The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 26, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    U T
Oh jc who how tt Mammons thrinc
Wlioo hearts with Rroii ate growing cold
Who turn jour hacki on things divine
And worship hut the god ol gold
What will It profit you when death
Iaj6 low the head so Mngl proud
And rols the wasted form of hreatht
There arc no poclcH In a shroud
Your thoughts ly day jour dreams by nght
Arc hut of gracplng golden gains
Your guide Is hut the txacon light
Of rlchts burning In our lraln
You aft all nobler alms behind
And struggle as a madding crowd
To clutch the tlolUnt but youll find
There arc no oikcti In a throud
Yc usurers who grind the poor
Hem nth a cold relentless heel
Who owrMiadow many a door
With cloud it mlwry and feel
No r jmpalhy to see thern He
llcncath the hand of sorrow cowed
Rrmembir when jou come to die
There are no pockets In a shroud
What Is the profit to the man
Whose life to Mammon has been given
A bridge of gold tan never span
The gulf bttween the earth and heavent
What will It be to him to find
The wealth with which he Is endowed
At deaths gate must be left behind
There arc no pockets In a throud
Thla life Is but a span today
Were her tomorrow we arc gone
Have faded from the earth away
Into iternltjB strange dawn
Yet in the hungry greid for gnlns
Too many nt the gold shrine bowed
Forget that when the life spark wanes
There are no pockets in a shroud
IKmcr Post
How a Unity of Cnnndlnn
Troops Uiiintciitlonnlly
Invaded th United States
Cojyyrtvht 1000 by Enin Kanlman
Not fnr from n certain point ou the
long boundary line which divides the
territories of American Jonathan from
thoEe of British John Is a fair Cana
dian town which contributes a squad
ron of cavalry to that small but tc
mnrkably elllcleut little protective
army known as the active militia The
major commanding this squadron is
a line fellow take him by and large
but he has one small fault lie is a
little set in his ways and little
used in this connection is merely a
qualification suggested by courtesy
for when he makes up his mind you
could not convince him that he is not
right with anything less than a Maxim
at close range
A few months ago the major com
manding completed the cavaliy school
course necessary for the confirmation
of his provisional commission and 10
turned home with brain pan brimming
iWith military enthusiasm Of cotnse
the squadron enjoyed the benefit of his
new ideas
After various minor Innovations
came a deluge Nothing would satisfy
Liin but that the light dragoons must
take a practice raid instead of camp
ing at the town race couiso and enjoy
ing diws parades sham fights and
flirtatious with the young women vis
ltois like any volunteer coips In spite
of a senilmutiny which was not entlte
ly confined to the ltnk and file lie car
ried his point and pioudly read off the
department of militias permission
to his assembled tioopeis
The whole town tinned out to wit
ness the statt and cheered them nobly
Even old John Giibbs who can show
bervice medals for half a dozen regular
army campaigns in foreign lands de
clared that it looked like the teal
thing this time sure enough Every
scarlet coated trooper in nddition to
usual equipment had a bag of oats
three days food lotions for himself
blankets and extra kit stinpped to his
saddle Theie weie camp kettles cof
feepots frying pans and what not The
small boys ran alongside of the de
parting cavalcade and screamed with
glee The general ctowd voiced noisy
wishes for the success of the outing
The troopers felt the martial blood
etirrlng All was Joy and happiness
excepting pet haps among the well
laden horses But that is a detail
Amid noisy jluglo of accouterments
applause from the onlookers and much
raising of dust from the clumping
hoofs away went the Light dragoons
So long as they kept to the highways
all was conventionally well but of
course the mojor commanding did not
feel satisfied with this He was out
for the most realistic Imitation possi
ble of a wartime cavalry laid And
bo on the morning of the second day
While the men were sleepily and te
luclnntly making ready to abandon
their bivouac lie called bis officers
around him and laid down the law
Let us suppose that we are ordered
to cut the enemys line of communica
tion at Blankvllle explained the ma
jor commanding at the same time
pointing to the topographical map
spread out at his feet
Bang up Ideal Splendid Ton hon
or chirped a Junior Hetitenaut who
Kfts known to receive square envelopes
bearing the postmark of the place
All the main roads are strongly pa
trolled went on the major command
ing Impressively and It will bo nec
essary to make a cross country trip
Ilcres where we are now pointing to
the map and here Is Blankvllle Its
a fine chance for us to get in our rough
I should Imagine so remarked the
veterinary lieutenant grimly All vir
gin country opparently No settlets
but plenty of stiff hills thick woods
and broad swamps If the horses can
stand It Im sure I dont care
But how In the mischief will we
find our way asked the senior cap
tain who was of a practical turn of
mind Dont believe any of us know
much about that section
Fleres the map ond Ill plot our
routo by compass declared the major
commanding sternly producing the lat
ter article from his dispatch box Itt
one of the last tulugs we took up at
the cavalry school The topographical
Instructor complimented me on the
lapld piogrcis 1 ituulo In tills btanch
of the oluntary M miles
The senior captain continued to look
dubious but It Is hard to reason with
oven a faultless coiiininfidltif otllcer
And the major
So the light dragoons deserted the
hiond though winding tond leading to
known places mid blindly followed
their commandant In his bee line cross
country trail
It was prosaic field and pasture rid
ing for the first few miles Then came
trees so close together that it was dif
ficult to fitjd passage wide enough for
man and beast The column had to
wriggle Its way along much after the
fashion of n snake Heglons of rocky
bowlders and Impassable streams di
verted them still further Yet they
held onwuid right lustily and traveled
many miles with occasional halts for
rest and tefreshment of chargers and
men About midnight as they waded
knee deep In muck leading their worn
out steeds by the bridles striving to
cxtilcate themselves from nn apparent
ly Interminable quagmire which some
body had fot gotten to show on the of
ficial map all the rank and file and
twelve thliteontliB of the olllcers made
up their minds that the commandant
guide was at fault He however con
tinued calm and serene with sublime
confidence In bis new acquirement
Jirly on the following morning aft
r as good a nights repose as It was
possible to obtain In a mosquito In
fested vale the squadron met new
tumble The air became full of smoke
and wood ashes The breeze brought
along with it n sound of roaring and
crackling which set the poor beasts to
quivering and made the men Impatient
of delay A fot est fire evidently was
raging in the uelghboihood nnd speed
ing In their direction It was a poor
place for human beings mounted or
unmounted to find themselves Bvon
the major commanding deemed It nd
vlsable to chnngo their course tetn
poinrtly and they plugged along for
seveial hours In an opposite direction
to that from which the smoke seemed
to be coming Nevertheless the fire
drew nearer and with true pleasure
they emerged out upon a promising
Which way now sir asked the
senior captain tiding up to the com
mandant and casting sheeps eyes at
the dusty thotoughfuie actoss which
the membeis of the squadron were
slowly uiglng their horses
Pass the word to halt dismount
and slacken gitths for a shott test
leplled the major but dont let either
of the trumpeteis sound a call or Ill
stt angle them
ih 7 What ejaculated the sub
Im afraid that Ive made a con
founded mess of it groaned the su
pel lor
Oh were all right now cried the
other checi fully We can make quick
time by sticking to this road and its
bound to btlug us out somowhoie
What do we look like demanded
the major with appaieut lnelevancy
Cr I beg jour piulon sir leplled
the senior captain opening his ejes In
astonishment at the question
What with faces and clothes
sciatched and torn fiom brambles and
blanches and plenty of dirt fiom soot
and mud caked all over hoises nud
men we nie a ptetty tough looking lot
of soldieis of the queen More like
gueirillas or train robbers
Why my dear fellow began the
senior captain teinonstiatlngly
Hush intei mpted the major com
manding 1 think I hear wheels com
ing along the road Quick Get the
men to cover Everybody bide AVe
must not be seen
Thunderstruck at the Incoherent
speeches of the commandant and be
ginning to suspect that his brain was
affected the senior captain did not
make proper haste In executing the
strange order especially as It struck
him that over a bundled troopers with
saddles half off their sweating steeds
could not find close ambush In a hur
ry So the bulk of the squudtou was
on the road in plain view when the
mysterious cause of their comman
dants perturbation appeared at the
It was a rattletrap of a buggy
drawn by a similar specimen of a nag
and holding n single individual ap
parently a well to do farmer
At sight of the soldiery the newcom
er pulled the poor horse up on Its
haunches and without pausing for a
second glance turned his vehicle so
short thnt the off wheels went high off
the giound and lashing cruelly at the
plunging quadruped scuiried out of
sight again as if fiends were after him
Now weve done it growled the
major commanding At least Ive
done It he ndded In a semlapologetle
tone Ive lost my way and brought
yon over the border Were In the
United States now
Hey snorted the captain
Yes and that fellow In the buggy
has gone off to teport us to the author
ities most likely went on the other
gloomily I suppose you can imagine
what that means With all due defer
ence to the great republic they are
mighty touchy about such things as
finding an armed body of British sol
diery on their territory Theyre not
likely to listen to explanations for
awhile Shouldnt wonder If they made
an International affair out of It Our
government will have to reprimand us
anyway Ill be broke of course and
probably the squadron disbanded
What can we do voiced the senior
captain pensively
Do Nothing replied the major
commanding concisely But as were
In for a lamb we might as well take
the whole sheep and start back home
by this road
Well thats better than It might
be put In the other philosophically
I dont know went on the major
relentlessly ye will have to pass
through Dnshtown and inn bo get ar
rested by the eh II nttthoiltles and ho
Jailed as suspicious ehaiacteis
Itll haw to be a piettj smait Van 1
kee constable that can serve a wan ant
on us while woie galloping alllruied
the senior captain i
Just at tills moment n shower of
blazing sticks hot coals and wood
ashes set the horses to prancing
wlille the approaching clouds of smoke
and lucrensli heat gave winning Unit
It was no time to linger The little
mounted column was foimed up In
ranks and moved ahead at a btlsk tiot
But word of their piedleament bad
been passed among them and the faces
of the tioopers wore a by no menu
happy expression Debouching from
the thickest part of the fot est about
half an hour later they came upon the
outlying white houses and ted bains of
the American village of Dashtowu
The road which they were tiavellng
formed the main and only stieet of the
hamlet the buildings lining It upon
either hand for n mile or mine At the
crest of a little hill near the center of
the place a lot of farm wagons some of
them loaded with hay and grain weie
drawn actoss the roadway
The Canadlnns weie not left In doubt
long as to the Intentions of the peopleon
whose domains they wete tiespasslng
Sevetal vlllageis stopped boldly out In
front of the barricade and opened lite
with titles and long baireled ducking
guns The first bullet cut a gash In the
plump cheek of Tmmpetcr Ned ntnl
the healthy joung fellow started In to
bleed like a stuck pig
Steady men Halt ctled the ma
jor commanding with teais of anguish
pouring down his checks although his
voice was like a nick
The troopers iclned In their chargers
Several bullets came pinging through
the nlr but luckily the distance was
too great for aecutate aim and all the
missiles nfter the list chance shot went
wide or fell short of the mark
I want to acknowledge to you that
Its oil my fault getting you Into tills
mess bellowed the major wildly but
for the honor of the service we must
take the medicine together Right
about face Slow and easy Thats It
Retire tit a walk
As if on parade the Light diagoous
bad pivoted their chargers In the nar
row roadway and they fell back at the
slowest pace possible to their tightly
reined steeds As soon as they were
again In the shelter of the woods the
column halted The surgeon lieuten
ant proceeded to bind up the trivial
wound of the elated young field musi
cian The major commanding swore
toundly and In the intetvals held forth
to his assembled olllcers
I cant undei stand such a hostile re
ception he tattled away Indignantly
Our nations ate not at war nor Is
theie any datiger of such a catastiopliu
just now so far as I know Its bad
enough to be liable to civil an est here
nud disciplining at home without inn
nlng the lisle of being shot down on
sight I dont think theie can be any
moie mlseiable feeling tlim this of be
ing tinder the without hope of retalia
tion Those follows
If you will paulou me sir Intel
ruptcd the senior captain I would
point out that something must he done
and that very quickly We have this
foiest fiie diawing up rapidly on our
rear anil these armed vlllageis In ftont
Itetrent by cither Hank 1 take to be out
of the question consideiing the trouble
weve already had In navigating
through the woods
Just bo put In the major command
ing his face slightly Hushing as lie
spoke We will send a fiag of truce
forward Have it made ready
But something white that might
serve for the signal of peace was haul
to find among that flannel shiited
squadron The lint rolls of the sm
geon lieutenant were the neaiest thing
to the color wanted but they weie a
ttifle too gray for the purpose The
major solved the problem by dismount
ing unbuckling his sword and revolver
belts nnd handing them and their at
tached weapons to on orderly In spite
of the protests of his confreres he
started to trudge along the rood lead
lug Into the village
Ive got you here nnd Im the one
to get you out he nnnounced sue
clnctiy If not grammatically They
wont shoot n lone and unnrmed man
even If he has no white Hag You
know that as well as I do But of
course It Is my duty to make provision
even for the unexpected If anything
should hnppen to me he went on
pausing a moment to turn and directly
nddress the senior captain you will
be In command Sui render freely to
the opposing forces nnd lay all the
blame upon my amateur pilotage
And he went on his wny
Begoira If anything does hnppen
to the major I dont Intend to give my
fcclf up so easy growled a quarter
master sergeant resting carbine on the
pommel of his saddle and pioccoding
to fill the magazine fiom his cartridge
A dozqn or more of the men at once
followed his rash example The offi
cers were too intent upon the receding
figure of their self appointed emlsbiuy
to uotlce or check them
The mnjor strode along unharmed
although not unnoticed ns several gun
barrels gleaming from behind piles of
cordwood nnd other vantage points at
tested until he was within 20 or 30
paceB of the wagon barricade Then a
bturdy young farmer came forward
and cried
Howdy stranger What might be
your business
Although the major was pulling for
breath by reason of combined excite
ment nnd walking exertlun lie endeav
ored to shout an explanation of mat
ters but was Interrupted by the other
who ca Inted hed best see Top
Smith The officer was accordingly
ubhered In behind the barricade and
brought before a tall and elderly man
who sat upon the top of an up ended
cracker box with his feet sprawled out
In tiotit A long baneled rllle leaned
ngnliiHt his left shoulder while his two
bands weie employed In whittling thin
fdlveis fiom a piece of clear pine Willi
a Keen edged hunting knife All around
lit in weie gtotiped the ilieu women and
Million of the village
Many weie aimed with 1 1 lies and
guns while the balance had eailiidgo
bills powder Husks and bullet pouches
stt ting about them and evidently acted
as a soil of itmiiiuuitloii icscivc
Iliad to meet yer mlslei teniniked
the eldet after tin major had been In
ttoduced by the young runner But ho
paid this without so much as pausing
or taking his eyes fiom off the whit
tllug operatlotiH
The major commanding told the tale
of how they had all unknowing stiay
ed Into the tenltoites or the Tutted
States In as few words as possible and
respectfully asked permission for his
troop and himself to pass on to their
own countty unmolested
It sounds straight enough stian
ger leplled Pop Smith as soon as the
speaker had finished but Ill Just
oioks question another witness Ive
hail my doubts about Stopping
shot t In his evident misgivings and
bill Hug the stick of wood upon which
he had been whittling Into an adjacent
gulden batch he shut up the knife and
called nt the top or Ills lungs Sethi
Seth laiklns Whole be von
Here 1 be a nasal voice replied
and n vvoithy whom the major coin
iiianillng had little illlllculty In lecog
nllng as the occupant of the buggy
Willi li had so hastily letienteil on
catching sight of their an ay stepped
Nuow Seth you told us that you
saw a whole Biltlsh at my loaded down
with plunder and looking like veiy
devils didnt you liiqulied the elder
Well theie was a gang or them
nnsweied the rustic suillly
And thev Hied a lot or cannon and
rllles at vou went on Pop ielentlcss
ly with diy humor In his tone
No I never said that retoited the
other quickly I said they was get
ting icady to when I dusted off so
quick as not to give them any chance
But you saw in the papers that theie
was going to he war between England
and Anieilky heroic long
Yes Ive feud that lots or times nnd
sove you
Seth LnikliiR went on Pop Smith
Indignantly vouve told some pretty
tall hunting and fishing yams In your
dny but I Mini If this last ligamaiole
dont lav over I he whole Idling or them
Then tinning suddenly upon lie major
commanillng But mister theiesone
tiling more needs to be cleaied up
Whats all that smoke behind vou If
It hadnt been tor that wed onlv
laughed at Seth and his string or wild
talk It looks most tarnation like as If
somebody had been setting fiie to
houses and buus and standing ciops
Im not going to take no
The woods are blazing and the lie
Is coining this way hastily Intel uipl
cd the olUccr Theiell be houses and
bains and standing ciops binning In
teal earnest and right around heie
too if something Is not done In a
Gosh all hemlocks ejaculated moie
than one or the male audltois
Have you any spate axes went on
the Canadian
Hull gloss new ones Just come In
replied Pop nodding acioss the stieet
towaid n stoie building which bote a
sign leading Ebeneer J Smith Post
Then I can help you fight the Ire
with a bundled good men cried the
major commanding at once stilpplng
off his uniform coat and climbing ou
top of one or the wagons or the haul
cade In order to signal to his troopers
to come on Well try a match to see
which side can bet the chips lying the
It was a gieat day The combined
forces of the townsmen and Light din
goons soon cleaied a broad stilp of
woodland to fence off the advancing
flames The women and children made
Biicli a fuss over the wounded trumpet
er that the boy Is nearly spoiled Tor or
dinary life The troopers were feasted
and entertained to the verge of acute
gastritis Moreover they were passed
ftee and clear to their own borders
and everybody sworn to silence con
cerning their mishap A certain mini
company of a certain state national
guard has accepted an Invitation to In
vade Canada becretly next summer
nnd If all goes as It should some of
them will meet brothers In law as well
ns in nrms among the Light dragoons
New York Press
The Crlllonl Mnmenl
Would you mind telling me how you
became a succebbful man nsked the
Why 1 couldnt talk about that
now answered the man with a wor
ried look Its too enrly In life
But you have made n fortune nnd
engineered great enterprises and se
cured the confidence nud applause of
your people and
Oil yes But tliots oil in my regu
lar work Havent you heard about
what were doing now
Why er I cant say thnt 1 have
Were going to give a party Itll
be one of the biggest ever given nud
youll hnve to wait till my wife sees
how I behave before Its decided
whether Im a success or not Wash
Ingtou Star
The Loaf Dear
The little dear Is lost again she
said as soon as bhc got home
Oh that pug
Yes that pug If you must talk like
a brute and I want you to advertise
for him
And this Is the advertisement as It
Lost A sausage shaped yellow dog
answering when hungry to the name of
Baby A reward will be paid for his
return to 17 Blank street dead or
alive Household Words
Iliilliil Iriiiu tt Idiplil Iiiiii
One ol the funniest evpei limes In
tin hotel lire snlil tin old eletk vviih
ton In li Itll n man leglsleiid hi
name without wilting 1 1 In town nflii
It as Is the custom When I culled
his attention to It he said I luiilu I
foigot It but I feel a little hit tttuld
about It The hist time I was awav
rioui home I reglsteted the inline of
my town and the eleik asked me
what state It was In I got mad In
a minute and wouldnt stay In the
house I went to another bouse ami
teglsteied fiom Btooklvu and the next
tin 1 appealed In the paper ciedlleil
to New oik I showed It to the ticik
ami he said he changed my place or
nsldeiiee on the book because nobodj
ever reglHteied fiom Biooklyn
I told the man he tieid have no
fear or having the Incident repented
In our place piovldeil lie wauled to
wilte the naine lie said he would
think about It and asked to be shown
his loom so I saw no moie of lilm tin
til late In the night lie then asked
me ir 1 had an atlas He studied II
minutely for a row minutes measiiied
distances with his two hands like a
rainier and then he called me and
pointed out the mime or a town I
asked him IT that was his
It Is the name all light he leplled
lint 1 dont know whether the town
Is still theie It Is the hooiiilucst
town jou ever see and when I left
It was giow In so fast that ranneis In
the niljolnli state weie buinln theli
fences to keep the town fiom giovvln
light over em Chicago Inter
AVn ihtii Ileus IIiiuiImoiikT
Sir lloiaee Walpoles descilptlon of
the maiden queeti diawn liom liei
poitialts ami fiom conteiupoiaiy tie
counts Is not a very atlinetlve one
A pale Itoiuan nose a head or hall
loaded with ciovvnsand powdeied with
diamonds a vast tuff a vastei raithlu
gale and a bushel of peails aie he
says the natures by which eveiy
body knows at a glance the plenties
or Queen Ellabeth
But notwithstanding that she did not
caie for ait and that knowing her
lack of It she alleeted to despise bodi
ly comeliness sllll she loved to multi
ply poitialts or heibeir In them she
could appear ically handsome Yet
If she has been llatteied In Hie exist
ing likenesses or her she must have
been not meiely plain but a teiniiik
ably ugly woman Ieiliaps the truth
Is that witli the most coinlly Inten
tlous the paltiteis of the time did not
know how to piovai Icate
The queen savs a fuielgn observer
is rail but wilukled Her nose Is a
little hooked her lips thin and her
teeth black She wine raise hair and
that led Her bosom was uiiioveied
as all the English ladles have It until
they man j That the palnteis fiat
teied her In some degiee we must Infer
fiom that lad that she was fond of
sitting to them though sho ould not
bear the sight of a minor w libit so
ciliated her that her attendants weie
obliged to hide tliebs when sho was
present Ait Amateur
IVIien Women Iliijeil rl lf
The following Is 1ioiu an in tide In
the London Geneial Adveitisei of 1717
On Monday last In playing the Wo
mens Cilcket Match the Company
bloke In so that It was Impossible for
the game to he plavd out and some of
them being very much riightened and
otheis hint It could not be fitilshd till
tills Moinlng when at Nine oclock
they will finish the same hoping tins
Company will be so kind as to indulge
them in not walking within the Itlug
which will not only be a great Pleas
me to them but a general Satisfaction
to the Whole All Gentlemen and La
dles that have paid to see this Match
on Monday shall have the Liberty or
the Giound to see It fiulshd without
any other charge And In the Aftcr
noou they will play a Second Match
in the same Place seveial huge Sums
being depending between the Women
or the Hills or Sussex In Oiange Col
oui d Hlbbons and those or the Dales
In Blue The Wickets to be pltchd by
One oClock and to begin Play by
AiIiIIdk IiiRnll n Injury
Ho had been studying bhorthand
thinking it might be a help to him In
his business and naturally he was In
terested In IL So It happened that
when he did something to displease his
wire and she stinted to tell him what
she thought of It all he asked her to
wait a minute
Walt a minute she exclaimed In
astonishment Why
I dont like to miss such a splendid
chnnce for practice he teplled reach
ing for his pencil and paper Pin
tialnlng for n speed certificate you
know and rapid dictation Is Just what
I want Now go ahead
Ilolh Glnd
Said Mrs Gadabout who had come
to spend he day to little Edith
Are you glad to see me again
Yes nim nnd mammas glad too
replied the child
Is she
Yes mm She said she hoped youd
come today and have It over with
Ohio State Journal
It is claimed that ao000000 leeches
are used annually In Fiance and Eng
land alone A single company In A us
tialla used to export 2000000 to 3000
000 a year to Europe and America One
Parlslau capitalist affirmed that his
leech crop returned him 10 to 1 and It
Is recorded that the monopoly of tak
ing leeches In Morocco was once sold
for 100000
Please pnpu give me a quarter to
see the big snake In the menagerie
Morris my denr heres the mag
nifying glnss Go look nt an nugle
worin Fllegeude Blatter
tsLwrA nrua ate
In pood r r million iie in wl nnd lovable
nn I iiii I Ir i ii on a Joylul liinnotiloui
Mr in I Out of order or luistriiiii there Is
Iim ntilniKc nnil unhippinrst Just an there
li oiin kriy nolr to dl ttiin io llirre In one key
iioin to hfilth A woninn mlfht nn well try
to tly without wlncn an to lerl wrll and look
well while the otiaiin thnt make her a woman
aio weak or dliricd Tilin nuint ho healthy
iiulo or slir Miit be healthy outside There
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