THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL i V r < NORFOLK , NEBRASKA FRIDAY , OOTOHKK 10 , 1002 , Senators and Operators Meet to Discuss Strike. KEEP THEIR WORK A SECRET , { Coal Barons Confer Over Situation i Privately , but Will Make No An- " nouncemcnt Soldiers Preserve Or- " " , "dcr In Anthracite Region. 1 New York , Oct. 10. Hepleto at Ha opening with promise of a solution of the long-drawn-out struggle between the United Mine Workers of America and the operators of the anthracite properties In Pennsylvania , yesterday closed without apparent appreciable progress toward an agreement upon the Issues In controversy. Most noteWorthy - Worthy of the day's events was a con ference at the office of Senator Thorn , ns C. Platt , at which there were pres ent , among others , the two senators from Pennsylvania and the governor of New York and nearly all the heads of the big corporations controlling the anthracite Holds. In all seeming , this conference had a contrary effect to that which had been hoped from It , nnd the operators departed declaring adherence to the policy they have fol lowed from the first , of resisting tha demands of the miners' union to the bitter end. There were other confer ences during the day , In which Presi dent Mitchell and people of more or less consequence In the Industrial . world participated , but these , so far as Information goes , were as barren of result , as the principal meeting , de tails of which are given below on tha authority of one who was present. From what may be described as an .Inside and authoritative source , It may be announced that the conference at the office of Senator Platt was abso lutely without result , the operators refusing to consider the political aspect - pect of the situation and maintaining the position that the question was one between employer and employe as to ,1 the management of the properties con cerned. According to the authority above In dicated , Senator Quay and Governor Odell expressed the oplnoln that If the strike continued for another fort night or longer , the effect would be to EO impress the public mind with the one subject of the shortage of fuel that political duties would be neglect ed and the voters remain away from the polls on election day , with the nat ural result that the majority party In ( Pennsylvania and New York would be the greater sufferer. Senator Pen- rose expressed his concurrence In the representations of the others , and Sen * ator Platt and Mr. Lauterbach spoke in a similar strain. These latter ad- .vised . something In the nature of an armistice , under an Implied promise to the miners that their union would bo recognized by the operators. On their part the operators declared that the question at Issue was entirely apart from party politics , and they re fused to ho Influenced by Republicans as to the effect the strike might have upon the fortunes of either party. General Thomas , of the Erie , had a long talk with J. Plerpont Morgan , the nature of the conversation not being disclosed by either of the gentlemen. It Is asserted on what appears to be good authority that Mr , Morgan was In communication during the day with ome of the politicians , who con ferred with the operators , but that he declined to be placed in the attitude of a party to the controversy. The conferences are still going on , tut the Impression prevails that If any baals of settlement Is reached It Will not be announced until after a meeting now being held at Senator 'Platt's office. 'ASK GOVERNOR TO SEIZE MINES. .Detroit Conference Urges Radical Ac tion on Authorities. Detroit , Oct. 10 The 186 dele gates , representing eleven states , who attended the Interstate conference on the coal situation hero yesterday , adopted resolutions last night , after much debate , .urging the president to institute civil proceedings looking to the enforcement of the Interstate commerce act against the companies and criminal proceedings against their officers ; petitioning the governor ol Pennsylvania to call a special session of the legislature of that state to con demn all the coal carrying railroads and sufficient of the mines to supply the demands of the people. Further , the resolutions petition the president to call a special session of the house of representatives and to recommend to them the appointment of a committee - too with full power to Investigate the cause of the strike and to place the fclame therefor. A upplemontal reso- Jutlon , offered by Judge Frank E. Gar- Yin of Indianapolis , was also ordered attached to the main resolutions. II urges that the president at once Insti tute proceedings "to prevent combina tion of the coal operators , " nnd to have a receiver appointed to operate the mines. The supplemental roporl urges a special session of congress II it Is not possible at present for the president to take this action. The radical element , headed by Vic tor Berger of Milwaukee , wanted more radical resolutions , wanted them to Heclaro for censure and operation ol * the mlnei by government and govern- -gnontal ownership. OUT Ai.L MINERS. U Complete - ploto Tlo-o 'soc/oj /line. / . Denver , Oct. 10. i ma have passed between the officials of the Western Federation of Miners and President Mitchell of the United Mine Workers , looking ; to a complete tluup of all bituminous coal mines In the United States and Canada. The telegram of President Meyer of the Western Federation says : "Exi gencies demand that no coal of any kind bo mined In the United States and Canada until the anthracite strlko Is won. The Western Federation of Miners will co-operate to this end. " Mr. Mitchell's response says : "Tel egram received. Shall give careful consideration to you suggestion. Many thanks for the proffer of cooperation ation and assistance. " "Tho significance of this correspond ence , " said President Meyer , "Is far- reaching. It means that If President Mitchell will rail out all his men In every soft and hard coal mine In this country nnd Canada , the Western Federation of Minors will Immediately co-operate with them and withdraw every man wo have In the coal fields of the west. Tills will mean that the stubborn mlao operators In Pennsyl vania will have to bring this long strike to an end or the people through out tUo country will know the reason why. This is the only way to cud the trouble. " SOLDIERS ARE IN HIDING. Militiamen at New Orleans Shun Strike Service. New Orleans , Oct. 10. The street car strike situation in this city is be coming graver every hour , though there was no violence of any note * yesterday. Governor Heard Is here and is being urged by the business men to endeavor to settle the trouble without a resort to troops. Out of 1,600 militiamen In the city. 700 have reported at the armories or been brought In by corporals' guards. The squads had to exercise a great deal of patience to refrain from re senting the attacks and Jeers of the crowds on the Streets. At every point they were greeted with derisive epithets by the crowds of men and boys. Many of the soldiers do not want to go on this service and are hiding. They claim they have friends and relatives among the strikers. Coal Diggers Keep Peace. Wllkesbarre , Oct. 10. There were no developments In the mine workers' strike In this valley this morning. The entire community remains quiet and the troops have nothing more to do than go through their dally routine. The remaining commands of the Third brigade arrived in the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys and were sta tioned at various points by Brlgadlei General Gobln. Brigade headquarters have been established here. Transvaal Cuts the Tariff. Pretoria , Oct. 10. An extraordi nary Issue of the Gazette says : The duties are abolished on machinery , building materials , metals and agri cultural Implements. The largo sacri fice of revenue Involved Is considered preferable to increasing by taxation the cost of renewing the Industrial capital of the colony. As It Is Impera tive , however , to replace a portion of the loss , the duties on wines and spirits are increased. Holds Shooting Unjustifiable. Albla , la. , Oct. 10 The coroner's jury returned a verdict In the case of WId Sarver , holding that Officer Smith was not Justified in the shooting. Sar ver was shot and killed after he had Kesisted arrest. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. T. W. Hunter was sworn In as gov ernor of the Choctaw nation Thursday. The San Hal Kwan-New Chwang section of the railroad Is now entirely In the hands of the Chinese. William Casper and John Rump were fatally Injured Thursday by the collapse of the top floor of a new bank building at St. Joseph , Mo. Another peasant uprising has broken out in the government of Pol- tavla , Russia. Many persons are re ported to have been killed 01 wounded. The Fries cotton mill merger , of certain classes of all southern cotton mills , has been at last consummated to the extent that writings have been signed by seventy "mills. The bodies of Pleasant Prultt and his wife , Winnie Prultt , were found side by side Thursday in the basement of their home at Indianapolis. Police have adopted the theory that Pruitt killed his wife and then himself. Robert Rankln , an actor ; Lewis Dorshelmer and David Morton of Scranton , Pa. , were experimenting with gasoline for Illuminating a mov ing picture machine when It exploded and the three men were horribly burned. The Clyde line steamer * Apache and Iroquols crashed together In the harbor of Charleston , S. C. A hole ten feet long was stove In the Iroquols and one twenty feet In the Apache , the latter settling In shallow water. The Iroquols remained afloat. New Yorkers will be riding from one end of the Rapid Transit tunnel to the other in less than a year , accordIng - Ing to the anpouncement made by Chief Engineer Parsons , who has Just sailed for Europe. Practically all the tunnel digging will bo finished within the next six wocki. Pennsylvania Man Elected Chief tofhe G. A. R. INJUSTICE TO THE VETERANS Report of Pension Committee Severely Criticises the Medlcai Division of the Bureau for Alleged Attitude of Hostility Toward Applicants , Washington , Oct. 10. The Grand Army got down to buslnpHs yesterday j and the encampment of the order , be sides hearing an address from Coin- mandor-ln-Chlef Torrance and teporta from a number of officers and com- mlttuuB , elected a now head for the ensuing yonr. The new commandur-ln- j chief of the O. A. R. Is Gunc-nl T. J. \ Stewart of Pennsylvania , who WUB a' ' leading candidate for tlio honor n your ago. Ills competitors were General j John C. Black of Illinois , a former commissioner of pensions , and Col onel John MclSlroy of this city. Tlio name of' General Daniel Slcklca 01 New York city was presented to thoj convention , but ho withdrew from the rac . William M. Olln of Massachu setts was elected vlco commander-la- chief , and James M. Averlll of Georgia , Junior vlco commandor-ln-chlef. Aside from the election of these oft- ccrs , the moat Interesting feature of the encampment was the report of the pension committee of the G. A. R. This committee severely scored the medical division of the pension bu reau , declarlnp that It was a dead line where wore executed the claims ot veterans seeking pensions. It ac cused the personnel of this division ot approaching the reports of the examin ing surgeons throughout the country with auBplclon and distrust and as made In bad faith. It denounced the reports that extensive frauds weru practiced in pension claims as abso lutely baseless. The Woman's Relief Corps , Daugh ters of Veterans and the Ladles of the G. A. R. also met In annual convention yesterday. Thousands of veterans and their wives , delegates to either of these organizations , attended army corps reunions In the big tents on the White lot or spent the beautiful Oc tober day In sightseeing. A feature of the afternoon was the dedication of the cornerstone of the proposed me morial bridge to connect Washington with tha National cemetery at Arling ton. Secretary Root was the orator of 'the occasion. The Union Veterans' union held a lively session , the question of who shall succeed Commander-ln-Chlef R. G. Dyrenforth being the principal cause of the trouble. Recently Com mander Meachani of the Department of the Potomac secured a restraining nrrifir nrntectlnc him from removal from office , and much of the Ill-feeling which came up during the last year was displayed at the meeting. The cession was held behind closed doors. The debate at times was acrimonious. An adjournment was taken to give the committee on credentials time to sub mit Us report , but when the session was resumed It was announced that the report would not bo made public at this time. One of the largest receptions Inci dental to the G. A. R. encampment season was given by Mrs. Roosevelt to the patriotic organizations of wom en meeting In national convention dur ing the encampment. It was held at the Corcoran Art gallery from 4 to 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. From the time the doors were opened until the close of the reception a constant stream of callers , white and colored , were Introduced to Mrs. Roosevelt , by whom they were greeted with a , cor dial handshake. OGDEN NEXT MEETING PLACE. Delegates to Irrigation Congress Elect Officers and Adjourn. Colorado Springs , Oct. 10. The Na tional Irrigation congress adjourned after electing officers and selecting Ogdcn , Utah , as the place of next year's meeting. The following officers were unani mously elected : President , Colonel Edwin F. Holmes of Ogden , Utah ; first vice president , Governor L. Brad ford Prince , Santa Fe , N. M. ; second vice president , Anson J. McCune , Den ver ; third vice president , E. II. Llbby , Clarkston , Wash. ; secretary , Colonel H. B. Maxson , Nevada. The appointment of a committee to report next year on the merger propo sition and the adoption of a set of resolutions completed the work of the convention. The resolutions , after felicitating the American people upon the enact ment of the national irrigation act , Bay : "The grateful acknowledge ments of this congress are due to Theodore Roosavelt , president of tha United States , for his Invaluable as sistance In tha cause of Irrigation. " Resolutions were also passed reconv mending the protection and preserva tion of forests and urging the cooperation ation of national and state govern ment to this end. Kills Girl and Himself. Washington , Oct. 10. Miss Alice Fisher , a young woman employed in the government printing office , was shot and Instantly killed by William Dougherty , an employe of the same office. Dougherty then shot and killed hlmHolf Jealouny was the motive , The affair occurred at the homo of a friend of the younsr woman. Ml s Fisher had gone to the friend's IIOIIHO nt the request of noiiRhorty , who wanted her to roatimo friendly ruin- tlona nnd ceuno accepting attentions of another young man. THINK CUBA IS DRIFTING AWAY Officials See Danger In Delay Over Signing of Reciprocity Treaty. WashlHKtou , Oct. 10. The situa tion us to Cuba la such at pronont as to give ollli'lnlH here great concern. It la feared thut Culm IB drifting a\vn > nnd evidence la multiplying day by duy to mark the growth of n hplrlt of Indifference toward the cultivation of friendly commercial relations with the United StatOH thnt iihnoHt hordora on hostility. The treaty which , by the tcruiB of the Mutt amendment , might bo entered into botwcon the two gov ernments , In now awaiting the npprov- fll of the Cuban government , which ap proval la withheld , not with any ox- proHHcd Intention of rejecting the con vention , but UiroiiKh what la regarded hero aa the natural Inoitla of the Cu- linne In diplomatic matters. Thin treaty includes provisions for a con- fcldorable moaaure of reciprocity bo- twuen the United Statoa and Culm , and while It IB Into that the Cubans bolteve that the United States baa been rather nljiKardly In the arrange ment of the reciprocity schoduloa , those objections are not regarded aa sufficient to account for the great delay - lay In concluding the treaty. However - over , there la no intention , It IB salil , to resort to any undue pressure on the Cubans. MILITIA LOSES ONE LESSON. Art of How to Swiftly Place an Army In Motion. Fort Rlley , Kan. , Oct. 10. For two weeks officers of the National Guard from nearly all the statoa between Wisconsin and Georgia and California and Rhode Island have remained at Camp Root witnessing practical ob ject lessons In the movement of armies and the control of men In ac tion. tion.Thoro There were very few of them In camp yesterday , nearly all having left for their homes. Had those who departed - parted prolonged their vlalt but ono day they would have gained knowl edge of the art of swiftly placing an army In motion , second In Importance to nothing they have acquired concerning - corning the more showy operations in the field. Within fifteen minutes every tent was ready for shipment and the first loads of them were being placed aboard the cars for transportation to Omaha , where all of the tentago will be sent. COLOMBIANS ARE ANGRY. Resent Action of American Officers and May Not Sell Canal. Washington , Oct. 10. It is learned at the Colombian legation hero that the complications at the isthmus of Panama , growing out of the orders of Commander McLean of the Cincinnati nnd Admiral Casey , who succeeded him In command , regarding the transit of the railroad , .are the subject of ne gotiations between the government at Bogota and United States Minister Hart. The matter not having come officially before the legation hero , the officials decline to talk about the prob able outcome. Recent advices re ceived here from Colombia show that the action of the American command ers has caused a feeling of great ex citement at Bogota and other places , where It Is deeply resented. In some sections of the country , It Is declared , feeling Is so strong that some appre hension la expressed that It may seri ously Interfere with the negotiations for the purchase of the Panama canal property by the United States. Settlers Are Alarmed. Meeker , Colo. , Oct. 10. The wound- Jnjf of State Game Commissioner Har ris has greatly excited the settlers In the vicinity of Rangely , where the shooting occurred. A special messen ger rode into Meeker from that place yesterday and reported that about 400 Utes have been in the vicinity ol Rangoly some days , slaughtering game. Ho says thut since the fight with Harris the bucks have sent their squaws and papooses back to the res ervatlon , which is taken to mean that they intend to fight. Many of the set tlers , feeling certain that there will be trouble , have sent their families to Meeker. Will Take a Look at Bodies. Indianapolis , Oct. 10. A party headed by Detectives Asch and Man ning went to Louisville yesterday to Identify , If possible , some of the bodies - ies found In a cold storage room in that city. It Is thought that some of the bodies stolen from Indianapolis cemeteries , and which mysteriously disappeared from the colleges here , may bo found there. The party In cluded , besides the detectives , rela tives of several people , lately deceased - ceased , whoso graves were robbed. Patterson Elected President. Atlanta , Oct. 10. The sixteenth annual - nual convention of the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations elected the fol lowing officers : President , James K. Patterson , president Kentucky Azrl- cultural and Mechanical college ; Tlco president , R. H. Jesse , president University ot Missouri ; secretary , E , B. .Yoorhe s , re-elected. DOEWAH JACK Economical Fuel Wlmtnvcr funl In IMOHI oeoiioinlriil , innut ronvo- nloiit to your hound , cun IMI IINOI ! In n Uoiinil Oulc Kiinmeo oliiinUji of uood , ell coal , liiirit roul , coldi-iuiylliliu ; Hint Urn wilt roiiHiiiiiu. Wluif uvuryim put In U wilt k-lvo nioHt In-ut , IMK-UIIMO Hiiiniil OiiU KitriiliooNviiHto iiofiii'l , Imrnnll the fiml , tliUKiiHpN , mill nioHt or the Hiiiolic ; Unnp ( Ire 1'J huiun wllli wood , VI IIOIII-H with coul. The Round Oak Furnace li Kolldly coiiHtruutml unit U airtight ( the only nlrtlKlit furiiiiri' ) , nnd IM rniiNonnldn In prlof. All of the bunlKooNIntotho llOIIHUIIOUlHtO tliroiiKh HIICN out- ni'j-or In collar. If you until n fiiriinr < > , write fur dm ItmimlOnlc Viirnntv lKMkfull , if fil l rue In , lilnli mi fur Him ! ri'idilmioii , cir. r P. D. BCCKWITH , nf HeckuiHh- Itot IHr tiiinl Mniutii llu\r In the uotM. IluuaJ link Kuril , , ! * * * mr tor > U . iii ii > mov1. Noli.l > y Jolin KrliUy , [ \V H. IIUCH01.I'rotlilant. . Norfolk AUCXANOKU IIKAIt , Men I'roMJonl ' E. W. y.UTZ , Cinlilor , National Bank. OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital , $100,000.00 Surplus , $20,000.00 Does a General Banking Business , Buya and Sells EiohanRg Interest Paid on Time Deposits. ' Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In A General Steamship and Forego. Passage Business Transacted. A. BEAU , V. P. HANLON. F. J. IIALK , W. U.BUOUOLZ , WM ZDTZ N.A. Hi IN HOLT 8.B. COTTON. N. J. HOAGI/AND , DR. . . / Osteopathlc Physician. [ ) Ieantan both ncnto anil clironlo inccesafalli treated without nso of drugs or kiilfo. Phone No. F SI. Olllco at roifdouca , 109 North 10th Btcoat , Norfolk Nebraska QR. BERTHA AIILMAN , PHYSICIAN Phone 107. for Ladies and Children gr < j. COLE , DENTIST. Dlllcs over Cltltmi'e National lianV , Realitanoi ona block north of Congregational church , Norfolk , Nebraska gESSIONS & BELL , Unde/rtakersmnd Enibalmors , Sessions IHlr. , Norfolk ATO , Norfolk , Nebraakt 111 0 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIflH. Residence and ofllce , 307 Madison Avo. , East. Hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. Monday , Wednesday nnd Friday after noons from 1 to 6 iu Pierce. ] VRS. E. A. HITCHCOCK , Dressmaking. Agent for Glove Fitting ; Dross System. 128 South 4th Street , Second door north of Madison Ave. M.E. SPAULDINC , UKALKH IM FLOUR , - FEED , TELEPHONE : : NO. 8a JLR , ELDER , Sioux Gily Florist , Awarded first premium on Funeral Designs. Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Fern ? Flowers shipped la fresh condition. Phone 466U City offlca ! Cor. 8th and Piorca L. L. REMBE , PLUMBER. Steam and Hot Water Heating. First door South of News Office. Wide Awake. . . K. BUOHHOLZ X CO. AH Kinds of Gents' Furnishings - = = . . . . .StrlctlyUp-to-Date PRICES RIGHT GIVE US A CALL Brilif and Loan ASSOCIATION will bnild you a on easy payments. Come and see as. B. DTJRLAND , Secretary. C.R.SEILER , Livery . .and Sale Stable Brtodch Avenue ' 'DUHUE and Third St. riiUNt