The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 27, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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lrn t ItiniRnrrcint l llvrn u uilRiiirtit
Agnlitt llirt Tlintm Tillilllic for
tiio sum of uiiih
From KrMnjn Dullr
Tho case of Ira L ItiitiKorford against
ho Norfolk TlmoR Tribuno was decided
in County Judge Hates oourt at
hoii yesterday after having dragged
along for nbout throe months
Tho hlfltory of tho cnHo Is inoro or Ions
familiar to tho people of Norfolk Mr
Hungorford wiih discharged from thu
service of tho company April 111 and ho
nt that tlmo Rtartod a nuit for wagos duo
him and at tho same tlmo rotnlnod tho
books of tho company until tho mat tor
Hhould ho ROttlod
Tho trlnl yesterday concluded tho af
fair uiiltvft an appeal in tnkun which Ir
not likely
Hungorfords olalm wrw for U0ll
which ho rocltod wan duo him on wages
TIiIr was offsot by oomitor clalniH of
tho company tho total amount of
which was 128225 Thin inoludod
four Items tho first of which wiih fr71
which tho company claimed had boon
misappropriated by Hungorford Tho
soooud wnH ir0 charged against tho
plaintiir for malicious prosecution tho
third was 10S 25 for diuiiiiKOH Hustnluod
by roaHou of tho rotontlon of thu liooks
and tho fourth wan an nllogod olalm
against tho Sprnguo Rtook which had
conto into Mr IIungorfordH pobsokbIoh
tho amount of which was I7I
Tho trial was by jury and tho books
woro submitted and ovory detail gono
over thoro boing found but ono mistake
whoro tho accounts fulled to balance by
flvo cents Tho argument was quite
hoatod and It is said that tho attornoy
for tho dofouso unmercifully abused the
plaintiff both in examination on tho
stand and during tho argumont
After being out about ton minutes tho
jury returned a vordict for tho plniutiff
allowing him tho full amount of his
claim less flvo cents which was award
ed tho compauy on its ollsot claims by
reason of tho discrepancy in tho balnuco
boforo referred to
Tho company had previously scoured
judgement against Hungorford in Jus
tice Fullers court lor IDS but this had
been sot aside
Mr Hungerford is naturally much
pleased over tho result and is tspocially
glad to bo froo from tho charge of em
bezzlomont preferred against lilin Sluco
this ncouMitiou has been made ho has
been called all sorts of hard unmos and
has been compelled to stand it until
now that ho has been cleared by a jury
of his peers ho feels that ho nan look
his nquaiutnuccs iu tho oyo once more
mild rciterato that ho is innocent with
tho decision of tho jury to back his
Tho many counter charges exhibit tho
earnest desiro of tho compauy to uinko n
enso ngalust Hungorford as they were
evidently made with tho hopo that at
lease ono of them would stick and to
have thorn all turuod down and the
plaintiffs one straight proposition win
must bo dishoartoniug to the publishers
A DIMlcult Delivery
Ohas H Johusou took tho noon
train for Croighton Thursday and found
a fiuo Ohickoriug piano awaiting hiui at
tho depot thero
Shortly aftorwards ho discovered that
it had to bo delivered to his customor
through tho second story wiudow of ono
of tho brick buRinos blocks
At 4 oolock he had mon at work
building a fiO foot trostlo from tho mid
dlo of the street to tho wiudow and at 8
oclock tho piano had boon rollod up
delivered without blemish of taiy kind
and was belug toatod by several of
Oroightous best musicians
Tho sale was mado against strong
competition from agouts for tho Stoln
way Emersou Ivors Pond Knaboand
others who woro unable to sustain what
thoy reproseutod and scores another vic
tory for Norfolk outorpriso
Kutrnjr Notice
Taken up by tho uudorsigued at his
homo four miles wost and two milos
south of Norfolk ou Juno 30 ono year
ling stoor red iu color Tho owner is
requested to call provo property pay
charges and tako Bald stray away
Wm Deniuou
Norfolk Neb
44 A Fair Outside Is
a Poor Substitute
For Inward Worth
Good health inwardly of
the kidneys liver and bowels
is sure to come if Hoods
saparilla is promptly used
This secures a fair outside and a
consequent vigor iu the frame with the
glow of health on the cheek good
appetite perfect digestion pure blood
Catarrh I have had no return of tie
catarrh which troubled me fur years since
Hoods Saraaparllla cured me Mrs Jo
Maiitin Washington St OKdensburg N V
Dyspepsia - Complicated with liver
and kidney trouble I suffered for years
with dyspepsia with severe palu Hoods
Sursapurlllu made me strong and hearty
J U Emehton Main Street Auburn Me
UfaidA SwuabWiitfa
Jlood lllli cure Urer 111 tin nun Irrlutlog ud
nj cathartic to Uki wrltU Uooit SanajiIrllUL
If W Abts wan lioro yostorday from
J M Archer was down from liorco
A Signinn was in tho city yostorday
from Winner
H 0 Walters made a business trip to
MadiRou today
T E Hale was down from Hattlo
Creek yesterday
Olios lauch was lu tho city from
Croighton yesterday
Miss Edith Altsohulor left today for
Uolumhiin ou a visit
MIhs Hlrdlo Halo was iu town yostor
day from Hattlo Crook
Miss Anna Hiidormau was iu this me
tropolis yesterday fiotn Stanton
Miss Laura Dtirlnud has roturnod from
her visit to Plalnvlow and Osmond
F M Yoazol in iu town from Madison
grootiug his Humorous Norfolk friends
Mrs A Alllnsoii went to Madison
thiH morning to visit with Mrs 0 W
Miss Pearl lCethlego lias roturnod
from her visit to Miss Jessie Westorvolt
near Ttldou
W H Biggs an attoudaut nt tho hos
pital for IiiRKiio Ib very sick with typhoid
John Davenport camo over from Sioux
City last evening to visit friendH and
Julius IIulnNwill loavo tomorrow morn
lngou nn outing trip to Denver and Col
orado Springs
Sol O Mayer has romodolod tho ollloo
in tho Star by putting a high board
fouco around tho desk
Sponcor Ovolmnu hnvo mado somo
improvement lu tho Interior of thoir
bIioo storo Tho ollloo dosk will horoaf
tor occupy an alcove out into tho shoo
repairing department and other chaugos
havo boon mndo
Tho annual M E camp meotiug of
this district la to bo hold at Lyons Au
gust 10th to Oth It is believed thnt tho
suocoss whioh attended tho meetings
whou hold horo will oontinuo with it iu
its new location
A fierce county Roat relocation light is
on in Knox county A potltion for re
moval has boon filed whioh
od tho signatures of 1900 votors out of
a possible 3000 Tho opposition is out in
squads getting signatures to a protest
and what tho outcomo of tho fight will
bo is hard to dotormiuo at tho presout
Julius Loymau was lookod un nirain
last oveniug for bolng drunk and dis
orderly Ho was givou a lino with costs
of 810 and was told that tho next timo
ho appeared boforo tho oourt ou n simi
lar ohargo ho would bo given a fine that
would couuno him m tho county jall for
a poriod of about UO days
W H Clark hoad painter of this di
vision of tho F E M V with his
gang is workiug a groat and noodod Im
provement on tho railroad proporty In
South Norfolk The uonoral ollloes do-
pot railroad eating houso and othor
buildings nro boiuK treated to a fresh
and haudsomo coat of paint both inside
and out and whou finished tho improve
mout will bo vory markod
Madison Ohroniclo Tho latest thing
in tho social line is a wood sawing so
oiablo at which the young ladlos present
exhibit thoir skill in handling tho buck
saw thoso sawing tho most wood in a
given timo rocoiviugjtho prio The
young men pay an admission to soo tho
contest and the atteudanco is always
vory largo as thoro seems to do a desiro
on tho part of tho young Jgents when
ever tho experiment huB been triod to
learn tho ability of tho young ladles to
supply stove wood
Tho city has received a car load of
rubble stouo which will bo placed in tho
jail yard and afford an opportuuitv for
all gontloinou of leisure who may be
taken up by tho authorities to givo their
musclos some unacou6tomod exorcise
All hoboes will take duo warning and
givo Norfolk a wide berth if thoy do
not wish to assist in demolishing the
stone pile Recruits of this kind were
in demand this morning to assist in un
loading tho stouo
This fall tho term of Dr AHodgetts
who has been presiding eldorof the Nor
folk district M E ohuroh for Bix years
expires and already there is some talk
as to who will get the appointment
nouds of Hov Thomas 0 Webtter
now pastor of tho First M E church at
Grand Island are circulating petitions
and urging his appolutment to the posl
tlou Thero are undoubtedly other can
didates and it is probable that the con
test for the position will prove quite
A jolly party of young people were
out last eveuiug enjoying a hay rack
ride through the streets of the city
With their tin horns sleigh bells and
other noise making contrivances they
could be readily located at almost any
time duriug the drive In the course
of tho eveuiug the party drove up to
Hudur and back E J Duudick nlanned
and directed the party They intended
to attend the weekly dauco at the
asylum but learning of its postpone
ment ou account of the heat deoided to
enjoy the eveuiug anyway and suc
Mayor Simpson has also been consult
ing with Jus Marquardt regarding the
organization of a band to assist Madiflon
county in wolcomlug hor returning ho
roon and ho has promised to lend his aid
to tho work Ho also telephouod to Dr
Kiepor superintendent of tho hospital
for Insane who statod that two of Ida
musiolaiiB whoso sorvloos would bo ol
most indiflponnablo to tho band would
bo permitted to go and oxprossod tho
hopo that hluiBolf and Mm Kiopor
would bo nblti to particlpato Every
ono spokon with in heartily iu favor of
going to Madison and it is probable thnt
Norfolk will bo almost desortcd ou that
Two vags who claimed to bo front
Missouri and on thoir wny to South
Dakota to work iu tho harvost Hold woro
taken out of a car of morohnudiso nt tho
Junction Inst night by tho ofllcors ami
this morning woro started on thoir way
with Oflloor Kano ns escort for a part of
tho dlstnnco Thoy had not boon gouo
a half hour when It was loaruod that tho
enr of rubble stone wns waiting to bo un
loaded and Polico Judgo Hayos woo Blozod
with a pang of regret that ho was uunblo
to givo thorn a job iu harvesting tho
stone nnd hauling it to tho jail yard
Tho railroad compauy did not ohooso to
prosocuto tho follows or thoy might havo
been sont over tho road to tho pou
Miss Tony Lobuow is ou tho sick list
Ohas lauch returned to Croighton
tills noon
Jas Rowland was lu tho city today
from Battlo Crook
John Davouport roturuod to Sioux
City this morning
Mrs W W Craig was in town today
from lluttlo Crook
W E Bishop was in tho city hist
evening from Piorco
Frod Orubor roturnod to his homo in
Iloskiusthis morning
llov W H McKim enmo in this
morning from Hurtiugtou
Judge J B Barnes has roturued from
a professional viBit to Long Pino
Mr and Mrs L A Pohlmau woro in
tho city this morning from Piorco
A party of about n dozen young folks
will picuio at tho Yellow Banks to
Mr aud Mrs Goorgo Williaus aro ex
pootodhomo from thoir wedding trip this
0 W Braasch and sou Wm 11 came
homo last evening from a madness visit
to Omaha
Miss Miunto Zuelow wont to Madison
this morning to visit with her aunt Mrs
Carl Zuolow
Miss Elsa Asmus returned homo last
ovoniug from an eight months visit to
relatives aud friends in Texas
Mrs O Madsen will leave tomorrow
noon for St Louis Mo to visit her
daughter Mrs P F Collins
MrsH E Austin roturnod from Ains
worth where she went to attend the
funornl of hor mother yostorday noon
Julius Hull loft this morning on his
outing to Denver and Colorado Springs
Ho expects to bo absout about 10 days
Rev H Proedol of West Point will
preach in Ohrista Lutheran church to
morrow in the absouco of Rov J P
O J Carrig D H Carrig It W
Gentleman and Dr Deaver were a party
of four goutlomeu lu the city from
Platto Center yostorday
The mission festival of tho German
Luthoran ohuroh of Battlo Creek will
be hold tomorrow and it is the intention
of a number of Norfolk people to attend
Miss Lena Mills is homo for a few
days from Fremont whoro sho Ib at
tending the normal school There are
13 Norfolk girls attending that school
and they arehavlng a fine timo beside
receiving valuable instruction
ONeill Frontier Mrs 0 E Doughty
was up from Norfolk Suudny to visit her
huBband Sho roturned home Monday
Mrs T Shively of Norfolk who has
been visiting hor paronts Mr aud Mrs
H J Hershisor in this city the post two
weeks roturnod home yesterday morn
Fred W Loavitt who is well known
in Norfolk having lived here since
quite a small boy will bo ordaiuod into
tho Congregational ministry at West
Point on Tuesday Supt D O OCon
nor is delegate from tho First church of
this city aud Mrs M A MoMillau al
ternate Rev J J Parker will assist
iu tho ordiuatiou ceremony
A strike is threatened in the factory
of the Creamery Package company at
Fremont The hoopers have asked for
an advance from 00 cents to 100 per
hundred for tubs aud if the managers
do not comply thoy threaten to quit
work The factory Ib now rushed with
work and the hoopers have ohoseu a
time to strike when the mon are all
N Hills as agent for the owner is
having the Geo II Bishop building
whioh was receutly damaged by lire re
paired JohuIIermau has taken the
contract for 350 The woodwork will
be replaced tho builcing painted out
side and in and tho interior plastered
aud fixed up as good as uew A new
roof will also be put ou which will re
quire 0000 shingles
Wayne Herald Tho little sevenyear
old danghterof Gustave Kruee was bitten
by a rattle suako ou Monday She was
about ono nnd one half milos from the
houso at tho tlmo but ran homo as fast
as sho could Medlclnos woro nt onco
applied aud It ia thought sho will re
covor Tho log was awollon badly nnd
as sho sufforod considerably from fovor
hor paronts brought hor to Wnyno yos
torday morning and placed hor in tho
caro of Dr Williams
Tho Timos Tribuno should hnvo In
formed tho pooplo concerning its case
yesterday morning and not waited for
Tm Krws to mnko a nnmbor of dam
aging misstntomonts boforoit published
a legltimnto Horn of nowa This pnpor
has no dosiro to mnko misstatements aud
holds its rivala modesty ns partially
rosponslblo if thoy woro mado If tho
decision of tho court had boon dlfforout
It is probable that tho dofondaut would
havo boon vory prompt with its inform
A party of niuo young folks started
out about midnight last night ou a trip
to Croighton whoro thoy will visit nt tho
ranch of Ohas Inuoh aud will roturu
Tuesday ovoniug Thoy oxpoct to roach
Plniuviow aud camp during tho boat of
today and coutinuo thoir trip in tho cool
of tho ovoniug and tonight Thoso com
posing tho party woro Mlssos Ida Wag
ner Ella Emma and Fnuulo Moldon
hauer Emma and Elsa Schulz aud
Messrs Eruost and August Schulz and
William Wngnor
Ofllcors at Fromout hnvo captured a
crazy young man whoso mania is of a
strango form nnd ho might bo said to bo
humorously crazy Ho is of a sunny
disposition but rofusos to answer quos
tiouB intolligoutly When ho wns con
lined in tho jail things wont pretty slow
for him and ho began to entertain him
solf Ho turuod on faucets aud soon
hnd tho wator lying Ho broko win
dow lights and played tag with himsolf
around tho corridor n good sliaro of tho
night while tho officers wore on their
boats Whon ho was caught in tho act
of destruction he was not abashed but
was quito choory about it
Tho social given by the Y P S O E
of tho Congrogatioual church at tho
homo of A J Johnson on Koenigstein
avouuo last ovoumg was not largely nt
toudod but thoso who wero present re
port a very eujoyablo timo In the
weighing contest paoknges of various
sizes and shnpos aud composed of differ
out materials had beon prepared tho
contestants to guess the weight of each
Miss Nellio Seymour won tho prize offered
for tho best guoss her calculation being
that each ono weighed a pound which
was correct Paokages of nails aud other
heavy matter beside that of feathers and
other light weight stuff proved most
couf using and the guesses had quite a
Columbus Telegram John Wiggius
was indulging iu ono of his practical
jokes this week A pateut right man
was using Johns oflico showing what
an onormoua amount of heat could be
produced from coal oil when properly
handled When the mercury would
register about 9 degrees John would
call in some of his frienda who were
passing and have the agent explain
ovorything After his friend had mop
ped sweat for about fifteen minutes aud
inspected tho beauties of a red hot cook
stove ho would make a bolt for the door
and you couldnt drag him in there
again with a hog hook and the only
satisfaction thoy would havo would be
to wait for the next victim
Ira L Huugorfod through his agent
Constable H L Spaulding today took
possession of the Times Tribune plant
for the purpose of collecting Mr Hunger
fords judgment aud tho costs accrued
in tho case The company has ten days
in whioh to file an appeal bond the a
mount required belug in the noighbrhood
of 800 and Mr Evans president of the
company is endeavoring to seouro a sign
er to such an instrument When spoken
to about the matter Mr Hungorford ex
pressed the wish that ho might succeed
ns that would Bocure him for his jur jo
mont and the costs and ho would with
draw the execution Iu caso the bond is
not fllod within tou days tho plant will
be Bold It Is not the iutoutiou of thoso
in chrrgo to prevent a paper being issued
and the publishers will be premitted to
continue its publication oven though the
appeal Ib not filed in tho given time
Komi Notice to Laud Owner
To All Whom It May Concern
The commissioner appointed to veiw
and locate a road commencing at the
northeast corner of the southeast
quarter of the southeast quarter of sec
tion 30 In township 22 north range 1
west iu Madison couuty Nebraska and
the northwest corner of tho southwest
quarter of the Bouthwest quarter of sec
tion 31 in township 2i north range 1
east in Stanton county Nebraska run
nlng thence south on county line about
60 rods to the township Hue between
townships 21 and 22 thence west on
said township line iu said Madison
county one mile to connect with a pub
lic highway leading to the city of Madi
sou already establiBhod and recorded
has reported lu favor of tho establish
ment thereof and his report having
been oadorsed and concurred iu by a
like commissioner from Stanton county
nil objections theroto or claims for dam
ages must be filed iu the couuty clerks
otllco ou or before noon of tho 12th day
of September A D 1809 or said road
will bo established without referenco
E G Himlmas
County Clork
It means it is the purest made
Soaps strong with alkali will eat
And burn the clothes and leave them frayed
But Ivory Soap is clean and sweet
It washes out the stain and dirt
And leaves the fabric all unhurt
Wm Cheer wns up from Stautou yes
Dr A II Corbott of Mndisou was in
town yesterday
W H Leariug was iu the city todnv
from Plainview
J E Cooper of Oakdalo was a Sunday
visitor iu Norfolk
J F Heusella was in the city yester
day from Madison
J A Wright of Battle Creek wns iu
tho city yesterday
Wm McEver was iu tho city yester
day from Columbus
Dr J II Mackay left this morning
for a trip to tho east
C D Jenkins mado a business trip to
Madison this morning
F J Mnlohow was a Wisuer visitor
in Norfolk yesterday
J T Buroh was a city visitor from the
county seat yesterday
J E Halo of Battle Creek spent Sun
day in the Sugar City
County Treasurer Carl Wilde visited
Norfolk friends Saturday
Mrs J H Steon is registered at the
Evans Hot Springs S D
J E Cooper of Oakdalo paid a vieit
to this metropolis yesterday
J G Mines was in town yesterday
from Wayne greeting friends
Postmaster P F Sprecher boarded the
train this morning for Schuyler
Thomas Morris was a Sunday visitor
in tho city from Meadow Grove
Knox Tipple landlord of the Pacific
made a business trip to Omaha today
Fred Davis an attornoy from Madison
spont Sunday at the homo of Geo Wil
Miss Otelia Gardels went to Battle
Creek yesterday to spend the day with
her folks
Mr aud Mrs 0 F Slater from New
Jersey are visiting at the home of W
R Hoffman
Sheriff J M Kreador aud Wm
Ohesuut were iu tho oity yesterday
from Fremont
Misses Lydla and Mercy Walker and
A 0 MoLeod all of Sohuyler were lu
tho city Saturday
Mr and Mrs A G Witmer expect to
leave next Tuesday ou a trip via Niagara
Falls to his old homo in Pennsylvania
A Washington dispatch of the 22nd
states that James R Rouse of Norfolk
has been granted an increase of pension
from S to 10
A 9 pound boy arrived at the homo of
Dr and Mrs Frauk Saltar yesterday
morning with the evident intention of
making that his home
Mr and Mrs Fordlnand Pasowolk
have startod on a trip to Wisconsiu aud
Miunesota where thoy will visit the
homes of their children
Misses Miuuie aud Anua Maas aud
Lizzie Semmler camo iu from Bloomfield
Saturday and will visit with parents
and frieuds tor a month
The Boys nlno and a picked team
played a game of ball in Olueya pasture
yesterday afternoon The Boya defeated
the scrubs by a scoro of 40 to 0
Mr and Mrs Edens camo In from
Verdigree Saturday aud visited frieuds
over night They left for St Joe Mo
yesterday where thoy will visit
J O Osborno of Schoolcraft precinct
who desires tho nomination for sheriff
on the democratic tloket was in the city
Saturday interviewing party leaders
E B Henderson of Omaha aud John
Heudersou of Denver Col ure visiting
at the home of W R Hoffman The
former is court reporter for Jndge Scott
and tho latter is an urt Uudier in the
Denver schools Both aro enjoying a
vacation part of which will bo spont
Saturday wns a good day for Norfolk
merchants tho streets being full of
farmers nnd out of town people who
were attending to their weekly shop
Arthur Ahlmnu is tnkiug a vacation
this week He left this moruiug for
Sioux Oity where he will join some
friends and camp out in tho greenwood
a few days
City Engineer W H Lowo has re
turned from Croighton where he has
been making surveys for a canal which
will be used to furnish power for that
citys electric light plant
Miss Mablo Hook is expected here
soon to visit Norfolk friends She will
leave her home in Chadron tonight and
will visit at Fremont Omaha and Col
umbus before coming here
Rev G H Main and Rev John Jcffr
ries of South Norfolk exchanged pulpits
last evening the former preaching in
the Second Congregational church aud
the latter in the M E church
Yesterday was Mrs Carl Reiches
birthday and she observed It by giving a
party In the dauco hall two miles south
of tho city Quite a number of her Nor
folk friends attended It is said thero
will be a dance given in tho hall next
Saturday night
The nights for the past week have
been very beautiful out of doors The
brilliant moon gentle breezes and com
fortable temperature combiuiug to make
them almost perfect If it were nat for
tho mosquitos aud necessary sleep it
would be almost a sin to go to bed
F J Hoyder and family departed yes
terday for Minneapolis Minu Madison
Wis and other pointa where they will
visit Mr Hoyder expeots to return iu
about 10 days while his family will re
main for a mouth Fred T Benson re
lief agent who has lately been at Hot
Springs Is attending to Mr Hoydors
duties at tho uuion depot
While those who have crops of small
grain and hay to harvest do not probably
desire it particularly a large number of
poople in this neighborhood would siu
ceroly thank Jupiter Pluvius if he would
kindly distribute a few spoonsful of wa
ter on the dust This is not positively
demanded but left to the discretion of
that mythical Individual
Mrs 0 D Burgoyno of Hastings was
standing on the platform of the way
car of freight train No 24 while It was
switching at Tilden Saturday when a
jolt of the car threw her off the plat
form and she struck on her head killing
her instantly Her little daughter who
was with her was also thrown off her
feet but was caught by a bystauder be
fore sho fell
A report concerning the oreamery
business in Iowa which is ono of that
states best wealth producers saya that
it has 000 creameries or an average of
nearly 10 to each county The patrons
number 02000 who sell milk from
982814 cows The state shipped
71500000 pounds of butter in 1898 for
which it received 14000000 Surely
the lacteal fluid industry in Iowa is an
important item and it is becomlug so iu
The mission feast of the Germau Lu
theran church of Battle Creek held yes
terday was a very successful affair and
was attended by a large number of peo
ple from this place The exercises were
held iu Tomhagens grove one half mile
south of the town where all necessary
arrange meuts had beon made Rov Ul
bricht preachod in tho morning and
Rov E Deuningor in tho afternoon A
little rain iu the afternoon accompanied
by thunder aud lightuiug dispersed the