The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 09, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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3 i W
Because your
Kidneys are
out of order
curing ailments of the Liver Kidneys
and Bladder Diabetes Rheumatism
and Bright Disease
J ronuAxmwr
Free Reclining Chair Cars on all Trains
Atchison Kansas City
and St Louis
With direct connections to all South
ern and Eastern points
Unexcelled timo and accommodations
Famous Hot Serines of Arkansas
For more complete information descriptive
pamphlets etc iiddresd
A O F and P A T P A
Southeast Cor 14th and DouelasSts
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures Fistulas
Burns Scalds
II Wounds Bruises
Cuts Sores
Boils Tumors
Eczema Eruptions
Salt Rheum Tetters
Chapped Hands
Fever Blisters
Sore Lips Nostrils
Ci Corns Bunions
- Stings Bites of Insects
Three Sizes 25c 50c and 100
Sold by dnifgtits or tent pot t paldoa receipt of pries
Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes
1729 New York Ave
fticoestablUhetl ttB Charges moderate Cor
reapondence reiiueeted
Best Reached in Through Caw
by Louisville Nashville R R
fe Write for Information to
C P ATMORE Genl Pass Ajcni
Program of the North Nebraska
Teachers Association
Interetlng 8eMotis nml Large Attendants
rrnmlncd Meeting of School Hoard lmt
Nlght HIgh School Hoys Oet H0 to
Help Itullil Iltltn
Paid nnd Oilier Itiinlne Tranrcted
Tiik Nkws is ablo to givo its readers
in this issue tho program of tho Teach
ers Association to ho hold nfc Norfolk
April 5th to 7th This promlsos to ho
ono of tho most interesting educational
gatherings that will bo hold in Nobraska
tho prcsont year A special rato of one
and ouo third faro has boon granted by
all railroads in North Nebraska ana it
is anticipated should tho weather bo
propitious that from HOO to 500 school
toachors will assemble within tho gates
of tho city at that time
Wednesday AprU 5 1 80 p m Gener
al M E church
Address Supt P P Pauabaker Hart
Paper Sensory and Motor Training
W J Williams Columbus
Discussion J A Dowdou
Papor Civics II 1 Hapoman
Papor Literature Miss Celia M
Ohaso Nebraska normal
Disoussiou Principal P E Ohaso In
man O A Preston Osmond and Prof
Papor Child Study Dr OConuoll
Goueral Discussion
High School declamatory contest M
E church 7 30 p m
Thursday I a m at M E church
County School Section
P F Pauabaker chairman Harting
Paper What Should bo the Limit of
the Subiects Scudied in tho District
Schools C W Crum Madison
Discussion D D Martiudale Nio
brara Miss Oharlotto M Whito
Paper How Can tho Superintendent
Accomplish tho Greatest Good in his
Visits 0 H Churchill Albion
Discussion J F Daly Schuyler
Thursday 9 a m at M E church
Graded School Section A V Sun
derland chairman Tekamah Meth
ods in Teaching Reading
Papor The Pollard Synthetic
Method Miss Minnie Lund Blair
Paper Word and Sentence Method
Mrs J W Nation Genoa
Paper Combined Method Eva E
Mixer Pierce
Methods in Number
Paper The Grubo Method 0 P
Carey Platte Center
Papor Tho Spear Method Joseph
0 Hisey Chicago
Paper Tho Combined Method L
E Moyer Newman Grove
Thursday 1 30 p m at M E Church
Paper Should University Require
ments bo Made the Basis for a High
School Course of Study D 0 OCon
nor Norfolk
Discussion P H Abbott Albion P
F Newport
Paper The Defects in the Present
Mthod of Teaching Geography and
How Remedied F S Perdue Madi
Discussion Sue Cooper W E
Weaver Columbus
Mathematics H 0 Maynard
General Discussion
Paper Are wo Losing Sight of the
Importance of tho Intermediate Grades
in Our School Work Supt Laird
Genoral Discussion
Thursday 7 iO p m
Lecture by Prof Ott of Drako Uni
versity subject Sour Grapes
Friday 9 a m at M E Church
County School Section
Papor School Libraries for Rural
Schools Mrs Ella E J Patou Fuller
Discussion O O Boe Fremont P
H Culver
Paper Nature Study in the Country
Schools P F Pauabaker Hartington
Discussion Oriole Adams Ella Cole
man Lindsay
Round Table Conference conducted
by State Superintendent W R Jackson
Friday 9 a m at M E Church
Graded School Section
Paper Art in the Education for Citi
zenship F E George West Point
Discussiou Mrs Sarah Briudley Col
Paper The Relation of Science to
Moral Culture V G Hirous Pierce
Disoussiou H E Funk Battle Creek
Election of oilicera and reports of com
mittees at M E church Friday evening
Friday 1 ilO p in at M E Church
Paper Should Preference be Giytu
to tho Professionally Trained Teacher
U S Couu I H Britull Ellen M Aus
Paper Bed Rock in Child Study
II K Wolfe South Omaha
General Discussiou
Friday Evening
Contest tn Debate by Representatives
of Six High Schools
School Affairs llcuel
Procoodiugs of tho rogular mooting of
tho board of odnoatiou held ou March I
at 8 p m
Thoro woro prosout Doan Braoggo
maun Aid Luikart aud Matrau Tho
mooting was called to ordorbyProsideut
Tho mluutos of tho last rogular moot
wero read and ordered approved
Tho secretary roportod having notillcd
contractor of deflolonoios iu Lincoln
building and also ruplios rooeivod from
architects relative to olalins of contract
or for extra comousatlou on account of
Tho building committee to whom was
roforrod tho hills of L 0 Mittolstadt for
lumbor 22200 W H llish for plumb
ing I107il Norfolk Foundry and Man
ufacturing Co for furnace work 3703
roportod recommoudiug that bills of L
O Mittolstadt aud W H Rlsh bo al
lowed and bill of Norfolk Foundry and
Mauufacturlug Co bo allowed at 7I2I
On motion report was accettod aud bills
ordered paid
Norris Huso ropresoutiug tho boys of
tho high school nddrossod tho board re
questing au appropriation to purchase
apparatus for tho high school gymnas
ium Tho boys have raised by au outer
taiumout 15 for a gymnasium fund aud
need about 75 more
Ou motion it was ordered that 50 be
appropriated to bo expended with the
advice of Mr Luikart of tho board of
Ernest Bridge reprosonting tho senior
class iu tho high school addressed tho
board in behalf of tho Milestouo aud
ou motion it was ordered that six pages
of that publication will be used by tho
board of education
Tho following bills wero read and or
dered paid
Braasch Recs coal 11 127
A Doguer supplies 510
G B Salter Sou weighing coal
H H Miller dray 25 cents
S F Dunn repairs 1485
John Friday repairs 10 15
T G Hight labor on building 20
S G Dean supplies 1050
Nebraska Telophouo Co March rent
Monthly pay roll 151485
On motion it wu3 ordered that cou
traot be made with tho Nebraska Tele
phone Co for two telephones one in tho
High school and ono in the Washington
school building at 4 per mouth
Monthly report of Johu Friday treas
urer for tho mouth of February show
ing balance cash on hand In tho build
ing fuud of 74 cents and iu the general
fund of 211087 with unpaid warrants
outstanding amounting to 1177341
was read and ordered filed
On motion it was ordered that tho sec
retary be allowed 25 extra compensa
tion for extra work caused iu his oflice
by tho construction of school buildings
during past year
On motion the rules wore suspended
aud Messrs Aid Luikart and OCouuer
wore elected as examining committee by
On motion the board adjourned
H C Matrau Secretary
Gui Ituhlln Awarded the Decision la
the Firth Round
New Yokk March 8 Gus Ruhlin of
Akrou met and dofeatod Joo Goddard
of Australia iu tho fifth round of what
was to have been a 20 rouud bout before
the Lenox Athletic club last night
Both men stripped in excollont condi
tion but Ruhlin had tho call in the bet
ting This was certainly justified in
the appearance of the man Ho evi
dently saw that Joo could not offset
his rushes and at the very beginning
forced tho fighting Tho Australian
went down frequently with good cause
but toward the close of the contest he
dropped without cause and was de
servedly disqualified Ruhlin was a 2
to 1 favorite in the betting
Itoebr Wine From the Turk
Boston March 8 Ernest Roeber de
feated the Terrible Turk in a wrest
ling match last night iu Musio hall
Tho match ended somowhat abruptly
Roeber had the Turk on all fours the
latter with his body arched and face
close to the mat With a quick move
ment Roeber woakeued the extouded
arm of the Turk and bringing it quick
ly to the rear started a back hammer
lock Slowly the arm beut back in tho
daugorous position and the Turks man
ager acknowledged the defeat Roeber
refused to accept tho fall To save his
mans arm from being broken the
managor gave up tho match
President to Take a Trip South
Wasiiinqtov March 6 Tho prosl
dent has dofluitely decided to take a
short trip south for rest his destination
beiug Thomasvillo Ga where ho will
be the guest of Senator Hanua The
president will be accompanied by Mrs
McKiuloy aud soma of their relatives
who are at present stopping at tho
white house It is tho purpose of tho
president to make this trip ono exclu
sively lor rest so no will inako no
speeches aud hopes to bo relieved of
publio attention as much as possible It
is possiblo that if the weather favors
tho presidential party will go to Savan
nah from Thomasville and going aboard
tho Dolphu make a short voyago in the
warm waters of Uoridu and Georgia
lliUllclin Commit Sutiilili
Moitxivo SiV la March 8 Edward
Lyinau a prominent oitiswu and Doiuo
cratic leader of this county shot him
self with uicdiil intent last night and
the doctors tay hu cUu not live
Interchangeable Hand and
Horse Hay Rake and Sweep
The MiMt 1rnrtlrul Farm Implement of
the Kind Vet Invented Will Meet With
n Heady Sale xt n Onml 1rollt Over ol
of MMUiifiK tureStiKffrKtloii for lliiluf
Men Aitorlittlnn
The Iiitcrchaugoablo Hand and Horse
Hay Kuku and Swoep is tho uunio of a
now Invention whloh has just been
patoittcd by P R aud N Miller pntcti
ail fanners and mechanics who live it
fow miles oast of this city Tho now
rako Is Imilt upon outiroly now lines
from ally thing now on tho market and
promises to prove a groat seller beoausn
It will materially save labor iu tho hay
Hold Partners as well as local iuiplo
plomout dealers who have examined tho
model aro enthusiastic over tho now
miichino Tho Messrs Millor have boon
engaged upon the invention for threo
years using a working modol in tholr
own fields making one improvement
after another until it scouts that thoro is
nothlug more to bo dosirod Tho patent
was issued January 21 1800 Prom
sooing the drawings which aro ou ex
hibition in tho patent oflice in Washing
ton implement manufactnrors have bo
come very much interested and several
have writton tho invoutors asking that
tho model bo sent them Iu compliance
with one of theso requests tho model
wont to tho Thomas Manufacturing Co
Springfield Ohio last Saturday Hero
is something that tho Norfolk Business
Mens association could talto up to good
advantage Instead of allowing tins
machine to bo made somowhoio else a
factory for Its manufacture Hhould bo
established right horo at homo Tho
miichiuos being composed largely of
iron could bo made hero as cheaply as
in any section outshio tuu coal aud iron
districts and u largo plant would not bo
required at least at tho beginning to
produce them They can ho mado to soil
at retail as low as tho ordinary rako
leaving a good profit over tho cost of
manufacture aud us thuro seems no
question but that tho doiuand will bo
largo the success of such a factory
would bo assured front tho start A
company to put this implement ou the
market would uot require a largo capi
tal As new enterprises of this charac
ter aro what Norfolk particularly wants
Tm Nkws would suggest that tho
Messrs Millor bo invited to exhibit thoir
invention aud oxplaiu Its details boforo
the next meeting of the Business Mens
They Vault Judgment on Variouii Ilihllr
Mutter of Intercut und Pay lllllit
Tho regular meeting of tho city coun
cil was hold last evening
Thore woro present Mayor Simpson
and Couucilmeu Brummoud Buoholz
Davenport Hutcheson Viele and Spear
Abseut Degncr
The minutes of tho rogular meeting of
February 10th aud adjourned regular
meeting of February 27th wero read and
Treasurers statement of February
showed tho following balances
General fund 140
Interest fuud 289005
Road fund 15517
Water fuud 180052
Sinking fuud 520 18
Fire department fuud 2400
Read and referred to auditing com
Police judges statomeut for January
showing 0 collected read and referred
to auditing committee
The committee ou firo and police de
partment reported that they iu connec
tion with the chief had made au exami
nation of all tho school buildings
All buildings were reported to be in a
safe condition excopt tho Edgowater
school house where tho stove was found
to be located too close to tho wainscoting
and no zinc was provided under the
stove Some rubbish was found In all
tho basements
On motion tho chief was requested to
call the atteution of tho school board to
the condition of the Edgowater school
building All tho janitors hud cheer
fully agreed to clean out tho rubbish
L L Rembe appeared aud requested
a plumbers licence for March aud April
pro ratod upon tho auuual rato It was
moved by Spear that tho request be left
to tho city attorney with full power to
act Carried
Petition of M C Walker aud othors
asking for the opening of certain streets
aud alleys In O S Hayes addition was
ou motion referred to committee on
streets aud alloys
Tho question of adoptiug tho Frudeu
field system of bookkeeping in tho water
department was referred to auditing
committee with power to act
Mr Brace of the Hartford Steam
Boiler Insurauco company appeared
and stated that the insurauco ou boilers
at tho waterworks expired this month
and asked if same was to be renewed
Ott motion coiumitteo ou publio works
was instructed to renew tho insurance
for threo years
It was moved aud carried that tho
clerk and attorney be instructed to issue
tho annual oloctiou oall
Bill of W L Kom for 1075 for jan
itors Rorvico was roforrod back to tho
rndltlng commlttoo
Bill of A N Eddy for 1 for hauling
prisoners to jail laid ovor front February
2 was roforrod back to auditing com
mit too
Tho following claims woro road and
TiintrtTrihiinu for printing 750
Norfolk Anzoigor printing 150
Etl Wognor fire alarm l
H L Npaitldlng salary as ohiof of
pollco 00
Prod Hldlor hauling hook and ladder
O G Manwollor salary for February
II 11 Miller lire alarm and druyugo
John P Wright repairing sidewalk
and Hhoveling snow l
II E Hardy coal 2l7
P W Wheaton Third ward polls 2
O W Mihllls tlraylng 100
Nebraska Telephone Co for Febru
ary 745
Gus Nit repairing hook and ladder
E A Koolor labor 245
W II Livingston salary as police for
Fobruary 10
Aug Pasowalk repairing 250
II II Hoyt special police work for
February 1407
L 10 Dudley special police work for
Fobruary lU0
P Klontz freight charges paid 50
II 11 Patterson salary for Fobruary
H II Patterson stamps 1
1 D Branson lire alarm and tlray
ngo 7
Martin Kano salary for February and
labor 51
II II Patterson lessee electric light
ing for February 100
Meeting adjourned
Will He iiThoimiilHl Ton Inrj nr Tliiiu the
ftliilno unit M lmiirl Clim
Wasiiimitov March 8 Tho plans
for the threo big battleships authorized
by tho naval appropriation bill just
passed aro boing worked out Tho gen
oral features of tho ships have Iwon tie
fined subject to tho approval of tho sec
rotay The battleships will be 1000
tons larger than tins Maine and Missouri
class of a total displacement of lit 500
tons making them the largest ships iu
tho American navy and about equal in
dimensions to the best type of battle
ships now being constructed abroad un
der tho now practice Though larger
than tho Maine tho ships will bo laid on
almost thohamo lines beiug only a little
greater in every dimension They will
carry each four 12 inch guns iu turrets
This caliber la au inch less than tho
guns carried by the Oregon but by im
proved design they will bo almost equal
in penetrative power
The 8 inch guns of tho Oregon type
although they did voty effective work
at Santiago and Manila have been
abandoned But instead of eight 8
inch guns tho new ships will have no
less than 10 guns of i inch caliber all
rapid firors and 20 poundors This lat
tery represents tho ideal proportion be
tween guns as taught by the
rieuce of our own fleets during the
Spanish war und of the Chinese aud
Japanese vessols during their late war
Tho speed of tho new ships will bo 18
knots an advanco of two knots ovor tho
Oregon class but just equal to that of
the now Maine
Ileldeufeld on the Stand
Chicago March 8 Baron von Bci
denleld took tho stand yesterday and
testified in his own behalf against the
chargo of murdering Detective Ghnrloi
McDonald Ho declared that McDon
ald had repeatedly threatened his lifo
aud that it was to be able to protect
himself against a probable attack that
ho grow Into tho habit of carrying a re
volver He said that an McDonald en
tered the saloon in which tho defend
ant was taking a drink ou the uight of
the murder ho passod close to Von
Beidoufeld saying as ho did so Now
Ive got you Tho dofendaut then he
declares caught aud shifted his revolver
so as to have it within reach aud after
McDonald had mado a number of
threats ho startod to draw his rovolvor
and then Von Beidenfold shot him
dowu Tho baron told his story well
and evidently made a favorable impres
sion upon tho jury His direct evideuco
was uot complotod when court ad
journed for tho day
Flerre Htnrm at Cape llaltera
NoitHOLK Va March 8 From Hat
teras to Norfolk a fierco storm is raging
almost equalling iu intensity that of
Feb 13 The wind is blowing at the
rato of 40 miles au hour und is accom
panied by suow aud cold A big vessel
whoso name cannot be ascertained has
gono ashore at Gull shoals near Hat
teras The lifo savers are ou tho scouo
but it is feared tho storm will preveut
them from rendering uny assistance
Tho cruiser Brooklyn now on hor way
to Hampton Roads froui Havana to
take on Admiral Schley for Plymouth
Eng is thought to be nomo where off
the coast in the storm The storm caino
up unexpectedly and foars are expressed
that many vessels have been caught off
tho Virginia aud North Carolina coasts
aud muy bo in danger
Van lleeat Dofnutt turphy
Dayton O March 8 Johnny Van
Boost of Hot Springs wou a hotly con
tested lout last night over Austruliuu
Billy Murphy iu tha sixth round Mur
phys science was of no avail against
liia oppoueut8 hitting powers The
final rouud was settled iu a minute uud
u half by loft aud riuht swings which
put Murphy down uutil niua was
couuted Ho got up so groggy that tho
reforeogavo the decisiou to Van Hoest
Filipinos Fail to Take Manila
Water Works
WathltiEtsn Volunteer and Ftve Man
Wounded tn the Fight Hlith Artlllery
aml a liiuhoal Shell Poiltlon Opposite
flail Pedro and Ooiiipet Them to Itetlre
Native Almne Vlng of Truce
Manila March 8 Whllo tho robols
had concentrated tholr forces with tho
evident pttrMso of attacking tho water
works no direct attempt was mado to
capture tho American itositiou hero
Detachments from General Halos and
General Whoatonn brigailns cleared
tho country yesterday At daylight
tho onomy woro discovered trying to
mount a gun across tho river f rout San
Pedro and tho Sixth artillery promptly
shelled tho rebel battery Temporarily
Mopping work tho onomy poured a fu
Hilado of musketry across tho river but
a gunboat moved up and cleared tho
hanks of the stroam with rapld flro
guns All was quint during the uight
PostolHcos have boon established at
Negros Oeliu and Hollo and the clerks
loft yesterday for tholr respective posts
by tho steamer Espana
At 3 p tn the temperature was 81 de
gree Fahrenheit and the boat is in
tense especially on tho lines where 21
mou woro prostratod during tho day
Tho enemy is still iu front of General
Wheatons lines Near Sun Pedro
Miicatl they aro actively attempting to
make tho positiousof tho Sixth artillery
ou thu hills untenable their sharp
shooters keeping up a constant lire all
Private Ixivojoy company O Wash
ington volunteers was killed by a stray
bullet Major Boll Seventh United
Slates cavalry Privates Young and
Outran Twentieth infantry and Pri
vate Parks company 1 First Wyoming
volunteers wero wounded today
Tho rebels bolted at tho llrst slgu of
tho advance but thoy separated into
small bodies whenever the covert af
forded opportunities and kopt up a run
ning lire By a series of rapid advances
followed by Hank movements tho en
emy was completely routed as far unt
il Guadeloupe ou tho right uud al
most to Mariqttiuu on tho left
This morning tho onomy in front of
General Ovonshiuos lino sent out a
flag of truce but returned when Liou
tonant ICoohlur with two uiuu ail
vanced to meet it This ufteruoon
they again showed a whito Jug aud
again two olllcers and an intorprotor
advanced When tho Americans were
about 200 yards from tho rebel party
tho latter dragged rifles from behind
their lmclcs and opened fire upon them
but fortuuatoly without effect Haw
thornes battery llrod two shells killing
several of the enemy
Klotuu Nmjro Soldier
Giiattanooua Touu March 8 Tho
Eighth United States immunos colored
commanded by Colonol Iluggins was
mustered out of tho sorvice yesterday
Five hundred of tho discharged men
many of whom woro undor tlu influ
ence of liquor wont home by tho Nasli
villo road and as thoy woro leaving tho
yards in tho city a number of tho men
who had in some way secured revolvers
began to discharge them iu the ulr aud
luto sheds and vacatit houses A
drunken sergeant standing ou the rear
platform fired directly at W W Uark
ius car inspector of tho Nashvillo road
the bullet striking him in thu right log
This was tho signal for a gouoral fusil
lade ami several hundred shots wero
flrod Andrew Ledforda countryman
who was standing noar tho track was
shot in the face and seriously wounded
A tologram was forwarded to Bridge
port to stop tho train and au effort will
bo made to secure the arrest of too riot
ous soldiers
Four WoiiTH March 8 William
Jennings Bryan was enthusiastically
received by 2000 people hero last night
Today ho will address tho Texas leglsla
Crippled by
Those who have Rheumatism find
thi iselvea growing steadily worse all
tho while One reason of this is that
tho remedies prescribed by the doc ton
contain morotiry and potash which ul
timately intensify the disease by caus
ing tho joints to swell and stiffen
producing a severe aching of tho bones
S S S has been curing Rheumatism
for twenty years even tho worst case
which seemed almost incurable
Cant O K tluuhes tliu
popular railroad
conductor of Columbia S O bad an
tteii t tU i
ence with lUieiiuiatlMii whloh convinced nil
inn tuvrn i iiuiy one
curt for that painful dU
case He gays I wa4 a
Krtat HufTeror from mus
cular ItheuDiatlniu for
two yean I could Kl
no permanent relief
from any medicine pre
orlled by my physician
I took abouladozpii bot
tles of your 8 S 8 and
now 1 am M well a I i
evrr wan InmyJIfe Iain
are that your medicine
cured me and 1 would
recommend It to an one
guttering from any blood dlsewo
Everybody knows that Rheumatism
is a diseased statu of the blood and
only a blood remedy is tho only proper
treatment hut a remedy containing
potash and mercury only aggravated
tho trouble
CC Cfbr
being Purely Vegetable goes direct to
the very cause of the disease and a per
manent euro always results It is the
only blood remedy guaranteed to con
tain no potash mercury or other dan
gerous minerals
Books muiled free by Swift Specific
Company Atlanta Georgia