Wh LS KV 3 PR 1 DATE FIXMR FIRST Nebraska Regiment to Start for Home Thursday WILL SAIL ON THE HANCOCK Cnblo ltoeelvcd from Colonel Mulford Asking That Colonel Colton Ho Ills churned at On co Committed of Fifty Appointed to Prepare n Stuto Wolcome Lincoln Juno 21 At the gover nors office was received the following cablegram fsum Colonel Mulford of tho First Nebrnsku Manila Juno 21 To Governor Lincoln Neb Ooltou ordered dis charged Manila Would liko till va cancies filled boforo sailing 22d Mulfoiid Tho ndjntant general is in commu nication with tho governor advising as to tho course to bo taken in accordance with Colonel Mulford s request Col ton is lieutonant colonol of tho regi ment and it iB presumed he desires to remain in Manila By this situation Major Frank Eager tho senior major is next in lino for promotion to tho lieutonant colonelcy and Major Wallace Taylor the junior major would then become senior major Captain Horpol shoimer of Lincoln is now tho ranking captain Omaha Juno 21 About 70 mombors of tho committee on reception of tho First regiment met in tho council chamber yesterday nfternoou discussed plans for suitably honoring the return ing soldiers and organized a working committee of r0 members Twenty live of these are from this city and tho re maining 25 are from her cities of tho state each town or city from which a company of tho regiment came being included Commends General Wheaton Washington June 21 General Otis forwards the following Manila Juno 20 Whoa ton at Imus with four guns four battalions Fourth and Fourteenth infantry Nevada troop cavalry sent battpMon south on recon naissance direction of Las Marinas yes terday morning whero enemy was re ported concentrating his scattered forces Battalion encountered enemys force of 2000 marohing to attack Imus Was successful in impeding its progress Wheaton with two guns and two bat talions hurriirl forward and repulsed tho enemy with heavy loss enemy leav ing over 100 dead on tho field Our loss was five killed 28 wounded Wheaton vn reinforced last night by a battalion Ninth infant y and -is Iriving enemy beyond Las Marinas which is now in his possession Casualties today not re ported Wheatons qualities for bold and successful attack unsurpassed Situation Is Very Serious New York Juno 21 Tho situation in tho Philippines is very serious said General Nelson A Miles at tho Waldorf Astoria last night I know nothing concerning the story that the war de partment is suppressing tho news from Manila But everybody knows that things are very serious there The question of issuing a call for volunteers has not I believe been decided I do not caro to discuss the Philippine mat ter I am hero on private business FIRE EXPLODES MAGAZINE One Man of First Artillery Killed by Full- I UK Debris ut Fort Pickens Pensacola Fla Juno 21 The smaller powder magazino at Fort Pick ens on Santa Rosa island blow up at 545 a m Tho explosion wrecked tho western coruor of tho old fort demol ishing tho new brick store houso tho brick bako houso tho orderly sergeants residenoe and sovoral wooden buildings used for quarters for tho laborers who had been working on tho new fortifica tions Flying fragments hit Private Wells of Battery H who was on duty at tho wharf and almost instantly killed him Four other meu wore badly injured ono having a leg and arm broken A flro broke out among tho buildings at tho fort and reached tho magazine beforo it could bo checked causing tho explosion Tho flro raged till this fore noon and tho larger magazine in which was stored a great quantity of dyna mito and other heavy explosives was in danger it and tho forts being saved through tho bravo work of Captain Nioumann and a detachment of ma rines Buildings in Pensacola were shaken by tho forco of the oxplosion Lost Fitty Ambulances Ohioacio Juno 21 Fifty hospital ambulances shipped to Tampa Fla over a year ago by tho local army offi cers to bo forwardod to Cuba for tho use of tho United States troops have boon lost Tho matter was brought to tho attention of General Anderson yester day by a letter from Washington stat ing that tho war department search for the missing property had been un successful and suggesting that tho Chi cago officials join iu tho hunt What makes tho loss all tho more astonishing is that it took a freight train of 17 cars to haul the ambulances from the city Jluy Arcept Vlfciuulu Otter Lincoln Juno 21 Colonel Victor Vifquaiu of the recently mustered out Third Nebraska regiment is hopeful that the regiment whose services he has twice tendered to tho president may bo called upon to go to tho Philippines Iu answer to hia last tender to the presi dent Colonol Yifquain has received a letter from Adjutant General Corbiu which says that under certain circuin stances his proffer may be accepted Colonel Vifquaiu says Jiis offer was made N011KOLK NEBRASKA TI1UKSDAY JUNK i 18 I Russia tho wheat crop is said to bo lost Servian farmers aro favored by tho weather thoy having again a splendid prospect beforo them even with India competing Hints In India London Juno 21 A dispatch to ths Daily Mail from Simla says Over 50 small villages have been looted and burned in tho Tijiimovolly district At oue town moro than 100 murders wero committed Tho victims in many casos wero literally hacked to pioeos aud then thrown into tho flames of their burning homes number Strike Spread Sioux City Juno 21 Tho plumbers striko hero threatens to involve other local labor unions Building operations aro practically tied up EASY FOR PETER MAHER Mike MnriUftiir Make No Attempt tnStny III the riKht New Youk June 21 Peter Mnher tho Irish heavyweight pugilist scored a quick victory over Ids follow country man Mike Morrissey of Tipperary bo fore the Lonox Athletic club last night Morrissey had boon heralded as nn In vincible Irish champion Mnher sized his man up quickly and went for him There was apparently no light in tho newcomer A light punch on the breast and a right cross to tho jaw were tho only blows struck and those were de livered by Malter Tho blow that Maher landed on the jaw was insufficient to knock out any man Muhor weighed 174 pounds and lookod well Miku Morrissey had a rotinuo of handlers when he reached tho ringside- and said ho weighed 182 pounds Tho moment that the men shaped it was clearly ovl dont that Morrissey was afraid and that Mnher had the easiest task ever given him Both lltldled for a Tow minutes and then Maher went for his man with a light one on tho ohost and sent bin right over to tho jaw Morrissey foil in a neutral corner and lay there resting on his right ellmw while Mnher strutted about the ring until tho referee counted oil 10 seconds Maher then walked to his corner and the master of ceremonies announced that Maher had won and that the timoof tho bout was 115 soooikIh FOOLISH HEIR ABDUCTED Itolutlics of Closes fowler Cliami FlubtliiR lor the Guardianship New Youk June 21 Tho police officials say thoy know nothing about Moses Fowler Gluisu tho mentally in competent young man said to bo worth i0000 who is supposed to havo been abducted from his homo iu Detroit and to 10 in New York with his aunt Tho police of Detroit it was roported had asked tho Now York police to arrest tho three if Ihoy came hero Notwithstand ing that the police claim to know nothing of Chase ho has been in the city since Monday night Chase is regis tered at tlic Waldorf Astoria hotel with O II Duhine and tho hitters wife Tho night clerk at the hotel said that he understood Mr Dnhino and his wife are the uncle and aunt of Ghaso The clerk said the three guests had registered Monday night and hud mado no secret of the fact that thoy intended to sail for Europe today ROBBED BY HIS PORTER Omulm In velci Mulcted for WIOMI by a Trusted Kniptnye Omaha June 31 Albert Peterson diamond thief and wife beater might have kept a long series of successful thefts always a scoret had it not been for a lovo of strong drink and habitual ill trcntinout of his wife For two years a trusted employe of A Mandelborgs jewelry establishment Peterson is found to havo stolen goods since al most tho first day of his servico and continued until his resignation last May Tho value of the articles stolen amounted to about 1000 aud not tho remotest suspicion attached to him When arrested for wife beating and in a maudlin condition Peterson re vealed his long concenlod secret TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Dr C W Super was Tuesday elected president of Ohio university The Russian government is preparing measures for the early development of its merchant marine The Cambria Steel company of Johns town Tuesday posted notices of a gen eral advauco ot wnges of 10 per cent About 8500 uiou aro affected by tho ad vance Jiimos Armstrong a Pittsburg stool worker Tuesday snot and killed Thomas Welch a fellow workman and immedi ately shot himself dying within a few moments Tho convention of tho International Printing Pressmens union Tuesday de cided that job pressman could not or ganize branch union but should con tinue either as pressmen or assistants Carriages and vehicles of nearly ovory description driven by compressed air will be running on tho streets of Chi cago by next January if tho plans of tho Hartley Powor Supply company aro consummated Tho three men arrested near Yellow stone Park Monday on suspicion of be ing Union Pacific train robbers havo been released An Investigation showed conclusively that they wero not con nected with tho robbery Tho riots in southern India have spread to Travancoro whero the police have been severely beaten and forced to retire Tho rioters are cutting off tho ears of their opponents iu order to ob tain their earrings moro expeditiously A pitched battle between Hebrew and Christian lwys on Stewart avenue Chi cago became so fierce Tuesday that pol ice interference in force was made nec essary The fight was the result of tho bitter feeling between the Jewish and Christian boys of the neighborhood William E Jones who manned the wheel of tho Brooklyn at Santiago is in tlie county jail for SO days at Racine for carrying concealed weapons Justice Gnswold of Cleveland dis missed tho charge of embezzlement pre ferred several days ago agaimt Judge W O Oug by a former client Tho steamer Alameda on her last trip from San Francisco to Australia had her vault robbed of 25000 Tho suspected robber left tho vessel at Hono lulu Tho Illinois supreme court has set aside tho verdict or tho lower court sus taining tho Alton authorities iu com pelling colored children toattond separate schools and ordered a now trial Chicago Jews aud peoplo of tho Jew ish nationality in all the large cities of America are contributing funds for tho purchase of suitable testimonials to bo jrecuted to Captain Dreyfus Eunlo zoui una uoiouel rict OHIO TOIVNSJLOODI Wind nnd Water Cause Havoc Over a Wide Area sTinxrs TTiNin into mvriis Water Compel Fuctnrlrn to Mint lliuvn and Itiislnns I- at a Standstill Ono House Wavbed Away and Owner la Mlsslms Tnimiilo In Illinois MANKKiKiit O Juno 21 A storm of unusual severity ocourtod horn lust night and extended to other points In Ohio notably Shelby on the northwest and Loudonvillo on the southeast Here the storm lasted from 7110 until after midnight A number of outbuildings wero moved from their foundations and many houses wero under water several feet deep Tho street car power house was flooded so that oars could not run after U p in Tho total damage done In tho city is estimated at 50000 and may bo more At Shelby the rise In the little stream running through the town was ho rapid that citizens were aroused at 2 a m by the fire alarm and by the ringing of church bells All collars wore flooded and the principal streets became run ning streams The pnstolllco could not be reached early In tho day and busi ness was at a standstill At Loudonville the storm seems to have gathered strength and there was a decided cloudburst Horsetail creek soon broke over its bunks with such force Hint the first house it struck Hint of Isaac Hunter was swept from its foundations and completely destroyed Hunter is missing and may be drowned Bridges and roadways have been broken or destroyed entailing a loss of 100000 Indiana Swept by Storm Indianapolis June 21 A severo storm passed over central and southern Indiana last evening Near Daloville Charles Bowler was milking a cow when both man and iinimnl were killed by lightning Frank Smiths residence near Eaton was completely destroyed by lightning North and south of Muncin railway trades were blockaded by trees being blown down Wheat fields were badly damaged by large hail stones and severe winds A severe rainstorm is reported in Marion county and Marion Oily reports a hard windstorm which for n time had every appeararfce of a cyclone Itoporls reached hero that many were injured in it cyclono bo tween Portland and Ridge Hill Heavy Storm at Ames Ames In June 21 A terrific rain and hailstorm passed over this city early this morning smashing half of the window lights of tho town A barn north of the city was struck by light ning and burned to the ground Seven head of horses were killed The streets are tilled with water Reports from tho country give great loss of stock Tornado at lloopestnwii Danville His June 21 A tornado passed north of Hnopestown last even ing Two buildings and a barn were blown down at Hnopestown and somo stock killed Much damngo is feared north of Hoopestown DARK SIDE OF KLONDIKE More Laborers Than Work Iu the Yukon Country Pout TowNsrND Wash Juno 21 A number of Klomllkors who arrived hero on the steamer Dirigo present tho dark side of Klondike life They suy that Dawson is crowded with idle men who are willing to work for most any wages Thirty conts an hour and board yourself are tho prevailing wages for common labor Thoy say thero aro hundreds of mon with no prospects of seeming work and that tho only way thoy will bo able to got out of the coun try will bo though government assist ance Iu llebalfof Shop Olrli Des Moines Juno 21 Tho firstaction brought in this city under the now codo section requiring seats for shop girls commenced by tho Humane society in Justice Aylesworths court yesterday J B Ackorman irAiager of a 10 cout store is tho defendant and Is charged by tho society with neglecting to pro vide suitable seats for tho use of fomalo omployes in his retail storo Tho sec tion makes this an offouso against pub lic health Taroina Hotel Hums Tacoma W h June 21 Tho Mon telle hotel a fashionable boarding houso was partially destroyed by fire last night Lieutenant Otto Sehlegol and Captain Russell of the fire department wero carried from tho building overcome by smoko aud V R Egormnyer a fire man was struck by a nozzle of a full ing hose and knocked ofif a ladder The loss of the Uiilding aud coutents amounts to about 23000 Followers of Hahnemann In Sestlon Atlantic City Juno 21 The 55th session of the American Institute of Homeojwthy opened hero yesterday with over 1 100 followers of Hahnemann in attendance Evory 6oction of tho couutry was represented Yesterdays two sessions afternoon and evening wero devoted to committee reports unit tho annual address of Benjamin F Bailoy of Lincoln Nob president of tho itibtituto Loner Cullfortilu Mine Not lllrli San Djkuo Juno 21 Tho schooner Anita returned from tho Lower Cali fornia mines yesterday with 15 miners and 00 ounces of gold Tho men say tho placers extend over miles ure uot rich and most of the Americans The Norfolk Weekly News advisedly with tho consent of tho offi cers and men of tho Third AutliorliltiK Now Ilm luine Beiilin June 21 The bill authoriz ing the acquisition of the Caroline La drone and Polow islands was submitted to tho reichstag yesterday KENNEDY CONVICTED Notorious Train llohhor liven Seventeen Years by a Inry of Farmer Hahtvilie Mo Juno 21 John Ken nedy the notorious Cracker Nocker has finally been convicted of train rob bery Tho jjury beforo whom Kennedy was tried for complicity in the robbery of an express train at Macomb on Jan a last returned a verdict last evening adjudging Kennedy guilty us charged and fixing his punishment at 17 years in tho state penitentiary Strangely enough it remained for Kennedy to bo connoted by a jury of farmers hero in Ilartvillo over 20 miles from any railroad after tho authorities in such a railroad center as Kansas City had signally failed to convict him of tho numerous charges of train robbery which they hud brought against him Six men wero actually engaged In tho Macomb hold up Of those JakoFegely who received a penitentiary sentence of 14 years and John Kennedy have been convicted Old Bill Ryan a member of tho notorious old James gang Too Shoppard Louis Nigh and Elmer Byrani aro tho others accused of com plicity in the hold up Their trials will follow that of Kennedy Elmer Byrani having made a full confession will prob ably not bo severely punished RIOTING IN CLEVELAND Mob Attacks Street Cart anil Chases Non union Mntnrnian Cleveland Juno 21 There wero two incipient riots last evening At the corner of Central and Wilson ave nues a crowd of 2000 people obstructed tho passage of two cross town cars Ono of the nonunion motorincii who gavo his mime as Charles Jones was hit with a brick and badly injured Later a car on the south side lino was nttacked near the suburb of Brighton The motor- man and conductor wero chased into the woods by a mob and they had not returned when it came time to stop running cars The people of tho south side nursed their wrath all day They made no attempt to interfere with the running of cars so long as there was police pro tection but last night thero was a de termined effort to get at the nonunion men at tho Hollondon avenue barn Soon after dark a mob of 5000 peoplo assembled There were 20 policemen at the barns but they wero powerless to handle the mob Fences torn down and tho crowd broke into tho barns In tho meantime tho nonunion men had escaped to tho attic and tho rioters contented themselves with smashing a few of the oars Smallpox IlrealCM Out In Howard County Des Moines Juno 21 Dr Kennedy of the stato board of health received a telegram stating that three cases of smallpox had been discovered in Paris township Howard oounty The source of exposure comes from Cresco the county seat of Howard Tho farmers of the adjoiniug townships aro wild with fright but Dr Kennedy says tho cases have been roported as in a mild form and that every precaution will be taken to prevent tho spreading of tho disease The population of tho entire township will bo vaccinated All travel will bo stopped no one will bo allowed upon tho highways and the strictest of quarantine rules have boon established General Striko Not Ordered Buffalo Juno 21 Contrary to ex pectation a goueral striko of dock work ers was not ordered last night A con ference was held by representatives of all branches of labor along tho docks and after tho froight handlers had been urged iu vain to return to work it was decided that no action looking to a gen eral striko should bo takon until Presi dent Keefe of tho longshoremen arrives Dan Coudhtlii Indicted GincAOO Juno 21 Last night tho grand iurv voted Indictments against Daniel Coughlin and William Arm- strong Coughlin was indicted on tho charge of offering a bribo to Juror John F Taylor Ho was also indicted with I William Armstrong his bartender on tho charge of conspiracy to do an act prejudicial to tho administration of I public justico No Trace of the Murderer- Auiiuun Nob Juno 21 There is nothing especially interesting iu tho Julian murder case The hounds wero unable to get tho trail and tho effort was abandoned Tho jury simply finds that Mr Rahuand camo to his death at tho hands of parties unknown aud that tho object was robbery Mob After Neijrn Prisoner Mobile Ala Juno 21 Daniel Pat rick tho negro who assaulted Miss Bes sie Ireland in her homo out side of Scran ton Miss Monday was captured yes terday Ho was takon to jail whore ho confessed tho crime A crowd has gathered for tho purpose of assaulting tho jail Sheriff Moore and deputies promiso to resist tho mob aud some shooting is looked for fit Louis Kutertaliia Elk St Louis Juno 21 Last night 8000 Elks and their ladies were entertained by the local lodge at Suburban on tho outskirts of tho city They wore enter tained by a company of burnt cork art ists earlv in the evening and then gave way to fenstingnnd merry making Tho great feature of today will bo tho parade of tho members when 10000 Elks are expected to bo in liue 1 run nnniuciciuniAiTCi llfllflU nu ooCiLiiuuo Delay In Securing French Min istry Causes Alarm CALLS A NI5W CAMSfKT MAKER Provident loubet Itcipicsts HotiieeM to Undertake the Tusk of Solidifying Knoiii li Klemcnts to SukIiiIu the Gov ernment ICuecutlvo SIiouk Anxiety Pauls Juno 21 It is now said Presi dent lioubet will ask M Bourgeois tho former premier and minister of foreign affairs to form a now cabinet The prolongation of tho cabinet crisis is becoming most serious MM Dupuy and Lookroy both willed on President Loubct yesterday and expressed their anxiety to bo roliovod of tho responsi bility of office as soon as possible It is reported orders have boon sent to St Michaels Azoro islands directing the commander of tho French cruiser Sfsix which is bringing Captain Droyfus to Franco to remain thero a short time so us not to arrive in homo waters until the now ministry is installed Should Bourgeois accept tho task of forming a ministry it is thought his chances of success would lo fairly good His prestige has been much increased by the part ho played in tho deliberations of the peace conference tit The Hague The latest gossip favors a combination cabinet including MM Bourgeois Brisson Poincare and but nothing will be known until M Bourgco arrives M Wuldoek Roussoau discussing his failure is reported to have said I met with the utmost friendliness and straightforwardness from my former adversaries but found only treason among my old allies WAR POSSIBILITIES Natal Volunteers Ordered In Hemlines lor Active Service Oaiktown June 21 Tho Natal vol unteers have been ordered to hold them selves in readiness for active service The activity of the war department authorities has been suspended in tho matter of contracts for certain requisi tions on the ground that tho regiments are now ready to letivo Capotown for Kimberloy at short notice An engine driver on tho Capo railway declares that he has seen men sinned and mounted engaged in drilling at Houttkranl near Dcarr and Pontfonteiu not far from Kimberloy Ho was in formed that thoy wero Dutchmen pre paring to tissist tho Boors in tho event of hostilities FLOCKING TO RENNES HotelH Filled Willi IeopInComhiBlo Hear the Trial or Captain Dreyfus Paris June 21 Tho approaching ar rival of Droyfus at Rennes is causing an influx of foreigners there Tho hotels nre besieged with applicants for looms which command immense prices Tho arrangements for tho conveyance of tho prisoner from Brest havo boen mado with the greatest euro and it is believed there is no danger of demonstrations Droyfus is expected to reach Brest early in tho morning and precautions havo boon taken to prevent anybody from seeing him either at Brest or at Rennes The Figaro says it understands Drey fus will arrive at Rennes on Juno 30 and that he will bo landed elsewhere than at Brest AiiHtrnllan Federation Sydney N S W Juno 21 The referendum on tho federation question has resulted in 11045 votes in favor as against 10551 opposed in the city of Sydney In the country districts tho returns now practically complete show 05097 for federation as against 44035 opposed The result hoa been received here with great enthusiasm and tho federation loaders aro applauded and eulogized on nil hands Tho roferondnm on tho federation proposal will bo takon in Victoria to wards tho end of next month London Juno 21 Tho Times and other morning papers contain editorials in a congratulatory voin regarding the New South Wales roferondnm which insures tho success of Australian feder ation inasmuch as the results in Vic toria and Queensland are a foregone conclusion CROP SHORTAGE ABROAD Willi Kicepllon of Small Sections italn fall Han lleen Greatly Dellcieut New York Juno 20 Tho Time3 London correspondent telegraphs Wo aro threatened with an agricultural dis aster that may among other evils in flict upon us a wofully short grain crop June usually ruther wet is this year so far ruinless and crops are already half ruined in many parts of the country Tho same conditions prevail over tho greater part of Europe and iu south Will leave for linuie About i0000 luu been taken out iu all so far - i Water Comes In on Miners GlashowIuiio 21 TlioGnulchalaml pit lu Ayshlre was suddenly Hooded yesterday while a number of men were below Fifteen of them are still misting DIPLOMAS FROM MKINLEY Ileshlelits Niece Oue ol the Gradual lug Class at Moillil lloljnke College Snrm Haiiliv Mass June 21 President Moltinloy participated iu tho coninienceineiit exercises at Mount llolyoke college yesterday awarding tho diplomas to the senior class among whom was his niece Miss Oruco Mo Kliiley and accepting In n brief addim i the degree of doctor of civil laws con ferred upon him by tho college Tho president and parly came from Holyoko by olet trie car In the morning Aflot t he college exercises tho president held a reception on the platform in front ol the village church shaking hands with 2 100 people Today President McICin ley and party will enjoy a steamer ritU down the Connecticut river to Spring field where here will bo receptions and a parade and at I p in the parly will leave Springfield for Adams Mass bjf special tram PLACE FOR BABCOCK Will lie tllvuu Chairmanship of the Coin lulleu on Hulls Chicago June 21 Tito Record snysi When Congressman 1 B Henderson ot Iowa lias been elected spanker of thil house of representatives of the Fifty sixth congress ho will in ho main re organize the committees without changes iu personnel The chairman ship of tho committee on rules which Congressman Heudei Hon himself has held is an exception When tlie Iowa statesman is elevated to the chair this chnirmausliip will go to Congressman 1 W Babcock of Wisconsin This has been agreed upon after conferences Imp tween Colonel Henderson anil Congress man Babcock and other leaders Clop Conditions Poor Din Moini n June 21 Crop condi tions are poor The weekly bulletin says On ho I7lli considerable damage was caused by local hail and wind storms in some of the counties iu I lie ceul nil and norl hern districts Despite these drawbacks fair progress has been made iu cultivating tlie cornfields and in finishing planting in the southern section The condition of corn is very uneven and Iho output uncertain hub with favorable conditions in tho futuru it is possible to bring the crop up to nearly an average in the larger part of tho stato Reports from nearly all sec tions confirm previous advices as to tho rank growth of spring wheat oats and barley and I lie danger of loss by lodging Daly to Live Iu Denver Denvhk June 21 The Times says Marcus Daly tho Montana millionaire miner and horwi breeder is coming to Colorado to live Ho brings with him from 0000000 to 10000000 of money to invest It is reasonably certain that ho will build a homo in Denver Ho has an option on land for a stock ranch anil expects to engage iu smelting andT refining independent of tho American Smelling and Refining company SUICIDE OF OR SUMMERS Noted Yellow leer Ktpeil Kmla III Life at SI Louis St Louis Juno 20 Dr Thomas Os mond Summers late major surgeon in charge of tho fever hospital at Santiago aud a noted yellow fever export shot himself through tho head hero last evening Despondency caused by fan cied lack of appreciation of his services by tho government during tho Spanish war is assigned as tho cause for tho rash act Dr Summers was tho author of several standard medical works and his successful treatment of yellow fover cases during the Memphis epidemic of 1878 gave him national reputation Dr Summers was professor of anatomy iu the St Louis college of physicians and surgeons Tho deed was committed in his lecture room as he stood facing ai grinning skeleton which ho used in illustrating his lectures Defender Defeat Niivahon Newpout R I June 21 Tho de fender showed hor heels to the crack cutter Navahoo iu her first competitive trial of the season off this port yester day Tho distanco was 10 miles and the brush was in response to a request from Butler Duncan to Royal Phelps Carroll Tho wind was strong from the southwest nnd tho course was laid to windward Tho Dofonder bent tho Navahoo by nearly four minutes in tho 10 miles Mr Can oil sailed tho Nava hoo and Captain Rhodos the Defender Ten rind Watory Gruvus Bukmen June 19 In a collision oft Friedrichshaveu between tho German steamer Artuschoft and tho British steamer Mauritius yesterday tho Artn bchotf was sunk 10 of hor crew being drowned Thre Call to Dentil Rat Poktaoe Out Juno 21 By an nccideut to tho hoisting apparatus at tho Black Sturgoou mino last night four men wero procipitatod to tho bot tom of tho 200 foot shaft Charles Adams of Nova Scotia Oharlos Haas of Sudbury and Johu Howe of this place wore killed and Oharlos Anderson was seriously injured A O V W to Incorporate Indianapolis June 21 The supremo lodge of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen yosterd T after a discussion lasting over two days decided to incor porate Steps wero takon toward draft ingtho proper articles Last night a banquet with 200 covers was served at tho Grand hotel fl