The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 03, 1902, Image 1

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, , . .
Nub !
Explosion of Firedamp at
Diamond is Disastrous.
Bodies of Three of the Victims Have
I Been Recovered Fans Are Now
Working and Deadly Air Is Being
| Cleared Out Mine Badly Wrecked.
Black Diamond , Wash. , Oct. 3. Au
explosion of firedamp occurred last
night hi the fourth level of the Law-
eon mine , hadly wrecking the nilno
r and killed twelve miners.
Fortunately no flro was started.
Three oodles have heen Uiken out.
There are supposed to ho nine more
bodies In the mine. Three men were
injured , one badly.
The dead : Joe Jacker , Frank Flln-
'dcr , Frank Rochelle , Robert Lund-
berg , John Swanson. John Creghlno ,
Simon Tersuavlch , Edward Actlenat ,
Erlcco , John Letor , Hugh Levon-
dcr. Louis Berkman.
The Injured : Chris Baker , burned
about the face ; James Carson , burned
about the head , hands burned and In
jured Internally ; William Whltsell ,
Bllgutly burned.
The Pacific Coast company Is the
Qwner of the mine. Everything possi
ble Is being done to recover the bed
ies. The fourth level is 1,600 feet be
low the surface. As soon as It was
known that the accident had oc
curred , the people of Black Diamond
hurried to , the scene of the disaster ,
one mile from here. The fans are
now working In the mine , and the
deadly air Is being cleared out.
'Baltimore and Ohio Freight Train *
CoMide ' in West Virginia.
'Parkers'burg , W. Va. , Oct. 3. Five
persons were killed and three injured
In a head-end collision between two
freight trains in a tunnel near Corn-
iwallls , on the Baltimore and Ohio
-railroad , yesterday. The train carried
several cars of cattle , which were all
Wiled or Injured. Probably twenty
cars were wrecked and the tunnel is
filled with debris. Fred Pe'arce , en
gineer ; William Miller , brakeman ,
and a tramp were killed. The bodies
of two other men can be seen in the
tunnel , but are beyond reach at the
present time , owing to the wreckage.
Blow Open Safe at Norman , Neb. , Ter
rorize Citizens and Escape.
Minden , Neb. , Oct. 3. The safe In
the bank at Norman , eight miles from
here , was blown open by robbers yes
terday morning before daylight. The
robbers , four In number , secured
about $1,000 in cash and terrorized
the town. Many persons saw them at
Work , but the robbers were well armed
and threatened to kill any one who In
terfered. The robbers escaped and
armed men are pursuing them.
| Jessie Morrison Granted a Stay.
Topeka , Oct. 3. The Kansas su
preme court yesterday granted a stay
" / -of execution In the case of Jessie Mor
risen , now in the penitentiary for the
murder of Clara Wiley Castle. The
case will be heard by the supreme
court in January. Miss Morrison's ap
peal bond was fixed at ? 10,000. As
soon as this Is given she will be re
leased until the time of her trial. She
; was sentenced to fifteen years in the
I Students Too Much for Police.
j Minneapolis , Oct. 3. Three park
policemen and a plain clothes man
had the worst of an encounter with
Students" of the University of Mlnne-
seta yesterday. The park police attempt -
tempt to arrest students who ride bi
cycles on the walks through > the
campus. The students hustled three
of .the policemen off the campus and ,
put them on passing street cars and
the plain clothes man was tied to a
tree with a garden hose.
' Third Murder In a Month ;
Butte , Mont. , Oct. 3. Advices tell
of another murder In the new Fork
country , In Wyoming , as a result of
the enmity existing between the cat
tle and sheep men over grazing rights.
on the range. This Is the third mur
der In a month. The victim's 'decom
posed body was found In the 'brush
and Identity could not bo established.
' Oregon Ordered to Manila. /
Son Francisco , Oct. 3. The battlo-
ehlp Oregon , which has been In this
port for two weeks , has received or
ders to sail for Manila about Oct. 15 ,
to Join tha Asiatic fleet. On her ar
rival there she will relieve the Ken-
lucky , which will go to New York.
* . _ -i--r --L _ _ . _ -
' Mine Boss Driven Out of Camp.
Terry , S. D. , Oct. 3. Harry Collins ,
shift foreman at one of the mines of
the Horseshoe company , was tied to
. ( u horse and driven from the camp
yesterday by several hundred angry
miners. Ho is accused of blackmail
ing the workmen.
Chief of Police Ames Sentenced.
Minneapolis , Oct. 3. Judge Brooks
sentenced former Superintendent of
Police Fred W. Ames to six years and
A half. In the penitentiary for accept
ing , a bribe. A stay of fifty days Jn
which to move for a new trial was
Eight Million Gallons of Water Rushes
Down the Street.
' " " N. J. , Oct. I ! . Tlio city res-
. T1 ° in.waro river , brolio
| . " ' "tor/caj / NOI ; (100,000 gallons
of watui „ UoV ( ' 'flowed down
Twenty-seventh BUw..v. flooding the
cellars of many IIOUBOS and doing oth
er iHtuago. The reservoir IB 33-i feet
long by 180 foot wide nnd Is 2 feet
A watchman , whose duty It IB to
open a valve when the water reaches
a certain height , neglected to do so ,
and the wa'or flowed over the oinlmnk-
mcnt , washing away the earth to such
nn extent that the break followed. It
will cost the city $25.000 to repair the
Congressional Nominations.
New York , 'OK. 3. Conventions
wore held last night in the city con
gressional ( llsrlots. The nominations
follow : Republican Eighth district ,
Montague Less'.or ; Eleventh , Henry
Blrrull ; Twelfth , Chnrles Shongood ;
Thirteenth , JamesV. . Perry ; Fif
teenth , AVllllam II. Douglas ; Seven
teenth , Harvey T. Andrews ; Eight
eenth , Frank C. Shnefller. Democrats
Eighth district , Timothy D. Sulli
van ; Ninth , Henry M. Goldfogle ;
Tenth. William Sulzer ; Eleventh. Will-
lam R. Hearst ; Twelfth , G or e D.
McClollan ; Fourteenth , Ira F. Rvder ;
Sixteenth , Jacob Ruppert , Jr. ; Seven
teenth , Francis E. Shober.
Robbers Routed by Citizens.
Paris , Mo. , Oct.- . A gang of des
peradoes , who attempted to dynamite
and rob the bank at Holliday , eight
miles west of here , terrorized its citi
zens for more than an hour early to
day , but were finally driven away
without having secured any booty.
Eight men battered down the doors of
D. L. Courtrlght's general store , In
which Is located the bank. They then
blew off the doors of the Bafe and this
aroused the citizens. The robbers
made a stand and a fusillade ensued.
Finally the robbers were routed ,
sprang on waiting horses and escaped.
So far as known no one was shot on
either side.
Veterans Assembling at Washington ,
Washington , Oct. 3 The first of the
veterans from the outside who are to
attend the Grand Army encampment
arrived hero yesterday. General Tor-
ran -e and his staff are expected today.
The city Is beautifully decorated in
the national colors. Many tents have
been erected on the ellipse south of
the white house. Official orders were
Issued by General MacArthur for the
participation of a number of regular
troops in the naval veterans' parade
next Tuesday.
Antl-Horsethief Association Elects.
Guthrie , Okla. , Oct. 3. The Na
tional Anti-Horsethlef association ad
journed yesterday to meet next year
in Springfield , 111. The president's re
port showed an Increase of 5,000 In
the membership during the paet year
and the admittance of Arkansas Into
the association. These officers were
elected : President , Fielding Scott , St.
Paul , Kan. ; vice president , George E.
Dewesse , Prentlss , 111. ; secretary and
treasurer , J. B. Culberson , Sterling ,
Funston at Ottawa Reunion.
Ottawa , Kan. , Oct. 3. Brigadier
General Funston , commander of the
Department of the Colorado , was the
guest of honor at the old soldiers' re
union here yesterday. General Fun-
ston was Introduced to a large crowd
in the Chautauqua tabernacle , and
said : "I do not appear before you to
make a speech. I made a speech , you
know , In Denver six months ago and
have had a sore throat ever since. "
The Carriage Builders' National as
sociation decided In favor of Boston
for next year's convention.
B. H. Howell's Son & Co. , and Ar-
buckles Bros , have reduced all re
fined grades of sugar five points.
John Whltaker , the first governor
of Oregon , died Thursday at his resi
dence in Eugene , aged eighty-two
years. *
Europe Is experiencing an approach
of winter and in England the weather
Is cold and stormy. Snow has fallen
in Germany and Italy.
The plan for the reorganization of
the National Asphalt company and the
Asphalt Company of America , which
are in the hands of receivers , was de
clared operative Thursday.
C. L. Beach , aged ninety-five , said
to be the oldest hotel man in the world
and proprietor of the Catsldll Mount
house for sixty-three years , died at
Catsklll , N. Y. , Thursday.
Julia Kachlnj- ; ten years old , was
found strangled to death and burled
under a blacksmith shop at Menominee -
nee , Mich. Joseph Beck , proprietor ,
was arrested on suspicion.
The Black Hawk county ( It ) grand
jury indicted the Rock Island , Illinois
Central and Great Western rallroada
for alleged illegal demurrage charges
on freight carp held for unloadinc.
The monument at the crave of Nan
cy Hanks Lincoln , the president's
mother , was dedicated at Lincoln
City , Ind. Governor Durbin and Gen
eral John C. Black of Chicago deliv
ered addresses ,
The first official circular of the Den
ver , Enid and Gulf Railroad company
was issued Thursday , announcing the
opening of the line from Enid , to June-
tlon City and Douglas , Okla. , on Oct.
16 , and to Marshall , Okla , , on Oct. 31 ,
Tariff Iss.if. Comes Up at Re
publican I .eague Convention.
Says Law of Competition is Still In
Force and That Trust Question Will
Settle Itself Four Canuldatcs for
League Presidency.
Chicago , Oct. 3. "Tho Iowa idea"
cninu lu me aurlnce at umeuung under
the auspices ot tne National uoaguo i
of Republican clubs , which mot in |
annual convention here yesterday.
United States Senator J. P. Uollivor
of Iowa wiis responsible.
Senator Dolllvor's distinction as an
orator and statesman assured him In
advance the enthusiastic reception ho
received from an audience thai filled
the First regiment armory. Uituront
became Intense when It was realized
by the delegates to the convention and
spectators that they were being
treated to the first public speech on
the Biihject by a national loader of the
party since the Iowa Republican state
convention. Mr. Dolllvor said , In part :
"Lot us look at the Iowa Idea for a
minute , and I select that only because
I am more familiar with It and because
cause circumstanced have arisen to
give it a universal advertisement. It
has been presented to the country aa
the sudden Impulse of dissatisfied
mischief makers within the Republic
an party. On the other hand , it la
the mature judgment of a man whose
mature judgment has never failed the
party In forty years of service.
Removal of Duty Not a Remedy.
"Our party recognizes the necessity
for largo capital for the transaction of
a great business , especially for tha
commercial conquests upon which we
are now entering , but they also recog-
nlze the abuses in great industrial en
terprises and would have the govern
ment stand between the community
and the reckless perversion of the
recent law of corporate property. It
Is evident that even If it were desir
able to kill the trusts , It could not be
done by merely remittng the duties
which their foreign competitors pay
at our custom houses Even Mr. Bry
an , who talks of putting the captains
of Industry into a chain gang and
sending J. Plerpont Morgan first to
the poor house and then to the peni
tentiary , admits publicly that the fiee
trade remedy falls very far short of
the object ho has in view. Nearly
every sober student of the subject ad
mits that It was pressure of compe
tition which has drawn some of our
industries first Into groups and then
into gigantic combinations , under a
single corporate management. I con
fess that as a life-long friend of the
protective system I take a very pro
found Interest In the question.
Passing Through Ordeal.
"That principle , which never failed
to justify the doctrine of protection
In any period of the past , Is today
passing through an ordeal hardly oven
anticipated when the tariff law of 1897
was placed upon the statute books.
If one field of production after another
passes under the control of speculat
ors intent on nefarious schemes to en
gross the whole market , the protection
literature of 100 years becomes mis
leading and obsolete.
"Before anybody makes up his mind
that the socalled American trust Is a
permanent Institution , let him con
sider the long list of ambitious com
binations which have already had
their affairs wound up by the courts of
Justice. The alcohol trust , the lin
seed oil trust , the salt trust , the as
phalt trust and scores of others whose
very names are now even forgotten.
What was the matter with these as
tonishing creations of the promoters'
art ? Nine out of ten of them were
bogus , and without stretching the law
very much , could have been denied the
use of the mails on an ordinary fraud
Law of Competition Still In Force.
"The more I examine the old law of
competition , the better It looks to
me. If the day of settlement has al
ready come to so many of these once
formidable Institutions , how has It
fared with those who have so far sur
vived the test ? Already the evidence
Is accumulating from which the free
dom of trusts can bo foretold , even the
most solvent and best managed of
thorn all. The figures of the census
show that neither in the mercantile
nor the manufacturing world has the
small dealer , who owns his business
and gives It his personal attention ,
anything to fear in competition with
the overgrown and topheavy Invest
ments of capital that surround him.
"There Is no room In this discussion
for vain exclamations of alarm and
despair. Up to this time the tariff
policy to which wo owe the prosperous
conditions which now surround us ,
has been the ally of independent cap
ital in Its grapple with the modern
trust system ; but If the day should
ever como when the productive ener
gies of the American people are Im
potent In the presence of monopoly ,
the protection which for moro than a
generation our laws have given to all
our industries alike , is not likely to
remain to enrich such a conspiracy
of avarice and greed. "
The convention was called to order
with about 400 delegates present , rep-
the auxiliary IPHKUCH of vi *
rloiiB Htiitcs.
Amoni ; the rnndldntPH for the lo niif >
presidency worn * mentioned .1. II
Moore of PeiuiHylviinln , Hid H. Red
ding of Little Rock , Ark. ; Rlrlmrd
Woods of Sioux FnllH. H. D. . nnil Shir-
lev 13. Jolinsnn ofjventuoky.
INSTRUCTION f-w , . - . > , RDSMEN
Regulars Give the Suto I'loopo Uoiuo
Much Needed Lessons.
Fort Ililoy , Kun. , Oct. . inloimoly
practical , oxc-i'iMllngly iiHOfnl , hut In
no way nlcturuuiinu woio the iniuiouv-
orB yuHlurduy. They consisted ontlro-
ly of Instruction lor the men of the
National Uuiird In the formation ot
outpostH. in I'ui'li oxorclHO a regiment
of regulars established the outpoHt ,
the olllcerB of the National IJiiurd uc-
companylng thu coinnnuulur of the
regulars iiu spectators. When the out-
poHt of rogulurs had licon fully en tali ,
llshed the Btato troops were Hunt out
to rollovo the regulars on the outpom.
The Sixth regular Inlantry established
the outpost for the First Kansas , the
Eighteenth Infantry for the Second
Kansas and the Twenty-second infantry -
fantry for the Colorado battalion.
When the state troops wore complete
ly established on the outpost aai attack
WUB made by a small force of cavalry.
The National Guard did excellent
work In forming their outpoatH , tha
pickets and reserves being pouted
promptly and with i\o delay. When ,
however , the attack was begun tha
National guardsmen showed how
much the Instruction given ot such n
camp as Is no'w being held Is needed
by them. In many Instances they rose
from cover , fired standing or kneeling ,
and exposed themselves recklessly.
While they did this all that could bo
seen of the regulars was a brown dot
where a hat could bo distinguished
above the grass , but their steady ,
raipld flro from behind their cover
vould have worked terrible havoc
among the state troops. The latter
were finally brought moro to cover ,
but throughout the fighting they bora
themselves with an" air of "lot mo at
'em" that spoke as strongly for their
natural bravery as It did for their
need of just such instructions aa
given them today.
Madame Zola Sees the Body of Her
Husband and Swoons Away.
Paris , Oct. 3. Mine. Zola was al
lowed to see the body of her husband
yesterday. A largo crowd assembled
In front of the house saluted her re
spectfully ns the widow alighted from
a carriage , assisted by two doctors.
She was attired In deep mourning
and was evidently very weak.
Zola's publishers and his Immediate
friends , Charpenter , Fasquoll and M.
DCS Moullns , the writer , accompanied
her to the mortuary chamber. When
her husband'ii features were uncov
ered Mine. Zola's anguish was heart
rending. She finally swooned.
Revolutionists Join Forces.
Wlllemstad , Island of Curacao , Oct.
3. News lias reached hero from Ven.
ezuela that the Venezuelan revolution
ary forces under General Matoa hava
effected a Junction with the command
of the revolutionary general , Mendoza -
doza , near Camagata , fifty miles south
of Caracas. The combined forces pi
General Mates and General Mendoza
are now 6,500 men. President Castro
Is at Los Tequetos , a strong strategical
position but a few hours' ride from
Caracas , and which Is considered near
ly impregnable. He IB awaiting attack
by the revolutionists.
Gives Notice to Divorcees.
Davenport , la. , Oct. 3. Bishop The
odore N. Morrls.ou In a circular letter
Just Issued to the clergy and laity of
the Iowa Episcopal church announces
that hereafter ho will not go behind
the record of the courts In dlvorca
cases. Divorced persons who have se
cured decrees on any other ground
but infidelity are prohibited from
marrying again. The practice of hear
ing testimony of Infidelity at the re
quest of the divorcee who has failed
to plead statutory grounds is abel
Ak-Sar-Ben Pageant at Omaha.
Omatia , Oct. 3. At least 150,000
people on the streets of Omaha gazed
last night at the Ak-Sar-Bcn pageant
of twenty illuminated floats. The par
ade was led by a platoon of police.
Following them rode the board of gov >
ernors and then came the "Festival
of Fairyland. " The floats wore all
much admired.
Second Trials for Aberdeen Cup.
Madison , S. D. , Oct. 3. Tha second
trials in the coursing for the Aberdeen
cup were run yesterday. Eighteen
pairs were run over a thirty-five
course. The day's winners were :
Moody's Pride , Tally Ownes , Trooper ,
Clontarf Boy , Memory , Brlc-a-Brac ,
Sweet Emma , Yokowan and Pasha.
Patterson Talks to Iowa Veterans.
Washington , la. , Oct. 3. Congress
man Joslah Patterson of Memphis ,
Tenn. , spoke before the Washington
County Veterans' association last
night. Colonel Bell of this place in
troduced him. Patterson took Bell's
regiment prisoners during the civil
Fatally Shot by His Uncle.
Mitchell , Ind. , Oct. 3. Lawrence E.
Stevens went to the homo of his uncle ,
Charles Stevens , called him out and
wanted to talk over old troubles ,
Both became angry and used revolvers
vers , with the result that young Stev
ens was perhaps fatally shot la the
White Sswoke
from Soft Coal
Kouiul Onk I'lirniuH" ) Iwvo liir ' 1 fi'i'l doori ,
hin n wood or coal ; bill \vliaU \ or they
hum , nlvc jjiontiT lli'iit than miy oiliiT
i In/cause nil tlu % yiihi-i niil ( nearly
nil the Ninoko is coimitnifil. Tbu Miioku to
white fiotn u Kounil Oak Furnace burning
Heft coal ; tliat iiii'inm IKI uiisti'ftu-l. Tlif
| iiim-ilo | ) is not IH-U , ( ml Ilie niili-atiiin ] |
to tinUoniiil Oak M ncn in that no
holes ate cut through thu fito | > ot.
Round Oak
nrn ( U f for out
front nil otlitirH
In iimn.N ntlior
IhliiKN In nollil
ciiiihtnicllnti , In
rimNonubl IHICNH
of price. If yon
itro KoliiK to Iniv u
fiirimi'r , Hnuil for
our frun furiiiu'u hook
i-ontiiliiH tiHiidil lufor-
niiitlon uliout lii'atlni. , < ll-
iiiL'n"loii"furinicn regula
tion , vuntlliitlon , ulu.
Id.nnnUi' , Midi.
J.iArrioIlrrtiittth'i . Haunt
_ ( hit Ihf mint fumnui
ttuvr Ci Hit nut lit.
llniinil O.L Kurn.rr. .r < for ! la
Nu I oik Nol.bjT Jo1 II Kriday , DKOU
( W. II. IJUOnoiI'reaMont. .
Norfolk } ALKXANDKIl IIKAH , \ | co Prwldonk
( K. W. ZUTZ , CiiBlilor.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Soils Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
DraflB and Money Ordcra Sold on any Point in KurOj o.
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Bualncsa Tranaaoted.
A. HKAll , f. P. HANLONj F. J. HALE , W. H.BCfHOLZ , Wit ZDTZ
Strangers have been quite plentiful in
Norfolk lately and in looking over the
different H\ooks of goods on sale have
been very agreeably surprised atone Btoro
iu particular over all the othorH , several
traveling men who liuvo vimtud every
town of any importance in the Btato nn-
aniinouHly ( k'ulured that they found no
other Btoro that compares with this one
outNide of Omaha and Lincoln. One wan
heard to suy , "the quality of the geode ,
the neat nurl effective miinuur in which
the entire stock is displayed shows an
artistic development BO ilom found in
western stores , " and tlio Norfolk citizen
to whom the statement was made , ro-
plitd , "yes and there is another thing
about it too , when you buy anything
here you got what you buy , you don't
get a bed with the wrong side rails , n
dresser with Bticky drawers , a carpet
with holes in it , a table with the wrong
legs , nor n fibbiuK match on iho part of
the proprietor to straighten it out. If
yon buy n iffl 00 mattress and a$4 75
rocker you will not discover next day
that your neighbor bought the same
kind for $3.00 and ? 2.75 , neither will
you have any disputes or misunder
standings afterwards about the prices
or payments. " This place is quite an
attraction in many ways and Norfolk
ladies seldom fail to take their visiting
friends through this store showing it to
them as "one of the Bights of Norfolk. "
They all seotn to be proud of it and on a
trip of this kind recently a lady from
Chicago was much surprised to find
that she could have bought her piano
at this store for just $155,00 less money
than she had lately paid for the same
make at home , and while discussing it
the lady friend with her said , "why just
look at this chamber snit , why it's jnst
exactly the same as Tobey sells in Chicago
cage nud had it in his window marked ,
'only $125.00 , ' and here it is only
$100.00. " "Yes" the other replied "just
look nt thoBO rngs , $23.00 and $17.50 ,
they are just the same as Marshall
Field sells for $27 00 and $21.00 , " and
then the Norfolk Indy who was with
them said , "yes , they ore just the same
as my neighbor , Mrs. , went to
Omaha and bought for $29.00 and $23 00
nt a bargain sale. " Just then n little
girl came In with a china salad bowl
and said , "mamma sent this back , its
got nu old crack in it and wants you to
give her a good ono. " On investigation
it was found to have a competitor's price
mark on it and the little girl was obliged
to take it whore she could make an
other selection from those "sample
bargains" you sometimes road about.
This incident called attention to the
china department and before the ladies
left tboy were unnblo to resist the temp
tation to bny a few souvenirs to take
back with them to Chicago to show
their friends how they conld bny goods
way ont iu Norfolk cheaper than at
home. Soon after n gentleman from
Stnnton called , bringing with him n
Sears Roebnck catalogue but before he
loft he bought a bill of furniture to the
amount of $110.00 and found that after
it was nil figured up ho had saved just
enough to buy ono of those flno smoke
less lamps , found only at this store. By
smokeless In meant the kind that the
flames don't crawl up and fill your houHO
full of soot nnd bad odor , and when he
left ho presented tlio proprietor , Chas ,
II. Johnson , with his cataloguennUsald ,
"next time I want anything in this line
I will know where to come. "
Itnunil < Uk Turn * . *
with outer cjuilng
. . . ,
Oateopathlc Physician.
both ncnto nnd chronic enrcRBsfally
trontoil without aso of drugs or kulfo.
Pliouo No. F 54 , Olllco at roeldonca ,
109 North lOtli Street ,
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Phone 107. for Ladies and Children
f J. COLE ,
OHlce ovar Cltlzan'a National Dank. Reildanct
cue block north of Congregational church.
Norfolk , Nebraska
Undc/rtakerHitind Embalmers ,
Beiiloni nik- . , Norfolk ATD.
Norfolk , - - - Nebraska
Sv I
Residence audofllco , 307 Madison Ave. ,
East. Hours from 'J n. in. to 4 p. ni.
Monday , Wednesday nnd Friday after
noons from 1 to 0 in Pierce.
Agent for Glove Fitting Dress System.
128 South 4th Street ,
Second door north of Madison Ave.
Sioux City Florist
Awarded first premium on
Funeral Designs.
Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Ferns
Flowers shipped in fresh condition.
Phone ,466u City oft'ca : Cor. Bthau.l Pierce.