j".ir.r * " , r- * * ' * * " V . . * * w JT * / f * * * 1 M THE NOKFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , Fr/im.rrAliY 7 Uhl W. N. 11UHW , I'ubHuhur. DAILY. ICntnbllsliAil. 1H87. Kvnrr day oicnpi Htitulnjr. lljr carrier | ior w o U , 1& emit * , lly umll imr ) nnr , ( A.OO , WKKK1.V Ni\VH : IOUUNAI , . The News , ostabllnltoil , ItW. Tlio Journal , oMnlilliOiod 1H17 Ktery Friday. Hy mall tiaryenrt.fiO. Kutarod at the 1'natolllco nt Norfolk , Noli , , ni teoond class mnttor. _ Ttl'iilimicM Kdltarlal Dnimrtmnnt , No. 22) ) Itaslnefs Olllon ntnl Job lloomn. No , S22. Governor Savage certainly 1ms n nvro quality of ncrvo to auk the people to on- domi IIH ! adniinltttratton , Governor Sarnie IB not llholy to put Hartley bnolc , but the republican con- volition will put the ( jovornor back into private lifo , The Gornuuin now charge that laud WAH anxious to Intervene iu tlio Spanish-American war but wan prevented vented by the stand taken by Germany tTlio United StatoH will soon bo compelled to hire n dotootlvo to learn doflnttoly vrho its ( rlondH really are. The fiiBionlfltH are Htill fearfnl that the contest botwuun the Bavago and null- SAVURO fnotioiiH will result in n terrible KtrviRKlo in the republican party. Those opposed to the nomination of Ills excel lency have ilgnrcd it out that it would lw bettor to have a "desperate strugglo" in convention than that the fuslonistB nhould have n walk-away at the polls. Governor Savnuo and his friends im I1' ? ' agine that the fury of the storm in over nnd are Btlokiug their heads out of the cyclone collar with the buliof that they wore not even scared. A few months will develop that what they thought waa a Btorm was merely a Rontlo breeze and whoa the "real thing" strikes they will wish that they had remained under cover. Even defeated candidates for gover nor cannot afford to wreak personal vengeance on those who might bo opposed - posed to thorn. T. J. Phillips , demo cratic candidate for governor of Iowa , was fined $25 in district court nt Ot- tniuwa Thursday for kicking Editor Moore a few weeks ago for having printed unpleasant stories and sarcastic paragraphs. lie pleaded guilty to the charge of assault. Blxby expresses his sincere sympathy Xor the members of the democratic edi torial association and acknowledges that "It must bo embarrassing iu the extreme , particularly to ouo not need to it , to bo the champion of an organization whoso political principles are like whole sale quotations ou dried mackoral , 'sub joct to clmugo without notice. ' " Ho confesses that the only hope of the democrat ocrat , until n rook can bo found ou which the party's foundation may rest , is to oppose anything and everything that the republican party may attempt to accomplish. * They don't stay with us very long the boys and girls wo moan just n few years , first as household pots and troas tires then for a llttlo while as helpers and companions , and then they are gone like birds in the autumn days and father nnd mother once more sit down and talk of the girls and boys that are scattered and \Vhothoryouandmothorareloft ' depends on how you treated the little folks during the days when they wore with you. It is n sorry proposition when the only interest children have at homo is the interest they have when the probate court divides the estate. Ashland Jour rial. , The people of Omaha are congratulat ing themselves over two recent mores of the railroads iu this territory. The News of that ; city says : "Omaha is given a more exclusive hold , oa the trade through Nebraska by the latest move of the Union Paclllo in withdrawing from the Sionx Oity trade. The city gains the inside track on all Nebraska terri tory west of Norfolk. By the extension of the Eikhorn road to Boyd county the territory from which Omaha has for merly been completely shut out is opened np and the first stops for the in vaaion of the Dakotas from an entirely .new point are taken. " I'Mllpino FunHtons. The Manila Times of December 25 re lates a feat recently preformed by thro native sconte enlisted in our army who , fired by the fame of General Fuueton organized a little expedition of thoi : own. They ascertained through friend ly natives , that not far from their ou campmont in Laguna province , n com pauy of iusurrectos were encamped and wore recruiting their ranks. The three a sergeant and two privates , concluded to pay them a visit. Exchanging thei uniforms for ordinary native dress out concealing their revolvers under thei clothing they proceeded to the cam ] nnd upon talking of enlisting were given n cordial reception. But before they had been in cam many hours they perceived n coldness which could arise only from suspicion among the insurgents. However , they were assigned quarters for the night , nnd told that in the morning the com manding officer would consider the ques tion of enlisting them. They slept , with one eye open , and soon heard the' approach preach of a band to thtir sleeping chain- bor. When the Filipinos entered their room with drawn bolos , they had their revolvers at full cock nnd rushed upon them. After iv smart light in which jiono of the three got n scratch , they captured , disarmed and marched into their own cninp sixteen of the enemy. This feat will probably onoonrngo the llttlo Kansas brigadier to think that ho had apt scholars among his old native scouts who stood by htm in danger nnd learned his ways. State Journal. EXPLOSION ADDS TO FIRE , Several Chicago Firemen Injured While Fighting Flames. Chicago , lob. 7. The 'Varsity flat building , situated nt the southeast corner nor of Sixtieth street ami ISIllH ave- nno , wan completely destroyed by flro last evening , entailing an aggregate IOBB or $100,000. The building wan four utorlon high find contained 47 flatn , all of which were occupied. Al the tcnantn had nmplo tlmo to cacapev however , nnd no lives were lost , Dur Ing the flro nn explosion of Rosollno In n grocery ntoro located in the build Ing hurled Fireman James Tlllman from the flro escnpo on the tiocond tory to the ground , breaking hia thigh nnd Injuring htm internally , Robert Hartley , another fireman , wan thrown from n window In the second story nnd hla head badly cut. Ho was alflo badly burned by the oxplo nlon. Policeman John Caole , who wno In the grocery at the tlmo of the o * plosion , was thrown down nnd badly burned about the faco. LET THE POWDER GET TOO HOT Two Men Killed and Several Injured by Explosion at Mouth of Mine. Tollurltlo , Colo. , Fob. 7. Two men TO dead nud four othora seriously in ured ns the result of an explosion f powder in the powder house at tlio Tiouth of Japan tunnel. The dead : D. n. O'Connoll andAlphonso Flarota , . Santlno Mnrtn , the powder thawor , will lese one nnd probably both oycs. Marta stopped out of the building for i moment and the powder , becoming icatod , exploded , the concussion sot- Ing off tho' ontlro powder supply , amounting to several hundred pounds. About 400 yards distant was Btorod OUB of dynamite. The door of the ulldlng was blown In , but the dyna mite was undisturbed. Eleven Die In Explosion. Chicago , Fob. 7. It is bollovod 11 s the correct number of people who est their lives by the explosion of gas n the Trostol butcher shop at 37C Twonty-Bocond street Wednesday night. The bodies , charred pant hu man Bcmblanco In the majority of cases , lay at n nearby morgue , while firemen , assisted by laborers , still dug n the ruins on the bare possibility that more hod leu might bo under the debris. Flro Chief Munharu declared his belief that tlio explosion was that of n pocket of gas. Another Explosion In Park Avenue. Now York , Feb. 7. An explosion of dynamlto in tlio rapid transit subway n Park nvenuo , between Forty-first and Forty-second streets , yesterday , uirlod n piece of rock weighing 30 pounds through tlio plato glass door of the Grand Union hotel and broke several windows in that establish- ment. Two persons were hurt by flylnc fragments. Norwegian Vessel Loat. London , Fob. 7. The Norwegian bark Adolph , Captain Andorocn , which sailed from Hamburg Jan. 21 for Brunswick , Go. , Is presumed to have bean lost. Five bodies nnd some let ters addressed to the care of Captain Anderson have been washed ashore at Sheernoss. Burned to Death In Hie Home. Marshalltown , Jo , , Feb. 7. James McQerry was burned to death yoator- day in a flro that destroyed his homo at Evens. Several other members of the family were badly burned. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. India Is threatened with another BO- vcro famine. The Northwestern has announced a reduction In freight rates between St. Paul and Huron , S. D. Hadda Mullah , who was prominent i in a former uprising , is preaching a holy war In Afghanistan. A burglar entered troop O armory nt Peorla and stole 40 army revolvers belonging to the government. Captain Louis Maas , proprietor of the Windsor hotel at Dallas , and well known throughout Texas , Is dead. The carnival of 1902 opened at Now Orleans with the pageant of the Knights'Of Momus Thursday night. Three more corpses , probably of Bailers lost in the storm , have been recovered on the Long Island coast Rolla D. Plerson , postmaster of Louisville , Ills. , who is accused of embezzlement bozzlement , was arrested Thursday In Upton , Cal. The industrial commission has sub mitted Its final report to congress It Is a document of more than 1,000 printed pages. Tom Brown , tiie negro who assault td Miss Delia Powell , was taken from the officers , at .Nicholasvllle , Ky. Thursday , and lynched. It IB reported that the Santa Fo rail way Is negotiating for ( ho purchase of the St. Louis and Hannibal railroad to gain entrance to St. Louis. A special train bearing 24 members bers of the Cook County Democracy left Chicago Thursday for Charleston S. C. , whore they will be guests o f ; the exposition officials. William J , Tuttle clipped one-flfth o f a second from the American swi/ mint record for 40 yards , held by E Carroll Schaeffcr , at the Chicago sportsman's show. Tuttle' * tlmo was 13 3-5 seconds. Senate Hears Heated Discus sion on Tariff Bill. TO TAKE UP IRRIGATION DILL. Senate Decides to Consider Measure After Phlllppl.no Tariff la Disposed Of San PVou Route for Canal IB Proposed by Scott. Washington , Fob. 7. For four hours yesterday the senate had the Philip- pliio tariff bill under discussion. The measure was completed BO far no the Philippine commlnslon was concerned , nil the amendments being adopted. Several other amendments will bo of fered. Toward the close of the day the discussion became hot. In re sponse to a resolution offered several daya ago by Rawllns ( Utah ) , the sec retary of war transmitted to the Ben- ate the oodltJon laws enacted by the Philippine commission. They were road in full , and Immediately drew the flro of the opponents of the govern- mont'fl Philippine policy. Hoar ex pressed his astonishment that such laws should bo enforced by the gov ernment authorities. Foraker ( O. ) had read from the revised statutes of tbo United States the laws of congress relating to the crime of treason and similar offenses against the govern ment and said that the acts passed by the Philippine- commission were al most Identical in their language with the laws enacted by congress In the days of the fathers of the republic and that thereW&B nothing unprece dented or unusual about ibcm. The Ohio senator was interrupted contin uously nnd had several warm colloquies quies with senators who were oppos ing him. In ono of them , ho announced - . nouncod with great earnestness that | the American army never would re- turn from the Philippines until it re turned victorious and that gentlemen In and out of congress , rail about it as they might , ought to thoroughly un derstand that fact. In concluding the debate , Hoar poured oil on the trou bled waters of the senate , maintain ing that men might well differ on any of the great questions now before the country , but that all wore thoroughly loyal to the country and wore doing their duty as they saw It. Early In the day Scott ( W. Va. ) de livered a speech in which ho advo cated an Investigation of the San Bias route for nn Isthmian canal , and Hans- brough made a carefully prepared ad dress on his bll ) to provide n national system of irrigation of arid lands. At the conclusion of Hansbrough's speech the Irrigation bill was ordered to bo the unfinished business when the Plilllppino tariff bill Is disposed of. House Takes Up Appropriation Bill. Washington , Fob. 7. The house spent the day on the legislative , exec utive and judicial appropriation bill. Very rapid progress was made , 74 of the 130 pages of the bill being dis posed of before adjournment. No debate - bate of importance developed during the , consideration of , the bill and no amendments of importance were adopted. PHELAN ON CHINESE QUESTION. Former Mayor of San Franolsoo Talks for Exclusion to House Committee. "Washington , Fob. 7. James D. Phelan , recently mayor of San Fran- cluco and ono of the California com missioners appointed by the governor tq represent the state before commit ; toes of congress here , was n witness before the house committee on foreign affairs yesterday. Referring to a Btatomtn by Minister Wu that "labor agitators" were be hind the Chinese exclusion movement , Mr. Phelan declared the overwhelming sentiment on the Pacifictcoast was in favor of the exclusion movement. On the other side , he said , were the Pacific Mail Steamship company , the Canadian railways , the Chinese dip lomatic representatives , several re tained attorneys and returned mis sionaries , who urged no public reason for the admission of the Chinese end who had finally agreed to the renewal of , the Oeary law , for two years , when , it IB stated , the treaty of 1894 will ex pire. Find Gold on New York Farm. Ogdensburg , N. Y. , Fob. 7. Gold has lately been discovered on the rocky farm of J. L. Hockons of DePeyster , , The report of an expert assayer places the ore at a value of $75 per ton. Mr ! Hockons.has commenced mining on n small scale and has taken out a ton and a hatt of gold bearing quartz. The vein was found near the surface and runs Into the side of a bill. Straw/board Makers Mc t. Chicago , Feb. 7. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the American Strawboard company , hold bore yesterday , some opposition to the party in power developed , but the lat ter , headed by President Newcomb , controlled sufficient proxies to re-elect the old board of directors. Dutch Abandon Boer Caute. London , Fob. 7. The Brussels cor respondent of the Dolly Telegraph de clares it to bo absolutely certain that owing to the attitude of the powers and the Boer leaders , the Dutch gov ernment is now firmly determined to abandon the Boer cause and any idea of fresh intervention. Jury Acquits Teachers. Auburn , Neb. , Feb. 7. Judge Cald troll's court was crowded with specta tors at the trial of two teachers for cruelly whipping a pupil. The jury round th teachers not eullty. ® tudc jita Return to Their Classes. UOP .for , Fob. 7. The trouble bo- wc > n the faculty nnd the students 0 * the Stnto School of Mines nt Golden , which 1ms caused the suspension of work In that Institution for moro than a weak , has been nettled temporarily nt it least. , The board of trustees will take t the whole matter out of tlio handn | of [ the faculty , mnko n thorough Invest igation of tlio present and past trou . bles and docldo the cnso on its merlin. The studonto have agreed to return to their classes and nbldo by the de cision of the board. Brought Back for Murder. Muscatlno , In. , Fob. 7. "Kid" No ble , the murderer of Tom Morgan , Is In the county jail In this city , hav ing arrived In custody of Sheriff John Stuart and John Morgan , brother of the man who wns murdered in this city on the night of Jan. 21. The party arrived on the Chicago , Rock Island and Pacific from Enid , O. T. , whore the murderer was apprehended a few days ago by the sheriff of that place. III * Grny Hnlra. Sunday School Teacher Remember , children , always respect gray hair. Tommy Trnddlcs Well , my pa doea not. not.Sunday Sunday School Teacher ( In astonish ment ) What mnkco you think that ? Tommy TrnddlcB Ho dyes his .whis kers. Exchange. Legal Notice. STJosoph Fix , the defendont , will toke notice that on the ! ird day of February , 1002 , Geesko Fix , the plaintiff heroin , filed n petition in Hie district conrt of Madison county , Nebraska , against the said dofoudont , the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce trotn the bonds of matrimony from the Bald de fendant , on the ground that in the year 1801 , the defendant willfully abandoned the plaintiff nnd over since said date has boon willfully absent from her , without n reasonable or just cause. Plaintiff prays for n decree of divorce and for the custody of two minor chil dren. dren.Yon Yon nro required to nnswor said peti tion on or before the 17th day of March , 1002. GKESKE Fix. Br Mnpes and ITazen , attorneys. 0. A. RICHEY , Dray and Transfer Line. Household Goods Moving a Specialty , Telephone 108. Cnlla Promptly Answered , All Work Guaranteed. MRS. H. H. HULL Manicuring , Shampooing , Baths. o. 447. Rooms on North Ninth Street For I'lamiiiDg ' , Steam Filling , Pomps , Tanln And nil work In this line call on STITT & WHITE. ShtltfnctlonJQnaranteed. Firet door West of Ahlmnn'n Bioyclo Shop. Leare orders at Telephone I ! 231. L. L. REMBE , Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter. Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps. Prices Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Work First door West of Post Office C.R.SEILER , Sale and. Boarding Barn. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. BrasACh Avenue 'DUhUC A A and Third St. rHUNt < W THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE P. E. & 10 , V. Q. H.I is the best to and from the STJGrAlR BEET FIELDS ofNorth North Nebraska J Pacific Hotel , Special rates made to boarders by week or month. Rooms Btcnm Heated and Eloctrio Lighted. First Class Accommodations ALL MILLINERY GOODS At Greatly Reduced Prices at IViiss E. J. ' . . Bender's. C. W. BRAASCH , DEALER IN V Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweotwator Book Spring Goal tbo best In the market. _ , , Soranton Hard Goal In all sizes. TELEPHONE 01. SUGAR GITY GEREBIi fflMiS , flanafacturcrs of the Bon Ton and Sun-Shine Flours. The loading bakers of tbo State tuo it and tbo best grocers bandlo it. Every Sack Guaranteed. Q. A. LUIKABT , PUKSIDBKT. W. H , JOHNSON , CIIAB. B. BBIDQK , VICE PEIBIDBNT. LEO PASEWALK , ABS'T Oiem B The Citizens National Bank. Capital , $50,000. Surplus , 85,000. Day and sell exchange on this country and allJparU of Europe. | Farm Loane. Director , . * . OAEL Asuna . , . W U. JOHNSON , CBAB. S. BEJDQB , 0 , W. BBJULBOII , 0. H . . SWANK o. Ai LUIRABT. T. F MEUMINOBB. L. , SESSIONS , , HENRY HEBERER 5 ( Successor to Herman Naegle. ) DBALEU IN * * . , Fresh : and : Cured : Meats. Only Good Young Beef Cut up. Fine Sausage a Specialty. Oysters and Celery. . TELEPHONE I 14. . H. T. HOLDEN Homeopathic Physician -6nd Snrgoon Office , Citizens National Bank Building , Telephone 101. Sanitarium and Residence , Main and 13th Bt Telepbono 9 , Norfolk , - . - Nebraska. JR. N. J. HOAGLAND , Osteopathlc Physician. Diseases both ncnto and cbronio Bnccesefallj treated without nee of drugs or knifo. Pbono No. F 54. Office at residence , 109 North 10th Street , Norfolk , - Nebraska J. COLE , DENTIST. Office over Citizen's National Bank. 'Beldonc one block north of Congregational cbnroh. Norfolk , - - - Nebraska MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker. Op stairs In Cotton block , over Banm' etor * Firit-claBs work guaranteed. Norfolk , - - - Nebraska ] yRS. SADIE HART MILLER , Osteopathic Physician , Rooms ovorJHnyes1 Jewelry House , Norfolk gESSIONS & BELL , Undertakersand ) Embalmers , Besalons Blk. , Norfolk Ate. Norfolk , . . . Nebraska QEO. H. SPEAR , MANAGER. RAY HAYES , ASSISTANT MANAGER. ONE NIGHT , 4 'if TUESDAY , Feb.il Grand Revival of , . f m ft. WHITEBartley Bartley Campbell's Beautiful Plav. J "Rags are royal raiment when worn for virtue's sake. " See the "World-Famous Scones Once yore. The Quadroon's Oath. The Sala of f , ho Slaves at Big Bend. Aboard the Belle Creole. " Terriflo Rainstorm. | ) ? 8olato Red Devil Island. Way Down t m the Plantation Plantation Melodies with Fifty People. A Distinguished L last. A Beautiful Play Beautifully produced. BOARDING. Having removed to South Fourth street , ono block from Main , I nm prepared to oiler first clues accommodations to i ! Regular Boarders and Transient Custom. House newly furnished and rooms heated. MRS. AUSTIN. Phone 175. IHILLARDZCREEN , DRBYand TRBNSPER LIME. Piano Moving a Specialty. 'Phone 58. Calls Promptly Answered' HENRY E. RYDER , Teacher of PIANO , VIOLIN AND ORGAN. Special riandolln and GulUr Lesson * ajc. Voice Culture a Specialty. n I RESIDENT PIAN.O TUNER. Office with J. D. Sturgeon , 'NOBFOLK , . - - NEBRASKA , . R. ELDER , Sioux City Florist. Awarded first premium on Funeral ] Designs. Handsome Roses , Carnatlons.Palms . , Ferns Flowers chipped in fresh condition. Phone 466L. Citjofflco : Cor. 6th and Plero * . M. E. SPAULDINC , DBAIiEBOIN FLOUR , FEED , TELEPHONE : : NO. 38 4 SIMPSON'S CORNER. FOR RENT Six room bonie , good order , furnace heat , city water. J12.50 per month. FOR BALK Two storj and wing 7-room lions * , lot 60 by 176 feet , Unto barn , good well , 100-barrel cistern , ben bonie , good cellar. In one of tbo beat blocks In the city. $700.00. FOB BALE-One and ono-balf lots In Dortny Pisco. Trees well improved all around them. ' 5 Host building alto in that part of the city. . Other good lots verjr cheap in different I of the city. parts t FOR BALE-Fine corner lot on Norfolk ' nne , 58 by 17(1 ( feet. nvo- , Jit Come and BOO me , Let ns talk , I hare two good insurance companies , Palatine of London and American Central of Bt. Louis , and will bo glad to Insure you from fire or tornado. J. B. SIMPSON , OffiM t Hardy's Coil Office ,