iB unstable This
class of criminals Tho Lancet urges
should always be tried with us little
publicity as possible
The people of the country will watch
with a good deal of Interest the Investi
gation that is about to take place of
the pension bureau There Is a well
grounded belief that the pension agents
themselves are more Interested in the
Investigation than anybody else aud
have bad some Influence In bringlug
about the charges that have been made
against It I lie pension system of the
United States one of the noblest mon
uments of a nation h gintituile Is In
cumbered with n gieiit deal of outside
fraud It Is notorious that hundreds of
lawyers of a very small caliber itinke a
business out of It or out of the pen
sion victim nnd one wonders whether
they are to Investigate the pension
olllco or the pension olllee Is to Investi
gate them
Tho trustees of the Chicago Womans
Temple must bo credited with having
given a new turn to the endless chain
In order to raise funds to pay the debt
on their building they have Issued a
tiny book containing 1H coupons each
coupon representing 10 cents A cou
pon Is to be torn out by the person
receiving the book nnd mailed with a
dime to the temple treasurer The
book Is then passed on to a friend and
Its travels continue until the coupons
aro exhausted The mere novelty of
this device has succeeded admirably
nnd the debt will undoubtedly bo
Tho medical nspects of Christian
Science are arousing considerable op
position A movement has been start
ed In New York looking to legislative
uctlon It takes tho shape of a public
meeting to discuss a bill about to bo
Introduced at Albany to prevent any
hut regularly licensed physicians from
attending sick persons As Bishop
Potter Archbishop Corrlgan and Hob
ert G Ingersoll have been invited to
address the meeting It would appear
that the opponents of Christian Sci
ence expect to unite both faith and un
belief In the onslaught
A proposition to found a club for
decent men Is being discussed One
might at first sight Infer that this was
a sly arraignment of all mens clubs
for being Indecent If It had uot come
to light that the movement was started
by a woman who demands that the
new club shall educate men to give up
their seats In cars to women
IMnny of Thmn Victim or tho VikjiiI Up
rliliiK In Mexico
El Paso Aug J Reports from tho
Ynqui Indian country indicate that
many American miners have been mur
dered during tho last fow days and that
tho uprising is general with at least
1000 well armed warriors concentrating
in tho mountains overlooking the Ynqui
river valley
During tho skirmishes that havu al
ready occurred tho troops have suffered
severely while tho Indians returned to
cover with but slight loss Tho war
riors fight from umbiisli and are rarely
overtaken in tho open
It is learned from Hormosillo Mox
that two regimonts of infautry three
regiments of cavalry aud two battalions
of artillery will constitute tho army that
is going to tho Ynqui stronghold in tho
Batucco mountains All are ordered to
move by Friday Tho Yuquis aro mov
ing iu small detachments from place to
place ravaging the country
Tito Shouting nt Keokuk
Kkokuk la Aug 3 M J Real
shot by Alderman Tim Hiokey of the
Second wurd died Tuesday without
having regained consciousness Hickoy
surrendered himself to the polico imme
diately after tho shooting It is thought
ho will plead self defense Thoro wore
no eye witnesses but as tho men had
recently dissolved partnership it is prob
able the difficulty grew out of a settle
ment of business affairs
Kloux City riiKlllatlo Curuhal
Sioux City Aug a Two flstio bat
tles will bo pulled off in Sioux City ou
Aug 14 and 18 On Aug 14 Billy
ODounell will moot Tommy White in
a 15 round contest before tho Sioux City
Athlotio club for a f 1000 purse aud on
tho 18th Patsy Wagner who fought a
draw with White hero a few weeks ago
will moot Australian Billy Murphy
before a rival athlotio organization iu a
15 round bout
Tho Contest for llliinilii Nrat
St Louis Aug Populists of the
Eighth congressional district in conven
tion at Jefferson City yesterday nomi
nated W It Halo of Phelps enmity for
congress to fill tho vacancy caused by
tho death of Richard P Blaud
No KiuiHiis City Times Sale
St Louis Aug Ex Governor Will
inm J Stone and Colonel Moses O
more the tobacco king deny tho roport
that they intend buying tho Kansas
City Tunes Tho story originated from
the fact that Governor Stono whilo in
Kansas City last week nuido a social
call on tho editor of that paper Tho
committee would like to get a paper in
Chicago and is keeping its eyes open
for a chance to secure one there
llrpklrti KilMrxinct
Senator Hoar is not a stingy man
but ho looks out for the pennies He
was riding on a street car one day re
lates a Washington correspondent and
had just completed a transaction with
the conductor involving the payment of
a quarter cf a dollar for six car tickets
4 1 0 centB a ticket when an ac
quaintance got on bourd and took the
seat next to him The acquaintance
handed the conductor a nickel and
turned to open up a conversation with
the Massachusetts senutor The senator
fidgeted in his seat a minute and then
broke in with the remark I nm glad
to see that you are prosperous
Prosperous exclaimed the other
man Why I am poor as a church
mouse 1
Excuse me j I thought you must be
rich I am comfortably well off myself
but I have never felt that I could afford
to pay 5 cents for a ride in a street car
when I could get six rides for a quar
nnnt of Oilman llnnnt Connt
Wl 1 whs In Chicago iu 1877 It
was the metropolis of the west with
out qualification Now It Ih merely
the frontier city of the middle west
Prom the point of view ot Onmlia and
Denver It seems to till the eastern
horizon and shut out the further view
Many stories are told to show how
absolutely and Instinctively your true
westerner Ignores the eastern stntes
and cities Heie Is one of the most
characteristic A little girl came Into
the smoking car of a train somewhere
In Kansas or Nebraska and stood be
side her father who was In conversa
tion with another man The father
put his arm around her and said to
Ills Iompaulon Shes been a great
traveler this little girl of mine Shes
only 10 rears old nnd shes been all
over the United States
You dont say replied tho other
All over the United States
Yes sir all over the United States
said the proud father nnd then added
ns though the detail were scarcely
worth mentioning except eust of Chi
Chicago unfortunately marks the
limit of my wanderings so I shall re
turn to England without having seen
anything of the United States except
for a sort of Plsgnh glimpse from the
tower of the Auditorium William
Archer In Pal Mull Gazette
Ilnlr Kor Violin IIotth
The horse hair used lu making violin
nnd other similar bows Is Imported
from Germany A considerable part
of the hair thus Imported however
coming originally from Russia Horse
hair for these purposes Is white aud
black The black Is the heavier and
stronger aud this Is used In making
bows for bass viols because It bites
the big strings better Iu preparing the
hair for use In bowmnklng the white
hair used for violin bows Is blenched
to bring it to its final whiteness
The standard violin bow Is 20 inches
lu length longer bows aro made to
order Shorter bows aro used by
young persons but the bow commonly
seen In the hands of a violin player
Is M Inches long Horse hair for violin
bows Is Imported lu various lengths
but mostly hi lengths of 3U Inches
Ilulr Biitllclent for ono bow Is put to
gether In what Is called a hank There
aro grades and qualities of the horse
hair but the best Is not very costly
A hank of the best white hair can bo
bought for 110 cents It might cost 10
cents more to have it put into the bow
To rehalr a bass viol bow costs more
the bulk or hair required being greater
New York Sun
HIkIi Art In Cookery-
Scalloped Oysters Select firm
plump oysters and scollop them evenly
and neatly with a pair of sharp scis
sors Now with a needle threaded
with pink silk If for a pink tea or blue
If you wish blue points work a but
tonhole stitch round tho Bcallop When
finished press carefully on the wrong
side with a hot Iron
Shirred Eggs Carefully remove tho
shell from a fresh egg and hold tho
white and yolk firmly lu the left hand
Now with a line needle and thread
gather the material in straight rows
about half nn Inch apart Draw up to
the required fullness and fastcu neat
ly the ends ot the thread
Snow Pudding Tako about four
quarts say four and a half of fresh
snow Wash In several waters and put
It to soak In hot water over night In
the morning knead it up and set it by
the fire to rise add some melted glue
and set aside to cool
Chicken Patty This dish is a lost
art as Pattl Is uo chicken
Egg Plant See Incubator Puck
HI Head Was Turned
A quaint story of paternal caro on
the part of the clergy comes from
Krcuzcber a village lu southwest Sax
In the middle of bis sermon one Sun
day the parish priest suddenly stopped
and changing hla voice to a more col
loquial tone said Herr Melnhardy
attend to the sermon From this time
forward I shall publicly name every
ono who looks at the girls during tho
Tho unfortunate Herr Melnhardy in
dignantly repudiated this public re
proach explaining that It was a boll
on the back of his neck that kept his
head fixed at an angle which had led
to the misunderstanding London
live the Children h Drink
called Graiu O It is a delicious appe
tizing nourishing food drink to tako
tho placo of coffee SoldJby all grocers
aud liked by all who lmvo used it be
cause when proporly prepared it tastes
like the finest coffeo but is free from all
its injurious properties Grnin 0 aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves
It is not a stimulant but a health
builder and children as well as adults
can drink it with great benefit Costs
about one fourth as much as coffee
If and 25 cents
The News 300 aepartmeut is com
plete in every particular
lllgriiuuge of Cryptic Matopi Deliver
Colorado August 0 111 1800
For the above occasion the Union
Pucifio has mude the greatly reduced
rate of one fare plus 200 for the round
trip to Denver Colorado Springs and
Pueblo from points iu KauBas aud Ne
Do not complete arrangements for your
trip without first askiugyour agent about
the magnificent train service and fast
time to Colorado via the Union Pacific
For tickets sleeping car reservations
nud full information call on
F W Junkman Agent
Statu or Onto City or Tolkpo
IjUCAS uounty
Frank 1 Chunky makes oath that he
is the senior partner of tho firm of F J
GitrNKY Co doiutr business in thn
city of Toledo county and state afore-
Buid and that said firm will pay tho
for each and every caso of catnrrh that
cannot bo cured by tho use of Haiis
Catahuii Cum
Sworn to boforo mo and subscribed in
my prosonco this 0th dny of Decomber
A D 18S0
- A W Glkason
t J Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally and acts directly on tho blood nnd
mucous surfaces of tho system Send
for testimonials free
F J Ciiuney Co
Toledo O
Sold by druggists 7fi cents
Halls family pills aro tho best
Sliinninr Drmft Skirts
All to bo closed out at less than whole
sale price Ducks piques and linens
trimmed aud uutrimmed Prices 08
cents up
Shirt waists At any price you wlBh
515 48 and 18 cents
Swivel silks and other pretty styles
57 cents
Beautiful waists 18 cents flST 150
175 2 250 5150 and fl25
Most of tho above waistB wo are soil
ing at one half regular prices
ParnsolH All our parasols from 1
to 5i will bo sold at less than manu
facturers priceB
Mits J Bbnson
South 10th St
Omaha Nebr
Never Hum n Cnndlu at Ilotli Knl
If you do your light will soon be gone
and you will bo in tho dark Dont think
you can go on drawing vitality from the
blood for nerves stomach brain and
muscles without doing something to
roplaco it Hoods Sarsapnrilla gives
nerve mental and digestive strength by
enriching and vitalizing tho blood
Thus it helps people who aro over
worked aud tired
Hoods pills ore non irritating mild
V K A M V Clieiiti Excursion
To Denver Colorado Springs and
Pueblo account of Cryptic Masons Ex
cursion tickets nt one fare plus 200 foi
round trip ou Aug 5 i aud 7 good re
turning until Aug il
To Hot Springs S D excursion tick
ots nt ono fnro fortho round trip 12 8fi
ou Aug 8th good to return until Sept
To Philadelphia account G A R
Encampmout Excursion tickets on Sept
12 audi at 51105 for tho round trir
good to return by deposit of ticket with
joint agent at Philadelphia until Sept
Will cheerfully furnish full informa
tion regarding these low fare excursions
via thoNorthwestern Line
H C Matuau
To err is human but to continue
the mistake of uegleoting yonr blood is
folly Keep the blood pure with Hoods
More Popular Than Ever
Since 1800 the Hot Springs of South
Dakota have been recognized as the re
sort for western people
All things ore favorable for those seek
ing rest health or pleasure This season
finds the resort well patronized by people
from Nebraska Iowa Illinois Minnesota
Wisconsin and eastern South Dakota
and everyone well satisfied with the
Wonderful Waters
Delightful Climate
Modern Hotels
Varied attractions for sight seers
The Northwestern Line is the pioneer
to this resort
The Northwestern Line runs Wagner
Palace sleepers to Hot Springs South
The Northwestern Line makes low
round trip rates to this resort
Ask your neareBt railroad agent for
the date of the next excursion via the
Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley
R It Northwestern Line
J H Gaule J R Buchanan
Des Moines Omaha
Honest Labor Bears
a Lovely Face
There is nothing more
pleasing to look upon than a
hearty ruddy face gained by
honest toil They are the
saying of the nation these
toilers of both sexes strug
gling for daily bread
Pure blood mikes them able to keep up
the daily round of duty at home shop or
store If the blood has a taint or im
purity or a run down feeling comes on
the one remedy is Hoods SarsaparitU
Americas Greatest Medicine for the blood
Poor Blood My blood -was so
poor that in hottest weather J felt cold
Hoods Sarsaparilla made me warm It is
the right thing in the right place Hattie
J Taylor Woodstown N J
llcxxlt Illli cure llvrr IIU tli non lrrtuilun nd
only cathrtfc to uk mllh lloodt BrttTUU
Graceful Oasy nnd Long Wearing
Olga Ncthcrsole 250 Shoe
PoeFctc8 the merit ot perfect stylo fit comfort and durability
No breaking in accessary mndo to conform to tho lines of the foot
Solo Tory floxlblo Cbrotno Kid stock thnt is soft ns a Kioto yet
wcnreliko iron Uxccls any XSOshuo for wear and comfort
Nn KO CliromoKlil with tip ot tlio mme medium welsht note
too the width of n Oliver hnlf dollar low heel nnd koK pnUern
1 ou win inm uiiri tiiou u couiuiniuion 01 viyie ana coinioru
rUnulacturcd by The Rock Island Shoe Co Rock Island lit
and sold exclusively In thl city by
Bring in Your Wheel
For advice In cases requiring special
directions address Rlvlnc symptoms
Udln AdflaorTUf pl TbMlllTTAISOOUi
KDICIXK CO Chattanooga Tenn
h 7
And have it put in shape We will do it right and
guarantee satisfaction Prices Right and Work the
Finest We also have a Complete Line of Sundries
in stock at popular prices
S E BRACKETT Proprietor
Two doors west P 0
fhe Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Linen Brntoit Co Ark Aug 4
I am 49 years old and have been nuttcring with
Change ot Life I had flooding spelts so bad that
none thought I could live My husband got me
Wine ot Cardul and it sav d my life I am like
Another person since taking it
It is the devout wish of nearly all people to live to a ripe old age
None of us want to die young This universal desire can be realized if
care be taken of the health in early and middle life A little precaution then
will add many years to our existence Death can be kept away a long
time Happy healthy old age will be the lot ot the woman who promptly
corrects the ailments which afflict her sex In youth Wine of Carduiwill
take the female child isafely over the dividing line between girlhood and
womanhood As a wife she needs it to help her through the trials of
pregnancy and childbirth with as little discomfort as possible At the
Change of Life it will help her over the dangerous place that appears in
her pathway between 40 and SO Then will come many years of truly
blissful existence She will grow old slowly and gracef ally To the last
she will preserve that charm and beauty which are always characteristic
ot perfectly healthy grandmothers
It is for women alone to decide
whether they will be healthy or
sick The remedy for their sick
ness is close at band
There are
Direct Line to
Points West
Vestibuled Trains
vou win find pishing in Rocky Mountain Streams
Hunting in Wyoming
Curative Waters in Hot Springs of Idaho
For Time Tables Folders Illustrated Books Pamphlets dpscrsptive of the
territory traversed oall on
Oil and Gasoline
NO 88
Money Saved
I WILL clean and muke over all kinds
of Mattresses Do all kinds pf Up
holstering buy old ohair frames and
old sofas Will upholster and paint bug
pies nnd carriages in first class shape
Will make any kind of new mattress
Give me a call and see for yourself that
it iB for your Interest
1st door South of Main St on Third St
I have suffered the most excruciating
pains in the side The Doctor said it
was Pleurisy The Brazilian Halm gave
me almobt iustant relief when every
thing else failed aud permanently cured
me I took it aud had some warmed
aud rubbed on strong
Mks EuzAiiKTn Parcels
Marcus Hook Pa
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line in Connection
Telephone 68
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Ofllce
The Famous
Summer Resort
Elevation tiJOOfcot
Dry Air
Mean Tenieruture
JiouthiK on the IaVc
Near liamry 1enl
Mountain Sceutry IhihurimfcKxl
Send fur Souvenir View