The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 29, 1899, Page 6, Image 7

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Ormvlnu tsoor Telephones
In spitoof disappointments nnd dlBsat
iflfnetlou says tho Now York Sun Amer
ica 1b tho foremost country of tlio world
in tho ivrt of tolophouy and In ninny
particulars It has fo fnr surpassod 13uro
ponn conntrios thnt no comparison is pos
sible This Is especially truo of tho
loiig dlstnneo service which nffonls con
uoctions between thirty eight oxohnugo
companies having siibBoribors
nnd Includes In its eilpinontH inoro
than 10000 mllos of polo linos carrying
nearly 135000 iuHob of wlro nnd con
necting 385 ofllcos It 1h posslblo for
porrons 301X1 mlloB apart to hold con
versation over tho lines of thlfl company
with ns mnoh clearness nnd distinct
iiofb ns if they woro Bopnrntod by only
JWynrdB InKuropo tho longest tolo
phono ooiinoctlon thus fnr nttotnptod is
only NiO miles Tho long dlstanco sys
torn iu this country 1ms boon dovolopod
nt nn expenditure of 15000000 for lino
construction equipment franchises
nnd hupplics it Is tho main artory in
tho Boll strupturo and Ib oxpootod to
prove tho most important fenturo of tho
system iu tho impondhig strngglo of tho
Boll interests to mniiitiiin thoir supreni
ney iu tho largo cities of tho country
Last yonr tho oxohangos oporntod
uiulor tho Boll patents employed 1131
810 Instruments an Increase of 305735
ovor tho previous year and n gain of
H315l tolophonoH slnoo tho present or
ganization was olVootod In 1880 In that
year tho Amorloan Boll Telephone com
pany bogau busluoss with 1J31I3 In
Btrumonts connootud by 38llll miles of
wire in tho several exchanges then
established The most interest lug statis
tics upon tho telephone industry are those
which mark its gradual development
since 1881 when a systematic collection
of data portaluing tho subject was boguu
Tho company had 07133 circuits and
133025 stations established in 1881 and
tho business was divided among 100 ox
changes the ontiro force employed num
bering 4713 men women nnd children
Today tho pay roll contains 10108
names there uro -105180 stations con
nected by 773181 miles of wire and
11311 exchanges and 1008 branch ollloos
included in tho systom Thoso figures
convoy an idea of tho onormous growth
of tho business in the last llf toon years
but thoy fail ontiroly to show tho im
portance of this mothod of communion
tiou in tho daily commercial uud soolnl
lifo of tho untiou A bettor illuBtrntion
isatTordod by tho fnct that last year
1211000000 connoctious woro made
through exchanges iu this country or
88311700 daily conversations as estimat
ed from tho notunl count iu many of
tho cities of tho country Tho use of
tho toll lino systom connecting oity ex
changes with suburban poluts has also
grently increased tho uumbor of con
nectious thus made durtug tho last year
being SIOOOOOOO This is entirely in
dopondeut of tho loug distnnco horvico
nnd furnishes nuother proof of tho
growing importance of this method of
couimuuicntioii as a social factor Tho
number of subscribers furnishod last
year was increased by nearly 81000
whioh is certainly a roniarltablo show
ing wheu it is remomborod that tho Bell
exchanges lost mnny thousands of pa
trons through competition
It must bo romombored too thnt tho
independent tolophono movoment
which has been growing rapidly since
the expiration of tho fundamental Boll
patents six years ago has assumed im
portaut proportions and that its pro
motors and supporters havo established
in the neighborhood of 11000 exchanges
throughout tho country Nnturnlly
many of these nro in smnll places
where the Bell companys rates had
proved im insurmountable barrier but
others aro iu towns whore exchanges
havo beon iu oporatiou Tho low rates
of tho anti Bell companies hnvo great
ly stimulated tho business and placed
tho service within tho reach of many
who could uot afford tho Boll prices
Iu spito of tho reduction iu prices tho
character of tho service has beou im
proved as competition has made it
nocessary for the Boll company to uso
inventions aud improvements that oth
erwise would have been buried This
was the policy of the Boll manage
ment duriug tho period wheu it enjoyed
monopoly but this courso had to b
abandoned as soon as tho independent
movement got fairly under way
An exchauge says It is a pitiable
fact that mothers will trust thoir daugh
ters to tho care of worthless young men
whom tho fathers would not ovou trust
with the family carriage horse This is
a end fact and one which mothers cau
well atlord to take time to consider
The father is naturally tho best judge of
a youug mans character as tho mother
is that of a young woman If more caro
were exercised iu the selection of a
young girls compauy there would be
fewer cases of a scandalous nature as
that which has thrown Norfolk society
into a tumult during the past tow weeks
and which is occupying the attentiou of
other communities in various parts of
the state and uatiou The character of
a young lady is her best treasure and
oue which her lawful protectors cannot
afford to have contaminated by uu
worthy associations
If you want to sell or trade your
property list it with
G R SmifH Co
JS iMai
II Ingcrsoll of Crolghton wns n city
vlBllor yestordny
Mrs lohn Sutherland of Battle Orook
was a vlBltor iu tho city yoBtcrdny
Ed Stephens nnd M D IMilllgan of
Winsldo woro city visitors yesterday
II Trnnopohl a Oloarwatdr farmer
bought n buggy nnd inndo other pur
chases in Norfolk yestordny
Louis nnd John Hay shipped four car
londB of steers to Omaha this morning
Geo Williams nko Bhippod a carload of
Miss Lizzie Tntmnn loft on tho 10
trnin ovor tho Union lnoillo for
Oheyonno Wyo whero sho will spend
tho Aiimuior
Mrs Corn A Boels arrived In Ohicngo
yorterday whoro sho will tnko nn nd
vanced courso in tho Sherwood school
of hiubIo alBO study klndorgnrton work
Wilmot Lemont Barnos who is vis
iting his cousins horo wns qulto pain
fully burned on tho right hand this
morning whllo playing with a toy can
Conductor Youug who tnkos Goo
Onrtors run ovor tho M fc O between
Norfolk nnd Sioux Oity will occupy
tho Mlttolstadt houso corner Tonth
Btroot nnd Madison avenue some time
this week
Tho ontorprlslng city of Grolghton is
ono of tho places whoro tho onglo will
bo permitted to scream to his till A
P Schneider of that place Is now in
tho city advortising the sights and
sounds that will predominate on tho
Tudgo Wm V Allon of Madison hold
a short term of court in tho oity yostor
day to hoar arguments in a caso from
Plorco oouutv Tho caso was uot com
pleted owing to tho fact that tho judge
was compolled to take tho ovouiug train
for Nollgh whoro ho presldos over an ad
journed torni of district court
Tho raiiiB aro not only boomiug tho
vogotntlon wnutod by humanity but nlso
that whioh is uot Woods in many
places aro assumiug tho proportions of
youug but vigorous trooB A campaign
wish a sharp soytho by proporty ownors
at this time will obviate tho necessity of
using an ax some timo iu tho future to
romovo this obnoxious growth
A quintet of youug folks consisting of
Messrs Henry Bofoo G H Whaloy
Guy Fox and Misses Irouo Doxtor and
Edith McOlary mot with nil kinds of
troublo whilo roturniug homo from the
dnuco at Masts hall last night in a hack
or rathor tho lirst four had tho troublo
af tor Miss McOlary had boon taken home
iu safety In going to Miss Doxters
homo tho haukmau was ovidontly con
fused by tho storm thou raging and in
stond of driving north on Tenth street
wont up Elovonth On the hill south of
tho stand pipo tho horses stalled uud iu
order to complete tho jouruoy tho driver
turned them out onto what ho supposod
was the grassy sido of tho road but
whioh proved to bo n stoop enibaukniout
Tho result was that tho vehicle was
overturned tho haokmau boiug pinned
beneath tho wreck The gontlemou in
side tho hack succeoded in gaining thoir
freedom nnd stopped into tho road or
rathor a mud puddle Thoy thou re
leased the haokmau aud escorted Miss
Dexter homo The heavy rain that pro
vailed and tho clinging yellow mud
through whioh thoy toilod made the four
a sight to bohold wheu thoy arrivod in
tho light whoro they were ablo to ad
mire themselves and bo admired They
do not caro to havo tho experience ro
poated soon again
John Hertz wns in tho oity yesterday
from Gloster
O F Raok of Stanton wns a Norfolk
visitor yesterday
O H Howard was iu tho city from
Stautou yesterday
It hasnt rained iu this vieiuity for
inoro than 31 houre
Tho son of Houry Koechlor
living six miles east of the city is quite
ill with diphtheria
Conductor G Heekmau and family
returned Sunday from a pleasant trip
into northern Wisconsin
Mrs E V Stevens aud sou Lorau
Mrs Weitz and Myrua Wright were
passeiigors for Madihou this moruiug
Frauk McCullen a barber from
Meadow Grove was in tho city yester
day lookiug for work it his profession
Miss Marie Miller of this oity aud Miss
Ida Ulrioh of Pierce willopeu dress
making parlors at that place this week
While in the country yesterday A
Karo was taken suddenly tick aud was
brought home by a farmer He is fully
recovered today
Rev J B Leedoru was tho guest of
H P Froelaud over night roturniug
homo today He is suffering from quite
a severe attack of the quinsy
Priuoipul Whitehead of the Elgin
sohools passed thiough the oity today on
his way to Lincoln whero he will take a
course ot instruction iu the university
summer school
N S Lowry arrived at noon from
ONeill and is the guest of Rev S F
Sharpless He came down to meet with
the board of home missions of the Pa
byteriau church
Rev W F Williams of Aten was the
gueet of Rev J J Pnrker over night
He left thiB morning for a few days
vlflit at Humphrey nnd will return nnd
spend the Fourth hero
O S llnycs hni arrangod to return
tho two little colored boys ndoptod somo
time ngo by Mrs Coleman to
tho hoadqunrtors of tho Nobrnskn
Ohildrous Homo society at Omnhn
Tho pcoplo nro glnd to boo a gnng nt
work cleaning tho street Their cup of
BatlBfaction would bo nlmost full If tho
vigorous weeds on Bomo of tho Btreots
whoro laid low by tho tamo or another
gang This will probably bo attended
to soon
Complaint is mado to Tin Nrws that
n number of boys in tho Third wnrd
havo been shooting at marks with tar
got rillofl without rogard for tho law or
tho interests of pooplo living thoro
Tho praotlco not only results in fright
ening horses but it is dangerous to lifo
nnd property Unless it is stoppod it is
probnblo that tho olllcors of tho law muy
bo uotlllod and tho ollondors arrested
If the boys must shoot thoy should at
least go outside the limits whero thoy
cau do no damage
Rev II S Bargolt of Doltnar Iowa
arrived iu tho oity yesterday to visit n
few days with rolativos Ho states that
Nebraska has mado a wonderful ad
vancement iu tho opinion of eastern
pooplo within tho past year or two re
garding it as a safe place for investments
and loans As for crop prospects this
state is far ahead of eastern Iowa in
most particulars Tho sovoro cold of
last winter proved more disastrous thort
than horo It destroyed thoir clovor
Holds whioh with them is a staplo crop
ruined btrawborry bods and other crops
ami in many instances killed treos and
hedges Tho corn aud small grain pros
pects iu this section of tho stato aro
much better than iu Iowa
Tho local committee which had
charge of tho weisoufest hold in Rheu
lows grovo last Sunday completed its
sottlomont last night and is prepared to
Btato exactly what tho orphans homo is
gainor t Tho total rocoipts from all
sources woro Sr05 18 Tho expouses
woro 75880 leaving tho neat sum of
180708 as protlt whioh will be sont to
tho treasurer of tho orphans homo to
day Tho Fromout Tribune states that
tho picnio proved to bo tho most suc
cessful at least iu point of attendance
of any yot givou thus couflrmiug tho
estimate of tho peoplo horo To give nu
idea of tho magnitude of tho affair it
may bo stated that 111 cases or 3710 bot
tles of pop alone woro sold Tho refresh
ment stands nnd dining tables took in
KiHltlon 0uiih Suturiliiy Inly IhI
Grand parado good music Dan God
freys Militnry Band aud scores of
others good orators excellent exhibits
hundreds of now features big lire
works in ovouiug biggest and best ex
position over given in tho west
County CoininlHHtoiiurH
Madison Nob Juno 10 189 at 1 p
in Bonrd of couuty commissioners
mot iu regulnr session H W Wiuter
and John J Hughes prosent Chair
man A O Johnson beiug absent H W
Winter acted in his stead
Tho minutes of last meeting were
read aud approved except as to claim of
Wilson Cloyd 14 partinlly allowed
against taxes of W W Cloyd which
was found to be erroneous nud tho clerk
was directed to change tho order drawn
for taxes to liS and draw a warrant in
favor of Wilson Oloyd for tho sum of
On motiou claims woro allowed as
Jacob Domotshnuser ditching iu road
at MaasJslongh 37r
Otto audChns Ellgen ditching
O E Speoceditchiug 1 50
Cnrl Bathke ditching less person
al tax 25 conts balance 375
Carl Wilde couuty treasurer account
tax Carl Bathke 25 conts
Adam Reilnud ditching 1475 less
personal tax48I bnlanco 91
Cnrl Wildo county treasuror account
tax A Roilaud 1818 481
E G Hoilman county clerk express
freight etc 110
F Gall work on bridge 5
L B Baker lumber for bridges 000
Stato Journal Co metal book case
Wm Brummond repairiug bridges
3125 less personal tax 817 balance
Carl Wildo county treasurer account
tax Wm Brummond 8 17
Western Wheeled Scraper Co re
pairs 11150
H W Winter express on repairs
FremoutJTribnne books and supplies
Herman Krueger work on riprap
On motiou boardadjourned for sup
per and met at 8 p iu All members
On motion claims were allowed ns
L p Mittelstadt lumber for bridges
110 08
O Pearson seven wolf scalps 14
On motion the bond of Arthur J
Koenigstein deputy sheriff was up
Assessors claims were on motion al
lowed as follows
Seb Feiling Green Garden precinct
John Crook Deer Creek precinct
David Whitla Valloy precinct 7250
B B McGlnnis Warnervillo precinct
Wm Haydon Grovo precinct 9720
less porsonal tax 075 balance 1015
Carl Wildo couuty treasurer account
tax Wm Haydon 075
John Testes Knlnmnzoo precinct
J9700 less persounl tax 485 balance
Carl Wildo county treasuror nccount
tax John Tosteg 185
Dan Mnhonoy Fairviow precinct
10150 less persounl tnx 055 balnuco
Cnrl Wlldoconuty treasurer account
tax Dan Mnhonoy 055
O F Richnrdson Highland precinct
J F Osborn Schoolcraft precinct
J W McCallum Emerick product
11250 less exponso of copyiug and
correcting 9 balnnco 10150
Lars M Vaago Shell Creek precinct
John Mnlono Union precinct 1117
loss personal tax 2080 balanco 11030
Carl Wildo couuty treasurer nccount
tnx John Malono 2080
T D Preeco Battle Creek precinct
1 10
A Mlnklor Burnett precinct 107
loss porsonal tax 110 balauco 109
Carl Wildo couuty treasuror nccouut
tax A Mlnklor 8110
Phil Hunch Madison precinct 221
S L Gardner Norfolk precinct 700
less personal tax 81115 balanco 75805
Carl Wildo county treasurer account
tax S L Gardner 15
Othor claims were allowed as follows
Dr P II Salter modicnl nttciidnnco
to Bridgoford family 21
J B Donovan stationery nud print
iug 2775 loss personal tax 010 bal
anco 3105
Carl Wildo couuty treasuror account
tax J B Donovan 0 10
Fremont Wheeler services as special
bailiff llvo dnys 10
O W Orum county suporintondont
salary for May 100
Carl Wildo county treasurer com
mission to collectors exchauge etc
Ez Rowlett bounty on timber for
1805 1891 and 1899 30 applied on per
sonal tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tnx Ez Rowlett
On motion board adjourned until 8 a
m tomorrow
Board met at 8 n m June 20 1899
On motion claims were allowed as fol
L M Johnson repairing aud grading
to bridges 30 less personal tax 585
balanco 3115
Carl Wildo county treasurer account
tax L M Johnson 585
Gaut Vaage work on county line
bridge 4
Perkins Bros supplies 2120
Joseph Sheets work on bridge 10
S W Duel timber used iu riprap
A C Johnson county commissioner
per diem aud mileage 12050
H W Winter per diem and mileage
etc 158i0
John J Hughes couuty commissioner
salary and mileage 15090
Wm Bates postage etc 15J0
Gust Kaul janitor salary for April
and May C0
A E Crooks ditching 1383
Antelope county one half cost of re
pairing county line bridges 42
On motion tho county treasurer was
ordered to transfer from tho 1897 to tho
1898 general fund the sum of 3500
On motion beard adjourned for dinner
and met at 1 p m
Tho certificate of H F Barney presi
dent of tho Madison Couuty Agricul
tural society stating that the treasury
of said society contains the sum of 50
was received and tho clerk instructed to
issue a warrant iu favor of said presi
dent tor tho sum of 444 30
Claims were allowed as follows
James B Hume lumber for bridges
James B Hume coal for county
M Hnlpin grading to bridges 1150
less personal tax 710 balance 440
Carl Wildo county treasuror account
tax M Halpiu 7 10
Peter M ulV ditching at Maas slough
Brnnsch Reos coal for relief pur
poses 8050
Chris Sohavlaud postage express
etc 13J0
Hammond Bros books and station
ery 1050
John Edwards livery hire for com
missioners 1 50
P K Kampmau 7 wolf scalps 1400
C Wheeler 3 wolf scalps 000
A M Touch 7 wolf scalps 1400
Jacob N Maurer 4 wolf scalps 800
Herman Lewis 1 wolf scalp 200
A O Williams 1 wolf scalp 200
applied on personal tax
Carl Wilde couuty treasurer accouut
tax A O Williams 200
Bert Hooker 12 wolf scalps 24 00
N FRichardson 8 wolf scalps1000
Gust Kaul oue night special bailiff
2 00
Tho mutter of tho road petitioned for
by J F Reeves and others running 011
section line between sections 10 and 15
in township 22 range 3 west was tak
en up aud the couuty board having or
dered that the said road be opened for
public travel aud it appearing that
baid road has been advertised and notice
given according to statute and no ob
jections or claims for dnmnges haviug
beon filed tho said road wn9 declared
open and established and tho county
clerk was instructed to enter tho same
on tho plat book nud record tho same as
provided by statute
On motion board adjourned to moot
011 tho 0th day of July 1899 nt 1 p m
for tho purpose of checking up treas
urers seml nnnual stntemont nnd nudlt
iug feo books of couuty olllcinla
E G Heilman
County Clerk
ItccoUeit Norfolk Contribution
Tho following acknowledgement of
tho receipt of tho donntion contributed
by tho peoplo of Norfolk to tho cyclone
Bulforers at Herman haB been received
Hkkman Nob June 27 1899 J E
Simpson Mayor Norfolk Neb Dear
Sir Rocoived your draft for 12935
which was accepted iu tho spirit in
which it was offered nud beg to nssuro
you and your pooplo thnt you havo tho
many thauks of Hormau pooplo for your
sympathetic words and kind deeds
Tho town is recovering slowly from
tho awful shock and there nro a good
mnny buildings going up some tempo
rary nnd some permanent ones but a
grent many of tho families nro still liv
ing in touts provided by tho goveruor
Again thanking you nnd your follow
citizens for your grent kindness in
time of need I am
Yours respectfully
E W Burdic
In nddition to tio nbovo nmouut thero
has since been sont 1 aud small
amounts aro still comiug in which are
beiug redeived by Mr Luikurt aud will
bo forwarded to Mr Burdio
Iflrt Colonliil Kxpnsltlun of Greater
Opens at Omaha Saturday July 1st
1899 Splendid music good speakers
grand civio and military parade mag
nificent fireworks in evening Dont
miss opening day
Give tho Children n Drink
called Grain O It is a delicious appe
tizing nourishing food drink to take
the place of coffee Sold by all grocers
and liked by all who have used it be
cause wheu properly prepared it tastes
like the fiuest coffeo but is free from all
its iujurious properties Graiu O aids
digestion and streugtheus the nerves
It is not a stimulaut but a health
builder and children as well as adults
can drink it with great benefit Cos s
about one fourth as much as coffee
15 aud 25 ceuts
Grand of Groat or America Expo-
July 1st 1899 Music and oratory
magnificent parade grand display of
lire works in the evening special low
rates on all railroads do not miss it
Iloineaeekerr Kxcurxlon
On Juno 20 July 4 and 18 August 1
nnd 15 1899 the Missouri Pacific Rail
way company will sell homeseekers
excursion tickets to certain points in
the southwestern parts of Missouri
Kansas Arkansas Indian Territory
Oklahoma Territory Colorado and Utah
and to many other poiuts located in
the southeastern states At rate of
one fare for the round trip plus 2
For further information address
W O Barnes
J O Phillippi T P A
Southeast corner of 14th aud Douglas
streets Omaha Nebraska
Letter Lint
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postoffice June 20 1899
Ralph Cassity Geo Clinton Lyman
Davis R L DeForest Hulda Hageliet
Ethel Hageliet Jacob Horst P S Macy
Jack McGrare Martha McGinms
Gesine Siems Jesse Smothers
If not called for in 30 days will bo
sent to the dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say adveitised
P F Sprecher P M
Results Fatally in Nine
Cases Out of Ten A
Cure Found at Last
Women suffer
ing from female
troubles and
weakness and
from irregular
or painful men
ses ought not
to lose hope if
doctors cannot
help them Phy
sicians are so
busy with other
diseases that
they do not un
derstand fully
the peculiar ail
ments and the
delicate organism of woman What
the sufferer ought to do is to give
a fair trial to
Female Regulator
which is the true cure provided
by Nature for all female troubles It
is the formula of a physician of the
highest standing who devoted his
whole life to the study of the dis
tinct ailments peculiar to our moth
ers wives and daughters It is made
of soothing healing strengthening
herbs and vegetables which have
been provided by a kindly Nature to
cure irregularity in the menses Leu
corrhcea Falling of the Womb Nerv
ousness Headache and Backache
In fairness to herself and to Brad
fields Female Regulator every
suffering woman ought to give it a
trial A large 1 bottle will do a
wonderful amount of good Sold by
Send for a nicety I1tulrateil free book on the subject
The Bradfleld Regulator Co Atlanta Ga
Pullman Sleeping Cars and
Free Reclining Chair Cars
Through to
Via Illinois Central Railway
For tho accomodation of parties going
to Detroit to attend the Christian En
deavor couventiou the Illiuois Central
will run through to Detroit via Chicago
aud Mich Central Free Reclining Chair
Cars on train No 0 leaving Sioux City
at 7 p m July 4th aud leaving Chicago
on the Michigan Central Ry at 10 80
the next morning arriving at Detroit at
0 p m July 3th m ample time for the
opening session of the convention
Also Pullman sleepers through from
Sioux City to Detroit on tho samev trains
the following date to leave Sioux City
at 7 00 p in July 5th and arrive at De
troit 0 p m of July 0th
A postal card addressed to the under
signed will secure for you full particu
lars as to this service sleeper rates re
servations railway fare limits of tick
ets excursion rates for side trips from
Detroit and folders descriptive of the
beautiful city of Detroit
A G P A 111 Cent R R
Dabtidue Iowa
r A 1 Ely 1 o procured
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes
1739 New York Ave
llico established 1S09 CharKes moderate Cor
rcspoudenco requested
An Antisep
tic Aund iiu
Em urocu
t i 011 T
should ho kept in every homo for uccidonts
such lib Ihiuih Cuts Poison Wounds Iilooii
Poison Sore Throat Uest tliliiK Known for
Kail Wire Cuts Try it iiiiph and on will
never hew itliout it Sold TllDTl C fill
by dealers aud druKKists I UFI I LC UIL
This fearful diseaso often first appears
as a mure bcratch a pimple or lump in
tho breast too small to attract any
notice until in many cases the deadlv
disoaso is fully developed
Cancer can not be cured by a surgical
oneration because tho diseaso is n virnlmif
poison in tho blood circulating throughout the system nnd although
the sore or ulcer known as the Cancer may be cut away the
poison remains in the blood and promptly breaks out afresh with
renewed violence
Tho wonderful success of S S S in curing obstinate deep neated
blood diseases which were considered incurable induced a iew de
spairing sufferers to try it for Cancer after exhausting tho skill of
the physicians without a cure Much to their delight S S S proved
equal to tho diseaso and promptly offectal a cure Tho glau news
spreuu rapiuiy aim 11 was soon demonstrated
beyond doubt that a cure had at last been
found for deadly Cancer Evidence has accu
mulated which is incontrovertible of which
the following is a specimen
Cancer is hereditary in our family my father a
Bister and an aunt having died from this dieadful
disease My feelings may De imagined when the hor
rible disease made its appearance on my bide It was
a malignant Cancer eating inwardly in Mich a way as
to cause great alarm The disease seemed beyond the
skill of tho doctors for their treatment did no good
whatever tho Cancer growing worse all the while
Numerous remedies were used for it but the Cancer
fgj ffiffi y
grew steauiiy wjrso until it seemed that I was doomed
to follow the others of tho family for I know how deadly Cancer is especially
when inherited I was advised to try Swifts Specific S S S which from the
until uay loruou oui mo poison x continued its use until 1 nau iaKen eignteen
lMDttles when I was cured sound aud well and have had no symptoms of the
dreadful affliction though manv yean have elapsed S S S is the only cure
for Cancer Mas S M Idol Winston N C
Our book on Cancer containing othor testimonials and valuable
information will be sent free to any address by the Swift Specific
Company Atlanta Georgia
i -