r TJPW1 1 TEPPINGJff HIGHER unior Exhibition at Uc High School Yesterday Afternoon iailTII GRADE QRADDATE9 ronjirctUn 1riMiiiiiirii lnni OIiim Pro crinn IuM lvmilUB ixcrriM i nm tiny nf Mnthnl Ktrnllniro iintl liilrrnt Prof OToimor Alnltm n PpiIIucmI TiiII In tlio UIkkh ii r lima From 1rMnj Vitally Yesterday was class day In two ililVor cut grades of tho Norfolk public schools At 3 oclock In tho afternoon tho JnnlorH and thoir friends gathered In tho high t ohool assembly room Tho exorcises woro carried on In neeordaiico with tho program published in Tun Nrws nnd wiih very crodltnblo from start to finish to tho participants Tho music recitations essays mid orations woro nil of u high order nnd gave ovi donco of enroful preparation nnd eill olont trnlnlnR Tho room wiih tastily trimmed with tho colors of tho oliww whlto nnd yellow whilo n profuslonof pottod plants nnd wild lowers on tho pint form nddod to tho behuty of tho decorations Tio dnndcllon was much in ovldonco Ovor tho platfoim woro tho flRuros 1100 and underneath on tho black board tho motto of tho class Non Per fectum scd intorcoptum To tho loft woro tho words Farewell 18ll tothoriRht Wolcomo lDOIl Thoro was n largo number prcsont and the oc casion was ono of prlilo and ploasuro to tho friends of tho class At tho oloso of tho oxorclsos tho Seniors showered their successors with a profusion of chestnuts nnd good will to which tho Juniors re sponded heartily by RiviiiR thoir class yoll Hlr htiiC trn limn Kill liiuiU iii7inn Willy wnlly wolly woniloriwl Norfolk UUli School 1W0 In tliu oveuing the room was again crowded by friends and patrons of tlvp Bchools to listen to tho exercises of tho pupils of the eighth grade A little after 8 oclock Rev G II Main niiido the in vocation which was followed by n pro gram consisting of musio instruuior tal and vocal essays debates and orations Those present appreciated the efforts of the coining freshmen and applause was frequent and hearty The class oxer cIbos closed with a chorus nftor which Misa Wood presented to Prof OConnor tho US boys nnd girls who had iluished tho eighth grado work and woro roady to enter tho high school Tho professor in well ohoson romnrks wolcomed tho class to tho highor work of next year laying omphasis on tho great valuo of tho fundamental work whiah they had completed and assuring thorn that if it had been well done ttioir future work with a proper amount of industry would bo successful Ho urged tho parents and patrons to stand by these young pooplo in their high nnd noble ondoavors and to assist them by counsel nnd oucoumgoinent Dlplomns woro given to each ono and tho class of 1003 nro now prospective froshmen FRIDAY FACTS Mrs F J Halo and Mrs Robt Scott of Battle Crook woro in tho city yostor day Miss Gortrudo Austin wont to Omaha this nioruiug where sho will visit friends Dr D B McOapes of Idaho Springs Colo is in tho city tho guest of Dr 0 A MoKim Mr and Mrs Houry Raasch have boon enjoying a littlo girl who arrived at thoir homo Thursday Dr and Mrs W M Person Mrs Wm Stocker and Mrs Geo Schott of Stanton woro in tho city yestorday Mrs W H Blakemnu and baby Olaro visited at Piorco tho past two days and woro nccoiupauied homo last night by thoir frioud Mrs Dr Priuglo A bright boy of tho averago woight arrived this inoruinc at tho homo of Mr and Mrs J 0 Stitt nud the olty clerk is passing round tho cigars in con hequenco Guy and Kimball Barnes aro expected homo from Lincoln tonight Guy has just completed his sophoinoro year and rzzj ycrs I Hair Vtaor i I will restore gray or j faded hair to its nal color J This b the whole l story and an ounce j of fact is worth a ton j J of argument Kimbnll his freshman year nt tho stnto university Tho Chicago Record finds It valunblo to pay Homo attention to Nobraska nnd his they will nil do boforo very many years Tho Record finds that a dozen farm items that were worth 80fi2HO0 on January lut IgIKi had Increased ovor SlX000O to liir0lUlJ In four years Uoorgo A Latimer returned yoRterdny from im oxtondod trip to tho Pacific const Ho visited tho cities of Spokano Taconui Heattlo and Everett nnd comes back with ii very fnvorablo impression of t hat section Its resources aro vnrled ImmenHO nnd practically undeveloped Ho roports that nil tho western cities nro prospering nnd people nro pouring In by tho trainload day by dny from tho east Tho lovolhendol editor of tho Cedar Rapids Outlook oxprossos tho situation very neatly thus Tho best authorities are or tho opinion that tho cattle busi ness Is in a pormanontly prosperous con dition Prices for oattlo will probably remain good for soveral yoars and tho farmors by thoir viilunblo experience during tho last ten yoars by improving tLolr grades and by their general effort to increase thoir number of cows nro prepared to reap tho benefits of this splendid opportunity Comparatively spoaklng the Nebraska fanners nro now having their Inning nnd by economy nnd thrift thoir outlook Is much better than it has boon for yearn Juno starts in in good shape for an other wet month May broke tho record of rocont yours in this section Ovor eight Inches of rain fell during last month Today has boon tho most op pressively hot and muggy nnd this mornings dispatch from tho Chicago weathor bureau predicting heuvy thun der showers was speedily fulfilled About noon tho clouds bogan to gather and tho llrst down pour with thunder and lightning attachments camo boforo J oclock Tho heavy clouds seen on ovory side aro augorics of hoavior show ers which aro on thoir way Tho out look for tho ovoningis not fnvorablo for tho graduating class exercises Yesterday boing the soventy sixtb birth day of Grandma Young tho SVlt O gave her a birth day party Twenty five of tho good sisters greoted her at hor homo on south fourth street and then marched to Mrs Rosoiibauius whoro delicious refreshments woro served Mrs Hodgetts in a fow happy remarks presented her in bohalf of tho corps a littlo toa kottlo with tho wish that sbo might live long to nuiko niauy a good cup o tea and seo rellected in its bright surfaco tho faces of hor many frionds Mrs Young being tho oldest member in yoars of tho W R O has n special placo in tho honrt of each ono in tho ordorSSho wns dolighted with hor prcsont and more than all to think she had so many frionds nnd thnt they didnt forgot hor becnuso sho was old SATURDAY SIFTINGS Carroll Powers returned from Lincoln last ovonlng Carl Wilde county treasurer was in tho city today Mrs W E Mann of Albion was in tho city yesterday Miss Esther Mason loaves for her homo at Ohadrou this evening Orriu Buckingham of Plaiuviow at toudod the graduating oxeroises last ov onlng Dr A Hodgotts came homo last night from Ohoyeiino whoro ho had beon for two weeks Tho Eighth grado pupils with Miss Wood hold thoir picnic at tho Yellow Bauks today Ono hundred ohildreu of tho Lincoln school with their teachers Miss Matrau and Miss Allberry enjoyed a picnic in Paso walk Park yesterday afternoon A E Campbell of Meadow Grovo who purchased tho Collamer proporty is taking possession His family camo down yesterday and they will inako Norfolk their home Tho class of 1000 will enjoy its auuual picnic at tho Yellow Banks next Tues day All members of tho class aro re quested to meet at tho High School building at 7 oclock sharp Will Powers who wont west a fow wooks ago has located at Spokano where ho has secured n lino positiou as stenographer in the ofilco of ouo of tho largest linns of mining brokers iu that city Cards havo been recoived by his I friends in this city from William A Koeuigstoiu inviting them to bo present nt tho commencement exercises of Mo Kendreo collego Lobnuou 111 Thurs day Juno 8 Mr Koeuigstoiu is a mem ber of tho class R M Wilkius Wm H Hoguhom F A Dearborn were a Way no party who passed through the city today en routo for Kansas City Mo They are delegates to the national convention of Modem Woodmen which meets iu that city the coming week Prof OConnor went to Madison this morning to attend a meeting of school board cttllod by Supt Crum for tho purpose of discussing the advisibillty of adopting a uniform system of text books for tho county and establishing deposi tories for tho keeping of tho books During G A Latimers recent visit to Seattle ho was eutertaiued by W II Simpsou n former well known resident v THE NORFOLK NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 8 1899 of this city Ills daughtor Maud has just graduated from tho eighth grado rocolvlng tho honors of her class Mr Slinnsou Is very prosperous and con touted in his western homo Tho connnltteo on railroads of tho Husluoss Mens association hold an on thuslastiOj mooting last evening at which every monibor of tho connnltteo was present Arraiigomonts woro niado for the omploymout of eminent counsel for the hoariug In tho caso of tho Nor folk 1 limitless Mens association vs tho 0 St P M ife O Railroad Co which Is to be hold in Norfolk Juno 27 Forty mombors of tho Southwost Datiolng club of Omaha occupiod n special carattaohed to tho Elkhorn train last ovouiiiR en rou to for Long Pino whoro thoy woro going for thoir summer outing Tho car was equipped with a piano while an orchestra of flvo plecos accompanied tho parly Tho program contemplated a picnic on tho Chautau qua groundH today with a dauco at Homo Mlllors hotel this ovonlng They will roturii homo tomorrow Thoy woro havluR n jolly time with ovory prospect of Its continuance throughout the trip Dakota City Englo Carl Sooloy doputy Internal rovenuo collector for northeast Nobraska is visiting tho d itr oront county sonts In this section nnd examining tho records in tho county clerks office to ascertain whothor sulll clout rovenuo stamps had been nfllxcd to logal doanmouts since July 1st Ho usually finds somo papors on record that havo not tho roquirod amount of stamps and occasionally finds deeds convoying real ostato for ono dollar and other considerations without any stamps whatovor and tho porsons making them will rccolvo uotico of tho amount thoy will bo asked to coutributo towards do fraying Undo Sams expenses Tho law seems very plain that you cannot ronvoy auything of valuo without nlllx ing a rovonuo stump to the amount of f0 conts on nil amounts between 100 and s500 and 50 conts for each additional ijtfOO or fraction thoreof nnd tho fnct that tho proporty is convoyodwitliout rocoiving a nionoy consideration does not reliovo tho responsibility of alllxing tho stamps For every caso of neglect to nlllx tho proper amount of btumns double tho amount of stamps is charged but in no ovout less than 5 for offenses now committed and if a rofusnl or neg lect to pay whon notified the full penal ty of tho law will bo enforced which is doublo tho amount of stamps and o0 lino for each offeuso It is presumed that tho samo conditions exist in this county as olsowhero and that thero surprises in store ar MONDAY MENTION August Zoiuior of Hoskins is in town today J E Halo of Battlo Creek was in tho city yestordny John R Mundy of Wiusido spent Sundny in tho city Miss Maud Gotcholl of Neligh is visit- iug friends in tho city F It Loomor was a visitor in tho city from Stanton yesterday James Rosoborough of Tildou was a Sunday visitor in tho city Mr and Mrs David Whitla of Battlo Creek nro city visitors today Max Leusor is homo from Omaha for a short visit with his parents Jadgo Evans and Attorney Moll Jay woro in tho city today from Dakota City Misses Edna nud Gilberta Durland of Plainviow nro tho guests of friends in tho city Miss Nina Walker has closed hor school near Meadow Grove and is now at home Tho class of 1001 will enjoy its regular annual picnic about six miles south of town tomorrow Mason Frazor and Paul Wetzel have accepted positions with the Norfolk Bicycle company Ohas Ahlmaun loft this mornlntr for Kirksvlllo Mo whoro his brothor Will is operating a bicycle factory Ohas Pilgor loft for Doadwood last ovouiug whero ho goes to take a posi tion with tho American Express com pany W A Witziincn cashier of tho Mead ow Grove State bank spent Suuday in tho city tho guest of his uncle G A Luikart An advertising clock is being placed in W O Halls harbor shop iu which tho advertising cords change every five minutes O D Jenkins has moved his family into tho house recoutly vacated by Geo A Latimer nt the corner of Ninth street nnd Koeuigstoiu aveuuo Louis Lyberbrook a scenic artist from Creston Io is in tho city consulting with A J Durland iu regard to work on tho Marquardt Opera House A number of friends gathered at tho home of Wm Leu yestorday to holn celebrate tho 64th birthday of Mrs Lou which was done in a manner appropri ate and pleasant Mr and Mrs Ed Wagner will leave tomorrow nioruiug for a two mouths trip to Oregon where it is hoped Mr Wagners health will be benefitted by tho change of climate S W Deuel E Crook and A Saltz of Meadow Grove were iu tho city Sat urday afternoon in tho interest of tho G A H rounion to bo hold nt that place commencing Juno 7 Miss Cora Wlgton did not go to Os mond with hor pirents last week but remained ovor to attoud tho graduating exorcisos of tho high school Sho loft at noon today for hor now homo All children who aro to tako part In tho Childrens ilny exorcises at tho ME church uoxt Sunday aro requested to moot at tho church aftornoous this week at il oclock Parents should kcop this request In mind Chnrllo Alilmau who was nbout todo part for Kirksvlllo Mo to work in tho bloyclo factory of his brother Will was very pleasantly surprised last oveuing by a largo numbor of his young friends who desired to bid him good bye Tho mothers of tho children who are to tako part in tho Festival of Flowers aro requostod to moot Mrs Day nt Trin ity church guild room nftor I J0 tomor row morning to discuss costumes or on Saturday morning nt tho Oxunrd hotel parlors Mr and Mrs W M Robertson went to Lincoln Saturday morning to visit thoir son Sydney who graduates from tho law dopartinout of tho state univer sity this year Mr Robortsou roturnod last night whilo Mrs Robortsou will romnin for tho commencement exercises which tuko place this week Yesterday boing tho 18th birthday of Miss Nora Lottow sho invited about 20 of hor f rlouds from this city to hor homo four miles northwest of town to help oolobroto tho ovont A very pleasant afternoon was spent and In tho ovonlng an elegant suppor was served tho guests who departed heartily wishing kthoir hostess many happy returns of tho day H R Cobb who has beon doing city work on this paper sluco the first of Fobruary sovorod his connection with the ofilco Saturday oveuing to accept a position with tho Park Rapids Minn Review Ho will start fortius now homo about tho middlo of tho week Mr nud Mrs Cobb hnvo niado nmuy friends during their short residence hero who regrot to see them leave Saturday evening Marshal Spauldiug wont to Columbus whoro ho met by ap pointment his sou Leal aud Gilt Wright two of the young men for whom war rants had been issued in connection with tho stock yards affair Mr Spauldiug nccoiupauied tho boys back to Madison whoro they voluntarily gave themsolves up to Sheriff Losoy to stand trial on tho charge against them Thoro wero about -10 passengers on board tho Sioux City excursion yoster day morning when tho train left over the O St P M O but boforo tho train reached its destination thero woro six coaches full of peoplo who had joinod the party at stations along the road Tho occasion was tho opening of Riversido Park Sioux Citys summer resort nnd all who wont report a good time Wm Kiesau is buildinc a new house on Eighth street iu tho Heights As William Is a single man rumor has it that tho house is iutended for his brother Feed who is also single But Fred is said to bo showing more of tho symp toms that ultimately lead up to the necessity of having a house henco says Madaino Rumor Two aud two are four and Frod will occupy that house seo if ho dont Eberhardts restaurant had a close coll from fire Saturday evening The gaso line tank which supplies tho burner nn der tho coffee urn was filled too full by the boy and whon tho burner was lighted firo spread rapidly to tho roundiug wood work which was badly charred Wm Blatt appeared upon tho scene at the right moment aud threw tho hole apparatus into the street thus saving a serious conflagration Whon an ominous looking cloud ap peared in the west shortly boforo sun down last evening peoplo remembered with alarm that tho weathor bureau had predicted severe thunder storms Now whon that conservative department issues a bulletin forecasting a severe thunder storm it may mean nnything frou a gentle shower accompanied by thunder nud lightniug to a tornado or cyclone Henco people experienced n feeling of relief when it was fouud that this section had drnwu tho former last oveuiug The iustauces where young mon blow in thoir money nro as numerous ns thoy aro foolish but the only time on record whore money wns blown away from a youug mau with his kuowlodgo but without his conseut comes from Sioux City Duriug tho high wind Saturday afternoon Hugh Bain n col lector havimr finished his work for tho day attomptod to transfer 280 iu bills from ouo pocket to another when an un usually sovore gust of wind came aloug suatohed the mouoy out of his hands aud scattered it all over the eastern part of Sioux City One 50 bill ouly was recovered At a meeting of tho members of the Congregational church held Friday oveuing it was decided to go ahead with the addition to tho church building tiat has boon under contem plation somo time The main addition is to be 20 by 40 feet two stories high located at tho rear or north end of tho church while two smaller addi tions each 10 by 18 feet will bo put up on either 6ido of tho choir loft Tho 1 4 li Ask your doctor about soaps soaps containing alkali and soaps made of pure vegetable oils Physicians and trained nurses recommend Ivory Soap because it con tains nothing but pure soap Theres no alkali in Ivory Soap it is a thorough cleanser and is the standard of soap excellence 99 per cent pure IT FLOATS COPYRIGHT 1099 DV THE PROCTER L QtMOlE CO CINCINNATI Reckard woro adopted nud a building connnltteo was selected consisting of Col Cotton C G Somors R B Weller Goo Reckard Mrs N A Raiubolt aud Mrs F E Hardy Work on tho im provements will begin in a short timo TUESDAY TOPICS Miss Meek a Pierce teacher is a city visitor Fritz Kohler left today for Oklahoma to visit relatives Billy Zulauf of Pierce was a city vis itor this morning Oscar Uhlo and wife went to Wake field this morning JUrs Li J uorton or btauton was a city visitor yesterday Miss Annie Haase leaves this evening for Hot Spriugs S D Mrs Peters and Mrs wero city visitors yesterday Mr nud Mrs Herman Hogref i of BatJ tie Creek ore city visitors today F Keyner and wifo wero passengers for Concord on the morning train Superintendent Keiper of tho hospital for insane is transacting business in Lincoln Miss Mamie Crawford a teacher iu tho Madison schools was in the city last evening eurouto to her homo in West Point Tho fire department is arranging to have a bowery dance and fire works dis play at Pasewalk Park on tho evening of July Fourth Miss Luolla Remy arrived from Aius worth yesternay to take a position on the Journal which Postmaster Sprecher has again takou charge of B S Wyatt formerly manager of tho Singer Manufacturing conponys office at this placo is in the city accompanied by his family visiting frionds Frank and George Davis are down with the measles and it is reported this morning that the former is also suffer ing from au attack of appendicitis A Doguers now houso is progressing nicely The foundation is finished and the framework is partly up WTheu finished the hpuso will bo two stories high and one of tho handsomest homes in the city W H Bucholz has just had completed m front of his residence property a sub stantial brick sidewalk which is put down to do sorvice duriug the remainder of tho owners natural lifetime Tho city would be very much improved in appearnnco if others would emulate tho example set by Mr Bucholz The new wind mill which Myron Twiss has erected a block south of tho Croighton dopot is said to bo designed to oporato a feed mill If tho weather coutinues as it has lately ho will not lack for power Col Ed Mason gives tho roporter tho following item with the request that It bo published without change Mr Aunn E Mason is very sick with inonlaXTho doctor attending her says if sho will abide by his instructions ho believes ho will bring hor out of it and if sho do not listen to him or abide by his insttuotions shell go whero there is loud singiu and slow wolkin and that aint no lie F F Miller this morning received his commission from Graud Master Work man Schultz of Beatrice ns a deputy grand master workmau of the A O U W Ho will enter upon his now duties next week and his field of work will comprise tho towns iu north Nebraska tributary to Norfolk Mr Miller has long been au enthusiast iu the order to which he has allied himself nnd it is be lieved that success will crown his efforts rumor that wns prevalent hero about two mouths ngo Announcement is made by members of tho railroad com niltteo of the Sioux City Commercial us Fociatiou that tho Union Pacific has de cided to ouco moro run its trains into Sioux City nnd thnt all of its business for St Paul Minneapolis Duluth aud the great lakes will be handled by way of Columbus Norfolk and Sioux City iustead of by way of Omnlia It is con templated in the plan of tho company to oppenito sleeping cars through Sioux City for the accommodation of the Min neapolis and St Paul business and the service out of Sioux City will be as good as that out of Omaha Mr and Mrs E A Bullock enter tained a number of friends at their homo ou Twelfth street last evening iu honor Zahu of Pierco their friend Mrs Comstock of as a deputy additious ore expected to cost nbout The following item from tho Sioux 1500 Tho plaus drawn by Geo City Journal this uioruing revives a tou Iowa The guests were eutertaiucu in n mnuuer not ouly novel but instruc tive Arranged on tho walls were 40 pictures of noted people each bearing n number and the guests were invited to write the names of the originals upon cards provided for tho purpose At tho close of the contest it was found that Mr M G Perkins of Omaha had car ried off the prize having made but ouo error Several others came within two or three of naming all the pictures cor rectly whilo others went wide of the truth in their guesses Delicious re freshments rounded out a very enjoy able evening Uollef In Six IlourH Distressing kidney and bladder disease relieved In six hours by New Great South Ameiican Kidney Cure It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness n relievine pain In bladder kidneys and bacic in male or female Relieve rstention of water almost immediately If you want quick relief and cure this is the remedy Sold by Koenigstein Phar macy Norfolk Neb The Greater America KxpoHition will open nt Omaha July 1st and close Nov 1st 1899 Colonial exhibits from CubaPorto Rico Hawaii and the Philiy piues The Indian Congress the Fili pino Village the Japanese Village Pains Fireworks the Fall of Manila Commodore Schley Admiral Dewey and President McKiuloy will be there Dan Godfreys British Military Band and scores of other bands No matter what Exposition you have visited the Greater America will be new to yon Every farmer and stock raiser should keep Sloans Liniment on baud for nn emergency Ask your neighbor nud ho will tell you why For salo by John Koeuigstoiu The testis tt the Cheapest Experience teaches that good clothes ivear longest good food gives best nutrition and a good medicine that cures disease is naturally the best and cheapest Hoods Sarsaparilla is the best medi cine money can buy because it cures when all others fail Poor Health Had poor health for years pains in shoulders back and hips with constant headache nervousness and no appetite Used Hoods Sarsaparilla gained strength and can tvork hard all day eat heartily and sleep tuell 1 took it because it helped my husband to tvhom it gave strength Mrs E J Giffels Moose Lake Minn tibod SwuabwdKd lloodt lllli cure liver llli tlig noa Irritating and ouly cathartic to uKbwuE lluudVhariiuurtll 1 X f 1 i ii i