J - SATURDAY SIFTINGS B G Dean is iu TUden doing soino pnlnting Mrs Beccher was up from Stanton yesterday Geo Damon was a city Tisitor yester day from Wayne Frid Sidler made a business trip to Hndar Inst evening Knbcn Finney of Wayne was in the metropolis yesterday Mary Odiorno went to Sioux City yes terday to visit relatives Judge Douglas Cones of Pierce was a visitor in Norfolk today C H Vail and Henry Uoveo drove to Pierco today on business Mr and Mrs H Hancock of Stanton -were in Norfolk yesterday Dr W O Campbell of Creighton wbb a city Tisitor this morning H M AbtB and little son of Columbus were city visitors over night Mr and Mrs H J Backes were in the city yesterday from Osmond W H Emge is haviug his residence on South Fourth street repainted A L Tucker and G B French of Wayne were city visitors yesterday Mr and Mrs E B Kenyon visited relatives in Plainview over the Fourth H E Hardy expects to leave tomor row for Boston and the east to visit rel atives Mrs L R Craig and Miss Grace Craig of Pierce were city visitors thiB morning M D Tyler has been appointed deputy grand regent of the Royal Arcanum E 0 Phipps representing the Kansas City Star is in town today in the inter est of that publication The Fourth of July is passed but the sort of weather peculiar to that holiday seems to have come to stay Mx and Mrs T E Odiorne and two children departed yeBterday for a visit at Boston and other eastern points Mrs W F NorriB of Wayne expects to join her husband in the Philippines soon and will sail from Son Francisco about the 26th The appearance of some city property could be quite materially improved by removing Borne of the larger branches from the weeds A J Spencer of New Castle Wyo arrived in the city Inst evening and vis ited today with hit brother W E Spencer of this city The bar fixtures and furniture for the Stortz saloon are being received and will soon be put in and the building placed in readiness for occupancy Misses Fannie Davenport and Eliza beth Sharpless returned from Madison last night having spent the Fourth as guests of Mrs Arthur Pilger Mrs James returned last evening from Columbus where she attended the celebration Her father Governor Savage delivered the oration of the day Miss Edna Durland who lias been attending the Fremont Normal school arrived last evening to visit Norfolk relatives and friendB on her way home to Plainview Miss Mabel and Ed Stevens of Mis souri Valley Iowa visited with Norfolk friends over the Fourth Mr StevenB returned today but his sister will re main for several days W O Newton of Missouri Valley Iowa is here visiting Dr W H H Hagey He belonged to the same com pany with Dr Hagey and J S McClary during the civil conflict company B Thirteenth Illinois infantry I O Bean of Council Bluffs Iowa is in the city on his way home from Genoa He is the general agent of the Minneapolis Harvester company and had three engines and two separators in the big Fourth of July parade at Genoa Rev 0 W Brinstead of Omaha will preach in the Baptist church tomorrow morning at 1080 Sunday school at 280 pm Iyoung peoples meeting at 7 oclock and regular gospel meeting at 8 oclock Everybody cordially invited to attend all these services Mr and Mrs L M Beeler expect to leave Monday for the Pacific coast They will go by way of the Northern Pacific and return by the Southern Paciflo route They will visit Portland Spokane Taooma and other coast cities and Salt Lake City Utah Mrs Dr Sutherland mother of Mrs W Z King and Mrs Kings sister were two of the viotims of the storm that blew down Gentrys show tent at Grand Island on the Fourth Both were quito badly injured and the con dition of the younger woman is con eidered serious She was a cripple bo fore the accident There are but three or four cases of smallpox in Norfolk now and those afflicted with the disease are getting along nicely so that it will ba stamped out entirely soon The vigilance of the health officers has accomplished wonders and with a contiuuance of Buch vigilance another outbreak of the disease need not bo feared A number of boys who work in the beet fields drovo the horse of P J Fuqh ler out yesterday morning and lariated it out whilo they did their work The otulnial broke loose aud started for home on a run On tho wny it ran into a barb wiro fence and cut its throat bleeding to death beforo assistance could reach it The horse was recently puchased by Mr Fnesler from 0 11 Holahan The nearest approach to a parade that is likely to bo seen in Norfolk today took placo about 11 oclock this morning when ono of Dudleys hack teams started from the union depot without a driver The runaway smashed into a buggy early in tho game and damaged it quite seriously On reaching Main street tho runaways turned east and pro ceeded down the street at mite a loisur ly thongh independent pace creating considerable excitement The team was captured beforo any further damago was done Gentry Bros writo The Nkwb that thoy were unable to fill their engage ment in this city today on account of their encounter with tho Grand Island storm but their letter conveys tho im pression that they may be able to mako a date later in tho season From the Fremont Tribune it iB learned that they arrived in that city early yesterday morning and will repair the damage to their outfit taking Fremonts date to do so and will show there today instead of in Norfolk The date here is therefore the only one cancelled on account of the Btorm damage Norfolk people es pecially the children will be disap pointed but will undoubtedly patiently wait for a date in tho future A number of Norfolk people are in teresting themselves in the harvest fes tival or street fair proposition for thiB fall and it is understood that some are attending the South Omaha Bbow for the purpose of getting pointers on the method of conducting an affair of this kind It is suggested that tho enter tainment may be got up at very little expense to the business men by selling concessions and providing a good crowd for tho purchasers of said rights Nor folk has always been successful in at tracting crowds and as long as the people have been disappointed in not se curing the reunion a public celebration of the Fourth and a show date being cancelled all in one season the harvest festival would undoubtedly win out with flying colors An early expression from every business man Bhould be se cured FIRE AND WIND STORM Deblue Hotel Burns and Other Build ings Wrecked by Wind Ainsworth Neb July 9 A wind storm blowing a gale of 50 miles an hour passed over Ainsworth last even ing doing considerable damage F E Gilletts big hay and feed barns were wrecked and several buildings unroofed and dislodged from their foundations Trees and shrubbery were badly damaged Whilo the wind was at its height tho Deblue hotel caught fire and fanned by the heavy wind was totally destroyed The lames spread rapidly and lor a time it was thought that the entire block adjoining would be de stroyed The loss on tho hotel and barn will be fully 300 9 on which there Is about 2000 insurance Tho Gillett build ings were damaged to the extent of 1000 Considerable damage is reported In the country in the path of tho storm Crops and fruit trees suffered to a considerable extent SCOUTS AND FIGHTERS MEET Black Hills Pioneers Renew Old Ac quaintances at Quadro Centennlal Deadwood S D July G A feature of the Deadwood carnival is the fine weather which has been cool Yes terday was given over to the reunion of the old government scouts and In dian fighters Old acquaintances were renewed The women of the Dlack Hills received at the headquarters In the afternoon the mining men of the Hills organized the Dlack Hills Mining association a state charter be ing applied for Every mining man in the Hills will bo entitled to mem bership It is proposed first to make the mineral palace a permanent thing and the membership will be raised to several thousand Harris Franklin was elected president At night there was a procession with floats torcbew and fireworks DAMASCUS DAWSON PAROLED lHaa Served Half of a Ten Year Sen tence for Shooting Scott Des Moines July G S It Dawson who has served five years of a ten year penitentiary sentence for shoot ing Walter Scott his son-in-law on Christmas night 1895 has been pa roled by Governor Shaw Damascus Dawson as ho It known claims to have discovered the art of making DamaBcus steel and of hardening copper Capitalists who arc interested in a company to devel op Uhe Dawson process secured the evidence upon which ho was paroled as be had asserted he would dlo with his secrets rather than reveal them while in prison It was shown that Dawson was excited to the verge of insanity at tho timo of the shooting Murdered by Tramps Alton Ills July C James Rey burn of Bloomlngiton Ills was mur dered yesterday by tramps and his body was found in a boxcar on tho nig Four tracks at East Alton Rey burns head was beaten Into a shape less mass with an iron Instrument The motive was robbery and nearly all the valuables In tho possession of Reyburn were stolen Tho body was found In tho car covered with straw and Reyburn was still alive but un conscious THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JULY 12 1001 MONDAY MENTION O L Harris of Genoa was a city vis itor yettcrdny T W 1 owc of Battlo Creek was in Norfolk Saturday Mutt Reynolds of Madison was a Nor folk visitor Saturday Judgo H D Kelly went to tho county sent this morning on business Miss Anna Ruhlow of Pierco visited with Norfolk friends yisterdny Max Lenser of Tilden spent Sunday with Norfolk relatives nud frionds Ed Madsen was up from Missouri Valley to spend Sunday with his mother Fred French of Wayno visited with Landlord C H Vnil of the Oxnard yes terday Master Clair Yeazel wbb over from Madison to spend Sunday with his father Fred Sidler wont to ONeill lost even ing on business expecting to bo absent about a week Opal and Vernn Coryell went to Osmond today for a few duys visit w ith Miss Corn Wigtou Dr F M Sisson of this cltv attended the reception given Bishop O O Me Cabe in Omaha Saturday Harry Hemleben made tho high pcoro at tho bowling alley again last week his record being 2 14 points Mrs Melvin McDonald of Elk Point S D iR a guest at the homo of H J Caulfield on North Ninth street Miss Nettie Pheasant and Birdine Whipps will leave tomorrow for Lincoln to visit with Mrs H B Gregory The work of putting in tho largo til ing at Thirteenth stroet iB under wny and progressing very satisfactorily Mrs Belle Pheasant expeotB to leave tomorrow for a visit with her mother and Bisters at Tyrone Pennsylvania MiBB Mamie Bley of Madison who visited with Mrs H A Drobert a few dayB last week returned to tho county seat yesterday The ordinance of baptiEm by immer sion was conferred by Rev G II Main of the M E church yeBterday in the river at Tafts grove The Gentry show cancelled their dato at Fremont also and left that place Fri day afternoon for Sioux City where they are billed to appear today Quito a number of Norfolk people went to Stanton yesterday to attend the animal missioufest of tho German Lutheran church at that place Tho extension of tho electric light system to the west end is completed and residents of that part of the city can now light with electricity if they eo de sire Miss Nellie Williams who hns been teaching and studying music for the past year at Denniton Iowa arrived Saturday evening for a visit with her father Mrs Mary Davenport departed this morning with Mr and Mrh L M Beeler for the Pacific coabt and will visit with her daughter Mrs G A Latimer at Spokane Washington Shurtz Jenkins of tho Fair More have decided to add a meat market to their business and Mr Jenkins will leave for Omaha tomorrow to purchase the necessary furniture and fixtures The Sunday school of tho German Evangelical church observed last even ing with childrens day exercises A progrnm of speaking and singing inter ested the large audience that attended the services Tho ohnrch was nicply decorated with flowers and potted plants for the occasion Mrs A J Barkloy of Boone Iowa is expected here thiB evening to visit with her brother W K Spencer for a couple of days enroute to Ainsworth the Black Hills and Wyoming Mrs Barkley is a prominent club woman of Iowa having been elected vice president of tho wo mans federation at the recent state ses sion held in Council Bluffs An Eastern poet bursts forth in the following strain Take up the fat mans burden go soak your Bhirt in sweat and seek in vain for a cooling breeze with a face all streaming wet go try to find some shady spot where you can sit and stew and have some snoozer spring this gag Is it hot enough for you Take up the fat mans burden a hundred in the shade t Two hundred pounds of adipose to soak in lemonade Oh for an hour in Klondike Oh for tbearctiosnowl Ring off your balmy breezelets and let the blizzards blow Mr and Mrs M Miller and son re turned last night from Kirksville Mo where they went to attend the gradnat ing exercises of the osteopathic school at that place There was a class of 215 graduates and the exercises were very interesting Mr Miller says the crops here are very much better than in that portiou of Missouri where vegetation is dried up by a long continued dry spell It is a condition such as has not pre vailed there within tho recollection of the oldest inhabitant and quite a large portiou of tho northern part of tho state iB affected A morohant who had two stores In small villages tried an experiment says au exchange He put a bargain counter in each storo containing tho same ar ticles at exactly the same prices In tho newspaper of one village ho advertised his special counters In the paper of the other village he did not advertise i mid he sold 183 worth of goods In the store the pame month where he did ad vertise he sold goods amounting to 712U In commenting upon the result of his experiment tho merchant eaxs Peoplo who got tho pfcper with my ad vertisement in it wntild paHs by ono of my stores and drive four miles to the other one for what they ronld have gotten at the same price at their doors Inrltnl Hi Cntivn A strictly high grade clean interest ing minstrel show under canvas is n de cided novelty nud that is one of the reasons why Bench As Powers nnd their big company played to tho utmost ca pacity of their big tent last night It is not the same old show it is bigger and letter Many familiar faces nro there but n few new ones are to be seen nnd their nets nro strictly in ncoordnuco with the genernl character of the whole entertainment Bobby Bench nud Otis Bowers are of course the center of at traction and they nre as funny as ever Gilbert Sarony one of tho best known eastern vaudeville nrtists is n strong addition to the company as is the Elks trio nud Hazel and Smith the musical tenia Tho big band and orchestra fur nishes splendid music One of the most plensiug features of u long nud varied program is tho performance of Bobby Benchs troupe of trained dogs They interest old and young aliko nnd their part of the program is all too short Tho cities between Codor Rapids nnd the Pacific coast which will bo favored with a visit from this great organization will doubtless accord tho old favorites the patronage they so riohly deserve A few years ago it would hnvuboon said that it was impossible to give n satisfactory minstrel show under canvas but Beach it Howeis have surely accomplished the impossible in n manner that leaves no room for criticism Cedar Rapids zette June 11 Look TlieHtt li In many educational journals nowa days we see pronunciation tests catch words etc which may be valuable for technical use and yet not being needed evory day in everyday talk are like certain folks I know chiefly interesting on public occasions I should like to put down here a list of words that are very generally mispronounced Everybody knows how to pronounce them perhaps but being such common little things mere street waifs with unwashed faces nobody takes the trouble to speak them fair Now to know what is our duty and fail to do it is a much moru culpable thing than not to do it because we dont know what our duty in So hero they are little commonplace creatures which are mispronounced every day Toward again bade brooch apricot often catch hearth aye lien greasy sew scare years idea area bouquet ague bleat rise noun nrctic shone route gaunt canine juvenile inlidol corporal trouseau amend ment restaurant bicycle were recipe frontier depot process recess romance tirade essay tarpaulin won The above are in common use and of common abuse Some of them of course come from our sister France and people are likely to say that they are not ex pected to pronounco foreign words cor rectly Texas School Journal A iooil llilnc German Syrup is the speeiolprcscrip tiou of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German physician and is acknowledged to bo ono of the most fortunate discover ies in medicine It quickly cureE coughs colds and all lung troubles of tho severest nature removing as it doer the cause of tho affection nud leaving the parts in n strong and healthy condition It is not au experimental medicine bnt has stood tho test of years giving satis faction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottleB sold annually Bos dices German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 18C8 and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doseH will relieve auy ordinary cough Prico 7fi cents Get Greens prize almanao Asa K Leonard COMPTROLLER REFUNDS DUTY Reennt Decision of Supreme Court Re turns Lascelles Co Large Sum Washington July 9 Mr Tracowell the comptroller of tho treasury has decided that tho secretary of tho treas ury has authority under tho law to ro fund to Lascelles Co of Now York the duties paid by them on sugar im ported from Porto Rico between the dato tho treaty of Paris took effect and the approval of tho Foraker act Tho duties so paid amounted to over 470000 This decision is based upon tho recent Insular decision of the su premo court Other claims nro on fllo for refunds amounting to about 1500000 Umpire Mobbed at St Louis St Louis July 9 A decision by Umpire Hank ODay gavo the Brook lyn basoball club tho gamo In tha eighth Inning Ho was mobbed at tha end of tho ninth inning Prompt ac tion on tho part of tho St Louis play ers and tho pollco saved blm from any injury except a split lip Two Deaths at Davenport Davenport la July C Thorn were two deaths hero yesterday from tho extreme heat Pierre Lorlllard Near Death Now York July 6 Dr Austin Flint at 1030 this morning announced that Pierre Lorlllard was falling TUESDAY TOPICS W II Rucholr went to Omaha on the early morning train Mr nnd Mrs 11 J Shears left on the noon train for Chicago Woods Cones of Pierco wns n business visitor in Norfolk today Mrs Frank lllrsch of Stanton Is in itiug Norfolk relatives and friends Tho residence of W King on North Eleventh street is being reshlngled Mr nnd Mrs O E Green returned yesterday from their trip to the east Judge H B Evans of Dakota City was in Norfolk today enrouto to Stan ton 1 S Post nnd 13 M Sinclair of Bat tlo Creek were in Norfolk yistcrdny on business Robert S Hayes of Denver is visiting here for a few days He is a nephew of Col S W Hayes The Singer ofllre is now located in the building at tho corner of Fourth and Main streets lately vacated by Gow Bros Some of the small boys llud the pond left by tlio M O graders north of tho tracks a convenient and safe plane to bathe Fred Volpp treasurer of Wayne county was in the city today enroute to Boyd county to look after business interests O F W Marquardt is having the in terior of the jewelry store and optical department rcpaporcd and otherwise improved Miss Gladys Malmffy has resumed her duties in the storo of tho Johnson Dry Goods company at tho close of a pleas ant vacation Miss Hazel Kelly has returned from Mount Vernon Iowa where site lias been attending Cornell college during the past school year Tho young peoplo of tho Maptist ohnrch will enjoy a social this evening at tliu home of Mr and Mrs A C Stier ou Soutli Third street II L Spaulding district deputy grand master of tho I O O F went to Madison today to install tho olllcurs of the lodge ut that place tonight Jus A Nix and Mrs Sadie Beymer were united in marriage last evening at tho homo of the bride in South Norfolk Justice of the Peaco J L Daniel offici ating Miss Laura Bromo of Butte Mont nid Miss Fannie Bromo of Omaha are -pending a portion of their vacation at tho family homo on Soutli Thirteenth street Tho commissioners wont to Madison this afternoon to look at some of the roads in that vicinity and tomorrow they will meet to settle with tho county olllcurs Those firemen interested in the state tournament at Fremont should not fail to attend the meeting called for tomor row night when tho matter will be C lBSd Commissioners J J Hughes of Bat tlo Cieek and Christ Sohinitt of Mad son were in the city today consulting with Commissioner Winter on county business The families of A J Durlaud C B Durland and G F Dnrland and Mrs MoBridc will leave tonight for an out ing at Long Pine and are taking with them a complete outfit for camping fishing and other outdoor enjoyments Two Albion gardeners grew over 100 worth of strawberries from six acres of ground Tho Fremont Tribune figures at that ratu the corn area of Dodge county could bo made to return 21 580000 a year if devoted to tho fruit Stanton Picket Ed Barr came down from Norfolk last Saturday and Monday took possession of the delivery route pur chased from S H Cook Mr Cook has goue west to seek a new location with no definite idea as to where be will lo cate A nine pound son was born to Mr and Mrs Frank Carriok at their home near the eleotrio lightstation yesterday afternoon Tho father is said to posi tively assert that the brightest light in the station is a mere glimmer compared with that first born and the roar of the engine a inoro silence Hoffman Smith are in tho midst of their moving frolic and are conducting their furniture business in their now location in the Mapes block They lack considerable of being straightened around as yet and have much work in sight but when it is completed will have a model and convenient place for con ducting their business Mrs Judge NorriB and daughter and Rev D O Montgomery Jof Wayne passed through the city today enroute to San Francisco to tako passage on tho 20th for tho Philippines Mrs Norris nud daughter go to join husband aud father who is one of the newlyappointed judges iu those islands whilo Rev Mr Montgomery goes to assume hit duties as a superintendent of r uhlio instruc tion Fred Karo uuuouuccs that he will open a grocery with his meat market The new department will bo iustalled ou or before the first of August do pending upon how boon shelving can bo put in pluce in his mnrket Ho proposes to haudle all kiuds of staple aud fancy groceries etc aud expects to make 0 DR PARKER DENTIST Mnet Block GROWN AND BRIDGE WORK prinos that will draw u HI oral share of trade Bathing in tho Elkhorn is becoming very popular again thiH summer Tho high waters of tho spring have left deep holes uud a swift current however that might prove dangerous to any ex cept nu accomplished swimmer Tho ono good feature of tho Elkhorn Is that tho water is ubont alike in tomporaturo nnd danger of crumps is not so giuat as iu other ut renins Stanton Picket Joseph Lainnili a young farm hand iu tho employ of Jo soph Senn of Union Creek was found dead in his bed Wednesday morning Iiumiuli had appaiently boon all right the previous evening When found liin arms were resting gently iutohh his hrciiHt and a peaceful smile ou his face Dr Person who was siiinniond pro nounced the trouble heart failure People who believed yesterday to bo one of the hottest days of tho season will not bo disappointed to learn that tho government thermometer registered 100 degrees as tho maximum tempera ture n point reached but once beforo this season Today was another hot ono but tho weather forecaster promises a slightly cooler temperature for tomor row and all will wish him an abundance of success us a prophet in this particu lar instance Frank Brady was in court yesterday barged with disorderly conduct in which the abuse of his family was not the least offense Ho was given u lino which with costs timouited to about 8 and it is not unlikely that ho will suffer much mote sovi rely il brought up again with a similar offense lodged against him Tate Wiley by whom Brady is employed went security for the amount named because he needed his help and the prisoner viih released Those interested iu a race meeting this fall and those wishing u struct fair could well combine issues and provide the people an entertainment that would prove a drawing card for miles mound Dates could undoubtedly bo arranged htitisfactory to both An early and general discussion of the proposition should be had aud every business man should join in with a hearty will aud muko tho entertainment a record breaker both in tho mutter of attend ance and tho enjoyment of those at tending Die members of tho orchestra aud band who went to Lu k Wyoming to furnish music fur a Fourth of July cele bration returned Sunday evening ex cept Mux Asmus who is expected homo today They report having had a fino time Land that Luslc entertained tho people for milos around Everything wuh freo to tho peoplo except intoxi cants for which a good prico was charged aud large quantities sold Tho menu provided by tho Lusk peoplo for her visitors included u number of roast oxen nud roast mutton iu generous quantity It was a regular old fashioned celebration and greatly enjoyed Tho fast trains of the Union Pacific reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead of all competitors If you arc in no hurry tako a slow train by one of the de tour routes but if you want to get there without suffering any of tho inconven iences of winter travel take the only direct route the Union Pacific De tailed information furnished ou applica tion F W Juxeman Agent DONT WAIT If you knew how SCOTTS EMULSION would build you up increase your weight strengthen your weak throat and lungs and put you in con dition for next winter you would begin to take it now html or tree and try it SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 4 415 rem I Mriil New York 5t mill II co nil ilriiKKits meoassamm For 14 Geirts W mill Ibt followlrr rr tccj botMIi lpkUIn 1IooJTiiIKJ g 15 I Nvribvra Uiiua h ri 1 Ulnti Itirllr OaUa 10 1 LlomMLrrrutuiDOibbrbttJ IU 1 Utjrtn IUJ a I llUti lUdlh tMtd IS UrlUUUUvrbJ Al Worth 100 fcr cJi AU 10 cktl tit uulrUr will i ul jeu hf loittur H0 ur ml lUauimj sovj riulvciiMni mwn SUt r Ullll Dollur rn Alto Lbulre Oulau ltd Cl olti o IhUuvtlr H htu ouce jua pliol vltltr 4 Sttdl ftfU vlll uttr ttMH ASAIUB SEED CO UCrMwWk UMUMM fi tf i rA 4 1 i l 6 i M I i r i