The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 26, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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l V
b I
1 O Miller was ovor
from Way no
G A Mullon of Omaha was in tho
city ovor night
Frank Thum of Coleridge was a Nor
folk visitor yesterday
Mrs 0 H Vail wont to Stanton yos
tonlay to visit friends
Mrs 1 L Knesol wan down from
Hattlo Crock yostorday
W 0 Campbell was a Norfolk visitor
yestorday from Oroighton
Justin McCarthy was a business vis
itor yesterday from ONolU
Miss Madge Kcllar wan a guest In
Norfolk yostorday from WniiHA
JudgoT 11 Harden nud his sou Kim
ciuno hoino from Lincoln last night
Miss Mamio Lund was in from Hattlo
Crook yostorday doing wnnu trading
A T Dunlovoy of Tildon is in Nor
folk today on business and is calling on
John Drngnr of Ponoa was visitiiiK in
tho city today on his way homo from
Miss 1onrl Hlloy of Omaha Is visltlnR
wlth0Dr and Mrs Teal at tho hospital
Miss Hlloy is Dr Teals aunt
Too Horrisky jr wont to Ohoyonno
Wyoming yostorday noon to accent a
position that is awaiting him
15 W Hayes wlio has boon visiting
his parents hero departed last night for
Douvor whoro ho goos on business
KdltorF 15 Martin of tho Hattlo
Crook Hntorpriso was in tho oity on
0 business yostorday and paid this otllco a
James Gildca is onjoying a visit from
his two sisteis one from Alexandria
Indiana and the other from Minne
apolis Minnesota
Miss Margaret Horrisky who has been
visiting her parents hero roturuod yos
torday to Dubuiiuo Iowa whoro alio
has entered a convent
Tho fellows who stole tho hogs from
tho pen of Dounis McNeil have not yet
boon locatod Tho officers have a num
ber of clues that they are working on
Murray Tylor nn omployu of tho F
15 M V and Miss Mamie Lund of
Hattlo Creek woro united in marriage
this morning at tho homo of the brides
undo Will Hock in South Norfolk
Tho ball ganio at Stanton yostorday
botwoou tho Norfolk and Stanton Junior
loaguo teams resulted ill a victory for
tho Stanton team tho scoro being 0 to I
Tho Norfolk battery is roportod to have
dono croditablo work but lacked
Tho Humphrey ball team is to bo horo
noxt Sunday to engage in a gnmo with
tho Norfolk team Manager Winder
assorts that tho Norfolk team is to bo
strengthened by tho addition of somo
now playors and that it will put up a
stiff gamo Tho Norfolk team goos to
Oakdalo Thursday for a gamo
Tho Stanton and Wayno llrst teams
crossod bats at Stanton yesterday At
tho end of the lifth inning the score was
7 to 0 in favor of Wayno At tho end
of tho sovonth tho scoro was 7 to 7 and
Wayno quit claiming that tho umpires
decisions were rank and against them
this is also tho opinion of somo who
witnessed tho gamo
Charlio Swansou was before police
court yestorday charged with disor
derly conduct and was taxed with a lino
and costs to tho amount of 1710 It
seems that Charlio had boon colobratiug
his good fooling tho night before by dis
charging a gun iu tho oity limits Tho
offense against him was made light on
his promiso of future good behavior
George Wotllng of Wiusido euginoor
of tho mill at that placo was tho victim
f a 6erioiiB nccidont last week Ho
was tryiug to prevout a bolt from slip
ping when his hand was oaught and
carried under the bolt aud ovor tho pul
ley lacerating his hand and arm Ha
was thrown forward at tho saiuo time
and his chin split opou to tho bono His
neck was also hurt
Thobioyole of 0 E Hartford was
taken from in front of his barber shop
yoBterday afternoon at somo hour be
tween 2 and 1 oclock Tho bioyclo was
black onamelcd an Acmo aud postal
cards offering 5 roward for tho arrest
and conviction of tho thief has boon of
fered A suspicious acting man was
noticed in front of tho barber shop and
the Queen City hotel yestorday aud ho
disappeared about tho same tinio that
tho wheel was taken
Tho premium list of the 30th annual
fair of tho Madison County Agricultural
sooiety has just been issued from tho
press of the Ohroniolo at Madison and
is a very worthy publication both typo
graphically and regarding tho attract
ive matter it contains of interest to ex
hibitors and thoso who will attend tho
fair The dates of tho fair are Septem
ber 10 to ID Many lino premiums are
offered nud the speed program offers
some extra good purses Tho fact that
tho Madison county fair has boon held
for 20 years is abundant evidence of its
successful management and that eaoh
succeeding fair is proving bettor than
tho one precediug is proof of a progres
sive spirit that is iu large degroo respon
sible for its success
It is told of a certain Norfolk man
that he became impressed with tho idea
that his room was moro to be desired
than his company and that he decided
to make the room Ho thoreforo secured
a rope and going to n nearby grove fast
ened one end to tho limb of a tree
Tho exortlon was rather wearisomo and
boforo committing tho final aot tho
would bo suicide lay down under tho
troo aud was soon fast asleep I to olthor
had pleasant dreams or somo change
In his mind took place anyway when
hn awoke ho thought bettor of himself
and after colling tho rope procoedod to
his homo Would bo self destruction
IstR aro advised to follow tho plkn of
thu Norfolk man aud sloop on tho lues
Hon do doubt It is a certain euro
A burglar or aot of burglars wont
through several houses on South Eighth
street last night nud woro successful in
accumulating quite a little wad of
spending money Tho home of 1 J
Fuoslor waH entered but tho girl em
ployed by Mrs Fuoslor to do thohomo
work hoard him prowling around and
raisod suoh a disturbance that ho was
glad to make his call very informal aud
retired without carrying nway a souv
enir of his visit He noxt called at tho
homo of Dr F W KloBau aud horo evi
dently proceeded with a nuioh groator
dogreo of caution for although tho in
mates woroarousod to somo extent they
didnt realize whnt had boon dono until
this morning Tho soieon was re
moved from tho window andc tho doc
tors trousors containing about 1S iu
cash woro carefully lifted to tho outsldo
of tho house whoro tho cash was ex
tracted and tho woaring apporol loft bo
hind and wero found on tho outside of
tho building this morning
Porcy Adams of Wahoo was in
oity last night
Frank Jarvis was a oity visltoryoBtor
day from Wahoo
Somo of tho horses in this vicinity
are nllliotod with tho pink oyo o
Hlngliug Bros circus is billed to
appear in Columbus August 10
W H Oluybaugh of Wayno trans
acted business iu Norfolk yestorday
A Wayno man would ask his wifo to
pray for rain if ho was ablo to swim
Tho first grapos of tho season havo
made their appearance on tho local mar
C B Campbell and uophow Honry
Campbell of Oraugo Cal aro visiting
at the homo of W H Johnson
Tho Fremont Driving Park associa
tion has a lino program of races to bo
given July 31 and August 1 and 2
Miss Luoy Willlauisof this city is in
structing tho teachers of Cuming
county iu primary mothods and read
Why not got out an injunction
against Old Sol aud oito Jupitor Pluvius
to appear or answer to a charge of con
W H puoholz and Fritz roturnoS
last ovouiug from Spirit Lake Iowa
whoro thoy havo boon onjoying a weeks
Tho Norfolk base ball toaui wont to
Oakdalo this morning to ongago iu a
game with tho team of that city this
Miss Alma Kook of West Point is ex
pected horo tomorrow to visit at tho
homes of her aunts Mrs Asiuus and
Mrs lludat
J amos H Gallon formor shoriff of
Cuming county who died Tuesday
morning near Wisuer ran for shoriff
ton timos boforo ho was electod
I W Alter of Wayne was iu tho city
ovor ulght on his way homo from Grand
Islaudwhore he attended the monthly
mooting of tho A O U W grand lodge
fiipuioo oommittoo
It actually rainod a few spatters in
Norfolk yestorday afternoon The
shower appeared to bo vory local and
was not heavy ouough to injure the
beautiful layer of dust
A number of farmers aro outtiug their
lato oats for hay and it is considered
that it will make feed of very oxoellent
quality tho nutritious straw and what
grain has formed combining to make it
Quite a number of bicyclists aro on
joying tho privileges of a spin afforded
by tho Edwards race track these oven
ings Somo of thorn aro making good
timo and promiso to become racers of
no moan ability
It is said that Nebraska hay is selling
for 20 a ton in Kansas Oity Nebraska
has a good crop of hay and tho fanner
who is putting up a large tonnage will
not bo compelled to go to tho poor houso
even though the corn crop fails
Mrs Brownellof Fremont received a
cablegram Tuesday from her husband
who is captain of tho ship Alblna an
nouncing that his vessel had just ar
rived in Manila harbor 135 days over
duo The familys auxiety was much
rolievod by the nows
Tho deputy gamo warden at Fremont
has already arrested four persons for
violating tho new fish laws Two wero
taken up for fishing with moro than
four hooks on their linos aud two
Saunders couuty people wero up for
fishing in Dodge without a license
When the plato is famished Tub
Nkws will supply engraved cords at 75
cents for 50 or f 100 for 100
Order your engraved visiting cards at
Thk News offico 100 cards and plate
150 50 cards and plato 1
Municipal Ownership
Tho people of Norfolk will in a fow
days voto on proposition to bond tho
city for fitliOO to install n municipal
oloctrio lighting plant Norfolk already
has a private lighting company aud a
laudable desire to havo its streets moro
thoroughly illuminated HOW to do
justice to tho prlvato company and at
tho samo timo got moro street lights is
the gist of tho question now boforo tho
people Fromout has had some oxpor
ionco iu this dlroctiou which may bo
of servlco in pointing tho way Fro
mout bo it known is one of tho best
lighted cltioB in tho stato Sovonty nro
lights irradiate their effulgence and
mako a thoroughly lighted city Whllo
thin is truo it is likewise u fact that tho
lighting is costing tho city a fair sum
of money Tho municipal plant does
not sell ouough light to privato con
sumers to mako tho plant self-sustaining
That would bo tho ideal condl
tlon but it does not exist Fromout
with a schodulo of 15 cunts por hundred
hours is being assessed lu mills for
lighting jmrposos Last yoar it was 5
mills This moans a cost of about
f 1000 to which should bo addod inter
est on 28000 tho cost of the plant
This at i por cent would bo 1120 moro
making a total of fjlJO This is an
average of about 17 por aro light por
annum This is choapor than Fremont
was buying its street lights boforoit put
iu its own systom Norfolks present
privato plant offers tho city a rato of f J
a inbnth a lamp for thirty lamps This
is about tho cost of Fremonts lighting
Norfolk is not likely to do bottor than
that with municipal ownorship prob
ably not so well for if tho patronage of
tho town Is divided thoro as hero bo
twoou tho two companies tho commer
cial lighting will bo loss than horo
Had Fromout boon ablo to purohaso tho
privato companys plant at a reasonable
price and thus havo secured all tho com
mercial lighting of tho city it might
at presout rates bo securing its streot
lighting as a net profit on tho entire
business If Norfolk insists on muni
cipal lighting it will be wiso to buy tho
privato plant if it can bo dono reason
ably and thus havo all tho lighting
It is not economical to maintain two
plants to do what one can do moro
cheaply Fromout Tribuuo
Tho foregoing from tho Fromout Trib
uuo of Tuesday is of especial value just
at this time particularly in view of tho
foot that Fremonts experience with
municipal ownorship has boon fre
quently quoted in favor of voting bonds
to install a city lighting plant horo as
it throws Considerable light upon a sub
ject that many of us do not understand
Tho showing does not seem to be nearly
so favorablo for municipal ownership as
most of us had supposed would bo made
Tho fact that a 4i mill lovy is required
to keep up tho plant iu Fremont dem
onstrates beyoud peradveuture that tho
commercial lighting does not pay tho
exponso of operation notwithstanding
the fact that it has twice the population
to draw from that there is in Norfolk
Other conditions aro the same there as
they would bo here should a city plant
bo installed in opposition to tho private
plant now in existence It is certainly
wisdom for ns to take the result at
tained in other towns on a matter of
thiS kind aud there is every reason why
Fremonts experieuco should be a better
criterion than au abstract theory basod
largely upou guess work
Iu tho above figures tho Tribune has
said nothing about wear and tear of
plaut Every user of machinery will
quickly say that tho wear aud tear on
machinery amounts to fully ten por cont
a year aud in somo instances it runs
higher than that If Fremont had fig
ure six per cout interest on the money
invested tho cost per light on the basis
of the number now beiug used in that
city would be iucroasod to about 80 per
yoar If Norfolk votes bonds and puts
iu a lightiug plant at a cost of 10500
thouutOrest on iuvestmout at six per
cent will be 900 a year tho amount
raised iu taxes on a levy of 41 mills
will be about 1700 while the wear and
tear including repairs will amount on
a conservative estimate to 1600 more
making a total of 4340 a year to say
nothing of the extra help aud coal which
would be required to operate it even in
connootion with our present water
works systom which would run from
2500 to 3000 more per year Against
this stands tho proposition of tho local
company to furnlBh the city with 30
street lights at a cost of 0 per month
each making a total cost for the year of
1020 It is understood however that
tho oity couuoil doos not believe 30
street lights are required but that 20
will be enough The samo rate per
light from tho local company would
briug the cost down to 1410 a year as
against 6810 if tho city owus the plant
Some credit should be giveu of course
for the commercial lighting that the
city will bo able to do but with a com
petitor prepared to meet any price that
maybe made by the municipal plaut
this sourne of revenue cannot be figured
very hitrh While this condition of af
fairs would be very desirable for the
users of light from the standpoint of a
tax payer we do not see how it can be
considered a good business proposition
There is another feature of this
proposition that is decidedly wrong iu
prinoiplo The Norfolk Eleotrio Light
and Power company put In a plaut somo
twelve or more years ago that was
adequate at the time for the require
ments of the city but notwithstanding
tho fact that high prices wero charged
for lights tho business was not a great
success Last fall however to meet
tho growing demand for more light
throughout the city tho company com
menced extensive improvements on its
system and isnow preparedjto furnish all
tho light that will be needed It was
the time the extonsions were
commenced that tho system would be
operated on the meter basis and the
rates fixed aro practically the samo as
iu towns that havo municipal plants
aud aro lower than either Sioux Oity
Omaha or Lincoln Thcro is au in
justice in tho Idoa of putting iu a com
petitor to a privato ontorprlso especially
if tho privato concern Is disposed to do
what Is right that is particularly ob
noxious Tho local company is backed
wholly by homo money aud If it is
treating peoplo fairly then thoro should
10 no moro reason for putting in a
public plaut to injuro Its business than
thero would bo for establishing a
city printing office or city dopartmout
storo Wo boliove that public enter
prise should bo oucouragod to Improvo
and beautify tho town and that tho city
has no moral right to stop In and do
privo it of tho moans of earning a fair
interest on its iuvostmont aftor
its money has boon put iu it
Tho priuciplo of the thing is wrong and
no city cau be built up iu any such a
Number of Lights up to 30 LeftJOp
tlonal With tho Council
Norfolk July 21 To tho Editor of
tho Daily News Dear Sir At tho
last mooting of tho oity council a propo
sition was made tho oity by tho Norfolk
Eioctric Light Power company to
furnish the city 30 aro lamps at a price
of tl per month per lamp The com
pany was under the Impression that 30
lights was about what the city would
require to thoroughly light every street
iu tho city Since makiug this propo
sition somo of the oouucll havo called
our attention to the bolief of aj great
many of our citizens that the oity did
uot require this amount of light TIiIb
boing the case tho company will change
its proposition in regard to tho number
of lights to read from one to 30 lamps at
i por month por lamp for this reason
that we are offoring the city light for
loss than tho actual cost of production
aud tho less number of lamps they re
quire at tfio price tho bettor it will
ploase tho company
H H Patterson
President and Manager
J S Morrow of Norfolk WTvs in town
Wednesday 0
Dr Long returned from Chicago Tues
day ovouiug
Mrs Henry Dugen Is reported very
sick with rheumatism
Arnold Hellman and Earle Eaton
wero Sunday visitors to Norfolk
Harvesting is finished and the toot of
the steam thresher is heard from each
Mr and Mrs Arthur Pilger were Nor
folk visitors from Saturday until Mon
day evening
The campers from the Yellow Banks
returned Tuesday morning at 7 a m
having come during the cool of the
Tho son of Mr aud
Mrs L O Davis died Suuday afternoon
aud was buried Monday forenoon in the
family lot iu the old cemetery Spinal
diseaso was the trouble
Madison has not had rain enough to
settle the dust since somo timo in Juue
and all streets except tho business part
of Pearl and Third are so thick it is
very unpleasant driving
Clint Smith Claus Young Will Dow
ling County Clerk Bauch and Treas
urer Miles attended the meeting of the
republican county central committee
at Battle Crook Saturday
Jamos A Hood and Miss Annie For
ester bdth of Tuscaloosa Ala wero
married Sunday by Judge Bates at the
residence of Mr and Mrs A Fisher
Mrs Fisher and Mrs Sam Friedman
aro aunts of Mrs Hood
Geo Schram started to the Yellow
Bauks Saturday evening to join the
picnickers but when he got as far as the
Fairview school house one of tho horses
he was driving dropped dead He was
fortunato enough to bo taken in by
Frauk Peterson who was on the way to
Battlo Creek and finally reached camp
at the river daring the early morning
The team Schram was driving belonged
to W O Elley
J F Webster was a visitor at Platte
Contro Sunday
Mrs O W Hills went to Silver Creek
Sunday to visit relatives
Maurice Carberry returned Friday
from his visit to Colorado
Miss Francis Ebert of Roberts III Is
a guest at the home of Fred Pettit
A large numberof the friends and
neighbors of W P Rowlett gathered at
his home Monday evening to celebrate
the anniversary of his birthday Games
and dancing wero indulged in and all
present enjoyed a pleasant evening
b7der your engraved visiting cards at
The News office 100 cards and plate
150 50 cards and plate 1
The complete service of Tho
Special via Union Pacific
enables passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between tho north and Paciflo
coast and Missouri river not only in tho
shortest possible space of time but also
in tho most comfortable and enjoyable
manner The dining cars on this train
are stocked with the best the market
affords All meals served a la carte
rX TrsaKSfRSBsatf CT i TJxiPLt
Thai we are constantly crowing in tho art of
making Fine Photos and our products will al
ways be found to embrace the
TOALomt 3LXtistio Ideas
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing
moc MARK
i i iJ JirJT -
WATTl to rB
- -
BiUAb inaniuic
Siodx FAixa B D fob rmx mromtATiotf
Dr Kaller SpaclalUt la Nau Throat Lung
and Kidney DUcasta will correspond with you
lu regard to your condition
to make
Medical Opinion In regard to
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
Au editor of a medical journal
writes as follows
Dr A H Kellerjs Sylvan Ozone
offered by tho Dr A H Koller
Ohomical Company as a cure for
Consumption Asthma Bronchitis
Hay Fever Catarrh Coughs
Colds and all diseasos of the air
passages This wo know to bo a
genuine Specifio for these com
plaints and as such entitled to
our confidence aud that of our
Close examination into tho
practical results which have boon
had from the use of this remedy
has caused us to endorse it as be
ing an undoubted cure for the
above ailments effectual lu re
moving the exciting cause in a
number of attacks which had been
of the severest and most tedious
character Dr A H Kellers Syl
van Ozone permanently restored
health and in coses which were
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief
What you get for your Money
is as Important
as the Amount you Pay
When you buy lumber
from our yard you will
get clean bright and
well dried stock and
have a complete as
sortment from which
Chicago Cumber Co
Telephone No 91 NORFOLK NEBR
Daily News Job Department