The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 25, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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OKI Probabilities
1r ptnntlltiR up for
This tUllnhtfnl growing wenthcr 1b
tiiiforttiunto for tlio calamity howlor
Hlxbyn million dollnr ruins nro n
frequent ocenrrenco in this locality of
Into -
Ib In borsIoii
The cznrs penro congress
nntl Spain lins begun to build a now
All tlio volunteers will to on their
way homo from tlio Philippines iusulo
of sixty days
RppnbllennlMn nutl pruspority nro us
nyuonimmis termp ni democracy nml
disaster Tho pooplo will not forgot it
Fifty thousnud people will bo em
ployed in tulciiiK tho national census nnd
tlio estimated coBt of doliiK it is 10000-
At tho present tlmo nobody ifl worry
ing over tho gold reserve Thoro nro
221000000 in gold coin In tho nntioual
Tin News would respectfully suggest
to tho city council that tho soil removed
in grading down Aldcrnmnio hill bo nsod
to Jill up Corporation gulch
Good crops in Nebraska this year
moan ropnblicnn majorities Tho pooplo
mjoy good times and thoy always asso
ciate them with tho party in owor
As showing tho nnto sectariau tond
uncles of tho times It is cited that thoro
uroHOO Catholic students in attendance
upon tho courses of Yalo university
Twenty million dollars worth of
Amcricnn bloyelos havo boon oxportod
They nxo found in nil parts of tho world
and tho domand for thorn Is constantly
It is tho opinion of thoso who havo
made n study of tho mattor that tho timo
is not far distant when wo Bhiill bo ablo
to travel with comfort at a Bpoed of MO
miles an hour on tho ratlwnys of tho
Mrs Georges oxporienoo in Ohio isnt
encouraging to Miss Horlockor to tako
the locturo platform if she should bo
acquitted of tho crime charged against
her Thero nro somo things to bo thank
ful for yot
Tho wiuds of McKiuloy prosperity
havo blown through Ex Souator PetTors
whiskers and ho has ronouucod domoc
raoy and tho devil and is onco moro
clothed in liia right mind Ho avows
his intention of voting tho republican
ticket henceforth
In 1800 the wholo country was wild
with excitemont over tho scarcity of
gold Today under a gold standard
tho banks aro burdened with it and the
people are having to handle more of it
thnu they liko in tho transaction of dally
business Tho crlmo of 7T Imb sunk
into inoououB desuotudo and it would bo
difficult to rally a dozen men to listen to
a discussion of tho froo silver question
Mr Bryan now has an iuvitatiou to a
a dinner at Chicago Mr Bryan Is In
deed fortunate to livo under a republican
administration which transforms condi
tions in threo years so that soup houses
for tho masses havo disappeared and in
their place dollar two dollar and ten
dollar dinners havo becomo popular
Such fads aro ouly possible under a party
that upholds tho financial integrity of
the nation
An exchange says Somo newspaper
men aro terrible liars In writing of a
cyclone out west one of them said it
turned a well inside out a collar upside
down moved a township line blow all
the staves out of a whiskey barrel and
left nothing but a bung holo changed
tho day of the week blow tho hair off a
bald headed man blow a mortgage off a
farm blew the cracks out of the fence
and all the wind out of a populist
Duriug tho year J1898 Uncle Sam is
nued more than 2500000000 two cent
postage stamps Enough one cent post
age stamps have been issued during tho
year 1808 to stretch from Few York
City by way of Europe and Asia to
Bombay India if arranged in one strip
If all the stamps of all denominations
printed by the United StateB govern
ment in 1608 were placed one on top of
the other they would reach on elevation
of 21 miles The average amount spout
by every man woman and child in Mas
sachusetts for stamp9 last year was 280
while in South Carolina it waB 25 cents
These figures only reveal to us somethiug
of the magnitude and progresa of this
The World Herald recently made the
observation that you do not see so
many radical MoKinley traveling men
these days This ib due in large meas
ure to the fact that you do not see 60
many traveling men Whereupon tho
Bee interviewed 23 of the leadiug whole
eale concerns of Omaha and found that
where they employed In 1891 174 trav
eling salesmen they now employ 245
In addition to its assertion in regard to
traveling men tho World Herald said
Thousands of bookkeepers account
ants clerks and foremen who shouted
for MoKinley in 1890 are now realizing
that the prosperity which they predicted
for nil hns skipped thorn Tho Boo in
torvlowcd tho samo 2JI concerns ns ro
gnrds tho numbor of bookkooircrs and
clcrkfl thoy employ nnd found that whilo
In 1801 tho numbor of mon thus hired by
then was 5110 thoy now keep busy 850
It Is singular how llttlo regard a popo
crntlo orgnn hns for fnots Tho World
Herald hnfi so long fed on fancy and as
sertion that it can disregard truth and
existing conditions with apparent com
placency Hut it will find thnt an Intel
ligent pooplo will not follow moles or
bats as lcndors Tho pooplo aro prosper
ing and thoy rcnlizo that it is Mr Mc
Kiuloy and his party thnt paved tho way
for tholr prosperity
The Proper Use or Property
Thcodoro Uoosovclt governor of Now
York is no domngogno Ho enters to
no class prejudice but ho is an honest
fearless public official and his ircsition
recently takon that franchises should
bo taxed will moot tho hearty approval
of IiIb countrymen At Buffalo tho other
night in an address ho expressed him
self in n refreshing mannor about prop
erty nnd its propor uso It is littlo won
der that tho American pcoplo havo al
ready como to tho conclusion that in
1001 ho will bo tho propor man to elect
as president Hero ore his words
On tho ono hand wo havo tho por
feotly simple savngo who believes that
you should tnx franchises to tho oxtont
of confiscating them and that it 1b tho
duty of all railroad corporations to carry
ovorybody froo and glvo him n chroino
On tho othor hand wo havo tho scarcoly
primitive mortals who boliovo that thoro
is Bomothiug sacrod in a franchise nnd
that thoro is no reason why it should
pay its Bharo of tho burdons at all
Now goutlomon remombor that tho
man who occnples tho last position in
evitably toudB to produco tho man who
occupies tho first position and that tho
worst enomy of proporty Ib tho man
who whothor from unscrupulouBncss or
from moro hocdlossnessand thoughtless
ness takes tho ground thnt thoro shall
bo something sacrod about all proporty
that tho owuors of it aro to occupy a dif
forout position In tho community from
all others and aro to havo tholr burdeuB
not increased but diminished becauso of
thoir wealth Tho ricli man who buys
n privilego from a board of aldormen for
a railway which ho represents tho rich
man who gotH a privilego through tho
legislature by bribery and corruption for
any corporation is committing an of
fouso against tho community which it Ib
passible may somo day have to bo con
donod for in blood and destruction not
by him not by his sous but by you and
your sons Tho proper use of property
is to uso it as an honest man would use
his proporty in reference to his brother
Ditllcultlca do not Alter Duties
Tho annual mooting of tho Associated
resa was hold in Chicago May 17th
At tho banquet in tho evening St Clair
McKelway of tho Brooklyn Eagle mado
tho principal address Tho Eagle is a
domocratio newspaper and its editor is
recognized as one of tho ablest uows
paper men in tho land His words nro
tho more significant as it cannot be
charged against him that ho seeks any
favors at tho hands of tho present ad-
minstrntion Among othor things he
We could not leave Spain in the
Philippines and could not restore the
Philippines to Spain without making
ourselves worse than Spain in history
and without putting or leaving a na
tional enemy to work us harm in tho
very heart of tho commercial world of
tho far eaBt I need not talk to thoso
who think that tho Filipinos aro capable
of self government Men who can be
llevo that can believe anything Tho
Filiniuos comprise many tribes at odds
with and strangers to one another dif
feriug in religion in language and in
habits and somo of them have been loft
for centuries in the savagery of which
head hunting and cnuuibalism are per
huns the mildest variations The more
intelligent of them who have unwisely
confronted our troops are led by men
who will bo without occupation when
they have no causo to sell and no govern
ment to market Those who can regard
them as heroes patriots as virtuous and
intelligent resemble tho lecturer whose
boast it was that he made his facts as he
went along All the evidenco is against
1 take it we are going to bold thoso
islands I doubt not we shall find diffi
culty Difficulties however alter not
duties No man living knows what we
will do with them or should do with
them for we are learning as we go along
The situation was not of our niakiug
could not be of our preventing and will
not be ono which wo will abandon or
run away from The Philippines are a
finality We have them and we hold
them We will govern them under the
universal right and obligation of the
capable to govern the incapable cast
upon their hands We will do to them
tho good which the Pilgrim and the
Quaker the Huguenot and tho Cavalier
would have done to tho Indians had the
Indians had eoubo enough to uccept it
They had not and the rest followed
Good or the consequences of tho rejec
tion of it will follow in thePhilippiues
The world will not stop it will go right
on The higher races will school or har
ness the lower ones to the work of the
ages and American newspapers should
not captiously forget that fact in their
long outlook on events
Tho sweet girl graduate and tho Juno
brido nro almost hero
Admiral Dowcy hns nrrived at Hong
Kong homeward bound
Buffalo Now York is building n union
dopot nt a cost of 0000000
Gov Pingrco of Michigan favors tho
enactment of n Rtato iucomo tax law
Miss Julia Dent Grant granddaughter
of President Grant is to wed a Russian
Gen Gomez is comiug to Washington
to confer with President McKiuloy about
Cuban matters
Bishop Worthlugton leaves Omaha
for tho oast in Juno and will tako up
IiIb rosidonco in Now Haven Conn
A company with a capital of 10000
000 has just been formed in Ohicngo to
ongago in tho building of steel freight
Domocratio papers ought not to kick
at tho war deficit of 100000000 for the
fiscal year Tho domocratio party has
nlwoyB dreaded a surplus
Fitzsimmonns and Jeffries plan to
havo a scrap at Coney island Juno 0th
If thnso fellows want to fight why not
sond them to tho Philippines
Whilo quito a number of eminent gou
tlomon aro hustling for tho speakership
it is significant that Tom Heed has not
resigned nor haB anybody any assurance
that ho will
In 1800 Nobraska voted for freo coin
age by a plurality of 18C00 Today on
tho snmo issue the f usionists would bo
beaten by n majority largely in excess of
those figures
Thoro aro now 5000000 American
women who ubo tobacco This state
ment would bo moro startling if it was
not borno in mind that Filipino women
uro Americans
A horseless carriage has started from
Olovoland Ohio for Now York City
Tho distance is more than 800 inileB and
it is expected that it will make tho jour
ney in llvo days
Admiral Schloy has spent tho post sev
eral days at Omaha tho guest of Ex
Sonator Manderson and has received
from tho people of all classes tho heart
iest and most enthusiastic greeting
Clothing can be bought just as cheaply
as it could under Clevelands adminis
tration but wool is fifty per cent higher
Mr Bryan will find it difficult to make
a grand stand play before the farmers of
tho wert in 1000
There promises to be a hot time in
Michigan this fall Secretary Alger and
Senator McMillan aro both candidates
for tho senate and each has a large and
onthusiastio following It is again ru
mored that Alger will resign from tho
cabinet in order to givo all his timo to
his senatorial canvass
Grover Cleveland having said that ho
was still alivo everybody has agreed to
accept it as true But thero is no douial
but what Grover died politically somo
years ago Carl Schurz and J Sterling
Morton may protest against this state
ment but tho rest of thoir countrymen
are not living in a past and happily al
most forgotten age
Mrs Mary A Livermoro is in fniliug
health nnd it is thought she cannot live
long In the agitation against slavery
ns a nurse during the civil war by her
notable lectures and meetings against
intempernnco and ns an advocate of tho
ballot for women Mrs Livermoro has
been one of tho most conspicuous and
noble leaders of her generation Al
though a born agitator she was pos
sessed of an unusual fand of practical
common sense and this together with
her unquestioned sincerity gained and
held for her tho respect of all who came
within tho range of her inflnenco re
gardless of whether they agreed or dis
agreed with the positions she took
Delegates to the National Editorial as
sociation meeting to be held at Portland
Oregon July 5 will go by special train
over the Union Pacific O S L and R
N to Portland After the session at
Portland an excursion will be taken to
Seattle and Tacoma and from there to
Vancouver British possessions and the
return trip will be over the Cauadiau
Paclfio by way of Minneapolis The
trip will cover 20 to 25 days but the
secretary of the national association has
not yot perfected his plans so as to make
an estimate of the cost though it will
be in tho neighborhood of 100 for each
person The Nebraska association will
be entitled to eight or ten delegates and
any member of tho association is eligible
to go Moro detailed description of the
trip will bo published as soon as the
same is received from the secretary of
the natonal association In the mean
time those members of the state associa
tion who desire to go should write tho
president W N Huse nt Norfolk so
that there may be no delay in the seleo
tion of delegates
Few men have bad such an opportun
ity to study and get acquainted with the
Cuban peoplo as Major General Leonard
Wood The difficulties under which he
has labored at Santiago havo been most
scrionfl but his opinion of these people
is quito different from that often heard
expressed and his hopo for their future
far brighter In tho North American
Review regarding thom ho Bays It
is not intended to claim that tho CubatiR
aro without faults or without a great
many faults but it is a fact beyond dis
pute that thoy havo como out of a cha
otio condition following a most disas
trous wnr havo gono through what has
practically been a famino and havo
maintained throughout a decout respect
for llfo nnd property which would havo
been most creditable to any peoplo undor
similar conditions Tho difficulties
ahead of thom lio in their own tempera
ment Thoy havo to learn in civil nf
fairs to act with deliberation to control
their emotions nnd whilo many think
thoy will bo unablo to do this I nm con
fident that they will succeed knowing
as I do how well they havo conducted
thomsolvoB during thifl most trying per
iod of reconstruction
Tho Distant Grave
1 know that Decoration day will soon bo liero
An mn nn me nro fjrowin flowers that will bo
ready then
To loy upon my comrade dear whopo span of
lira is done
The comrades brave wo fought an marched
with mo in 01
An when th day arrives again then ma an me
will spread
Th brightest lowers we can get nbovo my
comrades dead
An whilo wo dwornto th graveB ot thoso who
marchod witli mo
Well not forgot th graves of thom who marchod
with Jenral Leo
Near forty years o soltenln timo bavo banlBhed
evory scar
An wo who fought each other tlion again
nnited aro
Th bloody lino dividing ns was washed ont by
th tears
Weve shed above onr comrades graves through
all tn wonry years
An wo who woro tho Union Illuo an thoso who
wore th Gray
Aro nmrchin sHo by sido again ull for th lag
An ma an mo are growing flowers th brightest
an th beBt
To lny above th narrow beds whoro soldier
lie roes rest
Yes ma an mo nro wai in for tho cumin of tho
When wo enn scatter dowers upon th graves of
Dlnoaud Grny
An oh wo go to whoro tliny Bleep wod llvo again
th j ear
When brother fonght his brother an th land
was filled with tours
But ma nn mo will not forget our soldier eon
who died
A tlghtin for tho Hag ho loved ncross th ocoan
WoH docorato the graves that day amidst
homos peaceful scones
But th grave wod rather docorato is in tho
M Maopin in World Herald
Old Soldiers Anticipating a Grand Time
at Plainview July 11 to 14
Headquarters Northeast Nebraska G
AR Reunion District Norfolk Neb
May 18 1899 General Order No 1
The annual Northeast Nebraska District
reunion for 1899 will be held at Plain-
view on July 11th to 14th inclusive and
the sixth annual district encampment
for the election of officers and transac
tion of business will be held in G A R
hall Plainview on July 12th at 2 p m
All G A R posts are urgently invited
to send delegates to this encampment
one delegate at large and one delegate
for each ten members or major fraction
thereof for eaoh post in this district It
is earnestly hoped that every post in
northeast Nebraska will be represented
at the encampment
The citizens of Plainview have their
committees at work making preparations
for the reunion and will spare no pains
or expense to make tho 1899 reunion Bur
pass in Interest and pleasure if possible
the grand reunion held there last year
Requisitions for tents should be made
early to P H Nelson district quarter
master Plainview Nebraska
Comrades 1 Let us in this last year of
a century made immortal by your glor
ious achievements in the cause of liberty
and a nnited country gather again with
our wives children and grand children
in the tented city at Plainview renew
the ties of comradeship and tell the old
stories of camp march and battlefield
while our families enjoy with ub a happy
reunion H O Matbau
Herman Gerecke Dist Com
Dist Adjutant
llomeseekers Kxcurslon
On May 2 and 10 June 0 and 20 1899
the Missouri Pacifio Railway company
will sell homeseekers excursion tickets
to certain points in tho southwestern
ports of Missouri Kansas Arkansas
Indian Territory Oklahoma Territory
Colorada and Utah and to many other
points located in tho southeastern
states At rate of one fare for the
round trip pIub 12 For further infor
mation address W O Barnes
J O Phillipfi T P A
Southeast corner of 14 th and Douglas
streets Omaha Nebraska
Grnln O Itrtngs Keller
to the coffee drinker Coffee drinking
is a habit thnt is universally indulged in
and almost as universally injurious
Have you tried Grain O It is almost
like coffeo but tho effects aro just tho
opposite Coffee upsets the stomach
ruins the digestion effects the heart
and disturbs tho whole nervous system
Graiu 0 tones up tho stomach aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves
There is nothing but nourishment in
Grain O It cant be otherwise 15
and 25 cents per package
A Superior Through Sleeping Car Line
Iletween St Louis nnd Jack
Commencing Decombor 17th tho Lou
Isvillo Air Lino will inaugurnto for tho
Boason tho great Through Sleeping Car
Routo to Florida Through sleeping
cars will leave St Louis 015 p m daily
passing Lou isvillo 7 00 n m Lexington
10 n m reaching Chattanooga C G5
p m Atlanta 10 10 p m and Jackson
villo 840 a m second morning
Stopovers allowed This routo is
through largo cities nud interesting
country and is operated over most su
perior nnd well established lines of rail
way Tho schedules are fast and most
In nddition to tho nbovo schodulo
leaving St LoniB nt night train leaving
St Louis 8 08 a m will arrivo Jack
sonville tho next night 930p in mak
ing only ono night out from St Louis to
This lino also affords passengers for
Florida trip via Ashevillo N 0 the
greatest American all-year-around re
Correspondence solicitod and inform
ation promptly furnished R A Camp
bell General Passenger Agent St
Louis Mo
This is also tho best line to points in
Kentucky Tennessee deorgia and
North and South Carolina
South Norfolk News
Mrs H H Hull is on the sick list
Mrs Hurlbert has gono homo for a
few days visit
Miss Nellio Dingmau spent Sunday
with relatives in Council Bluffs
Mr Gannon has been very sick at his
home on First street with appendicitis
Mr Dolen has been called to his home
in Iowa to see his mother who is very
Mr Hagermau returned from Ohio
last week where he has been to see his
mother who is very sick
Miss Rose Burchmore who has been
staying with her sister Mrs Gordon
Frazier of Creston has returned to this
A crowd of young people with a few
of their elders to chaperone went to tho
asylum last Thursday evening and re
ported a very delightful time
Chris Anderson and his sister Jose
phine received new wheels this morning
and by the happy look on their faces
their friends new what had happened
The young folks of thiB vicinity had a
dance in Railway hall Monday evening
All report a good time and they did not
go home till the early hours of morning
Last Thursday evening while filling
the tank on her gasoline stove Mrs
Dingman stepped on a match and the
gas ignited and the whole thing was
soon in flames but she grabbed the tank
and threw it into the road where it ex
ploded Fortunately no one was hurt
A Cheap Farm and a Good One
Do you want a good farm where you
can work outdoors in your shirt sleeves
for ten months in the year and where
your stock can forage for itself all the
year round If so writo to P Sid Jones
Passenger Agent Birmingham Ala or
Dr R B CrawfordTraveling Passenger
Agent 6 Rookery building Chicago 111
Do you want to go down and look at
somo of the garden spots of this country
The Louisville Nashville railroad pro
vides the way and the opportunity on the
first and third Tuesday of each month
with excursions at only two dollars over
ono fare for round trip tickets Write
Mr O P Atmore General Passenger
Agent Louisville Ky for particulars
Do you want to read about them be
fore going Then Bend 10 cents in silver
or postage stamps for a copy of Garden
Spots to Mr Atmore
A Word
to Doctors
We have the highest regard for the
medical profession Our preparations
are not Bold for the purpose of antagon
izing them but rather as an aid We
lay it down as an established truth that
internal remedies are positively injuri
ous to expectant mothers The distress
and discomforts experienced during the
months preceding childbirth can be al
leviated only by external treatment by
applying a liniment that softens and re
laxes the over strained muscles We
make and sell such a liniment com
bining the ingredients in a manner
hitherto unknown and call it
Mothers Friend
We know that in thousands of cases
it has proved more than a blessing to
expectant mothers It overcomes morn
ing sickness It relieves the sense of
tightness Headaches cease and dan
ger from Swollen Hard and Rising
Breasts is avoided Labor itself is
shortened and shorn of most of the pain
We know that many doctors recom
mend it and we know that multitudes
of women go to the drug stores and buy
it because they are sure their physicians
have no objections We ask a trial
just a fair test There is no possible
chance of injury being the result be
cause Mothers Friend is scientific
ally compounded It is sold at i a bot
tle and should be used during most of
the period of gestation although great
relief is experienced if tused only a short
time before childbirth Send for our il
lustrated book about Mothers Friend
Impure Blood
If rnnr blood U Imnnro then too
aro weak and languid your appetite
11 pour aim yuur uiiriwuon is wcaK
You cannot weep well and tho morn
ing finds you unprepared for tbo
work of tho day Your cheeks aro
Palo and your complexion la tallow
Von aro troubled with pimples holla
or somo eruption of tho skin Why
not purify your blood t
will do It Tako IFa few davs Yon
will Boon fool lxtM r in every way for
your dioou win i pnro your appouto
yoa ami your norvitf Birong iw
If yon aro bilious tako Avers Tills
They greatly aid tho Rrsaparilla
They euro conftlpatlonnlo Price
25o a box For sale by all druggists
Write the doctor freely rJ the partlo 1
oUn In your cmp Ynu v ill receive o
prompt rcmy without cost Aaateit
ua j u Aiiui ixjweii hum
of Beit Varieties at Hard Time Prlcti Small
fruit in largo supply Millions of Btrawborry
plants very thrifty nnd well rooted Got the
nEBT near home nnd savo freight or oipren
Bond for price list to
North Bend Nurseries
North Bend Dodge County Neh
At Pierco Every Monday
Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb
Attention Farmer
Do yon des o to toouro hnnderds of i aiiiplo
copies of si icultrral journals maRazln
boo- catalogues end circulars of ho
Eapevj improved farm ImplerrentB and machn
ory and bo kept posted on improved seeds and
stock for two years or moro If so send os
your namo with ten cents insilvor nnd we will
insert tho snmo in tho American Farmers Dir-
which koob whirling all over the TJrjtted
Sntes to ntiblistiers merchants and manufac
turers You will get more good reading matter
than you could purohaso for many times tbo
email cost of ten cents Wo want every farmers
name in tho United States in our d ectory at
once Fabmebs Dii totobt Co
Depat nentll8
Birmingham Ala
dot Away a Couple of Months
and visit
Asheville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
or the many
Tourist tickets on sale via
Southern - Haitaay
by all Ticket Agents
For schedules or further infor
mation write or call on
Wm II Taylok A G P A
Louisville Ky
J O Lkam Jr N W P A
80 Adams St Chicago
Treats all Fomx of
12 Yt4r in Orotht
Cofuullabaa Free Book Int
Located on the Illinois Central B B in
And also located on the Yazoo nnd MlisUeinD
Valley H H in the Famous
Of MiBsiesippi SpeciaUly adapted to tho ra g
Corn and Hose
Soil Richestin the World
Write for Pamphlets and Maps
Land Commissioner Asst Land Comr
111 Cent H B Co Park How oomB7