r - r MS 1 1 S i Both Sides Hopeful of Ending Steel Strike MEETS AT PITTSBURG TODAY Executive Committee of the Amalga mated Association Will Consider Proposition of United States Steel Corporation for Settlement Pittsburg July 30 Tho following terms of settlement of tho strlko como from an nuthorltntlvo source and can bo relied upon as tho outcome of tho meeting of tho conferees Tho Amalgamated association Is to drop Its contention for tho signing of a scale for nil mills nil mills nro to bo open mills In tho fullest sonso of tho term tho company Is to havo tho right to placo a nonunion man In any plant and keep him thera in ad dition to tho plants covered by tho expired scale It is to be signed by tho following W Do Wees Wood of Mc Keesport Painter Lindsay and Mc Cutchoon and Clark mills of Pittsburg nnd Monossen plant of tho American Steel Hoop company The question of making tho Wells vlllo Bhcet plnnt and the Monossen tin plato plant directly covered by tho Bcale is to bo settled by the conferees The Amalgamated association is to havo tho privilege of organizing tho men in any of the plants Tho executive committee of tho Amalgamated association Is expected to ratify the provisional terms out lined by tho Now York conference Ono of tho most apparent facts In the status of tho strike was thg de termination of the strikers to lose uo ground in their strugglo while peaco negotiations are being conducted Tho strikers claim to have more than held their ground since tho strike began and since tho opening of the campaign I they claim to have increased their membership In McKcesport alone to over 1500 Accessions to tho ranks have also been made in the Wellsville I Pittsburg Allegheny Mingo Junction and Riverside plants With tho lean Steel Hoop company tho change has been one of the most sweeping Before the strike practically all but two of the mills were nonunion At this time all but ono of the mills of this company are union and are idlo from the strike PUTS A QUIETUS ON GOSSIP Secretary Long Enjoins Silence Upon Naval Officers on Schley Dispute Washington July 30 Secretary Long Issued the following general order All persons In tlio nnvnl service nre Btrlctly enjoined to refrain from any pub lic statement concerning the subject mat ter concerning the court of Inquiry re quested by Hour Admiral W S Schley JOHN D LONG Secretary Secretary Long stated that if com plaint against the language used In tho fifth specification of tho percept to tho Schley court of Inquiry was officially made to him by Admiral Schley he would give the matter con sideration and that the language might bo modified Threaten Abduction and Death Mattoon Ills July 30 Two thou sand dollars Is the price demanded by unlmown persons from Richard Hcarn a wealthy retired farmer of this city for the safety of himself and only daughter Maud aged 13 years A week ago Hearn received a letter de manding that the money be placed In a tin can at the southeast corner of tho Episcopal church A second mis sive stated that failure to comply with it would result In the girls abduction and his death When both letters failed to bring the money a third let ter was sent which so alarmed the father that yesterday he revealed tho affair to tho police 0 Barge Sinks In Collision Sault Ste Marie Mich July 30 The whaleback barge Sagamore load ed with iron ore was sunk in a col lision with tho Northern Lino freight steamer Northern Queen near Point Iroquois yesterday Of the crow of eight men Captain E Joiner and Ira Ives cook on tho Sagamore were drowned Burley Smith seaman Is missing A dense fog covered the water at the time of the collision The Sagamore filled rapidly and soon went down Tho crew mado a rush for tho Northern Queen and five of them es caped to her decks Falls to Hear the Train Columbus Nob July 30t William Spelce aged 72 years was struck by an engine in tho Union Pacific yards and almost instantly killed yesterday Ho was qulto deaf and It is supposed did not hear tho train as howas cross ing tho tracks on Tj street When picked up ho was -unconscious and lived only a short time He had lived here for the last 35 years and was a brother of Hon C A Spelce Kills Wife and Self Dodgo City Kan July 30 E KIrby proprietor of tho Park hotel yesterday shot and killed his wife and then shot himself both dying Instantly Tho iwlfe was shot In the forehead KMy In tho throat The cauSe assigned Is a disagreement over property KIrby was aged 40 and his wife 36 years Boers In Cape Colony London July 30 A dispatch from Cape Town says Boers orb scat tered throughout tho upper districts of Capo Colony Some are within a few miles of Indwe Others aro around Jamestown and between Mol- teuo and Burghersdorp Several parties are close to Cradock IN FtECONCCNTRADO CAMPC South African Clergyman Tells of the Horrors Chicago July 30 Tho horror of tho situation In tho lloor reconcontrado camps of South Africa is appalling Men women nnd children aro dying nt a rate that would mean the oxter initiation of tho lloor raco in nlno years Tho peoplo nro coopedup In unsanitary quarters whoro they aro nimble to socuro siiftlelont food or clothing with disease making lorrlblu ravages among them Thus tho situation was doplctod last night at tho Christian Reform church ty tho Rev Herman Drock helseti Into pastor of tho loading Dutch Reform church at Pretoria Ho catuo to tho United States to realize money for the aid of his countrymen who nro huddled together In rofugoo camps It Is tho Intention of Mr Rrockhelsen to travol through tho country speaking In churches of var 1 Ions denominations nnd describing the real situation throughout South Africa Tho funds he is nble to secure will bo sent direct to Pretoria j A few days before leaving Kuropc ho visited President Kruger and when ho nsked what message ho would send to tho American Kruger replied I Tell them they nro helping tho En glish to slnughtor our peoplo by sup plying them wttli horses and mules and tho munitions or war SOCIALISTS SHELVE DEBS Professor Herron Chosen Chairman of Indianapolis Convention J Indianapolis Intl July 30 Tho first business coming before tho unity con- vontion of tho Soclnt Democracy which assembled yesterday resulted In n wranglo that threatened for a time to put an end to tho further doi liberations of tho 150 delegates pres ent Professor Georgo D Herron formerly of Grinnell Ia was elected chairman of tho body As tho afternoon session advanced It was brought to light that Eugeno V Debs who had headed tho Socialist ticket in the last campaign as tho partys presidential candidate had been shelved At the samo tlmo the fact became more and more apparent that the Chicago faction had lost Its lead ership and that the Springfield wing dominated tho assemblage practically to the exclusion of tho Chicago and other delegates INJURED BY HORSEPLAY Soldier is Badly Hurt by Being Tossed In a Blanket at Camp Ottumwa la July 30 As a result of being tossed in a blanket at Du buque Corporal Arthur Armstrong of Company G of this city Is confined to bis home on Clarence street with a broken collar bone He arrived homo from Dubuque last evening and will be laid up from tho Injuries he re ceived for some time One of tho commanding officers noticed the deed and instantly commanded tho boys to stop They dropped the blanket from underneath Armstrong letting him fall a distance of 25 feet He struck on his head and shoulder on the hard ground and was rendered un conscious Columbia Defeats Constitution Newport R I July 30 The Colttin bla yesterday defeated the Constitu tion boat for boat in a splendid raco by two minutes and 51 seconds and won tho 1000 cup presented by Col onel John Jacob Astor Her victory was decisive and convincing The be havior of the Constitution on the whole was disappointing In tho ex treme and Duncan announced that his boat would not take part In further races until her rig had beOn altered He declared that the Constitution was not doing herself justice that she Is not going well and that there Is no use In racing her further until she is put In proper shape Cadillac Wins Seventh Trial Chicago July 30 Tho Cadillac won the Beventh trial raco beating tho Illinois by one minute and five sec onds over a 21 mile course At the conclusion of the race the judges an nounced that they considered the re sults so far obtained Indecisive and ordered three more races Tills an nouncement was disagreeable to tho Detroltcontlngent who claimed that tho Cadillac had mado tho best showing and was entitled to the honor of de fending tho cup Rain In Plenty for Iowa Dea Moines July 30 Rain fell all over Iowa Sunday varying from 07 of an inch to four inches Tho aver age fall as Indicated by 20 stations was 1G3 Inches Crop service reports and private advices to grain dealers agree that with normal conditions tho state will produce 80 per cent of an average corn crop Fight Proves Fatal to Three Knoxvllle July 30 A special from Crossvillo tells of the killing of Police men Pink Pass and W E Knox and tho fatal wounding of Shirley Pass son of tho policeman In a fight at Asollne Tenn SPARKS FROM THE WIRE Georgo II Yenowine a well known newspaper man died suddenly at Mil waukee Monday night Tom Sharkey has accepted an of fer to meet James J Jeffries before the San Francisco Athlotlc club in Sep tember Rev Adam Miller called tho Father of German Methodism In America died at his homo In Chicago Monday of old age being 91 years old Tho strlko at the Joliet Pressed Steel Car works inaugurated two weeks ago has been amicably settled The 200 men return to work on a pierce scale which gives them a slight Increase in wages li HI W One Thousand Farming Tracts Awarded the First Day THOUSANDS CHEER WINNERS Name of Stephen A Holcomb Drawn First Woman Wins Coveted Prize In Lawton District All Aro Satis fied With Lottery El Reno O T July 30 great land lottery was begun hero In earnest yesterday and when tho com missioners appointed by tho federal govorninotft adjourned tho drawing for tho day 1000 of tho choicest of tho claims hi tho KlowaConmticlio country had boon awarded Tho first name drawn waB that of Stephen A Holcomb Pauls Valley In dian Territory for a hotnesteiul In tho 131 Reno district and tho second Loon ard Lamb of Augusta O T Theso two men select tho two choicest claims In this district The capital prize wlnnurs howover proved to bo James H Woods of Weathorford O T whoso nntiio wns the first to come out of the Lawton district wheel nnd Miss Mattlo II Heals of Wichita Kan who drew tho second number in that district Thoy will havo tho privilege of mak ing tho first tilings in tho Lawton dis trict nnd will undoubtedly chooso tho two quarter sections adjoining that town Those are conaldered tho most valuable in tho territory nnd are It Is estimated -worth from 20000 to 40000 each Tho day was one of keen excitement replete with interesting scenes It is estimated that fully 25000 penvms witnessed tho drawing Tho inimeiiHo throng was wrought up to the highest pitch Tho drawing of tho first Tow names were followed by n mighty sllout thnt reverberated between tho hills lynl could havo been heard for miles over the prairies Kncli sucrpodlng winning for a tlmo was mot with shouts of applauso and merriment All was pleasantry Every man though he did not draw a prlzo from tho wheels had steadfast faith that tomorrow or the next day would surely see him the possessor of n slip reading him a title clear to 100 acres of Oklahoma land So In the success of riends or relatives unfor tunate ones instead of bewailing their lot cheered lustily as familiar names were called out The crowd fairly exhausted them selves and when the close of the draw ing for tho day was announced at 6 oclock hundreds who had neither eaten nor drank during the day sank to the ground whero they stood from sheer fatigue or dragged themselves to better places of rest or to refresh ment booths up town The day was remarkably freo from quarrels and general satisfaction with the govern ments method of disposing of the land was felt It has been found that many hundred applicants have repeated and that other applications are so illegible that they will be thrown out Over this much discord has resulted and tho outcome may be an appeal to the courts Tho ISth winner in tho Lawton dis trict was Minerva McCllntock uged 25 years of Oklahoma City She was married Sunday and by tills act for feits her right to file for a claim Siio might have chosen a claim near a county seat town worth several thou sand dollars The drawing will bo resumed today and It is believed will have been completed by Thursday evening Iowa and Nebraska Winners Iowa and Nebraska winners aro Joseph Schultz Schuyler Neb No 61 El Reno district James II Danty He bron Nob No 106 El Reno district Allen Tingloy Verdou Neb No 273 El Reno district Alexander Hamilton Wymore Neb No 302 El Reno dis trict L J Pennington Immly la No 271 El Reno district Virgil Hard Tama City la No 270 El Reno dis trict Martha Laird Bedford la No 330 El Reno district Adolph Luers Columbus Neb No 147 Lawton dis trict Jacob Ridinger Sutton Nob No 147 El Reno district Joseph W Curl Bloomfield Ia No 130 El Reno dis trict Falcon Woodhouse Nldon la No 4 Lawton district this gives him claim worth 10000 Walter K Otis Perry la No 17 Lawton district will get claim worth 5000 Rueben E Rodgers East Peru fa No 23 Kl Reno district Jacob E Mayer Audu bon la No 1QJ El Reno district Guy J Stewart Helvoy Neb No 112 El Reno district Wilton Rhodes Mount Pleasant In No 291 Lawton district P L Rowon Marshalltown Ia No 310 Lawton district Dora Roberts Council Bluffs Ia No 323 Lawton district Albert J Harvey Atlantic Ia No 392 Lawton district Samuel R Curtis Audubon la No 451 Lawton district John E Long Omaha Neb No 49G Lawton district Injunction Refused Washington July 30 The depart ment of justice received a telegram stating that Judge Erwin of tho United States court in Oklahoma had denied the application of Lone Wolf and other Indians for an injunction restraining the government from distributing land in that territory by drawings Jury In Glenn Case Still Out Parkersburg W Va July 30 The Jury In the Ellis Glenn case is still out It Is understood that they stand ten for acquittal and two for convic tion Ellis Glenn apparently is little affected by the actions of the jury and Is In the best of humor occasioned by her belief that she will be acquitted twW THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY AtVlST 2 IflOl CUBAN ELECTORAL BILL Delegates Decide In Favor of Universal Suffrage I Havana July 30 There wan a good I ntlentliiiito at todayH session of the Cuban constitutional convention when tho oltctornl hill ns drafted by tho electoral commission wns submitted The measure provides for universal suffrage but restrictions ns to ability to read and write are Imposed In tho case of ollloo holders Governors of provinces and provin cial legislators must bo of Cuban birth or have been naturalized for a period of eight years Thoy must bo nt least 30 years of age Thoy must possess title by public iTcoroo or have tilled olllco by popular vote Tho hiiiiio restrictions regarding citi zenship aro laid ujjoii congressmen who must be 25 yolT of age Sena tors miiHt bo Cuban by birth and 35 years of ago Tho president must be a Cuban or naturalized In tho latter case as pro j vlded by tho constitution ho must liavo served In the Cuban army for ten years Ho must bo nt least 40 yearn of age Tho samo conditions apply to the vlco president Senators shall be elected by provin cial legislatures and an equal number of eltlzoiiH I It provides for two elections At tho first will bo elected governors of provinces provincial legislators and senatorial electors At the second to ho held eight days later congressmen nnd presidential electors will lie chosen Thirty days after the second election tho presl l dentlal electors will meet In Shntn Clara to elect tho president I NEGROES ON THE DEFENSIVE Shoot Camden Men Who Come to Horsewhip Them Camden Ark July 30 News linn reached hero from Leako township Nevada county that a party of white men sent word to Llgo Zloglor n negro I that they would nttempt to whip him last night and received word that Homo of thotn would get killed If thoy i came The party went out and tho report Is that Zelgler and his son shot Into thorn killing Lewis Ilayne brother of State Senator Ilayne and Hop llallon a brother of John Hallon a prominent merchant at Stephens There are some 400 negroes and 30 1 white people In this township and It i Is said that racial troubles have boon browing fry somo time At last re- ports parties of whites bad left for tho scene of the trouble from Waldo and Stephens and tho negros liouso was still surrounded I INSURANCE POLICIES INVOLVED1 Question is Raised as to Whether Ute la Merchant Is Dead or Alive i Omaha July 30 The disappearance and supposed suicidal drowning ofi Chris Harm a Ute la merchant a few weeks ago promises to rovcal an interesting story with an Omnlia chap- tor for the climax It has been strongly Intimated that Harm did not drown himself in fact that lie still lives and that back of It all is an effort to real ize on an Insurance policy Telegraphic advices from Sioux City are to tho effect that Harm is now believed to bo In Omaha or South Omnlia Bccretcd from public view by friends Much Intel st In the case has been aroused in Iowa and an In vestigation is in progress All efforts to locate llarm In either or the Oma has havo thus far failed Several thousand dqllars nro Involved THRESHERS SMASH JOINTS Harvest Hands With Unslaked Thirsts1 Also Wreck Town Pumps I Wichita July 30 Eight threshing machlno crews struck the town of Colwlch in this county Sunday and I because thoy could not got liquor on account of a Sunday law they smnshed five Joints and in addition wrecked a number of town pumps Tho citizens organized a party to causo their ar rest but tho threshers made them re treat Tho rioting was resumed yes terday when the citizens ngain trlpd to arrest the threshers but agatn they had to give up The sheriff has been asked to como nt once to tho scene BATHER KILLED BY BEAR William Lepley Swims Too Close to Place Where Animal is Chained Iowa Falls In July 10 In tho presence of 50 people last evening William Lopley a blacksmith of this city wr3 killed by a bear that Is kept on exhibition nt the Pnllsado boat landing Loploy was In bathing nnd swam near the shore whero tho boar Is chained Deforo Loploy could mako an outcry the boar reached for him and dragging him out fastened J his tooth Jn his neck After a strug glo tho body was recovered but tho man died a few moments later Murder Theory Advanced Springfield Ills July 30 Coroner Taylor hold an Inquest at Elkhart yes terday over tho remains of two un known men whoso bodies were found In a decomposed state near tho rail road track on tho farm of Abraham Duck near Elkhart Tho identity of neither could be established or tho causo of deaUi On the body of ono J was a letter addressed A C Dralinm St Louis and postmarked Seattle Wash A murder theory Is advanced Anarchists Laud Brescl Now York July 30 Hartholdl hall In Patterson N J was packed yester day by tho friends of Brescl tho as sassin of King Humbert of Italy it being tho anniversary of tho deed Tho street In front of the hall was also filled with people It is not claimed that all who turned out nro anarchists tho simnnslllmi hfilnu Hint many wero present from curiosity All the speakers lauded Brescl and bis act I ins i i i Colombian Government Offers Affront to the Kaiser DETAINS STEAMER ALLEGHENY Urlbes Secretary Wraps Himself In Folds of Flag But Is Dragged From the Ship by Police Arrest Creates a Stir at Cartafjena New York July no The Hamburg- American lino steamer Allegheny which arrived hero yesterday reports thnt It was held In the harbor of Hn vnnlllii Colombia for 12 hours Pan- Hungers on tho Allegheny report that Abel Murrlllo was arrested on tho ship at Cnrtngonu nnd taken ashore by tho Colombian authorities Murrlllo pro- tented against the arrest claiming that ho was entitled to the pritectlou of tho Onrnian flag Murrlllo Is said to bo tho secretary of General Urlbo lie went to Co lombln It In reported with n piiHsport given by tho representative at Wash ington with the understftudlng that his mission to Colombia was a peaceful ono Whfn iho voshoI nrrlved al Carta 1 gcna It was ordered detained by tho authorities hero The captain pro tested that lin wan Hailing under tho German ling and that no official of Colombia Ilad a right to stop the von nol for any purpose whatever Thin protoHt wan unheeded however and soarcli wan made for Murrlllo who was frlund on deck He declared that he would nol bo arrented and running to one of tho ships mnntn ho seized the German flag which wns lying there and wrapped It about him Then he si owl forward and cried nut I am under the protection of the German Hag and you have no right to nrriSl me According to tho passengers on the Allegheny the Colombian officers not withstanding tho protest seized the man and dragged him from the vessel TROOPS AT SHANGHAI TO STAY Germans and French Erecting Large and Permanent Barrafiks There London July 30 The Shanghai correspondent of tho Globe says Tho assurances given In the house of com mons by Lord Cranboin tho under foreign secretary that the German and Fronch troopB aro only ienipyrnrlly here are refuted by the fact that both nationalities are erecting massive per manent barracks which will take two yearn to complete Indicating Hint many years occupation is contem plated Tho North China Dally News an nounces that thero has been a doscenco of tho outbreaks by tlta boxers in tho province of Shan Tung in consequence of tho success of tho allied villagers Jn Chi LI province against tho troops of LI Hung Clinng A forest flro In the province of Jent lnnd Sweden has assumed great pro portions Throe thousnnd troops have been ordered to assist the men who nro combating tho tinmen Kcnnan Expelled from Russia London July S0 Mall advices re ceived here from the correspondent of tho Associated Press at St Petersburg glvo details of the expulsion fiom Russia of G rgo Keniian the Ameri can author and lecturer who was called upon at bis hotel at St Peters burg Thursday evening and was In formed by a high pollco olllcer thai he must leave the country by 10 oclock Friday evening Mr Kcnnan was courteously treated but was not allowed to leave his room In tho In terim His expulsion was carried out quietly He was provided with a traveling passport signed by tho chief of tho political pollco nnd boarded a train for Wlrballon accompanied by an escort His own passport was returned to him on Ills arrival at Wir balleu Miners Threaten a Lynching ZancBVillo O July 30 Molvln Sholton one or the victims of Grant Taylors revolver while Taylor was dy ing Sunday Is dead Soveral hun dred miners arc gathered at Kings mills excitedly discussing tho situation nnd mnny aro talking of lynching Dusby tho colored mnn who caused the oiot The authorities at Cam bridge aro taking all precautions however and aro prepared for trouble Cow Causes Bad Smash Chappell Nob July 30 No 18 an eastbound freight collided with a cow east of tho depot thin morning nnd rolled her under tho train in such a way that two refrigerator cars wero derailed and demolished Several other cars wore damaged by coming in contact with tho wrecked cars A tramp who was stealing a rldo had a shoulder dlslocatcdo Chicago Wins Brooklyn Trophy Milwaukee July 30 Chicago car ried off the honors in tho ilrst days tournament of tho American Whist league by capturing tlio Brooklyn trophy It required but four rounds to arrlvo at a decision Chicago win ning four rounds In succession Jenkins Defeats Wittmer Cleveland July 30 Tom Jenkins won two out of three falls from Charles Wittmer of Cleveland at League paik last night Tho contest involved tho mixed style championship and a purse Pf 11500 J Capture a Few Boers Pretoria July 30 Colonel Garrett lias had a successful RlMrmlsli nnir irll TI l i uicibuic jiio lurcu cupiuruu Doers and a number of cattle and wagona 5 Sleep is Natures time for rest nntl the man who docs not take sufficient time to sleep or who cannot sleep when he makes the effort is wearinjr our his nervous strength and consuming his vital power Dr Miles Nervine brings Sweet soothing refreshing sleep Dont let another nigfjt pass Get it to day I nin n dttisclM bo when I ttm troubled with in xiiiiuin i few yenrn ngo I took Dr Miles Nitvimc nml found immediate trlici I hwc not been troubled with thit tllicme since ILL Howard Madison Win BHBHMMHI Dr Miles Nervine soothes the nerves flour ishes tlse brain and re freshes the entire organism Sold by driijlsts on guarantee Dr Mllci Mcdluil Co Klkliart ImL mmamtmmmmmmr HEADACHE At all drug Mom 25 Domi 25c Dr Humphreys Sped lies cure by acting dtructly upon the Hhuiiho without exciting disorder m any othur part of tlio system no cuniw ruicKit I Irr Ooiinllim Inflammation iH i Worms Worm Worm Colic iH II Tret hi nu Colic Cry InjrWnkufulnosa 2i I IMnrrliiii of ClilMron or AilulU ti3 7 CoukIm Coliln UroiioliHIn 21 H riirulvln Tootlmoliu Kacoaclio 21 Hlclcllniidiiclio Vertigo 13 1 0 Ilyiiiilii IudlirentliiiWeaklloiuauliJ3 1 or Ililiiful Period US lJ While Too Profiiim Period J3 1 J Croup Inrynullla IIimrnotioM 23 I 1 Hnlt llln uin KrynloliuHruptloru 21 1 1 Illii iunnlUui Hlioiiiiiutlu Putin 21 1W Mnlnrtn Chill lnvur anil Akio 21 1 9 Cnlnrrli Iiifluonza Cold in tlio IIciul 21 21 27 Klilncv llli n US tiH crvoui DrlillliV 100 0 lrlimrv WVnkiiiM WottlOKllwl 21 77 Hrii HayFuvur 21 Or IliiiiiiilintyH Milium of all Dltcuiix nt your DruuulHtH or JMiilltul Krco Holcl Iiy IriiKKlHtn or mint on roriliit of print Ilutniiliruyn MuJ Co Cor William Jotiu Now York JUJKOISlENTRAL EXCURSION RATES TO THE -Pan-American Exposition AT BUFFALO It with Mini whim tlio WurilH Ililr cIoaoiI tlmt tin Iliiinirj uiMilil not hco It k - iim I lu llfty jour In nil lint tlio piii ii ixctiiiiiiil Imuitvor tlio Iliii AimirDiiiii iixiHinitinii al lliillnlii tliia J our will ijxcmI tlio KroiiUliowof MTIiIh iitimim llnit iniiro can bo miiii in tlio faino Imiktli of linn ill tint Inri Aiiioriciii nml with loi i of tlio fntiuni ii in I wiiirino43 tjuit wiih uniivoiiliililo nt Iho WorldV Knir Tho oxhiliilH will Im wu ioil liitimirttliin nnd iiihlriictiti til 1 1 1 tlio iiiiiiowtmiiiit in tlntlri uliio linn nml tho niiiiiiinr in which limy nro din tiliioil iliio to tlio oxporiunci cnitiotl by ox liihitnrit nl tho rcconl Kroiil cJxiiitioiiB will bo vor noticoiibli In tin viirii ty iuniity nov ot nnd iiiiuiboror itn ontortiiininimt foiiluroH tho lliilfiilo ICxMiiition will Hiirpini ill othont Ill nro nro iliiroiont rittoH for tickoU with ilillitronl liniilH nml If yon oxpiicl to vinit Hull ilo mill will houil your iililrM to tho tin ilorniKiioil iho nitiihiiow in olloclwill bo i uotol you mill joii will bo kupt ihIvimiiI of any chiiiitfi An nrtihlic hooklnt bountifully lllnslriitod mnl kIviiik ii ciHiclhi iliicriitliii of thin uroul Imposition wilt bu muiloil froo til nil iniitiimrit 1 I ArtHt bull IllhX AttDllt ltjbiliui Iowa k WaAA BO YEARS EXPERIENCE IjTjjTjra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone ending n tkctrh and description may quickly ujrorliiln our opinion freo iiivoniinu is pronnuiy tmtenlab o culatlon of hut acluntltlo journal uttiitr an nu Coin tbiiia utrlctly conUJoiitlal Handbook on IatenU emit free Oldest ak ency fur securniK patents latonts takuu tlirouuh Munn Co recelre rptcal notice without cliante In tlio Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly Lareest dr Terms J a year rour ruomusf u boiu uy all newsdealers MUNN Co36IBdwa New York Ilrancb OHlco CIS K St Wastiluuion I C Ncai Timrfi cccnc WILL MAKE YOU RICH fl V This Is a dsrtnir statement but Sol 25iorsxlibBr It out every tluio XVAISZX Cnmhlnntlnn Corn LMnfjSSl nrealesfcoriioneartli VYlllposltlrely f WTutuuumiiiBuni tfruwiug Billion DollarCrasa i Ortatoat niarrel 01 iu v iwracre IJionsof Iiay Mrs cropsli wevVs after sowing What Is It Catalogue tails FOR lOo STAMPS 1v l cul a Ta lnnluluiiliMI klA J 12 frilU SO lu Kr A OiUf mu duiqci rr ai iiio - Barlyll3kupsalcau4ltlUvtltiatukaaMk John Km Salzor Head Co U Ctmm JE ItJfflX f ffitSF W aff Assssfj i fi vitH rtiiii HsKtrVM H muf I 1