J ii II mAtf1 8 Ira W JJ MINES TYLKR Attorneys at Lat Norfolk 2 I J II lUrtiM 1 M DTtIoi NobrtMkn pit 11 T IIOLDKN Homeopathic IIivhIHiiu nml Surgeon Olllon over Citlron Nnlutiinl Hank Ollloo hourn 10 -00 l U a 2 lu 500 pm evenings 7U to Seo lloMdotion Telephone Nn P Ollloo ho 1 Norfolk - Nebraska g COLK DKNTIHT Iloililonon our Offlea ovarCltlsena NtM Hank blook notlh ot Oongrogntlonal ohuroh Norfolk Nebraska jyjISSMAUY SHIiljLiKY Fashionable Dressmaker Upitalrsln Uollon olook over llaumt lion Flrst elass work guaranteed Norfolk Nebraska pOWERB HAYB Attorneys nt Law Room 10 11 and 1 Mast lllook Norfolk Nebraska gKSBIONB BKLL Undertakers and Embaltners Bsiilona lllki Norfolk Ave Norfolk Nobraska Yf M ROH13HTSON Attorney at Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Wilton Block Norfolk Mrs HHHull WILLQIVI Facia Treatment Manicuring and Shampoo Will gladly oall at roar tioiuoi anil do any of thl work Orilnn takeu for lino hair switches Paifoot match guaranteed Hosldonon on Flrel street J auction Orders may bo loft at tin Junction DrngHtoro Toloohono ie NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency NlghtKmlssionsand wasting lUscases an cuccts 01 abuse or excess and inuis crctlon A norvo tonic ami blood buildur Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks ana restores the lire of youth By mall fio per box O boxcf ior DO with a written juaran too to euro or refund tlio numoy Send for circular Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO Clinton Jackson Sts CHICAGO IL- For salo by Goo B Ohrlstoph Norfolk ran SSBatw rtuloTpM ITo PATENT Good Ideas may bo secured by our aid Address THE PATENT RECORD Baltimore Md Subscriptions to TUo Patent Record lllMpcraunuui REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY THE rWfi OcJEVMLAJP Wfjp X3ElZnOSC 3CTTTI Made a Well Man ftgl A MXJt lIC am 82 1 prodaceethoabovrMalUiu30daya It act i powerfully and Quickly Cures when all others tall Young men will regain tholr Idet manhood and old men will recover tholr youthful vigor by using REVIVO It quickly and Buroly restores Nenrous ibu Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions Lost Power Vailing Memory Wasting Diseases and aU effects ot sell abaao or eicosaand Indiscretion which unfits one for study buBlneea or marriage It cot only cures by starting at tho seat of disease but is great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring ing back tho pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the Are of yonth it wards off Jnsmltj and Consumption Insist on having REVIVO no other It can be carried in vest pocket By mall 100 per package or six tor S5O0 with at posl tiro written Buarantee to care or refund Ibsmansr Circular free Address Royal Medicine CaMSTlSr For enla lu Norfolk by Geo H Christoph 4 107 u K til 11H 5 h7 137 1411 Vli Bl 1 Ml fi7 10 101 H4 Ul VI R7 117 111 7J 120 127 120 111 113 Wl 22 27 310 112 15 KI 537 117 1211 133 73 02 110 Nl 10 R2 Trade Marks Designs Copyrights 4c Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion froo wuetber an Invention is probably palvntable Comiuunlra dons strictly oouUdeiitfal Handbook ou Patents ent free Oldest aueney for securing patents Patent takeu throuuh Muun Co receive special notlct without cbame In tho Scientific American 76 A 337 59 A handsomely Illustrated weekly Ijirecst clr tulatloii of any scientific lourual Teruis f I a jiuir four months L Bold by all newsdealers WUNNCo36BrMd New York Branch Offloo 824 F HU Waihlmctou X C 12S 121 38 132 SI 51 1 38 0 108 25 02 W 134 177 u S3 IM 21 4H 131 121 46 101 SI 70 HI 14 11 69 124 125 11 iW 451 I sVal 1 sV1 VbbTTssk I si sTilT I I aBgaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBU U I sK9IVsTBk9wsTBSkml UaWslirHslallieasssssssl 05 PsssalBaBBBlaBBBBBMHBaslalBBBTsTfli 85 AT SPEC3AL TRIP RATE Thb large illustrated sportsmans weekly is just the paper for you if you are a shooter or angler or amateur sailor or camper or observer ot nature Fokim and Sikiam is t alled the spottMiians home journal be use all In the home read it To know it U to like it The price is io cents per copy of all newsdealers but that you may gvt acquainted with Forest and STKtAM scud 25 cents silver or stamps ami we will send the paper for four weeks as a special trial trip Our catalogue of bet books on outdoor sports will come to you free Address FOREST AND STREAM PUBLISHING CO - 346 Uroadway New York vkgeatiislsf 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE 1 alalM - Telephone Kiilostanit Number Ilrsl tho crank onoiinlck turn Pitta rings jour ImiII nml also signal tlit central olllco lliwl Iniiiiwllatoly put llio linml toln phono In four nnr V linn tlin opera tin ttiiiilrc NnmlHir give tho number nf I ln iart roil want lint mil lour own nuinlmr tin im tlm iipniiilor link for It Tho operator will In Mnutly connect the wires mill ring jour putty fur win Keen tho tnhtihimnto iiiiirriu If tlm party jii wnnt la In ho will answer tho upon tor without V11 ringing Ilniiot ring Imck if thonpitntoi calls In lit ntiy time tmwor lrr to pmvoit disconnection When iIiiiiukIi gio a hurt ring tiiillpiinincl Second When cnllnd iloliotrltm linpklinl atntiPKpul llinlulnplioiia In Jour onr nml talk Thin If after jou linvii pnlliHltho ntwrntor nJll huay It mnnna tlmt tlm party fnllnd for in cotiutCliil Willi wimn onii olao nnttn fnw miiiutianiiilcnllnunln Kourtli Nnvnr Hint tlm mill oxcopt to onll timlrni or loillHPoiiiiiTt Ilftlt AtiiIi loud nml iMilatprona ponvornn tlott Hink In your niiliiriil tononuil cloao to llwtrnlinmltlnr Hlxttu Wimn not In nno nlwnjra linna thn Imml lolpplionn on Itn hook In rim iml down otlmrwlMi jour tnlnplionu won t talk wnll Hnvnnlli In not nan lour tulupliouu during n thuudnratorm No Bnbaorlbor M Amnrlcnn Hoot Hniinr uo ollloo MO 377 17 8 7 m in 1111 B so 01 IS 7 10 il Ailiiiim J i ronuiotico Alpxniiilnr W K roaiilpnco Allinnoti A II mntdnmleuco Amorlcan Kxpriv Anxnlgor Ahlmnn Dr Ilortha nwldpnco Ilrnanch t tmlow Rroccry llarnoa Jtiio renideuoo llonr Dr raaldonoo Illrohnrdr T roaldanoo llraaaoh A Hoot ooal and ralti otllo lliiltorflold W II roalilonoe llrutiRon Dnllna rnalilnnen lllnkoiunn W llrolilanM llnuKnK Tranafor Iltui Ilnllor Nollln rnnldoucn lint on IS wroauioiioo Hell 1 I riwlilmicn llm I v vroenry Iloxtl W roslilnnen llrmiah 0 W rariiUiico Hlntt It realilnuco lions J Kolllcn Ilunillok N rpalilencn lliilloek K Aolllca lltioholz llorinnn realdiMUo Ilullock K A raalilmicii Hridtto U H nidinen Ilalnl W II realilniio llrldoW llriaiileuoi Citlanna Nntlonal Hank City Watiirworka City Klro Alarm Colo II J roildonen Colo Dr II J otlico JBIl MO lly ClilcaKO Ltimlmr o Chnpmnn 15 J nwldonco tluipmnu C J otlico Urenimiry CrelKlitou ilflpot City Vntir Uommlaaioiior roiidonco rloinr Hollo 5old torii Crmik J 1C nmidiMico Cuitor H W rpaldouci Covin JnmiB Kroeory Collnnmr V Iruiit Kroeory Cotton 8 S roaiilouco Daiit Nkwb btisluons otlloo Durhmd AJ Olllon Durlnml A J reniilonco Davenport loo St ronldonco Dnvonport Goo barn DoxlorW Hlnundry llnnii 8 rosidouon DoKtior Albart hnrdwnro Doxtor 8 K cold atoriuo Donn K lirokoraolltoii Dudley Moo liory barn Doxtor V II reHldouco Eliln loo KdwnrilH J V Iioracalioar Plltf A N rnnlilonon ICitwanU it Bradford Lumber Co Kloctrlo Lliiht KborlmrtH rostnurnnt lOHtnbrook K L roldonco Fniwlur 8 Iinkcry id Ilidiiy Jiilin linniwaro tl Koruov 15 M druirstoo 68 V K A M V Kr CrelKbton Dopot 70 K K t M V Train Dlsoatohere otlloo 2 Fair Store 57 V K A M V round boaao 417 Gorooko Unrnian roaldonoe 8S llmemnn moat mnrkot r8 Irnon Millnrd rcBideuco 123 ilarnod 0 U D roaldonoa 88 Hagoy Dr W II H realdaniM B7 llanllUK Creamery Co la llnnlluu Chna roalilonoe 3S Hardy U KM ooal otlloo 3 Hnya Jno H roaldenoo 130 ll7n M 5 rodldiinco 25 Hospital for Insane 88 Huso W N residence ii Hmio W Nottioo SB Horahiacr J L dru store Holdon Dr 11 T rosldonco 101 Holdon Dr II T otlloo sa HoIoIihu C 11 olllco 7 Hultl Jiilin 43 HUh School 137 HolTmnu W Ii rosideuco i8 llnllnr iwi miloon 3M lluuitorfiiitl lni Ii roaidoucu 517 llnyos C H roHldouco IH1 HililMn 5 J reniilonco 1U llnlvorstoln roBldeuc JohtiHon Dry Hoods Co Journal otlioe Junction Drug Htorn Junction Moat Mnrkot Jnuomnu K V otlico J miction School Houao Johnson A J rosideuco Karo liroa meat markot Kingman J H residonce Kolpnr Dr H K suiorlutoudent Insane Kieaau A II druu storo Kituuiu Dr lf W resldouoo Knollin A J V to Mrs roIdouce KonulKftoiu U J rwiilenee Leonard Asa K drag store Laundry Luiknrt O A rosldouce Loiter Harry saloon lioliuow Mrs M resldonco Lowo K A ronldonoe Lowls tic Shiuiardson olllco Maoomber Dr A Lotiioe Madson Fred L losldonco MaDonald Korn MihillH 5 W livory barn Mittlostadt L otlioe McNamoo W J rosldonoe MoKim l A reaidouca MackayDr JHotUco Matrau II 0 otlico Morrow J S roaulenco Morrow T J roaiileuco Mapon A Ilazou MuHtorsO I roiiilenco Mulliu J A resiilonoo Norfolk National Hank Norfolk Waterworks Nueuolo A Zlmnuu meat markot Norfolk Klectric Lllit 4 Iowor Co Norfolk Stoam Laundry Norfolk lleot Stutar Co Mgr a roaldence Norfolk Foundry 74 Oxnard Hotel 077 Odlorne T K rosidenco 75 Pncifio Hotel 39 lncific Kapreaa Co Pattorson II H roaldence til Patterson 1111 otHoo 577 Inrker Dr 15 H residence J17 Iliwari J iidg rosldonoe 00 Pnaewaik 11 A implement warehouse 89 rasowalk Jl A reaidonco 109 Halnbolt N A roaldence 71 Uovnolds C 11 rosldeuoe 102 Itoland W 5 rocr 11 Holler Mills 21 ltees Drpilderc 70 HnviioldsU Holllce 418 UUh W II residence t Itioe Chas saloou 51 Heuua K H residence 77 Stewart R A roslilenca 120 Suiter A Suiter Drs otlici drt Salter Dr 1 II tosldenoe 54 Salter U H coal otlioe 2u Bohoregge R J bakory iU Ststoui I realleuoo 132 ShaUer Mat meat market t Shorts K grocery ig Sidlers Hour and food atore and dray line 120 Snrecher T residence bJ Sngar Kaotory 21 Suur City Cereal Mills 41 ftoilor 0 11 livery 86 Salter Dr KrankO reaideuce 43 Seymour Kd residence 74 HiMiar Heo 11 hotel 101 Stevens K W roaldence tlsl Staflirtl I1 realilouce 42 Hchool District High school 5i bohiMil Diatrict Washington school 617 Spuililiu II L residence 610 Sciicin II La rootdonco 19 Sidlers Klour A KhkI store 651 hurts 5 U reldeuco PH Suiter M 1 roBidonci 24 Sprwhor 1 b rrldiiice 95 Scholl lrtl residence 131 Sheep ranch 50 Teal residence 17 Tushjean Or A R olilce 115 TlionuMxinsCiriieorv 1 18 Times Tribune Otlioe THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY 27 1699 10 Toloftraph olllcn 41 UhloOicar Krocary S4 Union iaclllo Hallway 112 VnrKoa Dr Froslilnnco 11 Wnlkor M C food oils and Haaollna M Wogotior ICilllnry Ill Wtatorn Union Toleitrapli othoo tA Water niiiiiilsslonnr Ml Wntorworka pumping stntlon R7 Wnlkor M I ronldolico Ill Wollor It II ollico H5 Wloirnr V ronldolico 113 WliitorKilIUo 53 Wnaliinittiui achool 1117 Wollor It II roHldouco 40 YountM olllco Ijoinfillalnncalnlnplinno with motntlloclr mil A Sound IIvor Mnlios it Well Mini Am you bilious constipated or troubled with jaundico sick hotulnchu bad tasto in month foul broath coated toiiKiui dyspepsia IndiKostioii hot dry skin pain in back and Initwoon tho shoulders chills nntl fovor etc ir you havo any of thoso symptoms your liver is out of order and your blood is slowly bolnir poisoned becauso your liver doos not act promptly Horblno will cure any disorder of tho llvor stoiuaoh or bowels It ban uo oqual Prlco 75 cents as a llvot modiclno Free trial bottlo at G B Ohristophs OA8TOHIA fiaari the vh8 Kind You Haff wlwaS BoUM Are vou lackimr in stroncth and on- orgy Aro you uorvous dospondont Irrltablo billlous constipated and Bouorally run down in health If so your liver Is torpid aud a few dosos of Horblno will euro you Horblno has uo oqual as a health restorer Geo B Ohkistoiui CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bflught Boars tho Slgnaturo of Ut For ofllclal map of city of Los Augoles aud N K A pamphlet address F W Jnuoman Bears the he Kini1 YoU HaVfl AWaS BUgtl If your child has thm pale chooks uuoortaiu appotito aud uurostful sleep it has worms and ouriug with stroug medicine only makes conditions worse by irritating its dolicnto stomach SVhitos Cream Vermlfuco Is mild but certain iu offoct aud is n superior tonic as well as a positive worm destroyer Geo B Ohiustoih OASTORIA Har th ltiB Kind You Have Always BouuM Signature of c4 m Tablors Buokoyo Pile Oiutmeut gives instant relief It allays inflammation and heals It is oromut in its acticn and positive in its effoct It is the kiud that euros without pain or discomfort It is for piles only 50 cents Tubes 75 couts Geo B CiiniSTOPH The fnt undertaker Who plants by the acre Poor victims of coukIi and cold Is HiKiitns nml crying eil ill lug Ior weve nil atoppea ilyiii Since Ilrnzlllnn Ililm was sold And for those who desire Not just yet to ko higher It is worth its weight iu cold Ston that barklmr by tho uso of Bal lards Horohouud SiTup It arrests tho cough nllays irritation of tho throat aud roliovos congestion of tho lungs lu a day It is safo and pleasant to take and never disappoints 25 aud 50 cents Gro B OiniLSTOrii Grippe Cured Iast winter I had a bad cold and sevtre cough I was lame iu every joint and muscle I was sick aud felt as though I was coming down with typhoid fever It was no doubt a bud case of grippe Mr E P Budge gave me a bot tle of Brazilian Balm saying he was sure it would help me The relio vas almost instantaneous It i stoooed mv coulIi and took the wKh all the pains and soreness ou my system I gave the balance of tit 50 cent bottle to Mrs Bishop Wiley for her daughter It proved so beneficial she savs she never intends to be without it fidwiu Pitz Jones CiuciuuatiOhio Asthma Can Do Cured T R Niblo ex school superintendent of Rochester Pa says I have been a great sufferer from asthma for years but I have had a splendid winter owing to the surprising efficacy of Brazilian Halm A ladv in Cincinnati who bail suffered with asthma for 17 years could not lie down was perfectly cured with Brazilian Balm Why Suffer with Dyspepsia Chas Broome 850 South Second St Philadelphia says It took only two months lor Brarilian Balm to cure me of dyspepsia with which I suffered over 30 years Now I have no pain or stomach cough aud can eat auythiug Brazilian Ualm beats tiu world PLEUItlSY QUICKLY CURED I have suffered the most excruciating pains iu the side The Doctor said ii was Pleurisy The Brazilian Balm gave me almost instant relief when every thing else failed aud permanently cured me I took it and had some warmed and rubbed ou stroug Mrs Uuzaukth Parckls Marcus Hook Pa ramiem Four Hot Wliiils Syracuse Nub July 27 Yostorday marked tho tlf th anuivorsary of tho first absolutely destructive hot winds that over occurred here Fanners uro nat urally very anxious as thoro is now every indicatiou of an enormous corn crop i A rioutfr lit Oiuulia Omaha July 27- Five boys swim ming iu the river yesterday fnnnd the body of Mux Hivse Intter known us John the Dumpnian who had been missing siiuv List Saturday night Heese was aubje t to tits und U supposed to have fallen in tho river aud drowned SAN FRANCISCO TOTURN OUT A Military Doiiionxltiitloii nml Itntlnu for llm Noliimlui ItiKlmoiil San Fkancisco July 27 Tho next vessel due from tho Philippines is tho hospital ship Belief which is expected at any time The camp at tho Presidio for the reception of tho Nebraska roil incut soon to arrive 011 tho Hancock Is ready Tho tents are up and tho stores aro lu and only the presence of tho boys Is needed for the camp to become a lively military city Tho whole military department will unite in honoring the Nubraskans as tho OroKonlans were honorod All the troops hero will pa rade and Major General Shaftor will ro viow tho column Tho Oregon regi ment will also join Inthedomonstratiou This demonstration will only bo tho first of a fiories for tho stato oftlcials Mayor Pholau and tho city officials havo decided that hereafter all vessols bear iup returning troops shall bo mot down tho bay und given a royal welcome horo Governor W A Poyntor of Nobraska arrived from tho cast yesterday for tho purpose of wolcomiiig homo tho First Nobraska volunteors who aro on tho transport Hancock and duo at this port from tho Philippines about tho end of tho week Ho cuiuo nlono representa tives Adjutant Barry and Congressman Stark luiving preceded him several days Tho two latter gentlemen wcro at tho forry to greot him as wero Col onel W D Sanboru of tho governors staff and Adjutant Gouoral W T Sea mans NOT MIGRATORY LOCUSTS MIihUsIpiiIs Ilnirtio Will Not Oilier Nlntin Washington July 27 J S Hinosot tho ontomological bureau of tho agricul tural department bus returned from an inspection of tho stato of Mississippi which has been suffering from tho graeshnpner post Ho fonud that tho grasshoppers wero largely coufluod to Bolivar county and that while they had dono great datnago to growing crops tlioy wore of tho nonmigratory species known as differentials and thcroforo woro not likely to provo dangorous to other communities Tho greatost dam ago has so far been dono ou tho Da homey plantation whero 300 acres of cotton in 0110 patch was destroyed and 2000 acres in another nnkotii Tliicuteiinil by lloppera Wasihnciton July 27 Tho agricul tural department is in recoipt of infor mation of a threatened invasion of grasshoppers in North Dakota and Min nesota They are of a migratory specios and breed iu tho Turtle mountains It is probable tho department will co-operate with tho stato authorities in deal ing with tho insects iu case they provo damaging Oiimlm Crlokotnrs Itiuoly Iosn WissiiKO Man July 27 Thoro was a most oxciting finish to tho Manitoba Omaha im mo today Iu tho first uing Omaha scored 51 and was followed by tho Manitoba mon with 03 In thoir second inning Omaha made 71 aud a total of 1152 Tho Manitobans woro con fident of victory but man after man wout down Manitoba at last rallied aud wou by eight runs Wodueiuliiys Hiisubiill Imnes NATIONAL IKAOUE Louisville 2 Brooklyn 1 PittsuurR 8 Wuhtmton 1 Cinclmmtl5 UiMon tt Second gamo Cln cinnutl 2 Boston 1 Chicago 5 Philadelphia 7 St Louis 4 Now York II WESTE1IS IEAOUE Grand Rapids 1 Milwaukee Detroit 7 Minnonpolis 9 Indinnnpolls 8 St Paul 1 Buffalo U Kansas City 1 WHEAT AND CORN HIGHER Fours of nmiiuge by Drought Strengthens tho market Chioaoo July 26 Apprehonslon of dam ago by tho hot dry weather prevailing throughout tho country strengthened wheat and corn today Soptnmbnr wheat closed with a gain of Wb ui1 corn 0 ats closed un changed Provisions wufforod from liquida tion Pork lost 124l5c lard VllAo and ribs 7c Closing prices WllBAT Snpt lo Deo7B73Ho Coiin Sept KJJfJo Doo Slo OATS Sopt 19HWlOo Doo 20c PoilK Sopt 8751877 Dec 18 80 Htns Sopt 1507 Doo W12 LAHU Sopt 1585 Doc f510 Chicago Iivo Stock ClUCAOO July 26 Cnttlo Reeolpts 11000 thoro was a irood Hlaughtorlng demand for choice cattle today from local packers and eastern shippers at ritrong prices The com mon lots woro hard to dispose of aud prices for such woro barely steady at tho recent decline good to faucy grndiw brought 5255U0 com mon lots I12V3520 stookers and feeders J30liS175 cows helfors and bulla 00510 wosturn feodorw 4509565 Toxns steers 8 60 fd520 calvos ty25650 Hogs Roceipts 85- 000 trndoin hogs was slow and prices suf fered a further break of fxi fair to choice lots tl40yp450 heavy packers 1054iJ mixed 423450 butchers 420450 lights 4U5S 405 and pigs 375cM 55 Sheep Receipts 13000 the mnrkot for sheep was fairly active at about former prions poor to prime sheep 3005 rums MJO ipl 00 owes 375T450 yearlings 45Oi550 and lambs 4000t a fow fancy lots bringing 600 the highest prlco paid for some time Kansas City Lite Stock KANSAS ClTV July 26 Cattle Reeolpts 5 650 excellent demand at strong to 10o higher prices heavyweight steers 5253570 light weights 185560 stockers and feeders 4 0U185 butchers cows and heifers 800 515 canners 2503 00 westorn steers 100545 Toxans 3103100 88S0 slow ruling prices 10o lower heavy 435Si445 mixed 48O140 light 430 442K pigs Sheep Receipts 1 1QU acUii o hiirlng lambs 50030 00 mut tons 400i94fiO stookors aud feeders 3 003 425 culls 2003 3U0 South Omaha Ilte Stock South Omaha July 26 Cattle Receipts 8100 610o higher native Im steers Hlb 5 65 western teers 40031 Texas stoers 350ipl25 cows and heifers 3403125 can ners 0d32 stookers and feeders lOo lower i3753l75 calves 4ftVg0 50 bulls blags etc Vi120 Hogs Roceipts 7200 5o lower heavy 4221 Wi mixed 11253 42714 light 42V41H0 pigs 3 7531bulk of sales 4 25rt4271 Sheep Reeeipts 2000 steady to ouster yearlings 1253470 west ern muttons 1041JJ stock sheep 3 50j 415 lambs UMmS IV - t Aliiuuiue of the Day TliurMlav Sun rises at PV2 sots at i t - wtMEKMKtKKKKMKEKKKKKtBHKKKKKKEKKKKniBKnWKKmtlmj Tho Kind You lltivo Always Bought ami which liiw vjcoii in uso for over 30 years litis borno tho signature of A mmmt nntl has hcen nmuo under his per- OyZl 2 sonnl supervision slueo its hifluicy utryy Allow no one to decoivo you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes aro hut 13- pertinents that triilo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experleuco against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil Tarcgorie Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Harmless and Pleasant lit contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotia substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Foverislincss It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It rcllovcs Teothtng Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates tho Stomach and Dowels giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Childrens Panncca Tho Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of mv The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years AFTER USING 720 Moon rises at 050 p m Tho weather Nebraska aud Iowu Fair Thursday und Friday variable winds TMI CCHTHUB COMMNV TT MUIHW STBCtT NIWVQBK CITV UCAl TU AND VITALITY hsISbW I II IB MOTTS sua xrciaS Tho urcat remedy for nervous prostration ami nil dlscnscs of tho generative organs of olthor soe such as Nervous Prostration Falling or Lost Manhood Impotonoy Nightly Emissions Youthful Errors Mental Worry excesslvo use of Touacco or Opium which load to Consumption and Insanity With every 5 order wo guaranteo to euro or refund tho money Sold nt 100 por box C bozos for 500 lilt ItlOTTS Clf ISHIICAIj CO Clovcluud Ohio For Sale at KEONIG STEINS PHARMACY i rfniTTL5 jJ -KV fMSWfSKSSa tfc tfarKy firv iy Sir k - vr i va nra 17 Maulfnnt St latajford Maaa t t vtlhv - uk IfStJ S fo ak ngyour Dr BaaTorvShlan propliiv kwSIS one ortlervSd Dyspepil nd Kefwui Prostration A lmtoenr fag Hts ears ior hi ww w and aUnerronsand blood sc easy to taki IT HAS Tw - m i a J - Kar MedloalOoeM ft wniesoo Jnj Mint iw my susorlng tor inree -in nan nil nnn hss unai w - ui aat aapa -- t w a i VT rJ Ki ithnatavTiaAtelncnBaiUMcJcaM aytniBC l tnea wto rhlotanrwltboal 7hMtoTiC ItoillT M Ajw I Mraa ml me m yikv Kays Renorstor and I begM Jo ayz Aiwondsrf uL Ko on ws ever beaaflted rirwvful foe sues psbssnh Tn KT S As soc as I began to Unnrwvw taj sf sal T nt aoald iher be mon thank- s Tlsatmalnr t wnrsnisiis rmn r aoip u ISTEZZrtZTmZSmSa mow It la nicer than ever sjaa kit heaha 1 ts weelvsg trosa Wkiag Dr Kays Renovator Too m rt liberty tvaDUgk Us 1 1 dtaeaaeaete AT THIS TUBUS QW invlirnrmtM the whole STStem and and vhror to the whole tody The v mm0ttmmnjmbfr f sMBnaMUflsfte lilf aa uai lSMMT dlaMSMS ktolss yUoojTBias AlspondeBor female- ii iTtmtoiMa as It renovates andJ J Lafct thai hbmal trlnal new llo it nerve tonlo known Very pleasant and j VCT TTKBS A3 KANT POSJSB ab1 B0 CHE 6AM3 PRIOB Bold M - ls bWLm iin Nlfin Tfir U1B UtJOkLIBll sUVrairS W 31TCC old not get inothsr gt Tree lMrTjrTrTKrMedlo10oeM lth BV Omahi Nab 1 U1U UUI TT WWH -- Railroad and Business Directory 2 - N 2 Q tn as a c t SB t O oo IL R R TIMLTA6LE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST DCrAi3 Omaha Passenger 11 Chicago Express 1J 10 pm EA8T ABBIVE Chicago Kxpross 7 flop m Omaha Passenger 1240 pm WE8T DPAI Rlack Hills Express 21m Verdigre Passenger 1240p in Verdlgro Accommodation 900 am EST ABBIVE Black Hills Express 1220 pm Vertllgre Passongcr 605 a in Vordlgie Accommodation 740pm Tho Chicago and Black Hills Exproas arrives and departs from Junction depot The Omaha and Yerdigre trains arrivo and depart from city depot H U Matkau Agent Union Pacific south depart Columbus Accommodation 600 p m Oraahu Denvoraud Paciilo Coast 1010 a m nohth ABBY Columbus Ace mmodation 125pm Omaha Douver and Pacific coast 95 pm Connects at Norfolk with V E iU V going west and north and with tho O St P M O for points north and east F w Junkman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha E8T DEPABT Sioux City and Omaha Passenger 700 a m Sioux City Passenger lpm rsT ABBIVE Sioux City Paasengor 125ro and north and KBi Daij except Sunday GEO A LATIMER Attorney at Law Ofllce in Mast Work liSSKEEPS IfllLlilHEHY Cheapest and let Norfolk Avenue Spencer Oislman Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly Done C S HAYES Watch Repairing IHCTHUIVlAN Paints and Hall Paper House and Sign Painter JW EDWARDS f Vwz r The Norfolk orseshoer ALli Wobk Ooabantked Cor 1th St and Hraascb Ave WW MANGUS Painting and Paperhanglng Pine Work Guaranteed JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder 117 Fourth Street 7 T 5 r