The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, May 04, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Siuco April 1 1MHJ ho clronlntioii of
jjolil in this country hns incronairt from
sMirM2wi to iiiarMiiij
John 0 Sniwhor of Schuyler ImH
been nppointrd deputy oil lnspootor for
the Third NVliriisliii dM riot by Hover
nor Ioyntor
Undo Sinn handed over o Kpnin yes
tordny four drafts of jDOOOOO each in
payment of tho lMiilipplno IhIiuiiIh ito
rordhtK to tho JunuH of tho treaty of
Admiral Dowoy nnyfl that his relations
with lrinre Henry of Prussia now in
command of tho German lluutln CltlnoHo
waters aro cordial and that all reports
to tho contrary aro false
Tho beet miar buslnesH is boomiiiK in
JIlehiKan this year Kitf it now miar
factories aru buliiK hnlli four of thorn
havhiK a daily capacity or Mil totm each
and four of IiO tons each
Thcro is every promiso of n 11k con
tost for Spcaltor Heeds placo iuiiouk tho
republican members of confess At
present Sherman of Now York and Hon
derson of Iowa are in ho lead
A decision has recently been handed
down by tho Unltod States supremo
court to tho Direct that poultry ruutiliiK
at largo Ib wild kiuho and porsoim on
whoso premises chickens may trespass
have aright to ltill thorn Johnny
get your gun
Colonel Fuiiston tho red hoadod of
floor from Kansas who has addod such
luster o tho unrao of ho western volun
teers by his brilliant nchiovomona in
crossing tho river nt Onlumpit undor
flro only woigliB ISO pounds but hos
mi army with bauuorB whon ho gets
started What Roosovolt was o Now
York Fuuson Is to KnuBas
Tho nows that tho voluutoore will bo
mustered out nud roturuod homo from
Manila very soon will bo wolcomo to
their frionds It is not nnlikoly that
tho First Nebraska will begin to embark
for homo within a fortnight They
havo boon on tho llriug lino now for
long wooks and havo ovlucod u bravery
and nblllty as Boldlors that placo them
for all time among Americas horoes
Nebraska will give thorn a thrico royal
wolcomo and their return will bo gladly
awaited not only by their porsoual
friends nnd rolatives but by ovory man
woman and child in tho commonwealth
Wo aro proud of thorn aud thoir horoic
deeds havo oushriucd thorn in tho hearts
of all
Hon Charles Emory Smith postmas
ter general while at Chicago tho past
week said that Presidout MoKinloy wns
determined to bring about law and order
in tho Philippines Whon that was ac
accomplishcd tho future- of tho islands
and tho policy of this government in re
gard to thorn would bo decided by tho
pooplo through thoir representatives in
congress Whatover course was decided
upon tho executive and his cabinot
stood ready to carry out This is tho
terrible imperialistic policy that Mr
Bryan and others havo been thundoring
about It begins to look as if tho demo
cratic party would havo to bo hunting
for another now issuo on which to light
tho campaign of 1100 Thoy are in hard
Tho ropoits that como ovor tho wires
from Manila regarding tho wish of tho
Filipino to quit thoir meanness and
surrender to tho American forces will
bo received with a groat sense of relief
and satisfaction by tho great body of
tho people No doubt it will provo a
disappointment to that class of patriots
who admire Agniualdo as they do Georgo
Washington but happily thoy aro in tho
minority With tho cessation of hostil
ities tho beneiicieut purposes of Amer
ican control can bo readily demonstrated
to tho inhabitants of tho islandsaud tho
wholo question of the future and our
connection with them can bo discussed
in a mojo rational way It is certainly
to be hoped that unconditional surrender
will soon be made to Gen Otis
Every form of foolishness has its par
ticular rage It is always gratifying to
note the decline of any ovil Tho sta
tistics clearly show that cigaretto smok
ing is on the wane For six years prior
to 1890 their production steadily in
creased That year the output was
4160000000 Tho figures for tho fiscal
year ending Juuo 30 1SUS show that
there was manufactured about 1000
000000 less and in faco of that fact
there was an increased foreign de
mand Iu tho crusade that has been
waged ngaiust the cigaretto tho press of
tho country has been foremost The
evideuces were so palpable as to the re
sults of using them that the young men
of the country have noted them and are
letting them more severely alone It is
a compliment to youug American man
Senator Thurston lias taken pains
lately to reiterato his previous announce
ment that he would not be a candidate
for re election There really was no
need whatever of any such statement
Mr Thurstons recent exhibitions of
mental and moral erraticisui have been
bufficient to convince the people of Ne
braska that Eome other place would be
more suitublo to his genius rnthor than
tho stately senatorial ohambors His
poetic endoncies may bo but rovolalions
of a power that shall thrill tho world
and vet class him with Lord Uyron or
Oscar Wihlo but Nebraska is not sigh
ing for a poet senator The stato and
its interests demand n thoughtful prac
tical level headed manly man in the
souate and such a man tho republicans
will choose as tho successor of John M
Diamond Aitnlwiwiry
Tho seventy llfth anniversary of tho
American Sunday School Union is to bo
held ut tho Academy ot Musio Phila
delphia May a I and 2
At this diamond meeting as it is
culled addresses will bo iniiilo by
Dwlght h Moody tho woll known ovan
uollst Hev Nowell Dwlght Hlllis Hov
Hussell II Conwcll Hov Theodore Guy
lor Hoar Admiral Philips of tho U 9
navy and other prominent Sunday
school workers
During tho 7f years of Its existence
his society has organized more than
ll0KX Sunday sohools Notwithstand
ing all tho work it litis done addod to
that nccomplishod by tho various denom
inational agencies thcro aro today no
loss than 1 1000000 youths In tho United
Statos botwoqn tho ages of llvo and
olghteen who aro not In any Sunday
It Is hoped by ineaua of this great rally
to arouso fresh Interest In tho Sunday
sohool work overy where throughout tho
Tho suggestion has boon mado that
May 28 bo obsorvod in nil tho churches
and Sunday sohools as Amorican Sun
day school union day
A CJrcat Scheme That Fulled
Tho grand stand play of Messrs Lowls
Shophordson publishers of tho Jour
nal in attempting to compel pooplo to
do business with them bos fallen flat
Slnco Postmastor Sproohor left tho
Journal last fall tho paper haB been
gradually drifting into inoouoas dosuo
tndo and tho situation was becoming
dosporato A fow mouths ago during a
consultation botwoon tho partners as to
what should bo dono to bolster up thoir
fallon fortune one of them ovolvod n
beautiful idoa I havo it I ho ex
claimed wo will pad our circulation
and whon tho timo comesjwe will force
overy saloon man and druggist in tho
county to givo ub IiIb notlco Eureka I
Now tobuslucssl
Tho following week pooplo in nil parts
of tho county many of whom had nover
boforo known there was such a paper as
tho Journal rocoived a copy of it with
tho luinouucomout that tho prico had
boon cut to 50 oouts a yoar Whoro tho
rccipiout failed to subsciibo for tho 50
cont paper aud about tho timo whon ho
was ready to loavo it in tho postoillco
marked refused thoro camo limping
along through tho mails a lotter an
nouncing that a man whoso name it
was not necessary to mention had paid
for tho Journal to bo sont to tho recipi
ents address for a certain number of
months tho timo always boing so calcu
lated as to cover tho mouth of April
during which tho liquor notices were to
bo published
Then along nbout tho middloof March
tho scheme was rlpo and tho bright
young men of tho Journal proceeded to
tho next stop which was to issuo a
warning to liquor mon and druggists
that thoir notices must bo published in
that paper because it had tho largest
circulation in tho county threatening
that unless their domands wore oboyod
they would filo remonstrances against
the issuanco of licenses This threat
was not only made against tho liquor
mon of Norfolk but against those of
Madison as woll becauso it was big
gamo that tho young mon wore aftor
Human nature is a peculiar institu
tion but thoro are certain traits that pre
dominate iu tho breast of nearly overy
individual When an attempt is mado
to drivo a man to do a thing bo ho of
high or low degroo ho usually develops
tho characteristics of tho broncho aud
bucks That is what tho liquor men
did thoy bucked Instead of falling
over each other to rush their notices to
tho Journal that paper only rocolvqd
ono little 300 uotico from among the
12 or 15 published in Norfolk aud nono
from Madison or other towus And this
was all tho profit the youug mon of tho
Journal derived from their great schomo
which included the wasting of much
good whtto paper worth three ceuts n
pound of anyones money worth more
before it was printed than after upon a
cold and unappreciativo public Tho
young men however had made a threat
that thoy would remonstrate against tho
issuance of licenses nud to make that
bluff good they filed formal protests
agaiust all applicants in Norfolk who
had not published their notices iu the
When those protests came up for
hearing before tho council Saturday
oveuiug the pins were knocked from
under the young mon so quick that they
havo not stopped falling yet nud thoy
still dont kuow just where thoy are at
Thus endoth tho closing chapter of a
great scheme Conceived iu greed fos
tered in misrepresentation it failed of
fruition The moral to this is thntit is
seldom safe to attempt to exercise a gas
pipo cinch Tho American spirit which
proclaimed millions for defeuso not
one cent for tribute is as strong today
as it was over a century ngo and applies
to matters small as well as large
Tho Filipinos nnd tho wators of tho
Hlg Muddy are constantly retreating
Thoro is now being expended In build
ing up tho American navy 0000000
John Wannamakor is said to havo
mado 1700000 In his Philadelphia de
partment stores last yoar
Ton of tho Yorktown crow including
Lieutenant Oilmoru aro prisoners in
tho hands of the Insurgents
Tho volunteers in tho Philippines will
all bo back by tho end of July Thoy
will begin to Btart May fth
Tho United States now hits 3000
troops in Porto Hico 15000 in Cuba
2 1000 in tho Philippines aud 23000 at
Col Frcdoriok Funston of tho Twen
tieth Kansas has been appointed briga
dier general of volunteers by Presidout
MoKinloy Served himright
Gon Fred Grant has boon assigned to
active sorvico in tho Philippine Islnnds
whilo lighting Joo Whoolor will tako
ohargo of tho department of Texas
Tho figures for March show that tho
Unltod States is grinding out manufac
tured products at the rato of a million
and a half dollars a day Surely wo aro
Chicago democrats aro to havo a dollar
dinner May 20th Dollar dinners aro
becoming afl popular undor tho repub
lican administration as sonp housos were
undor democratic rulo
Unitod Statos Treasurer Roberts
statomont that tho Unitod States treas
ury is running ovor with gold is re
spectfully roforred to tho consideration
of Lincolns presidential aspirant
There wns a meeting of little Ameri
cans iu Chicago tho other night at
which BpeecheB were mado exalting Ag
uiualdos cause and condemning tho ad
ministration The Mothodist ministers
of that city promptly met and passed
resolutions condemning such demonstra
tions as calculated to demoralize the
troops cast a slur on tho president and
bolittlo nnd humiliate America In tho
oyos of tho world
The demand of Gen Otis for tho un
conditional surrender of tho Filipinos
who aro lightiug under Agniualdo has
tho true ring to it There is no uso fool
ing with those pooplo Thoy Bhould bo
mado to understand that American sov
ereignty over tho islands for the present
is an uudeuinblo foot The sooner thoy
understand It tho better It is to bo
hoped that hostilities aro about over and
that the timo is near at haud whon our
govornment will havo a clear field in
which to disclose tho fall moasuro of its
boniliccnt purposes toward thoso sub
merged peoples Tho truth conies homo
more nnd more to overy thoughtful
Amorican citizou that this country has
a great duty to porform toward these
folks living on tho islands of tho sea
America for tho world and tho world
for America is a catch phraso that has
been used for some timo but soberly
and courageously wo must now act upon
and cany into effect that proposition
A now and splendid era rich iu hither
to undreamedof possibilities has already
dawned Americas mission is to direct
humanitys destiny
The Secretary of the Navy Speaks
Different members of tho presidents
cabinot havo recoutly given expression
to thoir own viows regarding tho con
dition of affairs in tho Philippines but
among thorn all no wordB havo been
more significant than thoso uttered by
Hon John D Long of Massachusetts
before tho Essex club of Boston on
Dowoy Day
They are worthy of uoto especially
for two reasons Mr Loug is secretary
of tho navy a department of tho gov
ernment that has bcon in constant touch
with tho actual prosecution of tho war
and whoso officers and men have gained
such glorious victories Again nmoug
nil tho men Mr MoKinley called into
his official family nono have a finer rep
utation for natural conservatism com
bined with splendid attainments and
culture and spotless personal character
than haB tho Massachusetts member
Ho is tho furthest removed from any
thing that would savor of rashness in
his make up Consequently his speech
will bo read with unusual interest by
his countrymen as disclosing tho mind
of the president whose warm personal
friend as well as advisor he is
Ho strikes out from tho shoulder in
the beginning of his addresa saying
I believe that no more uupatriotio ut
terance or one more unjust to tho gov
ernment of oar country has been uttered
than tho stnteinent which I see now and
thou that the treatment of tho Cubans
by Spain or the Armenians by the Turks
is not to be compnred with our course
toward the Filipinos in wanton aud de
liberate cruelty He dismisses this
chargo by saying that those who makn
it sacrifice tho truth to the embellish
ments of rhetoric Not only is there no
foundation in fact for such a criticism
but to his personal kuowledgo the wires
have been kept busy by the presideut
urging conciliatory action nnd kind
treatment of the insurgents aud that
all wounded prisoners have been sent to
tho hospitals where they havo received
the kindest care
Speaking of the Philippine iblands
Secretary Long frankly says Person
ally I should havo boon veiy glad that
this elophant had nover been put upon
our hands Hnt at tho ondof tho wnr
tho Islands were on our hands To havo
abandoned them would havo been to
leavo all their property and interests in
astute of chaos
Ho very clearly demonstrates that
whilo our government was tiying to ex
tend tho ollvo blanch of penco to tho
Filipinos incited by Agniualdo thoy
sought to destroy llfo and proporry at
Mnnllu which wo wore by tho law of
nations sworn to protect Ho again
voices tho policy of tho administration
by stating tho lines on which it Is work
commission of nblo mon is now at
work socking such information as will
load to a proper adjustment of existing
differences Aftor law and order hns
been secured through tho efforts of tho
army navy aud tho commissioners tho
wholo problem will bo placed in tho
hands of congress where it bolongs nnd
it will bo for thnt body rotlecting tho
wishes of tho pooplo to tako such action
regarding thoir proper disposition as
sooms fit
Tho secretary closed his remarks iu
thoso words
My personal viows are of very littlo
cousequonco but I havo nready ex
pressed thorn to tho effect that I should
bo glad to boo ovory stop tnken toward
their ultimate solf govcrnmont ns soon
aB thoy show their capacity for it and ns
soon ns there shall bo proper guarantees
of ordor and protection to property and
organization of govornment in a stablo
Secretary Long has dono patriotic sor
vico in thus so simply nnd candidly dis
posing of n lot of rubbish which is ap
pearing in print from tho minds of men
more garrulous than thoy are just and
whoso prejudices and ambitions compel
them to ignore truth and history
In view of his words and those of
others who stand close by tho president
and havo a right to bo considered as his
representatives togother with Mr Mo
Kinloys own statements and actions
tho attitude of tho men who are hurry
ing and scurrying over tho country de
nouncing the imperialistic designs of
tho administration are as absolutely ri
diculous aB they are utterly contempt
Meeting of County CominUslonori
Madison April 20 1809 at 1 oclock
p m tsoaru or county commissioners
mot pursunut to adjournment John
son Winter nnd Hughes present
The minutes of last meeting wore
read and on motion approved except as
to claim of W R Hoffman for 5325
which Bhould read allowed less personal
tax 31 balance 2225 and Carl Wilde
county treasurer account tax W R
Hoffman 31
Whereas the entire west 00 foot of lot
5 block Haasos addition to Norfolk wns
entered on tax list for 1808 against M
D Tyler at a valuo of 200 and it ap
pearing that R B WeUor is the owner
of tho north ono hnlf of said GO feet as
sessed at 50 therefore tho county clerk
was directed to correct tho tax list for
said year to tho effect that M D Tyler
bo required to pay taxes on a valuation
of 210 and R B Weller on 50
Contract for a steel bridge noross the
North Fork of tho Elkhorn river on tho
county line between Stanton nnd Madi
son counties at a cost of 700 was
awarded to Canton Bridgo Co nnd
signed by all parties concerned nud the
bond fixed nt 1000
On motion board adjourned for supper
and mot at 7 30 p m
On motion claims were allowed as fol
Johanna Wahl board and lodging for
jurors 1323
J F Altstadt repairing bridges 10
H W Winter for trnnsportntion and
support of paupers 750
W B Fuerst provisions for relief of
S L Murphy 114
Dr J H Mackay medical treatment
and medicine for Alford Smith 1150
G Deuel work on rond ono day with
team 250
R D Scott publishing county treas
urers semi annual statement in six
county papers 85
E G Heilman county clerk record
ing 51 bonds 51
Mike Richardson seven wolf scalps
ft J E Hayes eight wolf scalps 10
Herman Schmiedeke one wolf scalp
Joseph Dieter one wolf scalp 2
Christ Sohmitt seven wolf scalps
R D Scott county printing 10950
R D Scott printing for county su
perintendent 1550
H L Spaulding constable fees in
case Btnte vs Batlike 550 stato vs
Wm Kirby 700 total 1340
S W Hayes justice fees case state
vs Batlike 450
Martin Kane marshal fees caso stato
vs Frauk Eble 285
O A Sleeper justice costs in case of
Altn B Chandler vs D J Koeuigstein
tax collector 1220 less personal tax 17
cents bnlauce 1203
Geo Davenport boardiug Chandler
horses 20 allowed at 1220 less per
sonal tax 1105 balance 25 cents
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tax Geo Davenport 1898 1193
Aug Wille moving Chandler stuff
10 allowed at 0
H Krueger moving Chnndler stuff
auoweu at fa i
W W MaugtiB nssistlng tax collco
tor I allowed at 3
Fred spaulding assisting tax collec
tor 3 nllowed nt 2
B E Hood repairing bridgo 2
On motion board adjourned until to
morrow morning at 7 30 a in
Board met nt 730 a m April 27
Receipts presented by Commissioner
Johnson showing that ho has paid to
county treasurer 1385 received for old
bridgo iron sold to Anderson Engolko
wore ordered plncod on filo
Claims were on motion nllowed as
Kruuini Warren lumber for
bridges 918757
A G Johnson county commissioner
perdiom nnd milengo 108 57
Geo Zinimcrmnn bulldlnir nnd re
pairing county bridges 23110 less per
sonal tax 1 50 balance 22090
Carl Wildo county trensurer nccount
tnx Geo Zimmerman 1898 150
Fisher Typowritor Co book type
writer for county clerks office 150 wns
allowed and clerk authorized to pay for
same out of tho fees of tho office
A J Anderson ropniring nnd sharp
ening scrnpors road plows etc for 1897
nnd 189S 1355
SomerB Randall grato for poor
houso furnnco 510 applied on personal
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tnx Somcrs Randall 1898 5 40
W O Roland merchandise for relief
of C RiohnrdEon 550 applied on per
sonnl tax
Carl Wilde county treasurer account
tnx W O Roland 1898 550
On motion official bonds were ap
proved as follows
Frank White road overseer district
No 31
William Low road overseer district
No li
Petition of Carl Wilde county treas
urer asking the board to provide addi
tional vault room n burglar proof Eafo
and additional working room to the
county treasurers office accompanied
by a declaration made by the county
clerk that for the preservation of im
portant books and documents more
vault room is sorely needed in the
county clerks office was received and
laid over for future consideration
On motion board adjourned to meet
May 24 1899 at 1 p m
E G Heilman
Connty Clerk
A Now I imil or the Sky llooklet
The Land of the Sky the popular
designation for tho Ashovillo Plntean
Western North Carolina has been large
ly advertised by tho Southern Railway
for a number of yenrs on nccount of the
health and pleasure resorts and tho beau
tiful scenery of that section whoro the
Southern Railway crosses the Blue
Ridge mountains
Tho Southern Railway has ju9t issued
a now nud most attractive booklet with
appropriate half tono cuts nnd reading
matter and thoy aro being sent out free
to any address by Mr J C Beam Jr
N W P A Southern Railway 80
Adams street Chicago
A Cheap Farm anil a Gooil One
Do you want a good farm whero you
can work outdoors in your shirt sleeves
for ten months in tho year and where
your stock can forage for itself all tho
year round If so write to P Sid Jones
Passenger Agent Birmingham Ala or
Dr R B CrawfordTravoling Passenger
Agent 0 Rookery building Chicago 111
Do you want to go down and look at
some of tho garden spots of this country
Tho Louisvillo Nashville railroad pro
vides tho way and tho opportunity on the
first and third Tuesdav of each month
with excursions at only two dollars over
one fare for round trip tickets Write
Mr O P Atmore General Passenger
Agent Louisvillo Ky for particulars
Do you want to read about thom be
fore going Then send 10 cents iu silver
or postngo stamps for a copy of Garden
Spots to Mr Atmore
A druggist in Macon Ga says I
have sold a large quantity of Mothers
Friend and nave never known an in
stance where it has failed to produce the
good results claimed for it All women
agree that it makes labor shorter and less
Mothers Friend
is not a chance remedy Its good effects
are readily experienced by all expectant
mothers who use it Years ago it passed
the experimental stage While it always
shortens labor and lessens the pains ol
delivery it is also of the greatest benefit
during the earlier months of pregnancy
Morning sickness and nervousness are
readily overcome and the liniment relaxes
the strained muscles permitting them to
expand without causingdistress Mothers
Friend gives great recuperative power to
the mother and her recovery is sure and
rapid Danger from rising and swelled
breasts is done away with completely
Sold by druggisti tor 1 a bottle
Scad tot out free Uluutlcd book of cipectut ractUr
pjsjjjw WlsjJP
What Mokes
Your Hair Gray
Gray hair i3 starved hair Tho
hair liullil hivn linen linnritwil nt
propor food or proper ncrvo force
Hair Vigor
k lnnrnnsf q thn rIrrnlfilinn In llmnrnln
-- v vuv WUvuf
I gives moro power to tho nerves
r supplies missing elements to tho hair
i bulbs Used according to directions
gray hair begins to show ita original
color in a few days and Boon it has
all tho softness and richness of youth
100 a bottle At all druggists
If you do not obtnln nil tho benefits
you expected from tho Vigor wrlto tho
doctor nbout If
Address Do J C ATlHt
Lowoll Mass
A full lino
Fruit Treei
of Best Varieties at Hard Times Prices Small
fruit in law supply Millions of Strawberry
plnntri vory thrifty nnd woll rooted Got tho
iikht noar homo nnd snvo freight or oxproi
Sond fur prico list to
Norlh Bend Nurseries
North Bend Dodge County Neb
At Piorco Every Monday
Mast Block - - Norfolk Neb
A li
Attention Farmer
Do you deairo to securo hunderds of sample
copies of ngricultrral journals mngazinos Dews
papers books catnlogues aud circulare of tho
iatost improved farm impleicents nnd maebn
ery and ho kept posted on improved srjds and
stock for two j ears or moro7 If so sond us
your namo with ten conts in silver and we will
mce tho snmo in tho Amorican Farmers Dire
tory which goes whirling all over the Dcted
States to publishers merchants and manufac
turers You will get more good reading matter
than you could purchase for many times the
email cost of ten cents Wo want ovory farmers
namo in tho United States in our directory nt
ouca Faemebb Directory Co
Dopartment 114
Birmingham Ala
Get Away a Couple of Months
and visit
Asheville or
Hot Springs N C
Aiken S C
Augusta or
Savannah Ga
or the many
Tourist tickets on sale via
Southern - Hailotay
by all Ticket Agents
For schedules or further infor
mation write or call on
Wm II Tayiok A G P A
Louisville Ky
J O Beam Jr N W P A
80 Adams St Chicago
sswsBKiKJrsw 45tjw
Treats all Fermi of
i rar in umalu
CoosUiauco Free Book free
Bnv7ri rMArUMEsl
Located on tho Illinois Central B B in
And also lornted on the Yazoo and MlesUsipp
Valley H It in tho Famous
Of Mississippi Speciality adapted to the ra s
Corn and noers
Soil Richestin the World
Write for Pamphlets and Maps
Land Commissioner Asst Land Comr
III Cent H B Co Park How ltoom57