The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 12, 1901, Image 6

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The Hop oik Hetns
Tho WorhMIernld snysi Miss Ne
braska looks well In a not waist u stitfnr
green skirt nutl u corn bolt
Oklnhonin has just hnrvpsttil its
owhpat crop of 510000000 bushels ItNt
swpet to think of the number of ieoplo
Oklahoma granaries will fccil
Lets quit grumbling nlont tho hot
windier nnd talk up that harvest fonti
t1 for Norfolk to bo given curly thin
Ml ahd what 1h inoro lets make it n
winner with n big W
A species of wooil tbnt expands like
rubber 1r ono of tho uowly discovered
iaoduotB of tho Philippines Politicians
after tho persimmons will in tho future
have their poles constructed of this
If there is ono employment more dls
tasteful than nuother during a spell of
torrid zone weather it must bo thnt of
tho man who hauls and shovels coal
Now tho Ice man bht there there all
philosophical idenH arc positively malted
nnd in distasteful nrrny
Tho Wlnslde board of villous trustees
has pmtmd as ordinance fixing an oc
cupation tux on bowling alleys prohib
it Bullion from frequenting sack al
ky forbidding the imabig of checks or
chip and to prevent the playing of
oordi or dim in such alleys
Ths oivil government of the Phllip
fdnes started in with a surplus of 4
OOOOCO in gold in the treasury Uncle
Hums military government wm not so
bad viewed from a financial standpoint
sad the vlLffhk VcJren maybe accepted m
a neat Fourth of Inly compliment
The United State kd the world in
producing gold and silver during 1JW0
The gold mined in this glorious republic
wsslfilMlT lsii increase of 801-
over lblK The silver rained
reoched a raise of M 570000 a gain
over the prtoediug yew of 2411100
Beohioe is sillieted with a fresh out
break of smallpox The disease is thor
oaf hly under control in Norfolk and it
is hoped thnt no frch outbreak will
cmr as it would be difflcnlt to get rid of
another epidemic before cold weather
nets in vrlien the disenso in said to be at
fto wont
Senator Butler accuses the Kaneae
jMpslists oi stilling out to tae democrats
Dke S Louie Gkb Democrat thinks
JsTr Butler wtw ueisinfwmrd it was a
give away tbe intimation being that
tbe party wns either not worth purchas
ing or could not get what it thought it
was worth
A scientist it out with the statement
that he can turn u colored person white
by the injection of a substauoo rhut
checks the doposit of tho dark pigment
Me is the man who should bo given the
job of settling the race probloiu and
will undoubtedly bo overwhelmed with
patients for treatment
Senator Marios Butler chairman of
the populUt national committee de
clare that there will bo no fusion next
time The populists will probably
Attack corporate greed plutocracy and
the octopus single handed and will un
doubtedly be as successful as though
they had democratic aid
President McKinley has proven to tho
satisfaction of most people both native
and foreign that his backbone develop
ment is above the normal But now
cornea Mr Addicks of Delawaro with
the ussertiou that he has no backbone
Mr Addieks iguorauoe as to what con
stitute backbone is deplorable
Tho Kloudikers continue to add to the
worlds gold supply at a great rate and
the low of the usual product of tho
TrauBvaal country is hardly iniBsed not
in America anyway A Bteamer re
cently returned from Alaska brought a
treasure cargo of sjiOOOOOO in gold con
signed to the assay oflico at Scuttle
Another insurgeut general and 1000
men captured in the Philippines fur
nishes evidence that the insurrection is
about over The opposition to Ameri
can control nt home is likewiso badly
frayed about the edges no speeches or
articles lauding Aguinaldo as the
George Washington of his race having
appeared for many moons
In tho death of Priuco Von Hohcu
lohe former imperial chancellor of
Germany the United StatoB loses a firm
friend he having always been fair and
conciliatory toward Americaus and
Aiuoricju interests Tho people of tho
United States will therefore join with
tho German people in mourning tho
loss of ono of their great men
A boy of Superior Wis blow up hN
father with a cannon cracker while tho
latter was engaged in his devotions
Whether tho old gentleman loft off
loug onough to apply tho rod where it
was most needed is not stated A boy
of that kind would bo rightly beived to
havo a council cracker inserted m his
left ear and a inn ten applied to tho futo
The reports of the South Omaha bull
fights vary greatly Some indicate that
tho snort Ir ridlculons and otlurs wonld
show that it Is both cruel and danger
ous Prom whatever viewpoint it is a
Ion gono conclusion that thin tort of
entertainment popular in Spain and
Mexico will nover hold a place in Amer
ican hearts with tho priro fight and
base ball
It Is asserted thnt Bryan Is now worth
150000 f0000 of which was made
lastycnr and yet ho will stand up and
tell his less fortmiuto partisans that re
publican prosperity is a sort of will o
tho wisp If a common mortal was suc
cessful in making ff0000 a year ho
would And it impossible to shout calam
ity regardless of tho olltical or other
conditions of the country
Tho population of Franco has In
creased but by 111100000 slnco lbfiO
Duringthe name period the population
of tho United States has increnHed by
about 511000000 Germany has in
creased 21000000 and England 1-1000-000
Tho Kronen peoplo may bo qualified
to ot the styles lor fine raiment and
nwiy know how to Havo a good time but
it is evident that if tho worldH popula
tion depends on them it is in a sorry
Ono mans cnrelewuir in Kansas
woe the cans of n fire that burned ovtr
15000 acres of wheat fields and de
stroyed XX000 buBhela of tho grain re
cently Tho action of tho man was
simple he merely tossed a lighted cigar
stub in a field of dry stubble but the
lose occasioned to the farmors and the
wheat consumers wos immense Ho
would have shown much greater wis
dom by throwing his stub in a hogs
head of giant powder
The news that n competitor of tho
Standard Oil company lias incorporated
in Nebraska will bo pleaeing intelli
gence to the people of the state No
one i particularly anxious to be boiled
in eil at just this season of the year
but there is a time coming when oil
stove and lights will be desirable then
it will not be an unpleasant sensation to
realize that the required fuel may bo
obtained without paying tho price dic
tated altogether by one octopus
It is said that tho women of tho east
are acquiring the cigarette habit quite
generally The cigarette habit has been
so succcMfully debased by tho public
that men except somewise youngsters
aro passing it up in a large degree It
hau been paid that when women btart to
go down they go lower than tho men
but it was not expected by those who
fight the cignrett that it wowlA ftafi
champions among the women of the
country It is to be hoped that tho
practice will be confined to tho women
of tho cast
1 Sterling Morton advises just what
tho Madison county commissioners havo
boon doing to a large extotit when he
says In every county in Nobraskn
tho commissioners should build tho best
bridges They nio tho cheapest The
oulvert mndo of vitrified brick or of
iron sower pipes should bo placed in
stead of bridgos where a gulch is
crossed in which no water courso flows
In Nohratkn City there is a steel bridge
which has been in constant use night
and day for thirty year It is tho best
and cheapest bridge Otoo county ever
Uncle Sam Is going to be assured that
American manufactures intended for
export shall bo of the best and has de
cided to brand dairy product No
doubt with this sort of procedure
American products in Europe would
soon win the place that foreign import
to this country aro accorded If an
American wants to buy something espec
ially fine in certain products he invari
ably asks for tho imported article As
foreigners excel in tome particulars
Americans exoel in other and it should
be the desire of all Americans that cer
tain exports are kept nt a high stand
Some of tho newspapers aro energet
ically bmldiug railways and extensions
since tho management of some of the
roads have boon chauged Particular
interest is shown in prospective lines in
the southern part of Sonth Dakota the
Black Hills north Nebraska and Pncifio
connections Time has demonstrated
that while tho nowBpnper railroads may
prove interesting reading to some people
tho real building is only done when the
railroad management takes a hand
The Yankton Norfolk and South
western has been built many times by
the newspapers but not a rail has been
Tho south wiud which prevailed to
day was qmto an earnest reminder of
tho disastrous hot wiuds of sovoral years
ago whon all vegetation was shrivelled
to a orisp but tho conditions aro alto
gether dilleront That year thero was
a frost late in May to iujuro vegetation
aud no niin followed it aud none to
spoak of fell during tho entire summer
Up to tho present tune this year there
has boon nil nbumlanco and sometimes a
superfluity of rniu so thnt it would re
quiro a week or more of hot dry w inds
to destroy prospects of a corn crop
Tho small grain crop is out of tho v uy
of dry weathor
Tho lloldrego Progress believes that
town would soon havo a population of
10000 if tho peoplo living in and about
tho placo would destroy all of their
catalogues kill off tho peddlers and
supiort tho homo merchants Tho
Progress certainly has the right idea of
tho matter There are two many jkt
sons in the west who while they are
over ready to bo Jealous of tho wealth
and advancement of tho east improve
every opportunity to send a shore of
their incomo to bwcII tho coffers of
eastern merchants and tliink because
they save a few cents they aro doing
their wholo duty to their family their
nejgborhood and thpir state Tho west
will not realize its full development
until every opportunity for keeping its
money In tho west Ib employed The
development nnd patronage of western
manufactories as well as of merchants
will aid in this work
Many of thosp who enjoy fishing nnd
hunting aro taking out licenses in ac
cordance with tho new stato lnw The
license fee for residents of the state is
f 1 nnd for non residents flO per year
Blank licenses are furnished tho county
clerks Ono provision of the law is
thnt nil guns ammunition dogs blinds
and decoys and any apd all fishing
tackle in actual use by persons hunting
or fishing without a license shall be
forfeited to the state This provision
is a strong argument for a license and
few care to incur the risk Thoec who
use other than a hook and line in catch
ing fish also incur a great risk the
law providing that every net seine
trap explosive poisonous or stupefying
substance or device use or intended for
use in taking or killing game or fish in
violation of this act is declared a
public nuisance and may be abated and
summarily destroyed by any person
August 0 will bo a lively day in Okla
homa the president having est that
date for the opening of the Wichita
Commanche Kiowa and Apache Indian
reservations A drawing will be held
at El Reno ou the iiOth instant to decide
in what order registered applicant
will be allowed to enter lands The
government is certainly entitled to
credit for an effort to prevent the un
seemly ruBh that has characterized the
opening of other reservations when the
weak and feeble often more deserving
of a claim had no show with the swift
and strong Fault will probably be
found with tho method to bo pursued
but any method would bo criticised
where something is given away for
nothing and the government is the
giver A person contemplating making
an entry must be prepared for disap
pointments as all cannot secure land
A sure way to guard against disappoint
ment would bo to invest in tome of Ne
braskas fertile lands These you can
be certain to get if you pay the very
moderate price asked and you may rest
assured of its enpacity to produoe
An interesting program is being pre
pared for the summer meeting of tho
State Horticultural socioty with ad
dresses by Gifford Piuchot of tho United
States forestry department William
Hall superintendent of the Nebraska
forestry survey F H Newell hydro
grapher of tho United States service
Governor Savage and Ex Secretary of
Agriculture J Sterling Morton This
meeting should not ouly be largely at
tended by those interested in horticul
ture and forestry but by those deter
mined to profit by the suggestions and
who will make great strides toward the
development of tree growth in Nebraska
The state once a practically troele
prairie has blossomed out wonderfully
in lovely groves beautiful Held and
splendid lawns and gardens but very
much remains to be done in this direc
tion and the ambition of Nebraska
people should be to develop the state
until it becomes one of the moit beauti
ful regions from the viewpoint of an
artist or lover of trees aad scenery that
the country can produce It can be
done and every resident should be will
ing and ready to do his share
The Fourth of July of the Stanton
Picket editor recalled the prophecy
made a short time ago by the democratic
leader and ho calls Mr Bryans atten
tion to it in the following Ah there
Colonel Bryan did you hear the
anvils booming this morning Did you
see the flags and bunting waving hear
the patriotic speeches see the men of
our nation as they tipped their hats to
old glory and the small boy as he viod
with all other Binall boys in making a
noiee and doing all in his power to
make Independence day 1001 asuccess
Did yon see womeu wives mothers
and maidens note their contented and
happy expressions If you did not
then where were your eyes and ears
If you did and you did did yon stop
and consider that expression you made
less than a year ago about Fourth of
July celobratious being abandoned pro-
ided McKinley wns ro okctod When
thinking of it didnt it make yon feel
liko thirty cents Stand up Colonel
Bryan wipe your shoes on tho door
mat and step out on the carpot Let
tho peoplo look at you that they may
know what sort of specimon n faUo
political prophet really is Then you
had bettor creep into your shell put a
padlock on your talking machino and
An Original Deluultrr
Tho confession uud story of tho de
faulting treasurer of Kearuty conuty
Alfred Norlin is about tho most sensa
tional thing thut has happened in tho
stnto for some years nnd is easily the
peer of anything in tho defaulting line
tho commonwealth has ever known His
crime and ingenious method of cover
ing might with very little alteration
be converted into n dime novel Story
that would eclipso anything of the
Dlnmond Dick of Swamprat Bill
Tho story is full of beautiful mornU
that should deter any offlclnljor employe
from endeavoring to follow Norlin
scheme He was an honored and re
spected young man vflth so mnny
friends that it was considered he had a
sini cure nnd could bo ekcted to the
position he occupied ns often as he
wished Liko many other men hand
ling large sums of other peoples money
he wns tempted to speculate and when
his speculations had led him so far
WTong that ho considered reparation
impossible he concluded to make a
thorough job stole a largo sum and
conceived the idea of protecting himBelf
with a burglary and Are story It wan
early discovered however that his
story didnt connect well The main
particulars nppenred to be all right but
there were details that lookt d wonder
fully KusplcipuB and suggestive of crime
Tho investigation started finally re
sulted in the guilty man confessing his
crime nnd the ricovery of a portion of
the money which had been taken
NorlinB crime is not let b deplorable
because he has been prominent in church
and Sunday school work active in the
interests of temperance a trusted mem
ber of the Knight of Pythias and the
Royal Highlanders and last but not
least a fuiionist Most defaulters have
been content with the simple process of
looting without adding attempted
arson and Belf inflicted wounds to sus
tain a story of burglary but Norlin
eonis to have been intent on doing
something original and complicated
He will undoubtedly suffer exceedingly
for his crime most defaulters do es
pecially when they have bees so high
in public esteem and in one night have
fallen bo low
In view of this common lot of de
faulters it is astonishing that men
should continue to steal when they have
been honored by their constituents with
a high office and position of trust
Few escape in this day and age for
such crimes If they do manage to
evade the punishment of tho law by a
technicality they seldom if ever escape
public condemnation and social ostra
cism Friends and acquaintances shun
them and they are considered criminals
though they may not have submitted to
penal servitude in fact the sympathy
of the people Is stronger far those who
manfully submit to a deserved and
legal punishment than for those who
escape Nevertheless whether a man
is lawfully punished or not thero is
always a stain on his character that he
would undoubtedly give many times
the value of his loot to have removed
The story of the Kearney county de
faulter is nn nrgument for honesty thnt
should have more effect than r whole
library of sermons
Emperor William and Other Rulers
Send Messages of Sympathy
Berlin July 8 In a telegram to the
members of the family Emperor Will
iam has expressed his deepest sympa
thy In the death of Prince von Hohen
lohe Messages of sympathy have also
been received from a number of other
crowned heads including one from
Emperor Nicholas Professor Ernst of
Zurich has embalmed the body which
will be removed Tuesday to Schilllng
fuerst Bavaria Two sons of tho
former imperial chancellor his daugh
ters a son-in-law and several grand
children have arrived in Ragatz Swit
zerland where he died
London July 8 By far tho most
interesting comment upon the career
of Prince von Hohenloho many col
umns of which appear in tho London
papers are those of the Times whose
PariB correspondent M de Blowlts
makes Important revelations regard
ing the dead statesman Among many
confidential letters and conversations
attributed to him while imperial chan
cellor Is the following summury of his
estimate of Emperor William
His greatest falling Is that bo does
not think there are nny limits to his
will It is almost impossible to tell
beforehand where ho will be and
what he will do It often happens
that weeks pass without my seeing
him Then he suddenly nppeare nnd
I am amazed at his knowledge of tho
dutails of what is going on
Regarding Emperor Williams fa
mous telegram to Mr Krugor at tho
time of tho Jnmeson raid Priuce von
Hohenloho said
If tho emperor had known that
Jameson had so many sons of re
spectable English families with him
bo would not havo sent tho telegram
Ho thought Jameson had only filibus
ters with him and that it was an act
of brigandage
CumminB Wins In Occeola
Sibley la July 8 Tho Osceola
county Ropublican convention adopt
ed a resolution Instructing tho dele
gates to tho state convention to sup
port A B Cummins for governor and
Edward C Brown for railway commis
Fitzgerald Dies of His Injuries
Milwaukee July 8 W E Fitzger
ald ono of tho officers of tho American
Shipbuilding company was fatally In
jured by an explosion of acetclyno
gas at his summer homo at Lake Nago
wicka late Saturday night and died
System of Inspection to Be
Uncle Sam Will Inspect Butter and
Similar Products for Export and
Certify to Their Excellence Inten
tion Is to Protect All Parties
Washington July 8 Tho agricult
ural appropriation act for tho current
fiscal year authorizes tho secretary of
agriculture in his discretion to apply
the law for the Inspection and brand
ing of live cattle and products to dairy
products Intended for exportation
the purpose being to enable American
exporters of dairy products to glvo
foreign buyers tho assurance of ccr i
tlficntion by tho government of the
United States of tho purity quality
nnd grado of dairy products
Secretary Wilson has decided to
exercise the nuthorlty conferred on
him by estnbllshing In tho customs
districts of Boston New York Chlcngo
and San Francisco a system of Inspec
tion of dairy products and have ex
perts In those departments gather In- J
formation by tho means of which
regulations mny be- drafted
A beginning will bo mndo in a small
Wny with view ot bringing about a
prnctical and honest system by which
all parties may be properly protected
It Is stated at tho department that It
Is nrnhhlr hat at nn nnrlv ilntn thn
owners or shippers of products for ex
port may upon application have tho
goods marked and certified as to pur
ity and quality provided they are
above tho minimum grade
Held Many Largely Attended Meetings
at Cincinnati
Cincinnati July 8 The Endeavor
er made Sunday a busy day From
morning till evening nnd during almost
every hour of the day there were ser
vices going on in some part of tho
Tho day opened with two quiet hour
meetings of ono hour each held in
three of the largest of the citys
churches and conducted by the Revs
Floyd W Tompkins Philadelphia and
Cornelius Wolfkin Brooklyn
The various pulpits about the city
were occupied during the rest of the
morning by visiting ministers whose
subjects were Twenty Years of Chris
tian Endeavors The attendance at
these meetings was large and espe
cially so at St Pauls Methodist Epis
copal church where the Rev Charles
M Sheldon of Topcka spoke
The afternoon was devoted to three
simultaneous evangelistic meetings in
the Music Hall auditorium These
meetings were classified for men
women and children The attendance
at nil were large and considerable
evangelistic work was accomplishes
especially at the mens meeting In
the auditorium This meeting was to
havo been conducted by Rev Chap
man of New York and in his absence
n representative of the laity William
Phillips Hall of New York City con
ducted it
Hopeless Chase for Montana Train
Anaconda Mon July 8 Special
dispatches from a staff correspondent
of the Anaconda Standard on the
ground are to the effect that there is
now little hope of the sheriffs posse
ovortaking the men who held up the
Great Northern express train at Wag
ner Mon last Wednesday The cor
respondent has just returned from
the section of the counti where tho
posses were expected to overtake the
robbers His account is that the pur
suer have been outwitted and that
tho robbers have eluded them
Educators Assembling st Detroit
Detroit July 8 The lobby of tho
Hotel Cadillac which is headquarters
for the 40th annual convention of the
National Educational association 1b
crowded with prominent educators
who havo come from all parts of tho
country to attend the meetings The
first general session of the associa
tion in tho Light Guard armory will
not be held until tomorrow afternoon
but tho convention opened today with
sessions of the national council of edu
cation and the Indian education de
Cubans Making Slow Progress
Havana July 8 Tho Cuban const
tutional convention has not yet ar
rived at an understanding regarding
the electoral law Tho conservatives
are quite hopeless with respect to the
rescinding of the universal suffrage
clause and they aro now endeavoring
to secure a plural vote for property
holders and for professional and busi
ness men In this they aro strongly
opposed by the radicals
Forest Fire In Colorado
Buena Vista Colo July 8 A forest
fire southwest of heio has destroyed
many thousands of dollars worth of
valuablo timber Tho mining camp
of Pine Is In tho path of tho fire and
Is in danger of being wiped out It
Is lmpqsslblo to got any definite news
from thero except that the fire Is still
burning and spreading rapidly
Prisoners Steal Sheriffs Horse
Dickinson N D July 8 Six prls
oners broke out of tho county jail
early yesterday stolo horsos nmi rni
off Among tho horses taken was ope
bolonglng to tho sheriff McDonald
and Hummel two notorious cattle
thieves were amoug tho fugitives
Every possible effort is being made
to effect their capture
Chief of Elkhorn Roads Special Serv
Ice Surprises Gang
California Junction la July 8
Train robbers were surprised at their
work near California Junction at mid
night Fred M linns tho special Fre
mont Elkhorn and Missouri Valley
representative surprised tho gang nnd
captured two of them and recovered
a largo quantity of merchandlso that
tho gnng had thrown from tho train
One of tho men later escaped from
Hans after several shotB were ex
changed The remaining robber Is an
Omaha mnn Dick Lntty
The companys tralnB have been
looted frequently of late of valuablo
merchandise between California Junc
tion nnd the Mlseourl river bridge
Tho captured robbers skiff was found
In the river nenr where tho stolen
goodB were found and he admitted
that he expected to remove It to tho
boat float it down to Omaha and sell
Hans wns on the train when a brake
man rushed In and told him robbers
were throwing boxes of merchandise
from the cars Hnns sprang from tho
trnln while it was going at full speed
hid In the grass until the robbers left
the train and came bnck lo remove
tho stuff Then ho sprang out and con
fronted tho two men Thov made lit
tle reslstnnce when told to throw up
their hands under tho gun They were
marched up the track until tho point
was reached when the stuff was found
scattered along the track Then ono
of the robbers suddenly sprang into
the underbrush Hans fired several
shots at the escaping man but was
forced to turp his attention to tho
other prisoner to prevent his escape
The remaining prisoner was
He was taken to Logan la and
Jailed jj
Chicago Car is Split by a Trolley Pole
and Six Passengers Are Hurt
Chicago July 8 The derailing of a
Milwaukee avenue trolley car yester
day which was loaded with a picnlo
party caused a panic among tho pas
sengers of whom six were seriously
injured The car when It jumped the
track crashed into a trolley polo In
I the center of the street and was split
In two The passengers were thrown
to the street in a heap and half of
the car toppled over on top of them
Kansas Liquor Law Unconstitutional
Fort Scott Kan July 8 A Jury of
the most prominent business men of
Fort Scott was just four minutes In
j finding one of the states new liquor
laws passed as a result of Mrs Na
tions crusade unconstitutional It
was the inquisition law which author-
izes county attorneys to summon and
examine witnesses touching their
knowledge of the violation of the law
Daniel F Campbell an attorney who
was summoned refused to testify and
was arrested The jury acquitted
him though he admitted the charge
Mexicos Sensational Case
Mexico City July 8 The arrest
and Imprisonment incommunicado of
Father Icasa a parish priest of tho
church of Santa Calarina has created
a profound sensation He is accused
of grave crimes against women and
his accusers are the husband of ono
of the women and Sonor Terazas onco
editor of a fanatical ultra religious
clerical paper The case will be tried
before Judge Perez Leon Del Vallo
and will be a great judicial event of
the ear-
Three More Wreck Victims Die
Berlin July 8 In addition to Will-
ioiii ouuili uuu j ii renon newB ol
i whose death has already been cabled
Joiin waldson William Waldson and
John Smith have succumbed to In
juries received in the accident to tho
train bearing Barnum Baileys cir-
cus at Beuthen upper Silesia David
Adam George Illart Stephen Brott
j Leo Bene and C H Thum who aro the
injured He in a dangerous condition
at the hospital at Beuthen
Kills Wife 9hoots Himself
New York Jlllv 8 Edward Tifc r
I 43 years of age a bookmaker on the
eastern race tracks killed his wife
i by shooting her in tho head last even-
lng after she had
i taken refugo on a
fire escape Then ho shot himself
uozens or pedestrians on Park ave
nue opposite the house whero tho
Luthys lived saw the woman killed
and saw her body fall from ono land
ing of the fire escape to the one be
S W Allerton and associates are to
build a packing plant at Plttsburs
General Bollalmlno and hlB Filipino
force surrendered to Colonel Wurt
at Legaspl
Advance Guard won tho Great West
ern stakes at Washington park Satur
day Robert Waddell finishing Bixth
John Garner a farmer near Ma
delrn Ills shot and killed his wife
ehot his mother-in-law breaking her
leg nnd killed himself
Tho European squadron Is to bo re
established with Rear Admiral
i nun m cummanu Tlio cruiser Chi
cago is to bo tho flagship
I Tho cup defender Constitution won
the yacht raco at Newport Saturday
I against tho Independence and tho Co-
uuuiu mo inner llnlshlng in Bccond
Three thousand residents of Bloom
ngton Ills indulged in tho annual
fishing festival Saturday at Ialto Mil
ler a threo nero body of water In
v u ubuing is permitted nt other
With oratory music and flroworka
tho members of tho An- lent Order of
Hibernians of New York liroiio ground
I Thursday for tho new 250000 Hiber
nian hall which is to ho erected at
I One Hundred and Sixteenth street and
Fifth avenue