ir h nu fe w I- X IK V m itela Ki por nb pro- oly hurt PsUirlly Hfiioniical tiro Uio m fit tho is naturo fVolvotlu and c luce us in this iif lugs BtTPer Pair THE JOHNSON DRY GOODS CO BVKNE3 fc TYLER I J 11 lUrue I M DTrlnr f Attorneys at Lav Norfolk NobniHkn pit 11 T lTOLDEN Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Olllot over Citizens National Hunk OUlr hours W oOto l00ii m and UW ton 00 pm HvonliiKK 7 00 tosnX Ketidouoo Telephone No 0 iOttloo No Ull Norfolk - Nebraska JJ J COLE DENTIST Otflon oror Cltlto i Natl Dunk Uoaldonoe our blook north ot ouitrdtloul oharoti Norfolk yrSS MARY SHELLEY Nebrasku Fashionable Dressmaker rtlu Cotton olook oyer Baum Flrit cUi work guaranteed JitUtin tor Norfolk Nebraska pDWKRB HAVB Attorneys at Law Boom 10 11 and M Uait Hloek Norfolk Nebraska gESSIONS BELL Undertakers and Euibalmors BtiilouiBlk Norfolk At Norfolk Nobrask f M ROBERTSON Attorney at Lhw Rooms I and 2 Robertson Wigton Muck Norfolk Mrs H H Hull WILLOIVK Facial Treatmeot Manicorio Dd Will sUdly call at yuar nwi a A do any of tut work Order takaa for dm hair ewltohei Pnifect match gaarantaad Udildanoe ou Kin I Htrddt Jauctlou Ordam may ba loft at thf Jnuotlon llrn torn Tnlarihonn lfl LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL ET2HH 100 PILLS 25 CTS CURES Biliousness Constipation Dyspepsia Sick Head - ache and Liver Complaint SUGAR COATQD Sold by all drufrelsts or com uy man Netlt Medical Co Chlciro 4 I0TING IN BRDSSBLS populace Collides With lines U tary In Belgian Capital FiUISliVTOHS IN A IllKK IlHHT litn of iitllldriieii lii lrildoiit of tlio lutnilier l Iotlimeil liy mi Uptour tuu iiiiiUnr Hniliily llijit In Uio lrrny witii siiMi iii i im en j niHKsius Juiiti 1M Numerous icrowili fl nioetinuH worn held 1nnt nlht o iimtcrt iiKulnst tho olcctoml reform Mil At u Into hour I no lUiuniiAtnitorH itHsi milled in ho iiuitliborhool of iur llmtiiiit Iioiiho tio KoverniiiiMit offices mill tho iiliiCN nil of whioh wtro pro tected by tho police Tho uiTorta of tho latter iinil of tho clvio guiml to illHpurHo tho people were fruttloiH Finnlly it body of iiioniited goiidiirmcH repeatedly churned tho crowd greatly IiicoiihIiik the doinoiistratorH who hurled utoncs and other iif hsIIuh at thoKoiulnrimmvlio thereupon diHoharged their rovolvurn This nlm failed to Hcattar tho crowd and the gendarmes finally charged with fixed hiiynnulH and drawn Hwords Two gendarmes and Hovunil rioters wero wounded Mnily arrests wero nmdo A disturbance occurred in the chain bor of deputies yesterday whuti tho or der of tho day of tho right was adopted expressing confidence in tho president of the chamber against tho vote of tho So cialists Tho announcement of tho vote was tho signal for a general uproar all the deputies rushing to tho center of tho floor where a free light took place M Ouchonaere Oatholio labor member from Ghent was badly beaten by So cialists A guard of soldiers on duty finally cleared tho galleries and thu ses sion later was suspended FISCHERAS PEACEMAKER Huorifiilly Act iih niaxlliilor llolwceii Kimliinil mill llin tlaiiHViuil Puutokia Juno M Tho conference between Ireslilent ICrugor and Fihulior a member of tho executive council of the Orange Froo State who was tho bearer of eompromlho Miggestions from the Free State In the matter of ho dis putes between the Transvaal and Great Hrihiin bus been concluded Tho gen eral impression is that eMsehors mission has been successful lie afterward conferred with Oonyningham Green the UiHlsh diploinatieitgenthero IjONixix Iuno tfl The lohnunes burg eorrc poudeiit of thu Standard says President ICrugor it is under stood biic persists in his demand for arbitretini as an essentia condition ou any serileiiiiit Hi tho iueantim tho Transvaal continues buying provisions and war material and it has arranged with the Netherlands Huilway company to have absolute control of the railway in tho Orange Woo Stato in case ui illol Ciniiil AillihH Tukntox NJ- Juno ID Attorney General Gray tiled anopiuion with tho secretary of state advising tho refusal of the articles of incorporation of tho American Isthmus Ship Canal company The art icleh provided for an authorized capital of 00U with the provision that tho capital stock might be increased tonOOOOOOOby a vote f thu holders of not less than three fourths of tho capital stock This proviso is in con flict with the New Jersey statute which gives to tho holders of two thirds of tho capital stock the power to increase tho authorized capital Tho company was intended to be incorporated hero to build u ship canal across tho Isthmus of Panama Iohh irocciB lulu tit Huy Dks Moinks Juno 211 Tho wholesalo grocers of Iowa have decided to estab lish a purchasing agency which shall buy all the goods handled by the mem bers of this alliance The purchasing agent will handle yearly something like 0000000 Ho will bo stationed at either New York or Chicago and by this combination for purchasing pur poses the interested houbcs say that they will be able to savo u considerable percentage llitull Im DreyfiiH Court Rivxrs Juno -JO Tho ofiloial list of tho composition of tho Dreyfus court martial which is to assemblo in tho army service building for tho retrial of tho prisoner is as follows President Colonel Jouaust Major Brongniast ar tillery Major do Breou artillery Mai jor Protllet artillery Major Merle ar tillery Captain Parfalt artillery Cap tain Beauvais artillery All the mem bers of tho court martial have passed through the polytechnic school linilli Itiivo Situation In Ilimil BiUMiNimvM Ala June Tho deputies have the situation iu baud at Curd iff and Blossburg whero the bloody race riots occurred Tuesday although tho negro miners rofiioo to work and continue to carry arms Sheriff OBrien says he has no right to disarm them and with few exceptions they aro pre pared for aliy tort of trouble An addi tional forco ofinon has been placed on duty for fear of an outbreak Itiilut on Yul KxiirrlM Nnw Hvvix Juno 211 The uuuunl commencement of YulS university was celebrated yesterday Tho weather was decidedly inauspicious rulu beginning to fall just before tho time set for tho forming of tho elaborate procession The events of tho day wero tho con ferring of degrees to tho number of 015 the announcement of prizes and flip awards of prizes scholarships ami fel lowships Vuuui IoojiIoh Olirlntiiiii Union OcDAit IUms In Juno 20 Tho 10th annual lneotiug of tho Youiuj i pies Christian union of Iowa confer ence of the United Brethren church was brought to a successful eloso last even intr A liirur nimilwr of dolomite nt teuueo una ui pipers una luuiresses fSor sulu by Uoo B Ohristoph Norfolk were of great iuterest Imi Itntpn In lie itit Yowr attention Is directed to tho ox ceptionnlly low rates In effect this com ing season to nearly ovorv prominent point In tho Knst Never boforo lias nuoh an excellent oppoitunity boon afforded for a Buumir vacation tour or for visiting friends In tho Knst Wo mention bolowa fow of the places to which grontly reduced rates havo booiijmntlo Tho UNION PACIFIC is tho lino that wlll give you tho best service to any of heso points Detroit Mich July fl lO Hato ouo faro plus 00 for tho round trip Richmond Va July lMO Rato ono faro plus li00 for tho round tilp lutllanapollfl Ind July ao J Rato one faro plus Jt00 for tho round trip For full Information as to Into of snlo and limits ou tickets tlmo of trains etc call on F V Junhman Agont I K A M V Oliriip KxiMimloiiK To Detroit Mich account Christian Kudcnvor convention excursion tickets nt ono fnro plus 200 for round trip good to roturn by oxtoiiBloii until Aug ust 15th To Richmond Vn account Bnptist Young Peoples Union convention ex cursion tickets on July 10 II and 12 at ouo faro plus 300 for round trip good to roturn by extension until August liith To Beatrice Nob account chautnu quit excursion tickets on snlo Juno It to July 1 iiiolusivo nt ono faro for tho round trip good returning until July 5th To Indianapolis Ind account Kp worth league excursion tlokots ou July IS l and 20 at ono fnro plus 2 00 for round trip good returning by extension until Aug 20th To Los Angeles Oal excursion tickets at ono fnro plus 200 for round trip no count Nntionnl Kducatloual association on salo Juno 25 to July 8 Inclusive good returning until Sept To Hot Springs S D excursion tickets on Jul and 18 at ono faro plus 200 for tho round trip with 10 day limit for retain To Plnimiew Nob nccouut district O A R reunion excursion tickets at one faro for the round trip ou July 10 to 1 1 inclusive good to roturn until July To Richmond Vu jiiceount Baptist Young Peoples union otJuly 10 11 and VI nt ono faro plus 52 00 for rouud trip good t return until July 31 aud by do posit of ticket and payment of 50 rents may be extended until August 15 To Indianapolis Ind excursion tickets on July IS 11 aud 20 at one fare plus 200 for tho rouud tiip good to re turn until July 2 1 aud by depositing ticket and payment of 50 cents may bo extended until August 20 account Kp worth league H O Matkau Agent A Sound Itrur Miilud it Woll Alan Are you bilious constipated or troubled with jaundice sick headache bad tnsto in mouth foul breath coated tongue dyspepsia indigestion hot dry skin pain in back and botweeu the shoulders chills and fever etc If you havo any of t lie so symptoms your liver is out of order and your blood is slowly being poisoned because your liver does not act promptly Herbine will euro auy disorder of tho liver stomach or bowels It has no equal us a livei niedioino Price 75 cents Free trial bottle at G B Qhristophs itluntto 1 Ixiimiii City of Norfolk X- linnltii for tlio riMul Vour 1SIH OENHKAL rUXD Salaries H000 0Q Lighting 1200 00 Election Expenses 200 00 Streets and Sidewnlks 1000 00 Printing 250 00 Supplies 100 00 Firo Department 1100 00 Miscellaneous 500 00 WATER FUND Salaries 1200 00 Coal Oil nud Supplies 1500 00 Repairs and extension 500 00 Indebtedness 2000 00 IVTKREftT FUND On Bonds Issued 1SS7 000 00 Ou Bonds Issued 1S01 000 Hi On Refunding Water Bonds Issued 1600 1010 00 Sinking Fund 1500 l A G Heckmax E A Bullock AUUBlllMMOSD Ways nud Means Committee Itecel itH for Fiscal Vitr Kndlnj Ant nut 0 tmis Saloon occupation 2750 00 Insurance Companiei 205 00 Miscellaneous Liceusts 811 50 DogTax 77 0 Sidewalk Ropairs etc 307 78 Tiini Road Tax J 02 72 Gem ral 11127 Oil Water Rental 711 -15 Total 15800 48 A G HlXKMAN E A BlLLOCK AUO BltrJDlLVl Ways aud Means Committee OASVORXA Aro you lacking in strength nud en ergy Aro you nervous despondent irritnblo billious constipated and 1enerully run dowu iu health If so your liver is torpid nud n few doses of Herbine will euro yon Herbiue has uo Kjual as a health restorer Geo B OiiRisTOiit CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears che Qiguature o For oillelal map of cty of Lo Angeles and N E A pamphlet address F W Juuemau THE 3rTt3SLAJP W W T t Si THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 29 1899 SMALL TRADE IN WHEAT Miitlirl l Kiipl SltotiK by nip DanwiRS Nnw ltrriil Ale tlenvy Ciiicaoo tuuo JS tlonitwtlc cruji ilnumttn rc pml4 lcntiio tiip ilninltmnt f not or In tho wlient nmrkit todny Iml trade wnHHinnll mid tlio intirkot clotctl nt nn mlvnncn of only o Corn ilwllniil lfit iimlfr lionvy rtxiolit oiitn nilvmicitl io on ImllMi foreign ndvlns niul iirovUtoiH ndvnliccil io with thu nd vnficc In hoc Clmlnu prices Wiiiat 1u1v H iit Tlo Coitv luly ilHjc Inly niAMIHo Inly 2V Hept iVHiWfio loilK luly Wil Bcpt t34i20S4S Hliw lulyt475i Hept IIOfffll ljMililuly fi07j Sept V2J Cnh iuntitlnni4 No a rod whnnt 7fFV 7V NollsprliiKHWioiNoJlmrd 71Ji7 M No Uoorn 111sc Nn3 oiitu 2lJu OIiIciiro lhti Slock CllltAtio liini 2S Cnttlo Hoeolpts 21010 coniiiioncr Kmtlit 10e lower nood lo tnncy cnttlo worn i1Ibkwi1 of nt KinTlV0i com moner itrnilt H solllnis nt tlxa3tiii ffilltiK out tie brnUKht M7WiU Imll cowb niut hrlfcrt tiOOtJfilO tlm Inttcr prion for rholco hilforsj Witiin fed htciM sold nt 47t5tW TnxniK llUXi 110 nud ciilvct wild nt ICHV7no Horh ltecelpti IClOtiO thu luiu kut wns rnther wenlt Into In tho ilny Unlit Iioks nold ut trlU0 mixed lots nt MIW1 M ntul henvy 4Vrt 885 jilitn hroucht til tXiibt and eulU 1V0 Hi0 Hliee Ileoolpti 150UO tho better class of nlieep nud IiiiiiIm wero lit dcninnd nt Htendy prices conceslons wcru inndo on ordinary of fcrliiKS sheep Mild nt 2iVa23 for ordinary to KOodyciirlliiKS brouitht VXtl25 clipped lambs M7ytfln mid HprliiR lambs t4W700 Kmisiis Oily Ilvo Stock KanoahCitv Iuiio iS Cnttlo Ilccelpts 7 000 Htendy to HK lower linttve Hteers I40S SW inedluin tlHVlSW Unlit 440ri B MiTexiisHteers tllJVlo Toxns cows 280 U7nntlvu cowh and hnirura 2154O0 BtOckers and feederx KU052 bulls 0OJ iVt Hokh KucelptR 10000 mnrkct opened HtroiiK closed wenk bulk of hnles JrtVt t75 lionvy l70l 80 packers rtV3i7J mixed aX33 5 Ilht tlS7Ka307 york ers 30oiU7K pips t340ft05 Sheep Itecelpts 4000 firm Innlbs f500 07o clipped muttons 37575 atockcrs 200 8B0 culls 22ys3M South Oimilin I Ho Stock SOUTH OMAHA Juno 2 Cnttlo Uecelpts 8000 net vo steady to Be lower native beet MteefM 450SS2i western steers 400tb0 Texas steers W7iVaiHcowsnnd heifers 1383 ft 400 scanners J22VS 3t stockurs nud feed ers MMflltriilvN JXgi7U0 bulls stilus etc W00i425 HoKs Uecelpts 14000 shade Rtroimur henvy lUlftii70 mixed 1Mi1fit 8lo llKht t3ilVJc370 plus 32Vcta bulk or Milis f102Vil Ws Sheep Uecelpts 1110 ktendy western muttons lWrtV2o stock sheep 3S0l2o lambs 4rj0g0u0 In tho Kiel regatta Sunday Emperor William sailed his yacht Meteor win ning thu llrst race OASTonija Boar tho A 8 You Have Always Bought 8sr Mja If jour child has thin palo cheeks nucertaiu ajipotito tuul tiureutful sleep it has worms and curing with strong medicine only makes conditions worse by irritating its delicuto stomach v hitos Cream Vermifuge is mild but certain in effect and is a superior touio as well as a positive worm destroyer Gko B Oiikitoi OASTORIA Boarn the J9 m ma uu m ftmas D0U111 Tablqrs Buckeye Pile Ointment gives instant relief It alloys iuflnmmatiou nud heals It is uroiunt in its nction ind positivo in its effect It is the kind thnt cures without pain or discomfort It is for piles only 50 cents Tubes 75 cents Geo B Ciikistoph The lui umn iiner Who plants by the acre Poor victims of cough and cold i signing ntui crytiu i or weve nil stoppiil ilyit Since Ilrarilinu Ilnlm was sold And Icr those who desire Isot Just yet to ro lumber It is worth its weight iu KId Stop thnt barking by the use of Bal lards Horehouud Syrup It nrrests the cough allays irritation of the throat and relieves congestion of tho lungs iu a day It is safe and pleasant to take nud never disappoints 25 and 50 cents Geo B Ciikistoph Are You Ever Depressed Aud U It not due to nervous exhaus tion How an you have courage wnen sunerine wim neauacno nerv oua prostration and great physicav weakness Would you like- to bo rid of this depression of spirits How By removing tho cause By taking Ayers barsapiruia It removes tho causo of your Buffer ing because it rumoesau impurities from your blood 5100 All druggists To keep in good health you must havo perfect nction of tho bowols Aycrs Pills euro constipation and biliousness 2Sc a box Wrlto to our Doctors Write ut freely nil tlio particulars In your case Adtlrcu Dr J U AYKIt Lowell Mass lbolographtd from Lit ESnT F REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY HI rp Made a Well Man tv of Me CXUBICTOXX XVX13VEX1I3 S produces the above results ln30 days It acts powerfully aud quickly Cures when all others fall Young men will regain their lout manhood aud old men nill recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Eraieeions Lost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases and all effects of self abuse orexcersand indiscretion which unQts one for study business or marriage It cot only cures by starting at tho feat of disease but is a great nerve toulo and blood builder bring ing back tho pink glow to palo checks and re storing tbe Are of yonth It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having KEVIVO no other It can ba carried in vest rocket By mall 8100 perpackase or fell for 8500 with a nosl tlve written Ruaranteo to euro or refund tho money Circular troo Address Royal Akdicine Co affiteili For sals in Not folk by Geo B Chrlstoph tiwxfimmwmfpwiiwmnwiJ i l I i U t i i iM CASTOR ArcRcnllcPrcparalioiifor As similating UicToodatulRcgula ling HicSlomrichs anilDowcls of Promotes DircstionCriectful ncssandRcstContains neillicr OpiurrTrlorphitw iwr Mineral WOT N AR C O TI C HcttofOUOrSANUHniVWLB jOxSenna ftmemint Catena fti ftimftti Claniat Jiumr hwiyrwi norm A perfect nemedy forConslipd tion Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions acss and Loss OF SLEEP TflcSimile Signature of NEW YORK EXACT COPV OF VRAPPEB IVIOTTS gV orlfWr tEUTaXJi c xs n Mrs U M barieb Medfora SU Mwifoni M wriwuon Jirij i ri iw v V3li wou CO r ea -In si a UJ CO I CO I ui 1 Q a o a LL a c CO 3 O VL CASTOR gor Infante and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of PENNYROYAL PILL M Vtal AAlf 1 ft am V lJ The Kind You Have Always Bought CASTORIA THE CCNTAUn COMPANY NEW YOHK CITY They overcome Weak ness irregulnrity aud omissious increase or anu oauisii pains of menstruation They are LIFE SAVJ3KS to girls at womanhood aiding development at organs and body No known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure 300 PI3R JiOX UY MAIL Sold by druggists DU MOTTS CHEMICAL CO Cleveland Ohio Tor Salo at KEONIG STEINS PHARMAOiT nMwrtzasxtG w ynvpf T is Sitfgis r vzt tjsSiiVYSf i vK 2xuzcrSLfi Y yfr f v f V i t I M ii rlliflpn t Inr mn to una liiniruiieo lo aescnuo ray miucrniK - R R TIMETABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST Omalm Pasjoniter Chicago Exprob KAST Clilcno ExproHS Omalia FaHsviiver west Black HUU Expres YerdlBro IMbHnKor QEO A LATIMER Attorney at Law Ollico iu Mast lilockt INSKEEPS WIIiblNERY Cheapest and best 332 Norfolk Avenue DErART 00ttin lJUOpin ARIilVU 700r in liIOpm DEPART 72up m 12l0pm Veriiicro Accotuiuodatlou 900am r 1 Altnn c Iliiick Hills Expro9 1220 p iu VcnMBro Itffioutfir HU5iim Vonlitjie Accommoilation 7 40 pm Tlio L hicairo anil Black Hlllx arrives and ilepartA fiom lunctiou depot Tlio Oualia aud Vordigre trains arrive aud depart from city depot Ii C Matrau Agent Union Pacific SOUTH DEPART olitiutu Accominodatiou 00i p m Omalia Denver and Pacitlc Coast lG40u in NOBTII ARWVE Columliuii Ace nimodntlon li pm OiualiH Lniivraud 1nclflc coast 9H pm Connects at Norfolk with F E A M goinif west and north and with tlio O St P M ic O for poiiitx uortli aud east F W Jonfman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha EAVI DEPART Sioux Ht andOmaliH Fashenger 7iam Sioux Ilty Passenger I i p m wthT ABHvii Sioux City PasseUKer I031am rionx City and Omaha Passjnaer S55 p m Connectiiat Norfolk iitli t h t M NKiiiur west and north ami with the U P for points 6flMii F W Junkman Agent Di excet t Sunday Spenoop Ovelman Boots and - Shoes Repairing Neatly Done - wiy x- C S HAYES J OVtlon exoituicent or worry would oauo cioal prdtratioa oxirmo norvousni wj fefrheadnohe iudlccstlon and sororo Tomltlne which t times ktpt up ootitinually for Mk twoorthrwidayBlnBplloof all my phyuioian could da I beowne Terj thin In h t D ni int i iv iAt nf m hair tho toD of my hod botc entirely bulrt I Bnf fcd unablo to dieest anjtUlua I tried nororiil Ai V fored terribly with my Btomtoh belnp 5phlcian withot1 eettln any rolfof Finally itAairnt a friend H SLftii Ronorator and I began to Improyo u i toon Ml tool II and tte ohanso wwft riAHii ir nnm mmm VAT nnnnninu icarn a bui vuiuti uci oj vw - uiv Jul for uoh panaoea MDrJ KayjB Bgrt m W SfffW At soon as j Dfgnn k unpre uj buiji8 v - rryjr llsrJZ 7 - u I oould mot tsttzXo mi mm met tka benal I k olrd treat uMXu4 Dr Kays Renovator k a - -- a - Amutn WM1 J 2rZSmaZ VmSSm I5JAZSZTrJiZrxJtZGumk dbiDondonoT female So ZSZL ZSS JH JZL VUT KartaSWSTvarv nteuant and g tStaSiiT HAS MfWOIO OOT iSKBB AS MAlTSf DOSES I AS ifmSwu -A 4tisiuk tstimM iui j D unuuuio i us irwttKd aM aMamiMajm i i Railroad and Business Directorv -Fine Watch Repairing IH CTRUMAN Paints and Halt Paper House and Sign Painter JWEDWARDS The Norfolk Horseshoer All Work Guaranteed Cor 4tl St anil Rraasch Avo W W MANGUS Painting and Paperhanging Flue Work Uuarunteed JBHERMANN Contractor and Builder 1 1 7 fourth Street t