n Kl 1 I III Defection of Herriotts Forces Adds to His Chances BREAK IN THE NINTH DISTRICT Des Moines Candidate Gains Fifty elx Votes Field Is Working Hard and Declare That His Claims of j Victory are Premature Cedar Rapids In Aug 7 The com bination against Cummins was broken last night by a largo number of tho llerrlott delegates who abandoned their man and went over to tho Des Moines candidate Tho counties In the movement are Adair Audubon Cass Montgomery Sholby and Pottawattamie Thoy will bring to Cummins an Increase of 5G votes on the first ballot and 75 on the Ecconil When the conference mot a number of them announced that tho arrange ment entered Into Monday with tho Btcorlng committee was not agreeable to them and that they did not like the looks of things Thoy wanted Horrlott to agree to a combination with Cummins men but he preferred to run his own campaign Tho delegates then announced that thoy Intended to come out for Cummins Looks Like Cummins Tho defection of Herriotts men Is considered to practically settle tho nomination In favor of Cummins His opponents conceded to him 750 votes on the first bnllot while he claims 791 The break last night even by tho admission of his opponents gives him 828 on the second ballot while ac cording to his own estimate ho will havo at least 847 on tho first ballot and n total of 809 on tho second while but 821 votes are necessary to a choice Tho steering committee notwithstand ing tho fallli q away In Herriotts vote will stick to Harrlman and make their fight under his name Chairman McMIllin of tho steering committee said that he still felt confi dent He claimed that the tactics pur sued by the Cummins faction in forc ing tho break from Herrlott would prove a boomerang that would cost Cummins more than ho had gained We shall certainly control tho organ ization of tho convention he said There Is no longer any doubt of that and the report of the committee on cre dentials will bo sustained by tho con vention Al er we have shown that wo arc In control of the convention we can agree on who shall bo nomi nated McMIllin Makes Denial Chairman McMIllin of the steering committee denied positively that any tender of the gubernatorial nomina tion had been made by his committee to Congressman Lacey Neither would it bo offered to him Mr McMIllin asserted We will go before the con vention with the names of Harrlman Trewin and Conger and will make the best of all of them that we possi bly can and In our opinion wo will down Cummins Herrlott will stick to the last probably without making a formal withdrawal but he Is out of It If the steering committee is able to make up tho permanent organization of the convention it will place Con r grcssman Hepburn In the chair At midnight Herrlott declared posi tively that he would not withdraw Tho Cummins people made him a for mal offer of the second place on tho ticket which he refused saying that ho was a candidate for governor and not for lieutenant governor Roberts on Resolutions Hon George E Roberts of Fort Dodge generally named as ultimate chairman of the committee on resolu tions was Interviewed yesterday on tho matters to bo treated In the party platform to bo adopted today Mr Roberts said I do not bellovo that the resolu tions will include any radical change in railroad taxation The platform I believe will bo conservative through out and will not depart materially from tho ordinary platform Aside from tho railway taxation matter I look for few or uo deviations from tho ordinary resolutions Lieutenant Governorship Tho lieutenant governorship has as sumed considerable Importance be cause of tho prominence that It Is like ly to cut In relation to tho gubernato rial nomination David Brandt of Clinton has made a strong run for lieu tenant governor and has gained etrength throughout tho day Klemmo has many followers however Late yesterday the name of P L Prentls of Ringgold county was brought out as a candidate for lieutenant govern or His namo was first mentioned by tho Cummins people more with tho Idea of forcing tho hands of Horrlott and Harrlman than for any othor rea son but if one or both of those candi dates does not show a tendency to como to terms with tho Cummins peo ple tho name of Mr Prentls will bo pushed with all tho strength -of the Cummins faction I For Judge of tho supremo court It Is jthe general opinion that Weaver has tho better chance Brown leads for superintendent of public instruction I The Cummins men have given up all Idea of making their fight in tho com mittee on credentials and It is now highly probable that tho committee will be constituted with a majority of Its members opposed to Cummins This means that they will brlug in a report unseating tho Cummins dele gates in Jackson and Carroll counties the eight delegates from Polk 2nd ounty The Cummins men will make their fight on the adoption of the major ity and minority reports and have un bounded confidence that they will be able to secure the rejection of tho tunjoilty report Ofticers of the Convention The following nro tho officers of tho convention as thoy havo been selected iu advance by the stato committee Chairman J C Dnvls of Keokuk Chaplain Rev J T Crlppen of Ma rlon Secretary A M McColl of Wood ward nsslstnnt W A Follott Atlantic Reading Clerks S C Piatt of Iowa Falls assistant 12 R Ilutchlns of Dos Moines J C Wcbstor of Cresco Doorkeeper John A Reed of Cedar Rapids MOURNING FOR DEAD EMPRESS All Public Amusements Stopped Until After Funeral by Official Orders Berlin Aug 7 A Bpeclal edition of the Relchsanzelgor contains an Im perial cabinet order giving notlco of the denth of Empress Frederick and ordering six weeks national mourn ing Tho order also directs that all public amusements Including con certs and theatrical performances bo suspended until after tho funeral According to dispatches from Cron berg the death agony of tho dowager empress was brief lasting hardly a quarter of an hour When Professor Renvors Informed Emperor William that his mothers heart had ceased to beat the chaplain mndo n brief prayer and his majesty placed whlto lilies In his mothers hands Telegrams are pouring In from nil quarters Tho heads of all foreign states and the sovereigns of Gorman states have sent messages of condo lence couched In tho warmest tones WAR ON UNION MOULDERS Founders Take First Step in Effort to Exterminate Them Chicago Aug 7 While union molders were walking tho streets bo cause their employers refused to pay them 3 a day these same employers voted today to replace them with non union men who are to receive wages of 450 and 475 a day Tho deci sion of tho manufacturers to pay tho higher rate to nonunion men was reached at a meeting of tho local or ganization of the National Founders association In voting to pay the scale announced the members of tho Na tional Founders association havo taken the first step In a fight for the extermination of the machinists and Iron molders unions TORNADO STRIKES NORFOLK Score of Houses Unroofed and Several Persons Injured Norfolk Va Aug 7 Norfolk was visited by a tornado yesterday Tho whirlwind came in tho usual funnel shaped cloud and swept n path about 50 feet In width Fortunately It passed through an outlying portion of tho city and not through the thickly popu lated sections The roofs of about 20 houses were blown away nnd several persons were injured by falling tim bers Several houses In Berkley were unroofed Trees wore torn up and chimneys blown down through the sec tion swept by the storm The storm was followed by a rain that almost equalled a cloudburst Open Switch Causes Wreck Union City Ind Aug 7 The Day ton nnd Union railroad had the first disastrous wreck in tho history of the road last night when a passenger train ran into an open switch in tho yards In this city and collided with a south bound train Both engines were wrecked The crews of both engines Jumped to safety A traveling man named Huckett of New York was seri ously injured and Is not expected to live a number of passengers were badly bruised Rain In Furnas County Lincoln Aug 7 Heavy rains fell last night In tho southwestern part of Nebraska breaking a drought which has been almost continuous since tho Fourth of July In tho Sappa valley of Furnas county tho downpour was tho greatest ever known three Inches falling In less than half an hour Other parts of tho county got an Inch An electrical storm accompanied tho rain lightning doing sorao damage Republicans of Maryland Baltimore Aug 7 Tho Republican stato convention held hore yesterday placed In nomination the following ticket For state comptroller Mann S Piatt for clerk of tho court of ap peals Thomas Parran Interest cen tered mainly In tho platform nnd tho speeches all of which teemed with de nunciation of Democracy In general and former United States Senator Gorman In particular Turkish Troops Apply Torch Vienna Aug 7 According to a dis patch from Salonlca eight Bulgarians who were raiding Turkish territory found themselves pursued by Turkish troops and took refugo in the house of a peasant They fired on tho Turks killing an officer Tho Turks then set Are to tho house burning to death tho Bulgarians and tho peasant and his family Derailed by Spreading Rails Milford Junction Ind Aug 7 Spreading of rails three miles east of Nappance on the Baltimore and Ohio caused passenger train No C tho flyer to tho east to be derailed last night Six cars left tho tracks while the train was going at the speed of GO miles an hour but tho 80 passengers escaped with only a bad shaking up Increases Capital Stock Lincoln Aug 7 Acting through attorneys Georgo J Gould president of the Missouri Pacific railroad yes terday filed amended articles of incor poration increasing the capital stock of the road 45000000 THE NORFOLK NEWS FU1DAY AUGUST 0 1001 11 II IS ISSUED Workers to Ee Called Out Ncct Saturday GREAT TEST OF STRENGTH IS ON Every Employe of the Ollllon Dollar Corporation Asked to Join In tho Present War Amalgamated Asso ciation to Ask No Quarter Pittsburg Aug 7 After weekn of preliminary skirmishing at last tho great battle between the gigantic stool trust and the thousands of men mar shaling under the baunera of tho Amalgamated Association of Iron Steel and Tin Workers Is fairly on Tho long-talked-of general strike order wnB Issued by President Shnffor last evening to tako effect after tho Inst turn of tho mills on Aug 10 What tho result will bo no man can foretell but judging by tho expressed deter mination of both parties to tho con troversy tho battle will bo waged to tho very last ditch Much inonoy will bo lost thousands upon thousands of men will bo Idle groat suffering Is looked for nnd even bloodshed and death nro possible and feared Tho strlko call Includes nearly nil tho Amalgamated men In the United States Steel corpor ations employ not now on strike It wns Issued from the Amalgamated as sociations hendqunrters and mnlled to all Amalgamated lodge olllclals who jiro expected to cnll their men Into tho strike The text of the cnll fol lows Brethren Tho officials of tho Unit cd States Steel trust hnvo refused to recognize ns union men those who nro now striving for tho right to organize The executive board has authorized me to lssuo n call upon all Amnlgamatcd nnd other union men In name nnd honrt to join In the movement to fight for lnbors rights Wo must fight or glvo up forever our personal liberties Remember before you ngrocd to nny contrnct you took nn obllgntlon to the Amalgamated association It now calls you to help In this hour ol need Unless tho trouble Is settled on or before Saturday Aug 10 1901 the mills will close when tho last turn Is made on that day Brethren this Is tho call to pre serve our organization Wo trust you nnd need you Como nnd help us nnd mny right come to n Just cause Hundred Thousand Idle The order of President Shaffer Is expected to swell tho number of Idle men to over 100000 at the end of the week President Shaffer was asked If the call was not intended to go to the union men in the Carnegie Steel company lie said that he answered no questions on that score The Amal gamated association has lodges In the Upper and Lower Union mills of the Carnegie Steel company and a foot hold In Homestead Duquosno nnd Braddock mills of the great bulwark on nonunlonlsm In conformity to stntements that havo been made by President Shnffer before these man will bo expected to join the strike ns will nil Amalgnmntcd men nnd sympa thizers In all plants of the United States Steel corporation Tho other companies of tho steel corporation not mentioned by the Amalgamated prosi dent and whose operations the asso ciation will seek to hamper nro the American Steel and Wire company and tho American Bridge company In tho wire company the Amalgamated association has only lodges in the Cleveland rolling mill plant and the Jollet rod mill plant of tho com pany In the plants of tho American Bridge company there Is no organiza tion of tho men After issuing tho official call for next Saturday night President Shaffer said I called out all tho men employed In the Newcastle mills of tho National Steel company at midnight My pur pose In doing this was that I learned that the trust has been piling up union made bars In tho old housings In tho dismantled Jennings mill for tho pur pose of supplying tho nonunion mills when tho plants shall be shut down It was a clever trick but It did not work The truBt will need whnt bars thoy have stored now bad enough be fore they are through with this strike After sending this telegram to New castle I received a reply which reads ns follows Mill will close Men nro all firm Shaffer Talks to Strikers President Shaffers first direct uttor anco since the conference In New York to men on striko was given last night at a meeting of Valley lodge No 44 on tho south side Tho lodge Is com posed of striking employes of tho Painter Steel and Hoop mill This mill was lost to tho Amalgamated asso ciation two years ago and tho suspen sion two weekB ago was a complete surprise to the trust It is regarded as one of tho pivotal points In tho great striko President Shaffer said Men of tho Painters mill the final test between organized capital and or ganized labor Is now on It Is a fact that last Saturday In tho office of J Plerpont Morgan In New York wo could havo settled the strike had we acreed to desert you We will not de sert you and wo now ask you not to desert us Cries of No no This Is a contest In which millions of dol lars are concentrated to crush out or ganized labor I have eono over every Inch of the ground and assure you men that the general striko order will bo obeyed to tho letter Our finan cial resources are In good shape and we will pay strike benefits from now on If you remain steadfast victory garlands will be yours GETTING OUT THE DODIEC Number of Fatalities In Philadelphia Explosion Uncertain Philadelphia Aug 7 Seven lend throe or lour prehnMy fatally lejuiod nud more tluui 10 othor poisons hurl more or loss seriously Is the latest re vised record of tho explosion In tho block of buildings on Locust street How many moro victims If nny aro still In the ruins will not bo known until the debris has boon cleared away which will require many more bonis of hard work The list of load Is nn follows Eliza beth Mountain aged 38 years Freder ick Leo aged 40 colored unknown colored child ngod about 3 yearH un known colored woman aged about 2S yours three unknown colored men Tho most seriously Injured who nro likely to die aro Mra Patrick Qitlg ley Samuel Gntos Llzzts Watklns and Morris lloscnthnl HOWISON FILLS THE VACANCY Rear Admiral Appointed on Schley Board of Inquiry Washington Aug 7 Roar Admiral Henry L Howlson has boon selected to fill the vacancy on the Schley court of Inquiry caused by tho Inability of Admiral Klinberly to solve Admiral IIowIhuiih namo Ib one of several offi cers whom Admiral Schley notified tho department aro satisfactory to Cap tain Parker Admiral Schleys assist ant counsel Among tho witnesses desired by Ad miral Schley 1b Lieutenant Benjamin Wells who was aboard tho Brooklyn ns Commodore Schleys Hag secretary throughout tho Spanish war There nre no Spanish olllcers on Admiral Schleys list CUBAN INCUMBENTS DECLINE Fall to Fall In With Suggestion That They Vacate Office Temporarily llavnnn Aug 7 The Cuban consti tutional convention met yosterduy but made no progress Senor Juun Gunlbeito Gomez moved an amend ment to tho oloetorul law proposing that all public officials who nre eiindl dntes In the coming elections shull cense to exercise their olllces for n month before tho elections tako place This proposal was violently opposed by members of the convention who nre office holders those chlolly affected being tho civil governors of provinces Those olllclals violently antagonized tho uiucndmoiit which was rejected by a vote of 12 to 10 San Francisco Strike San Francisco Aug 7 The only development of importance in tho la bor situation so far ns the extension of strikes is concerned was tho walk out of more than 400 union box makers who had been employed at tho various box factories of the city Mayor Plielan declares that as far ns ho Is concerned peace negotiations nre nt nn end he having done nil thnt he could to bring about n conference Today tho sand teamsters some 500 In number will refuse to go to work having been ordered out on striko More Strikers Deported Tniupa Fin Aug 7 The striko sit uation is one of bewilderment on tho part of tho strike h nnd immovable determination on the part of tho citi zens No word has been received from or about the Rcslstencln lenders who were deported as the vigilantes nre sworn to secrecy further than thoy admit tho men will never return to Tampa Tho exnet number of the men deported is not yet known but every prominent lender of the striko Is missing Twelve moro strikers were deported Inst night National Temperance Conference Bulfnlo Aug 7 The natloi f 1 tem perance conference which has been In session here adjourned yesterday Twelve national organizations Vid 17 religious denominations from 17 states and territories were represented Res olutions were adopted calling for tho prohibition of the sale of Intoxicating liquofi In the vicinity of nil stnto and national military reservations Baseball Scores Yesterday National League Boston 5 Phila delphia 3 Pittsburg 8 St Louis 1 Cincinnati 2 Chicago C American League Milwaukee 4 Detroit 8 Western League Knnsns City 3 Denver 1 Omnha 3 St Paul 0 St Joseph 7 Colorado Springs 5 Des Moines 4 Minneapolis 2 Ministers Fail to Sign Peking Aug 7 Tho foreign minis ters had arranged to sign tho settle ment protocol yesterday but the Brit ish minister Satow notified his col leagues that Great Britain was unable to sign Ho gave no reasons nnd tho mntter was Indefinitely postponed Thirty Turks Killed London Aug 7 A dispatch to tho Morning Leader from Sofia reports an alleged battle between Bulgarian ban dits and Turkish troops near Andrlan ople In which 30 Turks were killed SPARKS FROM THE WIRES At Marlln Tox Tuesday Porter Sawyer aged 18 shot and killed his father and was overcome by the heat whllo trying to make his escape and died Lawrence McGrlskln a teacher in tho Galllstel school South Chicago was killed Tuesday by a llvo electric wire which fell from a post and struck him James Craig an attorney and pro moter died at St Louis Tuesday tho result of a fall from tho second story window of his residence whllo In a somnambulistic state Four hundred men employed in tho Memphis car and foundry works walked out Tuesday because of a dis agreement with the management on the aubjoct of paydays S11IB III Thieves Tunucl Under Sclby Smelter at Vallcjo Cal GOLD TAKEN VALUED AT 280000 Robbers Make Away With MbbbIvo Bars of Bullion by Boat Strong Room Entered From Below After Much Clandestine Toll Hnn Francisco Aug 7 A few de tails of tho lobbory of tho strong room of the Sclby smeller at Vallojo have been received In this city A J ltalstou president of tho company stated o tho Associated ltoss thnt thieves hud excavated a tunnel be tween 300 and 400 fool long from n point near the railroad tunnel nnd un der tho strong room connected with the works and had secured bars of bul lion aggregating In value over V280UU0 and had transported the gold to a bout In waiting near the companys wharf Tho robbers took the unusual precau tion of strewing their trucks with rod popper ptesuiunbly to throw blood hounds off the track Prosldonl llnhitou stated that ho had uo clue as to the Identity of the robbers At tho Solby works tho gold Is kepi In a stool lined strong room The robbers tunnelled until they got directly under tho room and then cut through the iloor Tho tunnel was skillfully construct cd and It must have taken many days to construct It Onco In tho strong room tho thieves had only to help themselves to nil In sight Tho thieves tunnelled from outside the building under tho vault at the Solby works which are located on the bay about 30 miles from San Fran cisco They got away with nearly 1200 pounds of gold worth 20 an ounce without leaving a trace of thch Identity behind The robbery In tho most Hiiccessful and remarkable ever accomplished on tho Pacific coast and was evidently the work of skilled me chunlcs Tho whole affair was skill fully planned nnd skillfully executed It Is supposed that when tho robbers secured their loot they loaded It Into a boat that was waiting nnd disap peared In tho fog that had como over San Francisco bay In their huste to get nwny they left two gold bars worth nearly 50000 lying on tho bank al the waters edge Tho police at all the bay cities were Immediately notified of tho crime but all they could discover wns n few of the tools that tho robbers had used Tho Solby Smelting und Lend com pany Is the largest concern of Its kind on tho Pacific const Ores nre sent from all over tho western country to bo smelted nnd refined und the gold Is then turned over to tho mint A steamer makes special trips between tho smelter and San Francisco carry ing tho ores one way and bringing bnck tho refined gold Yesterday when tho workmen entered tho vault to pri pure the gold for londlng on tho steamer the robbery was discovered Tho thieves had taken tho precaution of fastening the door of the sale from ho Inside so Hint It would lie hard to open In cuso they were Interrupted Probably preparatory engineering ex tending over several weeks was done before the robbery could be accom plished Clone to the wall of the building In which the vault Is located n shall wns sunk below the loundu tlon Then n tunnel wns run to tho vault and holes were bored iu the Iron floor until n hole sufficiently large to admit n man wns mude There were four fine gold bricks In tho vault which the robbers looted Each wns ten Inches long five Inches wide nnd four Inches In height They were nil stamped with number weight nnd fineness In nddltlon to this there were stolen from tho bullion vault crude gold In all shapes and sizes and some of It In bars of dlfforeut lengths Washouts on the Santa Fe Albuquerque N M Aug 7 Six passenger trains aro stalled hero ow ing to washouts on the Santa Fe rail road It Is expected repairs on the main lino will be completed today but no trains can run to Santa Fe for a day or two Nearly two Inches of water fell nt Suntn Fo In two hours Telegraph wires are In bad shape Coal Combine Being Formed Chicago Aug 7 As a result of a secret meeting of tho finance commit tee of the proposed 300000000 na tional coal trust hold here yestorduy It Is said that tho combination will be completed by the first of next year Tho promoters it Is said have had considerable trouble with tho mine owners throughout Indiana Body Found on River Bank Waterloo la Aug 7 The badly do composed body of Jack Ledllo of Re public Ia was found on tho bank of Cedar river last night A card In his pocket told his namo and address and a vial of laudanum by his side sug gests suicide Tho records of J J Knapp druggist show that tho drug was purchased July 7 Forest Fires In Montana Helena Mon Aug 7 Northern Pa clfic officials roport 50 forest fires rag ing In Missoula county No great dam ago has been done but owing to the unusually dry condition of tho forest and tho vegetation tho outlook Is re garded as serious Standard Oil Declares Dividend New York Aug 7 Tho directors of tho Standard Oil company of New Jersey havo declared a quarterly div idend of 8 per cent This compares with a decloratlon of 12 per cent In Juno and 20 per cent Iu March 3 CARS SPECULATIVE POOLS Chicago Board of Trade Takes Action Against Syndicate Trading Chicago Aug Members of tho Chicago board of trade who In tho future doslic to run pools Iu corn or any other giuln will need to bo cir cumspect In the methods used In Invit ing the general public Into tho scheme The directors of tho board yesterday adopted ho following resolution Resolved Thnt It Is lie sense of tho board of directors of tho board of trade of the city of Chicago thnt tho promotion advancement or carrying on of pools syndicates or advonttiro companies under the rules of tho board of trade by menus of advertise ment In the public ptcss or by circu lars or pamphlets Is a grave offense Involving tho good name unci dignity of this iisHoclutloii Any violation of tho resolution It In nnlil will be punlHhublo by the expul sion of I ho offender Thnt the resolu tion wns nn outgrowth In nny direct mnniior of ho Phillips pool wns neith er admitted nor denied by tho ofllclaht who were reticent In discussing It You cannot pick up a country paper nnld President Warren without find ing tho ndvortlseinout of iiomu schcmo to run a pool In this market Such methods of securing business nro con sidered undignified by tho directors nnd tho resolution wns adopted to put n stop to them LUCKY ONES FILE ON CLAIMS Last Act of Government In Disposing of Indian Reservation Lands El Reno O T Aug 7 The Inst act In the opening ol the Indian lauds Iu tho KIwu Coniaiicl loservatlons be gan yesterday when tho winners In Inst weeks lottery woio permitted to flic on their claims The filing begun In El Reno for the El Reno district and at Fort Sill for lly Lawtoti dis trict At each place 121 of the lucky ones were permitted t file Iu tho order that their nanies were drawn Iroin the wheels The lllng at tho rate or 250 will continue dally until the entire 13000 claims have bujn disposed of It is estlmn ed Hint ill least 2000 or 3000 clulini drawn al the lottery will never bl filed on There will undoubtedly lj a lively scramble for them by the thousands of people who did not win iu tho lot tery Also tho unction sale by tho fed eral government of town lots at Ana darko Ilobnrt and Lawtoti began At each place thousands of people havo n walled for duys tho opportunity to piirchuso lots nnd begin liusiness IVIlllum 31 ICmiHh iik a Wit William M Evnrts dourly loved a Joke- so dearly Indeed Hint once when Mcrotnry of stntc bo came nigh upon being the dentil of one of his suborill nutcs A consul In Hie West Indies wrote home Hinting Hint his health In thnt cllmnto v n bin mid uniting for a transfer At that time there happened to be u vnciuiey in northern Sweden and to It the astonished und llamiiycd consul was transferred Instanter by Mr Evnrts It wns not whnt he hnd bargained for und as nn Icebound winter was n change Hint would have meunl tniiiKlntloii for him to nuother Ipliere the secretary finally relented und gave him u berth elsewhere At one lime In the department of stute n new elevator mini hud been em ployed who did not know Mr Evnrts by sight 1 1 Ills car wns u conspicuous hlgn to the olleet Hint by older of the hccretiiry of mate smoking wna prohib ited in the day the secretary hourded the ear In company with u fa mous senator the latter smoking a ci gar JVie new mini promptly touched the smoker on the elbow nnd siild pointing at tho notice Cant you read that slgiiV Mr Evnrts promptly tore down the offending notice nnd turning to the elevator mini said What sign I dont see any The attendant sus pecting something wisely held his peace but he followed the pair out nnd asked tho gutird at the door who the little chap with the large head was The guard told him New York Tribune StrullcMVtMl III Di ntlnntlnn A CIo vein nder who made a trip to Washington says that much ns he was impressed by the beauty and graudeur of the national capital ami Its sur rouudlugs the thing he will remem ber longest was a remark be heard made by a colored deckhand on one of the handsome bouts thnt take dully trips up and down the Potomac These bonts stop at ninny of the pic turesque little Virginia and Maryland river towns that dot the banks of the historic river and take freight ship incuts to and from Washington One of the things shipped from one of the I down river towns on the bont the flnvnln mint- rmtri rn u nc n innt rf tt sort Hint delights tho average small boy The Clevelandor was wandering about the boat Interested In tho dif ferences between tho Potomnc river boat and the Lake Erie craft with which bo was familiar when he no ticed the colored deckhand standing almost motionless before the goat which was tied to one of the supports of the upper deck Uo was scratching his head and apparently very much puzzled Whats the matter tho Cleveland er asked the deckhand Why answered the colored man do goat done eat up whnr ho gwlno to The goat had simply chewed up and swallowed tho tag on which was tho address to which ho was being ship ped Cleveland Leader SwreplnK A youug man who bad Just entered the office of Jeremiah Mason the great New Hampshire legal luminary to study law asked him where ho should begin Mason polutlug to the booka ou tho library shelves answered la ccralcally Anywhere a i