The Norfolk weekly news. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1888-1900, March 09, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Will Happen
If they didnt the crockery and
dealers would to out
of business and wo wouldnt
keep cement The next tintc
one of these
accidents occurs to you come
and tell us your trouble
We have Cements
for all Purposes
China Cement If and 2f cts
For your broken dishes and
Leather Cement 10 IB and
20 cts For repairing bouts
shoes and leather foods
Rubber Cement IB cts For
rubber boots shoes waterproofs
umbrellas etc
Liquid Glue 10 and 15 cts
For furniture and all wooden
We sae you go per cent on our
A 0 UW
Meets in Odd Fellows Hnll on the fir ft ntul
third Fridays of each month VisitlnR broth
ers cordially invited to attend all our nioetluef
W R Hoffman Financier J M Covert Ho
eorder C 0 Uolnn Master Workman
j f u
v e will close
our store in the
evening at 630
until further no
tice We hope
that nons of our
customers will
be inconvenien
ced thereby
A w w jtf w ir m -- v
The Tracy stock of stationery is
now out of the hands of the mortga
gee Myron Collamer who has charge
of the stock will replenish it to meet
the demands of the patrons The
large stock of
will be closed out at once regardless of
cost This is an opportunity to pur
chase wall paper which should be
taken advantage of New goods ar
iving daily
The Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hoars ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperatnre 64
Minimum temperature 24
Average 44
Snowfall inches 00
Total snowfall inches 00
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for month 00
Forecast for Nebraska Partly
cloudy tonight Possibly rain Friday
The high school Milestone is being
Oma Bridgefords funeral was held
this afternoon
Telephone No 46 has been placed in
Fridays hardware store
The funeral of the two year old son of
Mr and Mrs J O Aid took place at
two oclock today
There was a meeting of the fire de
partment last evening but no business
of importance was transacted
Ducks and geese are flying north in
large quantities the last day or two and
local nimrods are getting excited
The announcement of the coming
marriage of Miss Lena Schroder and
Mr Julius Buntrock has been made
Mr and Mrs James House mourn the
eleatn or tneir lntaut cnua wnicn oc
curred yesterday from lung fever They
have another child very sick
John F Walter of the Norfolk carpet
cleaning works reports that business is
increasing Pierce parties have recent
ly sent a large order for work There
may be those in the city not knowing to 1
the excellent work done by this firm
Got vonr carpets cleaned by them and
snstaiu homo industry
Contrary to the general rule tho ex
pected has happened Govornor Poyntcr
last evening appointed Ex Hcnntor V
V Allen as judgo or this district to fill
tho vacancy caused by tho election of
John S Robinson as congressman Mr
Allen will nt onco enter upon his duties
and be ready to servo in his judicial
capacity at tho Madison terms of court
which begins next Monday
Some days ago The Nkws stated that
one of tho first duties of Congressman
Kobiusou would bo thonppointtneut of a
Wost Point cadet Information sinco
received shows this paper to havo been
misinformed Thero will bo no vacancy
at West Point for more than a year but
there will be an apioiutmciit mado very
soon to the naval academy at Annapolis
The Madison Reporter Bays that thero
will bo n competitive examination prob
ably at Norfolk within n few weeks
Hero is n chance for prospective Doweys
to climb onto tho first ronud of tho lad
der of fame
A story of marital infelicity is wafted
tills way from tho borders of tho quiet
village of Hoskius A man aud his wifo
living thero didnt get nlong happily to
gether and last Friday tho women in
tho case slid ont of town on tho south
bound train It was soon found that
another man went with her Informa
tion as to whether he was haudsomcr or
not Iibh not been received Tho agi
tated husband sent telegrams hither
aud you for the arrest of the wayward
couple They were apprehended at
North Bend and brought back to Hos
kius aud yesterday brought before Jus
tice Ziemeu Tho county attorney of
Wayno dismissed tho case tho defend
ants paying tho costs It is understood
that the wife is in Norfolk today on her
way south again thiB time alone She
declares that she has not been guilty of
improper conduct the man merely ac
companying her as a friend and that
her husband is the party who is at
Phone 85 for plumbingNPMfgCo
Fresh mined Rock Springs lump and
nut coal on track at Hardys
To Lovern of Good Horses
I have a few well bred horses which I
have raised that I will exchange for
cattle A J Dukland
Fifty thousand dollars eastern money
to loan on good farms
G R Seiler As Co
Both Hanna lump
track at Hardys
and nut coal on
B H Golding of Kearney is in the
Fred Rauterberg of Hoskins was in
town yesterday
E O Howe general manager of the
Oxnard factories went west today
Mr and Mrs Joe Younger rejoice in a
new little daughter at their homo
A C Powell the Stuarc merchant was
in the city on business this morning
Engineer H Clark and Fred Linerode
left for Hot Springs Ark this morn
Geo W Pheasants of the W T Han
son company Schenectady N Y is in
the city
Hon H C Brome of Omaha was in
the city over night He returned home
this noon
Mr and Mrs Mike Eeevey South
Fourth street welcomed a new son and
heir yesterday
J O Goodsell of Omaha traveling
passenger agent of the Union Pacific
was in the city yesterday
L P Pasewalk is clerking at the
auction sale today of A G Strom five
miles northeast of Norfolk
M W Chapman assistant superin
tendent of the Union Pacificrailroad
stopped over night in the city
Mr and Mrs James Dane of Schuyler
are visiting Postmaster Sprecners fam
ily They arrived Tuesday evening
Miss Mabel Collamer entertained a
company of young friends last evening
in honor of Wm S Hope of Omaha
H J Gould general agent of the
Phoenix Life Insurance company of
Hartford Conn was in town over
Hon A D Beemer of the town of
Beemer well known in the business and
political circles of the state was in the
city this morning
Miss Nina Walker has returned home
from Boyd county where she has been
teaching a very successful term of school
during the winter
The young fellow who was arrested
for drunkeness Tuesday night has been
working out bis fine on the city wood
pile yesterday and today
If yon want to sell or trade your
property list it with
G R Seilkb Co
Try the celebrated Ralston pancake
flour and fine Vermont maple syrup at
Viavi tho way to health
Pray line for 6ale
Inquire at News
One dozen oranges at Schoregges for
10 cents
Box can suit you on coffee
Beet Sugar Factories Spring
ing Up Everywhere
A Ornjililc and Interesting Itrmnie of
Whnt linn Alrendy Hern Accomplished
With tho Ironpeeta of Further mid Ini
mediate Development A Clrent Ileld of
Action Scarcely Yet Touched
Readers of Tin News aro alive to tho
growth and development that is taking
place in this country along nil lines
Nnturally however their attention is
drawn most particularly to any industry
in which thoy themselves havo shared
and of which they know something def
Tho beet sugar industry while it is
familiar becauBO of the planting of
tho Oxnard beet sugar factory at this
place somo years ago is just beginning
to attract capital on auy largo scale
Tho articlo which is copied below from
ouo of tho ablest business journals of
tho country tells in a couciso aud clear
way tho story of what is going on in
this department at tho present time
The development in this now industry
is astonishing even to those who aro in
the business and to all others a brief
statement of it will prove a revelation
One beet sugar factory at Rome N Y is
complotingits second campaign very sue
cesfifully Tho beet sugar mill at
BinghamtonN Y is having a success
ful first campaign and others aro pro
jected in central and western New York
So remarkable has boon tho success of
tho first campaign of tho Michigan
Sugar Company at Bay City Mich that
that mill is to double its capacity and
tho same peoplo aro building another
factory near by A third company is
putting up a largo factory nt West Bay
City Mich and other large enterprises
aro projected at Benton Harbor Grand
Haven nnd other Michigan points At
Rochester Mich tho Detroit Sugar
Company composed of tho most sub
stantial capitalists of that city contract
ed for a COO tou mill which tho Oxnrds
aro to make a model of perfection While
Pennsylvania Ohio and Indiana are not
booming beet sugar quite as indus
triously as is Michigan with its bounty
they aro deeply interested Illinois has
a large beet sugar mill now being equip
ped nt Pekin for tho lbl crop and an
other will doubtless be constructed at
Ottawa 111
Tho pioneer beet sugar factory in Wis
consin did not run simply because of
lack of beets sufllcently rich in quantity
and quality of sugar The Northwestern
Beet Sugar company is now letting con
tracts for a plant at Merrillan Wis for
which several thousand acres of beets
will be required for the 1899 crop In
Iowa South Dakota nnd certain sections
of Kansas tho interest is very keen
The two well established beot sugar fac
tories in Nebraska have had a favorable
season and their ncreage for 1899 will
probably be double that of any previous
season A million dollars of Bostons
money is going into n model beet sugar
factory near Ames Neb in connection
with the Standard Cattle Company
Some of the most prominent and wealth
iest of Bostons financiers are interested
in this proposition which because of the
remarkably favorable locality and exper
ienced managment promises to be one
most profitable of all the beet sugar en
terprises A good deal of New Eugland
money that has recently been made in
copper stock will be invested in the beet
sugar industry at various western
points In Colorado a sugar mill of 800
tons daily capacity has been contracted
for to be located at Grand Junction in
the western part of the state and an
other large mill iB pretty certain to be
built at Pueblo Col Several others are
wanted in the state The beet sugar
factory at Lohi has just completed its
eighth successive campaign with brillant
success from both tho manufacturing
and agricultural standpoints The new
mill at Ogden Utah has also wound up
its first season The beet sugar factory
at Eddy NM in tho Pecos valley is
doing fairly well aud others are con
templated in New Mexico and Arizona
One or more beet sugar factory enter
prises aro being agitated for Wyoming
South Dakota Montana and Idaho
On the Pacific coast this industry has
assumed large proportions The biggest
beot sugar factory in the world located
in the Salinas valley California has n
capacity of 8000 tons of beets per day
and with the neighboring factory at
Watsonville will consume the product
of nearly 60000 acres of beets each year
In fact these two mills nloue pay the
farmers upward of 2500000 every year
for this new crop The historic sugar
mill at Alvorado which has been run
ningoffand on for twenty five years
has of lato been so successful that its
capacity has been doubled and the same
management aro interested in the new
mill of the Union Sugar Company near
Santa Maria which will have a capacity
of 1 000 tous of beets per day The great
beet sugar plaut at Ohino San Bern
ardino county Cal has completed its
eighth season and is contracting for
thousands of acres of beets of the 1800
crop having a capacity of 1000 tons
daily Its 1897 campaign was extraord
inarily profitable The Los AlamitOB
sugar house is to double its capacity
from 850 to 700 touB of beets per day of
I 24 hours Perhaps the moit model es
tablishment of Its kind In tho world is
the new 2000 ton plant of tho Pacific
Sugar company nt tho now rn of Ox
nard Ventura county Cal It repro
sents an investment of 3000000 nnd a
largo town is building up nlxmt it Tho
capnciijimw 1000 Ions of beets per
day will bo Increased to 2000 tous re
quiring 20000 acres of boots each year
So much for a beginning in our do
mestic beet sugar industry With a fa
vorablo season these domestic sugnr mills
ought to produce 200000 tons of sugar
in iSpii Herbert Myrick in Brad
If you want to buy or trade como aud
sec us G H Sunrcn Co
Office in Mast block
Buy all your groceries of Hox and get
the best
Kendy for lltmlnexn
I have opened out in tho Verges build
ing first door west of tho tostofllco a
com plot o and full lino of plumbers fit
tings nnd am now prepared to snrvo all
my old friends aud acquaintances in
Norfolk nnd vioinity as well as tho pub
lic generally who may bo in need of
work iu my line An experience of
many years in this special department
qualities mo to do your work properly
My prices will always bo found reason
able 1 cordially solicit a sham of your
business and am ready to promptly fill
all orders Remember where 1 am lo
catedFirst door west of postofliee in
tho Verges building
Yours for trade
L 1j Ricmiii Plumber
Sturgeon is the piano man
Telephono No 517 will ring up
Mtmy Frlendx
F Verges residence nnd office
Dr Frank Salter Diseases of children
SIiirriiiKe of
Mr Alfred S llopo mid Minx
lerrrko - AVIIiirmieil
The largo party of Norfolk friends
who were at tho home of Win Goreeko
of Stanton yesterday returned in the
evening and reported a very delightful
occasion They wore invited to witness
tho nuptials of Mr Alfred S llopo and
Miss Lillian Gcrecke
At four oclock in the parlors of the
hnudEomo homo charmingly decorated
for tho occasion and preceeded by Miss
Robiuet Bear who carried tho ring bo
neath a canopy of smilax tho happy
pair made their marriage vows Rov
Joseph Parker of this city was tho ollici
atiug clergyman Congratulations by
the largo number of friends present
were extended and refreshments were
Mr and Mrs Hope returned to Nor
folk with their friends of this city and
were entertained iu the evening by Mr
and Mrs N A Rainbolt A few ac
quaintances aud lriends gathered at tho
Rainbolt residence iu tho ovouing to
extend greetings to the brido and groom
Mr aud Mrs Hope registered at tho
Oxnard for the night and this morning
left over tho U P for Columbus
Mr Hope is at present connected with
Bradstreets Commercial agency at
Omaha but it is understood that he will
soon move to St Louis aud accept a
similiar position there
The young people carry with them to
their new home the best wishes of a
large circle of friends who will hope for
them all tho happiness and success that
home life can bring
Farm and city loans
The Durland Trust Co
Rooms to
rent Inquire of J L
Ileal Kntnie TranMerH
The following transfers of real estate
are reported by Chester A Fuller man
agcr of the Madison county abstract
office at Norfolk
O W Braasch and wf to Ralph
L Braasch wd lots 1 and 2
blk addition
Norfolk 1 00
Otto Piller and wf to August
Bley wd n swX and sej
sw and wj eo4 and pt of
swK QwK and sw H nej
total 228 acres 1200 00
J G Cnplin has rented his farm to
Tom Hale
Fred Odell ot Madison has moved on
to the farm one half mile south of the
station which he bought of Paul Stalz
last fall
Tho Madison Creamery Co will tart
a separator here as soon as their build
ing is completed They have the pro
mise of tho milk from a largo number of
cows and will undoubtedly do a good
Drink Oraln O
after you have concluded that you ought
not to drink coffee It is not a medicine
but doctors order it because it iB
healthful invigoratiug and appetizing
It iB made from pure grains and has
that rich seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffeo nnd costs
about h as much Children like it nnd
thrive on it because it is a genuine food
driuk containing nothing but nourish
inent Ask your grocer for Grain O
the new food driuk 15 aud 2T cents
Life insurance iB a good thing but
health insnrunoe by keeping the blood
pure with Hoods Sarsaparilla is fctill
bettor I
Increasing Real Estate Trans
fers Indicate Trade Winds
St I trlct M for Innn iiiiiiU Supple
mented ly Mnrhed Improvement In
Tonn Iroperlj tlonil Work of Itunltii m
Men AftMicliitlnii lr til of City In
c It 111 tie Sure nnd Steady
Attontion is called to tho increasing
number of real estate transfers that aro
recorded in tho columns of Tin Nkwh
recently day by day They form a
barometer of existing conditions that
cannot bo ignored nnd is of deep signi
ficance Real estate is already moving
at advancing prices in Norfolk and
vicinity and this is likely to continue
Dealers in Hit all trstify that calls for
lands aro more numerous than they
have been for years and that snaps
aro vorymuch scarcer than they were a
year ago
As to Norfolk a keen business man of
loin residence in this oily remarked the
other day that he could see a noticeable
improvement in the condition of pto
porty here llents are firm quickly
taken aud likely to go higher Owners
of city property aro more tenacious of
retaining their grip on what they havo
nnd instead of wanting to let go aro be
ginning to secure moro Nor is this to
bo wondered at There is good and
substantial foundation for all this In
common with the rest of the country
Norfolk passed through the sweat box
It is true that values never weio de
pressed hero as they were iu ninny
places yol tho surplus water was all
squeezed out But the tide has turned
Farmers are getting good prices for
their produce Northern Nebraska is
filling up with settlers and Norfolk is
sure to receive large benefit from it all
Architect Stitt says that ho has
already plans for a largo number of
dwellings to bo erected in tho spring
and the number is constantly giowiug
Houses aro in demand and tho inciease
of new families locating hero is one of
the signs of the times
Tho locition of the site for a govern
ment building is soon to be made and
within a year or two a substantial
structure on one of tho business corners
will loom up the possession of Uncle
Samuel Tlio agitation nnd interest of
tho solid business men of tho city in the
erection of an opera house the prospect
of the building of tho Yankton it Nor
folk railroad this season the project for
tho establishment of a state normal
school here nil indicate tho latent pos
sibilities of the city and tho firm faith
of conservative men who aro not in the
habit of throwing money to tho biids
The work of tho Business Mens asso
ciation in behalf of local interests is
worthy of commendation Here citizens
of all shades of opinion different polit
ical complexion and various social tastes
havo disregarded all minor considera
tions aud risen to the needs and benefits
that accrue from a common citizeuship
aud a broad minded public spirit
Norfolk is nt tho beginning of a new
and substantial era of development
Thero will bo no boom Nobody
wants it Thero will be growth It is
likely to bo much more decided thau
peoplo aro apt to think At least it will
bo sure and healthy How largo a
growth it has depends most largely on
the attitudo of its own citizens Heaven
does about tho same by cities as it doe
by individuals it helps those most who
aro willing to help themselves It is be
cause this is true and because of the
enterprise aud energy that is being dis
played by tho business forces of Norfolk
that The Newk has unbounded confi
dence in the future of this city
Its location calls for growth Outsid
ers are sure to recognize it Capital will
seek investment here if given the glad
hand It will be
The harmony and aggressiveness man
ifested in behalf of Norfolks interests
by Norfolks citizens presages great ac
complishments and no mean city
Stand up for Norfolk I Its a good
town push it along and watch it grow I
Houses for sale T E Odiornb
KttlniMteuf Expenditure
At n meeting of the board of countv
commissioners held on the 10th day of
January 1899 the following estimate of
expentitnres was made by said board for
said year to wit
County institute fund 125 00
IJooKs and stationery 1200 00
Commissioners pay and mileage 2U00 00
County clerks salary as clerk of
board f00 00
Deputies and janitors salary 1200 00
County superintendents salary 1400 00
County attorneys salary 950 00
County road fund 0500 00
County bridge fund 7f00 00
Care of paupers 1 GOO 00
Election expenses 2100 00
Bounty on wild animals 800 00
District court and jurors 0500 00
County printing 010 00
Assessors pay and mileng 2900 00
Fuel aud postage lJOO 00
Insane fund 850 00
Jailors fees 1000 00
Poor farm expenses 1400 00
Soldiers relief fund a 00 00
Aid to agricultural society 700 00
Judgment fund 2100 00
Jnil expenses and new cells for
jail 1800 00
Interest on court house bonds
against Madison aud Uniou
precincts 400 00
Sinking fund for same 400 00
Buttle Creek village jail bonds
principal and interest 150 00
E G Heilman
County Clerk I
Attorneys at hay
Homeopafhic llijsiclnn nnd Surgeon
Olllee over Cttlri tin Nnlionnl llnrik Ollleo
Imtiro - IIMKltn 12 ln in timl iW to SiOQum j
hiimiimki tint Minim
HeRlilniicn Telephone No 0
Iffleo OTPt lit limit Nrttl HnnV lienldonon one
block nortti ut CoiiffrpRntiotiftl olinroli
Fashionable Ilrossinnkor
Up lUIrt In Cotton nloek nver llnnmi
Klrit eUnit work irnarnntRftd
Attorneys nt Law
Itoonik 10 II and 12 Matt lllook
Norfolk Nobraska
Undertakers and KmbnlmorsJ
HeitloDklllk Norfolk Aval
Norfolk Nobraska
Attorney ut Iw
UwiniM 1 and 2 Robcitwin Wlgton
Block Norfolk
Livery Feed and
Sale Stable
Hack Line In Connection
Telephone 68
Mrs HHHull
Facial Treatment Manicuring slid Shemjoo
Will aUdly call at iiir liomen nml do ntiyof thl
work Order taken tor linn titdr imltohno
lei feet inntoli Ktiarnutend IirnMrncn on Klnt
Htrent Junction Ordnri imty he left nt tlin
Junction Drnu Htore Tolophono IS
Plumbing Steam Fitting
Tanks Wind Mills
Aud all ruimlr work In HiIb llnocnll on
Battifactlon Unarantced
first door tontli of Dallr New office
Everybody wantH the est of
meats We make a special
effort to please our trade
Onr Shp ltbcNete3t
the City
Always Fresh
and Just as
B igli est Market Price Paid for
Batter and EggH
Sale andassk
Boarding Barn
Bought and
Braaaca Avenue
aad Third St
Sold on