L i F A i - m If 9 wm mrM f I kw f V I Rheumatism l 3 Results from a Bad Liver and can be Cured by Using JDrJ H McLEANS Liver and Kidney Balm A Certain Remedy for Diseases of the Liver Kid neys and Urinary Organs 1 PRICE 100 PER BOTTLE TOB BALK BY KOENIGSTEINS PHARMACY mm fKTfljm Free Reclining Chair Cars on all Trains QUICK SERVICE CLOSE CONNECTIONS TWO DAILY FAST TUAINS EACH WAV BETWEEN OMAHA AND Atchison Kansas City and St Louis With direct connections to all South em and Eastern points Unoxcollod time and accommodations totUe Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas BE SURE TO SECURE TICKETS VIA THIS LINE For more complete information descriptive pamphlptB etc address J 0 PIIILLIPPI W C BARNES A G F and P A T P A Sontbeast Cor 14th and DouglaxSts OMAHA NEBBASKA HUMPHREYS WITCH HAZEL OIL Piles or Hemorrhoids C Fissures Fistulas Burns Scalds I J Wounds Bruises Cuts Sores Boils Tumors Y Eczema Eruptions Salt Rheum Tetters Chapped Hands E Fever Blisters Sore Lips Nostrils SCorns Bunions Stings Bites of Insects Three Sizes 25c 50c and 100 Sold by druggists or sent post paid on reoelpt of price uciriiBKTSatDco lit ti ntmusu swtrk Frazer Axle Grease MWt vBSBir WsEBl Ee fr r ll - TSI rsnr itf orcvu Hiiiffr c wFdVIWH fcQfr piWiftRf as lo aVl vo mmfM Not affected by Heat or Cold Highest Awards at Centennial Paris and Worlds Fair unbred pRAZER LUBRICATOR CO Factories Chciago SL Louli New York ALWAYS USE - M COCOA PURE HEALTHFUL km WEN Picnic For Fremont Orphans Home Well Attended ttKOSS RECEIPTS AllOLT 2000 Yesterday Win Truly Oerinnn Iuthnrnn In Norfolk Kcry Department of the rirnlr AVn nil a MnRiilllrent Scale Interesting Irngrittti of Kxorc lite From Mondays Daily Yestorday came up to all oxpoctations as Goruiuu Lutheran day In Norfolk Tho gloomy and threatening aspect of the weather in the morning no doubt served to keep many of those who would havo attended at homo but those who braved the elements and there wcro thousands were rowarded for their pluck with a Rood day and a de lightful time Tho clouds cleared away toward uoon and with tho exception of a considerable breeze from tho south which however did not provo disagree able to the people in tho grove tho weather was all that could have been asked for v The people began to assemble at tho grove early and there was a hustlo to compile tho flual nrrougomouts Thoso who came by team were tho first to arrive aud long before noon almost every available hitching place for horses was occupied while many teams wore unhitched and tied to tho wagons which wero scattered over the prairie adjacent to tho grove Tho first excursion train from Omaha arrived about 11 oclock It consisted of 11 coaches which were packed to their utmost capacity with people tho platforms being also filled This train carried 1015 people not including ohidreu of which there wero many It also brought the Arlington baud and the orphans of whom there was quite a company aud iucluded 14 small boys Tho faro for tho round trip from Omaha was 2 At Stanton there were 50 people who could not get ou the train and it is understood that an engino and several coaches returned and brought them up Ou tho arrival of the train the crowd proceeded to the grove the greater number having to walk owiug to limited passenger carrying facilities although there were many hacks and carryalls constantly running between the city and the grove At the grove arrangements had been made for handling a vast concourse of people but they were none too exten sive as was soon disclosed Several acres of space had been covered with plank seats where the exercises were to be held and at the north end was placed an extensive plat form from which the speaking was given and the vocal and instrumental music rendered The platform had seats arranged for many persons and was fully occupied during the day An arch of green over the front of the platform and other decorations were used to give it a nice appearance For feeding the multitude ample aud perfect arrangements were made The tables were arranged in the form of a hollow square inside ot which were several tents containing the provisions aud of which there proved to be an ubuudance The tables were piled full of bread biscuits cake and othen eat ables while a steam cooker wa employed to prepare the ooffee The tables were enclosed with a woven steel fence to prevent a crush and those who wished to eat were admitted through a gate and the pay collected They were then giv en the freedom of the tables to eat to their satisfaction A corps of waiters in the center saw that the hungry were supplied with coffee and prevented the stacks of eatables from becoming ex hausted by replenishing them at inter vals In the way of lighter refreshments there was a stand which handled ice cream exclusively aud two others at which were sold lemonade pop fruits peanuts cigars eto These stands were exhausted in some particulars early in the afternoon the ice cream arrange ments being especially inadequate Money was spent and given liberally it being said that one stand alouo took in the magnificent sum of 200 The picnic was a grand success in al most every particular and it is said that the orowd in attendance and the receipts of the day were larger than at any pic nic which has heretofore been held whioh speaks well for tho enterprise of tho Norfolk people Tho piovlsious were contributed most generously by people of both the St Paul aud Christ churches of this city and members of both congregations worked harmoniously together to make the affair a success Of the bread and cake contributed there was a large amount remaining That which had been cut up was dis tributed among the poor families of Norfolk aud vicinity and the balance will be sent to the orphans home at Fremout where good use will be made of it The receipts of the day exceeded all anticipations a large share of them be ing received at the tables of which there was 400 feet The gross receipts were somewhere between 2500 aud 2600 After tho expenses are paid it is believed there will be left iu the neighborhood of 2000 for the home From the excursion train there was a THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 29 1890 THRESHERMEN ATTE MBMBmmmWMiHIS9MUmKnWnim tffBxmc v ae4 V NKUraLJsteM News jEk nm J B dt wi Lit III sfa If iWzX IrtXa k Bt BmymmmnmTnTTttlttfttonitWifiimiJ iW -- of the cicty VIllUTN Mill Illl IllllC III Cliimon 0011 of nil in 7i list ian toward lh tho irtMof eavor irloiiH eon vm HM5ansj9A ill Bt tjBS 7C rScapsssMf ll1 rrrii KSBVKlSJrSBSBBJ M ISSIW5SSSSySSSJ jt it- ivrr mra 1 Jli mu mBZmammmmmB zosm - MM M WJf UIBBBl I I P1 l r Ei j II lj MlJT m i J T Tl Td tf W JV BKKKmr - imM J 7t - ir2 IbbJJS I X 1 I I J -v j UUDJ 22E22wzw2KOTeia wmmm wdeMj ne4l9 21 3 1000 00 Charley Gilmer and wife to Emma Texley wd 11 JO feet of lots 15 and 10 block 1 Mathew sous second addition Norfolk 150 00 Samuel Rudat and wife to G W and O A Randall wd lots 9 and 10 blk 18 R R addition Newman Grove 225 00 J A Russell O S Smith wd Bi of blk 0 Mandamus addi tion Madison 1000 00 HwlieflnSIx llourH Distressing kidney and bladder disease relieved in six hours by New Great South Ameiican Kidney Cure It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding protnptne 6 n eiievini pain in bladder kidrevs atzo bacic in male or female Relieve mention of water almost Immediately If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy Sold by Koenigsteln Phar macy Norfolk Neb WHO IS Women as well as men rpfl are made miserable by 1 v kidney and bladder BLAME Dr- Kilmers Swamp- Root the Lrpnt Icirlnnv remedy promptly cures At druggists in nicy cent ana dollar sizes You may havo a sample bottle by mail free also pamphlet telling all about it Address Dr Kilmer Co Biughamtou N Y A New IiiiiiI r the Sky llouklet The Laud of tho Sky the popular designation for the Ashevillo Plateau Western North Carolina has been large ly advertised by the Southern Railway for a number of years on account of tho health and pleasure resorts and tho beau tiful scenery of that section whore the Southern Railway crosses tho Bluo Ridge mouutaius The Southern Railway has just issued a new aud most attractive booklet with appropriate half tone cuts and reading matter and they ire being seut out free to auy address by Mr J O Beam Jr N W P A Southern Railway 80 Adams street Chicago Cllfip ItlltK Illltll On the first aud third Tuesdays of each month up to and including Octo ber the Southeru Railway offers to homeseekers and settlers tho advautage9 of cheap oue way aud rouud trip tickets to practically all points in Teuuessee 0 s moiRow DR1VK -WELLS Will itil iIiimii unwwnllH or ropnlr 0I1I omn liaain IBouiei s Sharpened flUpftKD 1207 Ililllp Ave Tolniitinnn 121 OHAS DUDLEY HACK -LINE TBM2PIIONI2 73 lliMiiliiunrlPiii IIpiihivimI fnim lnPnporfs dta lilnlo ItMi Itiiltnn tttnhlo 1111 Dtli Ht For Plumbing Stum Fitting Puiii Tanks Wind Mills And all repair work In his Him ca 1 n W H RISH Batlsfaotion laaranUod Klral door ontb of Dalit Nw offles I MRS MARY L STANTON DRESSMAKING Ppiees Reasonable Up Hlairs over Warohams Millinery KARO BROS zflBk as r1 ftlrMWaRjaBa i n -1 0 vnun r ass iiiiaraiiaiMMB 1 1 n msssssww 1 1 rinwPBiiHiakaui tiaiiikiiJiaiiiBr 1 ir 1 ini oauMKC - sbody wants Uie esf of Wg inalco u snocial io please our trade io Is ho Noalosl lii tho City SEILER ABOVE WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE NICHOLS SHEPARD ENGINE AND SEPARATOR Par superior to any other engine or separator on earth Built of the best material that can be bought and by old experienced workmen We have just received two full rigs for samples and EARNESTLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION and will prove our claim Come and see them H Q BRUEQQMANN Agt Norfolk Neb J H Cline General Agent for Northeast Nebraska will be in Norfolk on Saturdays gross income of 1177 Of this amount the company will receive 400 aud the balance 777 will go to the home Other receipts were from collections whioh were liberally contributed to hack fare etc The gain to the home will be known later when the expense accounts are settled The affair was managed by a board of directors and a committee to whom to a great exteut the success of the picnic is due They were composed as follows Directors M B Singer Ed Braasoh Philip Fuesler and Obed Raasch Committee Fred Grimm and Anton Buoholz Those In attendance were generally orderly and well behaved most of the trouble being occasioned by disinterested parties who persisted in usurping rights whioh the management of picnic be lieved to be in their hands An instance might be cited in the aotious of a back man who without a license from the management proceeded to run his hack to the grouuds It is said of him that he told strangers at the depot that it was four miles to the ground and after filling his vehicle with passengers pro ceeded to charge them 25 cents apiece A number of the orphans got iu his rig and were fleeced by him The program was most interesting and occupied the greater part of the day Instrumental music was furnished by two bauds one from Arlington and the other from Battle Creek The vocal musio was rendered by five choirs of trained voices The orphans of whom there were 52 present took part in the program by singing and their childish voices joined iu hymns of praise were very alfectiug Among them were several of the Grimm children from this place aud others whose parents were well known to the people of Norfolk Many sjmpathetie tears were shed for the childreu without homes of their owu but from all appearances they seem to bo well provided for aud appear to be well pleased with the treatment they are receiving Three speakers addressed the assem bled audience during the day ltev Oelschlaeger of West Poiut aud Rev Lauge of Foutauelle addressed the peo ple in German while ltev Meyers of Schuyler spoke in English during the afternoon Where the next picnic will be held is not yet known but it is hoped by many that the success which attended it hero will be an inducement for it to be held here again sometime in the future IlllnolH Central Low Rates to Epworth League Con vention Indianapolis July 20 2 On account of the Biennial Conven tion International Epworth League at Indianapolis Iud July 20 2U the Illi nois Central will sell round trip tickets from all points in Iowa Minnesota and South Dakota at a rate of ouly one fare plus 200 for the round trip Tickets limited to July 24th with privilege of extension until August 20th by paying joint agency fee of 50 cents and de positing ticket on or before July 24th For farther Information and sing circulars address the under signed J F Mekrv A G P A 111 Cent R R Duhuque Iowa Everyfarnier and stock miser should keep Sloans Liniment on hand for an emergency Ask your neighbor aud he will tell you why For sale by John Koeuigsteiu Kent Kiaie IriuiHterii The following transfers of real estate ure reported by Chester A Fuller man ager of the Madison county abstract ofilce at Norfolk Sarah McConuell aud husbaud to Josiah Cader wd se ii 14- 23 8 2000 00 Moses Campbell and wife to El len Campbell lot 0 block 10 Battle Creek 500 00 Moses Campbell and wife to L A Hogue wd part of lot 8 block 10 Battle Creek 500 00 James Stuart aud wife to heirs of N M Broborg deceased wd ela ne4 19-21-3 1000 00 Emma M Swausou aud husbaud to Emil O Broberg qcd ej ue fci 19-21-3 459 48 Emil O Broburg and wife to Axel E Johnson qcd e1 ue 10-21-3 500 00 Haumih O Johnson and hus baud to Charles Dittberner Mississippi Alabama Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Virginia and Florida Homeseekers tickets will bo sold at tho rato of oue fare plus 2 for tho round trip tickets good 21 days from date of sale in which to return Tho southeastern territory offers to the prospector and settler more advant ages than auy other part of tho United States aud the Southern Railway luut arranged for the sale of tickets on tho dates mentioned above at low enough rates to euable any one to go South and investigate tho opportunities offered lu that territory For illustrated mattor rates and fur ther particulars address Wu H Tayloe A G P A Louisville Ky J O Beam Jk N W P A 80 Adams St Chicago lib PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Clttzut in tx utlrk th hilt Prumotei lazuriDt rrowth Never Fill to Ectore Qry Curt clp dlirKi Ji hilr tilling cpJlH Dmyglu wwwwwwwww hhaaSM Doe Your m Head Acher Aro your nerves weak Cant you glucji well Tain In your back fjck onercy Appetite poor Iljestlon bad llolUor pimples These aro but some of itio results of constipation If tho contents of tho bowels are not removed from tho body each day as nature Intended poison ous substances are tmro to bo ab sorbed Into tho blood always causing suffering and frequently causing severe disease There U a oommon senso cure Auers PILLS They dally lnsuro an easy and natural movement of tho bowels 11 Ice S3c a box All druggists Ayynm Sarmapmrlllm with the pills will hasten recovery Write the doctor luit bow you are suffering You will receive the best medical advice without cott Ull J U AYEK Lowell Han m m w m w w im m m rA A A A ll