2 THE NOKT7QLK NEWS ; 2 * . W , N. uU6rc , PubHBhwr. DAILY , IbtnMUIiml. 1HS1 , Kvory d y ir pt Hmidny. y carrier t > or weak , ( S oouU. Hy mull , | > ar jonr , fll.OO , YMCKK1.Y NKWH..I01MNAIJ , Tl.n ' , . The Jounml , oitnlilUhed 1817 Ererj grhlar. Hy mall per yef r ( $1.60 , Bulanul htthe PiwUiffloe nl Norfolk , Neb. , nrf wound claM'matter. , T Wiionei | WdUorlal Unnnrtmtnt , N . | ttl JBiuIno * ! Oaic nnil Job lto < in ( , 'H" . " . ' Tjio ) coal situation nt Jaokiidnboa / r& * co < vod n now impotnii , thoA&Oplo inter. < Wl in boot syrup nt Sonfh Bionx Gty ) hatrlnR dot6rnilnod to ntiiVft abaft nnd brfeit BOiniA of the fuel t6r the surface. If Nebraska can't produod cool , Uls1 fcoH Uibiy cApabIb' ' of producing Vrnindr8'1bf diflcbTorVc fttod nfoflpootain tnls dirootioll thil $ fullV'ofruiifohifeo of oftor'nttttoa. It ooflts Bobidthing to operate n rail way llnti'ln ' tnH ccfnntor'and the big earnings ef bo roada Wi'somotiuios'iiOdOBHary'to muU the VP ° nBOtf | Thd lnterstaW'con > Hicrco oominiftsion baa just issued nu ad re v jo e 1001 , which shows that the oporat- , \ injr'oxpounoBfor J82.103 miles of line for * the year WranM'to' $ f,103 ,160SV ; or f5,82U Nebraska energy usually"wlna wlltfn it Beta out to do'flb , ovoti in love affaire. ' A liurt county cattle dealer dooidod that ho Wanted ono of Now York's fair daughters and Bccnred her iu spite of parental opposition. An elopement was \ plauhod and the old gout demonstrating that ho had the fastest horse , the young people woil out by fclratogy * Tfib youug I man assisted thotyonug lady out of tfio buJgy and directed her to'go td n' amall Tillugo t o miles tlistaht whlld ho lo'd tho'old man a wihl godso chaao. When the'irato * father discovered that his daughter waa not with the young man ho act forth to locate her and while ho wa > J Boarohiug the youug people wore quietly married via telephone. It Is ox- pootod tllat as with all fluoh roinantio nffalrs the father will forgive aud the young people will live happily" to- B < -tlior over nf tof ward. Governor Taft of the Philippines , wild recently arrived in his native land , is full of hope for the success of the civil government of those islands aud early oiitdrod douial that there was a general war. Ho said at San Francisco : "I wish the press would correct the iiu proafilon thnt there is war on all the . The insurrection is oouihud /Mauds. - 'to two localities the province of Ba- tautfas and the island of Samar. Thin morning I received a moat encouraging cable from General Wright , who is the acting governor In my abaonco. It is oaid that owing to General Boll's strong s repressive measures the trouble iu Da- tangns was'bolrig'quiotod.4 lib further aid ( that 700 rifles had boon surrendered and oa there are only 1,100 to 1,200 rill s Iu the province there is no doubt that Batangas will bo as peaceful as any of the other provinces. " ' The recent sermon of Pastor Kloss , of the Congregational church of Webster Grove , Mo. , in which to promote mar * riugu iu his bailiwick , ho recommends thoyoaug wouienHo do the proposing , has created n great ferment iu the ed itorial world and the paster has become famous iu tx night. But there is nothing neoetmrily stealing iu the proposition. Whwn n man proposes , it la taken for granted that he has made up his mind that ho is willing and able to support his beloved as Ids wife. Now that the now women has coma and has entered the industrial field aud achieved a con siderable success iu competition with the other sex , it is no more than fair that if she fools able to cherish aud sup port a husband she should bo nt perfect liberty to select her man and moke him the offer. It was iu the old times con sidered bad taste for the lady to pro pose , because it was the rule that the husband should do the toiling for the family. When that obstacle is removed it is perfectly regular for the lady with a good salary or income to tnko the in itiative. Stato'Journal. Trenchery of Tropical Nntnre. "It Is very like n fnlry story , " said Esther under her breath. "Very , " cald ho. "And In fairy sto ries there nro witches , enchantets nnd horrible things that corno out of the forest , nre not there ? Well , BO It Is there in South America. There is n background of danger. One must keep one's eyes open. Hero In England nn lure Is safe and kind , eh ? You can play with her ns If she were nn old tab by cat , but out there she is n striped tiger , beautiful and fierce and never to bo trusted. "There Is everlasting strangling goIng - Ing on In the woods. Even the flowers arc not kind nnd harmless. The or chids twist nnd perch and swing and bloom on branches they are hugging1 to death. You break n twig of something' thnt looks like n vine , nnd its milk raises n blister on your hand ; you touch what you think is n leaf , and It gal lops off on n hundred legsl The ani mals pretend to bo vegetables and the vegetables to bo nnlmals. Every liv ing thing Is trying to protect Itself with all Its little might nnd main and to get the better of its enemies , just ns the people in towns do. Oh , the high woods of the Andes nre not moral , they nro not Christian , I 'assure you ! Na ture Is opulent , and she is splendid , but she Isn't good. " "Tho Allen , " by F. P. Montresor. i Report of Interstate Commerce Commission , POWEhLEOO TO CORRECT EVILS. Recite * Dlicloiureb'ln Hrtndl'lnu Pack- I no Houoo1'ProducU and' ' Wcotern Grain Special rfitei Are'Given ' to Favored oAio. Washington , Jan. 24. The annual report bf the interstate commerce coimnliblon , which was transmitted ' ( a congroSB ycatorday , renews tbo decla ration made In previous reports that in its present condition the act to rog- ulnto commerce cannot bo enforced. The feature'of th'o'ropo'rt IB ( hValt most sensational otutomont of'tbo relaj tlona existing botwofiri tud ralirodda and a comparatively * few bbavy'stllp * porn. Hoforrlng ti 'th6 coniSklBBloVa recent Investlgktlond-irfU/'thV ambdni of packfnR IIOUBO product ! and of grain produc A tbo report lays ) "Tlio facto therein developed Are of rnch a character that no thoughtful jierflon * con'contemplate thorn wlth-ln * dlfferonco.1 That the lak'di \ tfAfrtb1 6n1clals of'many ' of th prlnclpal rdlf [ wky' liboB/ / * mod occupying high p'dUl- * I(5nB and1 ' rim ' 1 ( charged with' the mo johant dutlOH-1 Dhoulci dolltienutely jvlcilatoUhd Btatuo ln.w of tbo land ; and Iu Bomo cases ngreo with each other to do BO ; that It should bo thought by thorn nocosanry to dcotfoy vouchers and to so nfanlptrtato bookkeeping as to obliterate evidence of the transac tions ; that hundreds of thousands of dollars should 1 bd paid In ' 'unlawful Debates to a fow'gfeai pocklnglhouBC that the business/of / railroad trendpdr- jtation should td atlch ad extent * bb Conducted in oi n dlareftKrd'of la , must bo Burprlilng aAd olfaHilvo 'tdliil right-minded ponona. Equally start ling at least ! the fact that the own- era of thcae packing bouaoB , men whoso names are known throughout the commercial' wbrldf ohould1De6mJ ! Ingly bo eager to augment their gains with the enormous amounts of these rebates , which'they'rocelvo ' In plaiii do'- liaiice of a federal DUUuto. " INVESTIGATE RAILWAY MERGER. Interstate Commerce Commission Pre pares for Chicago Hearing. Chicago , Jan. 24. Members of the Interstate commerce cotnmlsslo'n ar rived 'hero ' yesterday nnd 'began rnaili- Ing preparations for Investigating'the ' northwestern railway merger. Ru mors to the effect thnt J. J. Hill and E. II. Harrlman , who have boon sub poenaed to testify before the commis sion nt Its' opening session today , would not appear owing to their ab sence iu tho1 east during the supreme court hearing of the Northern Secur ities caue were lightly sot aeldo by the commmlssloners. " J. P."Morgan has not been sub- poonnod and will not bo here. At the request of the ? attorneys , Spencer and Qrovor , representing 'the Morgan-till ! roiuiH ana / uumwiu - anavuornuy , rujirc- sentlng * they Harflmnn HnCB , thevcom- mlBBloners''lt1 is1 statedhdvo agreed to ask neither Hill nor Harrlman any thing that might prejudice the case now In the supreme court Involving the validity of the Northern Securities company. Return Wlthobt 'Gillette's ' Deposition. Kansas City , Jan. 24. Two" Inwyers who Went frOin' tills city to Chlhualiua , Mox. , two weeks' nKo'trf'tnko the depo sition of Grunt Gillette , the Kansas cattle king who1 failed , returned with out the deposition. Gillette Is superin tendent ofho guanos Ayrea Mining company , with headquarters 150 miles west of Chihuahua. Although he was served with a notice thnt his deposi tion \\ould be tnkem at Chihuahua , ho was not present on the date set for1 the depositions. The suit iu whfch the depositions were to bo takou is that of the Third National bank of SL Louis against a number of Gillette's creditors to determine which hold the prior 'mortgage on $80,000 worth of cattle. Restore PrlctB of Window Glass , Now York , Jan. 24. Tlife immediate rostbratlon of prices has boon decided upon by the National Window Gloss Jobbers' association nnd beginning * to day they will be quoted to customers direct. This decision wna reached at the Waldorf-Astoria yesterday after a long fight. There were CO Jobbers In attendance from all parts of the conn' try. The market has been disturbed because of a tight between the manu facturers of window glass , being the American Window Glass company and the Independent glass manufacturers. Men to Replace Strikers. Washington , Ind. , Jan. 24. Fifty man were Imported by thq Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railway com pany to take the placesv of 'etrlkero The men were secured through n St Louis employment agency and were hired at $1.50 a day. When the new men arrived and learned that a strike was on about 25 of them refused to go to workr in tbo machine shops. De tectives are now hero guarding the shops and yards. Chilpanclngo Again Shaken. Mexico City , Jan. 24. Another slight earthquake shock shook Cull- panclngo yesterday afternoon and people ple ran about the streets In despair. No barm was done. Official data shows that 614 houses , not Including the government's buildings , were de stroyed in the first and second earth quakes. The people continue panic stricken nnd many are leaving to es tablish thciaselvei in oltter towna. CORN DLOCKADE8 THE YARDS. Kanene City Traffic Tied Up With Shipments Into Southwest. Kalians City , Jan. 21. A corn blockade - ado , with the grain comntanillnif high priced and the great southwestern country buying from the north nnd vast , Instead of having cbiW for" snl6' , ' IB the anomalous condition that ex ists In Kansas City , drain men'nay there nro' 1,000 cars of coVn'oH track'htvro hn'd'tho ' mil- .qVd yhrd'ab'ftitf that it tajtcs many ddyn tfrrjf6t cbrh1 started1 Out of the cl ( } nftor'U ' has bocn orflbrW shipped. Most'Of * the corn Ifl fcomlnV'from1 Iowa and northeastern Nebraska , bill the Dakotns and northern Illinois are con tributing largo supplies now , ' P. HOLDEN Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Onico , CltUeni ntltmol Dank BnllcllLc. TAlbplmtio lOlr. ( BnnUnflnm add IlMlderfco , Mdlo and 13th Bt ' . TaioilhoniO. . ' N6rfo\k \ , - ' . - Nobr'aekn. . N. J. Oateopathlc Physician. both ecpU.nnd ejitqnlo looceiffally treated without ueo of drugs or knlfo , I'licne Ho. F ( i. OUlco at roildeoca , 108 North lOtb Btteit , tv' ' ' ' " v Norfolk , Nobrnahn OOlco OTttr OlllEfln'a Nattonnl Hank , Iteildanct ono blook north of CoiiKroRiitloual chnrch. Norfolk , ' . - NbbraakB MARY SHELLEY Fa'shlonnblo DroBsmnkor1. Op st'nlre ' In Cotton bloek , ever 'ttntJm'e ' et Flnt-elaii work guaruu'tbod.i I. SADIE HART MILLER , OsteopathicIPhysician , ItoomB ovorJHnyen' Jewelry HOUBO , NorloU ' SESSIONS * BELL , Undertnkorsinnd Enibalmers , Boeelone Dlk. , Norfolk Avo. Norfolk , - - Nebraska HENRY E.RYDER , Tonclior of PIANO , VIOLIN AND ORGAN , Special Mandolin and Guitar Lessons age , Voice Culture n Specialty. J.C.YOCUM , RESIDENT PIANO'TUNER. Oillco with J. D. Sturgeon,1 NOUKOLR , - - NEUUASKA , L ! . L. RE 1 Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter. . X N Agency for tbo Myers Force anr1 * ' > Wind Mill Pumps. Prices Right. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Wink First , door West of Post Office Pacific Hotel , Special rates made to boarders by week or 'mouth. Rooms Steam Heated and Electric Lighted. First Class i Accommodations M. E. SPAULDINC , DEALER3IN FLOUR , - FEED , TELEPHONE : : NO. 38 &R.SEILER ; Boarding Barn. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. Brauch Avcnuo 'DUnUIT ' and Third St. rilUNt County Trea'surer' irt Ari'ii'udl Statement Comity TrenHuror'H Sonil-Aniiniil Statement nliowliiK IwilanccH of each fund in Treasury Jnly lot , 1001 , tnxcH and oilier ItoniH collected , Warrants mTcomdrt , iiutl dtoburHomontH from July lot , 1001. to Jumuiry 8th. 1002 , inohmivo , mid balance on hand Jmitmry Dili , lOOiJ. RECAPITULATION. Balance on linnfl July 1st , 1901 - , . " , $ 53768 M" " " Recoivdd fron'i Plntto County tCost'ono-hnlf county line bridge ) . 54 ( XT Received from II. "VV. Winter , Commissioner ( sale bridge timber ) . 137 8G' Received from Christ Schmitt , Commissionedsalo bridge timber ) . 85 26 f Received from Interest .from Banks 594 80h Received from 0' A. Sleoiwr1 , Justice of ho Pence Fines 3 00 , Received frdm Win. Bates , County Judge Fines 80 00. , Received Irom N.- Lund , JusHc'o of tllo Pence Fines e. . . ' 15 OOj Rpcoivod from Ohr. Schavlaud , Clerk District Court Fines 25 00" Received from S. W. Hn'ycd , Justi& of the P.oaco Fines - . 9 00 Received from Henry Newark , Justice of the Pence Fines 1 00 , Recohed from Stnto Appoitioumont 5226 CO * Tiutos Collected . , 28722 83 , School Laud Collections' , 9899 45. Redemptions Collected ' , 2285 05 University Soh6ol Laud Overdraft Stnto Warrant 1 10 08. , t FqoS'Collocted , : . . . ! . . ' . * . ' . . . / . < 271743 Tniusfers from ono Fnud to nuother . * . > ; . , v : . . . : io 84 45 , ' Total . ' " $114218 84 CONTRA. Warrants Paid V ; $ ; 5102 ll , Redemptions Paid 3128 ' 82' Salaries Paid ' 2700 00 Ffitih ou CouutV'imd othnV'FnniTs' ? _ ' _ _ _ . . . . IOKA'AU IOKA'AU'I 'I Real Estate , Loans , SIMPSON'S CORNER. FOR RENT Six room bonse , good order , furnace beat , city \\ater. $12.50 per mouth , Seven room IIOUBO for sale or root. Now bnrn , coal house , etc. Qood order. Rout , $ U.OO. FOB flAliK Two etory and wina 7-room honae , lot (50 ( bj 176 foot , larco barn , good well , 100-barrel cistern , boo bouse , good collar. In ono of tbo bout blocks In tbe city. $700 CO. FOU BALE One and ono-halt lots in Doreoy Place , Treoe neil Improved all aronnd tbem. licet building ito In that part of the city. Other good lota very cheap tn different parts of tbo olty. FOR SALE-rine corner lot on Norfolk avo- uno,58 b'y 170 feet. I altnbtTor for ealo one of the very beat bnel- neti lota aud bnlldlngs in tbo boart of tbo busi ness cooler o { tbe city. Como and BOO me. Let AB talk. I hare'two good insnrance compaules , Palatine of London and American CotitniJ of 8t. Lonie , and will bo glad to insure yon from fire or tornado. J. E. SIMPSON } Ofltca nt itardy's Coal Ofllco. J.R. ELDER , Sioux City Florist.1 Awarded first premium on Funeral Designs. Handsome Roses , Garnatlons.Palms , Ferns Flowers shipped in fresh condition. ' Phone 466 ! . . Cltyofflco : Cor. Oth and Pierce. ALL MILLINERY GOODS i _ _ _ = = = At Greatly'Reduced Prices at i Miss E. J. Bender's. C. W. BRAASCH , DEAllER IN Exolusive agent lor the Celebrated. Sweetvvatcr Hock Spring Conl'the' ' best in the market. Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes. TELEPHONE Gli , I i I lltif | I llK 1"1J | I