The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 23, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE NORFOLK NKWS : FRIDAY , At'Cit'ST 4A 1001 11
When Children
1. When their eyes are not straight
2. When they cannot distinctly
see the blackboard.
J. When reading , if they squint
hold the book sideways or too close
A. When they tire easily of reading
Of studying.
All sure signs that great benefit wil
be derived from wearing glasses.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
G. . W.
On Norfolk Avenue , near ! ) th St. , f > 2
feet front , $425.
At Junction , good lot , $110.
Heinz's Pickling
Vinegar is the
only Vinegar to
use for Pickles.
You can't get
anyone to use
anything else af
ter using it once.
Drop in and look
it up.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to
day :
Maximum temperature 82
Minimum temperature 49
Average 05
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for mouth 08
Barometer 29 50
Forecast for Nebraska : Generally
fair tonight nud Saturday , except possi
bly bhowers west portion Saturday.
Miss Anuio McBride will entertain
tonight for her guest , Miss Clare Why-
The Norfolk lodge Sons of Herman
nre to picnic in Rhulow's grove next
Sunday aud an enjoyable time is antici
Tennis played at the hospital for the
insane last evening was won by Pase-
walk and Hnse over Dr. Young and
Walker 2-C G-8 .
- , - , 0-0.
An enjoyable party was given at the
Verges home on North Tenth street last
evening for Charles Verges who will
leave soon to attend college.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
Mason in Hayes' addition has been
completely remodeled and is much im
proved in appearance and convenience.
The Junction and np town boys'
nines engaged in a game of ball yester
day which took ten innings to decide.
The np town nine won by a ecore of 10
to 15.
Quite a number of young people of
the city and a number who are attend
ing the teachers' institute enjoyed the
weekly dance at the Norfolk hospital
for the insane last evening.
Fire broke out Wednesday in the
rooming house occupied by the laborers
in the beet sugar factory at Leavitt and
the factory buildings were saved from
destruction only by hard work.
The ball game between the Sioux
City and Norfolk Elks will not bo
played until n week from tomorrow , the
Sioux City Elks having announced their
intention of coming on that day.
TUB NEWS lost evening stated that
the state bank examiner called on the
Norfolk National bank. It was the
national bank examiner , of course. The
state bank examiners have nothing to
do with the national banks.
A sub-district camp meeting of the
Norfolk district will bo held at Pouca
beginning today and continuing for ten
days. A rate of one and a third fare i
linn been secured on the railroads H v.
D W. McGregor will bo the evangelist.
Last evening was ( juito chilly n d
those who are pessimistically inclined
nro already beginning to fear that fro't
will finish up the work uncompleted by
the heavy ruins thin spring and the
drouth this summer , I\H fur as the corn
crop in concerned.
Mr. and Mrn. C. H. HoynoldB entertained -
tainod a small company of friundB last
evening in honor of their guests , Mr
and MrH. Pardonner. Mr. P.irdonnor
Ittft at noon today for n short business
trip to Colorado , and during his absence
Mrs Pardonner and the children wil !
remain with Norfolk friends.
The game between Norfolk and Stanton -
ton which was to have been played on
the homo grounds today has boon do
olared olT , the Stanton team not being
able to fill the engagement as they had
no pitcher. The Norfolk management
offered to supply u pitchorbut thu Stanton -
ton team preferred not to play.
A number of ladies surprised Miss
Villo Mason last evening at her homo on
Madison avenue and Tenth street. The
party had boon planned for a house *
warming on the occasion of Miss Mason
taking possession of her recently ac
quired home but had been postponed for
several reasons. The evening was enjoyably -
joyably spent and her guests presented
Miss Mason with an elegant oak chair.
Winsido Tribuuo : Win Hoyo * , Will
Hayes and Ohas. MoKeen drove to Nor
folk yesterday. The object of their
journey was to sec about getting rust-
ings iinulo for their putout They him
patented n machine to hold a thrashing
machine bolt in place the one. running
from the engine to the machine. It is a
very unique devise to keep the belt
from being blown off when it is windy.
There ere other patents along this line
but none so good , and it is hoped the
boys will make a good thing out of it.
The barn of A. E. Pettitt , at his home
on Philip avenue , between Twelfth end
Thirteenth street , was dostroyd by fire
yesterday afternoon. Besides the
building , a new harness , a half load of
hay and a stove contained in the barn
were destroyed. Mrs Pettitt succeeded
m removing a valuable tool chest from
'he barn before it was burned. There
was some insurance on the building , but
how much has not boon ascertained.
The fire started in a heap of manure
beside the barn but it is not known how
it was set. The fire department re
sponded to the oJ-irin but before it could
prevent the damage had been done , the
fire having nmdo considerable headway
before the alarm was turned in.
Oakdale defeated Norfolk in the ball
gome at that pluco yesterday by n score
of . ' 50 to 5 , which was the poorest record
of the season for the Norfolk team. It
in said that the homo team started in to
play fairly good ball but they became
wrought up over some decisions of the
umpire and after that apparently tried
to see how many scores they could give
to the other team by letting them have
it easy and even coaching for them. It
was evidently a farce and it is small
wonder if the spectators were disgusted.
Ab n result of the game there will be
several important changes made in the
organization of the team and it will be
materially strengthened for the Sunday
game with Humphrey. Peterson of
Pierce has been secured to pitch that
game , which is suflicient guaranty that
there will be good work in the box.
The work of putting the mi'l property
and the water power in better condition
is almost completed and the owners ex
pect to start the mill again Monday.
Extensive improvements have been
made and the property is now iu better
shape than ever before , with promise of
permanency. A force of 50 men has
been at work on the job for the past
thrco weeks and the improvements will
cost about $4,000. An iron pipe nine
feet in diameter will carry the water
from the mill race to the mill wheel.
The pipe is closed at the south end and
all the water that enters the race must
pass through the wheel before it escapes
into the river channel below. The
wheel is a turbine and works on the
corkscrew principal. It will furnish 140
horse power under the new arrange
ment. Fifty thousand brick were used
in making the improvements and those
under water are vitrified and laid in
cement. There was considerable heavy
material used in the work of construc
tion which was handled from a great
derrick at the top of the mill. The
owners now believe that that their
property is in better condition than ever
to give patrons satisfactory service.
Choice meats of all kinds at Karo's.
WANTED Married man on farm. In
quire at NEWS office.
Notice to Water Consumers.
Attention is hereby called to the ordi
nance which requires water consumers
to promptly turn off their hydrants
whoa a fire alarm is sounded. Atten
tion should bo given this requirement as
the department desires nil the water
and pressure possible in case of fin * .
0 E. HAKTFono ,
Chief Fire Department.
The 0. St. P. M. & 0. will sell tickets
to Wakefleld on August 28 and 29 , geode
o return until the 30th at f 1 15 for the
round trip on account of the Modern
Woodmen picnic.
Tickets to Dakota City on account of
he Pioneer and Old Settlers association
will bo sold August 2t > , good to rctuin
the JlUth , ut | U 05 for the round trip
F. W .IrxuMAX.
Company L will meet at the armory
tonight at 8.110 shurp. Hell will bo
called nt that hour and those not pres
ent will be Iliad.
Ai.riir.t ) GIIUCKI : : : ,
FOUND. A bunch of koyH and a ohuli
await an owner at thin olllco.
Spring lamb , spring chickens , chan
nel catfish , luke trout , choice veal am
choice bonf at the Piilauo meat market
Telephone 18H.
Wo make IOIIIIH on real potato at
lowest rates. Klkhorn Huilding am
Savings association. T. E. OIHOUNE Son
Foil HAI.I : Hunch ono and u hal
miles from Tilford , S. D. 1-,50 ( > acres
deeded land , 2,000 leased land , plentj
living water ; all fenced ; well improved
Price $80,000. Would take some Nor
folk property and farms to suit.
O. H. Siaiu. : :
I'tuli ' an lilintl C'llnmlp.
The first white man to net foot 01
Utah soil , Father Silvestro Voledt
Esfiiliuitv , who reached the great Sul
Lake on the 2lnl ! day of September , 177(1 (
wnito in his diary : "Hero the elitimto is
so delicious , the air so balmy , that it IB
a pleasure to breathe by day and bj
night. " The cliinato of Utub is ono o
the richest endowments of naturo. Oi
the shores of the urcat Salt Lake ospn
cially and for fifty miles theiel'rom ii
every direction the climate of climates
is found. Toenablo persons to p.irtiei
patoiu these scenic and elimatio attrac
tions and to reach the famous health
bathing and pleasure resorts of Utah
the Union Pacific has miitlo a rate ti
Ogden and Salt Lake City of ono fart
for round trip , plus $2 00 , from Missour
river , to bo in effect Juno 18 to ! ! 0 inclu
sive , July 10 to August ! ! 0 inclusive.
Return limit October HI , and $ ! iO 00 for
the round trip on July 1 to ! ) , inclusive
September 1 to 10 inclusive.
Proportionately low rates from inter
mediate points.
For full information , call on or ad
dress F. W. JUNKMAN- ,
Farm and city loans.
Foil SALK Several good farms near
Norfolk on easy terms , also a largo lisl
of city property. G. K. SiiLiit. :
Spring lamb , spring chickens , chan
nel catfish , lake trout , choice vul and
choice beef at the Palace meat market.
Telephone 188.
F. E. & M. V. R. R. excursion to
Omaha on August 2(5 ( , good to return
until August 27 , inclusive , at ono fare
for the round trip'
Dr. Robert B. Johnson , ollice iu Mast
block , over Norfolk National bunk.
Good girl wanted at Sheep ranch ,
Steady job for the winter. Gorman
girl preferred.
I.ow Ititte KvcMirnlmiH to lli -
Jtlnck IltllH ,
Dates Sale : August 1 to 10 , inclusive.
Rates : To Hot Springs from Sioux
City aud Missouri Valley , Iowa , and
Omaha , Nob. , $15 for the round trip.
From Lincoln end Superior , Neb. , ? 14
for the round trip. Proportionate rates
from intermediate point H east of
Minimum round trip rate ? 10.
To Deadwood and Lead , S. D. 11 So
higher than to Hot Springs.
Transit Limit : Going trip , fifteen
days ; return trip , continuous passage.
Final Limit : October 81.
Stop-over : Stop-over will bo allowed
at any point on the F. , E. & M. V. R.
R. we t of Stanton , Neb. , within the
going transit limit of fifteen days from
date of salo.
Don't miss this opportunity to visit
the wonderful Black Hills.
Proportiouato rates based on the
above will be on sale at stations east of
the Missouri river.
Ask your nearest agent for full in
formation and be sure your tickets read
via the North-Western line.
General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
Order your engraved visiting cards at
THK NEWS office 100 cards and plate
$1.50 ; 50 cards and plate $1.
Pan-American Kxponltlon I'xciirHlon
Excursion tickets will be sold by the
F. , E. & M. V. ( Northwestern line ) on
May 0 , 13,20 , 21 and 28 with a return
limit of 7 days at $ a0.55 via standard
and 129.01 via differential lines.
Every day until September 30 with
return limit of 15 days , at & 38.tO : via
standard and | 30.30 via differential
Every day from May 15 to September
.10 good for return until October ai , at
f 17.75 via standard aud $45.85 via differ
ential lines.
Full particulars will be cheerfully fur
nished all inquirers.
Foil SALE Well improved ranch
with 80 head graded cattle two miles
from Buffalo Gap , S. D.
See the now nobby street hats at Miss
THE NEWS keeps its job department
up-to-date with the latest faces of type
and does its work in approved etyle.
With a Gootl Crop of Outs nt 3D Cents
They nro Not Worrying.
With an iitiundiiiK'K of hay starting at
7 u Kin , OHM worth : i" > ( YiHH anil other
ciom | and Mock In pniioitlon | the
fanners of this vicinity nro not likely to
HiilVi-r any serious set luu'k tf their corn
crop should partially fall.
Dick McMillan IB at least one farmei
who in not threatened with want and
his experience with a Nebraska farm Is
but tine of many. He has recently dih-
piiM-d of a crop of oatx from 101 aeien
that averaged more than 12 bushels to
the acre for which he received 3."i cents
a bushel or a total SMUM of $1,000. Thin
is undoubtedly more than the land was
t'tniHidered woith several yearn ago , hut
it can readily be conceived that llnvnhic
will advance rapidly if it continueH to
produce crops of Midi v.iluo.
K A. Lowe of the sheep ranch has a
crop of oats which have not been
threnhetl but which would undoubtedly
avt rage > ln to fill bushels per acre.
Fred K nil if/ has t Inn-lied his ciop
which aveiaged about M ) bushels to ( lie
Spring chK'kei s at Kuril's.
Brown's Business College
Siou\Cuy [ , hasgunMi in two years to
be the Inigtst business colk'go in the
northwest. Why is it ? Simply because -
cause the school makes competent stu
dents and gets positions for them. Tht
Not folk branch will do thu same work
tor itH students. Full tenn opens Mon-
duj , Stphmher 2. Wiite lor new cata
Try ono ot Karo's choice steaks.
The O. Hi. P. M. \ O. will sell excur
sion tickets tt > St. Paul and Minneapolis
next Saturday at $5 for the round trip ,
good to loturn till Monday , August 20.
The train leaves hero at ( t : ! ! ( ) Saturday
R D. McHeth of Warnervillo was in
the city today on Itubiiu-Sh.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bonier have
returned from their visit to relatives and
friends at Milwaukee , Wis.
Dr. and MFH. Teal , who accompanied
MrH. Teal's father and Bister as far as
Omaha , returned last night.
Otto llellerman departid today for
Matslilield , Win. , to risumo his duties
as teacher of u parochial school.
E P. Hummel returned to Sioux Oity
today. Mis Hummel will remain at
the homo of her parents until Monday.
E O. Day , who has been a guest at
the homo of T. .1 Morrow , loit this
morning for his huinu in Kansas City ,
Miss Pearl Rreso , the Misses Stafford
and Miss Hattie Allbery returned last
night from their visit to the Buffalo ex
Dr. R. A. Mittlestadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 117 A.
C. St. P. M. & O. Railway Cheap Ex
August 1 to 10 inclusive round trip to
St. Paul and Minneapolis ! ) 85 , to Duluth -
luth , Superior and west Superior $18.85 ,
to Maukato $7 20 , to Kasoto $7 40.
August 11 to 31 to above points ono
faro the round trip , plus $2.
All return tickets good to Oct. 31.
I'nr H SiiininiT Outing.
The Rocky Mountain regions of Colorado
rado reached best via the Union Pacific
provide lavishly for the health of the
invalid and the pleasure of the tourist.
Amid these rugged steeps | are to bo
found some of the most charming and
restful spots on earth. Fairy lakes
nestled amid sunny peaks , and climate
that cheers and exhilarates. The sum
mer excursion rates put iu effect by the
Union Pacific enable you to reach those
favored localities without unnecessary
expenditure of time or money.
One faro for the round trip plus ? 2.00
from Missouri river , in effect Juno 18 to
80 ; July 10 to August 81 inclusive.
The Union Pacific will also sell tickets
on July 1 to 0 inclusive , September 1 to
10 inclusive , at $15.00 for the round trip
from Mistioui river points.
Return limit October 81 , 11)01. )
Proportionately low rates from inter
mediate points.
Full information cheerfully furnished
upon application. F. W. JUNKMAN ,
Foil SALK ao.OOO acres iu North Da
kota. For sale on crop payment plan.
Sturgeon is the piano man.
Foil SALE Well improved form on
bottom laud two miles from Norfolk ,
f 10.00 per acre. G. R. SEILKH.
The complete service of "Tho Chic
ago-Portland Special" via Union Pacific ,
enables passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between the north and Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible space of time , but also
in the most comfortable and enjoyable
manner , The dining cars on this train
are stocked with the best the market
affords. All meals served a la carte.
The fast trains of the Union Pacific
reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead
if all competitors , If you are iu no
mrry take a slow train by one of the de
tour routes , but if yon want to get there
without Buffering any of the inconven-
ences of winter travel , take the only
'direct ' mute , the Union Pacific DC-
tit'lcil Information liiiulHlied on applica
tion. I1' . W. .It'Nic.MAN , Agent.
Order your engraved vlHitlng ciuds nt
Tin : NUWH tilllce 100 eards and plate
(1,50 ; 50 cardH and plate $1 ,
Otto H. Maasdiovo to Norfolk Thurs
Jack Manning cold his lluo here to a
party at Columbus.
Owen O'Neill shipped it carload of fat
cattle to Omaha Sunday
Attorney Fred Davis of Madison had
some husinoNB hero I'Yidity.
Harry Barnes and Kritnk H. Martin
are on the siok list this week.
Thomas Morris was visiting with nil-
atlvt'H at Meadow droveSunday. .
Danford Taylor has started to build
his new dwelling in Highland pink.
Al. Oiimieniian of near Norlolk WIIH
transacting IUIHIIICHH hcio last Thntmlay.
Thus. Mayors of the Norfolk Insane
asylum was visting his brother heie Fri
Miss Kmnia 1 lagomclcr of Norfolk vis
ited hero Sunday with relatives and
t'l lends.
A P. lioepel and company mo building
the new school house in dlMiicl No. its ,
live milcH south of town.
Mr and MI-H. Ohan Dltbeniler of
dreen ( ianlon were visiting heio Sun
day with Mr. and Mr. Pruoimcr.
John F. Richaidsof Lafyette county ,
Wis , uriivod heio Monday to visit his
brother , Charles Richards , anil family.
Henry Borchers is building a now
burn , 2-1x50 feet. Ills old barn , horses
and harness worn destroyed liy lire
about six wet Its ago.
Mrs. ChiiH. Werner celebrated her 80th
birthday Sunday. A largo number ol
lolatives , neighbors and frienils wore
present on that occasion.
The members of the M. K. church had
a very successful sooi'il ' at the opem
house Saturday. They reali/.ed ! f28.
The band turnished music.
bam Hanon and company of Madison
have boon moving Al. Lintecuin's house ,
Winch stood ono nnleeaBt } ( if townonto a
vacant lot north ot F. J. llulo's dwell
Mrs. II. Hogrefo and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Toiulmgon returned Tuesday
from Corning , Mo. , whore they went
lust week ( o iittond the funeral of a rel
Rev. J. Hotmail , Prof. M G. Uooring
and George Hoiiormanii went to Cum-
ing , Cuniiiig county , Tuenday , to attend
the session of the Lutheran synod of the
state of Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Martin leturned
Friday from their wedding trip to the
hills. The hoys guvo them a tin eon
cert. They have Hived their instru
ments for another case in sight now.
Little I'Mher , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Xiininermaii , fell on a piece
of broken ciockery in their yard Satur
day and her upper lip WIIH split wide
open. Dr. Tanner dressed the wound
Michael Connelly died Friday in Chil-
ton , Wis. , and was buried Monday
About two months ago ho It ft hero for
Wisconsin. Hn has been living in Bat
tle Crook since 1885. Ho has many rel
atives hero and also in Norfolk.
Aug. Stell'on received a letter from
his brother-in-law. Honrv Miller , him
week stating that ho had arrived in San
Francisco and was located in an army
hospital. About two years ago Mi
Miller enlisted in the regular U. S
army , 22nd infantry , and has Ixsen in
active service since that time in the
Philippine Islands.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Mndison
county , Nebraska Juliana L. Olesou ,
plaintiff , vs Mary A. Smith , defendant.
Mary A. Smith , the above named defendant -
fondant , will take notice that on the
2th ! ) day of July , 11)01 ) , the above named
plaintiff filed a petition in the distnct
court of Madison county , Nebraska ,
against you , as defendant , the object
and prayer of which are to have can
celled and satisfied of record , a certain
mortgage on the northeast quarter ( no
V4) ) of section twenty-four (24) ( in town
ship twenty-three (23) ( ) north , range
three (8) ( ) west of the 3rd. P. M. Modi-
sou county , Nebraska , dated September
2Hth , 1895 , duo in about three years from
its date , and made by plaintiff to W. II.
Bucholx , guardian , but which said mort
gage , since September , 18)7 ! ) , has been
and is now owned by yon , and the same
has boon fully paid by the plaintiff.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 10th day of Sep
tember , 11)01. )
JULIANA L. OLKSON , Plaintiff.
Ilond Notice.
To all whoinit may concern : The
commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing on the north side of a draw
nt the northwest corner of section
eighteen (18) ( ) , township twenty-one (21) (
north , range (1) ( ) , west of ( ith p. m. in
Madison county , Nebraska , running
thence east two (2) ( ) miles , passing
around on the north side of n bond in
Union creek in the southwest quarter
of section seven (7) ( ) , township twenty-
one (21) ( ) , range one (1) ( ) , and termina't-
ing at the northeast corner of section
seventeen (17) ( ) , township twenty-one
(81) ( ) north , range one (1) ( ) , west of Oth p.
m. , has reported in favor of the estab
lishment thereof , and all objections
thereto , or claims for damages , must bo
filed in the '
county clerk's office on or
before noon of the 17th day of Septem
ber A. D. , 11)01 ) , or such road will be es
tablished without reference thereto.
County Clerk.
Wo will Ml all our HiitH
Trimmed and Strool Huts , lit
J. & E.
RAIINKH As TYLKK , J J. II. llnrnon
141. 1) . Tyler
AllonioyH at IJIM ,
Norfolk , Nohraul n
lloiiH'oimflilr I'hvNlrliin mill Surgeon
Olllrn. ClllTntiN NMlliiiuil llniiL HllllillliK ,
Tnliiiliiiiiii | till.
Hntilliirliim mill KnnliliMirn , Muln mill nth HI
Norfolk , NiOiniHltn.
H. ' UOLH ,
Olllrn mnr t'ltlrmi'n Niitloiml Until , , llpnlilmic *
"ii"I'lock ' Ih of CmiKiiwitlwml rlmrcli ,
Norfolk , NolmiNkn
In ( iiiiiin litnck , omr HIIIIIII'H ntor l
I' lent fliiHH wort Kiminiilcmil.
Norfolk , Nebraska
Ostcopathic Physician ,
IICPIPIHH OUT ) < n' Jimtlll ) IlllllPO. Ndlfdlk.
AltornojN ul I.IMV.
IIOIIIIIH 10 , II Mini 12 , MllHl Ill'ick.
Norfolk . . . Nebraska
I'lnlertnliorN ' and rinlialiiiorf ,
Ht'HHloiiH Illk. , Norfolk Avo.
Norfolk. - . . Nebraska
For I'lmnliiiig ' , Strain Filling , Pumps. Tanki
Wind Mills
Am ) II uork In tliln linn nail on
W , H. RISH.
Hialnliictliin tlimriuitiinil ,
1'lrnt door Kontn of Tint DAILY NUWH Olllce ,
Practical Plumber K !
and Steam Fitter. M
Agency for the Myers Force and
Wind Mill Pumps.
Prices Right.
SatlHfaetlwi Guaranteed on all Work
First , door West , of Post Ofllcn
James Richards , M. D.
And Gxpert Refrnc-
I'xmnltmtioii of tlionycs
mm to imtlontK ntid pnti-iinn. Ofllco 1101
Kiiriiiiinbt. Umiilm.oiiixwllu I'lixlon Hotel. 1
Plumbing and Steam fitting i
First-class Work nnd
Reasonable Prices.
Shop in the old Laundry Building on
South Fourth St.
. . . .TRY. . . .
, "I
Sale and
- * ,
Boarding Barn. M
Horses Bought and Sold on
Braoflch Avenue '
and Third St. 'PHONE 44