J o o li o jt z n wt 12 IBS 111 1 I Wilt Try to Reach Steel Cor poration Through Ilanna NO CHANGE IN STRIKE STATU3 Bhnffer Satisfied With Conditions at Wellsvlllc Siys He Is mjht Not withstanding Criticisms pf Other La bor Leaders llttsluirK Inly 21 Tho jicaro nitn rlon of M M inrlnml who wont to Now York In bohalf or tho ooimorvn tlvo clciiicnt In tho AtiiiilKiiimitiul nn social Ion Iiiih fulled Mr larlatnl wiih tinalU to Roiiiro from tho hUoI tnannfactiircni any tcrina on which a Rottloniont could ho roarhuil Thoy would not rccodo on Inch from tho al titude thoy havoo taUcn holding that tho workers loadora precipitated Iho fight and pcaco noBotlatlonn nro off At tho name tltno a nioro powerful In fluonco Ih liclni Bought to carry tho ollvo hranch to 1 1 MoiKiin loitoph llahop BiHtotary of tho Ohio iitato board of nrbltratlou In working aB inodhitor and plaiiH It In uiuloiHtood to reach llm comhlno pooplo UiioiikIi Senator Ilanna IruHldont Shaf fer of tho Amalgamated atiaorlntlon was In a more hopoful mood yonlonluy than ho linn been for ho inn tlino Ho declared ho wan perfectly natlntled with bin Innpoctlon of condltloim In WoIIrvIIIo and apprehended no dim culty In hooping hja men In lino at that plnco lrenldentc Shaffer evinced no surprise when mention wan inado of tho crlllclnm Hint bad boon offered by other labor loadcrn regarding bin bringing on thin battlo at thin time Ho tjiild that ho oxpucted crltlclmn from many people but It did not nltor bin position ifor tho conviction ho hold that bo wan perfectly right During tfio afternoon Organizer Klynn of tho American Kuricrntlnu of Labor waH a caller at tho otllcen or tho Amalga mated association Ho hold a lengthy conversation with 1renldcnt Shaffer and set at rent all stories to the olTect otbnbtho Federation wan not In sympa thy with tho Amalgamated associa tion by saying that tho ontlrO organ ization owns ready and waiting to as sist tho Amalgamated association both financially and morally In this strike vhJonoyor assistance was aslted No change hns taken plnco at Volln vlllo No now men woro Imported and tho mills nro still nt work Information from McICcesport loads to tho belief that thoblg mill of tho National Tube company In that city would shortly ho involvod In tho etrlke Machinists Give Up Fight Scranton Pa July 2i Tho Allls Chnlmers company resumed work In nil departments of Its Scranton ran chlno shops yesterday tho strike of nlno weeks duration for a nine hour working day without reduction in wnges baving failed Over 12011 men returned to work- Three hundred men also returned to work at Finchs foundry nml machine shois and at tho TJrooks and McClano works No concessions wore made shoWers in corn belt Light Precipitation In Iowa Nebraska and Oklahoma Washington luly 2ii Olllcial reo ports Bbow that the corn bolt region continues hot and dry with m pros- poets of immediate change In tlieso condltlonfl Showers have fallen in tho not thorn half of the corn bolt area including eastern Nebraska IowaD northern Illinois northern Indlanu and Ohio Yesterday there were somo light rainfalls In western Nebraska and Oklahoma These precipitations however the forecast olllclals say aro not always conducive to the best re sults to tlfo growing crops as thoy nro mostly thunder showers Immedi ately followed by a hot sun Showers It is said possibly may occur in tho drought stricken region today as thoy usually are Inseparable from visita tions of Intense heat but no gonernl occurrence of thein Is predicted Tem peratures in tho corn bolt while a few decrees lower than Wednesday woro again high ranging from 95 de grees to 108 dogrocB and hlghor Lincoln Holds High Mark Lincoln July li Kxcopt iii tho northeast section of tho 8tate wh6ro n heavy shower was reported lust night at Niobrara Nebraska had little rain yesterday Tho temperature In the southern half was almost up to tho record stago tlio maximum for Lincoln being 1047 Thoro wero two prostrations In this city Otto A Schoenrop a Union Pacific passenger from Clovoland to Portland Or was prostrated by heat at qolumbus Nob and tnljen to tho hospital vthoro ho died Heat Somewhat Modified Topokn July 2C Tho tomperaturea wero not quite so high lu Kausas yes terday averaging about 100 for the entlro state However not tho least relief has been experienced from tho drought The atmosphere baa been very humid and numerous prostrations nro reported from various parts of tho state Tho corn crop is in a worso condition than ever and It will bo a surprising thing if one third of a crop Is obtained Last Day of Registration El Reno O T July 26 This oven lag at G oclock tho booths in this city and Lawton will bo closed and regis tration of seekers for homes in tho Kiowa Comauche and Apacho reserva tions will be at an ond Last night at tho closo of registration 1G1992 per sons had registered in tho two dis tricts J rMk CCWEY PPEIDENT OF COURT Other Members of Dody AVc Rear Ad mlrilB Klmberly and Denham Waihlnglon July 2 The board ot Inquiry which Is to Investigate tho controversial points In connection with Admiral SelU yn conduct during the Spanish war will bo couipcnod of Admiral Dewoy president of tho court and Hem Admirals Lewln A Klmberly and Andrew U K llenham Tho court will meet at the navy department In Washington Sept 12 Tho piecopl to the court which Is being prepared by Captain lemley judge advocato gen oral ban not yet boon completed Tho Rcopo of tho Inquiry will bo known when tho precept and tho order for convening tho court will bo rocolved It la expected that It will ho promul gated by tho department today Sec retary Long says however that tho proceedings of tho court will bo open and the widest latitude will bo por milted In the matter of wIIiiohhos and that Hear Admiral Schley will bo al lowed to bo represented by counsel NOTED OUTLAW CAPTURED SM Temple and Pal Under Arrest at Leavenworth Leavenworth Kan July 20 Sol Temple a niemborof tho old Ellsworth gang of outlaws which Boveral years ago operated extensively in southern Kaunas and Oklahoma has been ar rested here together with William Jones alias William llonsoloy Thoy woro tnkon by two detectives near Kort Leavenworth In what la known an tho Klondike a saloon district outside tho nrmy rcsorvntlon Thoy hud It Is alleged planned a raid on tho naloonn nnd had cut tho telegraph and telephone wlren to Leavenworth to make oscapo easlorf Templo stir rendered jinly when a rovolvor waB placed at his breast Jones snapped lil rovolvor twlco rit tho officer who had covered him but II failed to flro and tho olllcor shot him In tho neck Tho wound Ib serious but not fatal Popularizing Okobojt Omaha July 2C Tho Chicago Mil waukeo and St Paul railway an nounces the cheapest Bummer resort excursion rates ever known in tho west A specinl train carrying dny coaches and sleeping cars leaves Oma ha at 8 U0 p m Saturday tho 27th Tor Lako OkohoJI Iowa Tho train wUl loavo OkohoJI Sunday oOVjenlng at 8 oclock reaching Omaha Mondny morning at 0 This special travels 472 miles and tho rajo for tho round trip In but i OkohoJI la tho great fishing resort of tho west and tho Milwaukee- purposes making tho resort Kt 111 nioro popular If cheap rates will take tho pooplo to it Breaks Mile Bicycle Record Salt Lake July 2C William 13 Sam nelson of Provo Utah broke tho worlds unpaccd mllo blcyclo record horo last night riding tho distanco in lC3 2 5 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and Closing Quotations ClilrnKO July IKi Tlio grnlu mnrWts rulril fairly ncttvo iinil easier today localise there liiul Imvh a little rain In Iowa ntul the noi Invest September wheat ami corn closed each c Imvor and oats c down 1iovlxlons closed Uic lower OIoMiik prlccb Wheat Sept 71Ko Dee Ilc Corn Sept WIciDol BtlVii Oats -Sept te ToiU Sepl S1IMI Oct 11 ltri Kiln SIKI Oct SbUli lard S7 Citsh limitation Nn J red wheat 72yc No l ted wheat 71e No i sprint wheat titiiiTOe No haul wheat 71c No II hard wheat 70iTOWo No L ca h corn ri7 Jo No i new corn rilUlfViAc No It new yel low coin No J cash oats asVC No J white oats le Chicago Live Stock rhlenfei Inly IX ROO InclmlliiK U5 TeMins slow lint Kcncral ly steady kooiI to pi line steers iH5Ji0l0 poor to medium SloOmVjr stocKeis and feeders J IOJiM00 cows P7 if LfiO heif ers JJJotJi 171 winners bulls f jrjiM Teus steeis iXHclrO IIoks today XiiKK tomorrow 2LKX estimated left over SOtHJ opened itcady to HtioiiK closed steady to Tic lower med and liiitchers J itlSfittllO good to eholeo heavy rHXiIlt roiiKh heavy IlKht 7IH hull of sales SajB 5115 Slieop llecolpts 11000 steady lambs lOfiiVOe lower wood to choice wctli ol ers MniM fair to choice mixed U5 flIN 9estctn sheep ifXItfifill U yearlliiKS l0tilK native lambs 3003100 wust eru lambs 1 IOSi1 10 Kinsas City Live Stock Kansas City July Mlcattle ltocelpts 0000 nut Ives 1100 Tomihh KK1 calves nn the beef steent iDwilu hlcher Texitng sTrong cows and loelfers steady stockera nnd feeders lower choice export nml dressed beef steers 1tV3571 fair to Rood IMiiflH1 stocliers nnd feeders iM1fi7V western fed steers 110050 western raiiKe steers t lOJflM Toxhiim and Indians fuVj ll Texas cows JSfiO CTHIO native cows riJf lJ1 heifers 210ji t81 cannrrs JloNO bulls flJS 6flJ1 ciflvos ffiOJi 171 HoKs Itecclpts 11000 Be higher top fOlJVd bulk of sales MrOJiUO0 heavy ftlOOfiOlVii mixed packers fCOQtlOO liiOO sheep steady liuntis ensy 400Jj100 wethers t urnJt lOO ewes J75 GyJI western range sheep faJ5fl3S0 South Omaha Live Stock South Omaha July CHOOrsteady native beef steors 1203170 western steers H003tS0 Texas stocra irMM40 cows nnd helftrs 260itil20 ennners 1ML70 stockers nnd fueders -712371 cnlves 3003100 bulls BttiK cto 2003100 Hogs Itecelpts 12000 shade to Tic hlghor closed weak ueiivy 57Kfl0 00 mixed 172Vyil575 light 103 37JV4 Pigs lloao0 bulk ot sales 572077 W Sheep Hecelpts 7500 slow weak wethers 320iiOfi0 ewes 2701323 common unit stock shucp 273 323 lambs 100QfiOO St Joseph Live Stock St Joseph July 5 513 steady to 10c lower natives 3753 571 cows and heifers 10OQ50 bulls and stags 200ft 75 stockers and feeders 170fHO0 veals 200Q550 13700 steady to 5c higher light and light mixed 5l5yf80 medium nud heavy pigs 3002 150 bulk Sioux City Live Stock Rloux City July 500 steady beees 4251055 cows aud bulls mixed 2003373 stockers aud fed ers 22533 00 yeaillngs and culves 223 fl175 Hog necelts 2000 shade hlgheri nolllug at 500UOb3 bulk 5t3714 Till NORFOLK NKWS FllIIMY JULY 20 1001 Wrlintt r mill lie Iltiw Pnnlcl Webster hen at bis homo at Maishliiltl would necr ipenk on poll tics when bi re but lie would talk to the nwiiilhil neighbors mid guests on mattei H pertaining to funning On one occasion Hoiue Muslim friends present ed lilin with an cuoi molts plow to uxe on his farm Webster gave out word that mi a certain day it would be chris tened Tho ihij arrived ami the sur rounding tnrmors for tulles came to witness the event A dozen tennis with iirlNtiHTiitlc occupants came down from Huston It was expected by ev fry one that Webster would inuko a groat speoeh on tho occasion review ing the history of farming back to the time when Clneltinntiis abdicated the most mighty thione In the world to cultivate cabbages lu his Uomnti gar den Tho plow was brought out and ton yoke of splendid oxen wore hitched In front More than two IniiulriAl people stood nround on the tiptoe of expecta tion Webster soon niade bis appear ance lie had boon calling spirits fiom tho vasty deep and Ills gait was some what uncertain Seizing the plow handles mid spreading bis feet he yell ed to mo In his deep bass voice Are yon ready Wright All ready Mr Webstur was the reply jneaulng of course for the speech Webster straightened himself up by a mighty effort and shouted Then lot her rip The whole crowd dropped to the ground and ton rod with lnugliter wjillu Webster with his big plow pro ceeded to rip up tho soil The same plow can now be seen on toil of tho Faneull Hall market lu Itostun nmUls n conspicuous object for miles around1 Lewlston Journal llellof In Clnirmn A belief lu charins hns existed In all ages nnd has been shared by all peo ples It is u natural result of supersti tion The phylacteries worn by Mo hammedan and Jewish women on the forehead form but one phase of this universal belief Faith however Is deemed essential and Is true of all tal ismans that are copied from old pat terns and not constructed nccordiug to thP rules of tho cabalistic ait Talismans to be etllcnelous must bo constructed when the planets are In benellc configuration It Is then that the magic geometrical words and fig ures Inscribed1 thereon nro more potent In their results for good The date of birth of tho person forcwhom the talis man Is made must also bo considered so that his particular lucky star Is tak en Into consideration Many great men were believers In tallsmnns nnd woro them constantly Napoleon especially was very BiTperstl tlous and carried on his person a charm driven td htm by nn Egyptian priest which ho regarded as being responsi ble for his grent success In battle Tho Itothschlld family It Is said also has a talisman which Is an heirloom It Is In the shapo of a snuffbox nnd Is said to have brought the family the great wealth for which it Is celebrated New York Ilernld Settled Out of Court oAobarrlster riding his bicycle on a path was caught by a policeman The gentleman at once came off tho path and tried to reason witli the policeman You arent really going to run mo in this ho nskotl Yps sir I cant help it Well coineln here it public house close by and we will talk about It The policeman followed the gentle man who ordered two glasses of beer one for himself the other for tho po liceman o both of which wcrp finished before lie again remarked Surely you are not really going to make a fuss about this 1 must sir Its my business Ah Then at the same time It will bo my business to report you for drink ing beer while on duty Tho policemans expression sudden ly changed Youre n lawyer I suppose sir Yes And a sharp one too he said as ho Owont out and left tho gentleman to continue his ride Loudon Answers One TIiIiik Necilfnl Irate Father of pretty girl What Is It possible you are here again after the treatment you received last night Young Man Yes sir When you kicked me down stairs and set the dog on me tho animal tore a large piece from my trousers Irate Father Well Isnt that enough What more do you want Young Man If It Isnt too much trouble sir I would like that piece of cloth Chicago News The Slime Thlnfj Im sorry we havent much of n din ner said Spatts to Rloobumper whom he had urged to stny for that meal You ougjit to have dropped In last evening Wo had a stunning dinner then Why papa chirped Sammy Spatts Hints just what you told Mr Taddels at dinner yesterday Detroit Freo Press Sbr Walked on nim Did you propose to her What was tho result Well she took mo for n walk Ah To give you a chauce to tell her oh Not at all I say she took mo for a walk because she used me as If I was one She got on to mo with both feet Philadelphia Press Ileiiented Ah that was a rare one he claimed ufter snatching a kiss s Jn ex- Yes she said somewhat disap pointed that ho had missed her lips In Ids hiiate aud merely kissed her upon the chlu It was under done Then he proceeded to overdo 11 Troy Times McLaurln Ruled Out Columbia S C July 20 Tho slato executive committed lato last night adopted a resolution ruling Senator McLaurln out of tho Democratic party Tho action was totally unex pected A leaf Is only n tnotnmorpnosod branch and tho covering of seeds only n tnotnuiurphosed leaf Tho great popular maladies throat uasat and bronchial catarrh aro quite unknown Injjpltxhorgon Capture Doer Convoy London July 20 Tho war ofTlco has received the following dispatch from Lord Kitchener dated Pretoria Oar ratto column captured a Iloor convoy taking 25 prisoners near Iteltzburg Our casualties wero eight Frenchs columns are gradually pushing tho enemy north In Capo Colony Will Repair Brooklyn Bridge Now York July 2G No nttomptwns made to resume n full sorlco on tho Ilrooklyn bridge on which several sus pension rods seemed to ho broken Khglneors examined tho bridge care fully and It Is expected full repairs will bo made In a day or two White Sinn Turned Yellow Great constornatlou was felt by the friends of M A Hogarty of Lextugtou ICy whon thoy saw ho was turnlug yellow His skin slowly changed color also hU oyos aud ho suffered terribly His ninlady was yellow jaundice Ho was treated by tho best doctors but without benefit Thou ho was advisod to try Electric Hitters tho wonderful stomach and liver romody nnd ho wrftes After taking two bottles I wus wholly unroil A trial provosits match less merit for nil stquiach liver aud kid nov troubles Only 500 Sold by A II Kiesnu Druggist Slio Didnt Weiir n Mjtnlc Hut hor boauty was coniplotoly hid deji by sores blotches and plniploS till sho usod Bucklens Arnica Salvo Then thoy vanished as will nil eruptions fever sores boils ulcors carbuncles and felons from its uso Infallible for cuts corns burns scalds and piles Ouro guaranteed 25c at Alf Kiesnu Mr John Tippis Colton O says Foleys Honey nud Tar cured my littlo girl of a severe cough aud iutlamed ton sils A II Kiesau It Iii1uh tho World No discovery in medicine has ever created one runrter of tho excitement tliat has been caused by Dr Kings Now Discovery for consumption Its soverost tests have beon on hopeless victims of consumption piioumonia honiorrhago pleurisy aud bronchitis thousands of whom it has restorod to perfect health For coughs colds asthma oroup hay fever hoUrseness and whooping cough it is tho quickest surest euro in the world It is sold by A II Kiosau who guarantees satisfac tion or refunds moirey Largo bottles 50c and 100 Trial bottles free Its Free If it Fulls to Cure Iioctol tho great pile cure A pile pipe freo with each paokago We sell it under a positivo wrttton guarantee No euro no pay 50 cents Samples freo Kiesan Drug Co Solo Agents Science has found that rheumatism is caused by uric acid in tho blood This poison should bo excreted by tho kid neys Foleys Kidney Ouro always makes thorn well A H Kiesau Cold Melt Awuy if you uso Krausos Cold Cure Pre pared in convenient cipsulo form thoy aro eas3 to take and effect a speedy euro of tho most obstinate cases Pried 25c Sold by Goo B Cnristoph Any advertised dealor is authorized to guarantee Banner Salvo for totter eczema piles sprains scalds burns ulcers and any open or old sore A II Kiesau Susau Tho pimples sores and black heads aro daugor signals Take Rocky Mountain Tea youll give a farewell reception to your troubles Jifio Geo B Ohristoph When you want a modern up-to-date physic try Chamberlains Stomach and Livor Tablets Thoy nro easy to take and pleasant in effect Prico 25c Samples freo at Kiosaus drug store A Good CourIi Medlolne Many thousands have been yestored to health nud happiness by tho uso of Chamberlains Cough Remedy If atllioted with any throat or lung trouble give it a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial Coughs that have resisted all other treatment for years have yioldod to this remedy aud perfect health been restored Cases that seemed hopeless that tho climate of famous health resorts failed to Jienofit bnvo beou permaunntlv cured by its uso For salo by Kiesau Drug Co A Ioor Mllllonnlro Lately starved in Londou becauso he could not digest his food Early uso of Dr King New Life Pills would havo saved him They strengthen tho stoni noh aid digestion promote asBiniilntion improve appetite Prico 25o -Money back if not satislled Sold by A H Kiesau Druggist Tas G Amhertof Delia 0 writes I had an obstinato soro on my face which overythiug else failed to heal After one application of Banner Salvo it began to heal and after three applica tion9 it was entirely healed leaving no scar A H Kiesau IMlei of 1eople Have Piles Rectol has cured piles of pooplo of the piles to stay onred A pile pipe freo with each pnekago We sell it on a positive guarantee No ouro no pay 50 cents Samples freo Kiesau Drug Co Sole Ageuts The Ilest ltemedv for Stomncli and Ilovrel Troubles I have been in the drug business for twenty years aud have Bold most nil of the proprietary medicines of any note Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chaniberlaius Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles says O W Wakefield of Columbus Ga This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera - sau and OLD PEOPLE morbus in my family aud I havo recom mended aud sold hundreds of bottles of it to mv customors to their entire satis 1 faction It affords a quick and sure euro in a pleasant form For sale by Kiesau Drug Co The greatest healer of modern times is Buuner Salvo for cuts wounds sores piloi and all skiu diseases It is guar anteed Use no substitute A H Kie sau Wlmt Two Cent h will Di It will bring iolief to sufferers from asthma or consumption evou in the worst caces This is nbout what ouo dose of Foleys Honey aud Tar costs Isnt it worth n trial A H Kiesau During last May au infant child of our neighbor was suffering from cholera infantum The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery I took a bottle of Cnambfirlaius Colic Oholora aud Diar rhoea Remedy to the house telliug them I felt sure it would do good if used according directious In two days time tho child had fully recovered Tho child is now vigorous aud healthy I have rcomuioudod this remedy fre quently and have uevoj1 known it to fail Mrs Curtis Baker Bookwalter Ohio Sold by Kiesau Drug Co YotiTnkeXoCluuice When You Uuy Kcctol for the piles Wo will refund tho full purchase prico if it fails to cure A pile pipe freo with each package Samples free Kiesau Drug Co Sole Agents Dr Geo Ewing a practicing physi cian of Smiths Qrove Ky for over thirty years writes his personal experi ence with Foleys Kidney Cure For years I havo been greatly bothored with kidnoy trouble aud enlarged postrate gland I used everything known to tho profession without relief until I was in duced to use Foleys Kidney Cure After wring three bottles I was entirely relieved and cured I prescribe it now dnily in my practice and heartily recom mend its uso to all physicians for such trouble for I can honestly state I have prescribed it in hundreds of cases with porfect success A II Kiesau Thos W Carter of Ashboro N O liad kidney trouble and ono bottle of Foleys Kidnoy Cure effected a perfect euro and lie says there is no remedy that will compare with it A H A Puts gray matter in your head Brings a rosy glow to faded cheeks Restores vim vigor mental and physi cal happiness Thnts what Rocky Mountain Ten will do 35c Geo B Ohristoph iteclol Is li Kemeily With a Record Its record is 93 per cent of permanent cures If you havo tho piles try it Its freo if it fails to cure you Samples free Kiesau Drug Co Solo Agents Ileurthuru When tho quantity of food taken is too largo or the quality too rich heart burn is likoly to follow and especially so if tho digestion has been weakened by constipation Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food Masti cate tho food thoroughly Let six hours elapse between meals aud when you feel a fullness aud weight in tho region of stomach after eating indicating that you have eaten too muoh take one of Chnmborlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets and tho heartburn may bo nvoidod For sale by Kiesau Drug Co II you Ilnve IleudiiclieK dont experiment with alleged cures Buy Krausea Headache Capsules whioh will cure any headache in half an hour no matter what causes it Sold by Goo B Ohristoph Price 25o Usod by tho ladies of fashion all over the world Its without doubt tho greatest boautifler ever offered the American women 35c Made only by Madison Mediciue Co Geo B Chris tophi A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured At one time I suffered from n severe sprain of the nukle says Goo E Cary editor of the Guide Washington Va After using several well recommended medicines without success I tried Chamberlains Pain Balm and am pleased to Bay that relief came as soon as I began its use arid a completo cure speedily followed Sold by Kiesau Drug Co Kraniei Henduelio Capsules were tho first headache capsules put on tho market Their immediate success resulted in a host of imitations contain iug antipyrine choral morphine and other injurious drugs purporting to be just as good Avoid these imititionB and insist ou your having Krausos whioh speedily oiro tho most severe cases aud leave no had after effects Price 25o Sold by Geo B Ohristoph Bad Circulation Is the cause of most of the Ills that come with old age With advancing years there is a decline of strength and vigor tho machinery of the body moves with less speed and accuracy Uccausc of the weak nud irregular nctiou of the heart the blood moves more slowly becomes impure nnd loses much of its lifc sustahiitig properties nnd muscles tissues nnd nerves literally starve for lack of nourishment A sluggish nnd polluted circulation is followed by a long train of bodily ailments Cold feet chilly sensations up nnd down the spine poor nppetite and digestion soreness of the muscles rheumatic pains hard nnd fissured skm face sores chronic running ulcers on the lower limbs and other parts of the body these nnd many other diseases peculiar to old people are due to n lack of healthy blood and imperfect circulation Restoration to health must come through the building tip nnd purification of the blood thus adding strength and tone to the vital organs nnd quick healthy action to the circulation S S S being strictly a vegctnble blood remedy nnd the best tonic makes it the most valuable nnd efheacious of all medicine for old people It is free from all mineral ingredients nnd mild nnd pleasant in its nction It cures blood diseases of every character even those inherited or contracted in early life As the system gets under the influence of S S S there is a marked improvement in the general health and as richer nnd purer blood begins to circulate through the body the nppetite improves nud there is a softness and elasticity about the skin that you have not noticed for years sores begin to heal pains in muscles and joints grad ually cease nnd you find that it is possible tcbe happy and healthy even in old age Our medical department is in charge of physicians who make a study of blood nnd skin diseases If you would like to have their opinion nnd advice in your case write them nil about it and you shall receive such information and ndvice as you want This will cost you nothing Others have found our medical depart ment of great benefit to them their cure being much more rapid as the result of some special directions received from our physicians Dont beyour own doctor when you can get medical advice free Book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed to all who desire it THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA OA Tited thats all No o energy no vim no vigor no ambition The head aches thoughts aret confused memory fails Life becomes a round of work but half accom plished of eating that does not nourish of sleep that fails to refresh and of resting that never rests Thats the beginning of nervous prostration I was very nervous and so tired and exhausted that 1 could not do my work One dose of Dr Miles Nervine quieted my nfirves and drove away the lassitude Seven bottles did wonders in restoring my health Mrs M L Lacy Fortville Ind Dr Miles Netyine strengthens the worn out nerves refreshes the tired brain and restores health Sold by drugcists on guarantee Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind Te aiiAV - Dont Be Fooledi t rhototraptal iGSiSF mxk Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no iconpQntTcoiaai tute Ask jour druccist MIT -7 OKI rtrBCv MF1 i Pff ii 3nA3 9af jm Tr O TvJiU iWk i nc - -v REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY rCHAiriRRrrjilDDrrirc f o Jis IVM - MiSi t Made a Well Man u of Me Mr 4 IJfrS sJS lH ou RCDCROSV PILLS AltC PUAtl VCOITABIC Ann v 0baP J i in I ifciKi THCYHAUC THl TAIP vUNquAuriEd CNDORStrtCMI orctcny PHrsiciA MrllUAHWirHTHt roRnuLA IN DC CINCHONACIl DCS AiOINCSAatj For Sale by George B Ohristoph -1 s jtji ri j ni Aav x produces tho abovo results In 30 days It sett powerfully and quickly Cures wben all others tolL young men will regain their lost manhood and old mon will recovor their youthful vigor by using BEVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervous nesB Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions host Power Falling Memory Wadtimr OiBeasesand i all effects ot self abuse or excess and indiscretion which unfits ono for study business or marriage It not only cures by starting at tho seat ot disease but is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring tng back tbo pink glow to pnlo cheeks and re storing the flro of youth It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having REVIVO no other It can bo carried in vest pocket By mail 100 per package or six for 8000 with av pod tlvo written guarantee to core or refund the money Book and ndvlso free Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO For sale hi Norfolk Nebraska 07 Geo B Ohristoph drujRist HEADACHE S W V Ofe ARC uxcturo fOATMC SCMOVAL LTJNB STANDI rrnv 111 nran V JJiUIH iB At all arut etorev 25 Doata 35c RED CROSS v ILLS N X rf I i