The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, June 15, 1899, Page 6, Image 10

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Populism retreats as wages advance
Truth loos not ilipiMiil upon
ties for its vnluo and forco
Ignorance of other peoples
In tho cause of moM jealousy
Tlioso raging wind twisters uro getting
nltogethor too cloo liotno for comfort
Dave Henderson won tho speakership
becaUM it was so oviilcnt that nobody
owned him
limobnll will tuko n rear pent this
season while golf nml tennis hnvo their
Mrs Li Hung Chang has iUWlO dresses
Its fort mint o for her thnt she has a Chi
noso laundry
Tho poMmiiMer nt North Lansing N
Y lias licked stumps for Undo Sum
nnd other folk for 70 years
Tho mnn who will invent n woid to
take tho place of automobilo will re
ceive tho thanks of a grateful people
Tho man who contents himself with
trying to obstruct tho whcols of progress
must not complain if thny run over him
Admiral Dowey nnd President MeKin
loy will trnvol west togother in Octobor
nnd will visit Ohicngo Milwaukee nnd
tho twin cities
Mnrk llnunn is going to Europe in nil
probability to got pointers from tho czar
nnd tho kaiser on iinporinllsm Demo
cratic pnpers pleiiho copy
Four thousand of tho Amorican vol
ontoors who nro lighting in tho Philip
pines want to be disohnrgod and
there Thoy evidently know a good
thing when they bee it
Bishop Hearst ami his wifo have do
cidod to separate Hes ili nnd sho is tW
It seems to bo a caso whoro ho married
her for her mouoy and sho married him
for his fame Marriage on such terms
is always a failnro
Tho best antidote to cigaretto smok
ing ns well ob nny other vicious liabit
thnt has swny ovor tho rising youth of
tho laud is plenty of outdoor sport and
constnut omploymont either at whole
Homo work or wholesome play
If some of tho surplus water which is
foiling upon western fields could bo di
verted to tho parched districts of Now
York nnd Now Jersey tho equilibrium
would bo bettor adjusted Wo could
well spare tho moisture from our abund
ance and poor drouth stricken trust
riddon Now Jorsoy would ho much bet
ter off
Senator Hnnnn will probably resign
the chairmanship of tho national repub
lican committeo nnd some other man
will bo chosen to wngo tho fight in 1100
This is tho most cruel thing Mark haB
done yot as it will necessitate a brand
now lot of cartoons on tho part of tho
democratic newspapers when they had
counted on using tho old ones
Rev Dr Burroll of Now Yorkbolievos
in faith euro but thinks it should bo of
the Old Testament brand Ho quotes
from Scripture Hozokiuh tho king
was going to dio and tho prophet came
in nnd prayed Tho prophet prayed and
pnt on a big poultice Ho thinks
prayers and poulticos should go together
now ns they did then
Oue point made by tho morning sheet
in referring to tho 1000 hole is in part
correct and that is thnt the blame for
tho failure rests upon tho people and not
upon tho couucilmou So long ns tho
councilmen did not seem to know when
to quit thoy should have beon restrained
by the pooplo from tho foolish invest
ment of money through injunction
The Outlook speaking of tho larger
brotherhood towaid which tho world
is working very pertinently says Tho
higher civilization of tho future must bo
lagely interracial in charaoter
our ideals may differ from thOM of
the Latin peoples we have as much to
learn from them us they have to learn
from us and wo need to emphasise tho
things that unite us as races rather than
the things that divide us
Col Wetmore tho St Louis demo
crat expresses tho feoling of tho Amori
can peoplo without regard to party when
ho says No man should be prevented
from making monoy but no man should
be allowed to make money dishonestly
It is one of tho auspicious signs of the
times that honesty in busiuess and po
litical circles is beginning to command
a high promium Governor Hoosevolt
of New York places straight forward
dealing in public affairs nt tho front
Confident councilmen now have it
within thoir power tospeculuto upon tho
faith which led them to sink a hole in
tho ground 870 feet deep Let them re
fund tho sjl000 of city money which is
now in the hole and acquire title iu full
to tlio aforesaid hole Then let them
set tho drill at work and go on down un
proposition ngreoing to pny IfiO conts
for every dollar invested Thoro is
money in this if tho confident council
men nro still imbued with tho snmofnlth
that they had four or five months ngo
No charge is made for this suggestion
Secretary Wilson is authority for the
statement that tho revonuo from tho
Philippines will honcoforth pay thoir
own expenses and cost tho lest of the
country nothing as soon ns penco is os
tnblished This is anothor knock out
blow to tho gontlomon who styling
thomselvcs nnti imporiiilists linvo
been writing long articles and making
long speeches deploilng tho oxeesslvo
taxation tho American people would bo
subjected to by holding tho Philippines
Ono by ono tho roses fado
Tho Madison County llopnrtur was is
sued fiom its now homo in Nowmnn
Grovo last woek with tho nnino of J B
Donovan at tho head ns publisher nml
Judil Woods ns editor and business man
nger Tho paper proposes to stand upon
the democratic platform of 181HI so far
ns national politics uro concomod but
when it comes to county politics it will
support thoo candidates it dooms best
for tho positions to which thoy aspiro
Tho paper presents a neat appearanco
and is well patronized
When Senator George F Gray tho
eminent Delaware democrat went to
Paris as a mombor of tho poaco commis
sion ho was avowed in his opposi
tion to expansion But after listening
to a stntomout of existing conditions ho
beenmo convinced that his position wns
untenable and ohaugod his mind Ho
recontly expressed himself thus nbout
getting tho consent of tho Philippines
Wo hnvo never had tho opportunity to
got tho consent of thoso pooplo Did
you talk nbout tho consont of tho gov
erned thlrty llvo yenrs ngo with tho
olovon southern statos Did wo quoto
tho Dodnrntiou of Indopendonco to
them Whoro would our armies havo
boon had thoy beon govornod by a
phrase and a glittering gonorality
like that Government is n practical
thing nnd not a thing of phrases
Phrasos cannot make a peoplo hnppy or
prosperous thoy cnuuot securo to them
tho blessings of government It wants
practical common sonso to do that
And it is becauso tho president is dis
playing so muoh common sonso in deal
ing with this voxod question that ho is
winning to his support men of common
souse from all parties and all sections
Tho Omaha Trade Exhibit roviows
tho improved financial conditions ot tho
countiy as follows Information
gathered by tho Trado Exhibit from tho
manufacturer Jobber retailor nnd con
sumer iudicntoB oloarly tho prosonco of a
very prosperous period in tho commer
cial history of tho west Not only is tho
volume of business largely in excess ot
tho same period of tho last year but tho
domain is for bettor quality in ull lines
there is moro money with which to
make purehosos and thoro seom to be
uumistoknblo signs of trado rovival on
all sides This is not confined to Omaha
and Nebraska but spreads all over the
west The furmors as well as the ill
habitants of tho smaller towns through
out tho west appear equally prosperous
In fact mouoy appears to bo so plenti
ful thnt peoplo do not grumblo becnue
prices gouorally aro advancing It is n
rising market all around Tho increase
runs from 5 to Ufi per cent through tho
various linos of trade Tho improved
crop prospects in tho Trnnsmissouri
region nro possibly responsible for
much of tho confident tone noted in n
commercial way Many now enterprises
nie being floated in tho we 4 which is
another certain sign of business im
provement Tho Trado Exhibit sees tho
shndow cast by coming events nnd pre
dicts that boforo fall tho volume of busi
ness In Omaha will havo increased to
such a degreo that jobbers will havo to
havo a larger forco on tho road nnd re
tailors will bo forced to employ moro help
in order to successfully conduct busi
ness Tho Trade Exhibit makes theso
predictions after a careful investigation
of tho conditions in tho various lines of
business represented by tho Omaha job
bors and research into tho conditions
existing throughout tho torritory sup
plied by tho Omaha wholesalers
Tho Presidents Foreign lolloy
Senator Harris of Knusas thinks that
the chief issue iu the cainpaigu of 1000
will bo MoKinley s foreign policy and
that Bryan will uuquestionably bo nom
inated by domocrnts nnd populists
This may or may not bo a correct fore
cast but it wants to be homo in mind
very clearly that thoro is a very large
oloment in the domocratio party which
cauuot bo rallied under the banner of
anti imperialism
Thih was shown at a rocent banquet
held by tho Nntionul Press assooiution a
short timo ngo in the city of Chicago
Among the editors of prominent domo
cratio papeis especially from tho south
tho sentiment in favor of expansion was
prououueed and radical
Clark Howell editor of tho Atlanta
Constitution said Tho south has no
criticism to inako of tho Plulippiuo pel
loy of Presideut MoKinley In faot it
en tains him and will continue to do so
Mr McKelvuy of the Brooklyn Eaule
til au artesian well is found If the thus expressed himself The destiny
water so btruck is of suitable quality for
drinking and culinary purposes the city
ot expausiou wns stamped on tms poun
try when eastern ndventurers opeued up
can well afford to buy back the whole the western resei ve and when southern
adventurers pushed beyond tho Missis
sippi Both sprend over tho prairies till
thoy gnthorcd strength causo and pur
poso to break a trail through and over
tho Hocky mountains to tho Pacific
And tho llko splilt has planted our flng
In tho PnlllppinoH thoro to stay
D A Tompkins of tho Chnrlotteo N
C Observer speaking as a thorough
going southerner said Tho south has
always boon for expansion nnd is todny
Wo beliovo that trado follows tho flng iib
woll us tho flag trado Hold tho Philip
pines and look out for American inter
ests in China
Dditor Bolo of tho Dallns Texas Nows
wont on record in theso words I am
n firm supporter of tho administration
in its present policy toward tho Philip
pines Tho ling must never bo lowered
whoro it has onco been raised Wo nniBt
enrry on tho fight until wo win
Major J J Moonoy tho versatllo ed
itor of tho Momphis Commerial Appeal
The Forestry Question
thus voiced liis opinions 1 nm nn ex
pnnsiouist iu tho fullest sonso of tho
word You cnu call mo an imperialist
If you chooso for I beliovo in this nn
tlou taking possession of everything it
can oven to a slico of China when tho
time comes for a division of thnt ompiro
among tho nations of tho world
Wo hnvo quoted from five of tho ablest
journalists in tho land mon who havo
boon conducting for years past nnd Btill
nro nt tho head of tho most influential
domocratio nowspapcrs of thoir respect
ivo localities
Thoir words only roveal tho futility of
attempting to mako political capital out
of tho presidents Philippine policy If
Mr Brynu and his advisors nro planning
to enrry a solid south or n solid onst on
nny such cry ns imperialism thoy nro
reckoning without duo consideration of
the intelligouco nnd patriotism of tho
pooplo whilo in tho grent west such a
campaign issue would recolvo over
whelming robuko Iu all probability
tho attempt to mako capital out of tho
Phlllppino question will conso boforo an
other yonr It would bo politicnl sui
cide for tho mnn or party who seriously
contemplates it
Thero isnt a real genuino war horo
ono who hns fought ngnlnst tho enemies
of tho flag but who says keep tho
Philippines I
Dowoy Schley and Hobson Roose
velt Whoolorand Funston all agree on
thnt proposition Tho peoplo of tho
states from which they hail stand be
hind thorn The votes of thoir common
country will sustain thorn
William MoKinley could ask for no
better fortune than to havo his foreign
policy nttackod
Tho voluntoors will all bo homo Thoy
fought bravely in tho fiold Thoy will
bo enthusiastic in tho endorsement of
their own splondid achievements
Tho record of the MoKinley adminis
tration and its foreign policy has added
glory and lustro to national history
Attack that and his election in 1000 is
assured by overwhelming majorities to
which hosts of loyal and progressive
democrats will gladly contribute thoir
influenco and their votes
Thoro is ono subject of interest to tho
western country to which tho govern
mont is at this timo giving special at
tention It is tree planting While tho
forestry division of the department of
agriculturo is supposed to look into for
estry quofltious for tho eutlro United
Statos as n matter of fact special direc
tion is now being devoted by tho now
forester Mr Gilford Pinchot to tho con
ditions iu tho plains states and tho Rooky
Mountain states The forests havo such
a close relation to tho moisture supply
and the gonoral subject of agriculture
iu tho west that tho department of agri
culturo foresees tho necessity of making
an investigation which will show tho
exact couditiou of tho forosts and
wooded mountains whence comes tho
rivers and streams and tho effect of tho
deforestizatlon which is now going ou
through tho cuttiugs of the lumbermen
aud devastations from fires
During tho past 20 years much has
been dono iu tho way of tree planting in
tho west the timber culture law being
enacted by congress iu the hope of build
ing up tree areas This law generally
proved a dismnl failuro yot a vast
amount of artificial tree planting has been
successful Whilo the forestry dlvisiou
is In favor of anything which will
petuato or propagate tree areas it is pro
posed iu the first place before going Into
any planting schemes to carefully col
lect ull the data which cau bo fouud ou
tho subject of treo planting It is some
times fully ns important to havo tho evi
dence of u failure as of a success for if
the experiment has been woll made tho
knowledge of its failure will obviate tho
necessity for further tnal Iu this con
nection Professor J WT Toumoy tho
botouist of the Arizona experiment sta
tion and a practical forestor is now
making a tour through the west iu tho in
terests of tho agricultural department
The government forester himself Mr
Piuthot is also about to start on a trip
into tho northwest tnkiug with him a
forestry class consisting of youug men
who aro making a spooial study of tho
While forestry has not yot como to bo
generally considered an important
branch of the governmeut the subject
is ouo which is undoubtedly coming to
tho front In this country and forestry
and irrigation are destined soon to be
if they aro jiot already the two leading
problems for the west Our grent nat
ural resources and tho vnst nrens of un
cut timber iu tho United Stntes hnvo
kopt tho uttontion of tho peoplo from
tho necessity for somo such lino of no
tion by tho government ns is practiced
in European countries whoro thiB branch
of ngriculturo is recognized ns of the
highest importance France Germany
Italy nml other continental countries
uro ns enrcful of their forests ns of tho
waterways nnd hundreds of thousands
of dollars aro spent annually by thoir
governments in reclaiming woruout nml
wnsto laud by planting it with trees
whilo tho crown forests nro administered
by tho government with distinct profit
to the stato
It will bo a long timo Mr Pluchot
Bnys boforo tho forests of tho United
Statos aro mannged ns ho would liko to
seo them namely after tho mannor In
vogue hi European countries whero tho
forestry question is an old ono nnd tho
word virgin is unknown Thero tho
most nbsouto syBtom in tho forest man
agement provnils nnd growth nnd
tlou of forest crops nro mndo as muoh of
a Btndy ns nny other branch of agricul
ture Mr Pinchotdoes think however
that thero is largo opportunity iu this
country at very slight cost to tho own
ers iu timo to roproduco great forest
areas which now when tho original
timber crop is cut aro abandoned to fire
and loft to grow in scrub worthless
monuments to mnns progress
Forost fires ho says form ono of tho
most important branches of forest inves
tigation nnd determine the nnturo of
forost growth to n greater extent than
any other ono condition oxcopting tem
pornturo far greater thnn humidity or
fertility It is n well known fact that
outiro tracts of land which aro covered
with ouo class of trees nftor n destruc
tive firo grow up to entirely different
species sometimes Inferior sometimes
superior to tho original growth Both
tho department of ngriculturo and tho
interior department aro fully nlive to
tho importanco of the f oreBt firo question
and it is bolioved that important results
will develop from tho investigations
which are uow being made on this sub
Sail Tor Arctic IlCRlnfift
Christiana June 13 The Stella Po
lare with tho duko of Abruzzi nephew
of tho king of Italy and his polar expe
dition ou board sailed yesterday from
this port The expedition was given
nn enthusiastic farewell by the crowds
assembled nnd was saluted by the forts
Ktnltnlil Ir Congrefta
ONntLis Neb Juno 13 Judge M
P Kinkaid has decides to bo a candi
date for the nomination for congress
man of tho Sixth district This decision
was arrived at after consultation with
Republicans from all over the district
Lne anil Olllilund Acuuiteil
Hillsbouo N M June 13 Oliver
Leo and James Gilliland were acquitted
of the murder of Houry Fountain the
son of Colonel A J Fountain shortly
after midnight The jury was closetod
but seven minutes
Fourth Victim or the Storm
Sioux City June 18 Another name
was added to tho list of victims of Sun
days tornado near Salix la Bessie
Malloy aged 10 dying iu the hospital
hore It is thought all tho rest of the
iujurod will recover
Hope For Hpdnlsh lrlnonors
Madrid June 18 In the senate
Souor Silvela announced that ho hoped
for the speedy release of tho prisoners
in tho Philippines the American gov
ernmeut having promised assistance
Jane Smith CeruTirutos Her Ono II tin
Marsiialltown la Jnuo 13 Sur
rounded by a host of friends and rela
tives Miss Jane Smith of this city cele
brated the 100th anniversary of her
birth yesterday Miss Smith is ono of
tho very fow real Daughters of tho
Revolution now living her father hav
ing fought with tho colonists against
King Georgos red coats She remem
bers ns distinctly tho war of 1812 as if
tho events had occurred last week
louu U A II Kilcainpiiieiit
Des Moixcs Tuuo 13 Adjutant Gen
eral Byers left tho city yesterday for
Waterloo to attend the state Grand
Army of tho Republic encampment
which oponh there today The Def
Moiuos delegation a largo ono left this
morning The opening proper will not
take place until Wednesday but it is
expected that a grent many veterans
will arrive today Everything has been
dono to make tho encampment at Wat
erloo one of tho largest tho state has had
in late years It is expected that u
number of Siuiiish American soldiere
will bo in uttendauco A new com
niauder will bo elected at tho business
mooting of the session The choice ie
said to ho between M B Davis and
Goorgo W Bailoy both of Sioux City
Shoot Tno mid One Will Die
Aiuancu Nob June 18 James
Oookrell shot Mark Leo and Otto Hold
ou tho street hore yesterday Cockrell
is timekeeper for Sharp who has n
grading outfit ut work hero und tho
men bliot were two of tho gang Loo is
shot in tho abdomen und tho proba
bility is that ho will not recover Hold
was shot in tho hip and tho Ixmo was
broken Ho will recovor but will bo
crippled Tho difficulty arose over the
timo given to tho men lor work Cock
rells hearing will lo today
Pound Guilty of Murder
Mason City la Juno 18 Lorel II
Bono was yesterday found guilty oi
murder in tho second degreo By the
omission of the word deliberate in
the indictment Judge Sherwin held that
tho verdict of murder in the first de
groo could not bo fouud Tho mistake
doubtless saved Bono from a moro seri
ous inalty than will bo pronounced
On Feb 13 Bono stubbed and killed his
cousin James Allison Tho penalty for
tho second degree is ten years impris
onment ns tho minimum or for lifo
Toledo to Leme lin lllltit
Toikik Juno 18 Mayor Jones plan
to louso tho city gas plant hist night
passed the IxMrd of councilmen and be
came u law By this plan tho city clerk
is to adverti the gas plant sale or
lease It is Mayor Jones plan to have
a company of patriotic citizens lease the
plant nm it without expense to tho city
and whatever profits accrue aro to be
turned into tho city treasury
American lliin Not Abandoned
Tun lluiui June IU The American
delegates last night issued n manifesto
to tho effect that although tho English
proposal havo boon used as tho basis of
tho arbitration discussion this does not
mean tho abandonment of the American
plan which will bo presented to the
plenary sitting of the third commissiou
and judged on its merits
Dentil In Itiilluny Accident
Fout Dodok la June li News has
been received here by relatives of John
Sinnott of his death in a railway acci
dent in Montana Sinnotts parents
live In Rolfe la and ho has ninny
prominent relatives in Fort Dodge The
body is to bo brought to Pioneer In
for burial
Inwii Mini Drowned
Fout Doncin In Juno 13 Adam
Rouli a well known citizen living
atxnit two miles north of Livermoro
was dt owned Sunday evening while at
tempting to cross u lord in tho Des
Moines river
IMiirlon Clurk Seriously 111
Nrw York Juno 13 Marion Clark
tho kidnaped child is very Ioav from
measles at her home Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Lebarbier said that if tho
child should die tho defendants in the
cubo might bo indicted for murder in the
first degree as tho child contracted its
illness in the country while in theii
care and while they were committing a
Drink Grnln O
after you have concluded that you ought
not to driuk coffee It is not a medicine
but doctors order it becauso it is
healthful invigorating and appetizing
It is made from pure grains and has
that rich seal brown color and tastes
like tho finest prudes of coffee nnd costs
nbout Jit ns much Children like it and
thrive on it because it iB a genuine food
drink coutainiug nothing but nourish
ment Ask your grocer for Grain O
the now food drink 15 and 25 cents
IropnsalM for irateling Komi lied
Sealed bids will bo received by the
board of county commissioners of Madi
son county Nebraska atgthe ofllce of the
county clerk of said county at any timo
before July 11 1890 nt 12 oclock in for
tho hauling and spreading of gravel on
road two miles north of Meadow Grovo
The quantity of gravel required is ap
proximated at 1000 yards nnd will be
furnished by the county distance to
haul one half to three fourth of one mile
nnd bidder must stato price for hauling
por cubic yard
Bidders are required to accompnny
their bids with a certified check of 25
to bo forfeited if contractor fails to make
contract and file a bond within ten 10
dnys from date of letting
The county board reserves the right to
reject nny and all bids
Dated this 2lth day of May 1899
County Clerk
Klondike hotel Sixteenth ifc Webster
St Best medium priced hotel in Omaha
Try it
Cleinx and bfiatlfic the hair
Vromotea a luxuriant erowth
Haver Foils to Bcitore Gray
uair xo ua xouimui iaior
Cure icalp diieaei ft hair falling
Wcapdtluiin DrufgUti
Jf T
Wc have four children With the first
three I suffered almost unbearable pains from
J2 to J4 hours and had to be placed under
the influence of chloroform I used three
bottles of Mothers Friend before our last
child came which
b a strong fat and
healthy boy doing
my housework up
to within two hours
of birth and suf
fered but a fev hard
pains i lus lini
ment is the grand
est remedy ever
v fflHj
will do for every woman what it did for the
Minnesota mother who writes the above let
ter Not to use it during pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering
Mothers Friend equips the patient with a
strong body and dear intellect which in
turn arc imparted to the child It relaxes
the musdes and allows them to expand It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness
It puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour so that the actual
tabor is short and practically painless Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
avoided and recovery b merely a matter of
a few days
Druggists sell Mothers Friend for 1 a bottle
The Dradfleld Regulator Co Atlanta Ga
Send for onr free Illustrated boot
Attention Im men
Do yon deslro to ocuro huudords of samno
copies of iiKricuHrrnl jomaalB raiiKHzin news
pauere books catnloRVS nd clrcnlaris of tlm
iatost Improved farm iinplcirents and mrcbin
ery and bo kopt ii tod on Improved HdB and
btock for two yours or moroT If fo eend hb
jonrnamo with ton cents inpilvor and wo will
inport tho tamo iu tho Amoricnn Farmers Diroc
tory which nos whirlim all over tho united
Suites to publishers morchan s and mannfne
tnrois Yon will pot more Kiod readln matter
thnn j on conld purohafio for many times tho
small cost of ton cents Wo w ant every farmer 8
nnmo in tho United States in onr directory nt
once Fumkiis DiRKOiont Co
Doparunont 118
Birmingham Aln
Christian Endeavor
5 1
Tho Illinois Ceutral Kailronil
will sell tickets from all points on its Wcstorn
Lines to Detroit Michigan account of tho In
ternational Convontion Young Teoplos Society
of Christiun Endeavor at a rate of
Tickets on sale July 3rd to 5th inclusive lim
ited for rotnrn to July Kith with priilego of
extension until August 15 159J by depositing
tickot with Joint Agent at Detroit on or beforu
July 12th and payment of deposit feo of fifty
For printed mnttor descriptivo of tho beanti
ful city of Detroit which is ono of the best con
vention cities iu the United Statet nnd infor
mation concerning excursion rates for side trips
from Detroit to various points in the vicinity
etc etc address tho undersigned
A O P A 111 rent R II
Dubuque low a
Notice to Margerott Ann Walker wife of
George M P Walker deceased and to his minor
and unknown lieiru of hnch deceased porson
George Walker Harisou II Walker Margerott
Ann Walker That in the matter of the applica
tion of the plaintiff for a permanent receiver
for lots 9 10 and 11 of block 6 Koenigstoins
Third addition to Norfolk Nebraika that the
iudgo of the district court of Madison county
Nebraska has fixed Jnno 0 1MK as the time at
which you are to show cause why a permanent
receiver should not bo appointed to succeed
George W Losoy shorflT a temporaty receiver
that unless Boon and eiitlicient cause is shown a
pormaneat receiver will bo appointed for said
Additional nllidavits of Anna George C W
Lnmont etal will bo ofTorod in support of such
application for receivor Anna Geoiioe
Datod April il 1699 Plalntill
By Gto A Lumiit Attorney
TAD P5finil A
rUri dMrULA
S S S is the Only
Remedy Equal to this
Obstinate Disease
There ere dozens of remedies recommended for
Scrofula some of them no doubt being ublo to
afford temporary relief but S S S is absolutely
the only remedy which completely cures it
Scrofula is one of the most obstinate deep seated
blood diseases and is beyond the reach of tho
many so cilled purifiers und tonics because some
thing more than a mere tonic is rcnuirwi S S S
is equal to any blood trouble and never fails to euro Scrofula because it
goes down to tho seut of the disease thus permanently eliminating every
trace of tho taint
The serious consequences to which Scrofula surelv lenda
should impress upon those afilicted with it the vital im
portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can
not possibly effect a euro In muny cases where tho wrong
treatment nas been relied upon complicated glandular
swellings have resulted for which the doctors insist that
a dangerous Burgical operation is necivwiry
Mr H EThompson of Milledgeville Ga writes- A
bad case of Scrofulu broke out on tho glands of my neck
which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering I
was treuted for a long while hut the physicians were un
able to euro me and my condition was us bad as when I
began their treatment Many blood remedies were used
hut without effect Somo one recommended S S S and
I began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles
Continuing the remedy I was soon cured permunentlv
and have never IiaU a sign of the disease to return Sw ifts Specific
is tho only remedy which can promptly reuch and cure obstinate deep seated
blood diseases By relying upon it and nut experimenting with tho various
so called tonics etc all Bufferers from blood troubles can lie promptly cured
instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually hut surely undermines
tho constitution S S S is
guoranteed purely vegetuble and never fails to
cure Scrofula Eczema Cancer Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison Boils
Tetter Pimples Sores Deere ete Insitt upon S S S nothing can take its place
JBookb on blood and skin diseases will be mulled freo to any address bv the
Swift 6p0lflC Company Atlanta Georgia