k u T- 4 T s iiui is is People Prostrated AH Over the Western Section of Country SEVERAL DIE AND ALL SUFFER I Many Cities Surpass All Previous Marks for Temperature and Contin uity of Dry Weather Washington Gives No Promise of Relief Washington July 23 Ono hundred degrees tompcraturo were common throughout tho great corn belt yester day according to tho reporta to tho wenthor bureau here In various places in Illinois Iowa and other status all previous heat records were smashed Thero appears to bo no prospect ot decided relief from these exhausting conditions for the noxt two days at least except as may como from tho al Ways present possibility o scattered thunder storms which aro predicted for some portions of the supurhcated area Yesterday dry thunder storms unaccompanied by rain prevailed In several sectldhs of the west hundreds of miles apart They temporarily cooled tho atmosphere but brought no relief to the famishing crops Abso lutely no rain fell In the corn bolt ac cording to the official reports received here In western Iowa It was a trifle cooler whllo In tho central portion ot tho state It was warmer There Is n little belt of high pressure over the great lakes and another over tho south Atlantic coast but it offers no prospect of relief In tho west so long as tho continued low pressure remains In the northwest Tho warm weather again was general throughout tho entire country except on the Pacific coast In the east the temperature while high did not approach anywhere tho extremes prevailing fn tho west and a recurrence of tho hot wave of two weeks ago is believed to bo unlikely In tho Atlantic coast region In Des Moines tho temperature of ficially reported yesterday was 108 in Springfield Ills 108 in Cincin nati 10G and In Louisville 10G In each case breaking all past records In Indianapolis It also was 10G five de grees higher than ever before report ed In St Louis it was 10G Omaha 104 Bismarck N D 104 and Con cordia Kan 102 9 NEBRASKAS DAY OF PRAYER Governor Savage Appoints Friday for Petitions for Rain Lincoln July 23 Tho maximum temperature in Lincoln yesterday was 1041 nearly two degrees lower than Sunday caused the forecaster says by the presence of clouds at the hour when the heat Is usually tho greatest At other points In Nebraska tho heat broke all records 109 at one town There are no reports of rain anywhere in tho state Governor Savage at the behest of many ministers and others has designated next Friday as a day to be devoted to prayer for rain Two deaths from heat occurred In Lincoln yesterday Grain men concur in the opinion that half a crop of corn Is the best Nebraska can expect and rain must come to Insure even that much The following deaths from heat Were reported yesterday At Pierre Son of Mr Hadtko At Osmond German harvest hand At Omaha William Henderson Fred Cornelia At South Omaha David Monroe Michael Fleck Clarence D Gibson In fant daughter of Gus Mattson At Nebraska City James D Living Eton Joseph Kemma Andrew Jesper eon Three Deaths at Topeka Topeka Kan July 23 Three deaths and ten prostrations form the record of yesterdays heat In Topeka The thermometer registered 106 as Its maximum From numerous places In Kansas come reports of Intense heat and much resulting damage Slight Bhowers fell In the region about Pot tawatomie county and some In Green wood county Lyon county had a good rain Tho larger part of tho state however is still parched by tho ter rible heat Like breaths from a fur nace the hot air swept across the Kan sas farms more completely blighting the Beared corn and other suffering vegetation In some parts of the state the temperature was as high as 109 with considerable humidity The most hopeful estimate of the probable corn yield has fallen from half a crop to a quarter of a crop Many counties re nort a total loss Heat Holds at Highest Record Kansas City July 23 A veritable hot blast literally scorched the south west yesterday breaking all heat rec ords in the history of the local weather bureau Kansas Cityans experienced the hottest weather ever known here the government thermometer reaching 106 Thirty prostrations seven fatal was tho result This makes a total dead for two days of 20 Most of tho victims wero elderly people Tho highest previous temperature in the history of the Kansas City bureau was 103 In August 189G but It only re mained near that point for one day At Kansas City Kan the university reporiea tno record lor Kansas again broken with tho mercury at 10G5 degrees the highest In 34 years Farmers aro still rushing their live stock to the market because of tho Bcarcltyj of water t aKe steamer strixes o3 Eaglnaw Mich July 23 Tho steam er City of New Baltimore Captain Maher which runs between hero nad Tawas Is reported sinking in tho chan nel of the river near Carrollton sup posed to have struck a snag Tug A C McLean has gone down to take off her passengers and crew SIX DEATHS IN ST L0UI3 Mercury Mounts to 107 Smashing All Records St Ixitiis July 23 Tho torrlhlo bent whh broko all records In tho state of Missouri Sunday Is unbroken According to many dispatches received by tho Associated Press higher torn puralures were rocorded In overy sec tion of tho stato yesterday than woro ever known In Missouri boforo A thermompterreadlngof 100 was cotiBld cred comparatively cool so doreo was the torrldlty common over tho atato In St Louis tho weather bureau re ported 107 degrees tho highest over officially rocorded In tho v4L Prostra tions wero reported from Fvory town and village In the state almost Work men In city anil on farm woro com pelled to ceaso their labors Tho sky In most places was cloudless and a burning wind rendered tho heat more Intolerable In St Louis hundreds of men and women spent tho early bourn of tho morning In tho parks being unable to find rest In their homos Tho memory of the oldest Inhabitant Is un- ablo to recall mich occurrences In tho state Six deaths resulted from the heat In tho past 24 hours in St Louis and 25 prostrations woro re corded PASSENGERS SHAKEN UP Serious Accident to a Pullman Palace Car on Mexican Central El Paso Tox July 23 A serious accident occurred on tho lino of tho Mexican Central near Montezuma yes terday Several passengers on tho triln wero severely Injured some of whom aro expected to die A Pullman palaco car which had been sidetracked to allow another car to be coupled to tha train got beyond control of tho brakemon and started down a steep grade Tho train backed up to catch tho flying car and on reach ing it a collision occurred Although tho car was not derailed the passen gers within received a terrific shock and tho car was considerably damaged A north bound train brought lu tho In jured who wero taken to a hospital They wero Miss Edith Pearson of Kansas City Mrs Jessie Catlln of Kan sas city Mrs Lucy Mccormick go of City of Mexico John M Duthle Mrs John M Duthle Tom Hollahan Tom Brock A P Perkor of El Paso Flore Durango C R Keeran of San THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JULY 20 iflOl 91 IS Mi Of But All Firemen May Not Get Their Places Back NO CHANGE IN STEEL 8TRIKE At Wellsvllle and McKeesport the Predicted Crisis Falls to Materialize 8trlke of Teamsters at San Franc Cisco St Louis Averts Strike Wllkosbarro Pa July 23 Tho strike ot tho stationary firemen was officially declarod off at a Joint moot Ing ot tho strikers and oxoeuttvo boards of tho Uultod Mlno Workers last night I Tho meeting was a stormy ono Tho committee appointed by tho Joint con j forenco to call upon tho coal onuratora and to ascertain how many of tho strikers could hopo for reinstatement reported that 16 of tho companies wero In favor of taking back tho old men and that seven refused Among tho latter was tho Lohlgfi Valley Coal company which employs lu thlB dis trict about 3000 all told Tho Traders Coal comnanv It Is said rofusod to reinstate its old firemen utiles thoyj consented to work for a decroaso lu wages The hoisting engineers who went out in sympathy with tho firemen wero also rofusod renstntement at many of tho mines A resolution waB offored roquoatlng all strikers to report fox work today and If they nro refused by any of tho companies then tho United Mine Workers will tako up their caso Tho resolution was adopted by an almost unanimous vote A motion to declare tho strike oft was then passed by a largo majority PLANTS ARE STILL CLOSED Steel Combine Officials Make No At tempt to Start Them Pittsburg July 23 Tho expected did not happen yesterday at Wellsvlllo or McKeesport At Wellsvlllo the Carncs of Oak Cliff Tox Mrs Jane morod Importation of men failed to ma McKlmmy of Oklahoma Juan terlallzo and at McKeesport the ex- pected attempt to resume at the De wees Wood Tnbo plant was not made At both points which are considered by each side to bo tho strike center Antonio and Jeff McLamore of Austin the situation Is In statu quo nelthor of ALL BUT ONE OF FAMILY DEAD Woman Pours Coal Oil on the Kitchen Fire With Fatal Results PIHelinrir Tulv 93 A wdnln fnmllv the parties to tho contrversy having made any decided movement From tho other important point Duncans vllle conflicting reports aro received and tho result of tho quiet strugglo on between the American Steel was burnedin a Penn avenue tenement folns 1 110l iny ai u mu A uiaipt nuieu fire this morning Tho mother and with tho three children are dead and the hus band Is badly burned and Is now at tho hospital The explosion of an oil can was the cause of tho fire The dead are Mrs Sophia Ratza and three children Francis Ratza husband and father ql the family was badly burned From what can be learned Mrs Ratza was preparing breakfast in her apartments The fire in the kitchen stove was not burning as quickly as she wanted It to and she took an oil can and poured some of the oil on tho fire In a moment a blaze from tho grate of tho stove ignited the oil In tho can and an explosion which was heard throughout the house followed DIES DEFENDING HIS HOME L O Wangdahl Attempts to Save His House From Fire and Perishes Fort Dodge la July 23 L O Wangdahl a farmer near Badger was burned to death yesterday while de fending his home from a fire started in the neighboring fields from tho sparks of a passing engine Wang dahl was alone and when he saw tho flro approaching his house attempted to fight it off without assistance His clothing caught fire and when assist ance attracted by his cries reached him ho was beyond help His skin was burned to a crlsp He lived a few hours after being found and expired tn the greatest agony Scarcity of Vegetables Chicago July 23 From four to Blx cars of vegetables are now being shipped from Chicago daily to drought stricken sections in Illinois and Mis souri which ordinarily supply this market with produce of this character To a certain extent the supply for Chi cago use Is curtailed by the shipments out of town Numerous other food products havo been affected by tho dry weather to an extent resulting In an advance of prices Des Moines Top Mark Des Moines July 23 Tho govern ment thermometer registered 109 de grees at 330 yesterday afternoon tho highest official record In tho history of Des Moines Two deaths from tho heat and numerous prostrations wero re ported According to reports to Di rector Sage of the crop bureau and to local grain men the past three days have been disastrous to Iowa corn except in localities which havo had rain re cently Mob Law In West Virginia Elklns W Va July 23 The dead body of William Brooks colored swings from a limb of a tree In the city park hero and Chief of Police Robert Lilly lies dying In a Cumber land hospital from the effects of a bul let wound Inflicted by the colored man who was taken from tho officers by a mob of 400 and lynched Highwayman Fatally Shot Leavenworth Kan July 23 An al leged highwayman giving his name as Will Jones of St Joseph was probably fatally shot through the base of the spine last night while seeking to es cape from a policeman His compan association is still uncertain companys chances probably better for winning in tho end From Monessen came tho following There Is suppressed excitement hero and It Is likely trouble of a serious nature will result Inside of 24 hours The National Tin Plato works started up full this morning at the regular time Shifts aro working Superin tendent Donner placed a heavy guard around tho mill and If any effort Is made to intimidate the workmen thero certainly will bo bloodshed Tho or ganizers have been able to get a few men away but It is said thair places were quickly filled General Tie lip at San Francisco San Francisco July 23 The d ray ing business of this city is almost at a standstill Tho teamsters strike went into effect at noon and nearly 1000 teamsters aro now idle On tho water front thousands of tons of freight aro plied on the docks and in coming steamers are continually add ing to the congestion The larger wholesale dealers the fruit canneries and tho factories have been tho most seriously affected so far Ono conse quence of tfie strike Is the abrupt fall In the prices of farm and orchard products Potatoes and fruits suf fered most In this respect ami tho Im possibility of moving large quantities of peaches peara and plums made these comoditles almost unsalable at the wharves Sixty Seven Thousand Idle Now York July 23 It was an nounced at the headquarters of tho striking garment makers yesterday that 67000 men and women wero now on strike In New York Brooklyn Brownsville and Nowark Tho de mands of the strikers are that they work no longer than 59 hours a week and receive a 30 per cent Increaso In wages There was considerable disor der generally as a result of tho ef forts of the strikers to Induce work ers to quit Strike of Operators Little Rock Ark July 23 Train master H Barnes of the Choctaw Ok lahoma and Gulf railroad haji caused the arrest of flvo telegraph operators on a charge of obstructing tho malls A small Btrlke of railroad operators was Inaugurated on the Choctaw road at Brlnkloy Ark Saturday night and extended to Forrest City resulting In delaying traffic several hours Victory for 8wltchmen St Louis July 23 The difference existing between tho switchmen in tho employ of tho St Louis Railroad association and the management ot tho association which resulted fn a strike Saturday last wero settled last night and the men will return to work today it Is stated tho settlement Is practically a victory for tho men Mrs Nation Must Serve Time Topeka Kan July 23 Mrs Carrie Nation was yesterday fined 100 and given 30 days In jail by Judgo Hazen In the district court for disturbing tho peaco and dignity of the city by a Sun day joint raid last March There is no Ppea1 and NaUoa mu3t 8erve ue ion giving the name of Murphy waa f captured - m m P30 ft REFUSES TO MAKE DECISION Attorney General Says Question of Re funding Duties Is for Comptroller Wiinhlngtou July 21 Attorney Oen oral Knot declined to milder an opin ion which was asked lor by tho micro tary of the treasury on tho question whothor under existing laws the sec retary Is required to refund the duties on goods Imported trom Porto lllco between tho date of tho ratification ot tho Spunlsh treaty and tho date that tho Fomkor act wont Into operation Tho attorney general sayH that limn much as tho comptroller of tho treas ury has given his decision on thu sub ject It Is a matter for him the comp troller alono Hint ho thoroforo cannot rIvo a decision un requcstod It Is authoritatively stated at tho treasury department that the govern ment will proceed Immediately to re fund these duties acting upon tho de cision of tho comptroller of tho trean ury which was to tho effect that tho der existing law Tho duties amount approximately to 2000000 BYER8 LEAVES FOR DUBUQUE Major Hume and others connected with the Iowa National Guard loft here yesjerday for Dubuque to lake charge of the encampment this week of tho Forty ninth and Fiftieth regi ments of tho guard at Camp I II Hen derson An abundance of blank ammu nition nnil other accessories of the en- nn iMmtimif linvt limtn ulilntiml t Tti had been reported tho two regiments would participate In a sham battle but Fosburos Brother on the Stand I contemplated by congress also that to the city yesterday and a largo num ber will arrive today the opening day of the conventon Tho chief Interest centers in the election of the next grand exalted ruler Supporters of tho active candidates Charles E Pickett of Iowa and Judge John C Methaway of Minnesota make extravagant claims each faction claiming a pros pective victory Decision In Short Line Case Carson Cfty Nov Jiy 23 Judgo Hawley In the federal court In tho case of tho Oregon Short Line against I the San Pedro Los Angeles and Salt Lake of which Senator Clark is tho chief promoter yesterday sustained the injunction In favor of tho Short Lino for 40 miles from the state lino to Uvada but refused to sustain It for the remainder of tho route pending a decision of the land office Census Bulletin on Iowa Washington July 23 Tho census bureau made public Its figures giving the population by sex nativity and color of Iowa as follows Males 1 150849 females 1075004 native 1 925933 foreign 305920 white 2 218007 colored 13180 Including 12 693 negroes 104 Chinese 7 Japanese and 382 Indians Hat Combine Forming New York July 23 Plans aro now under way and It ii statedaro far ad vanced looking to a consolidation of leading hat manufacturers Tho new concern which will probably bo known as tho United Hat Manufacturers of the United States is to bo capitalized at 120000000 Death of Professor Wernll Lomars la July 23 Professor J Wernll a noted educator of Wiscon sin Illinois and Iowa died yesterday afternoon at Lemars Ho was born In Switzerland In 1828 SPARKS FROM THE WIRES Woman detectives claim to havij dis covered two of the Beudor murderert in Michigan Eighteen Incendiary fires last month at Mattoon Ills destroyed property worth J2400000 Troublo fs expected to follow the drawing for land claims in the Kiowa- Comancho country While seven boys ranging In ago from 15 to 18 years wero sitting on the railroad track in the shadow of a box car at Indianapolis Sunday a switch engine struck tho car which MHJ1AU Interests Represented in Peking Reach an Understanding INDEMNITY PAYMENT SCHEME Sinking Fund Will De Provided and Each Year Amourlt of Interest Grow Lets Bond Issue of Vast Proportions Washington July 23 Tho ntatn department received a dispatch yester day from Commissioner Rockhlll nt Pe king announcing that a plan for tho payment of tho Indemnity to tlio pow ers by tho Chinese govuruuiuiit finally had been adopted Tho amorullzntlon of the bonds to tio treasury department had authority un- Issued will begin lu lJI and the plan contemplates tho entire liquidation ot both principal and Interest In 1940 It Is expected I hat China will raise 23000001 taels annually Thin sum In lo Forty Nlnth and Fiftieth Regiments at I11 V U V1 V Hlnklng fund for Camp D B Henderson I tlllmll 1quldatlou ot tho Gen1 Des Moines July 23 AdJutant nral llvnra Itmnmtffir litnnpnl flltitutiut I - j vl vv v v n i I 111 lllllll amount of Indemnity which China will havn to pay will ag gregate 4r0iW0000 taels and bear I per cent annual rnterest It In estimated that of tlvo 23000000 taels which China In to pay the Hint year 18000000 taeln will ho required for Interest and that H 000100 taeln will ho applied in tho sinking fund Each year tho Interest Uo amount net buque and everything Is reported In Rw Wo for Iho biiU fun will In- nB the best of condition for the camp it nil mat if jf itiw wimn un iiiuilll aro lo be liquidated tho Interest will Hla will r lw l tlC If I n IHMIIUI II1U IHIHUM n L rvonuo for tU r weather Is not too hot they will havo V- tilt underHlood here hri to ho de some practical field work y as derived rived from tho salt lax the maritime ctiMtonm mid the liken tax a poitlou Plttslleld Mass July 23 James to bo taken from each Foshurg was called yesterday as a witness fortho prosecution In tho trial of his brother Robert S Foshurg for the murder of their slBter May Fos hurg Tho suinmonB was u sudden TRAMPS HOLD UP TRAIN Hundred or More Hoboes Terrorizes tho Trainmen Council muffs July 23 An army ot anil Htailllns one delivered as It was tramps numbering over 100 hold up by District Attorney llammand who northbound Height train No 20 after had taken no part In tho examination n oclock last night In tho Council of witnesses The young Yalo muffs local yards near the roiiiidltouso ate made an Interesting figure on tho Bnd Insisted on being carried freo on Bland and Jils testlmonoy was direct a nights Journey and conclusive It apparently left no j Knglneer Stevens and Conductor doubt that his explanation of tho Drlscoll with tho crew of trainmen Bon why ho did not know tliat burglars WOro unahlo to beat off tho BB nml f had boon In the house ajid killed his nfter n brisk fight the train was backed beautiful sister was truthful and into town an far as tho Broadway straightforward His testimony crossing ly Increased tho faith of the defeiiBo Tho police woro notified nnd a Round lu tho ultimate acquittal of his brother 0f officers under Captain Denny went 0lt ln n Dntrol wagon anil scattered Dpi r rrt dii v - U yj Washington July 23 Secretary tho thugs After an hours iluluy tho l n ei1 wlt tf 20 trft8 Root speaks In high pralso of the 1hl een tho cars The bllltles of Forts Riley and Leaven- flU J timps and police had a running fight worth as posts for military lnstruc l Ut tton Ho says Fort Riley Is an excel- lyJXvonuo Intif nnui fnf rt if tlin llr inllttirv ul i - lllii3 camps of Instruction and maneuvers Big Rush at El Reno El Reno I T July 23 All previous troops to the present capacity of tho records wero broken hero yesterday quarters at Jefferson barracks and wno 14rrP orHonH rcclstpred Thi j Forts Riley Leavenworth and ninkcB a total for El Reno of 93048 dan will be stationed at these posts Thn KHtratlon for Lawton was 2213 Elks Open Campaign Milwaukee July 23 Trains nnd making a total of 20282 Grand total 119330 The trains from tho north ani1 Blit In Immense crowds steamboats brought about 11000 Elks 0lft1 tho people hanging on to the steps and riding on top of the- coaches Powder Man Up With Blast Cheyenne July 23 James Smith powder man at tho Sherman Hill gravel pits on the Union Pacific was blown up by nn explosion of powder yesterday Smith fired a blast and forgot to close a keg of powder from which ho had taken tho chargfl Tho powder was Ignited by a spark from tho fuso Smith was brought to Chey enne and will probably die Schley Has Nothing to Say Now York July 23 Admiral Schley was seen last night at Great Neck L I where ho Is at present stopping Ho declared ho would have nothing to Bay at present no matter what was Bald by Sampson and others Indorsing Maclays history Ho added that later when others had said all they wanted to he might Issue a statement but that this was uncertain Alleged Heiress Is Book Agent Goshen Ind July 23 Tho young girl who said she was Irono Canning and heiress to 300000 ln Toxas Is no longer a mystery Sire was Identified yesterday as Kate Manning a young book agent of East Ilarro Vt whero her parents reside She left East Ilarro last winter When asked if her name was Kate sho broke dovyn anil went Into hysterics Mining Congress at noise BolSe Ida July 23 Tho first ses sion of tho fourth annual meeting of tho International Mining congress will convene today The Indications aro dashed Into the group killing two of Milwaukee 5 Daltlmoro 3 Chicago the bijya and severely Injuring three Philadelphia 2 others that tho congress will bo largely at tended Tho city Is handsomely decor atod ln honor of tho occaslou and elaborato arrangements for tho enter tainment of the delegates have been made Constitution Wins New York July 23 Tho race bo tween the Constitution and tho Colum bia on Long Island sound yesterday again demonstrated that the Constitu tion Is tho faster fair weather craft In a light breezo ami smooth water over a 21 mile course Columbia was defeated four minutes eighteen sec onds Baseball Scores Yesteday National League Philadelphia 2 Dostou 5 St Louis G Chicago 5 American i League Cleveland C Washington 3 Detroit C Doston 5 5 Sit up in feed When it becomes necessary to sit tip in bed to get your breath when the least exertion auch aa walking sweeping singing talking or going up and down stairs causes shortness ol breath fluttering or palpitation then it is time to do something to brace up and strengthen your ailing heart Take Dr Miles Heart Cure It is best of all I liatl palpitation of lioarL my left sldo iwcatno enlarged anil I could not Mleen at tiltflit Had to sit up In boil and often walk the Moor to et my breath All of Mieso troubles were cured by Dr Mlle Heart Jure Miw H V Ttniiw Mt Carroll 111 Dr Miles Heart Ctie stimulates the digestion in creases the circulation and makes weak hearts strong Sold by druggists on guarantee Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart IncL HEADACHE iBH At alt drug itorrt 25 Domi 25c Dr Humphreys SpecillcH cure by acting dirootly upon tliu dmofiHo without exciting disorder in any othur part of tho HVHtum no cmiiw ruiciw I Imrnrn Cniwtliin Irillamnmtloni ffr I Wtiriiin Worm liivw Worm Colic iH I TiftliliwCollcCrylnicWakarulnuiM Uf or Clillilron or Ailulta 2S 7 ipiiiiIi CoMh HroiiclilUi 21 H Vrurnliiln Toolhaehi Kncoachu 21 y llrfidnclio Hick llwuUuho VortUo 21 I 0 DyapniMln tlKllKintlonWuiikntoniticliil I I hiiipriMi i or Inlnriil IVrlod M5 Vi- White Too Irofusu lVrlOl US ll rniii Inryniillla lIuaraaiiAM 2H 1 I Hnlt Itlii iim Krynljxiliu Eruption ii 15 Itlii iiiiiallini Hhotiinatlc Pnlni 25 1 Mnlarln ClillU Fuvor and Akuo I J 10 nlnrrli Influenza Cold In tlio Head 2S 25 25 yH Nervoi DnMllty lOO lU Urlnnry UVnkm aa Wottlntf llixl 25 77 lirlp HayKover 25 Or Ilumplirnya MaRnal of all DIscasci at your DruimlHtH or Mulled Frcn Solo liy InikKlHtHor Hnt on rurclnt nf prlrv Iliiiniilirnyn Mud Co Coc William Jolin HI Ndw Yurlt ILLINOIS CENTRAL EXCURSION RATES TO THE Pan American Exposition AT BUFFALO tl WI8 tWlill ulllMI tllO Wonlrt Illr oloiOll tlllt th in coiintr uoulil not hdo Uh iiiiiiiI in llfty joirxs In nil hut tlio ripurn iicoilinil liowovor tlio Imi AiiHinitftu nxpojitioii nt Iliiiralu thin your ulll oxcol tlio Kruiilelmwnr yl Tliln moaim lliut inoro can Im midii in tlio imo Imiutli of lllllll lit till Illll AllHiriClltl ii nil with d of tint ratiuuo nml MiiirliiiMH Unit win uuuvoliliililo nt tliu Win M Knir Tim oxliibila will hu varioii intorohtinir anil Inntructlwi mid tlio imiirovoniont in tliolrxolw tiou anil tlio iiiannor in which tiioy aro ilin iiluyoil iluii to tlio oxporimiri Kainoil ly oi liilnturit nt tlio rncont uruat KxmjhIuon will rx lory uiillcoalilo In tho varioty cjtiJtllty nov olty ami niiinlxir of itx antortaiuiuonl foatnriM tho IIiiITiiIo Kxiionilion will artriiant all otlinrH Tluiro aro illiriiront rat da fyr tirkoU with ililToroiit limit anil if joii oxpoct to visit llnlTalo anil will Hiiuil oiir aililriMrt to tho mi ilorxiKnoil tlio ratHHiiow in oiroctwill Iw finotwl j on and j on will lo kopt inhUod of any rhniiKUit An arllntic IxioUot Imautiriilly illustrated ami Kivlnt a ronrim iloxrrliitlon of this uroat Kxiiomuou will lio mailoil tnu to all lmiuirora 1 K MKItltV Aunt li iil Iiim Axont Duliuuiii Iowa JkkhMAd SO YEARS IEXPERIENCE m rftUJAIJL4 Tradc Marks Designs Copvriqhts Ac Anyone lending a ketch and description may I quickly ucortaln our opinion free whether an lUTenuon ia prooauiy pnieiuaoie iuimuunic tlnnaatrlctlyconBdeiitlal Handbook on Iatenta eent free Oldeat uiioncy for securing patenu Iateuta taken through Hunit Co recelra tpteial notice without charge la the Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly Tjireest cir culation of any aclontlBo Journal Teriua 3 a ear four months SL Sold byall newadealom MUNN New YorK - Branch Offlce 62S V HU Waahlnuton D C 5 SALZERS SEEDS ill L uirtvt Firr WILL MAKE YOU RICH Thla la a daring atatemtmt bu Sal aeraaeeda bear It out ovary Uma O reataatcorn on ort h U 111 poiltlraly F raTOlutioniiecoru tcrowiaif llllnn DnllMrfirnaa Orcatest luarrelof tun avei Wlonaut liar pr acre urn croptlx wecka alter aowlutf What Is It Catalogue toll Ml I0o STAMPS 4lhU NOTICE Bail Lltf i CUW 10 Grata BrxlU DDta or A OaU1 rjA hntkiA im A Rial BailytU lMpa IWU ate VuUW tup4Ut HI John A ftlzsr Ut oubwms n - rll F I ha til w N IKS m i V