Till- : NORFOLK WKI3KLY NEWS-JOUHNAL , Fill DAY , MARCH 29 , 1912. 'ft' Young Man in Trouble. * Nollgh , Null. , Mari-h 27.--Special tc The NUWH : Pearl It. Itnnilall , win Cllllma to ImVO beetl ViBltlllg lilt nwuullioiirt three inllt-H cast of Cluiir water , > ml who him rulutlvcu at Wes1 Point , was picked up hero yestort'nj ' morning nliout 3 o'clock by Offleei JnekBon on request of thu authorltlui of Clenrwator. Ho walked Ihu entln * distance to thin city and IH churgei with attomptjng to beat a hotel : uu livery bill , which amount IH given a $10. When llandall watt confrontee by I. 10. AtkliiH and Constable Thotnp HOII for fhuncdlatu settlement lie dU not hesitate In giving them a clu'cl on one of the Woflt Point bnnka foi the amount. Becoming suspicious the ] telephoned to the bank officials tun found that no person by the naini given had any account there , nor dli they know of any such person. Han dull had Atkins communicate with i cousin at West Point yesterday inorr. Ilig , who stated that ho would bo ii Nollgh on the evening train to sotili the matter. The friend did not appear and th prisoner was taken to Clearwatcr thl morning. South Norfolk. Herman Shorpenlng arrived horn from a week's visit with his brothe in Hoone , Iowa. .lake ChrlHtonsen bus returned horn from ii few days visit in Sioux Clt ; Mr. and Mrs. Kay Tamtam left fo a few days stay In Chicago. Miss Helen Walker of Ininnii wa here last evening on business. H. 11. llurnham left for Chadroi last evening after a week's visit wit ! his aunt here. Stealinc Ride ; Is Hurt. NeliRh , Neb. , March 27. Special t The News : Two young men , Frei Furchncr and Dave Bignian of , .las per , Minn. , arrived In Brunswick Mon day. They were secrete ! In n box ca containing railroad ties with the Intel tlon of being taken out of town ye < tcrday morning by a freight. Dm ing the switching process one of th ties rolled onto young Furchnor , In Jurlng him quite seriously. It is o such a nature that ho is now In ; plaster cast. The Injured young ma : Is but 16 years of age. Ewlng. Jay Purley shipped Monday ono o the finest cars of horses over shlppei out of Ewing. They were conslgnei to parties at Dlxon , 111. Mrs. Rev. O. Eggleston returnei "homo Saturday from a visit to Battl Creek with her daughter , Mrs. Chai les Hanson. Will Snyder ono of our successfti farmers shipped a car of fine hog Morlday. George Brewer and family move Into the John May house while the lal tor moved Into the Sharp residenc recently acquired In the Neligh hous trade. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whitney an children o Battle Creek visited Sa urday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs P. M. Conger. Auctioneer Wright was a passei ger Sunday to Omaha. J. S. Perry leaves Wednesday on business trip to West Point. E. B. Slujp and family who trade for Neligh property left for that plac Sunday. Mr. A. Kllgore was called to low last week on the sad Intelligence froi there that his mother was not e : pected to live. Mrs. L. T. Newman returned Sa urday from a week's visit In Kansas The Graves Bros , sale last Saturdn on account of the inclemency of tli weather , only brought reasouabl prices. Tom Guilty of O'Neill and i Garnet of Sioux City were among tli chief buyers. Ray Tinkle of Woe Lake , Neb. , purchased the llerefoi bull Gentry Lars 35th , a fine indlvi ual weighing 1700 Ibs. A span i mules brought $400. The seating capacity of the ne Block yards pavilllon has been llxre at HOO. Milton Van Doran left Monday fi Merrlman , Neb. , where he lias Kinkaid claim. His family will leai later. The many friends of Mrs. E. Spittler will bo glad to loam that si is gradually convalescing. Veterinary Surgeon Trussell w ; called to No-ligh Sunday. Dan Grady arrived home Frldi from LaCrosse , Wis. , and Minneaj Us , Minn. , where ho had been on scouting expedition. Bert Vcrsaw purenased S.iturdi from John Berigan forty lead of pei greed Shorthorn cattle , including t herd bull , Red Sultan , a fine indlv mil. Mr. Versa w is a cattleman ai knows what ho is about. Ernest Cracher of Delolt townsli went to O'Neill Monday as a Jurymr This is his second week. Mrs. John Berigan went to Oma Sunday to visit her son who was cently operated upon and who learn has commenced to Improve. Miss Nellie Robinson came up fr < Norfolk Wednesday and visited w her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Jud Ri Inson until Sunday. J. L. Roll was a Sund&y visitor O'Neill. Is in Jail for Beating Hotels. Neligh , Neb. , March 27. Special The News : J. B. Young was nrrc ed yesterday afternoon by Offlc Jackson on a complaint filed Charles Beer of Oakdale , who charg him with beating his hotel bill , whi Amounted to $12. Ho appeared befc Police Judge Cassady , pleaded gul and was sentenced to thirty days jail. Several weeks ago ho landed Battle Creek and Meadow Grove , n iBterlng at each town under the nai of McDonald , representing himself be a land buyer and having In 1 possession moro money than soi people had hay. His plan was make U emphatically known In I town that he was in a position to pay cash for all the land he purchased It goeti without saving that the land iigentB were exceedingly busy showing the prospective buyer their vuriouu farms. For some unkonwn reason hi failed to buy from any of the ngontfi In the places mentioned and being In such haste to leave town forgot tc settle his hotel bills. His next stop was Oakdale , where he registered under the name ol Young. D. B. Otis of the State banli was visited and the man's flow of the English language very shortly con vlnced the assistant cashier that he was business all the way through. Hi WIIH pleased to make his acquaintance and assured him that ho had the besl land In Antelope county at his dls posal. Landlord Beers became BUS picuous on account of the stranger's various excuses , and when paymeni for his hotel bill was demanded , stat ed that ho would Immediately call in the bank and secure the money. Hi failed to find the bank and took , ! tie pass for Nellgh. Young arrived hero moro than t cck ago and his failure to registei t the Atlantic hotel was the enl ; anon that ho had not been arrestci everal days ago. And only on a pro etiso that he was a personal frient f If. S. Payne was this trivial mat er overlooked by the landlord. In a couple of days the "land buyer' ' ad been informed that T. S. Pextoi ml R. S. Payne of the Atlas bank o ils dty had abundance of farm lam i their possession that they wouli ladly convert Into cash. Both o icso men were Interviewed by tin trnnger and each felt certain that In ould land the buyer , and at om mo It seemed that hard feeling ! ould not bo averted between Reubet ml Tom as to who's land Young win oing to purchase , because each hai onated quite liberally for livery bin nil cigars. Before any deal was con ummated , however , the arrest wai uide. During his stay in this clt ; t the Atlantic hotel , he had not pali or his board and room. Eighty-two Miners Perished. Blueflold , W. Va. ( March 27. Elgli y-two were killed by the gas explc Ion in the Jed Coal and Coke com iany's mine at Jed , W. Va. , about si : illes from here. Only eleven mei scaped alive and ono of these dlei vlthln an hour after being brought the ho surface. Nebraska Unsettled weather witl robably rain tonight or Thursday. South Dakota Generally fair tc Ight and Thursday except unsettle ! eather In south portion. Dr. Beattle Leaves Neligh. Neligh , Neb. , March 27. Special the < ho News : Dr. D. W. Beattio hai iven up his medical practice In thli ity and left yesterday afternoon fo s'orden , Neb. , where he Intends Ic atlng and making his future home Ir. Beattle has large land interests Ii lint vicinity and says that the pros ects In Keya Palm county at thi line arc very bright. It is statei hat the family will not leave Neligl ntil after the close of school. Neligh Store Sold. Neligh , Neb. , March 27. Special t 'ho ' News : D. Cook of Unlverslt ; 'laQo ' purchased this week and is non \ n possession of the Anderson mei antile store. The old firm has bee : n Nellgh for more than twenty years Brunswick Hit by a Fire. Brunswick , Neb. , March 27. Sp ial to The News : A $30,000 fir wept through Brunswick at midnighi The following buildings burned : Salmon Bros , store and stock. Stoc vorth $18,000 to $20,000 ; Insurance 15,000 ; building worth about $3,000. Brunswick hotel , frame , wort about $3,000. A. J. Brown estate harness shoj concrete. The Brown building saved the nort side of town. A bucket brigade did hi role work fighting the fire. The fir started in the second floor of the Sa non store , where the Salmon broil ers lived. Considerable plate glass all eve town was broken by the heat. Tli Brown building was built by the ma who was murdered in his home hei i year and a half ago and for whlc Joe McKay was sentenced to life ii prisonment and later granted a ne trial. McAllister In Race. Neligh , Neb. , March 27. Special The-News : John M. McAllister hi returned from his recent trip to Ca fornla and has filed as a candidate c the republican ticket for the nomin tlon of county assessor. New Mexico Deadlock Unbroken. Santa Fe , N. M. , March 2G. Tl seventh ballot taken today for Unit * States senator did not break the dea lock. Tries Suicide in Poorhouse. Pierce , Neb. , March 27. Special The News : Carl Schalrlow , aged ( an Inmate of the county poor fai near here , tried to end his life cutting his throat last night. T wound was sewed up. It is not kno\ today whether ho will recover or n Max Schwichtenberg. Pierce , Neb. , March 27. Special The News. Max Schwlchtenborg , ! year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Augi Schwichtenberg , pioneers living nc Pierce , died last night in St. Jose i hospital , Omaha , following an ope : 3 tlon for appendicitis. Funeral arrant nients have not been made. John Harms Assigns. Bonesteol , S. D. , March 27. Spec to The News : John Harms , ono a the largest merchants of this ci a finished Invoking his stock of gooi B and the amount of his Invoice w : o his real estate amounting ; to abe o $20,000 was turned over to Trustee o 0. Hayes of Omaha for dlstrlbutl among his creditors , numbering about sixteen to twenty , with a liability of about $12,000. The creditors hope to keep this slock out of the bank r up toy courts , In an earnest attempt to make it pay out. King Won't Leave London. London , March 20. King George to day cancelled the arrangements for his visit to Liverpool to attend thu grand national stceplo chase on Frl- day , March 29. Telegraphing to Lord Derby , with whom ho had intended to stay , King George said : "Tho continuance of this disastrous coal strike makes It Impossible foi mo to make any plans to leave Lon. don. " WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. E. Straight of Hosklns was here. P. 13. Carberry returned from n business trip at Long Pine. Judge A. A. Welch enronto from Madison to his home at Wayne was here. here.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Koonlgslel'i , whc Imvo spent six months In Texas am' Old Mexico , will return to Norfolk Thursday or Friday. Evensong and Litany at Trinltj church this evening at 7:30. : Former Street Commissioner Wll Ham Uecker and Carl Llehrmnn re turned from a six weeks' business trip at Dallas , S. D. A meeting of the Northwosten Safety committee was held in the of fice of Superintendent C. II. Reynold ! yesterday afternoon. Archie Bennett , formerly of Mea dow Grove , has moved to the housi formerly occupied by Ed. Stanficli at Hayes avenue and Seventh street Mr. Bennett moved to Norfolk It farmer wagons and reports the road : between that town and this city In i frightful condition. Two men were arrested last nighi by the police but neither of them was taken before the judge for trial. One a cook in a local restaurant , wo * found drunk , but released on nppllca tlon of friends this morning. The other was booked as a "sleeper. " The habit of transferring a stovi without putting out the fire proved ; failure yesterday afternoon when on < of the men handling the stove fount it to be too hot and loosened his hold causing the stove to fall off the side walk , the fire being dispersed on tin cement sidewalk. Canadian geese , a largo flock o thorn , got their supper and lodging It Norfolk's vicinity last night. L. Ses sions watched the geese hunting foi food early last evening and at I o'clock this morning they were flylnt above the city. Mr. Sessions alst heard a humming .bird this morning. S. H. Grant and' his daughter Misi Addio Grant went to M.adison to vlsl relatives. Mr. Grant and his daughte : will leave Norfolk on April 11 fo : Seattle where they will spend tin summer with relatives. Tiie Order o Eastern Star will give a farewell re ception to Mr. Grant and his daughte Thursday night. The second class within a fev weeks will be Initiated Into the niys terles of the Ben Hur lodge nex M.onday night.x A banquet , will bi held after the work is conferred. Thli second class will be larger than thi first , say Ben Hur organizers whi have been busy In the city for thi past few months. Deep , sticky mud causes the" flri department officers to fear trouble Ii case of fire. Several emergency team arc held to haul the heavy fire wngor should It get stuck in the mud. 1 wagon filled with sand became stall ed on North Fourth street late TUCJ day afternoon and It required si horses to pull It out. Strawberries , tomatoes and othe fancy hothouse products will be see : in local stores before Easter , sa grocers. At present strawberries ar selling for 55 cents a quart while te matoes go at 20 cents a pound. Ne\ potatoes made their appearance i local stores and are selling for $ per bushel. Radishes are also her and sell for 5 cents a bunch. The executive committee of the fin men's tournament will hold a meettn in the city hall at 7:30 : tills eveniiii A meeting was to have been held hu Friday but the absence of one of th members caused the meeting to h postponed until tonight. The ex-off cio members are asked to bo prose : at all meetings held by the conunlttci The appointment of committees is t be the feature of tonight's work. George Bender of Oelwein , la. , wh will open a grocery store In the ol candy factory building and who hr moved to 503 South Eleventh stree has received a shipment of about 5 ( bed springs from a bed spring factoi which ho purchased recently at I dependence , la. When Mr. Bend < bought the factory ho came In posse slon of several thousand sets of thes springs. Ho In turn sold the factoi at public auction. Mrs. Mary Walters arrived In Nc folk yesterday intending to make hi homo with Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Dea She did not know until she reachi the city of the death of Mrs. De ; ten days ago. Mrs. Walters was fc merly Mrs. Willis Dean , her husbni having been the elder son of Mr. at Mrs. S. G. Dean. Mrs. Walters' se end husband , Dr. F. G. Walters , nil formerly of Norfolk , died some tin ago in Los Angeles. A. T. Hutchlnson of the A. L. K Han Co. , returned last night fro Valley , Neb. , where he attended directors meeting of a seed house which ho Is a director. Mr. Hutchi son reports that much fear is ontt tallied at Valley and Waterloo ov the flood stage of the Platte rlv which Is thirty feet high at the m rowed channel at the Burllngti bridge at Fremont. The Ice is thlrt six inches thick and a gorge Is fori ing. Blasting has been going on f a week , but It Is not believed th this will save the lowlands arout Valley from a flood. The Elkhorn river , says Mr. Hutchlnson , is in good shape and ho can see no danger of a flood In this vicinity. Levl S. Beemer. The death of Levl S. Beemer , for twenty-seven years a resident of Nor folk , occurred at his homo on Braascli avenue at I ! o'clock Wednesday morn ing , following a prolonged illness. Ik was 77 years of age. The funeral will bo held from the home Thursday af ternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. The Math ewson post , G. A. R. , will attend the funeral in a body , Mr. Boomer hav ing fought In the civil war. Levl S. Beemer was born Fob. B 1S35 , at Scotland , Canada. On June C. 1802 , ho was married to Mary C Young and came to Iowa to live Later ho moved to Fremont and It 1882 took a claim north of Meado\\ Grove , Neb. Ho came to Norfolk Ii 1885. Some years ago Mr. Boomer losi his sight and for the past sovera months ho has not been well. There arc four sons and two daughters tors surviving. The sons are : Jesse Mortimer and Ben of Kansas City and Harry of Norfolk. The daughters Rosclla of Kansas City and Mrs. Cor : Munson of Norfolk. i Elevator Men Meet. J. W. Sliortliill of Aurora , state secretary rotary of the Farmers Co-operatlvi Elevator association , after holdlni successful local meetings at Hastings Beatrice and other Nebraska cities , held a similar successful local meet ing in the Commercial club room Tuesday afternoon and evening whlcl was attended by about thirty elevate men of this vicinity. John Phinne.v manager of the Farmers Grain am Live Stock company of this city , am other local elevator men deliverei brief addresses. The meeting was an informal om and the feature of the discussions , win mutual insurance and taxation. / local organization will be formed a some later date. Among those pros cut were : Hans Selek , Elgin ; D. I > Henry , Elgin ; E. Gaily , Elgin ; Ricli ard Olmer , Humphrey ; Thomas Wet tier , Humphrey ; Charles Busay Wake field ; I. II. Weaver , Wakefield ; G F. Llesman , Hadar ; C. P. Lundegraw Wausa ; Joseph Wolf , Pierce- ; . F Kulil , Pierce ; Allen Hopkins , Neligh Fred Terry , Warnerville ; J. F. Dedet man , M. McGrail , John Phlnney , Hei man Buettow , Fred Lau , E. Koehn Ernest Raasch , Carl Drofke , Fran ! Tannehill , Fred Braasch , Norfolk. One Thief is Well Known Here. Charles H.Pllger , formerly cor nected with the local police force visited the city jail last evening am Identified one of the thieves capturei by Sam Rosenthal. The Identtflei man was arrested by Pilger six year ago. He had broken out of jail a Pilger , Neb. ' , at the time and escape * to this city with a bullet hole thr&ugl his ami" as the result of being she with a 45-callber revolver , by the Pll ger marshal. Mr. Pilger declared th wound at that time was dangerous. The man last night refused shov Mr. Pilger the scar and denied eve having -been shot. The same mai was identified by Patrolman Living ston as the tramp who broke into South Norfolk home some years ag and terrorized the wife of a railroa man. The tramp believed the worna : to bo alone and his arrest fol'owe ' the punishment he received at th hands of the irate husband who wa In another room. The same man was arrested at on time jn a beer vault where he con manded a gang of ten tramps wh solicited "beer" funds by terrorlzin women In the residence portions c the city. The men will be prosecu ed by County Attorney James Nichol who reached the city. James Manning , was the name gi' ' en by the thief who seems to be we .known by the police , when he was a : raigned before Judge Eiseley. II gave bis home at Nebraska City. Job Foley , giving Canada as his liomi 'was brought before the judge at th same time. Both men pleaded guilt to the charge of stealing $15 wort of clothing from the Bee Hlvo stoi but denied that they stole silk froi the Fair store. _ They were fined $ . " and costs , each , and were taken t Madison by Sheriff Smith today. .The were unable to pay their fine and wl spend the time in the county jail. OBJECT TO APPOINTMENT. Arizona Legislature Files Protei Against Former Governor. Phoenix , Arix. , March 27. The A izonii legislature by an overwhelmir majority adopted resolutions objoc ing to tlie appointment of former te ritorial Gov. Richard Sloan /to / h United States judge for the distri of Arizona. Mr. Sloan was attacked In speecln made by democratic members. Sen tor T. Hughes of Tucson charged th : Sloan was supported by the railroat "who hoped , through him , to test tl right and powers of the state ra road commission. " Senator Alonzo Hubbell , republic ! of , Apache county , defended Sloa characterized the resolution as belt Intended to "ruin Sloan's character and declared Us adoption "merely partisan act. " River Nine Miles Wide There. Keokuk , .la. , March 27. The snu town of Gregory , Mo. , twelve mil south of Keokuk , Is reported have been Inundated uy the riv which rose out of its batiks betwei Alexandria and Gregory. Accordit to reports four houses are ( loath down the river and people are ( lech from the town. A huge Ice gorge o poslto the town has caused hundrei of acres of lowlands to bo floode Through trains between Keokuk ai St. Louis are annulled. The river Gregory is said to bo nine miles wli and the gorge which has formed fifty feet high. But That's Not Fair. Burke , S. D. , March 27. Spring Editor , The Ne > ws : Bnrko bouts then all In seeing the first signs of spring A meadow lurk was seen by severa farmers here about Feb. 1. If thai ditto Is In danger of being cdlpset by competitors , It can bo set bad further and still bo In the bounds o : truthfulness. For proof and explana tlon , a meadow lark wintered hen In nn 'old homesteader's shack neai his farm. It was scon often durliif the winter at different farm houses searching for food and water. Gralt was thrown out wherever It made i visit. Yesterday It came up to tin house and gave us the first numboi of its spring recital. Neighbors hen will corroborate this. Bnrko dial letiges any other community to hen it. Yours respectfully , Bahara Stocl Farm. WANTS A HAJVESTER PRODI Congressman Lobeck of Nebrask ; Introduces a Resolution. Washington , March 2S. Represen tntlve Lobeck of Nebraska , democrat today Introduced a resolution in th < house calling on the attorney genera for all the correspondence and infoi niatlon so far gathered In the Inlet national Harvester company case am u report on how the proceedings ar progressing. .Air. Lobeck Introduce ! a resolution of inquiry last June am hearings on | it were conducted a the time by the rules committee. "The attorney general nppcnrci personally before the comnilttei then , " relates the resolution introduc ed today , "and stated that a legn action would bo taken to dissolve th corporation on account of violntio of 'tho anti-trust act. "Up to' this time no action seem to have been taken by the attorne ; general. " Mr. Lobeck declared the people o the west were demanding to kno\ what steps were being taken to dls solve the so-called "harvester trust. The resolution was referred to th rules committee but Mr. Lobeck gav warning that if action on it were dc ayed ho would ask the house to ut lertako an investigation on its ow responsibility. That Horse Trade Again. Verdel , Neb. , March 28. Arlthmei C Editor , The News : Why so nine urmoil in Valentine over a triflln ransactlon when you have all th mrtieulars at hand. A man sells lorse for $90. He buys , him bac for $80 , and sells him again for $10 ( mil throws the entire community ii to an argument as to whether he ha undo $30 or only $20 on' the tw transactions. Why.don't you ask the man who 10 mad.e ? is he like some othe lealers ; can't you trust his veracit n this case ? It isn't necessary ; you have al .ho particulars at hand. Perhaps he doesn't know himself with all this turmoil , he may be ittle dazed and not know just wher ic is at. Ho may think hehas made $3 ( and may continue making such deal spending all his Imaginary profits a 10 proceeds , and finally , find himsel n a hole with nothing to do bu blame the "high cost of living , " a others have before. The safest way I know of is t count your money after each tram action. In this case It works out I the following manner. Value of horse $ 0 Baught back at 8 Profit on 1st deal 1 Sold again at $10 Add 1st profit 1 Total amount received 11 Value of horse U Total profit i I. A. Lownes. FOR MADISON JURY. Sheriff Smith Here Serving Summer Upon the Men Chosen. Sheriff C. S. Smith is hero servin summons on the new list of juroi drawn for the district court jury tria The new jury must report at Mad son on April 29. Among those wli were served summons were : Robe : Dales , Tilden ; J. R. Dow , Meade Grove ; Nick Dohman , Humphrey ; , W. Fitch , Newman Grove ; Anton Gn ser , Emerlck ; George GIllenkerQho Lindsay ; Lewis Hines , Meade Grove ; James O'Brien , Tllden ; J. Orr , Battle Creek ; O. A. Sundewna Madison ; Fred Schilling , Madison ; 1 P. Sutlcy , Meadow Grove ; W. I Tledgen , Battle Creek ; Wlllla Thompson , Madison ; Floyd Warrlc Madison ; Balser Werner , Batt Creek ; Fred Byerly , Sam Bouton , Joli T. DInkel , John Guild , John Ilagge meycr , Melvln B. Homer , F. L. M Glnnls , William Roker , Norfolk. Bryan Attacks Mr. Hitchcock. W. J. Bryan delivered n speech : Norfolk last night in defense of h opposition to Gov. Harmon for tl democratic presinemmt noininatlt and in defense of bin declaration tin If Nebraska democrats Instruct f < Harmon and elect Bryan delegate-r largo to the Baltimore convention , 1 will resign. It was a reply to tl Omaha World-Herald's attaeUf upc Mr. Bryan for this stand. The Worl Herald has questioned his democrac declaring him a dictator Instead i following his motto : "Lot the pcop rule. " Mr. Bryan declared Senator Hitc cock is fighting him for personal re sons. "Ho has hated mo over shu I recommended the appointment < your neighbor , William V. Allen , i senator , llltcljcock wanted the n polntmi'tit and 1 urged the governor to abldo by the choice of the statu legislature. Since then Hitchcock 1m * hated tno although at times , for oh vlous reasons , ho has concealed hi * luitri'd. At time's I Imvo thought 1 had him n good democrat. Hut now Instead of being an aristocrat , ho ha * got Into the plutocratic class. HoV a republican. Mr. Uryan addressed a packed housi at the Auditorium. He declared dem ocracy Is growing faster than he bar e > ver hoped to see It. He never hiu hoped for the adoption of so many o his Ideas. Ho never had hoped foi such nn opportunity for democrat h success ns Is offered by the republl can split. But democrats must no throw away their opportunity and re turn to the ronctlonarlcH , ns they ilh in 1901. The nomiiii'e- must be a pro gresslve . lieIs "Indifferent" as be tweeti Clark and Wilson but lu > salt Morgan wants Harmon nominated am that Harmon has always been "on th < other side , " against the masses. "Would Be Criminal Folly. " Mr. Bryan said it would be us bin "from policy as from principle" te nomlna'o Harmon. "It would bo crlm inal folly , " IKdeclared. . Mr. Bryan sharply criticised Col Roosevelt In his nice for a third term "Will you tell me he Is only a recep the candidate wlu-n 1m appoints i chairman to go out and organize 'i call' for him and then goes out mak Ing speeches Hoc-king the place' ' Roosevelt says Taft's attmlnlslratloi is a failure , lie iwysjXhere Is no othe : man in the republican party able ti save the party from defeat. He guar unteed Tat't. Now ho breaks n prece dent of over 100 year1 standing be cause he thinks Taft Is a failure What has Roosevelt done to deservi an honor -that was denied to the founder dor of this government , that was di : nicd to Jefferson , that was denied ti Grant ? And It was not a 'consecutive term that Gen. Grant sought he hai been out of office four years and hai been around the world , llo was tin greatest general of the greatest civi war of history but the people did no regard the two-term limit 11 'silly sen tlnient , ' as Senator Beverldgo has du clared it , at that time. I think tin presidency should be limited to om term. " Mr. Bryan declared that when hi was a candidate Wall ftreet offerei him its support if he would conseti to permit the money power to nanii the supreme judges he should have ti appoint. The Packers' Acquittal. Mr. Bryan said the Chicago packer : had been acquitted because the su preme court wrote the word 'reason able" into the anti-trust law. Mr. Brayn said recent primary re suits did not .indicate that the cal for Roosevelt to break the third tern precednt was by any means unanini ous. lie said if the republicans want ed a progressive , La Folletto was fa and away ahead of Roosevelt ; tha they were not In the same class. During his speech , Mr. Bryan spok for his already well known doctrines He told of his pioneering for an ii c6me tax , for publicity before elec tion of campaign contributions , fo publicity of recommendations for si preme court appointments , for public ity of the names of owners of now ; papers , for reduction In the tariff am free sugar and for low tolls throug the Panama canal. Mr. Bryan said ho agreed with hot Taft and Roosevelt that each d < Glares the other should not be nomit ated. ated.When When told of Col. Roosevelt's speec in Chicago , advocating an Interstat trust commission , he said : "Will h put Perkins on it ? " Friday Wouldn't Introduce. Senator F. J. Hale introduced Mi Bryan to the Norfolk audience. C. I Durland , who was on the platfon with other democrats , made a requea of Mayor John Friday , that the lattei as mayor of the city should intre duce the speaker. Mayor Friday n fused to do this , according to M Durland. Mr. Durland was unwilling to sa what reason Mayor Friday save hit for refusing to introduce Mr. Bryai "That gets down Into nersonal maters tors , " Mr. Durland said. "He refu : ed , as mayor of the city , to Introduc Mr. Bryan. Ho did not decline t go to the Oxnard hotel to meet M Bryan but he said be wuild not ii troduce him to the audio.ice. " Mayor Friday , when asked his rei sons for not Introducing .Mr. Brya to the audience , declared tl'at he 1m I not refused the 'honor. " 1 did not refuse to introduc him , " says the mayor. "I was calle to the bridge north of the city wher an Ice gorge had formed and It wr Impossible for me to introduce bin I returned from the river too late an when I reached the Auditorial where I listened to Bryan for a 11 tie while , ho was already speakini A. J. Koenigstein asked me durln the afternoon to be on the platfon and I could not promise this. " On the platform with Mr. Brya were : Senator Halo , C. B. Durlam J , II. Kemp , of Wayne , E. O. Garre of Fremont , W. H. Weeks and A. . Koenigstein. The Bishop of Nellgh. Neligh. Neb. , March 28. Special t The News : The annual visitation e Bishop Williams to St. Peter's Epl copal church In Nellgh , on March 2. > t goes Into history as one of the grea est occasions of Its kind In this clt ; In the afternoon the Bishop admh Istored the apostolic rite of Holy Ba ) tlsm to four prominent Nellgh pci pie , and at G o'clock , after a dellgh ful dinner given In honor of th Bishop by the ladles of the churcl at which over thirty members of th men's club were present , the BIsho addressed the club and oy a rlsln vote waa made an honorary mombe of the same. A very agreeable surprise awalte the Bishop , when nt the beginning c the horvlco , In response to the rec tor's Invitation , twonty-tlirco persons * came forward to re-col vo the sacra- moiit of cnnflriniitlon. The bishop's address on the HUhJort of "Holy Baptism" In the afternoon wast a most Instruct I vo ono , whllo hlt message at the evening noylco was Inspiring and Impressive. The alter was beautifully decorated with Ameri can beauty roses presented by Mrs ( ' . L. Wattles , also two now Candcla bra. which were blessed by the Bish op at the afternoon service , each of which holds the symbolic lights of the Hovon fold gifts of the Holy Spirit. The confirmation class comprising some of the most prominent people In Nellgh. was the largest ever known horo. The Bishop's Introductory re- mnrktt were Instructive and certainly showed the Import unco of a sacra ment which comes to us but once In a life time. His address was most In spiring and many who had not listen ed to the Bishop before , were heard to express in tones of greatest satis faction the benefits which they had received In listening to his magnifi cent presentation of the seven-fold gifts. He dwelt largely upon the sym bolism of seven and Its multiples , and the thoughts which were so clearly put. left , no doubt In the minds of the congregation that tlm.so who were privileged to receive the laying on of hands worn Indeed blessed. e At the dose of the evening service the men repaired to the club rooms and hold a business session at which the HLshop was present and in a very Interesting manner , gave a number of reminiscences. STILL AFTER OUTLAWS. Virginia Detectives Hope to Land Al iens During the Day. Illllsvllle , Va. . March 28. "Wo will get them today , " was the promise again this morning from the trail of the Allen gang. Fifty-four men , mak ing their way on foot through thick ets * and over rough trails , began dos ing In on the spot high up in the Blue Ridge in which Sldna and Fiel Allen and Wesley Edwards are sup posed to bo at their last hiding place. / Across the North Carolina line at Mount Airy , Sheriff Hiiynes of Snrry county has n posse of fifty men await ing word to Join the Virginia search- crs. What use , if any , shall bo made of this force will be decided In to day's developments. Notice of Referee's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale made by the District Court of Madison County , Nebraska , entered on the 25th day of March , 1912 , in an action of partition in. which Elsie 'Moeller and Robinette Eble are plaintiffs and John Eble , Elizabeth Twiss , Fred Twiss , Ida Truman , Henry C. Tru man , Joanna Twiss , Aura Twiss , Char les F. Eble , Katherlne Eble , Grace Mast , George Eble. Blanche I. Eble , Joseph Eble , Anna Eble , Alice Bilke , Fred Bilke , Jessie Kelly , Willis Kel ly , Geneva Eble , Ollio Sunderland. William Sunderland , Emil Moeller , Palmer Wheelock Enterprise Com pany , of Beatrice1 , Nebraska , Sunny Slope Vineyard Company , Schlesin- ger & Bender , Chicago Lumber Company - pany , Shurtz & Jenkins. Albert L. Eddenfield , Solomon G. Mayer , Flood & Conklln Company and H. A. Pase- walk , I will otfer the following de scribed real estate , to-wit : Lots 2 , 3 and 4 , of King's Second Subdivi sion to Norfolk , In Madison County , Nebraska , and the following describ ed tract of land : Commencing at a point 234.1 feet East of the North west corner of the Southwest Quar ter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 23 , Township 24 , North , Range 1 , West of the Gth Principal Meri dian , running thence East 349 feet ; thence running South to the North bank of the North Fork of the Elkhorn - horn River ; from thence running along the North bank of said stream in a westerly direction to a point due south of the place of beginning : thence running north to the place of beginning , being a part of the South west Quarter ot the Southwest Quar ter of sjiiid Section 23. Township 24 , North , Range 1 , West of the Gth Principal .Meridian ; also a part of the Northwest Quarter of the South west Quarter of Section 23 , in Town ship 24 , North , Range 1 , West of the Sixth Principal Meridian , described as follows : Beginning at a point where the south line of King Avenue in Norfolk , Nebraska , intersects with the right of wo.y of the Chicago , Saint Paul , Minneapolis and Omaha Rail way Company ; running thence East G5 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot Ono ( II. in Block Ono (1) ( ) , of King's Addition to Norfolk , Nebraska ka ; running thence South 298 feet ; running thence East 132 feet ; run ning thence North 214 feet to the right of way of said railway com pany ; running thence in a northeast erly direction along th.e east line of said right of way to the place of be ginning ; also the following described real estate , to-wit : Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot Ono (1) ( ) . Block One (1) ( ) , of King's Addition to Norfolk , Nebraska , running thence East 236 % feet ; running thence South 3G8 feet ; running thence West 57 % feet ; running thence North 70 feet ; running thence West 179 feet ; running thence North 298 feet to the place of beginning , bolng all of said Lot 1. in Block 1 , of King's Addi tion to Norfolk , In Madison County. Nebraska , except the south 70 feet of the West 179 feet thereof , nil of said real estate being In Madison County , Nebraska , for sale , at pub lic auction to the highest bidder on the following terms , to-wlt : Cash In hand , on April 29th , 1912 , at one o'clock P. M. , nt the oust front door of the Court House In the City of i j Madison In said county , when and \ n where duo attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated this 2Gth day of March , 1912. J. S , .Mathewson , Referee.