The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 29, 1912, Image 1

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. . . , .
Sitting Upright In . Meadow Twc
Miles From Home , Little Boy is
Found at Daybreak , Crying As II
His Little Heart Would Break.
Nellgb , Neb. , April iJ. Special U
The News : After having been lout foi
olovoii hours , with scores of mei
Henrchlng for him nil the night , tlu
of John Mnlnjcew
llttlo 11-year-old son
ski , living cloven 'miles northwest. 01
Nellgh , was found at 4:30 : o'clock this
morning , two miles from homo , Asldt
from being thoroughly chilled , tin
child Hcemed not to bo seriously nf
fcctcd. The llttlo fellow was clad li
a calico gown with no undcrelothiii }
When found , the llttlo boy was sit
ting upilght In a hay meadow , sobbiiif
as If his heart would break. Ho hai
been out all night , having strayei
away from homo at 5 o'clock yesterday
day afternoon. Ho wan found by Uai
Nlppoll of this city , U. S. surveyor litho
the employ of N. H. Swell/or.
The alarm of the disappearance o
the baby was not given until 1
o'clock last night. Searching partlei
were Immediately formed , and It I :
estimated 100 men engaged In tin
The llttlo boy was found two inllei
west of his home. Ho had missed :
V pond In which ho might have drown
Now York , April 3 Officials of th
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineer
announced today that the balloting o
the engineers of the fifty eastern rail
roads to determine whether the engi
neers will strike it necessary to sui :
port their demands for lucreasei
wages , Is proceeding rapidly and tha
the ballots received so far Indicat
that the men are in favor of a strike
The wage demands already hav
been refused and further conference
with the heads of the railroads wer
suspended until the engineers' con
inittee takes a strike vote which wil
bo announced on April 10. The ba'
lots sent to the engineers read i
part :
"To Organized Engineers : Are yo
willing to support those intrust ?
with the carrying out of the plan c
concerted action to the extent of
strike if in their judgment it is necei
sary ? "
'Wreckage of British Steamer Keen
bana Seals Fate of Many.
Perth , Western Australia , April :
Wreckage picked up off the coai
appears to seal the fate of the fift
passengers and the eighty men of th
crew of the British steamer Koou
bairn , which has been missing sine
the disastrous typhoon that prevalle
on the northwest coast of wester
Australia during the last week c
The wreckage of the ICoomban ;
which belongs to Adelaide , was fonn
In the vicinity of the pearl flshiti
station at Broome , a small seaport i
the Klmberly division of wester
Australia. During the typhoon slxt ,
seven pearl fishing boats belonging I
Broomo were wrecked , and over forl
pearl fishers lost their lives.
'Cialm Victory in Wisconsin Show
Him Progressives' Choice.
Washington , April 3. The Wilsc
national headquarters hero in
statement today claimed that the vi
tory of Gov. Wilson over Speak *
Clark in Wisconsin showed that Go
Wilson Is "clearly the choice of tl
progressive majority of the party. "
The Wisconsin election was the fir
direct presidential primary in whh
a vote was taken on the democrat
candidates. The Wilson manage
claim that Harmon forces turned the
strength to Clark in effort to be ;
Missouri River Open.
Sioux City , la. . April 3. The da
gcr of serious floods on the upp
"Missouri now seems past. Repor
this afternoon indicate the river
7iow open from Pierre , S. D. , to Oi
Harmon to Nebraska.
Columbus , O. , April 3. Gov. Hr
moil , aspirant for the democrat
presidential nomination , announct
today that ho would return In kit
a proposed tour of Ohio by Willln
Jennings Uryan. Harmon -will spei
in Omaha April 12 , on which da
Uryan Is sneaking in Ohio. At Hi
: mon's headquarters it was said tl >
"this would bo the first anil on'y ' '
ply by Mr. Harmon to attacks on M
by Mr. Bryan "
emperature for Twenty-four Hours ,
The Forecast.
liixlinuin 50
lliiliiiiiiu 35
Worngo 47
larouiotor 21) ) . 7C
Dakota weather at S n. in. : Dead'
out ) , 71 ! , clear ; Rapid City , Gil , clear ;
Jhiunborlaln , 52 , clear ; 'Prcsho1C
lour ; Wlnnor , ' 18 , clear.
Chicago , April It. The bulletin Is
lied by the Chicago station of the
Tnltecl States weather bureau gives
ho forecast as follows :
Nebraska Fair tonight and Thurs
ay ; somewhat higher tctnpurnturc
South Dakota Generally fair to
light and Thursday ; somewhat high
r toinporattiro In east and centra
ortlona tonight.
London , April .1. Albert Stanley
ecretary of the MidlnirJs Miners ted
'ration ' and member of th" bouse o
. ominous , practically announced tht
'lid ' of the national coal strike in tlu
lulled Kingdom.
Addressing a trass meeting of min
ors iit Cannnck Chase , in Stafford
shire , Mr. Stanley said that it wni
low imposs'ble ' ! o se'-uro the tieces
mry two-thirds majority of the min
rs in favor of continuing the strike
Mr. Stanley has access to the figure !
and knows the Intentions of the min
rs' federation which are not avail
iblo to the public. He advised tin
niners of the Cannock Chase dlstric
who have voted against the resump
tlon of work to return to the pits with
out do\y ] , and they have decided ti
rcbumo vork tonight.
Bryan Starts Speaking Tour.
Des Mbltics. la. , April 3. W. J. Dry
an will bo the principal speaker a
the annual banquet of the lowa-Jeffet
son club hero tonight which will bi
it tended by several hundred demc
crats. Ho was scheduled to arrlvi
lore shortly before noon and wil
leave for Chicago following the ban
qnot to'begin an extended speakini
our of the mldle and eastern states.
Try Doctor for Murder.
Uadaxe , Mich , April 3. The \\orl
of selecting a jury to try Dr. Rober
McGregor , accused of the murJe
of Scyrel Shading by admlnlsterlni
poison , was expected to occupy th
: imo of the Huron county circuit cour
today. Twelve men already have beei
examined and none accepted. Mor
than 100 witnesses have been sun :
tuoned and court officers expect th
trial to last at least four weeks.
Senator Taylor's Funeral Delayed.
Nashville , Tenn. , April 3. Owing ti
lelay in Virginia of the train bearim
.he body of Senator Robert L. Taylot
the ceremonies planned for Nashvill
will take place tomorrow instead o
oday. The body Is expected tonigh
and will Ho in state in the capital tc
narrow , the funeral taking place Fri
day at Knoxvllle.
Flege Gets Change of Venue.
Ponca , Neb. , April 3 William Fleg
will bo tried in Thurston county fo
the murder of his sister , having bee
granted a change of venue.
Douglas county will have a fal
Aug. 2S to 30.
Pierre poultry raisers have forme
an organization.
Aberdeen held a meeting Sunda
to make plans for baseball.
Woonsocket will have a postal sa
ings bank after April 11.
Hand county already has shipped i
5. > carloads of seed grain.
Ephrnim Miner , pioneer resident c
Yankton , was buried Thursday.
John Englebretson , who lives nea
Gnrretson , had two ribs broken b
being kicked by a horse.
A committee to select an offlci :
east and west road will meet in Slou
Falls , April 3.
Miss Ruth Patrick , , who teache
school near Parker , prevented a tral
wreck when she reported a broke
Hernard Vessey , son of the goven
or , has become connected with a tra1
eliug evangelist , as splolst. lie he
an excellent tenor voice.
Lead will select its first set of o
ficlals under the commission plai
April 1C. The usual liquor fight wi
not take place this year.
Jonah Whale , High Bear and Job
Wlcetcmaza , Indians , are under a
rest at Sisseton , charged with tli
murder of Roland Judlsh , a farme
Aberdeetr has three candidates ft
congressmen from the 2nd district ,
O. Curtlss , republican ; C. B. Barret
democrat , and W. J. Kdgar , prohit
City officers of Faith who wei
elected March 19 , will hold office ely
ly a month , if not re-elected. The e
cot Ion was hold a. month bcforo tl
time required by law.
George . Hlrliman , of Honghto
M on i' ' > ' "p and hrnkn several ril
( I rnii - . - ) * | 5 on nn accident i
which had gone in >
Auburn , Which Has Not Had a Saloon
for Thirty Years , Votes for License.
What Changes There Are In Lightly
in Wets' Favor.
Omaha , April 3. License was the
ihlef issue In the town and village
k'ction.H of Nebraska yesterday and
vhllo the changes were not marked ,
ho changes appear to bo slightly in
ho "wets. "
According to reports received last
light , fifty towns had voted for Il
euses and twenty-eight against. Of
his number , six towns which were
Iry last year , change'd over to the
vets and three towns which were
vet will try the dry system this year.
Beatrice and Auburn Wet.
The most noticeable change from
he dry to the wet side was Beatrice ,
'or several years Beatrice has been
rylng to decide which is better for
he town. The campaign at that place
vas vigorous and the wets won a
ironounced victory.
Auburn is another town to change
rom the dry to the wet side. Dor-
ihester , which has not had a saloon
or thirty years , has decided to try
out saloons for the coming year. The
Iccnso was voted In by a ratio of 2
o 1.
Political lines were not drawn In
he smaller towns , but in the larger
nuniclpalltles straight tickets were
n the field.
Havelock and Burlington , railroad
shop towns , and Columbus , went solid-
y democratic.
At Falrbury the socialists put up a
good fight and elected three out of
ive councilmen. A noticeable feature
of the elections was the unseating of
socialists who were elected last year.
At Lincoln no election was held.
Among the "Wet" Towns.
Some of the results follow :
Wet Bancroft , Fender , South Om
aha , Springfield , Ravenna , Burwell ,
lildreth , Utica , Columbus , Papillion ,
Orleans , Florence , North Platte , Ben
son , Crete , Lexington , Beatrice , Odell ,
Dowitt , Wilcox , Ogalalla , Wymore ,
look , Alliance , Pawnee , Alma , Barnes-
: on , Falls City , Auburn , Humboldt ,
Verdon , Table Rock , McCook. Sutton ,
lebron , St. Paul , Elba , Plattsmouth ,
Fairbury , Bellwood , Dorchester , Kear
ney , Grand Island , Nebraska City ,
Fremont , Havelock , Hastings , Louis
ville , Dubois , Rushville.
A List of "Dry" Ones.
Dry Clay Center , Valley , Upland ,
kelson , Geneva , Ponca , Randolph ,
arroll , Republican City , Holdrege ,
Minden , Ashland , Red Cloud , Osceola ,
Shubert , Stella , Tecumseh , Oxford ,
Arcadia , Loup City , Scotia , Cotesfleld ,
York , David City , Ainsworth , Univer
sity Place , Bethany , Broken Bow.
Duff Mayor at Pierce.
Pierce , Neb. , April 3. Special to
The News : Daniel Duff was reelected
ed mayor and the city councilmen
ivero re-elected.
Oakdale Wet.
Oakdale , Neb. , April 3. Special tc
The News : The municipal election
in Oakdale resulted in the town re
maining "wet" by 107 high-license
votes to 55 prohibition votes. i
The three candidates , nominated at
joint caucus , were elected as follows :
Homer McDonald , 147 ; G. E. Peets ,
128 ; and H. L. Ingalsbee , 7-1.
Under present conditions there Is
ono saloon , very satisfactorily con-
The Election at Madison.
Madison , Neb. . April 3. Special tc
The News : At the city election Fred
H. Davis was re-elected mayor ; Fred
J. Danker * , clerk ; Chris J. Kortmuii ,
treasurer ; A. J. Thatch , engineer , anil
Herman I. Frlcke , Jr. , councilman ot
Second ward , without opposition , and
William H. Pinney was chosen couiv
oilman of the First ward to succeed
Robert Linn , who retires. The vote
was light and the election unevent
ful. The mayor and council favoi
four saloons , each paying ? 1,250 11
cense , to bo operated in strict accord'
ance with the law and the city's ordin
Blglin Mayor at O'Neill.
O'Neill , Neb. , April 3. Special tc
The News : The city election held
hero resulted as follows : O. F. Big
lin re-elected mayor over S. Simmons
by SG votes ; II. G. Hammond reelected
ed city clerk over C. C. Roka by 131
votes ; James F. Gallagher city treas
urer over C. P. Hancock by 7 votes
Councilmen Third ward , R. S. I HI
lard ; Second ward , P. D. Mullen ;
First Ward , T. D. Hanley and J. B
Ryan tied , both having the same
number of votes.
Ainsworth Goes "Dry. "
Ainsworth , Neb. , April 3. Specia
to TKo News : Ainsworth went dn
by 20 majority. Cass Moore was elect
ed mayor.
City Form at Valentine.
Valentine , Neb. , April 3. Special t <
The News : City form of govern men
carried at the municipal electioi
here , 2 to 1. The city went wet b ;
almost as largo a vote. The follow
ing officers were elected ;
Mayor , M. V. Nicholson ; aldermei
East ward , Len Bivens and Luki
Yli , AHD WE
( Copyright. )
Bates ; West ward , W. A. Klncaid , E.
C. Davenport ; city clerk , W. E. 1 la
cy ; city engineer , Alva Green ; police
Judge , Charles Maxwell.
Nellgh Stays Wet.
Nellgh , Neb. , April 3. Special to
The News : The city municipal elec
tion held yesterday was not as quiet
as in former years and the workers
were out early In the interests of
their candidates. A total of 395 votes
were cast. By the decision of the
voters this city has gone "wet" by CO
votes , the largest majority since the
introduction of the initiative and ref
erendum. The bolters of the caucus ,
It. J. Forsyth and R. II. Rice , won out
in their respective wards. Mr. For-
syth secured 1C majority over F. G.
Aurlnger for councilman of the First
ward , and Mr. Rico had 31 majority
over George Ferguson for councilman
in the Second ward.
The following xfe the city officials
elected for the/ensuing year : Mayor ,
D. G. McPherson ; treasurer , E. H.
Mellck ; clerk , O. S. Hauser ; engineer ,
W.L. . Staple. Councilman First
ward , R. J. Forsyth ; Second ward , to
fill vacancy , R. H. Rice ; full term ,
Howard Kester.
Randolph Goes Dry.
Randolph , Neb. , April 3. Special to
The News : Randolph went "dry" by
33 majority. L. F. Holz was re-elected
Creighton , Neb. , April 3. Special
to The News : M. C. Theisen was re <
elected mayor -Creighton yesterday
Wid Turner city clerk , Charles Atkin
son treasurer , Leroy Seeley engineet
and J. J. Kennedy and W. A. Huff
smith councilmen.
Surprise at South Omaha.
South Omaha , April 3. Thomas
Hector democratic candidate , was el
ected mayor of South Omaha yester
day after one of the bitterest politl
cal fights in the history of the city
The complexion of the city council
remains the same with the posslbil
ity of a republican majority In
case Steve Wnwryzinklewlcz , republican -
publican candidate from the Flftli
ward , should win out over his demo
cratlc opponent , John Undttra , wlk
now leads by a count of six votes. II
is claimed that fourteen votes foi
Wawryzlnklewics ; were not counted
and a contest Is expected.
Peter Wheeler , republican candidate
for city clerk , defeated Frank Good
present democratic Incumbent , by c
large majority. On the whole the old
city council was cleaned out with the
exception of John Walters , democrat
from the First ward , and John Riha
re-publican from the Fourth ward.
The revelation of yesterday's battle
was the return1 of the democratic fire
and police commissioners John Ryai
and Joseph Plvonka to power wher
they are under indictment for briber ]
In the exercise of their official duties
Memphis Loses Gas Supply Serlout
Situation Many Places.
Memphis , Tenn. , April 3. With water
tor pouring over the lowlands througl ;
half a dozen gaps in private levees
south of Cairo and washing the main
embankments at several points , the
flood situation along the Mississippi
river this morning was grave.
Officially it is predicted that the
stage at Memphis will reach 45 feet
Yesterday 44 feet was forecasted at
the probable maximum , but today the
prediction was revised. At 7 o'clock
this morning the gauge showed 42. (
feet , a rise of .3 since 7 o'clock lasl
Government officials are still optim
istlc that they will hold the rlvei
within bounds. So far all the mall
levees are intact , although sevora
points are regarded as dangerous
The government embankment Inline
diately west of Hickman , Ky. , which
protects the Reel Foot lake base In
several west Kentucky counties , the
White river front at Moder , Ark. , and
the levees near Linda , Mo. , are giving
the greatest concern. Breaks iu pri
vate levees at Blrspoint and near
Commerce , Mo. , and at Hickuian , Ky. ,
have relieved the situation at Cairo
and the flooding of that city which
was threatened yesterday afternoon ,
will be averted. At Hickmanf the
factory district where the levee broke
Monday night , is inundated to a depth
of from fifteen to twenty feet this
morning and the business district is
almost covered with water. New Ma
drid , Mo. , and Columbus , Ky. , are also
The gas plant and the sewerage
pumping station In North Memphis
went out of commission last night.
Early today the supply of gas was cut
Until the .watesr recedes , Memphis
will be without that commodity. The
flooded area in the northern section
of the city is rapidly increasing. It ia
estimated that 500 or more families
have been driven from their homes ,
and practically every plant in that
district has suspended operation.
Neligh Dam Still Holds.
Neligh , Neb. , April 3. Special to
The News : During the past twenty-
four hours the Blkhorn river at this
point has risen fourteen inches , and
at midnight last night it was rising
at the rate of ono inch an hour. Clearwater -
water reported during the early ev
ening last night a rise of sixteen in
ches at that place and fears were en
tertained for the safety of the river
bridge north of that point. Supervisor
Reutzel was notified that it was sett
ling during the afternoon. He stated
that there were no piles to be had in
Neligh and to convey a pile driver
through the impassable roads was out
of the question.
Both the dams In this city are with
standing the terrific strain upon them
and no immediate alarm is given out
by any of the mill employes. A con
stant watch is being kept both day
and night for the S. F. Gllman inter
Water High In the Ohio.
Pittshurg , April 3. Heavy volumes
of water coming out of the Allegheny
i river for the past twenty-four hours
have caused a sharp rise in the Ohio
river and the weather bureau bore
announces that 20 or more feet will
be registered before night. The high
water is caused by renewed rains
above the headwaters of the Allegh
eny for the past three days.
1 So Appropriation by Congressman to
i Dynamite It , is Unnecessary.
' Washington , April 3. A dramatic
ending to the efforts of Senator
j Gamble and Congressman Burke of
I South Dakota to secure a $5,000 emer-
j gency appropriation to be used in
breaking an ic-e gorge formed on the
Missouri river between Vermilllcn
and Yankton , which threatens hun
dreds of thousands of dollars' worth
of property through the accumula
tion of back water dammed by the
gorge , came at about 3 o'clock when
a telegram wns received that the
gorge was broken and the danger was
past. At the moment the message
was received that the Ice bad given
way , Senator Gamble was on his feet
on the floor of the senate to present
a Joint resolution calling for the ap
propriation , and Congressman Hurkc-
had just started for cham
ber with a similar resolution , both
having paved the wav for Its immedi
ate passage In both branches by con
ference with the chairmen of the ap
propriation committees.
A New Postcffice Ruling.
Washington , April 3. Postmaster *
\\oro authorized by Postmaster Gen
Hitchcock to send undelivered mat
tcr "such as i > ' i" IMK . ! ,
pers , magazines and other periodical
publications" to municipal authorities
for distribution among hospitals , asy
lums or reformatory institutions.
Heretofore such matter has been sent
to the dead letter office in Washing
Will Devote His Fortune to Highway
General T. Coleman du Pont , presi
dent of the Du Pont Powder company ,
'will give away much of his fortune for
building roads for Delaware. While
that state will be the chief beneficiary ,
adjoining states will be benefited , It
being bis intention to continue his
highways Into other commonwealths.
The general himself made the an
nouncement. Ho has decided to do
this rather than to leave a big ; fortune
to bis children , "dno million dollars
will keep a family well , " he said. "By
spending the remainder of my posses
sions I can do my state great good.
"I believe good "roads will do more
good than libraries hospitals , and in
fact than any of the usual forms of
philanthropy , " he added.
General du Pont has asked Oovernot
Pennewlll to call a special session of
the legislature to pass amendments to
the law enacted at the last session
which empowers General da Pont to
build a $2,000,000 boulevard as a gift
to the state. The extraordinary ses
sion will bo called If two-thirds of the
legislators agree in writing to pass the
desired amendments. The amendments
will give the donor authority to ex
tend the proposed highway of 103 miles
into other parts of Delaware in addi
tion to making the beginning of its con
struction this year a possibility. A
poll will shortly be taken.
Baptists Drop "Reverend" For "Mis
ter" or "Pastor. "
Baptist ministers of Chicago will
hereafter be addressed as "mister" or
"pastor , " according to a resolution
adopted at a meeting of the
ministers' conference.
"This Idea of addressing ministers of
( lie gospel as doctors ) , reverends and
such titles is obnoxious , " said Judsoit
B. Thomas , moderator of the confer
ence , "ami 1 favor au entire ellmimi
tlon of all titles excepting plain mis
ter' or , if preferred at times , 'pastor. ' "
Litigants In Fight For Eight Dollar Pig
Pay ? 250 Each and Attorney's Feas.
After years of lititrsitlon over ths
ownership of a pig , which originally
cost $8 , the famous Anils-Combs "hot ;
ease" has Just been ended in I ho cir
cuit court at Hazard , Ky.
By the llnal decision costs of $250
tire imposed upon each litigant in ad
dition to attorneys' fees. The hog has
Ions been dend.
Great Britain's Potato-Crop.
The potato crop of Great Britain for
1011 is estimated at 3.830.219 tons.
Lost Balloon Comes Back ,
Harden , Saxony , April 3. Greal
anxiety * was caused here by the dls
appearance for four days of the large
spiral balloon Count Zeppelin , wliicl
1 made nn ascent on March 31 , carry
1 Ing in the basket three Danish off !
iers who were training for the ellm
i Inatlon contests on April 25 in connec
i tlon with the International balloor
cup ; ace. The balloon , however , de
scendcd this morning after beiiu
driven first to the North Sea am
then to the Baltic , Pomeranla. Tin
"Count Zeppelin , " which is to fak <
part In the International race , has i
gas capacity of 77fi95 cubic feet.
Early Returns In the Wisconsin Pri
mary Election Show That La Foi-
lotto Has Beaten Taft and Gained a
Solid Delegation.
Milwaukee , April , ' ' , . The returns of
Wisconsin's first presidential primary
election , which was held yesterday ,
vhllo far from being complete , shown
hat Senator La Folletto has a big
end over President Taft and that
\Voodrow Wilson Is a sure \\inner
> ver Champ Clark.
Senator La Folletto appears to have
gained a solid delegation , although R
. . . Phillip , manager of the Taft earn-
mlgu In the state , says his latest re-
> orts indicate a possibility of the
( resident having won the delegates in
ho Sixth district , Everything nsido
'rom this scorns to have gene La Fol-
otto's way , including all the dole-
; atcs-at-lnrgo. Wilson appears to
iavo led Clark In almost every dis
Charges of Extravagance , High Taxes
ant ) Blunders Are Reasons.
Milwaukee , April I ! . Dr. ( ! . A. Bad-
ng , non-partisan candidate for mayor.
lefeated Mayor lOmll Soldo ! , the so-
clallst incumbent , by a total vote of.
13,177 to 30,200.
Of the thirty-three aldermen elect
ed , twenty-six were nonpartisan and
seven were socialists. With four so
cialist holdover aldermen , the new-
city council will bo composed of twen
ty-six nonpartisan aldermen and elev
en socialist aldermen.
Among supposed causes for the defeat -
feat of the socialist administration
were high taxes , charges of extrava
gance and allegations that several
leading officials had made blunders
in the administration of their offices.
Nonpartisan leaders also charged
that Mayor Seldel had created numer
ous positions for socialists , some of
which were brought Into Milwaukee
from other states.
Twenty-five Democrats Eleven
, Re
publicans Win In Council.
Chicago , April a. Twenty-five dem
ocratic and eleven republican alder
men were elected and bond issues
carrying an expenditure of $5,630,000
were voted in the election here. A
bitter factional fight between the
Harrison and Sullivan forces marked
the democratic aldermanlc race.
The Sullivan followers lost , eighteen
of the victorious democrats being
aligned with the Harrison wing. The
Harrison democrats wer particularly
Interested In eight candidates and
six of them were elected. The bond
Issues which carried follow : $5,000,000
for outer harbor Improvements ; J250-
000 for bathing beaches ; $380,000 for
a contagious disease hospital.
The proposed Issues which failed ,
were : ? 2,245,000 for new police sta
tions ; $1,814,000 for new fire engine
Generally speaking , the election was
( inlet. Rioting started at one polling
place and for a time fifty men were
engaged in combat.
One man was rendered unconscious
by a "billy. " Arrests followed.
Number of Men Not Working m An
thracite Fields , Increases.
Piiilacu Ipliia. April : ! T ! . " : : : : > er
of idle nifii in the unthrurltr n'ions
was inert-used tod.iy by the hr. i.g : ctf
of ndt'.ijtion.-i ! n-.en by the railroads
which luise shipped\ ! the
coai destined tor outside markets out
of the coal fields. Much of this < oal
Is strung along railroad sidings near
tidewater points. Teamsters Imulimr
powder to the mine have also been
laid off. More than 57,000,000 pounds
of powder are lined each year li blas > tIng -
Ing anthracite coa ! .
The attempt of mine bosses to start
operations at the Kntherine colliery ,
an independent operation in the North
Umberland county district , today
proved a failure. United Mine work
ers and sympathizers canvassed the
homes of the workmen employed at
the colliery and persuaiVd their not
to go to work.
Considerable friction has been
avoided in the Lnckawanna resioir
where officers of district No. 1 g.ivo
permission to members o ! the union
around Scranton to operate washeriea
provided the coal is used for the
boiler rooms of the collieries to keep
tjiem In good condition. The last big
strike there was much rioting over
the operation of washerles.
Lewis Enters Politics.
Bridegport , O. , April 3. Thomas L.
Lewis , former president of the United
Mine Workers , announced today his
candidacy for the republican nomina
tion for congress in the Sixteenth
Ohio district. There are 17,000 union
miners in the district. When Lewis
was defeated for another term as
head of the minors' union b/ John P.
White last year , ho returned to his
homo hero and secured work as i .