1 t Y K v n II Eyeache and Headache Eyestrain causes both Drugs relieve only temporar ily Pro perly adjusted glasses remove the cause and effect a permanent cure Satisfaction guaranteed Consultation free G p W PRQUfllpT OPTICIAN NORFOLK - NEBRASKA PARISH Fresh Celery Just Received iPARISH Tliu Vitttiur Conditions of the weather us recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 u in to day Maximum temperature 101 Minimum temperature OS Average M Precipitation t0 Total precipitation for month 07 Barometer 2050 Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Saturday Cooler to night FRIDAY FACTS The dust is now being moved south so that it may be returned by the next wind from that direction Dr Sisson says that Bishop McCabo who was due for a date at Lyons nixt week has been compelled to postpone his visit until the 21st A party of young ladies in honor of Miss Alma Koch of West Point who is visiting at the homo of Carl Asmus en joyed the coolness of Tafts grove and n bath in the Ifrkhom yesterday after noon A hay rack pnrty treated Mr and Mrs Tyler of South Norfolk to charivari list evening the newly married couple having just returned from their wed ding trip to Hot Springs S D Mrs Tyler was formerly Miss Mamie Lund of Battle Greek Dakota City Eagle O W Goodsell who for the post six months has been a sub muil messenger clerk Jast Saturday received his permanent appointment and has been assigued to the Emerson Norfolk run He will remove with his family to Norfolk The following ball games in which the Norfolk team will participate have been arranged for next week Oakdale vs Norfolk Tuesday on the home grounds Norfolk vs Stanton at Stan ton on Wednesday Croiijhton vs Nor folk hero on Friday Norfolk people will therefore have the opportunity of seeing what promise to be two good games next week A news report from Bassett states that trees are flourishing on the aban donedfarais in the sand hill districts of Hock county and if prairie fires can bo prevented the county will 60ou have magnificeut groves and timber Fines which were two feet high when set out J2 or 13 years ago have now attained a height of 25 foot and cottonwood trees are 35 and 40 feet high Special rates will be made by the railroads for the Norfolk district M E campmeeting at Beemer beginning the ith Rev McGregor of Omaha will dp the evangellstio work and Dr F M Sisson of this city presidiug elder of the district will superintend the meet ing and assist at the services It is ex pected that there will be a large attend ance and a good meeting Norfolk people need not be sivo of a Hood ns fur as the bixroiuetor is ablo to till For tho ptvt two or throe days Dr Salters Instrument lias shown nn Increasing low prcssurobut yesterday I it commenced to riso again with noj greater atmospheric dlstuibiuico than a chnugo in tho direction of tho wind Tho cooler temperature of last night and today is thankfully received how ovor Mr Brown of tho business collcgo Btates that tho prospect for a good at tendance at tho coming term is very llattering and he hns been very busy since coming to Norfolk at arranging preliminary details of tho work and re ceiving applications for admission Ho is compelled to return to Sioux City to morrow on business connected with his college there but will pay another visit to Norfolk soon Menntiino Principal Brake will bo working hero in tho inter ests of tho Norfolk businsss school Tho presiding elders of tho four dis tricts of tho North Nebraska M E con ference met at the homo of Dr F M Sisson in this city yesterday to ontlino tho work of the conference which is to bo held in Noligh this fall Bishop Cyrus Fobs presiding They wcro Hcv J W Jennniugs of tho Omaha district Rev J B Millard of the Grand Island district Rev Win Gorst of tho Noligh district Rev Mr Sisson Is presiding oldor of tho Norfolk district The min isterial and lay delegates attending this annual conference number several hun dred people and Nolighs accommoda tions will probably bo taxed but the ontorprising citizens will undoubtedly meet tho conditions and come out of it with honor Fresh fish at GHssninns Special excursion train to West Polufr will leave Norfolk city depot on Sun day August 1 at 8 a m account base ball gnino Ono and one third faro for tho round trip good going on special train and returning same day Wo have a cibh customer for a good residence property of 1 or 7 rooms well located Tiiacy Durland Houses for sale T EOdiornk Foit Sale Several good farms near Norfolk on easy terms also a largo list of city property G R Siilir O L Barr foreman of tho Mast Hose company requests members of that or ganization to meet at tho city hall to night for practice MADISON Hermnn Barney is homo from his trip to Illinois Work on tho Prince building is being pushed rapidly Miss Amelia Bauch is visiting Miss Helen Little in Fairviow Miss Maud Whitla is visiting her brother W WhTtla this week Mr M Storey of tho Grove hotel at Meadow Grovo was in town Saturday Manager Sprecher of the Nebraska Telephone company was in town Tuts day R C Miles and son Delos drove to Emerick Monda returning Tuesday evening Tho rain has come near0 Madison but not yet reached hero Just bouth of here a lino rain fell Saturday afternoon Mrs Herman Fricke and sou Charles were passengers for Humphrey Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs Doc OShen Geo Richardson and wife drovo to Battle Creek Saturday evening George going on to Meadow Grovo on the even ing train Mr Hood and Miss Forster were mar ried at tho residence of Judge Bates in stead of tho residence of A Fisher as stated last week Frank Peterson and wife neo Mies Myrtle Sutherland are now receiving congratulationsof their friends as they were married early in December District court was in session Tues day ufternoon Geo H Bishop ob tained a judgement against R A Stew art and others trustees of the Norfolk college Farm mortgages for July filed 20 3 142501 j released 2l0705 city mortgages filed 9100 released 12 0445 chattel mortgages filed 10 124187 released 84 8388007 Spring chicken at Glissmans We make loanB on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odiorke Sen Ptui Amorlcun Imposition Kxcumlon Itutes Excursion tickets will bo 6old by the F E M V Northwestern Hue on May 0 1120 21 and 28 with a return limit of 7 days at 3055 via standard and 2501 via differential lines Every day until September SO with return limit of 15 days at t8f0 via standard and 3030 via differential lines Every day from May 15 to September 0 good for return until October 31 at 4775 via standard and 4535 via differ ential lines Full particulars will be cheerfully fur nished all inquirers H C Matkau Agent Dr Robert B Johnson olllco in Mast block over Norfolk National bank For Sale Well improved farm on bottom laud two miles from Norfolk 4000 per acre G R Seileh T11K NORFOLK NKWS lUlOAV AlTUTST 2 1801 It 611 1 E IB City Council Docs Considerable of Importance CONTAGION IS WIPfiD OUT The Electric Light Company Makes a Proposition to Sell that is Promptly Rejected Mr Braasch Must Have Coal at Contract Price City council met in regular session hist evening Present Mayor Koonlg stoln Council men Hrnnunuud Clem ents Degner Gow Ulilo Westervelt Walker Absent Spellman who ap peared and took his scat later The minutes of the meeting of July 18 wero read and approved as road Tho auditing cnnnnitteo reported bade as correct the Juno reports of the cleik and treasurer and tho report was accepted Councilman Uhlo reported that com plaint had been niiule to him t at pr ties n tho Junction wore sprinkling the streets and garduns using tho lire hoso Water Commissioner Stltt htated that tho hoso used was an old ono discarded bv the lire department and that they had authority to sprinkle tho streets and ho had loft the matter in charge of J Horsheisor and it would bo properly attended to Tho street and ally committco re ported that on July 211 tiny examined and condemned the sidewalk in front of Spencer As Ovolinuus storo or along tho north side of lot Burrows K Eg berts addition to Norfolk ami recom mended that a culvert bo ordered put in thiough thoU P R R right of way on Madison avenue and Seventh street Tho committco was instructed to notify tho Union Pacific Railroad company to put in tho said culvert and their report was accopted Tho public works committee reported that they had been obliged to purchase a higher priced coil for tho waterworks as tho coal ordered by Mr Brauseh had boon delayed although ordered in good time Attention was called to tho dangerous condition of the open ditches on Thir teenth street and tho street commis sioner wns instructed to put n railing along tho ditches on Thirteenth street and also on Madison avenue whoro nec essary A report regarding permanent side walks from City Engineer W II Lowo was read and ordered filed Mi Walker stated that several prop erty owners at tho Junction desired the city engineer to officially establish grade and curb lines for them nt their expense and tho city engineer was instructed to officially establish grades and curb lines for tho property owners at tho Junction as requested they to pay tho expense of tho work Tho Norfolk Electric LigJiJ nnd Power company presented the following proposition To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of tho city of Norfolk Nebr Gentlemen In view of tho fact that the city is about to put in municipal lighting nnd in view of tho further fact that tho city is not large enough to sup port two plants on a profitable basis we will sell you tho plant of the Norfolk Electric Light nnd Power company the price to bo determined in tho following manner The Norfolk Electric Light nnd Power company to select ono ap praiser tho city of Norfolk to select one appraiser in case these two can not agree then a third appraiser to bo se lected by tho two already selected Die final findings of thise appraisers to bo the price to bo paid and the price to be accepted Nono of the appraisers to be residents or property owners of Norfolk Nebr If tho city of Norfolk will accept this proposition within 30 days tho Norfolk Electric- Light and Power company will discount the valuo found by the ap praisers ten per cent Dated Norfolk Nebraska August 1 J 001 The Norkomc ElkctricLioht Power Co By H H Patterson President A motion was made and seconded that tho proposition of tho Norfolk Elec tric Light and Power company bo re jected Roll call Ayes Brnmmund Degner Gow Spellman Uhlo Westervelt Welker Nays Clements Motion car ried A communication from W II Emgo statiug that ho had been fined by the water commissioner for using his lawn hydrant out of hours although ho used it to protect the fresh paint on his house from the blowing dust and asking the council to decide whether ho should pay the fine or not was read and on motion tho position of the water commissioner was sustained The treasurers report for July was Presented and read showing the follow ing balances genoral fund 2187 in terest fund 2208 89 water fund 938 99 road fund 35788 sinking fnud 545000 ilro department fund 55 street light fund 3082 Tho treasurers report was referred to the auditing com mittee The report of the police judgo for July showing fines assessed 12 col lected 10 uncollected 2 was rend and referred to the auditing committee The report of the street commis sioner for July was read and ordered filed Dr Bear city physician reported the city now free of smallpox and scarlet fever ns tho last quarantine been taken down The following claims were lead as ap proved by the auditing committee and allowed 1 11 Conley snlary and killing dogs card had TURNER KILLED BY NUDSON o Mtrtiu Kane salary for July W II 11 Iloytfluly salary 10 f R McFuland salary and postage and pcusc election i1 H 1 Kelly first quarter salary f0 August Hiunitnund HrHt quarter snl ary 12 50 Julius Degner first quarter salary 12 50 Oscar Uhle first quarter salary 12 50 Ah Minder Bear city physician sal ary for July 25 John OBanlon quarantine patrol man 1S V E Hartford snhuy chief of Ilro lie paituient 12 50 W 11 Lowe sniveying 11 M R Green hauling booths to Second ward for elect ion 1 M H Green hauling hook nnd ladder truck to Third wind lire O F W Maiquardt repairing electric clock 150 A G Kborhnrdt meals for prisoners 2950 Roy Lee hauling away and burying do id cat 75 cents John Kraut livery hire 3 Fred Klentz stieot spiinkling 20 Anton Ruchol rent of room for elec tion 250 Frank Salter two months salary as janitor at city hall 5 Herman Koch cleaning Third and Fourth ward hoso houses 75 cents Albert Degner hardwaie 1 15 Canton Bridge Co one steel tubing for sowi r 37 HO D Signer work on streets with team John Gleninions work on streets with team 1750 T Willo woilc on streetH with team 7 50 William Znstrow work on streets with team 20 Herman SainnieH work on htreets 82- John Bonniugwork on streets 2130 W D Utcker work on streets 10 10 John Whitfoith work on streets 1 50 August Thomas work on stieets 1500 Fied Thomas work on streets 870 Edwards fc Bradford Lumber Co tiling lh25 Ludwig Wetzel salary and extra work for July IK 15 W 11 Widanmn0 assisting water Commissioner in houso canvass 25 W 11 Rish new bib on Fourth street fountain 2 Fred Klentz freight nnd dniynge 3 Fred Nordwig work on fountains and boilers 11 Oscar ULle supplies for water works 280 I j L Rombo repairing Fifth street fountain 1 50 Hurley Widamnn assistant engineer at water win ks 3150 Albert Degner supplies for water works 95 cents The bills of the Norfolk Electric Light and Power Co and C W Braasch weie read as not approved by tho auditing committee Tho bill of the Norfolk Elec ric Light Power company wns referred to tho committee on fire and police to see if they cannot havo it reduced Tho fire aud police committee was in structed to make a contract with tho Electric Light company for tho street lights nt so much per light per month The bill of O W Brnnsch was taken up and a motion wns made and sec onded that the bill bo allowed as charged up to tho present time Ayes Brummond Clements Degner Gow Spellman Uhle4 Nays Westervelt Walker Motion enrried It was moved and seconded that tho committee on public works require Mr Brnnsch to furnish coal at the contract price of 385 per ton and in case of his refusal to purchase the coal of other dealers aud chargo tho difference in price to Mr Braasch Ayes Clements Degner Gow Spi llman Uhle Walker Nays Westervelt Not voting Brum muud Motion carried Ordinance No 251 regarding certain sidewalks was read tho third time aud passed the rending Tho council canvassed the election returns with the following result xne total number of votes polled was 131 Of these 831 expressed themselves in favor of tho bonds and 103 wero against mnking a mnjority of 228 in favor of tho proposition Tho vote by wnrds was ns follows WARDS IOR AUA1NST First 70 20 Second 107 30 Third nil 17 Fourth 41 1 Total votes cast 831 103 On motion tho bond proposition wns declared carried Tho mayor city clerk nnd city at torney wero constituted n commiiteo to have tho bonds piepared aud to negoti ate for their salo The same committee in connection with tho public works committee was authorized to advertiso for paus nnd specifications for the electric light plant On motion the council adjourned A Shooting AflrayMn Montana Results Fatally Oiualiii August 2 3 110 p in - Special to Tmc Nivw A dispatch locolvcd hero today from Missoula Mont con tains tho information that Ira Turner was shot ami killed lust night at a woodchoppers cabin near that place by Henry Niulson his father In law Nudson claims that Turner was Dentil g his wife but the girl takes her hus band s part Nudson gave himself up to tho officers and is now under iniest The dispatch further states that Nudson and family fonueily resided in Norfolk Nudson Not Known A somewhat hurried investigation was made to learn if a person by the name of llenty Nudson ever lived here but without learning that he had and it Is likely that nanus or localities may have been mixed The investigation will be prosecuted farther however For Saik I0000uoicsIii North Da kota For salo on crop payment plan It Kiiliit Telephone Noo33 KpauldingH storo for gasoline or oil Sturgeon is tho piunn man I or Sa iii Well impioved with SO head graded from Buffalo Gap S cattle l G It t wo feed ranch miles Kicilttli PERSONAL 11 Ij Spnuhling went 6 Madison this morning on business Miss Minnie Mley was a Norfolk guest yesterday from Madison Tony Hull of Winsitlo is a guest at tho homo of G K Doughty P J Humes and A A Bley ofMndi son were in the city yesterday W 11 and Kil Johnson wero passen gers for Madison this morning Mrs Andrew Billerbeck of Osmond was a city visitor this morning M S Moats and W A MoatB of Ran dolph wore city visitqis yesterday John Read returned last evening from a visit with his brothers in Chicago Mr and Mrs II H Ilerbison were city visitors yesterday from Madison Misses Mamio Matriiu and Kthel Doughty will go to Lincoln Tuesday to visit Mrs Ziisoho leturned today from a three weeks visit with her folks lit Hooper Superintendent S G Strickland of tlio M As O enioied a cool niuht in Norfolk W J Rni ot was ovi r from Emerson yesterday greeting old friends and ac quaintances o Mr aud Mrs Mrs E B Konyon rt tnmod last evening from their outing at Dulutli and tho northern lakes Otto IJollcrninn who has been teach ing school at Marshfield Wis returned homo last evening to spend ins vnciwiou Misses Minnie Fricko and Willa Allen who have been visiting Norfolk frienis rotururfl to their homo in Madison this morning S II McClary arrived yo terdjy front Rocky Ford Col for n visit witli his parent and to renew tho acquaintance of many old friends W II Johnson will lenvo for the cast tomorrow for tho purposo of purchasing tho fall stock of goods for tho Johnson Dry Goods company Prof O P Barbour of Morning Sido Conservatory of Music of Sionx City wns visiting in tho city today tho guest of Mr and Mrs Goo N Reels Ed Woods of Coleridgo nnd Jack Davoy of Ponca wero in tho city this morning onrouto to West Point where they will play bull this afternoon Father Weber loft this morning for North Platto whoro ho will tako tem porary charge of tho Catholic parish for three weeks and will then go to Wayne ns pastor Miss Emma Mueller will go to Hot Springs S D next week to rest and recuperate Her sister Clara will tako her place in Beeler Bros storo during her absence Rev J J Parker who hns been hero for several days visiting old friends left this morning for Omaha to fill Rev Herrings pulpit in tho First Congrega tional chinch next Sunday and will pro ceed from there oii his trip to Boston Dr R A Mittlestadt dentist Bishop block Telephone 147 A Boiled ham at Glissmaus For Sale Ranch one and a half miles from Tilford S D 1500 acres deeded land 2000 leased land plenty living water all fenced well improved Prico 20000 Would tnko some Nor folk property nnd farms to suit G R Skiu r Excursion to Columbus and Return On August 10th account of Riugliug Brothers circus tho Union Pocific will sell tickets at one fare for round trip 205 Train will leavo Norfolk at 730 a m arriving Columbus at 905 a in i Returning lenvo Columbus nt 7 p in arriving Norfolk at 9 p in F W Juneman ngeut Coming in its Own Palace Cars Tho Great Eastern railroad bIiowb will bo here on Tuesday August 13 in all its splendor It is a veritable city of white tents and all the acts are new and II original They iiIko havo tho finest lnulo iuh female iquestriaus fioui all piuls of the woilil They also have n lingo and cosily liiiuiiigeiie of wild ani nials from all pints of tho known win Id Donl miss tho fteo outside exhibition on show giouiuls after tho grand street parade 11 35 to St Paul and return 12 35 lo Minneapolis and leturn 111 III to Dulutli ami return Tho 1 St P M iV railway will sell on June IH to 30 and on July 10 to August 31 at above rales final return limit October III For Information ru guiding return tit lint call lib union depot 1 W Junkman Agent UAtTLIi GRt LK Owen ONeill drove to Norfolk Mon day on business Young Henry Iteif left his homo hero Sunday for an unknown country Julius Gardels of West Point urrlvod hero Monday to assist m painting mid decorating somo of our newly built ioal deuces Our last weeks report did not appear in your paper Tho onuso of thiH is we sent a boy to the mall and ho got thine hut tin late Rush Anderson who lives six inlloH south of Tihhin was visiting hero Hut unlay and icpoited tho corn in faircoif ditiou in that community Saturday afternoon lightning Hi ruck Joe Dlttriks dwelling but not much diiinago done Wo excolui a big rain but it fulled to rouueot John Harding of near Meadow Grovo was visiting here Fiiday with ichitivcH Johnnie told us ho would havo about 500 bushels of apples in his oi chard thiH year Otto 11 Maas went to his ranch near Inmiin lust week to sort out a caiload of cattle for the Onijiha maiket Ho wont through hero with it Sunday and re turned Tuesday Tho big safe for tho now bank ar rived Monday aud the next fnoruing the bank opened its doors for legal busi ness Now wo havo two good banks in tho center of the county In our neighborhood our farmers am very busy threshing at present Small grain turnsout better than was oxpmtnd Theie is lots ol wheat that gooH above 20 bushels and oats from 50 to lit Monday a new strei t lump was tiled hero on the bank corner It was a fluo light hufwe dont know if tho villngo board will put them in Theio was some moonshine also at tho t i mo of ih trial W and A B Richardson and fiuiiihuH wont to the Yellow I inks Thursday for a littlo rest and sport Tho Baiks have been crowded with people limn all over this country for tho last two weeks Pi of M Dooring and sou and Miss Emma Buier returned Wednesday from their two weeks visit with i datives at Altenburg Mo Miss Minnie Iluur ninnn who has been htnying for two years in St Louis returned with them George ONeill of Baltimore Mil ar rived hero Monday for a visit with his cousins tho Misses and Owen ONeill Mr ONeill has just made a trip to tho Pacific coast but ho states he nover seen a better country for farm ing than right hero Farm and oity loans Tub UuKLAvn Trust Oo CITY STYLES AT LESS THAN CITY PRICES We will pell all our Hats Trimmed and Street Hats at GREATLY RcDUCED PRICES J E DtiiWD CRSEiLER Sale and Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold Commission Braanch Avenue and Third St on PHONE 44 MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Baths TULEVUONE No 17 Rooms on North Ninth Street