The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 29, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tilh NOIM-'OLK NKWS , IH ( 1 < \ \l , Kit I DAY MHril 'J'i I'M'J
Heilman Was Unarmed.
II P Hnlnko. In ohaigo of tlic piei
tiiinii of Tlio Jdiiiiinl at Lincoln ,
IIIMO vlHltlng with Pied BtaiiHoli an
other relativeMr. ) . llolnko repot
Mini the it'iitlny In tlu > Hlalo penile
Urn- caused great excitement In LI
< oln mid that ne'WHboyH deait-d ahoi
$ ' 1)0 ) an the result of tlu "extras" I
Hiioel ut Hi" tliiic of the oHoapu of tl
thri'o convicts. Tlio excitement IK
cooled off now. ho Hays , and Interoi
Is centoicd In the death of Hey Hlnn
thn young fanner and In Interview
glvon h > Motley , the only living mot
hot of the ile-npoiato tile Mr. lloluli
HII\H that from Motley's state-men
t'Hhe-r I' (3 ( Heilman WUH unpropaic
tot battle and did not ha\e a tovolV (
In his hand an lopoiti'd at fliHt. Mot
Hi Ilinaii and Wr.idun Dolaliunlv iiiiu !
. ii v taige'fH for the escaping coin let
-.ijs Kohilio , hoth officials Htepplii
fioin their olflcoH without weapons I
their handu
Kcokuk Railroads Tied Up.
Kooktik , Iowa , Mmdi li" ! ho hank
in some phues thlily feet high , alon
( he hanks of the Des Mollies live
is far noilh IIH Gregory , Mo , wor
repoitc-d Kuo today The Chleagi
lluiliiiKton and Quinty limits wui
io\eri'd with Ire and water In dept
from eighteen Inches to thiee foot ; i
dltleiont points , aeeoidlng to th
snine ii'poiis No ttalns weic opei
ated dining List nlKlit and early t (
d.n and It was said other lines entei
Inu Ktokuk would bo out ol cominh
- inn lei two 01 throe days at least
'I ho Mississippi ii\ei HIM' dm In
UK night , standing at 15 feet. Ileav ,
lepalih on the coffetdani of tlio Mis1
isslppl ilvoroio effective In koe [
Inn tlie water hack So\eial smal
buildings voio can led aw a } hy th
which hioko late yesteiday
West Point Teachers.
I'olnt. N'eh , Match 2fi Spec
lal to The News The allgmont o
tc.idiois tot the loming year In th <
West I'olnt city schools is as follows
Sup't , O. II How en , piincipal , Mist
f Cecilia Foster ; assistant principal
Miss Liuy Woods , 8th grade , Miss
Matgarot Callaghoi ; 7th grade , Miss
Mai la Cliambeis , Cth grade , not ye
assigned , "th grade Miss Hose Marsh ,
4th giado. Miss Mahol Bra/da ; Hrd
guide , Miss Lottie Keep ; 2nd grade
Miss Blanche. Shcaiei , 1st grade
Miss Nolle Wilson. Kindoigaiten , Miss
Foi n Solomon ; \ocal and instiumeiit-
al music , 1'iof Reese Solomon.
Congressman Henry Accords a Ne
braska Victory.
Washington , Mai oh 2.1 Congios , -
man Honi > ot To\as , who lias just re
turned fiom the Hi.van blitlulav ban
quet at Llnioln. piodicts that Taft
will cany Nobiaska in the tlitee-io--
noted fight de\eloping between fol
lowois of Taft. Hoose\elt and La Foi-
lotto and that the heads ol the demo
< iatk ticket will ho Wilt-on and
' 'tonic , Wilson being \ety sttong 111
Snow in Tripp County.
Wilton , S. D , March 22 Special
to Th News Tiipp county Is covoi-
od witli a hl.inKot ol ftom 12 to IS
mi lies ol snow , The waimeathei
( lining the past two weeks had taken
( he fiobt out of the gioiind. the bulk
ol the watei liom the .snow will go
Into the soil.
The Donohoe depaitmeiit stoic has
mo\od Into its now iinaiteis , which
hau a stieot fiout of tiftj-sK foot.
Dm inn the past week seveial faim-
ois that ha\e leased laud hole have
iiunul in
Minost eveiy day a siting of load
ed teams passes tlnougli Wltten fiom
Winner to tlio towns of Wood and
\\hite Ulvei tu Mellotto county.
Man.v ate Ininging with them cows ,
hoisos , hogs and chickens as well as
seed giain Six foui-hoiso loaded
wagons stopped hoio over night with
Inmboi anil tninituio foi a hotel at
White illvei Tliey expect to have
the hotel In loadinoss lo'r the insh ot
homostoadeis that will be theie to
file In June.
Mis lU'lniont opened a bakciy and
reMauiaut In Witten.
It is lepoitod that a gang of inll-
load smu'.vois aie sit woik at the
mouth of Oak deck and aie headed
towaid Witton. The } aie supposed
to be ninnlng a line fiom northwest
of hoie. the end of the Hello Pom die.
lliu to connect at Winner.
Requires Sixteen Pallbearers.
Hoik Island , 111 , Maiih 22 Wil
liam Dleswani-or. who weighed 417
pounds died heie It will be neces-
saiv to icniove pait of the fiont of
his icsldence to permit the coffin to
be taken out There will be sixteen
Indiana For Marshall.
Indianapolis , Match 22 The thlrt >
delegates fiom Indiana * ) the demo-
ciati < convention woie liii-tiuctc-d In
tlu platfonu adopted by the s'ate con
vention , to piesont to that body the
iiuiue ot Gov. Thomas II Marshall a- ,
the flist and only choice of the
demociacy of Indiana for the nomin
ation of piesident. "
Charles A. Bailey.
Ainsworth , Neb , March 22 Special
to The News : The remains of Charles
A Uallev were buried -.eaterday after
noon In the Ainsworth cemetery. The
death occurred on Monday evening.
The deceased was one of the old set
tlers of llrown county , coming here
twenty-eight jears ago He was born
In Ohio In 1841 and served In com
pany II , Thirty-eighth Ohio , and In
company F , 182nd Ohio. After the
war ho Bottled In Missouri , and later
In Iowa , where In 1878 , ho married
Miss Hattle Cnlllson , who died five
years ago Ho was a man of promi
nence In the affairs of this county un-
tall falling health compelled his re-
tlrement from all public affairs. He
left considerable pioperty. His only
heir Is an adopted son , Rev Dalle
ono of the county untnnlBslotiora i
this count } .
II L RUSH , 78 } oars old , died at tl
home of his granddaughter at Butt
Neb , Thursday morning The reniali
wete In ought to Not folk last * nigh
This morning they were taken fro
the home of the sou , H B Rnss , 11
South Thirteenth street , to Sloan , Ii
whoio the funeral will be held th
afteinoon All the children accomp
tiled the remains to Sloan today.
In North Dakota.
Giand PoikH , N. D. Maich 2X-
With rotuins fiom ! { fiO of l.SOO pi
e Incts of the state lacking , Senati
Roboit M LaPollotto's majotlty eve
Tlieodoie P.oosevelt lu the piositle
tial piofeiontlal pilmaiy has bee
iiit to Si.'ISI The letuniH fiom tl
: ir > 0 pioclncts will not be known unt
the official count Is made At pie
out the count stands LaPollott
28,020 ; Roosevelt. ISt.lOt , Tatt , l.'l
Settlement of Strike Now Hangs On
Meeting Next Monday.
London. Match 21 ! The settlemoi
ot the Hiltlsh ioal Illinois' strike no1
HceniB to depend on the results of
i onl'eieiico between ic-prescntatives c
ol the ioal mine OWIIOIH and inlneri
which has been uummoned b } Pre
niter Asqulth to convene on Momla ;
Meanwhile , the house of cotiiinon
will proceed no lurthor with the gov
einmont s bill , which was intioduco
In an endeavor to settle the strike
than the eommtUeo stage
This was the outcome of a day c
Kalehlosioplc changes In the strik
situation In the debate In the LOU
moiis the Illinois' ropiesentatlve
lilalnl.v intimated that if the govern
meiits bill was amendeJ In the ton :
mlttce stage to provide for dally mln
mum of $1.25 for adults and iiO cent
for bo.vs working underground , th' '
miners would not insist on the inch :
slon oC their entire schedule and th
vay would be cleared for the speedj
mssagc of the measure and the set
lenient of the strike. It has been be
leved that the governmen wouh
nake this concession to the miners
jut I'temler Asqulth's refusal to ac
: ept a labor amendment In a clause
; overlng the $1.25 and 50 cents mini
mini or any fixed rates In the bil
changed the situation.
Enoch Edwards , labor member ol
laillament , and president of the Mln
us' Pedeiatlon of Great Britain , de
ilared the government Had closed the
leer which they had left open , wink
Vllllaiu Hi ace , another rcpiesentatlvc
f the miners , said that the refusal
neaiit that if the bill was passed as
t stood , the minors would not leturn
o vvoiK until their schedules of mini'
mm pa.woie .settled .or eveij coal
icld in the kingdom.
It P. Schiller letutned fiom Omaha
lamest Hanscli i etui nod fiom Lin-
oln.P. Weisoiistine of Battle Cieek was
01 e
eMis. . 1. Pohlnian of Pioice spent a
aj's visit bete with Mrs A T. Hut-
Miss Maiqueilte Klentlotinned
tout Stantou
Mi. and Mis. Punk Haaso of I'ieice
, eie hole visiting fiicnds.
Miss Emma Keith retuined fiom a
, eoks' visit with ft lends at Aurora
Homy Machmuollor of Tildon was
eie visiting with his patents Mr
ml Mis , Maitlu Maehtiniellor
Miss Lenoia Slmms , who has been
eie visiting with Miss Lottie Schmio-
ebori * , has utinned to her home at
H A. Amailiie is repotted confined
t his home with an attack of the
ilp.Mis. . Landieth of Foster underwent
n operation here .vesteulay morning
) r appendicitis.
Tlie Cpwoith League supper which
> as to have been given tomonow has
ioon postponed Indefinitely
Mis Waltei .lones , who has been 111
or the past nine weeks , was taken
o the Wesleyan hospital at Lincoln
.bete she will undergo an operation.
Mis Agnes Masten has pin chased
he Loder looming house. David Mas
on sold the Maston looming house
iiislness to A. Stioug , who recently
mrcliased the Compton-nvans meat
Plve mote sleepers "laid over" in
Cot folk to take advantage of a free
ied in tlie city jail last night Dur-
tig the night the "sleepeis" became
nvolved in a fight dining which a
lamp's face was badly set ate bed The
ight ended only after Plie Dilver
1'iuelock silenced the men with n
lieio of lion.
Pom mote Noifolk men have been
idded to the lobin dub Mlllaul
icon , Millaid South ami H. i : Pep
lie ilalm to have seen loblns Thins-
IiO moinlng lloboit Smith saw oiiu
'ilda.v Those men doclate thev did
lot only "think" they saw them but
hey aie positive of the fact. "I
leaid two singing tills moining , " sa > *
'opple , who declines he made an ex
1.1 tilp to the tiee , to be bine.
C. S. Htldge , jiroprletor of the Sug
ir City Ceieal mills , who befoie Wed
icsday's snow predicted that there
vould be no flood , declaies he hafc
ilmost changed his mind. The snow
'all has been extremely heav > and
omo consternation Is entertained at
ho mill as to what may occur. Many
niblness men seem woirled over the
like proposition and declare that this
> ielection should be looked after by
ho city.
They're Learning That They Can Get
a Bed Free at Local Jail.
Besides the robins , there are a
lumber of tramps In Norfolk , among
hem some of the characters who
ast summer gave plenty of trouble
to tlie loial police b.v gallioilng t
Bother In a "gang" at South Norfol
and diawlng a " ( lend line" which tin
did not allow any one to CIOHH. Tl
fact that fiee lodging Is being give
to tramps at the local police stathi
seeniH to have become HO well know
among the Wear.v Willie fraternlt
that the kindness of the jail off Ida
Is being Imposed upon.
Valentine Ticket Named.
Valentine , Neb. , March 211 Specif
to The NewsAt a caucus held hoi
the following candidates were nonilt
ated for offices under the city fori
of government :
Ma.vor , M V Nicholson ; aldernie
for the West ward , K. C. Davenpor
W. A Klncald. aldermen for the Kat
wind , Luke M Bates , Len HlveiiH
cltv deik , W L' Haley ; city treai
liter , Charles Sparks ; city englnoe
Alva Gieen ; police judge , Chaile
Newman Grove Wins Debate.
Madison , Neb , March 211. Sped !
to Tlie News : Newman diovo big
school last night defeated Madiso
high sdiool In the debate of the Noit
Cential dlstilet Following weie th
Newman drove debaters : Irwln Wit
Olaf Osnes and Judith Sahistron
The Madison speakers wore : Thiiv
Mossman , August Buttncr , .lame
Robot ( HOD
Sudden Death of Hermann.
West Point , Neb , Majch L'lJ. Sp <
cial to The News. The comimmlt
was shocked yestetday to loam th
news of the death , dining the nigln
ol Beinaid G Heiimann , toimer shei
llf of Cuming county which occuiie
at his residence at about I ! o'cloc
a. m. Mr. lleimann had been in av
01 age health , appaiently for 111. 11 ;
jcais but two dajs ago complainoi
of fooling unwell , but little wa
thought of the matter until he wa
soi/ed dining the night witli a se\
ere hemonhage of the lungs vvhlcl
tei initiated fatally after a few hour
Illness. He had been out of the slier
iff's office since the new jcar , belni
succeeded by Milton Knight , the pros
out sheriff.
Mr. Hen man was IS years old ant
is survived by a widow and four child
ren. He was a member of the Mod
ern ( Woodmen of America undei
whose auspices his lemains will be
Intoned. During his Incumbency o
the sheriff's office , for one term , In
was honored by all his fellow-towns
men , his conduct of the office belli ?
Impartial and kind. His sudden de
mlse Is deepl.v deplored by his neigh
liors and tilends. Ho had been a r si
: lent of Cuming county practically all
ills life , his father , still living , belli ; ;
i pioneer settler a few miles from
\Vest Point
New York , .March 23. Ciacksrnen
> et off so much dynamite under a
> afo in the office of a Statcn Island
nining company early today that the
. ' \ploslon was heard for miles and
uany persons thought there was an
The five safe blowers fled after an
'xrhange of shots witli watchmen ,
fhe safe was blovui to pieces and
ome of its contents destroyed. Thoie
s no clew to the cracksmen
> nly Sldna Edwards Caught Thus Far
in Virginia Manhunt.
Hlllsville , Va , .March 2 . No fur-
lier captures bad been reported early
odaby the posse endeavoring to
omul up the Allen fugitives on the
. ' 01 th Carolina border. The arrest
t > ouug Sldna Edwards jcsterday
2ft tour ot the wanted men at large
-Sidna Allen , tlio clan leader , who
3 supposed to have fired the shot
hat killed Judge Massie ; and bib
ophows , Wesley Edwards and File-
nid and Claude Allen. The massing
t the hundred or more searchers
bout the hills south of this place in-
iiates that the officers believe that
he outlaws aie still secreted In that
Sldna Edwards , who was found
lone , unaiined ami hungry in a de-
erted mountain house , Insists that
e has not seen his uncle or cousins
ince the day of the courtliouee trag-
d > . He s'a.vs he had no part in the
uootlng ; that he went to the court-
oiibo and later took to the mountains
mly because he heard the posse in-
ended to shoot on sight any members
> f his family
Woin by hunger , fatigue and the
lain of a scalded foot , Edwards slept
ast night In the jail hero with two
uen standing guard He will be tak-
in to Hoanoke todav.
There is much talk of the reported
iffer for Sldna Allen and his nephew
o surrender on condition that they
10 allowed to plead guilty to murder
n the second degree In u court out-
.lile . of Carroll county. Gov. Mann
ia > s If such a proposition has been
nado to the detectives ho knows
milling of It.
3en. Bingham , "Father of the House , "
Expires In Philadelphia.
Philadelphia , Pa , March 23. Gen.
Henry H. Bingham , member of con
gress from the First Pennsylvania
listilct and "father of the house , "
lied at his homo here at 5.45 o'clock
his morning. Ho had been a mem-
icr of the house continuously since
March 4. 1870. Ho was 71 years old.
Gen. Bingham had been 111 for a
eng time from a complication of ills-
Man Arrested in St. Louis Says He
Knows He's Wanted.
St. Louis , March 23. Daniel Calla-
mil , arrested here Wednesday night ,
ind who Is under Indictment charging
ilm with attempting to rob the lire-
nen postofflco a year ago , was sclicd-
U'IM ' ! to ho inrangi-d befoto Pnltr
States district Judge D. P Dyer th
moinlng. Callahan H nlil to I
wanted in other cities for rohberh
amounting to $200.000. He admits h
Identity and acknowledged he know
hi1 IH wanted In 'various places , hi
will not bay anything moic.
Callahan will go to trial on the MUII
Indictment on which William Haftu
James Sheridan and Mat tin Thorsc
weio tried , convicted and sent to tli
Poit Lcaveiivvorth prison , where the
ate serving sentences.
Severe Fighting Takes Place Betwee
Soldiers In China.
Swatovv , China , March 2t. : HiisIncH
of all kinds has been suspended I
this city and people ate fleeing int
the counti1 } , fearing a massacre. Si
voro fighting has occurred betvvce
a bodv of Cantonese tioops and
foico of local sodierv at Cliao Cho\ \
Pu , about twoiit.v live miles to th
noith of this city The local sodiei
weie defeated with heavy loss Pin
thor tioops aie being sent hole fioi
Prepare for Canning Plant.
Some woik is being done aiouii
tlie old sugar factoiy building by
small cievv of men employed b.v /
P Weiitworth , who will open the noi
( aiming plant this summer A nun
lei ) of signed agieoments aie belli
leceivcd it the Common lal club o
tico horn funnels to plant and lals
coin lor ( lie new factoi.v. As see
as the- weather penults It is } believe
that woik on a laige scale will h
stalled at tlie lactoiy buildings.
Fire No , 2 in the Garni Hotel.
Tlio Gain ! hotel , valued at ? , " , OOC
with sovoial thousand dollais' wortl
of f multure , was completely destroy
cd hv a second fire of m.vstcrioii !
origin at 1 o'clock this inoinlng.
This was the second file of the
week in this hotel , a bla/e durliu
Wednesdays bli//aid having batll ;
damaged It.
The hotel was damaged by fire t <
the extent ol $ lriO ! > last Wednesday
The oiigin of that file was also mjs
When tlie file-men i cached tlu
scene the building was a mass o
flames and onlv extiaoidinarj * ait
woik saved the building on the south
The Koeiber barbel shop was budlj
Iminod This damage , however. wai
( ovoiod b.v Instil am e The funnttiK
in the shop was catriod out
The alanii i cached the file station
: it 4 o'docic and tlie fiiemon lespond
> d qnuKlv to tlie ( all. Clad onl.v ill
bin dothing , some of the fliemeii
inflated during the rough lido in the
II-below-/eio weather File Dtivoi
I'ruelock's ears were badlv I to/en and
, ome of tlie other firemen icpoit
'lostbitos The road bet ween Noifolk
nid South Norfolk was vety i ought
nid both file horses weio ( tit abo'it
ho loot When it was seen thj't tluce
i.vdiants weio fro/en , It was nocos-
, aij to break ono of thorn to obtain
< a tor.
Mr Hershboigor , the landloid. said
Fiat ho did not Know * how thfblae
itartcd. He had boon asleep in a
louse south of the hotel
Tlie exact amount of insurance on
he fiotel is $ : : ,700. The building was
loith about $ . " . ,000 and the furnlttne
estrojed by tlio bla/e was valued at
bout $2,000 The firemen confined
heir woik in saving other buildings
iinnedfatolv after they saw tlie im-
losslbflity of checking tlie flames
.hich consumed the hotel
Dakota Cattleman Suicide * : .
Belle Fourcho , S. D , March 22 -
'he efead body of Edward Cumsey ,
god 17. forinoily a well knovvn cattle-
iian of South Dakota , was found"
ore It is believed he Committed
iiicido while tempoiailly Insane.
South Norfolk.
Mis William Kicko left for Maville
\'yo , yesterday for a v Isit with rel-
B L Scliillei of Lincoln was here
esteiday on business , between trains.
Miss Helen Mastois left for Inman ,
list evening for a visit with her aunt.
t let man Sheipening , boiler maker
f the shops lieie , loft for Boone , la.
esteiday on business James Bren-
ian is taking his place.
South Norfolk.
Mis. John Daugheity and daughter
-eota left Saturday noon for Hone-
tee ! fori visit with iclatlves
Mis , Io Adams Ib ill.
Mr Welsh loft for Obmond Satur-
lay noon for a visit.
Mis Wolfe of Battle Cioek was
lei e on a visit at the home of her
on , W B. Wolfe between trains Sat-
John Williams of Battle Creek was
icio Satin day at the homo of his
laients , Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Pippin
Homer C Williams has moved his
amlly from one of Tom Higlit's places
m South Fourth stieet to South
Sight stieet.
Mis. Bondurant airived home from
lattlo Cieek whoio. she visited at the
mine of hoi giandbon , John Williams
Piank HouMc , who has been beilous-
y 111 for the pabt month , Is not get-
Ing along as well as might be ex-
Mrs. WHI'am ' Hlcko returned home
loin a few days visit in Wyoming.
A party of eight from the night
01 ce loft for Omaha this morning to
Isit with Tom Hogan , a night ma-
hlnlbt , who underwent an operation
n a hospital there Saturday The
larty was composed of Charles Trlt-
les , Paul Bankrnff , N. Carterseti ,
'harles Ostendorf , Charles Nelson , a
loller washer and two holler makers
Jake Chrlstensen Is visiting In
> loux City for a few days before go
ng to Canada wheio ho has taken
: uul.
She Had Saved Many a Woman.
Two jears ago Sadie was seriously
111 with diops.v but she tciou-ied a
tei a Hlioil time. Hl\ months ago sh
was te-atlatkeil ami last night who
a News can lor called at her homo t
deliver the evening paper , which sh
toad legulaily , ho found her .slttln
lit u i hair at her home at til Butane
avenue. She had appaieiitly falle
asleep and the hey , after endeavoiln
to wako her , called In the nolghbim
A physician was summoned and he di
dared that life was extinct. She I
smvlved by a nephew , Burl Mltchol
a sister Fiancls of Dallas , and a nlec
living at Sioux City.
Sadlo Dnhols was botn in Kentucky
fifty-six yeatH ago She came will
her patents to Noifolk In 1S7S am
was mairied to Mr. Diihols. Sin
moved to Sioux City but came bad
to Norfolk. Evoijouo Know Sadie
Mr and Mrs Geoige Goidon , Sadie' ;
patents , weie tlio fiist coloied pen
pie of this clt.v. and the > wete vcr ;
( losliablo dtl/cn.s.
Her lather , Geotgo Goidou , wa
bom In Kentucky and died in Noiloll
on Doc S. ISS4 The mother died h
Mine IliOl. Of the five daughlois-
Maiy , the mother of Beit M lit hell
Jane , Sadie , Ella , and Fiances onl' '
Pianios suivlvos. The husband o
Sadie died .some jesns ago.
In the eaily days when the Goidoii !
flist came to Noifolk , the Geimai
ploneeiH welcomed the Hrst eoloiei
dilldion to the Gel man sdiool. Hen
Bint Mitchell , the son of Maij Goi
don , Piances Goidon and Sadie Got
don woto taught tlio Gentian Ian
gunge , which they masteiod , iiiudi U
tlio sin pi Isu and ploasuio of the Got
man lustinc-tor. Gooige Goidon hat
loon ) a took tor the aimy of thenoill
dining ( lie wai and he eainod his llv
Ing later as a took
lolin Oestoiling built a small fiaint
stinttuio which lie intended to us <
lei a hainess shop and this building
which stands on the comer of Scuom
street and Diaaseh avenue , bocaiiu
HID homo of tlio Goi dons
Pet Dog it With Her.
It was in tliis old home that Sadie
passed her last d.ijs , meeting doatl
( vvhlih she elton declaied she was
never afraid to meet ) witli only .1
pot dog as a companion.
Sadlo was voiv fond of pets and
u few joais a-,0 atttacted attention in
ilofonse of two lambs wli'ch ' followed -
ed hoi about the streets of Norfolk ,
A number of poems woie wiltten and
printed in Tlio News , icgarding the
When Sadie leturncd from Sioux
: 'itv , after hoi husband had died , she
nado her living by washing and a/ok-
ng S/ie / never failed to bo icpio ont-
. -d at the funeial ol a Norfolk pioneer
> y a pioHj bunch of flowers on
\hldi was alwa.vs attached a card ,
'Piom Sadif" In tills way Sadie paid
ilbute to hei "old friends" as slie
ailed them.
Saved Many a Wayward Girl.
Sadie was kind lieaited to a degree
She chewed snuff in the old fashioned
southern way and she boasted often
hat blio was "blacKer in the taie
ban anv other jiiggei , " but notnlth-
taiuling her blackness , her many acts
u rescuing giils liom lives ot shame
nade her "white. " Sadie on nianv
iccastotis acted as a protector to girls
irought to Noilolk for a waywaid
arc-f-r On a number of occasions
he In ought thcso giils fiom houses
if ill rejiuto to her home on Braasch
venue. The gnls on most occasions
.eie without funds and Sadie sent
hem to their parents In , other towns
ml cities with a vvoid of advice , pay-
ng railroad faro on the installment1
Ian to local rallioad agents who
ere always ready to "tiust" her lor
fie payment.
"She often hoi rowed money from
ie to buy a ticket tor some girl who
'as ' broke , " .says a Norfolk business
un. "Sadlo often paid a small
mount down on those tickets and the
est came in amounts langing from
9 cents to 51 a week or a month
> nce she- nursed a joung boy who was
tabbed at a resoit and saw to it that
o had plenty of good advice and as-
isted him to his home after he re-
At one time Sadie was a picker of
ledieinal floweis and her name is
etoided among these pickeis In a
ecoid book in an Ohio Institution.
"Her Spirit So White. "
John Bronnan of Sioux City "found"
adie in 18SG and discovered some of
! ie samailtan work she was doing in
liat clt.v. On Sept. 24 , 1SS7 , Mr. Bren-
an found Sadie at some missionary
.ork . on the levee and in telling of
he great assistance she was giving
omen who weio "down and out , " he
loto this poem of tl Unite to Sadie
ml printed it in a Sioux City paper
, Iko a true woman instlnctlvel.v hu
man ,
larod toi the wietch who had fallen
so low ,
'enderly cared her and clcanl } pre
pared her ,
'o stait OP the joniev to legions
light ,
'his is why Sadie to mo is a lady ,
Hack as a laven with spliit so white.
In ending hln poem he said :
v'hen at the moment the sentence Is
given ,
Itemlty woe 01 eternity Joys ,
'ondly I hope for a corner In heaven ,
iigh in the ciiclo for Sadlo Dubols
It Is thought the funeral will be
old Satnrda- , though no definite ar-
angoments have been made.
Teddy Oestoiling was tlio News car-
ier who found Sadie dead In her
ome. Teddy Is a giandson of John
lesteillng. who built the house , many
ears ago , In which Sadie lived and
utbreak In Various Sections May
Come at Any Moment.
Hong Kong , March 22 Trouble is
revving between the various sections
f the population In the province ot
Ivvang SI , and an outbreak may oc-
UP at any moment , according to re-
arts received here. During tlie fight-
by bullets. The Standard OH Co. ,
and vvalehouses woie stint U fioepion
lv b ) billion The Standard Ol
which has Its luNidepiaitois hoie , In
put lu a claim for 1,000,000 me
( about $700.000) ) for tJatiiago done I
Its propert.v dining the of tl
fighting at Hankow.
The commander of the Pnlti
States monitor Moiiteie.v , when It wi
le-porlod to him that Ameilcan pi
potty had been damaged at Swatov
landed a putty of men. Ho had Ii
formed the leadeis of the t'hiaoc
tioops that he did not wish to ell
late to them where they should flgl
battles between themselves In the <
own coiniti/ . but Infoimel them tin
he was piepaiod to ptote't < > .niMlca
piopeity. The Chinese piomisod lili
that they unltl put n snp ! 11 tl
tunning and lot Hug. GiiMtll-t figh
Ing is still pi ( Hooding at Canton an
'u the vh'iil'N' , but vessels OMI m
1 tot ceil nhint ; tlio back nsii-h " t
the liver 'ro.n ' riiatlvo saf > 'v
Piof. Chailes W. ICllot , piesldei
emeiltiis of llnivaid. who Is here , I
piotcoding to Canton , Pokln and Ilai
Packers' Trial Halted.
Clilcago , Maich 22 - Closing argi
inentH in the tiial of the ten Chlcag
meat packois wen- halted today b
: ho Illness of H I llmkllu. of Duntloi
111 , a jmor Court was adjoin nod in
111 later in tlie day When BucKII
ms lecovoied , Special Counsel I'loic
llutlor will begin his cloHing aigumeii
'or tlio goveininont
Now Voik , Maidi 22 Di Mar
talker H stoadtast icfusal to have
ihvslcian attend her dining her seri
MIS Illness hero In ought 1'oith a state
nont todav fiom Mis Nellie B Vai :
illngeiland , societal v ot the Settle
nont league , who lias boon almos
onstantl.v at the hodHido. The state
nont sa > s that DP Walkoi spcMit i
'vorv bad night' and continues *
" \s I am noailv collapsed mvsel
vith the six bleepless nights ami an\
ous biisv da > s , I have written tvvi
if Dr Walker's women lelativos tha
ioiueoiic must come to shaiu tlie le
.ponsibilitv . Dr Mary refuses to le
invone but mvsolf and a Japanese
orvant do anv thing for her , and the
lav and night vigils arc ho.vond om
ihvshal endurance , lieiuo I shall be
orccd to have some assistance , evoi
hough it is agaiiibt her cmpliaticall :
xpresHod wishcb , for her own good
"Dr Walker h mind is as Keen ant
lott as over and she is watching liei
iwn piogiess with intelligence am
, ith profesbional discrimination
"Thus far she has improved tin
ewer of mind over modldne , as wcl
s matter. I should sav "
Battle Creek.
A class of the Lntheian school w il
.ill . bo examined In tlio Luthoiai
hurcli Sunday and one week latoi
n Palm Sunday , will be continued bv
lev f. lloftman
I.'el Theltke was here the foiepaii
f the week fiom NIohrara visitiiif ;
is jiaionts and other relatives
I Imer Noligli , manager of the .Moa-
ow ( Jrovo i oiler mills , was hoie on
uslness Moiidav
H. Wai nor , tandldate lor repioson-
itive fiom the LMth distiict on tlie
epnblican ticket , was here Mondav
om Wanieivllle to got acquainted
1th our votois
Sam Goodman was hero nom Mea-
ow Grove Jlonday and Tuesday.
William Potter arrived hero last
eok fiom Smvtlie county , Va , with
10 intention of locating
ClatK Catron and EH Claik wore
eio on business fiom Tildon Momla *
Charles Rnogge was here from Urn-
rson this week visiting iclatives here
nd at Tilden.
William Nicolav , jr. , wfio nas been
[ siting about three months with tol-
tives at AIcGiaith , Minn , returned
i iday.
Ernest Koester and Artnur Parsons
111 leave' this week with two oar-
lads for Canada , w lieie they have
ivested in land
William Nediebet was confined to
is room one week on account of be-
ig sicK with quinsy.
arty of the Secretary of State all In
Good Health.
Caracas , March 22. The city is
dendldly decoiated in honor of Sec-
> taiy of State Knox's arrival today
huge triumphal aicli has been orect-
1 and flags are flying evervwhere ,
ho Vene/uela government has is-
ied a decieo making today and to
ol low official holidays
On boaid the V. S. Ctniser Wash-
igton , by Wireless via Santa Do Los
ahallctos , San Domingo , March 22
-Secretaiy of State Knox expects to
rive at La Gualta , Veno/.uela , today
id will immediately piocoed to Car-
as. Tlio voyage has been without
cldent and the mombeis of the par-
are in good health
In North Dakota.
Lincoln Join mil Senatoi LaPol-
tto , whoso tandldacy seemed yostor-
ly all but dlsinaiitled. is the bone-
ilary of the fiist offidal piosldontial
Imary to be hold In any state. Ho
Ins Noith Dakota's five votes by a
rong lead over Mr Hoosevelt. with
resident Taft third. Whatever hap-
dis , the Wlsonsln henatoi will have
delegation to present his name to
e convention.
It wab not expected that Mr. Taft
id any show for the favor of this
ate. North Dakota , a border wheat
owing state , was greatly disturbed
' last year's reciprocity proposal ,
r. Taft had to buffer for that The
rprlso In the result lies in the bad
owing Mr. Iloosovolt makes. North
ikota Ih In rough rider territory. In
01 it gave Mr. Ilooovclt nearly
ur-flfthb of Its votes , 52f > fl5 for him
14,27:1 : for Paiker. NovvLaFollette
rrles the primaries against Koose-
It. Gratitude for LaPollette's oppo
sition In ice Ipliii l\ | holpn ae i emnl fen
this. Another fad helpful to LuFol
lotto was Noith Dakota's open pi I
maiy coupled with the lack of a con
lest lu the doinonallo patl.v. The
Not 111 Dakota detnocialH agteed to
tutu thotr Infotcsts eve > t to GovtMtior
.lolin Hinkc Tills loft ( hem fn-o to
vote In the lepubllcan pi limn les. The
small deiuociatU vote Indhatos that
they took advantage of thin oppoiun (
ity and voted for LaPollelto
With South Dakota lu his pocket ,
Senator LaPollotte bids fall te > win
Hie flint two HtatoH that voteTho
next state pilmaiy comes in LaPollot
to's own Btale two weeks hence WIs
( oiisln Is prat tlcally sine to tin it ovei
Its thlitoon votes to Its favoilto HOII
making a nut lens of eighteen \otea
for lilm Sonaloi LaPellotle 1st cleat
b still a piesldentlal live1 who. The
ItexiHOVelt taiidldaiv IIIIH not swallow
ed up thn LaPolle-tte1 candidacy as
( omplotoly ; IH Hooinc'd I ho mso a coil
Pie of woeltH ago
And That Moic Than a Scoic of Tctl-
cral Clciks Can't be Fhctl.
Washington Maidi -Chainmm
Cla.vlon of the jmllelaiv i ommllioo
( let lined on the floor ol the IIOIIRO
that moio than twonlv deik.s of fed
eial ( outIs In the Pulled Stales wore-
omhc//loin of conn luiidH and still
le-taliie-d their places be-eaiise > Iho ov-
istlng law was s ( ) funned that they
could not be1 i cached.
Mr. Clavton ntRed an amendment
eif the law to permit the pioHlelont eif
the Pnlted States ) to it-move auch
offending cleiKs
"Do I undoifitaiid that eleilcH of
fodeial eoiii Is aie w Itliholding coutt
monolofusing to inaKo an account
Ing and lotalning llie > ii plates ? " asked
od le-piosontativ ! ( > Goldfogol.
"Piet isolv. " said Mr Clnjton "Tlio
president htnise | l in ills letter tirti
Ing tin- amendment of ' .e law stated
that tliis ( oi.ditlon of tilings oiists'
The bill was passed
Roosevelt Not Gaming.
Llnioln .loinnal The somewhat
sinpiising outcome of the North Da
kota pilmaiy coiifinns Hie impie-SHion
that has boon glowing dining tin'
past mouth Hint Air ( loose-volt's nom
ination tor ( lie president } is impossible
siblo Curloslv enough , it is a sign
of silt COSH foi PioHidont Taft in ( ho
convention , oven though ho was haul
ly In the' miming in thepopulai voting
ing The Uoosevolt movement maybe
bo lovivod In some of the piimano-i
soon to ceiine , but there is net doubt
that it is at piosont making little foi
waid piogiess Ono ( ortain lostilt of
the Noith Dakota voting will lie the
stlficiilnt ; ot tlio batks tif the LaFol
lotto people in Nolnaska , and theii n-
liisal to lotno fiom tlie Hold In a
llnoo tot noi cd fight this state is like
v to go foi Taft
Resembled Brynn's Famous Speech
Lint oln loinnal To anjhodv with
i nicinoiv Tom ve > ais old the boginn
ng of .Mi IiooM-vHt's Now YoiK
< poedi is i oniai liable for its si iiai
t1 to an i-arlv clausein Mi Hiyan's
poodi ol aecoptanro on Aug 12 , PIOS
'Tho ov 01 shadow ing issue wliidi neivv
nanifosts itself in ail the questions
low nndoi ( list ussion " said Mi Hi van
s "Shall the people rule ? " The open
ng welds of Kooscvolfs spoedi weio
'The gr-it tundamontal issue now
icfoio thelepnblitan party and bo-
ere our people ( an bo stated biteflv
t is \io tiio Amcritan people fit
0 govoin themselves , to rule- them
elves , to ( ontrol themselves9 I bo
io\o the } aie. Mv opiionents do not "
Sentiment in the East.
Now York Sun Gov Stnbhs ( > f
Cansas is accidontallv tight foi one-o
'In ' tlie whoio east thoio's boon a toi
ific cliange in sentiment in the last
rionth "
ThOio has boon a toiiifie change of
c'litiinem Hegietfnlly , sadly , a largo
iait of the public has parted with a
icllcf or an Illusion. It has ceased
D believe in Tiiondcne Roosevelt
iidging him generoiislv hoietofoio. It
as thought him , in spite of unit h
novioiis evidence to thecontiaiv ,
tiaightfotward , loyal a man of his
. 'ord. It is forced to sec him tar
ished and diminished by his own act ,
iinjiled In a web of equivocations and
ubtei luges , false to a It lend The
squaio deal" so long a bitter jest to
is opponents , is now hoe omo as bit
r a jest to manv of hisfoimor pai-
Piivate friendship might bo sacri
iced to a dear and an imperious pub
c dutv , but hoio Is no rofngo fet
'hoodoio Roosevelt. For bast re
poets of poisonal ambition ho seeks
n satilfitc not moioly a friendship ,
nt a liallowed pied-dent \moilcan
Istoiv , to ovtirlde Washington and
offoison to grasjt honor or the in
iniv which was denied tr Giant , to
mkn himself piosident again : and
lie knows how many terms ho has
1 piospoct in his oxoibitant and nn
c-gulatod megalomania' ' And In his
n y to outbid all other demagogues
o would subject to the mob the do-
Isions of the loints. whoso Independ-
nee , roadieel after a long conflict , Is
10 pi line essential of a Just and 01
orly llboi ty
Among it-publicans , progiosslvo re
ubllcaiis. among Americans general
' apart ftom the Infatuate parasites
r selfish boomers who are helping
lin tear down his reputation , there
us boon a toi rifle change of sent- !
icnt In regard to Theodore Iloosovolt
Compare him as ho clutches at
raw votos. swallows his own words
retends to be waiting unwillingly the
ill after weeks of organized claque
id Imgger-nnigger Intrigue , compare
IH | derogate and degraded Theodore
oosevelt with the man who landed
New York in the summer of 1910
iturato with renown , thought kind-
of even by many of his former foes ,
listed and hoped in , the most fa-
ions and the most fortunate , tlie
> st loved of living Americans ! A
rrlfic change , indeed.