The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, April 06, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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One From the Klondike the
Other From Manila
rrntili Owtil lc KiirtlHr Ari niint
Uin HoMIrr 11 To In tlio IlillllMillirt
Narrow lrntr Homy KIkIiMiiii
Dnumiti Mini KopiMilN lln lii1l Nnknr
Slorv of Dlmiiippiiliitiiimil
1 P Wright of this city has bunded
Tint Nnws tlio following lottor written
to his brother-in-law In Washington
n brother In Dawson
Dawson Fob l llrothor Will I will
try anil writo you n fow Unas to lot you
know bow I urn getting along l
wolland hope tlmt tills will find you
tlio same 1 inn working ut present and
mn getting 100 pur hour but tlio
days nro short unil I luivo not soon sun
for two months but it will soon bo in
night Now daylight moans about four
hours horo for tlio six weeks ho most of
tlio worlc is loiio aft or night anil before
daylight I think that ono wintor horo
Is onough for mo in this country wboro
it is forty bolow zero most of tlio tinio
A follow earns all ho gets horo I novor
Hd a days work until I oaino horo and
if nothing happons 1 will loavo horo
about luuo lHt 1 would come now but
dont want to walk Thoro nro about 100
mon for ovory job ro if you know any
ono that is coming to this country toll
thorn to st ay at homo Thoro is no chance
to got a good claim for thoy luivo all
boon takjn long ago and no now onus
t expect tho newspapers luivo now
strikes uvory onco in a while but it 1h
all lies thoro nro not ovor 100 good
claims in tho wholo country and boiiio
of tboni aro awful rich bnt I supposo
MoOnll has told you all about it Lots
of sickness hero bad living is the cause
1 think it costs liko ovory thing to stay
hero as everything is awful high 1
foci easy as I luivo plenty money ahond
hut did not luivo half enough grub to
last mo ono year 1 have plonty now
and good stulV too plenty of fresh meat
and canned goods but tho best is bad
I will fetch yon that nugget when I
como as I can got plenty of them tho
Hlzo you said you want oil 1 have had
i just ono luttor sinco I loft Bluino That
is good for eight mouths
Dont you boliovo a word about tliiR
country as it is alio It dont make
any difference what you hear thoro aro
hundreds of mon being kept by tho city
of Dawson at present but you dont
hear about that and all men able to
work if thoy had it to do
1 suppose that Thistle crook is haviug
quite a boom on tho outsido but it dont
boom much hero Thoro is nothing
thoro and that is tho way that all tho
rest of tho crooks turn out so far 1
could have hud a claim several times
but I dont want any unless it is some
good and thoy are hard to find as
everything has been staked for two
years ago around hero Charley and
Muck aro both working but I dont get
to boo tboni very often as 1 work at a
different place
I got butter overy meal and it is
worth 2 pur pound and meat was
worth 1 per pound but it is cheaper
how as thoro is too niucli in tho country
for thJ doniaud Flour and beans aro
ohoap but everything else is high
If 1 hadjjust what hay was raised ou
my 10 aero hay ground I would not
want auythiug olso it is worth 700 por
Snow is about four foot loop but I
havo a good cabin to live in so I dont
iniud the cold much as tho cabin is
warm but you havo to bo careful to
koop from freozlug your face
Will closo for this timo hoping to be
with you for tho Fourth of July Your
brother Frank Fox
A Norfolk Hoy WrltttM From Muullii
Manila P I Gamp Santa Mesa
Fob 21 2 i0 a in Dear Folks I re
ceived mail and papers from homo to
day which wore much appreciated
As you have doubtless had all
tho details of our recent troubles I will
not tell you much about it but will wait
until I come homo I will say that our
One thing is certain
Hair -Vigor j
maKes hair grow -
1 H I m
company which for tho last ton days
has boon about ton miles from Manila
with the regimont is now baok at camp
acting at guard wlillo the rogimont is
still in tho Hold
In tho past ten days I have had littlo
tltno to writo iw wo havo boon march
iug and doing outpost duty lighting
etc but now that I am in oamp I will
try and do hot tor Wo aro still busy as
our company is the only one hero and
wo havo to guard tho regimental touts
etc Wo aro on duty most of tho time
The weather has boon very hot Our
last trouble was about four days ago
when wo marched and ran about eight
miles driving tlio natives before us
Many of our men got so tirud anil over
boated that thoy dropped outbut 1 stuck
it through This was tho day Captain
Holliiigsworth and Lieutenant Whedou
wuro wounded
My health is duo notwithstanding tho
oxposuro and the drinking of bad water
Hontot lines during battle wo would got
so thirsty wo would drink out of cow
tracks whoro a littlo muddy water had
I havo just got olV of my relief of
guard as you sue by the timo 210 a
m and am haviug quite a job to keep
this candle from going out
Havo I seen much lighting I guess
yes Tho llrst night wo wero called out
I did not sleep for 10 hours except a
littlo during a lull when only a little
fighting was going ou I didnt kill
more than 200 Filipinos Ill swear to
that 1 had ono or two pretty oloso
shaves Ono bullet struck between me
ami a boy by tlio nanio of John Wo
wero not ovor eight inches apart Wo
wero making a charge I just made u
step when a bullet grazed my leg Had
I boon a second later 1 would havo got u
Remington bullot through mo When
uuptntn uoiiingswortii was snot i was
ten feet from him I rolled ovor and
told a follow by tho name of Hoono to
seo what ho could do for tho captain as
ho was nearer than 1 llo got protty
close to him when zip a bullot hit his
ring burned a littlo spot on it and
never touched him Of course wo all
had escapes we know nothing about for
bullets were coming protty fast
I have been in four battles ono of 11
hours duration and hero I am Five or
six of our company wore injured beside
tho captain and lieutenant but none
wore killed Company O has now flvo
wounded men in the hospital our cap
tain lieutenant first sergeant and five
1 dont know how long this tronblo
will last but hope not long I expect to
bo homo by September and hope to seo
you sooner
Writo and toll mo how business is for
I am still an Owen ami liko to hear
You ought to bco my beard thoro is
about a three weeks growth and tis a
I seo by tho papers a fow Norfolk boys
intend to join tho regular army Theyre
1 supposo ere now you havo received
the Christmas presents I sent Thoy
aro not much but still thoy aro from
Manila I will havo quitoa lot of pic
tures to bring homo of scones in and
around Manila oven though tho camera
you sont has not arrived I supposo it
will in time
Well as it is gottiug along towards
day break I will closo Givo my re
gards to all tho boys of Norfolk
Good byo and love to all Write soon
all Dont worry
Your sou
Frank Owen
lUt of NebruHku Troopn Who Sulltired
Lou In llttttlu ut MuulU March
aoaiiii ti
Washington April 1 Special to
Tub Nbws The following additional
casualties aro reported from Manila iu
tho First Nebraska March 80 and 31
Privato It M Lawtou company E
Private Charles Oballlngor company
First Lieutenant James P Cosgrovo
company D in abdomen slight
Privato Gaylord S Blukely company
L iu hand and thigh slight
Privato Johu Westovor company D
in shoulder sovero
Privato W M company
E in forearm moderate
Privato AlbertJHisry company E iu
ueok severe
Privato Walter P Stockton company
F iu shoulder sovero
Privato John M Everson company K
iu thigh sovero
Privato Bert S Donaldson company
Iv in leg Bovere
Privato Emil Sail company Iin chest
Geo D Mciklejohn
Assistant Secretary of War
If you have uriuary trouble or pain in
tho buck indicating kidney disorder if
there bo a general loss of energy we ask
you iu all fairness to use Dr Sawyers
Ukatiuo Thousauds bear pvidouee to
the fact that it cures
Kiesau Chwstoph
F L Kstabrook wont to Madison this
Hort Grant left for Dillon Montana
G A Lulknrt wont to Moadow Grovo
last night
Thoro aro flvo casus of pneumonia at
South Norfolk
Tho pollco court is as quiet as n meet
lug house today
Miss Jonnio Whalen of Stanton was
in tho city today
Ofllcer Kane lodged a plain drunk in
tho city last night
Mrs Peter lofold living oight miles
oast is down with pneumonia
Charles Hoed who had his arm brok
en a fow days ago Is improving
Helen May lard and Mrs Frank Dav
enport are suffering from attacks of
Geo A Latimer and Dr 0 S Parker
aro exchanging olllcos with ono another
in tho Mast block
Tho shorifT of Cummiugs county was
in tho city yesterday having in chargo
an asylum patient
Rev G II Main was at Hoskins
Monday night and at Stanton last night
attending missionary rallies
Geo II Harbor of Graud lBlandgrand
recorder of the Nebraska jurisdiction
A O U W is a guost of Thk News
Good Friday was observed with ap
propriate religious services iu tho Catho
lic and Lutheran churches today Thoro
wore a largo number in attondauco
Miss Nettie Korth is roportedjjis
plightly improving today She is
dangerously sick Yesterday not much
hope was hold out that alio would re
Mrs Fred Liuorodo was takon sick
with pneumonia Wednesday night pre
venting her from making tho visit to
Iowa as planned She now has a sot tied
and severe attack of pneumonia
Bouluh chapter No 10 order of
Eastern Star had tho pleasure last even
ing of listening to a lecture from the
grand custodian Mrs A G Liudsoy
A banquet followed tho lecture
Winter weather demands winter
wraps People should bo careful about
donning lighter weight clothes boforo
tho soasou warrants it Tho prevalence
of pneumonia ought to warn all to bo
wise in this direction
Tho Jaoksonian club hold a mooting
last night to canvass tho democratic
prospects in tho coming city election
Reports wore hoard from tho different
candidates Adjournment was made to
Monday evening April a
Tho snow flurry didnt amount to
much horo last night but dispatches
from all directions show that thoro was
a heavy fall over n largo portion of tho
central west Today has been clear but
the wind has blown from the north
steadily with no suggestion whatovor of
tho breath of spring
Thoro was a lively runaway down in
tho vicinity of tho Sugar City Cereal
Mills this afternoon A dray team bo
longing to Edwards Bradford Lumber
Co got away from its driver and made
quick timo oast struck an electric light
post knocked it ovor broke tho Whipple
treos and neck yoko aud tho horses
clearing themselves from tho wagon
wero stopped at tho bridge No further
damago was done but thoy made things
interesting in that locality for a short
Hastiugs Record At ono of tho open
ing sales hold last week an incident oc
cured which illustrates tho quick tact
aud ingenuity of ono of our city clerks
A lady stopped up to tho hosiory depart
ment and asked to bo shown something
now in hosiery The olerk handed down
somo stripped hose The liulv objected
saying she thought stripped hoso was out
of stylo The clerk used all his porsun
sivo powor to prove tho contrary but tho
lady would not bo convinced Thu clerk
dually suggested that if she would step
a littlo to ono sido and not bo annned at
what ho was about to do and keep watch
of tho othor ladies ho thought ho could
couvinco her he was igkt He then
leaned ovor tho counter aud shouted
A mouse A mouso Tho other ladies
raised tlioir skirts and tho customor
turned to tho clork and said You
may do mo up a half dozen pair of thoso
Many peoplo m this community who
had met him nnd listened to him preach
at Methodist camp meetings hold in this
vicinity will bo pained to learn of tho
death of Row John McQuoid pastor of
the llrst M E church of Omaha whioh
occurred last Wcdnesdny as tho result
of au operation for appendicitis Mr
McQuoid was ono of tho best kuow
men in his denomination While an
orator of exceptional power his personal
oharacter was ouo of singular boauty
and sweetness His friendships wont
far beyond any church lines The
World Herald in a double column edi
torial offered a singularly affectionate
tributo to him as a helper of mon and
his death has Btirred Omaha as that of
few men would Rev O H Main of
this city speaks of him iu the highest
terms ami adds his testimony to that
of others that to kuow him was to lovo
him The funeral occurs at Omaha to
morrow afternoon at 2 oclock The
Knights Templar of which he was a
membor will act as n guard of honor
Kino Alia Horry Takon In Clinrgn nn
Nolle From Madlnoli Ilim Too At licit
Money In If In Ponm snlon
From Hntilnlnrn IMIlyi
A tolophono lncssngo from tho city
marshal of Madison was received by
Chief of Pollco Spauldiug this afternoon
requesting him to arrest a man who
was on his way to this city by team In
company with a woman
Spauldiug did not havo long to wait
boforo tho buggy with tho two sought
for peoplo hovo in Bight
Tho man was arrested charged with
stealing money Ho gavo his namo hero
as Horry Sheriff Losoy is on his way
to tho city and will tako tho prlsotior
from tho city jail whoro ho now lies
ovor to Madison to answer to tho
Ho was first arrested at Madison under
tho chargo of passing countorfoit money
but was discharged becauso tho money
found upon him was good Siuco thou
it has boon discovered that Madison
parties havo lost qulto n sum of money
by thoft mid it is alleged that circum
stances point strongly to this mans
Did you fool auybody
Easter bouuots bloom tomorrow
T 0 Daggett has romovod to Sioux
O S Hayes was at Moadow Grovo
Prof OConnor is critically sick with
Miss Anna Bituoy of Noligh is visit
at Mrs Kidders
W A Goblo is exploring Boyd county
in quost of game
Miss Hattio Allbery left on tho early
train for Omaha
F W Melchor of West Point was iu
town last evening
Tho public schools closed yestorday for
a weeks vacation
Row M D Ohillsou of Randolph spent
last night iu tho city
Mrs A Fishbeck of South Norfolk is
sick with pnoumouia
Bom to Mr and Mr Frank Salter
March a 1st n daughter
Miss Joanna Hagoy went to Lincoln
this morning to visit friends
Easter services at tho different
churches will bo held tomorrow
Mrs M 0 Hazou entertained a party
of ladies in tho Heights yesterday aftor
Will aud Ralph Braasch and Will
Wittig will spend Sunday with Tildou
Tho April edition of tho Golden Rod
Worknan is being issued at Thk News
oillce this week
D T Sidler has purchased tho Peck
property on North Eighth street and
will occupy it ns a homo
Mrs Jeuuio McKim who has been
visiting friends in Brooklyn N Y re
turned homo this morning
Tolophono No 129 has been placed in
S K Doxters cold storago oflico aud
No 117 in Deguors hardware
Among Norfolk visitors today wore
Geo A Brooks and wife of Bazilo Mills
aud D A Ilullman of Wayne
Tiny LuudquiBt returned home yester
day to spend tho Easter vacation She
has boon attending school at Wayne
F M Hoyer will move his family
iuto tho house on South Tenth street
formerly occupied by T C Daggett
Misses Martha Hanko and Maria
Holtz went to Ithaca this morning for a
few days visit with relatives and other
Mrs W H Johnson and children
weut to Humphrey this morning to visit
friends Will will join them tonight
and spend Sunday at H
Miss Fannio Bromo returned to
Omaha this morning after a pleasant
visit with hor parents Her three littlo
uephows accompauied her
R B Wellor of tho Chicago Lumber
company and H H Patterson havo
bought tho Egbert property corner of
Eleventh street and Norfolk avenue
aud will erect two cottages this season
Tho usual old chestnuts with some
now ones wero passod nround today
Tlio small boys aud somo of the largo
ones exorcised tho priviloces which tho
first day of April by general cousout
accords to them
Tho weather today has boen a surprise
Tho wire edge of tho uorth wind whioh
has boon blowing bo steadily for so many
days has lost considerable of its sharp
ness aud this afternoon tho outlook is
much more decidedly spring like
k pleasant surprise was made last
ovoniug by a party of her young friends
upon Miss Ada Ogdeu at hor home on
South Fourth street Tho ovoniug was
spent very happily in games music and
conversation Substantial refreshments
wero served
L Council is moving into tho west
half of the houso on Norfolk avonuo
which has been occupied by tho Norfolk
sanitarium Tlio east half will continue
to bo occupied by tho sanitarium until
the buildiug now being erected by Dr
Salter on Koeuigstein avenuo is com
Tho Second Cougregatioual church is
rejoicing over the receipt of 1000 from
tho Congregational Church Building so
ciety Ono half of this is a gift and ouo
half is a loan froo of interest for flvo
yoars Whon throo or four unpaid sub
scriptions aro paid aud thoy will bo
shortlythis loan will bo tho only in
dobtoduoss of tho church on this work
Tho church is to bo congratulated on
tho success of its enterprise especially
ou its practical freedom from dobt All
havo workod with a will and iu harm
Misses Edith and Nolllo Morrow en
tertained a party of young friends at
thoir homo last evening A vory unique J
variety of onjoymont was offored Tqh
timo i
was ton
mooting aud tho nol
ual length of
illiug dancing
r thou thoro
t in a Quaker
era was some
thing olso This provod to bo a feast
of reason and a flow of soul spout iu
appropriating somo vory dainty refresh
montn All present testify to tho pleas
ure afforded and express thomsolvos as
having enjoyed a vory dollghtful ovon
Goorgo A Stapenhorst of this city and
Miss Bertha E ltoikofskiof Battlo Creek
will bo united iu marriage at Tildeu to
morrow at tho residouco of tho brides
brothor W A Hemlobon of tho Pacific
hotel will act as groomsman while Miss
Anna Roikofski sistor of tho brido will
bo bridesmaid Quito a number of tho
friends of tho contracting parties iu this
city will attend tho wedding Mr S
has routed and furnished a houso on
south Seventh street in which thoy will
go to housokeopiug Both parties are
woll and favorably known horo Mr
Staponhorst has been employed for tho
last four years by Sponcer Ovelmau
aud a largo circlo of frionds will extend
W J Davis is sick with pneumonia
Frank Barnes Suudnyed nt Stauton
W M Robertson went to Schuyler
Row G H Maiu loft this morning
for Lyons
Mrs C O Dodge of Madison is visit
ing friends in tho city
W E Reed the Madison attorney
was iu tho city last night
Miss Stella Luikart went to Tilden to
day where she will visit friends
A A Welch a prominent attorney of
Wayne was in the city this morning on
his way to Pierce
Rev S F Sharpless went to Oakdalo
this morning where ho will hold special
meetings this week
Miss OtoliaPilger entertained a com
pany of 80 young peoplo last evening in
honor of her guests
O A Williams of Neligh court re
porter passod through the city this
morning ouroute to Pierce
Tho district court begins at Pierce to
day Judge Allen spent last night in
tho city and left for Pierce this morn
Among Norfolk lawyers who went to
Picrco today to attend court wero Judges
Kelly Barnes Hays aud City Attorney
Flora Louoy and Ella Pilger of Stan
ton Frank Pilger of Plaiuviow and
Henrietta Stollo of Madison are visiting
Miss Otelia Pilger South Fifth street
Julius Buntrock aud Miss Helen
Schroedor were married at 12 oclock
noon today at St Pauls Lutheran
church Rev A F Siegler officiating
Dont bo alarmed The depreciations
in real and personal property in this vi
cinity aro only temporary It will give
way to a marked appreciation as soon as
tho assessor finishes his work
The services at the Methodist church
yesterday afternoon wero largely attend
ed by the members of the Masonio lodges
Row S F Sharpless preached a thought
ful and earnest sermon on The Risen
Tho Easter oxercises at the different
churohes yesterday were appropriate to
tho day The thomo of the sermons
was Tho Resurrection tho musio ren
dered oxcellontaud tho floral decorations
were beautiful
The musical program of Trinity Epis
copal church will bo reproduced next
Sunday A number of boys aro needed
iu the choir Tho boys will receive in
struction free iu tho theory of music
Parents wishing their boys in the choir
will apply to J N Buudick ohoir mas
A telegram was received in this city
yesterday stating that Mrs Geo A
MoArthur had died at Evauston Wyo
Tho remains will be brought to Norfolk
for burial Mrs MoArthur was a mem
bers of tho Tribe of Bon Hur Degree of
Houor and Ladies of the Maccabees of
this place Tho three lodges will havo
charge of tho funeral horo Fur
ther information by letter is awaited by
friends of tho deceased here
Tho kindergarten school under tho
auspices of Trinity Episcopal church be
gan this moruiug with a goodly attend
ance The hours are from i 80 in tho
morning till 1 1 15 From tho present
indications tho school will soon bo filled
Mrs R H Day tho teaohor of tho
school desires of those haviug children
tosoud that the children begin work
this week Tho first term will be for
ten weeks Mrs Day wishes to meet
those interested in kindergarten work
nnd tho mothers of the children who aro
in the school on Friday aftoruoon at
3 30 oclock
Stauton Pickot W II Douglas and
family returned Sunday ovoniug from
Oklahoma whoro thoy wont a fow wooks
previously with tho iutontion of making
thoir homo Thoy found but fow feat
ures to attract and many to discourago
them in that country Among thorn
tho poor quality of the wator and tho
general uuhealthfulnoss of tho climate
aguo and malaria being gouoral com
plaints Mr Douglas has rented the
McMillan farm in tho Canadian settle
Tho ladies of tho Congregational
church nro to hold nu art exhibit of uu
usual interest nnd value It is to bo
opened iu tho vacant store room in tho
Richards block Wednesday morning and
continue for ono week Tho room will
be open nil day and iu addition to tho
art treasures oyory ovoniug literary and
musical oxercises will bo given Tho
collection that will bo on oxhiblt con
sists of 100 pain tings copies of many of
tho old mastors and 10 water colors
from distinguished present day artists
Thoy havo been exhibited iu tho leading
cities of tho cast nnd havo nttracted tho
attontlon nnd gained tho praise of tho
many who havo seen them Norfolk is
fortunate iu having such au unusual
chance to study such a rare collection
It ought to bo an opportunity that will
bo eagerly seized by all to gain nu edu
cation in art Only tho small admission
fee of 10 cents will bo charged to nil
who wish to eujoy these beautiful
paintings Tho literary features will be
different each ovoniug and should not
bo forgotten
Mrs 0 P Byerly is on tho sick list
F Wiotzer went to Lincoln yester
Frank Barnes was nt Madison yester
Miss Reuotta Korth is slowly improv
Carroll Powers has returned to Lin
Piof OConnor is reported as still
critically sick
Sidney Robertson is at Wayne visiting
a school friend
Miss May Durlaud went to Plaiuviow
today to visit her parents
Mr and Mrs C B Burrows returned
from Madison last evening
John Shaunon and Wm Zutz of Hos
kins wero in the city today
Masonic lodge No 55 will hold a
regular business meeting tonight
Mrs Merritt Nichols living on tho
Beels farm is sick with lung fever
Mrs 0 Dunn and Miss Mario Sumner
of St Edwards are in the city today
Guy and Kim Barnes went back to
their studies at Lincoln this morning
Miss Etta Hodgetts is enjoying n visit
from her friend Miss Alta Blewett of
Miss Susan Thompson returned to
Omaha this morning Miss Thompson
is a kindergarten teacher in that city
On account of the art exhibit which
begins tomorrow there will be no meet
ing of tho Wednesday club this week
Miss Emma Matteru of Creightou is
visiting nt the homo of W H Rish
Miss Matteru will attend the Teachers
On Thursday April 18 Duncan
Clarks lady minstrels will give an en
tertainment at Eiseleys hall Tickets
50 cents to all parts of the house On
sale at Kiesaus
Mr and Mrs George D Butterfleld
cauie down from Creightou last even
ing to meet Mrs Bs father Alouzo
Doe of Davenport They were guests
of Mr and Mrs W H Butterfleld
With Mr Doe they left for Creightou
The dance at Railway hall South
Norfolk last evening was a vory enjoy
able social occasion There were about
150 preseut and dancing was carried on
until the early morning hours It was
uuder the auspices of Messrs Walker
and Kingman and was pronounced a
decided success by all who participated
The election has proceeded with con
siderable interest in the different wards
Every Well Man
Hath His III Day
A doctors examination
might show that kidneys
liver and stomach are normal
but the doctor cannot analyze
the blood upon which these
organs depend
Hoods Sarsaparilla purifies vitalizes
and enriches the blood It cures you
when a bit off or when seriously
afllicted It tterer tlistipjioints
Dyspepsia- My husband had dyspep
sia unit Hoods Sarsupurllla cured him
Our little boy was nervous and the baby
had ulcerous sores It cured both Mbs
Emma Bede Portage Pa
Indigestion- I could not eat tor some
months on account of distress nnd Indiges
tion Hoods Sarsaparilla cured me so that
I can eat and sljep well Mrs U A Quito
Taylor aud Walnut Sts Wilmington Del
Bood Pllli cure liver lllijtlie nuii lrrltatlng nd
only cathartic to take with lloodi BritiarUU