I r The Norfolk Netus Tho next holtilny will lo the Aral Monday In September which Is Lnlxir day An cxchnugo thinks lliu lints worn by horses nro entitled to bo culled plug lints whether they nro or not It In likely thnt one of tho expensive luxuries of tuxt winter will bo hot corn brenil and soruhnm molasses Tho hot weather though nnconifort nblo linn been qnlto healthy very little serious sickness being reported In Nor folk mid vicinity Ktnnd up for Norfolk unil Ncbrnskn Tho people of Slonx City in thes days of prosperity iindpnrboiled wenthor are experiencing dllllcnlty in getting girls to do tho housework it wages rniiRlui from 1 oO to fft per week Wnter consumers are pnyinK tho same roles thnt they did boforo tho water works wero owned by Jho city How liuioh chenfr will electric Unlit be when tho city owns a lighting plant A innu named Alliert Znhrupchy drowned in tho Missouri river ot Oninho Wednesday afternoon Ho endeavored to perjorm tho feat of carrying IiIh nnnie from the center of tho stream to tho dioro and failed It is reported that tho Jim river in South Dakota is out of ItH hanks If it would but overllow in this direction or if mhiio of that surplus water in Juno could bo recovered tho peoplo would linvo causo for rejoicing The United Ftntcs produces but 2 ft per cent of tho sugar of tho world and yet its people continue -V per cent of tho sugar produced in tho world Tills gives evidence of largo fields for the development of tho beet sugar industry 1 Whatcvor may bo said of UnclcSnms lottery at Kl Heno it cannot bo said that bo is making anything out of tho deal no ohargo being mndo for n chance It is undonltedly tho fairest method yet conceived of disposing of goverumunt lauds George ICuiinnu tho author has been ordered out of Hussio lucnuso Ho was considered politically unreliable Amer ican politicians will do well to pass Bussio by They may know that Ken nans fato would await uino out of ten of them A writer in tho Ladies lomo Journal advises housekeepers to open nil the windows nnd blinds and let tho sun nnd nir pour through tho house Sho faiK to explain how tho sun may bo obtained and does not prove that it may bo poured after it i secured Seme of tho papers have figured It out that tho dry and hot weather is a bless ing to tho country in which case the christian people should not pray for rain but should implore for a continu ance of tho drouth aud If one is go d one each year should bo better If n speculator is fortunate enough to discover a Nobrusknu who is unnerved by crop conditions and anxious to dis pose of his property cheap it is his time to make a ten strike This is an excep tional year the laud is good aud will grow crops OS years out of 100 By proclamation of President McKin ley Porto Hlco now enjoy s tree trade with the United States and is plnced under civil government Perhaps the democrats will now kick about the local taxation to which tho people are sub jected to carry on thoir government It is estimated that the Colorado river carries sullicieut water for tho irrigation of 8000000 acres This isbut ouo of the rivers in a largo territory which would bo benefited by irrigation development nnd tho possibilities of tho movement can thereforo be scarcely comprehended In case tho corn crop is a failure the beet tops and beet pulp will be in de maud for feed and growers of beets should see to it thnt they derive every possible advantnge from tho orop All kinds of feed will be valuable aud the long headed farmer will see thnt noth ing which it is possible to feed goes to waste Pierro Lonllard was very evidently n foxy old customer and it need not sur prise nny of the users of his tobaccos to learn thnt they were composed wholly of cabbage A man who is cnpablo of fix ing up a mock wedding and marrying his mistress to his hired girl disguised as a man is quite likely to sell cabbage for tobacco In view of the drouth with which the country hns been alllicted those papers thnt are devoting space on how to fcerve melons should tell how to pro cure melous when there nre none or give a treatiso on how to successfully overcome that gnawing melon appetite without going baukrupt by purchasing the inferior fruit obtainable The Iowa militia boys have at least attained distinction for a prompt obedi ence of officers They were tossing a corporal in a blanket and when he was 25 feet in the air an officer ordered them -- - to stop They stopped so suddenly thnt tholr lotfiit fell to tho hnrd ground breaking his collnr IkhKj mill rendering him insensiblo The ofllrer If ho know tholr prompt olK ilionco wns to blame for not timing his orders better It 1r now announced that Edward will not be crowned king of England In vlow of tho entiro populotloli that mny congregnto but it will only bo witnessed by tho peers of tho realm tho diploma tic corps and tho fow who havo otllclal reasons for obtaining seats All thoo who havo been saving their money to go to tho coronation may thereforo now blow it In for lco Those who nro sometimes tempted to wnsli their feet shonld be warned not to do so by tho example made of tho CSrand Island man who took a ft ot bnth and died tho next day Mnny of uh hnvo persist ently believed that It whb a dangerous operation to wash tho fett and now nro thoroughly convinced If yon must monkey with water iour It on the parched lawn nnd garden Tho populists have given up tho feat of trying to deny prosperity and havo suddenly discovered that tho nmson for tho present prosperous conditions iH be cause tho administration haH adopted tho populist euro for hard times It f would require several years of this hot weather to render tho populists incapa ble of maintaining an issue without ad mitting error Thoir presumption should bo embalmed for tho entertain tnont of future generations It is figured that an American is equal as a consumer of homo and foreign pro ducts to 10 other people of tho world in general If this is a correct rating the 77010000 people of tho Uniied States are equal to 770000000 or ono half tho rest of tho world Certainly tho Amer icans as a class live better than tho people of any other nation on the globe and time is proving that they can af ford it Tho worlds wenlth is rapidly conteriug in tho United Suites Thero is a good profit in chickous ns many farmers are learning A farmer living near Humphrey is finding this out but ho 1b not tho one who is profit ing Ho gave his daughter two chickens and promised to feed tho increaso for four years if sho would look after thorn Ho says tho girl now hns 0 1 in tho bank and iO chickens which ho had to feed last winter and believes that at tho t nd nf the four years tho girl will own tho fnrm and bo charging him rent Referring to tho communication of A Voter as tho writer understands tho Fremont situation tho waterworks made money for tho city beforo tho electric light was established which was put in largely from tho surplus in tho water fund but since tho two plants havo been run in connection tho revenue from botli does not meot tho expenses This scorns to bo about tho samo situa tion as is here and if a new lighting plant is put in all precedents will be broken if tho two combibol como any where near earning expenses The stato fair management through Its secretary Hobt W Furnas in ex tending tho compliments of tho fair to tho publishers of the state is exhibiting a spirit that will bo appreciated by the press Tho secretory says Thero an no strings on these tickets They nre good in the hands of any person present ing them to the gnto koepers good at tached or detached nnd on nny day of tho fair This is quite a different manner of dealing with tho press to that frequently practiced by enterprises seeking tho aid of tho publishers aud it iB likely that tho fair management will have no regret at the results of their generosity Tho department of agriculture wnuts to add the distribution of trees to thnt of seeds and it is a plan to bo com mended especially in tho west The trees thus distributed would undoubt edly receivo more consideration than seeds Many of tho seeds distributed have been inferior and of little value to tho recipients while nny kind of tree would bo of value to a country needing forest development There would prob ably bo little complaint if trees were substituted for seeds entirely ns fnr as tho west is concerned Forests nnd groves aro in moro domnnd than turnips aud cabbage tho seed of which is read ily obtainable by everyone To fuso or not fuse is tho question that is agitating the populists nnd dem ocrats The result of thoir decision is of little interest to the republicans Tho latter party now consists of more than half of the voters of tho stato aud with fusion of the other two parties its membership will increase whilo if they decide to go it nloue mnny who havo forsakeu the democratic or populist parties on account of fusion will return id their first love and tho republican party will win until nn opponent strong enough to defeat it develops from one or the the other of these parties The situation is therefore very satisfactory to Die republicans and they can afford to view the troubles of the f usiouistB with complacency The Chicago American would show a much more commendable spirit of en terprise if it would roa6t the South TIIK NORFOLK 1VEAVS FRIDAY ATCHST 2 UI01 i im fight faks tllan to lambast tho people for -allow tug an exhibition in which It describes men as being tossed in the air by iufur4nti d bulls and tho animals be ing dispatched by the nimblo footed Mexicans for tho delectation of tho gov ernor of tho stato and his staff In its rench for the sensatlonnl tho American hns woiked over time Kvoryono who attended the fair will bo willing to testify thnt for a gennlno simon pure unadulterated fake the bull fights ad vertised to tako place deservo first place in tho procession Hooper Scutinelr The Niws is not in tho habit of an swering lnuendoes nnd slurs issued in the form of postal cards and gutter suipts by persons too cownrdly to sign their nanus to their epistles It has no apol ogies or explanations to mnko concern ing its courto on tho bond proposition It believed that tho principlo of tho city ruining tho business Of a private enter prise was wrong hence it opposed tho issunnco of the bonds But while it was opposod to the proposition it throw its columns wide open to the free discus sion or tno question and printed every thing that wns offered on both sides oven going to the expeuso of putting on thrco extra compositors Saturday to handle the communications thnt were sent in covering tho issno Tho votes show that a largo majority of the people did not think as did Tub Niwb The majority rules Now that tho question is settled wo hopo that tho city govern ment will meet with abundant success in its new venture and that there will never bo cause for regret nt tho nctlon taken yesterday These long distnnco agriculturalists pretend to have an infinite knowledge of crop conditions A recent editorial in tho Chicago Itecord Ilernid asserts that tho scare that is now running tho price of corn up to sixty cents in tho Chicago exchange is the result of reports from tho semi arid region and that tho condition of corn in tho corn belt is far from a failure Tho writer of tho article with superior wisdom concludes that farmers who aro not in tho corn belt should not attempt to raise com If tho Ilecord IIorald in sists on placing all localities thnt will suffer a total or partial failure of the com crop in tho semi arid region the com belt will suiTorn material shrink age and if all tho farmers who will ex perience such failure will heed the Hecord Heralds advico and not at tempt to raiso corn tho prico is likely to go to a dollar or two a bushel and re niiiiu thero Tho portions of Missouri Iown Kansas and Nebraska affected by tho drouth havo added millions of biiBhels each year to tho countrys coin product and tho production this year will bo millions of bushels less than during other yeais However tho farmers nro not likely to follow the Chicago papers advico and aro not in the least npprehensivo but that next year tho crop will partially or wholly make up for tho loss sustained this year Tin Nrws has given freely of its spieo today to a discussion of the elec tric light bond proposition which is to bo decided at a special election to be held Monday Both sides of tho ques tion aro represented as it is tho policy of this paper that its columns shall al ways bo open to a fair discussion of public questions Thk Nkws believes that tho bonds should be deiented be cause it is not good business for the city to put in a plant nor iB it fair to the company already operating here to es tablish a second lighting system It is not good business for it has been dem onstrated that it will cost moro to light tho streets through tho medium of n municipal plant thnn it will to nccept tho proposition of tho local company to furnish uny required number of lightsnt JO per mouth each The city now has a landed indebtedness of about 08000 while tho school district is in debt fJO 000 more which is as much as ought to be carried at any one time The Nkws believes in the municipal ownership of certain enterprises but when tho tnx payers of a city nro asked to support on enterprise in competition with its leading citizens n Benso of fair ness puts the question in a different light Norfolk voters aro abked to tax themselves for tho purpose of building and maintaining an olectrio light plant when thero is such a plant already in ex istence tho property of its citizens Theso citizens provided tho bonds car ried would bo compelled to pay their share toward tho construction and mainteunnco of n competing plnnt forced to do so by those who have noth ing to lose and little to gain If the people wish to outer into competition with the lighting company why not start ni the telephone the newspaper or the meat market business Or why not open a bank or real estate exchaugt With n proposition to buy the existing plant at a reasonable price this objec tion would bo overcome but when the proposition is to establish a new and distinct system it is n long ways from fair treatment to those who havo their money invested in the present plant The waterworks plant wns pui chased after being established by a private company and no citizen hns rensooi to complnin that it has become n munici pal institution but if the city had started an independent plaut even in tionwith a foreign corporation a sense of fairness would have forbid many tax Omaha street fair promoters for the bull payers from supporting the movement There is no fenr of anything will brrn Pnzzlo l iud Adlbi name in todnys pnpers a conl Stevensons Automatic farming might bo nil right if these seemingly automatic drouths cauld bo disnbltd A show has been billed to appear in Norfolk on the 13th but that in n long time to wait for rain The Sioux City Journnl thinks it would bo easy enough to provide dogs with shirt waists if there were some way of buttoning them to the pants Even Coxey has gone wrong Ho is now chief stockholder in one of the big steel plants nnd his army has been sent tend to tho four corners of the enrth The people of Columbia aro tnking n considerable risk when they insult tho German ling Thnt country not only hns grent respect for the government ensign but has tho ability to force re spect from the people of othercountries The Chicago Arm thnt bus invented nn nuto mowcr for farmers should now ex tend their sympathies to tho man with n lawn nnd invent n machine that will clip the grass while ho sits on the back porch and iuhnles lemonndo through a straw A Michigan woman gavo her husband ai sonic to weaken his arms so he couldnt beat her Tho treatment proved successful and mny become n popular method of handling husbands whos arms are too strong for tho com fort of their wives An Ohio man caught a chicken Eplit it open and applied it to a wouud mado by a rattlesnake bite Ho stands every chance of recovery but his cure is not likely to become popular There are those who will insist thnt whisky is the best nnd only cure Tho Massachusetts young man with an inclination to marry should havo no difliculty in choosing a brido The cen sus statistics are to the effect that tho state has 70000 more females than males Boston alone has 11000 more females than males If fanners and gardeners only had some of that extra gulch water in stor age to uso at this time they would be benefited in a largo extent and this is tho meat of tho irrigation question to store tho superfluous water of tho spring and utilize thnt which goes to waste through the creek and river chan nels It is a question that should inter est every citizen of the west Tho World Herald thinks whpn J Sterling Morton writes about nrbori cnlturo ho writes very sensibly but when ho writes libout politics he is senile Perhaps it is tho World lleralds opinions that aro warped It usually admires another paper that will agree with it on matters of public improve ments but cannot stand a difference of opinion on political questions There nro a whole lot of people in Nebraska who consider Mr Morton sensible all the time Why So Mnny YonnR Men Fall One trouble with many young men who start out In business Is they try to do too mnny things nt once says Het ty Green dont know The result Is that they as much ns they ought to about any one thing nnd they natural ly full Thetrouble with young men who work on salaries Is that theyre always afraid of doing more tlinu theyre paid for They dont enter Into their work with the right spirit To get on and bo appreciated a young mnn must do more than hes pnld to do Wheu he does something that his em ployer has not thought of he shows that he Is valuable Men are always willing to pay good salaries to people who will think of things for them The man who only carries out the thoughts and ideas of another is noth ing more than a mere tool Men who enn be relied upon nro always In de mand The scarcest thing In the world today Is a thoroughly reliable mnn The The PciUonon PInenppIc It is a notorious fnct says The Na tional Druggist thnt tho pineapple In considered the least healthy of all the edible fruit of the tropics by those who know anything of the mntter The Juice of the green nnd growing plant Is credited In Java the Philippines nnd throughout the far east generally with being a blood poison of a most deadly nature It s said to be the substance with which tho Malays poison their krishes and daggers and Is also credit ed with being the finger nnll poison formerly In use among aboriginal Jav anese wonen almost universally These wom m formerly or some thir ty odd years ago anil possibly do yet cultivated n mill sometimes more on each hand to a long sharp point nnd the least scratch from one of theso was certain death A trunrr AliuloKy How many cranks live in this street besides yourself Thats nil Insult sir Ob well I apologize How many nrnril si Hvn In tills Ktrppt lnoliHllni yourself Baltimore World A Doom The undertaker Is very Jolly this morning Yes Three hundred new doctors were graduated last night Hnrlem Life LEARNING A TRADE DntiKcr of MnUlnc n tit it HeKlnner Specialist It Is generally to the Interest of nn p nployw tmt nn apprentice should not lent n his trade ns n whole but only a little section of It says Joseph Homer In Casslers Magazine It pays better to keep n lad repeating the perform mice of one section of Ills craft than to teach him all More money Is made Hut the apprentice becomes n young specialist n pilg In bis teens cocksure over some llttl piece of handicraft at which he mny earn something over his normal wages and many a hid does not become disillusioned until he hns to face tho world and try IiIh luck In other shops And therefore tho best shops in which to place a lad are not the big es tablishments but the small ones where every class of work Is done and where tools and nppllnnces are often scant A lud will learn more in these than In those replete with every appliance and minutely subdivided Into sections nnd groups The best training for n lntl todny Is that which he can evolve for himself The greatest evil that can befall him Ik to become a specialist and nothing more while In his teens Yet that Is what must happen If he spends several years tending machines or doing re petitive unvarying tasks In one big es tablishment The best training therefore today Is that gathered by the peripatetic youth if a lad cannot gain experience in one place lie should move about gathering as much as he can accunrulate with one firm then on to another and at tending training schools as opportunity offers Ills views become broadened he becomes self reliant and In time having found his true work he may settle down as a specialist DRESS UP FOR SUICIDE Satil to He nn In nrlnlilc Ilnlc With Women Dentil If I should ever be called upon to furnish indisputable proof of the In herent pride of womnn said n police sergeant I would point at once to her Invariable rule of dressing up In her best clothes when she goes out to com mit suicide In my experience on the force 1 have bad occasion to handle a gqod many suicides and afterward in vestigate their personal affairs and In every Instance I have round Mint tlie poor unfortunates prepared themselves for death by donning their best bib and tucker The majority of the printed reports of suicides say that the clothes of the dead woman were good or well made or elegant If the woman contemplat ing suicide owns a silk waist she weirs It Her broadcloth skirt and silk petticoat naturally go with this gar ment anil she selects her best shoes I have looked up tho history of many of these respectably clad suicides nnd have found that they owned but one gown with which they could make n decent appearance on the street and that that one good dres was chosen without exception as the appropriate garb in which to make the exit from this worlds stage It mnkes no differ ence what manner of death is chosen the costume Is carefully selected Let a woman sleep her life away un der the influence of drugs or burn her soul out with acids or sink Into the slime of the river she clothes herself in her most becoming garments and seeks the end with apparent tranquillity Her Instinct of gentility nnd elegance In clothes Is with her to the last and even in the face of death she shrinks from n public appearance In unbecom ing raiment New York Sun IIIkIi Monntnlnn of the Moon The Leibnitz range attains enormous altitudes above the average level of the moons slirface and Is sometimes seen projected far beyond the regular curva ture of disk thus destroying the circu lar contour nnd giving it a notched or serrated aspect Several of the peaks of these southern mountnlns measure 30000 feet In altitude while one has been estimated to attain tho great height of 30000 feet All the chief mountains of the moon which can be seen from tho earth with a telescope hnve had their heights ascertained The German observers Beer and Maedler have calculated the height of no fewer than 1005 lunar mountains The Do rlel mountains supply an Instnnce of great elevation the peaks of the three leading ones being between 2000 and 20000 feet high Among other lunar peaks may be mentioned Iluyghens 21000 feet Iladley irO00 feet Brad ley 13000 feet and Wolf 11000 feet RmliiilnilnK Practically says an undertaker quoted by the Philadelphia Hecord every corpse nowadays Is embalmed Perhaps not one body In a hundred Is buried without having thejlutd Inject ed and that settles it Youwont rend your obituary notices then People nre coming to rcnllze this more and more and the old dread of being burled nlive Is fnst dying out But these nervous Individuals have got to have some soil of post mortem bugaboo to worry them If It Isnt one thing its another and as soon as you convince them that they nro not going to be burled nllve they get grave robbers on the brain Thats why we nre now mnklng n specialty of burglar proof caskets Fact 1 assure you Altaolnte Zero Absolute zero Is the point nt which ns has been determined from experi ments with gases matter would be without a trace of heat could be cooler no farther This point Is 273 degrees below ceutlgrade zero A degree of cold so Intense ns this Is however unobtainable Even the meteorites which swarm In Interstellar space must be heated to some extent by the radi ance of the stars An Amcrlenn Dinner Inrtr Hero Is Clement Scotts picture of an American dlni r party You arc no sooner indict vl Into the reception room than you feel nt home In half a second Conversation Is gone til and nulinated Your hctcss I teulnl uraclousjxnd an artist In Uie difficult ceremony of In troduction The room and the nttnos jihert beam with friendliness Intro duced to your dinner companion sho Is determined that joii and your partner shall be friends nt once You hnve not to make conversation She mnkes it for you If you know anything bIio winding It out of you In double quick time and you have some difliculty In holding your own against her readi ness wit and sly cynicism She can discuss everything nnd knows some thing about all she discusses but with out pedantry or affectation She has the art of appearing to like you and bo Interested In you whether she Is or not This mny be humbug but It Is delight ful humbug all the same The elements of flirtation are never to be despised by man or woman of any age This social art Is generally Ignored In England and that Is why Anierlcnu women arc so supremely popular And what Is the consequence You go home from a dinner party lir England tired and bored to death or wander off to your club to try to for get It nil You go home from an Amer ican dluner party exhilarated a uttio proud of yourself nnd saying sincerely It hns been a jolly and delightful even ing At least that Is what I have felt i whenever I havo been honored with nil invitation In Now York San co rgotinut Humanity In Tnrkcyi Theres a good deal of liuninn nature In a turkey said a farmer The oth er day while I was settln in the barn door one of my turkeys come yerklu nlong and peekln right nnd left nnd finally spied a rag on tho ground that every turkey had been travelln over for a week Turkey picked It up and slatted It out Thnt minute every turkey lu the j ard started for him lie run It evidently struck him nil of a sudden thnt be had got hold of suthlu that was mighty valuable He run nnd ho dodged and he ducked and be run some more Every few minutes some oue of them turkeys would get him by the wattles or ele by the rag and there would be a tug of war And at last another turkey got the rag away nnd then thero wns another chase Guess them darn fool turkeys would havo been runnln tho fat off them selves the next day If 1 hadnt set tho dog on bin Thats Just tho way with a turkey Let any other one In the flock get hold of suthln nnd every one of the blamed fools will start for him or her and run till they fairly drop And as I have said there is a good deal of human nature right there Lewiston Journal A Dinner of Mule ninl Axle Grcnse The following Is an incident of the siege of Lndysmlth narrated by Sir William MncCormnc An olllcer re lated an incident which will servo to illustrate the lengths to which things had gone as regards food A shell fell into the mule lines one afternoon kill lug one mule In spite of other shells following the first oue in rapid succes sion so ns to make occupation of tho spot very dangerous the men in tho vicinity made a rush at the mule Hko so many ravenous creatures cutting off the flesh with their clasp knives In great chunks They then in safer quar ters built fires toasted the meat and swallowed it at once To make them more palatable the men fried their bis cuits lu the nxle grease provided for the carts The want of fatty foods and vegetables was greatly felt In spite of all their hardships nobody ever thought of giving In The general In quired ns to how many horses In tho enmp could carry their riders six miles In view of n sortie being made nnd the answer came back that only 12 horses In the whole camp could do It Lon don Lancet Jnn Whnt He Needed An Invalid called on a physician for advice The doctor wrote out a pre scription charging the patleut 2 guin eas for It Some time afterward they met In the street Well said the doctor you aro looking 100 per cent better That medi cine though a little expensive was Just whnt you needed Doctor replied tho patient after I had paid you the 2 guineas for tho prescription I couldnt afford to havo It mado up so I didnt take a single dose Loudon Answers The EiikIUTi Way Fights nre a recognized part of tho school education nmong tho boys lu England In America when boys light it Is because they are angry with each other in England they fight becauso they nre anxious to find out which Is the better mnn physically They may have uo quarrel or 111 feeling but if their friends cannot agree as to their respective prowess the ultlmato result Is pretty apt to bo a mill Self Cul ture Not a Warm Onrmrnt I cant find words exclaimed the moral mau to express my disgust for the man who uses his religion as a cloak Hes everything thats bad He certainly Is foolish to say the least remarked tho practlcnl man for religion such ns his is necessarily so flimsy hes liable to catch cold In It Philadelphia Press Chrclc to Frivolity The Chinese minister says the cos tumes worn by American women strike him ns being In some respects ridicu lous said Mrs Blyklns Yes answered Mr Blyklns Thats owing to his point of view If be bad to pay for a few of them hed soon learn to take them seriously Wash ington Star sk