f i 1 A i Puff K a 4 Fl auly of feature and beauty of foot arc both equally to be desired The latter can always be as sured by wearing fA yS Jvit JPSSm mi vimrrpwiwtj GreeiisWlieeler Shoes Rvcf HtBSuM ntsu The GrccnWhcclcr Shoes are fatuous for elegance of fit ease and durability No ladys wardrobe is iplcte without them Tlioimam of Amer icati women dl their prnleof the IiIrIi qnnllty of these shoes Wc confine the sale to one dealer lEMl 5tfffir TRADE SiHK Sola Exclusively by DAVENPORT BROS Norfolk Shoemen NORFOLK LODGE NO 97 A 0 U W Mpote In Odd Follows 11 nil on the first and third Fridays of each month Visiting broth ers cordially invited to attend all onr meeting W K Hoffman Financier L C HnrKclt Be eorder C G Dolan Mastor Workman FOR SALE CHEAP A FINE SECOND HAND Mason Hamlin Organ Taken in exchange on a Chickering Pi ano for sale cheap Johnsons 9 fj l Furniture Store SIMPSONS CORNER Offioe Hardys Coal Office Four good houses to rent Home worth 1000 for 000 Two good rooms upstairs one large sale room down stairs for rent Money to loan on real estate Come and see me when yon want in surance J B SIMPSON For first class mer chant tailoring see My Tailor where you will have suits well made and trimmed which is the main part of mer chant tailoring when they are made to order Call on My Tailor and have prices quoted Ttoo Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 00 Minimum temperature 02 Average 76 Precipitation 43 Total precipitation for month 44 Barometer Foreoast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Friday except showers and thunder storms east portion CoolJ er southeast portion tonight THURSDAY TOPICS The regular meeting of the city conn oil will be held this evening The 0-year-old son of Rev Trieber of Fremont had an oye blown out by the explosion of a toy cannon at Arlington oa the Fourth The lightning which accompanied last nights storm was very intense but as yet no local reports of destruction have been received The rainfall was nearly a half inch as measured by the govern ment instruments nuotlier year the drnr children will re quire breech loading mngnzino repeat ing shot guns niul rllles with gotmino cartridges or Rattling guns on wheelH in order to appropriately celobrnto Tho business at tlio telephone central ollleo has becoino 60 great that an assist ant operator is much needed Mtmngor Sprecher will go to Omaha soon to ascer tain at headquarters what can bo dono toward securing tho needed iucreaso of holp Pasowalk park will bo open Saturday evening and tho lewo Esther Harnett has arranged for a balloon ascension as one of tho attractions It is a pleasant placo to while away a few hours and all citizens are given a cordial invitation to onjoy its pleasures Tho peoplo of tho city aro qulto gener ally complying with tho edict of tho city council concerning tho trimming of trees and cutting of weeds Where tho order has been carried out tho streots and yards aro much ituprovod in nppearnnco and convenience Perry Black nit boy who lived about eight miles north of North lloutl was killed last Fridny Ho was riding a bicyclo down a stoop hill when it struck an obstruction and tho boy was thrown on Ajblood vessel was ruptured nud death ensued in a fow hours A number of peoplo aro objecting to having tho Fourth extonded a week or two especially whou its observance necessitates tho firing of guns or cannon crackerf at all hours of tho night when tired mortals aro supposed to bo enfolded in the embrace of Morpheus and enjoy ing a needed rest after a proper observ ance of the Natal day Rev L B Carpenter pastor of tho M E church at Essex Iowa is in tho city today He came to take Burt Nicholls an inmate of the hospital for insane to his home in Shennudoah Iowa The officials have pormitted tho young mans removal although he is not yet recovered and it is feared ho never will The expectation is that he will bo returned to the institution after visiting a while with his parents Tho story of tho boy who can while in a hypnotic stae see through people examine their bones and locate diseases has about cupped the climax and all the anxious public now has to wait for is the person who can see tho conscience of an ice man tho heart of the average mule driver or tho soul of a flirt and while ho is in search of the invisible he might be able to detect cash in tho printers pock et When this can bo dono there is no need to try further The gasoline stovo at tho homo of W G Baker was tho cause of some excite ment yesterday afternoon While Mrs Baker was filling it the gasoline took fire and for a short time it looked dan gerous for the house This was saved by the quick work of Carroll Powers who saw the trouble when passing and running in carried the stovo with the blazing oil out of doors Mrs Bakers hands were qulto severely turned by the flames but otherwise no great damage resulted Norfolk will not be able to get the G A R district reunion next year without making a bid for it and the meeting at G A R hall tonight will perhaps definitely answer the question as to its location so far as Norfolk is con cerned Other towns realize its im portance to business interests and will not leave the old soldiers go begging for a place to meet To secure the reunion will cost the outlay of some time and money but the benefits arising therefrom are worth many times the cost Reports recently issued by the war department show that the Fighting Fir6t Nebraska is deserving of the name its record leading that of all oth er regiments that have taken part in the war of the Philipines It has par ticipated in 20 pitched battles and lost 20 men killed and 160 wounded Of 1200 men who went to Manila upwards of a year ago the number departing on the steamer Hancock on Saturday was 42 officers and 812 enlisted men One deserter and 30 discharged were left behind An exchange is urging women who go to church to adopt the commendable ac tion of removing their hats as they would at a theater or other eutertuiu ment The suggestion is a sensible one as people in the churoh are often as in terested in seeing what is going on in front as though they are at an enter tainment It seeuufodd anyway that a woman who will run all around the neighborhood bareheaded should want to wear a hat in a publio hall church or other edifice where there is a pub lio gathering The erection of the new sugar factory and raising of beets at Ames are making things lively in that portion of Dodge county The steel frame work of the factory is up and the other work is being pushed by as large a force of men as can conveniently bo worked The building will be 100 feet high and 200 feet long when completed In the beet fields a force of about 000 men and children are at work some of the rows being two miles long The beets are worked in gangs and eaph person has to do tho same amount of work as the workers must maintain a straight row with no I lagging behind allowed nor is it healthy The Fremont Herald thinks that by l to try and work ahead of the row as the ouo who is ambitions is llnblo to be sottled with after working hours by his co laborers Tho Festival of Flowers will bo re peated at Marquardts opera houso this ovoning run a good rrowd will undoubt edly attend Mrs Day has been drill ing thoso who take part both in old and now features and with tho experience of previous entertainments it is safe to sy that they aro now pretty nearly per fect Tho appearance of Miss Nellie Gorooko who tilled a prominent placo in Chicago musical circles during her stay in that city and who will roiulor somo of hor choice vocal selections to night will no doubt servo to augment tho attendance- considerably Norfolk peoplo entertain a lively recollection of hor ability to plenso the musical ear and will scarcely miss tho opportunity of giving her a royal reception homo nor fail to improve tho chance of hearing hor volco after receiving a season of critical training Street fairs aro becoming very popular in many portions of tho United States and it is something which almost any town or city can have at its command Tho Kansas City Journal says of tho idea Street fairs hnvo been vory pop ular in many European cities and thoy have been greatly oujoyed by tho in habitants and visitors Tho construc tion and decorations of booths aro ca pable of vory picturesquo elaboration and there Is scarcely a limit to tho vari ety of ontorestiug displays and pleasant entortaiument that can bo tillered tho public by this menus At first glance tho street fair seems to bo about tho best idea that has yet been offored by tho in vontlve geniuses who make Kansas City attractive to tens of thousands of visit ors every October Tho bcheino Is one that is bouud to grow from the sugges tions of the people for everybody will bo interested in it Diamond GlisBtnaus O breakiust bacon at Found A Knights of Pythias watch charm Call on B W Jonas If you want to sell or trade your property list it with G R SniLKK Co Spanish dance highland lling and Maypole dance at Marquardts opera house Thursday evening Doch Norfolk Want It The citizens of Norfolk aro invited to meet with Mathowsou post at G A R hall on Thursday evening of this week and givo an expression as to whother or not thoy desire the district Grand Army reunion held in this city next year it is necessary that an under standing should be reached before tho delegates go to Plainview next week H W Roherts Post Commander W H Widaman Adjutant Dont miss seeing the archers at the Festival of Flowers Thursday evening Tonight Tonight Among tho features of tho entertain ment at Marquardts opera house this evening are the following Miss Nellio Gercckein vocal selections Baby Phyllis in artistic poses A few new comic novelties yet a se cret You will again have the last chance to see the dashing Spanish dance The pretty dart and quiver features Kinder Sympony band in Bhort selec tions Miss 9race Spear in the Highland fling The beautiful Maypole dance The Turkee Turks Jack oLantern The little waiters Pretty music and dancing Doors open at 730 Opening over ture at 815 General admission 86c reserved seats 50c children 25c Seats on sale at Leonards drug store If you want to buy or trade come and see us G R Seiler Co Office in Mast block Farm and city loans The Durland Trust Go Houses for sale WWJMV T E Odiornb Hear the Kinder Synlphonio band at Marquardts opera house Thursday oveniug Captain William Astor Chanler cong ressman from New York is the presi dent of Tho New York Star which is giving away a forty dollar bicycle dally as offered by their advertisement in an other column Hon Amos J Cum mlngs M O Col Asa Bird Gardner distriot attorney of New York j ex-Governor Hogg of Texas and Col Fred Feigle of New York are among the well known names in their board of directors Give the Children Drink called Groin O It is a delicious appe tizing nourishing food drink to toko the place of coffee Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it be- i cause when properly prepared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free from all its injurious properties Groin 0 aids digestion and strengthens the nerves It is not a stimulant but a health builder and children as well as adults can drink it with great benefit Costs about one fourth as much as coffee 15 and 25 ceuts Every well man hath his ill day When a bit off or when seriously ill you should take Hoods Saraparilla and get well THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY IUIY 5 189 PENSONAL U Uiley of Hardy was a visitor in the city yesterday O 15 Hays was In the city yestetday from Wlnside Jos Gratters was In town from Stan ton yesterday Judgo J H Barnes made a profession al visit to WiuiMi today C II MeOormiuk now has a chair in W O Halls barber shop O M Thompson was in tho city yes terday from Hnttlo Creek O L Harnes of Geneva was a visitor to this lnctiopolls y oid onlay Mr and Mrs H 1 Scott were in tho city from Battle Creek yesterday H T Sonneuhcheln and wife of Stan ton paid one of their vlsitB to tho Sugar City yesterday Freddie Asinus returned last evening from West Point whuru ho had been visiting relatives City Engineer W H Lowe went to Creighton on tho noon train to look af ter it surveying job Mrs Otto uelow returned last even ing from a fow days visit with relatives and friends at Madison II W Winter went to Madison today to attend a meeting of tho board of county commissioners Miss Maudo Lyndell of Jellorson Iowa is expected to arrive tonight to visit at tho homo of 1 15 Wallerstadt Ed Stevens returns this afternoon to Missouri Valley Iowa whoro lie is em ployed in tho F 15 M V railroad shops Miss Jeanotto Nehon left on tho uoou train for her homo in Oakland and will visit with her parents during tho Bummer vacation Commissioner J J Hughes passed through tho city today on hiB way from Battle Creek to tho county seat where tho county board moots today Otto Hollerman returned on tho noon train from Marshlield Wis where ho has beon teaching in tho schools Ho will spend his summer vacation at homo Deputy Revenue Collector Carl T Seeley of Madison made his first visit since his marringo to tho city yestorday to see that tho peoplo hadnt taken ad vantage of his ubseuco to evade any of tho provisions of tho rovonuo laws A full lino of Oneida Community aud Curtice Bros canned goods at Boxs Fifty thousatid dollars eastern money to loan on good farms G R Skilkii Co Buy all your groceries of Box and got the best Wanted A dining room girl nt Eberharts restaurant IliilH Tor KuiiovtitliiK WiiIIh or School ItiiihlliiKit mill liiHlile Sealed bids will bo received by tho board of education until 8 p in July J for renovating walls and ceiling of tho different school buildings where needed by cleaning papering and painting separato proposals being desired for each method of treating tho walls also for oiling the inside woodwork of the High school building For particulars see Mr H G Brueggeman chairman of the building committee Right is re served to reject any and all bids H C Matrau Secretary Fine prunes at 5 cents per pound at Lewis cash market Sniders catsups at Boxs DrFrank Salter Diseases of children Box can suit you on coffee Wanted A good girl at once Good wages Mrs Jacoh Baum Shirt Wulit Sale 50 dozen ladies shirt waists to be sold at 75 cents would be very cheap at 100 25 dozen pique waists to be sold at one fourth off former price Summer dress skirts in linen denim and duck Prices from 100 up Summer corsets J9 5C 75 cents 100 and up Mrs J Benbon So 10th street Omaha Neb Tis worth a bag of gold Thi applies with special force to Hoods Sar saparilla Americas Greatest Medicine Fresh pickerel at Glissmans Baby Phills will delight tho audience with now and artistic poses at Mar juardts opera house next Thursday evening Nice upright piano to rent O S Hayes Apply to The Union Paclflo will sell until July 11th excursion tickets to Denver at 1805 to Colorado Springs or Pueblo at 2000 Glenwood Springs 3003 Ogden or Salt Lake 3200 for round trip Return good to Oct 20th F W Juneman Agent Phone 85 for plumbingNFMfgCo Admission to the Festival of Flowers next Thursday eveuing will be 25 85 and 50 conts Reserved seats on sale at Leonards drug store A full line of Heinz celebrated pickles and preserves at Boxs Sturgeon is the piano man Telephone No 112 will ring up Dr F Verges residence and offic 6 Our Nation in War THE CHEAT CYCLOnAMIC PORTFOLIO OF FAMOUS UATTLE3 OF THb UEPUULIC PICTURING In lmnoranile nuignllleeiieo and leallstle elaboration tho I08 nit1 3tiKKlH Fiercest Charges Terrific HomhmdmcntH His orio Sieges Desperate Naval Engagements and Examples of Astoiindiiiir Heroism that have punctured with epoch and decisive action the history of J our country from 1776 to 1MIH THERE WILL BE TWELVE PORTFOLIOS I inn giving them away to my customers For fuithor Information call on GEO B CHRISTOPH Norfolk Nebraska DRUGGIST When a Man is Down Nothing good is said of hiin When Prices are Down A merchant finds plenty of praise everybody saying nice things on account of our present low prices We are selling all All Summer Goods at Cost Must close them out in the next three weeks NOTHING RESERVED A visit will prove that wo are stating facts Well help you to Save money THE DRY GOODS PLACE 7ii R A HUSTON Robertson Blk Norfolk Neb Norfolk N A HAINHOIYT Inwiilant AM5XANDKU IIKAH Vlco 1ronliliut W III1UCIIOI Cimlilnr K WZU1Z AhuiKtiuiUJimlilor National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sella Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point in Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted DIRBOTOBB HEAH F P HANLON K J HALE W H BUUHOJVZ WM ZDTZ NA HAINBOLT JOHN K HAYS F VKBOES B HCOTTON S FUESLER Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season Fresh Bread Pies Cakes etc Constantly on hand O A LU1KABT Pbxhidekt JUAB 8 JIHIDiJK Vice Pbbsident W II JOHNSON CAsniEB W K BBAABUII AsaT Casbibb The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Bay and tell exchange on tliix country ami all parte of Kurojo Farm Loan Director Abmch W II Joiinhov Ciiah S Hmdoe O W UAAhCIl BWANK J A LUIKABT T F MKMMINOKB L SESSIONS O M FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary C W BRAA8CH DEALER IN f00 AIl Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Snrinir Coal the best In the marlrnt Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes Money to Loan ON Real Estate lEIkhoru 6 fi S Association aBaxsxs3SBiaar TELEPHONE 01 I WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH IK 0 Halls Barber Shop JIA1N ST THIRD DOOM KABT Of FOUBTH