The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 23, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Miss Hildreth Sisson is on the sick
Sheriff Ha s is in the city from
Y Burt Mnpes went to Crtighton ycster-
diy on business.
S L. homo to spend Sun
day with his family.
MUs Mar * Sohwertferger went to
Omaha this morning.
Miss M.irtlm Parker of Kearney is the
guest ot Norfolk ft lends.
W. II. Dexter came homo yesterday
to spend Sunday with his family.
Frank Pilgor of Plainviow is- the guest
of his aunt , Mrs. Pilger , of this city.
Mrs L P. Halo nnd childion hnvo
gene to Bolv duro for a two weeks' visit.
E. W Hutz and his father have gene
on a trip to Buffalo and Now York
Miss Margaret Morrow entrrtaim d n
company of twelve ladies at dinner
Mrs Ingles is homo from n s'x-weeks' '
vacation trip through Iowa , Kansas and
Mrs. G E Moore and children re
turned yesterday from their visit to
Rev nnd Mrs. S F. Sharplo s loft
last night on a trip to the west in Mr.
Sharpless" district.
T/ Mw. F F. Teal is enjoying a visit
r from her father and sister , Mr. and Miss
Marrium of Chicago.
Mrs. W. II. Fritz and daughter ,
Mnrol , of Fremont are visiting at the
homo of Mr and Mr . E B Keiiyou
Miss Etta Durland left this morning
for Chicago on her annual trip to pur
chase a fall stock of millinery goods.
Norfolk relatives have just received a
batch of letters from Mort Stewart , form
erly of Lincoln. Ho is now in Japan.
Misses Nellie and Maud Dingnmn are
homo from a five-weeks' trip to Boone ,
Webster City and Council Bluffs , Iowa.
ff Miss Frances Johnson entertained a
company of young lady friends this
afternoon m honor of Mits Martha
Mr and Mrs. A P Pilger , who have
been spending a vacation with Norfolk
friends , expect to return to their homo
in Madison tonight.
The game nt Creighton yesterday be
tween the team of that city and the
Gleuwood team resulted in a victory for
Glonwood by a score of C to 3.
A special work train of the Union
< A Pacific is hero for n few days in charge
of Roadnmster T , Wade. The now
side tracks and stock yards are being
filled and leveled.
The friends of Deputy Postmaster F.
K. Fulton are enjoying fragrant
Havauas 011 account of the arrival of a
fine 8-pound sou at his homo this morn
ing at 9 o'clock.
D. J. Sheean of Rougis , Wyo. , is
the Kuest of his father-in-law , George
Williams. Ho is on his way homo from
Sioux City where he has been with a
shipment of horses.
W. O. Davenport has decided to dis
pose of his livery barn in Sioux City and
will devote his time to his ranch at
Aberdeen. His family will continue to
make Sioux City their homo.
The Norfolk ball team will play
Humphrey on the homo grounds next
Tuesday afternoon and another game
with the Wayne Normal college team
will be played on Wednesday.
About 1000 people attended the first
annual picnic of the old settlers of
Wayne county at Bressler's grove near
Wayne Thursday. A. P. Ohilds , formerly -
erly of this city , was one of the speakers.
S. L. Gardner returned yesterday
from a trip to Sioux City. He reports
that the crops in the portion of Nebraska
through which he passed are in fine
"j condition and that the beet fields along
the track make an excellent showing.
I The populist county central commit
tee met at Battle Creek yesterday nnd
set the date of their convention for
September 5 to name delegates to the
state convention. The county conven
tion to nominate county officers will be
held September 20.
The second game with Gleuwood is
being played this afternoon at the Nor
folk ball park before a large and enthus
iastic crowd and the Norfolk team is
endeavoring to show them the closest
game of their trip.
Some interesting tennis wns played
at the hospital for the insane last even
ing. In n game between Dr. Young
nnd Leo Pasewnlk the latter won 0--1.
Dr. Teal and Pasewnlk were defeated
by Heman Walker and Dr. Young 4 ( i ,
Con Young is expected tonight from
Omaha to visit his brother , Dr. Young
of the Norfolk hospital for the insane.
Mr. Young won second place in the
Omaha interstate tennis tournament
4. last week , and is said to bo QUO of the
best toimia players in the west.
The republican electors of Norfolk ,
outside precinct , met in causes this
afternoon nt the city hall and organized
by electing J. W. Boveo as chairman
nnd G D. Smith as secretary. The
following delegates to the county con
vention wore chosen : A L. Carter , M.
Brubaker , J. W. Bovoo , G. D. Smith ,
O. P Byerly and Sam Parks. j
The Norfolk Tailoring company opened
for Imoiti'flH this morning in the Rich
ard block , under the management of J
W. Humphrey , and nlreadv the force
of tailors and other employes nro but * } * .
A very nice stock of gentlemen's furn
ishings is Nhown although it in not yet
complete , Mr. Humphrey expecting to
add about again as much to it.
Sixteen persons were arrested in
Wayne county for playing ball on
Sunday , August 11. They wr > ro tried
before the county court on Wednesday
and Friday of last wcik The ( lrnt jury
disagreed and the second acquitted the
defense , ( hiding no probable eauso for
action , thus throwing the costs of the
action on the complaining witness.
Bon Barshinger and family left this
morning for a trip to Denver , Colorado
Springs , Mimltou and Idaho Springs.
A. II. Hagedorn will take Mr. Bart.h-
Inger's place in the union depot during
his abxonco. Although Mr Bnrshinger
has sold lots of tickets to other people
and been in close touch with the rail
roads , this is his llrst trip in six year. " .
W. J. Gow and family , who hnvo
been absent for ton days at Beatrice and
Blue Sprngs , returned lust night. On
their way homo they stopped for a few
days at the Epworth Assembly at Lin
coln which is the largest denominational
assembly of any in the United States.
There were 10,000 people on the grounds
Sunday and 7 000 on ordinary days.
These attending had a fine time nnd an
excellent program was presented.
L. D. Richards of Fremont , president ,
has called for a. meeting of the Ne
braska Sons of Vermont to bo hold in
the tent on the state fair grounds at
Lincoln at 10:80 : a. m. , September I ,
for the purpose of electing ollicers or , if
interest is lacking , to "perform suitable
obsequies over the remains of the organ
ization. " Vermonters are invited to
plan their visit to the fair so as to attend
this meeting , with their wives , daugh
ters , sons nnd sweethearts.
The King Wants to Entertain Norfolk
Business Men Monday Evening.
The Knights or Ak-Sar-Ben of Omaha
nro evidently desirous of becoming bet
ter acquainted with the business men of
Norfolk and are planning to entertain
them Monday evening. The following
telegram is self-explanatory :
Omaha , Neb. , Aug. 21 W. N. Huso ,
Editor Norfolk , Neb : King
Ak-Sar-Beii invitch the business men of
your city to be in Omaha , Monday even
ing , August 8(1 ( Half rates on railroads.
Please publish. II J. PEN-FOLD.
It is impossible to ascertain how
many of Norfolk's business men will
avail themselves of the invitation , but
it is probable that there will bo quito a
number who will attend. These who
have been initiated into the mysteries
of Ak-Sar Ben pronounce it quite an ex-
hilirating ceremony and there is no
gainsaying the fact that the Knights
are royal entertainers
A letter following the telegram in
structs the visitors to take the Dodge
street car to the "Den" Services be
gin at 8 o'clock. Tun delegates are also
advised to wear ribbon badges giving
the uamo of their city and it is desired
to know by wire Monday , if possible ,
how many will attend from here.
Nortln ru WlKconttli ) Ititlluny Farm Lunds
For Snip.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha railway has for sale in North
ern Wisconsin , at low prices and easy
terms of payment , about 850,000 acres
of choice farm lauds.
Early buyers will secure the advan
tage of locations on the many beautiful
streams and lakes , which abound with
fish and furnish a never ending and
most excellent water supply , both for
family use and for stock.
Land is generally well timbered , the
soil fertile and easy of cultivation nnd
this is rapidly developing into one of
the greatest sheep and cattle raising
regions in the northwest.
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn
eapolis , Duluth , Superior , Ashland and
other towns on "The Northwestern
Lino" furnish good markets for stock
und farm produce.
For further particulars address :
Land Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or
Asst. Geu'lPass.Ag't.St. Paul , Minn.
Pun-AinerlcHii Kxponltloii Excursion
Excursion tickets will bo sold by the
F. , E & M. V. ( Northwestern line ) on
May 0 , 13,20 , 21 and 28 with a return
limit of 7 days at $30.55 via standard
and 129.01 via differential lines.
Every day until September 80 with
return limit of 15 days , at $38.30 via
standard and $30.30 via differential
Every day from May 15 to September
150 good for return until October 81 , at
f 7.75 via standard and $45 85 via differ
ential lines.
Full particulars will be cheerfully fur
nished all inquirers.
Agent ,
HonseB for sale. T. E. ODIOUNK ,
SIS to Buffalo Pan-American and Re
turn $13.
Tickets on sale daily via the Nicklo
Plato road , good returning ten days
from date of sale. Especially low rates
for 15 to 80 days limit Chicago to
Buffalo and return. Tickets at lowest
rates to all points east. John Y. Gala-
han , general agent , 111 Adams street ,
Uhicago. Chicago city ticket office 111
Adnius street.
Hov Mr Wlsoner ts in the city from
Fred Davis was in the city yesterday
from Madison.
Con Young returned to bin homo in
Omaha last night.
It is rumor d that L L McKim in
soon to bo married.
Hugh Gardner returned from the
Yellow Banks last night.
Ohiiunco ) Childn is a city visitor from
Carroll , uiroute to Omaha.
Editor Martin of the Battle Creek En
terprise was in the city Saturday.
Ed Sly is visiting fiionds in Fiomont
where ho was formerly dispatcher.
Miss Annie lltruiiuin left Salniday
fora short visit \sith trionds in Winnu-
teen ,
Will Buckondorf has gene to Plain-
v < ow to assist in the depot as telegraph
G. A Luikart and family have gene
to the Yellow Banks to camp until
Dallas Bruiison lost a valuable livery
horse this morning tinough an attack
ot lung fever.
Fred Sldler returned yesterday noon
trom O'Neill where ho has been for the
past two weeks.
Thu Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon
gospel meetings will begin again next
Sunday at1 o'clock.
The nice shower of rain Saturday
night only left OS ot an inch but that
was highly appieoiated.
Miss Clare Whyman returns thisovon-
ing from Osmond , where she has been
visiting Miss Uora Wigton.
Glenewood and Columbus played bal
yesterday at the latter town , Gleuwood
winning by a scoie. of 18 to 5.
Julius Hanse came down from Battle
Creek tins morning to take up his duties
in the Citizens National bank.
Quito a number of Norfolk people nt
tended the Trinity church Boivice.s held
at the Yellow Banks yesterday.
0 J. S ockwell wns down from Pierce
today packing his household goods nnd
having them hauled to his now homo.
The Ewing Advocate says that a val
uable cow owned by a citizen of that
place recently slipped and strained her
The social given by the Bxptist ladies
at the homo of Mrs. Byerly la t Siitur
day evening was a social and financial
Burr Taft returned Saturday night
from the east whore ho had been to
bury his father nt his old homo near
Col. S. S. Cotton and Mrs Mary
Mathowson will leave tomorrow noon
for their old homo in Connecticut for a
month's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto JCuelow , Miss
Agnes Zuelow and Miss M.irthn Heller-
man left at noon for Minnesota , where
they will visit.
Past Grand Master Geo. N. B els ad
dressed an OJd Fellows picnic at Oak
land Thursday. About 3,000 persons
were in attendance.
Misses Anne Seymour , Annie Me-
Bride and Lillian Luikart returned last
night from the Yellow Banks where
thny have been camping for several
G. E Moore has bought from L o
Pasewalk the John Murer house at the
corner of Tenth street and Nebraska
avenue , at present occupied by J. K
W. W. Hughes of Sioux City , former
general secretary of the Norfolk Y. M.
0. A. , is in the city to remain until the
middle of September , when he will enter
Nebraska university.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S ? Pardonner and
children of New York City arrived in
Norfolk Saturday evening from Lake
Okoboji , lown , and are guests at the
home of Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. H. Reynolds.
Dr. John A. Ashley will leave this
week for his homo in Albion , Illinois , to
bo absent for a month. Ho will return
with his family the last of September
and will then take the psatorate of the
First Congregational church.
Miss Winnie Owen , formerly of Nort
folk , suffered a stroke of mental paral
ysis about two weeks ago A letter
from her mother at Omaha states that
she is constantly improving , which nor
Norfolk friends will bo glad to learn.
Jack Rauiusky , a veteran Indian scout
and member of the G A. R. post at
Niobrara fell from a load of government
furniture between Niobrara and Ver-
digro Thursday and the wagon passed
over his breast , inflicting serious if not
fatal injuries.
The Sioux City Elks have challenged
the Norfolk Elks to a game of base ball
to bo played hero Saturday , the teams
to bo composed of members of the two
lodges. The challenge has been ac
cepted by the Norfolk ledge and an in
teresting time is anticipated ,
Kimball Barnes left at noon for Milwaukee -
waukeo , where ho goes as a delegate to
the national convention of the Delta
Tan Delta fraternity which is in session
Wednesday , Thursday and Friday of
this week. Ho represents Beta Tan
chapter , located at Nebraska university.
Rev. Mr. Miller , pastor of the Win-
side M. E. church preached hero yester
day morning and evening during the
absence of Pastor G. H. Main at the
B emi reaiiii | mi eting The i-anip met -
Ing cloM" | yi sterduy ami It m expected
that the Noitolk | K > plo who attended
will r turn unlay.
Newman Uiovo Herald : lll'.velo '
thieves worked Nowimui Uuivo lust
Thursday and managed to get away
with three wheels ( Mum /ensln'H WIK.
taken from the poreh at her homo us
was also Uena Oulif H , which in addi
tion to being on the p ireh was chained
and locked with a small padlock , Law
yer Hivldertion hail been in the hhhtt of
Icavng his whe l on the sidewalk in
fn nt of Ins ollleo. It IN gone too.
The Illustrated Heo yeMetdiiy con
tained a likeness of MIHH Bertha Wille
of Neligh , sister of Miss Amanda Wille
of ( low Hros ' olllfo , with thiHComment :
"Bertha Willo of Neligh is another Ne
braska gill who is llgnting hnr way to
the front UN a musician. She won the
Edwin Potter diamond medal for hem
average seholnrship In the graduating
class , MIDI , of I ho Chicago Musical
college. Miss Wille has spent the sum
mer at her homo at Neligh , but will
pursue her musical studies during the
The committee recently appointed by
the Congregational church to deeido on
a piitsinagn , has concluded to build nt a
cost not exceeding fi : , < l)0. ( ) It will be
built on the lot noith of Mrs A I )
Colo'n homo and actual work will proh-
ably begin in nh tut two weeks. The
committed is composed of Col S S
Cotton , dee W H'ekard , A. Osborn
O. M. Sailer , (1 ( S Hridge , G E. M tore ,
Mrs. N A Uainbolt nnd Mrn Win
Bridge The tuisteis are : L Sessions
W 11 Johnson , A 11 Allinson , It S
Bruce and C I ) Dnrliuid.
The Hii ar factory employes and the
business m n of Norfolk ale this after
noon playing lull on the diamond north
of the city. The following plnyoiH
wore listed to represent the business
men but tin ) ariiuigement is subject tc
change : Messrs. Mapes , Tracy , Pat
Crotty , Wjnn Hainbolt , Fitch , Carl
Davenport and W. K Hoffman. The
factory boys weie lined up as follows :
F. Lo'kwood c , H. A. Wilmording p ,
N. A Lockwond Ib , Fred Robeits ah ,
W. A. Connolly lib , E IIion s , Fred
Benning If , Joe Koppl ef , Hugh Mullen
rf , Gus Cornelius mascot.
The people of this part of the country
are blessed abundantly as compared
with tin si of other sections Gco. 1)
Smith has recently received a lettei
Irom his brother-in-law who lives in
Bates county , Missouri , that shows eon
ditioiis there to be infinitely worst ) thai
hero. The wntt r sayn , in part : "W <
had 10 weeks without a rain Om
week ago wo had a g < Kd shower , tin
first since April 12. For two and n
half months there wm , no dew. For
flvfl weeks the thermometer stood at 101 !
to 110 in the shailo , three days nr 111 ,
three days at 112 , three days at 1 lt ! nnd
ono day at 111 There will not bo 500
bushels of corn in Bates county. Cnttlt
sold ns low as ono cent a pound and halt
of the cattle of the county were shipped
out. Stock hogs sold at 25 cents per
head. ' '
Fay Maloiio has returned to his home
in Omaha.
The great ° Ht ball games of the season
will bo played next week.
Frank Lewis of Meadow Grove was
attending to business here Wednesday.
W. L. Dowling and A B. Hoilmnn
viewed the ball game at Norfolk Satur
day ,
Al. Bloy has just erected a now and
commodious barn on his residence prop
J. W. .fones was called to Iowa Sun
day to attend the funeral of a brother-
Guy Green and Miss Eva Lewis of
Meadow Grove , last Saturday obtained
permission to wed.
The work of excavating has been be
gun for W. L. Berry's now house , just
south of Senator Allen's.
Martin Bnettner went to Lincoln Mon
day to visit n few days with his brother ,
Gottlieb , who is a patient there.
John Douglas arrived homo Sunday
evening from his two-months' visit
with relatives and friends in the eastern
The families of John and Frank Horst ,
and S. O. Campbell returned from their
two weeks' outing at the Yellow Banks
Prof. D. D Miles and family expect
to leave for Blanchard , Iowa , Monday
to prepare for the opening of school
work on September 2.
Articles of incorporation of "Tho
Pythian Publishing company" were
filed Tuesday. James Nichols , James
Magniness , Frank Prince , S II. Esh
and Mariiis Peterson are the incorporators -
tors with an authorized capital of five
hundred dollars ,
"Dr. " Malcomb wns aboard n box car
going south Tuesday evening. Ho ac
companied Carl Seely's immigrant car
which contained a cow , some hens and
household goods and wns billed to Mis-
Eouln , Montana. Carl and wife nnd son ,
Tom , departed Wednesday morning on
the passenger train. Paul Seely will
remain hero for the present.
Daily Excursions via Nickle Plato Road.
Chicago to Buffalo and New York.
Special low rates and favorable limits
on all points east. Call on or address
John Y. Calahan , general agent , 111
Adams street , Chicago.
Faiinlo Hromo will return to
Omaha Saturday to lesume her sehnol
MIH. Kivlne ( loreehi ) and her sUter ,
MISH Alieo Mullln , went tit Omaha HUH
The memberH of Trinity ohoir nro ex
peoted homo from their camp at the
Yellow liiuiliH tomorrow.
Mr. and MTH. T. K. Sleveim and child
roil of Cieston spent Sunday at llielmiue
of Mr and Mis 10 B. Kenyon
Miss Agnes Leneh , who him been \IH
King her sIster.MiH. Raymond , ruluined
to her home in Nollgh last night.
Editor Welt ICvaiiM of the Meadow
drove PiesM is in the city today on bus-
Inessaml to visit patents and tnemlH
A. II. Kiesiui Is I ho proud possessor of
a handsome giny hoi HO and easy-ilduiK ,
rubber tired uuiahout , ueeiitly put
Miss Hattie Mather retutned last
night liom an extended visit to dill rent -
ent towns in Iowa She has been ab
sent about tlneo months.
Mr and Mrs. E. P. Hummel mill
I hell 111ile son me heiefiom Sioux City ,
the gm sin ol Mrs Ilniiiinel'H patents ,
Mr. and MIH August Himimmiid
Niek Kent , living south of the iher ,
says that ho will hnvo corn to pick
ThneaiH in his Held ate Illling out
plump and lull to the end ol the cob
Chief Conley complains that he IIIIH a
soio shoulder trom shooting so many
dogH and IIIH p'lMiiml comfott demands
that he give up the pani"Mit for a lew
Miss Lillian Luikart entertained the
liachelor CHrlH at a house paily lust
night , the Unit ) luting spent very enjoy-
ably. Music was a pioininont fealuie
of the ovomng'H pleasures.
There will bo n mooting of the hiiHo
ball association tonight to coiiNiilnr the
qiicntiou of grounds1 and it in desired
that there bo n ( till attendance of mem
hers and all intoronted in base ball.
MM. Goo. N Boels entertained a few
young ladies last evening in honor ol
Mi'H Clare Whyman. Several musical
elections and HOIIUI of Miss Mason's
choice readings wort interesting tcaturoH
of the evening.
' 1 ho school of tolcgniphy has been
moved from the Hees building into the
building just jtouth of MIIC 'H photo
graph gallt ry i ei inly vacated b M W
Jonas. The rooms have been painted
and papered and the school is very con
veniently arranged in its now quarters
The Methodist Sunday school is en
joying its annual picnic today in Tail's
giove. A largo number ol children and
adults are purtiuipating and the occa
sion IH undoubtedly being thoroughly
enjoyed. These without conveyance
were piovidud means ol going in carry-
ills , hay racks and through other means.
Fire threatened the destruction of the
laundry at an early hour this morning
but the prompt action ol Chief Hartfoid
and Ex-Chief Winter , with the assist
ance of a few others , removed the dan-
gir without turning in an alarm The
blii/.o started in a bin of steam coal and
is supposed to have been the result of n
spontaneous combustion.
Mr. and Mis. J S. McClary yesterday
received a letter from their son. Sam ,
stating that ho had loft Grand Junction ,
Col. , for the Pacific coast , where ho had
been sent by the beet sugar company to
work up a colony. Since Sam's visit
here a tow days ago it has leaked out
that ho was qniotly married at Grand
Junction to Mii > 8 Flora McNeil of that
place on Juno 10 , last. The groom has
very successfully kept the knowledge
from his Norfolk friends but neverthe
less at this late date they will join in
congratulations to him and his bride.
A special meeting of the board of ed
ucation was held as per adjournment
lust evening with Messrs , Salter , Boar ,
and Matrau present. The following
bids were opened , offering to purchase
the old Junction school house : F. H.
Cornell , $101 50 ; N E. Wilkinson , § 115.
The bid of N. E Wilkinson was accept
ed. On account of September 2 being
Labor day , and a public holiday by proc
lamation of the governor , it was or
dered that the schools open for the fall
term on Tuesday , September ! i , instead
of on September 2 , ns heretofore ordered.
The Creston Statesman of the Kith
states that J. Roy Carter , who has been
in a drug store at that place , was quietly
married by Justice Curtis at Columbus
Tuesday to Mi s Lillian Ely , of CrfSstou.
They left for a short wedding trip after
which they will return to Creston to
make their homo. Friends of the groom
here knew nothing of the event and
have no way of verifying the report.
They anxiously await the explanation
of Mr. Carter to learn the facts in the
matter. If Roy has been married they
will unite in congratulations if not they
would like him to produce his double.
A wreck occurred on the Union Pa
cific road Saturday night two miles
south of Madison , which kept the work
train and the wrecker working nearly
all night. Soon after the Columbus
freight left town a brakobeam gave way
on a refrigerator car and derailed it and
throw two other cars in the ditch ,
smashing them badly nnd tearing up
the track. Passengers in the coach felt
a jolt but did not know that there was a
wreck until they were told. The car
that caused the trouble was the fifth
one from the coach. After the wrecker
secure attract
hud been sent for , the train continued
on ilH journey , leaving live cars behind.
No ono was injured.
Gives an Interesting Address and Tells
of the Work in the State.
I'rniii 'I liurwIiiy'M Daily
Stiue Superintendent Fowler ad-
dashed tlui teathorn : of Madison county
mill Homo Noilollc people laHt evening lit
tlio High hcliool building on school con
ditions in the stato. Mr Fovslor in 11
very forcible mid pleasing npoakur nnd
held tin ) iitteiition ot his audience for an
hour mid it half. Aiming othur things
ho made the Htateinunt thut , there nro 501) )
sod school housed in the slate at present ,
many houses of logs and onu of baled
hay. Portions of the western part of
the state nro in a doploniblo condition ,
many districts being thieo to flvu yearn i il
behind in the payment of current ex
Mr Fowler dwelt at much length
upon the unsanitary , iinlieiilthful and
unmoral condition of outbuildings on
school grounds und the duty of teachers
to intirest themselves in thiH Mibjert
and insist upon the board fiirniHhing
clean and decent places of thiH character.
Mr. Fowler haw visited thin year 't.j
county instituteH nnd will reach several
more before the iiiHtituto sons'in closes
next wet k Sup't Orum in introdnc-
ing the fitato superintendent Huid that
no official in that position for many
yearn , if ever , had ilono so much to ac
quaint himself with school needs uiid
conditioiiH and the address waH proof of
the correctness of the statement. The
teacherH of Madison county will bo glad
to moot Mr. Fowler again.
The dance in the hall Friday evening
WUH well attended.
Fred Chandler is putting up100 acres
of hay for K McClelland.
The freight train going south Tuesday - I .1
day night struck and killed three head
of cattln belonging to B. Iteod.
Mrs Francis Ebort. returned to her
homo in Roberts , 111. , Sunday , after a
vihit of several weeks with relatives in
this vicinity.
At the republican caucus held Wed
nesday evening W. P Hewlett , G. M.
Carleton , A. N. McOinnis and Fred
O'Doll were elected delegates to the
county convention.
When the plato is furnished TUG
NKWS will bupply engraved cards at 75
cents for 50 , or ifl.OO for 100.
nata Teething ' 7 r ,
Then the baby Is most like
ly nervous , and fretful , and
doesn't gain In weight.
Scott's EmdsSon
is the best food and medicine
for teething bnb'fs. ' They
gain from the sturt.
fur A lice sample
SCOTT & IIOWNU , Chemists ,
1 409-415 I'tntJ BUcet , New York ,
„ soc. and Ji.ooj all druggists.