U i 1 m n Jl V ci k GI5S Has Never Entered a Foot Government Land of UK ASKS FOtC A HETKAUTION No Oriiuiul rir the SriiKHllitiuil Mml 1y Tim New VnrU Trllmiir Wlilrh Ml tlmt ntT l 10000 Arm 1nilrr tlio ltrmirilr Art FrnmBMuriliir Hllys Tho rujHirt Murtwl some thno no that Ita Siimtor Win V Allen of MimIIboii mw ninkliiK cxtonstvo entries of land -under tho now reservoir act pnKscrt by thu lutu confin m has 1hoii revived in tilt oiwt and 1r beliiK circulated uxtoiiRivoly The Kew York TribnnoH WiihliliiRton correspondent wan tlio latest to pick tho mntter up nnd other papers hnvo pub lished the dispatch in full Tlio report Mates that Mr Allen hiw entered nbout 10000 acres under tho net which wns championed by him uud Senator Pottl Krowof South Dakota Tho Tribune mitb Inst end of bnyhiR cattlo nnd koIukio fomo convenient spot for his riuioh nnd digging n reservoir for his own nud tlio public good Mr Allen has simply on tered tho land and will control it if some other enterprising cattlo raiser wishes to graze cnttlo thereon Nobody can grazo cnttlo on theso tracts without tho con Kut of tho one who ontorod them and jiot being nblo to grazo their cattlo tho reservoirs would bo useless to them oven if built In nu Interview Mr Hormauu of tho land commissioners ollleo says ho falls to see wlmt Mr Allen Is driving nt and states thnt reports of tho ontrioB had -reached hiB ollleo but that no papers had lxeu received nud would not bo until the ex seuntor niado linal proof Theso roports are in lluo with those in tho State Journal several weoks ngo JVt thnt time Mr Allen denied in a col umn artlolo tho allegations nud tho Journal retracted Us statements later developments having disclosed that it -was an Omaha roal estate agent by tho jinmo of Allen who had mado tho entries for othor parties In an interview with Tin Nuws in formaut Mr Allon stated that he never entered a foot of government laud In his life aud would make a present of f 1H to nuy person who could find his name in connection with nuy govern ment land deal Ho also stated that ho had never been in a governmont laud ollleo but ouco in his life and that visit was not mado for tho purposo of enter ing land All tho laud Mr Allon owns ho hns paid good hard earned dollars for This property is near Oakdalo aud wns owned by him and John S Robinson in Ho hns recently purchased his partners interest and wns compolled to borrow tho money to pay for it Tho following dispatches wero sent by Mr Allen todny in denial of his alleged connection with tho reservoir laud deals Madison Neb July 15 Hon Bin der Hermann Commissioner General Lacd Otlico Washington D O Your vjstatemeut that I have entered govern ment land under tho reservoir or any other act of congress 1b a falsehood and I demand that you retract it I never entered a foot of government laud in my life Wm V Allkn Madison Nob July 15 To The New York Tribune Your statemont that I have entered public lands under tho res ervoir act is a Mat falsehood I novcr entered a foot of goverment land in my life I ask you to retract the state ment Wm V Allkn Madison Neb July 15 To Associ ated Press Washington D O See and publish dispatch this day sent Bin der Hermann of the land oflfo Wm V Allkv The News goes into this article at come length believing that an injustioe of large moment not founded on u scrap of fact has been done Mr Allen Tho large dailies of tomorrow will probably contain a denial of tho Tribune report which will be no more than the just dues It is said by those who know the country where the laud is clnimod to liave been entered that even if the sen ator had made such a transaction tho entire body of laud to which ho would have acquired title would bo worth but -little more than a corner lot in a good hustling village so that at tho worst thu rumor would be but small grounds iox complaint The name of the party makiug tho deal and that of Kx Senator Allen nro tho only excuse for tho stnrting of tho report and might easily mislead n cor respondent who was uot cueful as to details Imposition Au Assured Mui pss The Greater America exposition in successful operation at Omahn is mak ing a good record in spite of the difficul ties it bos had to overcome Lute ad vices to this paper state that Omaha is entirely uuited in its support Every available foot of space for exhibits has been taken aud most of them are in stalled The Cuban and Hawaiian vil Jages are ready for inspoctiou The Filipinos will be here next week -Pains fireworks the Indian congress the War exhibit and scores of other spe cial features can be seen daily The night sceue on the lagoon surpasses in brilliant beauty anything ever 6eeu of its kind The Midway is good but the big 6how is in the inuin tenr fituxgeon is the piano man a COUNTY COMMISSIONERS rrnrrrilliiRN nf MrrtltiK Urrpntly llrlil lly llifi County IIiiiIk IIIIU Allotted Madipon Nobr July 0 I81II 1 p m Bonrd of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment A O John son 11 W Winter and John J Hughes present On motion tho minutes of lnht meet ing wore real nud approved oxcopt thnt tlio clerk was directed to add to tho ad journment clause tho words and to transact such othor busiuoM ns may come boforo tho board On motion tho claim of the Cauton Bridgo Co for one half tho cost of steel bridgo across tho Northfork of tho Elk horn river on Stanton county lino was allowed nt l0 Thomatterof tho coutity road peti tioned for by Henry Borchors and others commencing at thu northwost corner of section ii township 2l north rango II west of Oth P M running thonco cast -I miles to township lino road running north nud south botwoou Highland nud Battlo Creek townships wns taken up A romoustranco signed by Mrs Bridget Ollnro and others wns ou motion re jeoted Tlio aforesaid petition wns granted nnd allowed and tho county clork diroctod to plat aud record tho road ub provided by law Claims for damages aud services on filo wero audited as follows Bridget Ollnro for I ucros of land making now woll moving pump and wind mill nud moving 110 rods of fence nmount claimed lt was allowod aB follows For -1 ncres of land 100 Moving lOOrodsofwirofeuco ifTi Total 105 As to moving pump nnd wind mill tho board hold that it is unnecessary and that tho same could remain without inconvon ionco to olthor party houcouo allowance was made thorofor Henry Borchors claimed for 6 acreB of land 150 Was allowod 50 whioh was applied on personal tax aud Carl Wildo county treasurer allowed an or der for Baid tax to tho said amount of 50 Balscr Werner claimed for 2 acroa of laud 50 which was rejected on account of evidonco that tho road through his laud has been open nnd used by tho pub lic for a period excocdiug ten years Jacob Holy claimed for 1 aero of land 15 said claim was rejected on account of establishment by user Carl Poannor having filed no claim appeared in person aud stated that ho would donate tho road through his land aud upon demand of tho board oxoouted a written declaration to that effect Fred Neuwerk aud others beside those abovo mentioned owning lauds along said line of road had entered no claims for damages aud tho board boiug advised by Messrs Carl Poauner and S K War rick that tho said land ownors hnvo con sented to tho establishment without and free of chargo no further damages wore allowed W H Lowe special viewer 2 days and 25 miles 050 applied on personal tax Carl Wilde county treasurer account tax W H Lowe 350 A J Thatch surveying -1 days 1000 J S Curtis assisting surveyor 4 days and 18 miles 080 appraisers fee and mileage 1180 total 1160 Tim Kennedy appraisers fee and mileage 380 Icbb personal tax 170 balance 210 Carl Wilde county treasurer account tax Tim Kennedy 170 J A Wilson appraisers fee and mileage 880 applied on personal tax Carl Wilde county treasurer account tax J A Wilson 380 Philip Beck serving uotices on land owners 1 50 R D Scott publishing road notices 750 was included in January settle ment Ou motion board adjourned for supper aud met at 7 10 p m On motion J F Neidig was appointed road overseer of district No 24 Union precinct On motion claims were allowed as fol lows H W Winter freight on scrapers 1401 H W Winter cash paid for piling soo Gust Kuul janitor s salary for June 3000 W Whitla correcting assessors bookB aud assisting board of equalization 5000 L W Lyou operating county grader ii700 O W Cruni couuty superintendent salary for Juno etc 12085 State Journal compauy record book and supplies 1840 Perkins Bros Co supplies 11155 E G Heilmau couuty clerk salary as clerk of the board for quarter ending Juno SO 10000 J O Osboru one Hereford bull 15000 less personal tax 10 55 balance Ul 45 Carl Wilde couuty treasurer account tax J O Osboru 1808 1055 G W Box groceries for relief of sick paupers 900 applied on personal tax Curl Wilde county treasurer uccouut tax G W Box 000 M Schafer meat for puuner 2 00 T O Waruer 6 wolf scalps 10 00 S H Thatch assisting county sur veyor in surveying Redman and E E Low roads 000 r THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JULY 0 1891 11 K Becker mattresses nnd glass for jail 1010 Jno W Warrick lumber for bridges 11128 Wm Pnrktiisou sundries for court houso 955 Carl Asmns groceries for sick pnu pers 1200 Davo Persons grading 8150 John II Hulf stationary and print ing 1715 R Briiickmnu Son wnll paper nnd paint for jail 1500 less personal tnx 1185 hnlancof181 Cnrl Wildo county tronsuror account tax Briuckmau Sou 1185 Times Tribune printing county lusti tuto notice programs etc 800 Contract with and ofllcinl botid of M O Wngor superintendent of couuty poor farm was received and snid bond on motion approved Tho quarterly report of M O Wngor superintendent of tho couuty poor farm was received ordored placed on filo aud published with proceedings Uoport follows To Tho Honorable Board of Couuty Commissioners of Madison County No braska Gontlemen I horowlth run dor my report for quarter ending July 1 181 Wo hnvo now sovon Inmates towit Poto Shopard Anton Toyorl John Cada Jacob BanBiuun Th Pollock Mrs Boguo nud Miss Holou Fuuduui Tho laBt namod camo on July 1st aud boggod pormissiou to stay claiming thnt her folks had kicked hor out nud sho hud uo plnco to stay Although she had no order for admission wo allowed her to stay awaiting instructions from you Tho crops growing this year nro ns fol lows Corn 0 acres outs 20 acres potatoes i acres Tho grass is heavy aud will bo ready to cut in about n week As tho mead ows aro very wot and none of the in mates uro able to pitch hay I am some what porploxed as to how wo aro going to havo it put up It scorns necossary to proouro a stacker of somo kind aud would like to hoar from yon in the prem ises During tho last quarter wo havo sold butter to tho amount of 3015 eggs 000 total 4581 Sold milk to the creamery from Juno 12 to July 1 8100 pounds Sold hay sinco last report as follows H F Hoath 2 loads 500 B Werner 4 loads 1100 H Rickeu berg 0 tons 2700 A W Lintlcum 4 tons 1000 nnd i tons 1800 total 7100 CASH ACCOUNT Cash ou hand per last report 10 Collootion from John Ott 80 00 From sales of hay 71 00 Other collections 0 72 110 82 CASH DISllUKSKD John Ott 104 bu corn s 25c 20 00 Threshers bill 10 12 Hired man 15 00 Hired girl 20 00 Steel range and freight M 05 Advertising hay 2 85 110 82 Tho following claims wore incurred and are unpaid Allowed by board and subject to doliuquent persoual taxes Chas Ulrich meats 785 W B Fuerst balance on groceries 004 M L Thompson balance 120 White Drug compauy oils etc 805 L B Bakor seed oats 1001 L F Mens milk caus etc 1240 J Severa balance on merchandise 108 applied on personal tax F Ruzik meats and sausage 520 J S Braisher collar pads etc 80c Huusen Reavis blacksmithlug 10c applied on personal tax of D J Reavis H Miller Lumber company coal 1382 Wm Young horse collar etc 375 O A Hedmnu hardware etc 370 applied on personal tax P F Zimmerman Co water tank and repairs 1025 applied n personal tax Maas Hamau linseed oil etc 440 K L Osborn castrating 225 Amount due Ed Fields for farm work 34 00 Amount dne Anna Kelly for house work 10 35 John A Salzer seed potatoes and garden seeds plus freight 977 M O Wager quarterly salary 10000 Total claims 27837 Amount deducted for taxes 3018 Warrant to be issued for 2118 08 On motion clerk was instructed to druw orders in favor of Carl Wilde in payment of taxes as follows J Severa persoual tax for 1808 1088 D J Reavis ersoual tax for 1808 10 couts C A Hedmau personal tax for 1808 870 P F Zimmerman Co personal tax for 180S 1025 On motion board adjourned until to morrow at 8 a m Board met at 8 a m July 7 and on tered upon the work of examining the fee accounts and checking up the couuty treasurers books and vouchers Con tinued thereat uutil 12 oclock aud ad journed for dluuer Met again at 1 p m to coutinuo the work of chocking books aud vouchers uutil 0 p ni then adjourned for supper and met again at 7 30 p m The institute account of O W Crutn county superintendent was aud ited showing balance in said fuud 280 Tho feo book of E G Heilman couuty clerk was audited and found correct showing total amount of fees received from January 10 to July 7 1890 inclu sive 100060 Fee book of Wm Bates couuty judge wns audited and approved showing to tal amount of fees received during six mouths 47120 Feo book of Carl Wilde county treas urer was audited and approved show ing totnl amount of fees received during six mouths ending June 30 1690 to be 160745 Fee book of Geo W Losey county sheriff wns audited nnd approved On motion bonrd ndjoumed until 8 u in tomorrow Hoard met nt 8 a in July 8 1899 Continued the work of examining and checking up county treasurers books and vouchers until 10 10 a m and then ndjoumed until 1 oclock July 10 July 10 1899 board met nt 1 p m Bids for hauling nnd spreading gravel on public rond at Meadow Grovo wero opened nnd found ns follows H E Lowls hauling gravel sand and clay ns found in bank 35 cents per cubic yard and pure gravel 70c John F Flynn hauling gravel etc as found in bank 81c and pure gravel nt 13 couts per cubic yard Tho bonrd decided to havo tho mater ial hauled aud uBed ub found in tho bank nud tho bid of John Flynn being tho lowost the snmo wns ou motion ac cepted nnd tho county nttornoy re quested to draw up a contract and a boud in tho sum of 30000 tho snmo to bo oxoouted nnd delivered on or before July 21 1899 It wnB nlso verbnlly ngreed botwoon the board and John F Flynn that tho saidTohu F Flynn shall grade- and surfaco a part of tho road prior and preparatory to tho graveling thereof omployiug two teams with scrapors and three men nud that tho county shall pay therefor nt tho rate of 175 per day for 10 hours work Tho subjoining petition Bignod by Will McDonald nud 40 others wns rend aud considered by tho bonrd towlt To tho Honorablo Board of County Commissioners of Madison County Ne braska Wo your petitioners most re spectfully represent that wo are resi dents of seotionB 25 and 20 town 24 raugo 4 of Madison county Nebraska and that Bald sections 25 and 20 contain more than two hundred 200 residents nnd wo nak thnt you cause to be Incor porated as tho village of Meadow Grove Madison county Nebraska the said seotionB 25 and 20 town 24 range 4 Madison county Nebraska The metes and boundB of said incorporated village to bo as follows Commencing nt the northeast corner of section 25 running thence west two miles thence south one mile thouco east two miles thence north to tho place of beginning Your peti tioners also petition your honorable body to appoint a board of five trustees for said village to serve snid villngo ns such trustees until their successors havo been elected aud qualified This your petitioners will ever pray Tho foregoing petition was accom panied by tho following certificate Mkadow Gkove Nob July 8 1899 Wo tho uudorsigued hereby certify that tho population of sections twenty five 25 and twenty six 20 township twenty four 24 range four 4 W exceeds tho amount required by law to incorporate same being two hundred twenty-five- 225 or over j h coleqrove Will McDonald J L Dunn Subscribed aud sworn to before me this 3rd day of July 1899 SEAL W A WlTZIQMAN Notary Public My commission expires March 31 1905 There being no remonstrance or ob jections to the incorporation of said vil lage entered or filed and the board being of the opinion that a majority of tho taxable inhabitants of the territory des cribed in tho foregoing petition have signed the same and that inhabitants to the number of two hundred or more are actual residents ofthe territory em braced the said petition was on motion granted and the said village of Meadow Grove declared incorporated and the boundary lines fixed and established as set forthin the petition On motion the following named resi dents of the said village of Meadow Grovo having thc qualifications re quired by statute were appointed as trustees of said village I G Alyea E W Johnson Will McDouald J L Dunn and J I Beech Onmotion board adjourned for sup per Met at 7 S0 p ui and resumed the work of checking county treasurers oks aud vouohers aud at 1 1 p m ad journed until tomorrow at 8 a in Board met at 8 a m July 11 1899 Oonoluded the auditiug of county treas urers accounts and the following sum mary as shown by treasurers statement was found correct towit January 1 1899 bulanco 01215 47 Receipts and collections to July 1 97941 55 Interest from banks 014 UU Total 104771 98 Total disbursements 109921 70 Balance 54850 28 On motion tho following trausfers were ordered From 1897 to 1898 general fund 432 51 From 1897 to 189S bridge fuud 51 052 From 1897 to 1898 county road fuud 808 From judgmeut to 1898 county geuer al fund 100 99 From poll fuud to 1898 couuty geueral fund 200 00 On motion claims wero allowed as fol lows Oscar Uhle groceries aud provisions for sick paupers 4 15 M D Tyler salary for quarter ending June 80 1899 20000 Burr Tuft grading rood 4025 Smith Premier Typewriter company exchange of typewriters 3250 Dr A L Macomber medical attend ance nud ineuicitHfi to Mrs Ilest 2115 Gross Marsh work ou rouuty Hag pole 300 J B Donovan printing and station ery 800 allowed at 000 C S Evans notice to warrnnt own ers 200 Chris Schavland clerk district court fees in enso of J K Martin vs Mndison county 208 D Q Nicholson Bhoes for insane prisoner 1 75 O E Gossard medical attendance on O O Borry prisoner 500 W O Elley livery for commissioners 800 A O Johnson freight on road plows aud scrapors 1440 On motion board ndjoumed to meet August 10 1899 at 1 p m 13 G Heilman County Clerk REUNION CLOSED Cinnji Funton nt lliiluvlew Now Defterteil lreHencetif GinnlilerH imil SliHrku hii liiileanrtiit IVnturc The Norfolk people who have returned from tho district G A R reunion nt Plalnviow report a most excellent time but wero glad to get home as no matter how good a time n person may have he is oouuu to get urea ana mere is uo place like homo to rebt after several days of pleasure There wero immense crowdB at the ro uuiou and every one seemed to enjoy themselves Tho speeches drew out big crowdB Ex Senator Allen wound up the speaking part of the program last night holding tho attention of the people until 11 oclock The reunion yesterday called out the largest crowd of people ever witnessed in Plniuview one estimate placing the number in atteudanco at 20000 The principal speaker of the day wns Mrs Mary R Morgan department treasurer who gave a very fine address A game of baso ball between the Plain view team and a nine from Pierce re sulted iu a score of 8 to 10 in favor of Pierce The reunion will be held at Pierce next year that village having sent iu a very kindly iuvitation to the old soldiers to visit them The citizeus have pledged 500 and the Pierce G A R post 100 toward meeting the expenses There was one feature of this years reunion which will bo gnnrded against iu tho future and that was the presence of gamblers sharks and grafters of all kinds One old fellow who attended was relieved of 40 by a wheel game and was compelled to borrow money with which to get home A large number of these gentry passed through Norfolk today on their way to Humphrey A pair of hoochy koochy dancers were fired from the reuuion grounds and passed through tho city yesterday also bound for Humphrey The old soldiers and people of Plain view were very free in their remarks of condemnation for this feature of the re union but for some reason were not able to prevent it Commander Matrau and other officials were firm in their demand that at least the worst of the vice and licentiousness be stopped and they promise that a pro nounced change in this regard will be made next year The trouble seems to have been brought about by the efforts of the com mittee to dispose of privileges and thus pay a part of the expenses The com mittee was not as particular as it should have been to whom these privileges were sold and this influx of gamesters aud other people of questionable charac ter waa the result The campers have about all left the reunion and Camp Fuuston ia nearly deserted - a wa a iUfTZZl Hcllof InSIx Hours Distressing kidney nnd bladder disease relieved In six hours by New Great South A mei lean Kidney Cure It Is a great surprise on account of its exceed I in promptness n pain in bladder kldreys ana bacit In male or female Relieve rstention of water almost Immediately If you want quick relief and cure this Is the remedy Sold by Kuenlgsteln Phar macy Norfolk Neb Nervous prostration is a term com monly used to indicate a weakened nud debilitated state of tho nervous system and n vitiated condition of tho blood Its Bymptoms nre uuusuil norvousuess rcut irritability nud iucapaclty for physical or mental labor nnd itis caused by errors in diet or hygieue Dr J H McLeans Strengthening Cordial aud Blood Purifier is recognized everywhere even by tho medical profession as a sup erior remedy to counteract weakness of this character Price 50c and 1 a bot tle at Koenigstelus Pharmacy A Grent Home Sale Sixhuudred head of raugo horses weighing fromJlOOO to 1400 pounds a largo proportion of which nre hnlter broken to be sold in car load lots at Cody Neb on Wednesday July 21 1899 ConniN Morse Cobs for Bale at the mill Hidden Beauty In Egypt the custom is for Princesses to hide their beauty by covering the lower part of the face with a veil In America the beauty of many of our women is hidden because of the B weakness and sickness pecu liar to the sex If the Egypt ian custom pre vailed in this country many sufferers would be glad to cover tneir prematu r e wrinkles their sunkencheeks their unnealthy complexion from the eyes of th world with the veil of the Orient Bradfislds Female Regulator brings out a womans true beauty It makes her strong and well in those organs upon which her whole general health depends It corrects all men strual disorders It stops the drains of Leucorrhcea It restores the womb to its proper place It removes the causes of headache backache and nervousness It takes the poor de bilitated weak haggard fading woman and puts her on her feet again making her face beautiful by making her body well Druggists sell It for 1 a bottle Send for our free illustrated book for women The Bradfleld Regulator Co Atlanta Ga PATENTS U S AND FOREION PROCURED EUGENE W JOHNSON Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes 1730 New York Ave WASHINGTON D C Hlceestablinlied 1S69 Charges moderate rospoudenco requested TURTLE GIL Cor An Antisep tic Anodyne tiinnroca t i n ii It should be kept iu overy home for accidents bucIi as Hums Jute Poibon Wounds Blood loibon Sore Throat Best thing known for Barb Wire Juts Try it once aud you will never be without it Sold Til QTi t fill by dealers and druggists lUlllLC UIL RUNNING SORE ON HIS ANKLE After Six Years of Intense Suffering Promptly Cured By S S S Obstinate sores nnd ulcers which refuso to heal under ordinary treat ment soon become chronic and deep seated and aro a sure sitm that tho entire circulation is in a depraved condition They are a severe drain unon tho system and aro stantly sapping away tho vitality In every case tho poison must bo eliminated tr in tho blood and no amount of external treatment can have any oifoct There is no uncertainty nbout the merits of S S S every claim mmio ior n is uacKcu up strongly uy convincing testimony of those who havo boon cured by it and know of- its virtues by experience Mr L J Clark of Orange Courthouse Vn writes For six years I had mi obstinate runuinn ulcer on my nnklo which at timet caused me intense sutiering I waa bo disabled for a long while that I waa wholly unlit for business One of the bet doctors treated me constantly but did me no good I then tried various blood remedies without the least benefit S S S was so highly recom mended that I concluded to try it and the eiroct waa wouderful It seemed to get right at tho seat of the disease and forco the poison out and I was soon com pletely cured Swifts Specific S S S FOR THE BLOOD drives out overy traco of impurity iu tho blood and in this wa cures permanently the most obstinate deep seated sore or ulcer K is ino oniy uioou remedy guaranteed purely vegetable and con tains not a particle of potash mercury or other mineral S S S cures Contagious Blood Poison Scrofula Cancer Catarrh Eczema Rheumatism Sores Ulcers Boils or any other blood trouble Insist upon S S S nothing can take its place Valuable books mailed free by S wilt Specific Company Atlanta Ga c X