The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, July 06, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk fleuus
W N HUSK Publlohor
Mk loenti
Kstablliitied t7
eirt Hnnilny 11
I r man per lour n
Kutaullshed tSfll
artry Thnmday llynmll lr
Knteml at thn rotolIlc at Norfolk Neb as
teeoml elate matter
TVlophmin No 5i
Why Not Iut Society In Uniform
Doinncrncy fa Mich n leveling process
thnt wo should not bo surprised to mo
iho individualism of commonplnco peo
plo resorting to nil sortB of devices to
attract attention to themselves Ono
of tlio easiest ways to escape being
ignored and tfwnllowcd tip in tlm crowd
in to ndopt n nniforin That was tho
governing linptiU of tho delightful
but plntitudinoiiH girls who called
thcinHolvciH Rniny Daisies Thoy could
not ndd an inch to thuir stature bnt
thoy could tnko four inchra off their
eklrta Ilnndrodu of othnr eatlmablo
but nnhonrd of women cling to big hats
nnil eelskin drowon with uo other pur
pose than to cacapo being utterly ig
nored But thoru la another and a but
ter 8ldo to tho uniform question It
serves to identify tho wearer with an
obligation a duty or a mission and
in inviting nttontlon challenges sent
tiny That 1h its meaning in a railroad
conductor or u national gnnrduinan It
is not Btrango that dress nbould Htlffen
np oiiob moral character n little when
it invites iiiRpoctiou and advertises
ones intentiona Man in his social
capacity having found out how much
drew has to do with character la very
likely sooner or later to got every dis
tinct clans into nniforin It 1b now pro
posed in ono of our largest cities to put
Tegalin on tho newsboys with tho no
tion that it carried boido kind of an ob
ligation and thnt tho newsboy will bo
faavo himself better if his clothes are
peculiar to him If this is true why
should not tho valuable moral lesson
bo carried out in other directions Why
not put congressmen in uniform It
eema to havo worked very well at the
atato prisons Might there not bo some
Roman dignity onforcod upon our sen
ate if it hnd to sit in togas Ono can
eo nt a glnnco what n bandit tho com
munity would dorlvo if book agents
wero compelled to adopt n livery and
insnranco agents mndo to wear an un
inistaknblo uniform It is true the in
dividuals thomsolves might not bo
benefited but thoir privato advantages
would of conrso givo way to tho good
of eocioty To bo ablo to nrrivo in
stantaneously at a mans mission by tho
cat of his coat would certainly result
In a grent saving of time and probably
ol money and it would do away with
the confusion at swell dinners when
ono cannot tell the head waiter from
tho chief justice Tho distinctions need
not bo absurd and punitive Stock
brokers and bucket shop men need not
bo compolled to wear bearskin shakos
nd political bosses mantles of wolfskin
bnt somo nnobtrusivo symbol say n
large diamond ring on each finger or
a pair of brass knuckles would perhaps
be sufficient for all practical purposes
Whenever eocioty insists that a mans
intentions shall declare themselves in
els dross it will bo unnecessary for us
to go about trying to find out what
those intentions ara We shall know
onx man by the cut of his jib
The autobiography and letters of
Hra M O W Olipbant a volume
which has just been printed places be
fore the world a woman whoBe esti
mable character and anperb womanly
qualities cannot be sufficiently praised
Bhe was a rare example of the true
feminine quality that charms the
world She lived a long and useful life
-without ever losing the ineffable gift
st true womanliness All those quali
ties which the world has idealised in
woman came oat softly and beautifully
in her Ufa That which she had writ--tea
and she wrote a great deal stands
today unimpeachable for its charity
ifa sweetness its simplicity and its
Jove of mankind A book which lets
cs into the eocrets of ouch a woman is
of priceless value at a timo when bo
many rash and restless women are try
ling to attract attention to themselves
ly the hysteria of literature Mrs
bllphant will not rank with Georgo
Sliai or Mrs Drowning in intellectual
jptttspbut she stands on the Bamo plane
2f lovsllness with the poets wife and
rnai sua uaa wrmou uua pruoauiy una
sore influence with the world even
ban George Eliots masterpieces
CftUfornUiis preparing a surprise for
jjlll Paris exposition She
coIbb to ehow the wino growers of
unnlEnVQcewhit can be done on the
junnier filbpeVof the Pacific So great
as been tbewdeinand for space and so
mpletely him uilif oroia overrun the
pace allotted to hertbot she now pro
poses to build an eJua Jipuse on the
VariB grounds for tta display of her
laihaViiinninotiing has the
Baitcayebiie7Bu byjda as in
1 he inroduetioniof wineMItPii only a
exeHSiiJJihWiAawoin wines
verea bywdrdandfta3fflijg1in Italy
tnd Spain and Franca Now JL re-
fcnirea ttH ttie dTpioniHflr ana jtrggiery
4f the govunfevifitb keep them o
nd the connoisaerirB have given ov
aafiihgc wry faces at an Amerlc
iajfcirr rsr
rriwirlilMi liiiiniil Aniilril mill INin 0
Will IliiM rtitl
Phi tohia duly 1 Tim special con
ferenco between President Krugor tho
nieinberH of thnoablnet Klwlier u mem
ber of the exoeutlvo council of tho
Orange l Veo Stuto who was tho ljoaror
of couipinmiM suggestions from tho
l Veo Statu in tho matter of tho dispute
between tho Transvaal and Great Ilrit
aln and Hofineler tho Afrikander
leader has been pmcticnlly concluded
It Ih iHHoved that tho franchlso pro
posals havo boon accepted and may Ikj
laid lxforo tho volksraad today and that
ihwii will bo preserved
Irliutn lrirty lit fu Will Ho TopliMil
a Hpwlitl ConrrrtiHH
Washington July fl Tho news from
Tho Hague announcing tho ununiimniF
votu of tlio jxioo conference In favor ol
holding a hpeciul oonftinuitw lurrwifNT
to discuss tho fmdrim from wizuiv ol
privato nroiierty at wsi in time of war is
a Kiuroo ol great sutiKntotioii to tlio iwl
ministration Tho Ainixiunn dolcrutoa
had inoro intcroMt in this question than
anv othur nerhniw before tho confer
Cimilltiiiii or ciik
Ohioaoo July I Tho Ooru Belt
prints statistics of crop conditions in
NobnuOm Iowa northern Kanww
northern Missouri and northeastern Col
orado All crops aro rcjMirtcd to bo in
tho ixwt iKiNsiblo condition with tho ex
ception of winter wheat which a small
majority of tho 000 corrospondentH
lort to lw in a poor condition bomo re
port tho wheat as good but tho general
run Is hoiuewhiit below fair
Will Snntl Troop In ATi Iini
Loniwn July 1 Tho Pall Mall Ga
totto says tho secretary of stato for war
tho marquis of Lnnsdowno In conjunc
tion with tho military chiefs hiw com
pleted arrangements to dispatch 40000
to 00000 troops of all arms to South Af
rica in tho ovent of matterH taking n
turn for the worse It is added that all
neccBsnry arrangements havo been made
thero for tho distribution of troops on
their arrival
AliiiuniU of ttiu Day
Thursday Sun rises at 430 sets at
7311 Moon rises nt 11311 a in
Tho Weather Iowa Increasing cloud
iness Thursday threatening with show
ers Friday variablo winds Nebraska
Threatening and showers Thursday
probably threatening Friday variablo
Itriiluiimu Kun Her mill KllUttl
Waiioo Neb July I Ira Lattin a
bmkemnu on tho extra freight west on
tho Omaha and Republican Valley road
was rau over and crushed to death by a
train in tho yards at this city yesterday
No ono saw tho accident
Tho proposed strike at tho Homestead
plant hns neon nbindoiod
Allsil w Xnurmmi wwmuMiuy nciuco
that ho is a cVindidafe ftHwo vico presi
dency on tho Democratic ticket
Richard Stahl musical director of
Dalys theater Now York died sudden
ly from heart disease Wednesday night
Pleas Wynn and Catlett Tipton tho
whitocappers wero hung at Soviervillo
Tenn Wednesday for tho murder of
old man Whuloy
At Oakland Or fire Wednesday de
stroyed two entire blocks of storo build
ings Tho loss is estimated at 40000
Tho insurance is small
Tracy Lyon has been appointed gen
eral superintendent of tho Chicago
Great Western to succeed Raymond
Dnpuy who goes to tho Mouou
Tho Belgian chamber of deputios
peacefully resumed the transaction of
public business Wednesday and order
throughout Brussels is restored
The 13th annual convention Jf the
Association of American Agricultural
colleges convened in San Francisco
Wednesday delegates being present
from nearly every state in tho union
Judge Gibbons of Chicago Wednesdny
delivered on opinion in the case of the
South park ordinance prohibiting the
use of automobiles on the south side
boulevards He declared tho ordinance
On the Clinch Valley division of tho
Norfolk and Western at Tip Top W
Va Wednesday an engine exploded
killing Engineer J D McColgau Fire
man E W Albert and Brakemon Oscar
J Owens
Rev D P Liverruoro died at his
homo in Melrose Mass Wednesday
aged 81 years Dr Livermores lifo
work has been mainly along the lines in
which his who Mary A Liivermore
has become distinguished
Extradition Agent Sexton Wednesday
rendered a decision in tho caeo of Mrs
John D Rich alleged to havo mur
dered hor husband iu Juarez Mex He
recommends that she bo given into tho
custody of tho Mexican authorities
A Couple of Hat Stories
Georgo Purcell tells some stories
about mining coal that are interesting
Purcell says a rat when caught in a
trap will cut off a limb to escape Ho
one day caught a rat with a black
smiths pinchers Ho had only time to
fix tho pinchers on tho rats tail but
with sufficient grip to hold the rat for
a time He intended taking the rat to
a feed box in the barn where its fight
ing qualities could be tested by it ter
rier The rat hanging by its tail turned
around to free itself from the pinchers
Finding that the pinchers wero harder
than its teeth it turned its attention to
its own tail It cut with its teeth a
ring around the tail and then made a
jump The skin peeled off the tall leav
ing the tail covering in the grip of
Purcell and the pinchers It is needless
to eav that the rat escaped
Miners believe that rats leave a fall
ing mine M W Kerrigan met a horde
of rats one day whon he was entering
a mine Ho attempted to kill them
with a stick but as fast as he knocked
one out another took his place He was
accompanied by a dog and the dog was
so badly bitten by the rats that he
eought shelter behind Kerrigan Seeing
that the doe was badly inlured bv the
nttnek of tlio rats Kerrigan took him
nnthldo tho initio to have his Injuries
attended to Kerrigan then returned to
tho workings hut was surprised to Hnd
that tho entry in which ho had met tho
rats had fallen in during his nbsence
Pittsburg News
HtxtoiiN In Neiv York
Boston and Undertaker is thv lign
usually found affixed to or near tho
New Yorlt churches hut It does not
mean that tho sexton nctunlly conducts
an undertakers establishment Ho
merely contracts for the funerals of tho
members of tho congregation and sub
lets tlio work to what are known as
wholesale undertakers who attend to
this class of work exclusively
A 20 per cent commission is tho pcx
tona share of the proceeds and taking
Into consideration tho largo member
ship of some of tho Now York churches
and the elaborate funerals that take
place almost daily it can readily bo
seen that to Iw a sexton is an honorable
calling for It Is a business that brings
in tho coin Tho profits of a sexton in
ono of the largo down town chnrchcH aro
estimated at 10000 annually from his
funeral business alono Weddings aro
not so profitable but they do fairly well
and are cheerful Ho collects tho pew
rents and takes his habitual commis
sion ho is paid for opening the church
and for closing It and a few other
thingH that keep hint from starvation
Put thero is ono thing ho must look
sharp after and thnt is his collections
It is a peculiar fact but people will
atand off a funeral bill as long and ua
callously as any other Exchange
ntiKllHli Itoyal MnrrlnKiN
Tho English royal marriago act is ono
of tho timo honored absurdities which
survivo in epito of common sense and
onlighteued public opinion By it tho
matrimonial choice of tho English
princes is practically restricted to tho
BWirrms of tho German hive nnd the
proverbially handsome English women
nro forbidden Tho legal prohibition
was enacted in 1773 at tho persistent
command of Georgo III ho being
thereunto incited first by tho mar
riago in 1770 of his brother tho Duko
of Gloster to tho Countess Wnldegrave
Marin Walpolo and second by tho
taking to wifo by a young brother tho
Duke of Cumberland in 1771 of tho
widow of Colonel Christopher Ilorton
The first provision of tho net forbids
to tho descendants of Georgo II inntri
mony without tho consent of tho crown
under tho grent peal necessary excep
tion being mado to cover tho marriages
of princesses abroad The second pro
vision has been tho especial mark of
raillery It enables marriage by ono
abovo tho ago of 25 against the will of
tho crown under certain conditions
Nullum and the SiuuilnrdN
There ia an amusing anecdoto about
that gruff sea dog Nelson Two Span
ish captains came on board with n re
quest to ho allowed to seo the greatest
seamnn in tho world Nelson grum
bled bnt gnvo in and went on deck
forgetting thnt nt that moment his
legs wero bound up at tho knees nnd
ankles with pieces of brown paper soak
ed in vinegar and tied on with red
This had been done to allay tho irri
tntion arising from mosquito bites
Quito forgetting his attiro and tho ex
traordinary nppenranco which it pre
sented Lord Nelson went on deck and
conducted the interview with tho Span
ish captains with such perfect courtesy
that his singulnr appearance was quite
obliterated by tho charm of his manner
and the Spaniards left the ship with
their high opinion of him thoroughly
The Obaervlnv Yonnaratera
Mildmny has never been in the habit
of punishing his children leaving that
disagreeable duty to his wife but the
other day one of his numerous progeny
became very unruly and he was obliged
to say
Flora if you dont keep quiet I
hall have to whip you
Pooh I retorted the little 8-year-old
with a contemptuous toss of her
dainty head you isnt the mother
He Deala In Snow
The Prince of Palermo is said to owe
his wealth chiefly to the trade in snow
of which he has a monopoly The snow
is brought at night in baskets on mule
back from tho monntainc to tho const
and shipped to tho Italian cities where
it is sold at 2 and 3 cents a pound
A Maidenly Device
Evelyn So youve brokon off with
Jack again
Etta Oh yes Im tired of the old
n nu
ring nnd ho ulwnys gives me n new one
when we mako up Jewelers Weekly
Even the blind man Is able to And
Even the peaceful infant Is often up
In arms
The man who does nothing never does
anything wrong
When a jury hangs It Is an effort to
strangle Justice
The waitress Is popular because of her
very fetching ways
A horse may pull with all his might
but never with bis mane
A wife should never conceal anything
from her husband except her faults
Hope Is a wonderful thing One lit
tle nibble will keep some men fishing
most engaging summer girl is the
ho secures the largest collection
gagement rings
The wife who Is able to retain her hold
on her husbands heart never has to
worry when he gets his hair cut
Many a man who claims to be the
architect of his own fortune tries to
build a UOOOO structure on a 00 cent
There Is a vast difference between the
lay of the hen and the lay of the poet
The former is easily converted Into
hard usk Chicago Doily News
Cniuiol Sen tlin MnniMrrlpt
omo time nco it was announced tnnt
iniuifcilpt of the ARrlcoln of Taci
tus linil recently been found The phil
ologists rejoice nt the new enrichment
of the critical mntorlnl nt their com
tnnml The jOFeBPor of the trensure
however the bishop of Toledo In Spain
hns Riven them pause for he will not
even allow them to pee the mnriti
tcrlpts on the ground thnt any publi
cation of Itn contents would diminish
Its value
Tnmes J Cnvnnnugh of Wntertown
Maps Is 103 years old the oldest mnn
In New Knglnml He paw Napoleon
when In Paris duilng the Hundred Days
The Rlrl who says she will wenr no
mans collar docs not mind taking her
brothers collars when she wants to set
off her shirt waists mnnnlshly
In 1702 the first Boston stngc coach
sturted for New Yorlt and now 700
rnllway trains urc sent out of the city
OrnsMioppnrs have become a Rrrnit
plaRiic In Spnln Invading even the cit
ies In Asturln fi000 soldiers were or
dered to upslst In destroying them
The Ynnp tpe river In Chlnn floats
gunboats 1000 miles from Its mouth We
have hut a faint Idea of the magnitude
of distances and numbers In the cast
Antvtlltuvlun Indeed
Frances Itachel always expects a
toiy to while away the time While she
Is beliiK prepared for bed
The other nlfjht her mother wns tell
ing her of the heroism of Colonel Fred
Funston hefore Cnlumplt Then she
went hack to a recital of the adventures
of the different periods of his life
The article says said mnmma
thnt he has the spirit of a sixteenth
century cavalier that he belongs to
that period Instead of the nineteenth
What questioned the little girl
not quite comprehending
Why he ought to have lived In the
sixteenth century
Oh said Frances Rachel with a
look of comprehension adding quickly
I3ut that was 300 years ago Why
how old his mother must have been
llewitre of OlntmetitH for Catarrh tlnit
contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the Bense
of smell and completely derange tho
wholo system when entering it through
tho mucous surfaces Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians as the
damage thoy will do is ten fold the good
you cau possibly derive from them
Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by
F J Cheney Co Toledo O coutnius
no mercury and is taken internally
acting directly upon tho blood and
mucouB surfaces of the system In
buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure you
get tho genuiuo It is taken internally
and mado in Toledo Ohio by F J
Cheney it Co Testimonials free
Sold by Druggists price 75 cents per
Halls Family Pills are tho best
A 94000 Illuyclc liven Away Daily
The publishers of The New York Star
the handsomely illustrated news
paper aro giving a high grade bicycle
each day for the largest list of words
m ide by using the letters contained in
no more times in any one word than it
is fond in the New York Star Web
sters Dictionary to be considered as
authority Two good watches first
class time keepers will be given daily
for 6econd and third best lists and many
other valuable rewards including din
ner sets tea sets china sterling silver
ware etc etc in order of merit This
educational contest is being given to ad
vertise and introduce this successful
weekly into new homes and all prizes
will be awarded promptly without
partiality Twelve 2 cent Btamps must
be inclosed for thirteen weeks trial sub
scription with full particulars and list
of over 100 valuable rewards Contest
opens and awards commence Monday
June 26th and closes Monday
August 21st 1809 Your list can reach
ub any day between these dates and
will receive the award to which it may
be entitled for that day and yoar name
will be printed in the following issue of
The New York Star Only one list can
be entered by the same person Prizes
are on exhibition at The Stars business
offices Persons securing bioycles may
have choice of ladies gentlemens or
juveniles 189 model color or size de
sired Call or address Dept E The
Now York Star 280 W 89th street New
York City
To Throw Ootid Money After Had
Will but increase my pain If yonhave
thrown away money for modicines that
did not and could not oure why should
you not now begin taking Hoods Sar
saparilla the medicine that never dis
appoints Thousands of people who
were in your condition and took Hoods
Sarsaparilla say it was the best invest
ment they ever made for it brought
them health
Hoods Pills cure sick headache and
Headache Biliousness
Indigestion Dizziness
Indicate that your liver
is out ol order The
best medicine to rouse
the liver and cure all
these Ills la found in
Hoods Pills
35 cent Bold by all medicine dealers
Gasy and Long
Olga Nethersole 250 Shoe
rossesics tho merit of perfect stylo fit comfort and durability
No breaking In uoccssnry mado to conform to tho lines of tlio foot
Solo Tcry floxiblo Chromo Kid stock that is soft ns a rIuto jot
wenrs llko iron UxccU nuy 3W slioo for wonr nnd comfort
Nn l0 Clirnmo Kid with Up of tlio Pninp medium wpIbM wile
tootliuwMtliffnnvtr lirtlf ilollnr low liccl nnd irolf inittorn
You will linil Uils Loo a combination otetrlo anil comfort
flanufactured by The Rock Island Shoe Co Rock Island III
and sold exclusively In this city by
OljCTW IfflTCIff Tffim
NorlolK or a xuuicient amount or same to bring
tho sum of 1200 for the payment of tho debts
against laid estate and tho costs of administra
tion there not being sullicient personal pr perty
to pay the said debts and expenses
It Ib therefore ordered that all persons in
terested in said estate appear before mo at my
office in the city of MadUon in Madison connty
Nebraska on the 29th day of Jnly 1890 at 1
oclock p m to show canso why a license
should not granted to the said sdnnnstrator to
sell so much of the abovo described real estate
as shall be necessary and pay said debts and ex
Dated this 12th day of Jane 1899
W V Alien
Jndge of District Court
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Myers Force and
i Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work
First door West of Post Office
The Famous
Summer Resort
Klovatlon 6200 feet
Dry Air
Mean Temperature
Boating on tho Lake
Near Harney 1cuk
Mountain Scenery Uneurpiueed
Send for Souvenir Views
Ladies Attention
If you are in poor bealth Investigate the
VIAVI TBEATMENT Office open all day
uuuuujr buu lurcaay in uotton mock over
Baum Bros store Health Book free by calling
on addressing tho manager MUS S K LONG
Norfolk Nebraska
Had Catavrh 30 Years
Josiah Bacon conductor on the P W
B R R savs I had suffered with
catarrh for 36 years and regarded my
case as hopeless One day I saw the
testimonial of Geo H Hearn in a Braz
ilian Balm circular Hearn was the
engineer on my train and I knew his
case was desperate I talked with Hearn
and his cure gave me hope I beiran
the use of the Balm at once There was
not much change for the first two months
but then I began to imnrove and oi
ns 1
Calkins Electric
Oil Burner
The it litis eeeu it
ui liu nti
Noclni t mi dirt
Siiwp hour of work
Tho coal tmitif fright
Tho conks IcIIkIiI
gj Easy lihtil alunj loaily
iivc u uooil hunt stroiiK and
On winters morn nt touch oT
Finnic nnd heat and nmrliin
Summers noontide vlznr4
Hent munis nnd cooks nro nt
oiir will
A Wonderful Invention Must be Seen to be Appreciated
We cordially invite you to come and see the Latest Best
Only Satisfactory Oil Burner on the market which makes
common kerosene oil into a wonderful gas flame and which
is now being exhibited at
where we will show you Simplicity Durability Economy
Safety and Convenience that can be attached to any stove
in a few minutes and will heat it Top Tank Oven all hot
as much or as little as you please and Bake Boil Roast as
quickly or as slowly as long or as short as you may wish
The Greatest Seller of Modern Inventions because ladies
everywhere are especially interested in this Perfect Release
from Poor Stoves Poor Fuel Poor Cooks so safe and simple
a child can operate it and no one feels timid One gallon of
four to eight cent oil will make an intense heat for hours if
Chicago Oil Burner and Stove Co
County managers wanted No charge for territory
Canvassers wanted to sell Burners
Terms from E R WATERMAN Jamestown Stutsman
county North Dakota Superintendent Pacific and Central
If yon want either investment or business come and see nc No competi
tion Small capital Large profits
In the DlHtrlct Court of Mnilison County
In tho matter of tho estate of Jano
LaKnrKc deceased
This caso enme on for hearing upon tho peti
tion of M C llnzen ndmiiiistrntor of tho estato
of Jano LaFnrKO deceased praying for iicenso
to soil the following described real estate situ
ated in tho county of Madison in tho stato of
Nebraska to wit Lot twelvo 12 in blok
seven 7 in Koenlsleins addition to tho town
of Norfolk lots thirteen 13 and fourteen 14
in block seven 7 and lot twelvo 12 and tho
sonthhalfof lot thirteen 1 13 in block six 0
in Koenigstelue third addition to the town of
Money Saved
I WILL clean and make over all kinds
of Mattresses Do all kinds of Up
holstering buy old chair frames and
old sofas Will upholster and paint bug
gies and carriages in first class shape
Will make any kind of new mattress
Give me a call and seo for yourself that
it is for your interest
1st door South of Mnln St on Third St
Oil and Gasoline
NO 33
North Western
F E H V ft fl is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
Notice to Creditor
State of Nebraska Madison
connty ea
diSiJSf ttotheMut6 of JaneLaFarge
rUtLcl5hftrebyJBiln to U poraoni having
lSo alft Vft tUB S2fflj
cemDer I89 and that all claims bo filed will Im
aton36011 f
ceraoer lew
at one oclock p m
it is further ordered that
notice to all nenona
Interested in Mid estate be g yenhy publfihnH a
copy of this order in the Nobkolk IJau t Nkwb
fnnnewer Wished in sad county for
GSriSE weeke prlor l m Sir 3
af hand thU Znd d8 Jnno A- u
1 Count J n Hit a
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Llae in CoHHcctlon
Telephone 68