The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 27, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Meanly of feature
and beauty of foot
arc both equally
to be desircd
The latter can
always be as
rurcd by
wearing Xm
rjA V XTf
iti a s1
rTtvlt J
ft at ci i t HSLi
GreenWhee1er Shoes
The GrccnWhcclcr Shoes
nrc famous for elegance
of fit ease nnd durability
No ladys wardrobe is
complete without them
Thousnnds of Amur
icnn women ntlil
their prnKe of the
hlph mtnlity o f
these Bliocs We
confine the sale
to one dealer
Bold Exclusively by
Norfolk Shoemen
A 0 U W
Mwti in Odd Follows Hnll on the flrrt and
third Fridays of each month Visltinu broth
ers cordially invited to attend all our meotinirs
W R Hoffman Financier L C HarKolt Be
eonler C G Dolan Master Workman
The highest honor that can be paid a
manufacturer is to select his piauo in
open competition
That is what the makers of the
They prefer the unbiased examina
tion of all other makes boforo purchas
ing theirs for they know that the
Chickeriug from the musicians stand
point is the superior
cause the exquisite Chickeriug tono is
peculiar to this make alone and for du
rability they stand without a rival
The first Chickering made in 182U is
now on exhibition at their mammoth
factory in Boston and lids tone in it
Gen Agt for North Nebraska
Offlco Hardys Coal Office
Three good houses to rent
Home worth 1000 for G00
Two good rooms upstairs one large
Bale room down stairs for rent
Money to loan on real estate
Come and see me when you want in
surance J E SIMPSON
For first class mer
chant tailoring see My
Tailor where you will
have suits well made
and trimmed which is
the main part of mer
chant tailoring when
they are made to order
Call on My Tailor and
have prices quoted
The Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 77
Minimum temperature 0
Average OS
Precipitation 0
Total precipitation for mouth 2 1 1
Forecast for Nobraska Fair to
night and Friday with warmer tonight
Telephone No 148 has been placed in
the residence of Chester A Fuller
A party of young folks from the city
are planning to attend the dance at the
asylum this evening
Mrs Nellie Haudloy was operated ou
for appendicitis this morning at the Drs
Salter suuitarinni The patient with
stood the operation very welland is get
ting along nicely
M H Morris has sold his Norfolk resi
dence property to Jus Gildea and ex
pects to leavo within a couple of weeks
tor the Pacifio coast where he will en
gage in business uud make his future
The delivery of hard coal now being
made is a most uugeutlo reminder that
winter will bo here in the future some
time But let this not make you so pes
himistio that you cannot enjoy the
glorious present
Almost an inch of rain fell on the
earth last night and very successfully
laid the dust The crops which have
been in want of rain are much revived
although they have not been Buffering
for it in this vicinity The rain enmo bo
gently that the crops of small grain
which nro ready for the hnrwst wore
not injured
The Omaha lleo of yesterday an
nounces that Mr and Mrs J II Mackay
of Norfolk aro stopping at ono of tho
hotels while visiting tho exposition and
in another plnco it gives among tho
marriago licenses issued tho names of
J II Mackay of Norfolk and Anna
Grabol of Chicago All of which leads
a porson to boliovo that two peoplo woll
known in Norfolk have joined hearts
and hands
McCook Tribune S G Goheen
has considerable conlldenco in tho
hopper dozer Ho has removed about
100 bushels of tho hoppors from his
Holds and crops this season and thinks
ho would bo much moro extensively
damaged woro it not for tho uso ho had
mndu of tho dozer Tho mnnngors of
tho Nobraska oxporimont station of tho
state university aro again emphasizing
tho importance and value of tho hop
pur dozer
Tho Fromont city council has passed
an ordinanco permitting oyolists to use
tho sidowalks when tho roads aro bad
on the condition that that they dis
mount when mooting or passing a pe
destrian Tho speed of the rider is also
regulated and the sidewalks aro not to
bo used betwoon tho timo of sundown
and 1 1 oclock at night nud allowed to
run after that hour only whon a lighted
bicycle lamp is used These regulations
aro very similar to those governing
wheelmen iu Norfolk
The bicycle party which was given last
evening by Miss Hattio McKim made a
trip down tho Stanton road Every
thing went along nicely until tho chain
camo off tho bicycle ridden by Mr Gray
After some troublo this was roplacod
and the party started but had not pro
ceeded far whon the tiro camo off his bi
cycle In trying to replace this tho tire
was rendered worthless as was also tho
bicycle for tho nonce nnd ouo of the
party returned to town and secured an
other wheel On his return the party
again started The next accident was
when Miss Harveys skirt caught in the
chain but this caused no further incon
venience than a torn dress Takon
throughout tho trip was a most pleas
urable one tho accidontB but serving to
lend spice to tho occasion
The cleaning up Norfolk has had this
spring and summer is the best known
for years and as a consequence tho streets
and private property generally present a
most attractive appearance The citj
officials are not alone responsiplo for this
for property owners have done a largo
share of tho work and ninny of tho resi
dence lots show great care in tho trim
ming of trees well kept lawns and flower
beds nnd weedless back yards and sur
roundings Norfolk is now ono of the
most beautiful cities iu tho state and her
attractvieuess improves with each recur
ring year Citizens of Norfolk have
good and sufficient reason to po proud of
the appearance of the town in most par
ticulars Thoro are still grounds for
complaint in some quarters but with the
cleaning up spirit still working these aro
being removed
Adjutant General P H Barry has
telegraphed from San Francisco that the
boys of the Fighting First will be in
need of chest protectors on their arrival
in this country to prevent attacks of
pneumonia which has been rathor se
vere on the Oregon troops He urges
that the friends of the soldiers send at
once thick protectors of flannel both for
tho chest and bock In obedience to
this request Mayor J E Simpson issued
a coll to the ladies of the Womans Re
lief Corps and all other patriotic women
to meet in tho G A R hall today at 2
oclock to do Norfolks part iu meeting
this demand The meeting was duly
held and the necessary steps taken to do
what is possible toward protecting the
health of Nebraskas returning heroes
and if other towns do as well as resi
dents of Norfolk it is probable that not
only the Nebraska troops but several
other regiments will bo supplied with
these needed garmeutB The flannel
was purchased has been paid for is be
ing ninde up and will bo sent tomorrow
morning at 10 40 to General Barry at
San Fratiisco all of which goes to
show that the ladies of Norfolk are al
ways ready to meet an emergency
Business property for sale sj500
rents for fMJO yearly Will also soil my
residence comer Teuth street and Phil
ip avenue at a bargain
C B Hoiaiian
Cook wauted at tho Ron Ton restaur
Fresh bullheads at Glissmans
Buy all your groceries of Box and get
tho best
If you want to buy or trudo come and
see us G It Skiikr Co
Oflico in Most block
Box can suit you on cofleo
A full line of Heinz celebrated pickles
and preset veu at Boxs
Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr
F Verges residence and nfllce
Foil Saik My one third iuterest in
the Norfolk Times Tribaue
Iiu L HuNHKitroitn
Plunge bath 15 centsat the bath house
above tho dam
Phone 85 for plumbingNFMfgCo
Honry Nelson of lYomont is in town
Attorney Jas Nichols was over from
Madison yesterday
Herman Smith of Fromont was a city
visitor yesterday
David Best was down from Battle
Crook yestorday
Mrs Gaylord is plnnning a trip to
Ilarring Kansas
Mrs 1 C Wunner drove up from
Stanton yesterday
O E Abbot of Fremont hnd business
in Norfolk yesterday
Banker A 1 Dnnlovy is in tho city
today from Tildon
M II Loamy was in tho Sugar City
today from Plainvlow
Dr W M Condon wns in town yes
terday from Madison
Goo Friederich and son of Piorco
woro city visitors yesterday
Geo Young of Stanton transacted
business in tho city yesterday
Superintendent O H Reynolds made
a trip to Humphrey this morning
Florence Gaylord returned last night
from a wooks stay at tho county capital
Mr and Mrs Stringer of Winsido
woro visitorsin this metropolis yestorday
Mrs S K Long loaves for Madison
this ovouiug to bo absont suveral days
Mrs Loflertisin tho city visiting at tho
homo of her daughter Mrs O J lohn
Mr Willinms the life insurance nmu
wont to Battle Creek last ovouiug on
B J Hoff arrived this morning from
Elsoworth Minn to visit with Soth
Mrs L M Beoler and sons Warron
and Elmer went to Oakdalo this morn
ing to visit friends
G W Box returned Inst ovouiug
from a business trip through Pierco
Wayne and Cedar counties
W T Harlow and family aro in tho
city from Tilden and will make a weeks
visit with Norfolk relatives and friends
Frank Davenport has gone to Sioux
City to meet his wife ou her return from
Kansas They will arrive homo this
Frank Twiss who has been working
for Mr Truo in tho Palace of Sweets
has resigned his position to accopt tho
clerkship iu a Wayne hotel
Judgo and Mrs Isaac Powers have
been spending a few days vory quietly
and pleasantly at Sylvan Lake Hotel in
tho Black Hills They returned to Hot
Springs S D Monday evening ou their
way homo
Miss Lillian Luikart is expected home
this evening from Spirit Lako Iown
whoro she has been visiting for about
eight weeks Horeousiu Agnes Luik
art will accompany her from that
place and visit hero awhile
I J Johnson who represents tho
Deering machine company in this terri
tory came in from a trip to South Da
kota yesterday His household goods
aro here and he expects his family with
in a few days They will go to house
keeping in the Rees house on Hillside
R D Reynolds is home from Ban
croft where he has tho contract for put
ting up a brick block The work is now
completed to the roof and the masons
have been laid off until the carpenters
get this work done Ho reports consid
erable activity iu the building line iu
that town
House to rent Chicauo Lumhku Co
Iteul Kmaie TmUBler
The following transfers of real estate
are reported by Chester A Fuller man
ager of the Madison county abstract
office at Norfolk
B O Getter and wife to Clara
M Noxon wd lot fl and vr4 of
lot 8 block 90 F W Barnes
addition 200 00
Eugene Crook and wife to Aug
gust Reikofski qcd ui no
20 2 4 2 100 00
Fifty thousand dollars eastern money
to loiiu on good farms
G R Skiiku Co
The board of county commissioners
will meet in special session at 1 oclock
p iu August 8 189 for the purpose of
considering bids for the construction of
a ditch on county lino betweeu Madison
uud Stanton counties and transacting
any other business that nmy come be
fore the board E Q Hkilmav
County Cleric
Sniders catsups at Boxs
Houses for sale T E Odiokke
Shirt Wulut Mile
Fifty dozen 1 00 shirt waists to be
sold for 48o each
lfi0 Swivel silk shirt waists for 87o
White pique waists slightly soiled
just half former price
South Kith St
Omaha Nebr
Oratlfjliiir to Committed
The following extracts aro made from
a letter received today by Miyor J E
Simpson from W J Stevousou chair
man of tho executive committee of Mad
isons reception to company F
It is indeed gratifyiug to this com
mittee to hear of the interest that is be
ing taken by you and the citizens of
Norfolk in tho propnvod reception that
wo nro planning for company F on
its return from tho Philippines Wo
have noticed tho accounts published in
your nowspapers concerning tho action
of yourself and others with roforonco
to organizing to bo present with us on
that occasion
Wo now liavo n good many com
mit toes nt work and uro preparing for
ono of tho best demonstrations over
given in Madison
I should like to know us soon as pes
slblo just whnt to expect from your poo
plo so that we may plan for thorn iu tho
parade which wo expect to have Wo
should like very much to havo tho lire
department company Laud tho baud
which was thought could bo organized
to come down with your delegation
Farm and city loans
if you want to sell or trade your
properly list it with
G It Siiiku Co
lohn A lllooinqulst of tho Nownian
Grove Stato bank was in tho city yes
W E Reed went to Donvor Wednes
day of last week to try a case involving
about f00000 in mining interests
Attorney James Nichols wunt over to
Creston and Columbus Sunday on legal
business returning Tuesday evening
Last Saturday tho news was received
hero that Mrs Ohurlos Matter noo Delia
Hodges of South Dakota had died after
a short illnoss
Misses M initio Bloy and Bertha Sclio
field left for tho east Saturday tho
former on a monthH visit with rela
tives in Iowa tho latter to make her
homo with her brother in Wisconsin
Miss Maude Bohanuou entertained a
few of her friends at her homo Tuesday
evening A most pleasant time was
had by all and it was not until tho woe
small hours of tho morning that they
finally dispersed
Tho mass meeting called to make ar
rangomonts for the reception of the
boys of Company F resulted in tho elec
tion of a committoo to tako tho mattor
iu hand and finish all arraugotnunts for
the demonstration which promises to bo
tho grandest thing of tho kind ever seen
in Madison Arrangements aro woll
under way and a subscription list has
been circulated and contributions gene
rously offered Many of tho people re
siding in towns around havo signified
their desire to bo present on tho occasion
and tho prospects indicate that tho cele
bration will far oxcel anything ever
given in Madison county including all
celebrations of tho Fourth over given
A graud banquot is to bo given tho boys
and their friends at which it is expected
over 200 people will bo fed idl of whom
will bo treated as guests of tho day To
say tho least Madison is going to give
theso soldier boys of Philippine fame
such a reception as thoy may bo proud
of receiving and such only as Madison is
proud to give her home company which
has gained fo much fame and honor for
itself and its state Let all patriotic
peoplo of Madison county proparo for
this event and como prepared to make
this a gala day for all this region
Our farmers aro harvesting their
Mrs Nellie Miller returned to Omaha
Wm Knudsou returned Thursdoy
fromjv visit to Rising City
Rev Main of Norfolk will preach iu
tho hall next Sunday at J oclock
EdRowlett threshed ryo nnd barley
for Henry Carson Mouduy and Tuesday
The populist voters of this precinct
will hold a caucus in the hall Wednes
day August 10th
Dave Herrington bought the soparator
building and moved it out to his farm
last week Ho will use it as an addi
tion to his house
A farm home two miles west of the
station owned by H E Wood of Lin
coin Neb and occupied by Norman
Robbins was destroyed by firo last
Thursday The fire caught from the
flue while tho family was cooking din
nor Tho homo is said to havo been in
sured Mr Robbins loss was about
thirty dollars
A dispatch published iu Tuesdays
daily from San Francisco stated that
tho transport Morgan City had arrived
from Manila having on board among
others Louis Brown who enlisted from
here a year ago last spring in Co F
First Nebraska Mr Browns many
friends here will bo pleased to hear of
his safe arrival and hopo soou to Bee
A word to tho wipe is Mifliciont
Wise people keep their blood pure with
Hoods Sursupurilla and make sure of
lllriiiHi of Cryptic Miimiiiis Demur
Colorado Aiieiiht I ii 1KM
For the abovo occasion tho Union
Pacifio has made the greatly reduced
rate of one fare plus 200 for the rouud
trip to Denver Colorado Springs and
Pueblo from poiuts iu Kansas and Ne
Do not complete arrangements for your
trip without first askiugyourageut about
tho magnificent train service and fast
time to Colorado via the Union Pacific
For tickets sleeping car reservations
aud full iuformatiouall on
F W Junkman Agent
tMwiwggvjiaafyl T ttemnnasn Mtsmrou
inttfwrinBL 4tijunmm
In this hot weather with flies when you ran got Dead Shot and
Taiiglofoot Fly Paper enough for fi cunts to catch or kill 11
million flics
Ity drinking tho cool dclicinuH soda ou draught at Uhristophs
Norfolk Ncbraskxi DRUGGIST
Uomoiubor you got the coupon for tho War Portfolio with every purchase
We are Specialists
Our specialty is LOW IMUCKS Wo nro mow
pleasing our customers with
Wo found si bargain in i sjock of shoos ami
bought thorn AT A PUKK Wo give you
tho bonolit of tho buy and ollor tho full lino
sis lonuino Hsirgains hi some linos tho sizes
are broken but wo urge that you consult
your needs sind then como to us sind see if
wo can not moot thorn for you
Robertson Blk Norfolk Neb
thes bo
CHAS B lUUlXJK Vice Iubaidukt
lorifnMinwnriiwtnt iirrwttBM
lists boon psissed upon our lino
stock of Athletic stud Sporting
Hoods and pronounced sibovo
competition You csmt beat it
Our stock of sill kinds of requi
sites for outdoor sports in Jolt
Foot Uiill Lawn Tennis Croquet
Hsise Msill Hows sind Arrows
Fencing fioods Dumb Hells 1 1 1
disui Clubs etc will be found
here iu sill the hitest styles
N A KAINIIOIjT Prnaidaut
ALKXANDKK IlKAH Vice Irosldeot
K W ZUTZ AMihtnntCntliier
National Bank
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Sella Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point in Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted
2H GKRir5r
Exclusive agent lor the Celebnited Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best In the market
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE ttl
W H JOHNBON Cahiiieb
V It BKAASCH AbHr Cahuibb
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Hu ami Ill pxcIibuko ou thin rouutry ami all inrU of Kurojm Farm Ioane
Directors Ahmuh W II Joiinhon Chan S Hkiduk U W Buaabcii C M
ibHb9 V r rCMki
Ibb9bBb51 f wIbVIbW
JmUrl tJbbBbi
Val LbbtbbbI
Wo bought onr Hard Coal before the ad
vance July 1st and it is tho Genuine Scran
ton coal the best in the market Now is the
time to place your order to secure the Lowest
Price When this coal arrives we would pre
fer to unload direct from the car into our cus
tomers bins to storing in our sheds If you
will get your bius ready uud leave your order
with us we will do the rest I will guarantee
our coal as good as tho best and as cheap as
tho cheapest
All coal screened before leaving our yards
Office 4th Sreet Telephone 35