Jo i t r i i i i 12 an rai its Takes First Step Toward Ter minating Freight Slashing 7 WITHDRAWS ITS CUT SCHEDULE Chicago Great Western Still Is tha Disturbing Factor but Other Roads All Seem Likely to Enter Irrto an Agreement Without Difficulty Chlengo July 12 Tho Atchlmm To pokn nnd Biuitn Vo lliillwiiy company yoflUmlny ofllclnlly iinnoiincuri that tho cut rntirs flcliuiluloil to go Into offoct on tho ChlcnKO MlHBourl river illvliilon of Itn Myntuui Imil liooh withdrawn KoRiilar rntoa woro roRtornd inl no tlccB to thin offoct woro toloRraiibcd to tho tirlnclpal nRuntn In tho torrltory ftffoctud ThlB In thu flrat dollntlo tiiova to ond tho jvcBtom frylRht rato wnr which hnw boon llerco ono whllo It lifHted Tho ruling llnttirlmncji throat cnod tho IlirnhiRM of 2G roiulii nnd brought forth ntroni roinoiiHlrnnco from onutorn flimneliil and ImnUlug IntoroHtfl At tho meotlnir of tho woHtorn trunk lhro commlttjto today It In pxpcctcd an ugrooinont to maintain ratcBwll bo intulo nnd n working nlnn for n physical dtvlslon of trafllo at all compotltlvo points laid out Tho only road In doubt Is tho Chica go Gront WoBturn and tho Indication aro that It will contlnuo to oporato on an Independent baHlfl The road according to trnfflc officials la enti tled to 2 Rr cent of all IiuhIiipbh at full rates whllo It nnkn 8 per cent JuBt now It lit gottlng 16 por cent of tho buflltiOBB at cut rates KANSAS CORN A FAILURE Reports Received at Topeka Indloato Less Than Half a Crop Topokn Kim July 12 Tho wind tons been n trlflorfreahcr than uuual blowing at tho rate of 20 nillea an hour yot It was bo dry that It had a blighting offoct on tho crops and corn iu in much wordo condition than yes terday Ileporta received Jioro Indi cate thnt In no ciunty In tho Btnto aro tho crops dnningoil Iobb than 50 por cent In many counjtios much mora Uinn BO por cent would bo nocoHBary to cover tho estimated dnmnRO Bourbon Allen Franklin and Mliunl cnuntloB report almoBt n total Iobb of tho corn crop Alfalfa Ib being tho only product standing tho dry period well It is gonorally concedod that this la tho worst drought since 1850 In Knnsna but It will not entail nearly so much Buffering ns In past years MERCURY DROPS TO 101 Hot Winds the Worst Featuro of the Heat In Nebraska Lincoln July 12 Tho maximum tomporaturo for Lincoln and the south ern half of Nobraakn droppod two de grees yesterday to 101 Tho hot wlndB contlnuo howovor and tho drought Is still on At lleavor City yesterday was tho 18th successive day that tho temperature has been 100 do grccs or over Four of a water famlno exists In many towns At St Paul tho Hurllugton depot was burned be cause thorn was no water to fight tho llnines Near Ilattamouth sparka from tho onglno ignited a stock car and 24 horses were burned to death Near Nebraska City sparks fell iu a wheat field and tho eutiro crop In shock was burned Record Weather In St Louis St Louis July 12 Tho mercury In tho weather bureau office began its upward Journey early yesterday and at fi oclock In the afternoon became sta tionary at the 101 mark This equals Wednesdays record and la the highest point reached In 20 years with ono ex ception On tho streets it was several degrees hotter and ns tho humidity was much moro pronounced than for several days tho heat was well nigh Jntolernblo Ono denth and a dozen prostrations woro reported Jackson Instructs for Cummins Des Moines July 12 Tho Jackson county Republican convention In structed for Cummins for govornor Tho Howard county convention In structed for Trowln ns first choice and Cuuuulns second choice Tho Monona county Republican convention named nn unlnstruotod dologallou to tho stato convention Omaha Girt Ends Her Life Omaha July 12 Nelllo Doody a wnltress posted strips of paper over tho keyholes of tho doors in her room at tho Midland hotel nnd then turned on tho gas She was drad when found Sbo left two letters which indi cate disappointment In lovo affairs and disagreement with hor mother On the Grave of His Wife Nebraska City Nob July 1 Christopher Anderson nn old resi dent of iils city who moved to Lin coln about two years ago shot him self yesterday upon the gravo of his wlfo in Wyuka cemetery In this city The physician states that tho man can live but a few hours Run on Cleveland Bank Cleveland July 12 The United Banking and Savings company kept Its doors open nearly all night in or der to permit anxious depositors to witnaraw tuelr money All demands were promptly mot and tho officials of tho bank declared they were pro pared for any emergency Third Day of Extreme Heat Des Moines July 12 For the third buccobsIvo day tho maximum yester day was 101 breaking tho record for continued extremo heat Blnco the es tablishment of the weather office hero fin 1872 The hot wind has moderated f V i HEAVY DYNAMITE EXPLOSION Two Workmen Torn Into Fragments and Many Dulldlngs Damaged Dnnvor July 12 -A magazine of dynamite located near tho Grant smelter exploded yesterday morning killing two men and Injuring several otliera Tho dead aro Domonlco Muto nnd Tony West Thona two men were In tho mngiv zlno getting a supply of dynamite to use for blnstlug when tho explosion occurred They wero blown to plccofl nnd the fragments of their bodies strewn over tho prairie for hundreds of ynrds Other men working In tho vicinity woro thrown to tho ground and stunned Tho shock was folt a tulle away All tho windows In tho neighborhood woro smashed and tho wlnilowH In tho Union Stock Ynrda bank fully n quarter of a mllo nwny were sliatlerod Tho damage 1 cstl mated ill 5000 Tho killed and Injured woro em ployed In preparing slag from tho smelter to be used for ballasting on tho Hurllugton and Missouri railroad Tlie explosion In believed to havo been caused by tho terrific heat PET FROG AND DYNAMITE They Figure In Peculiar Accident at Albany In Which Child Is Killed Albany Mo July 12--An accident In which threo children a pot frog and some dynamite figured resulted In ono death two noraona sorlously Injured nnd part of a dwolllng demol ished Tho throe children of- Qeorga McCurry a prominent contractor found dytinmltn In tho collar of their homo and thinking It was putty fed It to their pot frog The pieces of ijynnmlto resembled insects and tho frog nto thorn A largo tool chest foil on tho frog and exploded the dynnmlto which had boon eaten A chisel plorcod tho temple of tho youngest child and killed him Another child and Mrs McCurry In tho kltchon nbovo woro Borlously hurt and that part of the house was wrecked Baseball Scores Yesterday National League Clnclnnnatl 4 Brooklyn 5 Chicago 3 Philadelphia 4 Pittsburg 5 Boston 0 American League Milwaukee 1 Chicago C Cleveland 0 Detroit 1 Washing ton 2 Baltimore fi Iloston 4 Phila delphia 1 Western League Omaha 2 Minneapolis 7 Dob Moines 9 St Paul G St Joseph 8 Colorado Springs G Kansas City 1 Donvor12 Death of Mrs A B Paine Fort Scott Kan July 12 Mrs Al bort Hlgelow Paine wlfo of tho woll known writer died horo yesterday CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Record of the Day3 Trading and Clos ing Quotations Chicago July 11 course grains woro again active ami higher today September corn enuring MSl He hlgherX nnd oatH a hluhet Wlllltt Wllrt tlrm In uvmuntliv 11 ctirii anil outs mid September closed a Ku Mime iioviHions were ami mid cloned uiieliniiRud to Oe higher Closing prices Wheat Sept OTXc Pec 0Vc Corn Sept 51 Kc Outs Sept uic 1oiU -Sept 111 Oct 1113 Itlhs Sept 7714 Oct 71X1 Inril Sepl S7j Oct 815 Cllsh IIIIOtlltllHIS N mil tvlmnt ft O tlVc No II led wheat Eiyidlc No it spiliig old wheat tUditMc No 1 luiril wheat Hie No It hard wheat Ulc No J easli i nrii llJJ lV No 3 new yellow corn ISfi IMe No L cash oats nsIUe u o wiiiiu ous Mtydhic Chicago Live Stock Chicago July 8 WX Including 100 Tomiiis steers general ly slow butchers block steady for choice others slow good to prime steers ilft 110 poor to medium JIUKVltfilM stockcrs and feeders slow cows i I r0 heifers eanners 0Ofl 1IIO hulls slow calves choice strong others steady Texas steers lULtyjitta Tonus bulls fLMiOgtMO Hogs- Itccclpts tojliy 13000 tomorrow irliK estimated left over lOO active riUle hlgheicllosgn 5iil0c higher closing strong top 030 mixed and butchers r8 i5jlT good to choice heavy ll 0mi73i rough heavy light rS0i13 hulk of sales l00flJ15 Sheep 10000 10c higher lambs yn higher Colorado shorn lambs up Co Sarj spring lambs up to 000 good to choice wethers JXOOijJ L 10 fair to choice mixed iJxjm00 wetern sheep ilWfi M0 yearlings MbO native lambs 375iit00 western lambs iso5ir Kansas City Live Stock Kansas City July 8000 natives UUOO Texans l OO calves generally lower diessed beef steyrs 500 UI570 fair to good prime stoekers mid feeders WAOn LM western fed steers tJ5iX Texans and Indians 38ftiMJi Texas steers SitOOfilTV cows 75tf450 heifers i0iW00 bulls 2S0I4D0i calves i504t 175 Ilogs Hecelpts LMlHW active 5M1UV higher top tlJHii hulk of sales 585atlOO heuvy 00001 mixed packers 580iltj 00 light 57O5t5S0 pigs V0fOi0 Sherp ltecelpts aWWj strong iu iuc uigiier laiuns j4iiiQiar wethers i UJQIIIK yeui lings UHtf4 IO ewes 3 0utlH culls fj00gnou Texas grass oheep iJ5g380 South Omaha Live Stock South Omaha July ll Cattle Receipts 2l steady native beef steers 44l3 080 western uteers 4004J41H Texas steers trVu4n0 cows ami heifers 300 4M30 cumiers 150Q300 stoekers and feeders 3J33M0 calves 3003500 hulls stHgsSte JJ324J5 8100 0l0o higher heavy 5IJH diiXM mixed 5000502 light 385f S0JK Pigs 500fi0b0 bulk of sales 5lKitOl3 Htioep Uceelpts 1300 nctlve Btronger wethers 3J337S ewes 275 Itii0 common and stock sheep 2753 340 lambs 400025 St Joseph Live Stock St Joseph July 1 273 10l0e lower natives 400fi550 cows and heifers J0g480 veals 3J3 51050 bulls and stags 10ft4S3 stoekers and feeders 2 75430 lings Receipts 8181 mostly 5ti7Vjc higher light and light mixed 70ti8i iiieillum and heavy 575fiU12h bulk 5 77ViG5SVJMi pigs 400u300 Sheep Receipts 758 strong Ijo 10c higher lambs 400Q3 Sioux City Live Stock Sioux City July 800 steady beeves t50Q500 cows ana bulls mixed J50g400 stoekers and feoj ers 32521400 calves and yearllags 30K 3i415 Uogs ltecelpts 2000 7Wc higher closed weaker selling at 5773305 bulk 1 4587 m i t 4Uitijk THE NORFOLK NEWS KIUDAY JULY 12 1901 Clonit Artvlcn Tho most mirtorablb boinn in the world aro Uioho sutroring from Dys popsianud LlvorOomplatut Morn than sovonty llvo jwr cent of tho people iu tho United 9tutos are nflllcted with these two disoasns and their o Heels suoh ns Hour Stomnoh Slok Uoadaoho Habitual OoHttvonesfl Palpitation of tho Heart Hoart burn Wntorbmsh Onawing nnd Hnrnltig Pains nt tho Pit of tho Stomach Yellow Skin Ooatod Tongue nnd JDlsa greenble Tnsto in tho Mouth Coming up ot Food after KatiuR Low Spirits etc Go to your Druggist nnd got a bottle of August Flower for 75 conts Two lows will relievo you Try it Got Greens Prize Alumnae Klesau Drug Co Unlocks tho gatos of happiness mnkns the muslo nnd saws tho wood lifts ono up in tho snushiuo of life ThatH what Hooky Mountain Ton will do O H Ohristoph When you want a modorn physic try Ohamborlaius Stomach and Liver Tablets Thoy aro oasy to tako and pleasant iu effect Price Samples f roo at Kiosaus drag store C during last May an infant ohlld of our neighbor wan suffering from cholera infantum Tho doctors hacf givon up all hopes of rocovory I took a bottlo of OnntnberlninB Colic Cholera nnd Diar rhooa llomedy to tho houso tollllitr thoui I feltsure it would do good If used accordiig dirootloiiH Iu two days time tho child had fully recovered The ohlld is uow vigorous and healthy I havo rconimoudod this romedy fre quently and havo nover known it to fall Mrs Guftis Baker Bookwaltor Ohio Sold by Klosna Drug Oo YnuTnka NnOhniico When You Iluy Iteotnl for tho piles Wo will refund the full pnrohaso price if it falls to oure A pllo pipo free with each package Sam plos free Kiosau Drag Co Sole Agents Dr Geo Ewlng a practicing physi cian of Smiths Grove Ky for over thirty yoars writos his personal experi ence with Foleys Kidney Oure For years I have beon greatly bothered with kidnoy trouble aud enlarged postrate gland I used everything known to thu profession without relief until I was in duced to use Foleys Kidney Ouro After using threo bottles I was outiroly relieved aud oared I prcscribo it now daily iu my practice uud heartily recom mend its uso to all physioiaus for such troubles for I can honestly stato I hnvo prescribed It in hundreds of cases with perfect success A H Kiesau Thoa W Carter of Ashboro N 0 had kidnoy troublo and one bottlo of Foleys Kidney Care effected a perfect onro nnd ho says there is no remedy that will compare with it A H Kie sau She Didnt Wear u Mask But hor beauty was completely hid don by sores blotches and pimples till she UBOd Bucklens Aruica Salve Thou thoy vanished as will nil eruptions fever sores bolls ulcors carbuncles and folous from Us uso Infallible for cuts corns burus scalds and piles Cure guaranteed 25c at A H Kiesau Thellett Itemeilr for Staiiiuch aud Howel Troubles I have been iu the drag business for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note Among the outire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlains Colic Oholora nnd Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles says O W Wakefield of Columbus Ga This romedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recom mended nnd sold hundreds of bottlos of it to mv customers to their entire satis faction It atlords a quick ana sure cure in n pleasant form For sale by Kiesau Drug Co It Dazzles the World No discovery in medicine lias ever created ono qunrtor of the excitement that has boon caused by Dr Kings Now Discovery for consumption Its severest tests have been on hopeless victims of consumption pneumonia hemorrhage pleurisy aud bronchitis thousands of whom it has restored to perfoct health For coughs colds asthma croup hay fover hoarseness and whooping cough it is tho quickest surest cure in tho world It Is sold by A H Kiosau who guarantees satisfac tion orrefuuds money Large bottles COc and 100 Trial bottles free Ilerlol Is lleiuedy With a Record Its record is 98 por cont of permanent cures If you have tho piles try it Its free if it falls to cure you Samples froe Kiosau Drag Co Solo Agents Krauses Headache Capsules wore the first headache capsules put on tho market Their immediate success resulted iu a host of imitations contain iug autipyrine choral morphine aud other injurious drags purporting to be jriBt as good Avoid those imitifcious and Insist ou your having Krausos whioh speedily oure the most severe cases aud leave no bad after effects Price J5o Sold by Geo B Ohristoph Its Free If It Falls to Cure Rectol tho great pile oare A pile plpo free with eaou packago We sell it under a positive wrttton guarantee No cure no pay 50 cents Samples freo Kiosau Drug Co Sole Agents It you Have Heudarhes dont experiment with alleged cares Buy Krausea Headache Capsules which will cure any headaohe iu half au hour no matter what causes it Price 25o Sold by Goo B Ohristoph The greatest healer of modern times is Banner Salve for cuts wouuas sores piles and all skin diseases It is guar auteod Use no substitute A H Kie sau Puta light in the eyo tints the oheeks with natures vermllllon looseua tho tension of life brushes cobwebs from your brain Thats what Rocky Mount ain Tea does 85o G B Ohristoph A Qood Cough Medicine Many thousauda have beon restored to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlains Coagh Remedy If atllicted with auy throat or luug trouble give It a trial for It is certain to prove beneficial Coaghs that have resisted all other treatment for years have yielded to this remedy aud perfoot health been restored Oases that seemed hopeless that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit have been permanently cared by its ase For sale by Kiesau Drag Co A Oooil Till tiff Gorman Syrup is tho special proscrip tion of Dr A Bosohoo a colobratod Gor inau Plivfllcian and is acknowledged to bo ono of tho most fortunate discov eries in Medicines It quiokly cures Coughs Colds and nil Lung troubloa of tho severest nature removing a it does tho cause of tho affection and leaving tho parts in n strong and healthy con dition It is not an exporimontal medl clno but has stood tho tost of years giving satisfaction iu ovory coso whioh its rnpidly inoroaRing salo ovory soason confirms Two million bottlos sold an nually Bosohoos Gorman Syrup wan introducod in tho Utiited Statoa in 1808 ami is now sold in every town nnd vil lage in tho civilized world Throo doses will rollovo any ordinary cough Prioo 75 cts Got Groons Prizo Almanac Klosnu Drug Co Colds Melt Away - if you uso Krausos Cold Ouro Pro parod in convoniont capsulo form they are easy to takoand offoct a spoody cure of tho moit obstinate casos Priod 25o Sojd by Geo B Onristoph A Sprained Ankljiilokly Cured At ono time I suffered from a Bovero sprain of tho ankle saya Goo E Gary editor of tho Guido Washington Va Aftor ysing several woll reconinioudod medicines without success I tried OhamburlnlnH Pain Balm and am ploasod to say that rollef oamo as soon as I began its mseand a complete onro spoodily followed Sold by Kiesau Drug Co J Solouco has found that rheumatism 1b caused by uric acid iu tho blood This poison should bo oxoroted by the kid neys Foleys Kidnoy Oure always makes thorn well A H Kiesau A Poor Millionaire Lately starved in London becauso he could not digest his food Early use of Dr Kings Nsw Life Pills woald havo savod him They strengthen the stom ach aid digostlon promote assimilation improve appotlto Price 23a back ff not satisfied Sold by Kiesau Druggist Mouey A H Jaa Q Amhertof Delia O writes I had au obstinate soro on my face which everything elso failed to heal After one application of Banner Salve it began to heal and after three appllca tions It was entirely healed leaving no scar A H Kiesau Heartburn When tho quantity of food taken ia too large or the quality too rioh heart burn is likely to follow and especially so if tho digestion has been weakened by constipation Eat slowly and not too freoly of easily digested food Masti cate tho food thoroughly Let six hours elapse betwoeu meals and when you feel a fullness aud woight in the region of stomach after eating indicating that you have oaten too much take one of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets and tho hoartbarn may be avoided For sale by Kiosau Drug Co What Two Cents will Do It will brlug relief to sufferers from asthma or consumption even in the worst cases This is about what one dose of Foleys Honey and Tar costs Isnt it worth a trial A H Kiesau White Man Turned Yellow Great consternation was felt by the friends of M A Hogarty of Lexington Ky when they saw he was turning yellow His akin slowly changed color also lils eyes and he suffered terribly Hia malady was yellow jaundice Ho was treated by the best doctors but without benefit Then he was advised to try Electric Bittors the wonderful stomach aud liver remedy aud he writos After taking two bottles I was wholly cured A trial proves its match less merit for all stomach liver and kid- nev troubles Only COc Sold by A H Kiesau Drnggist 1000 will bo paid to auy ono who produces as good ou nll rouud life saver ns Rocky Mountain Tea made br the Madison Medicine uo lioc G B Ohristoph Piles of People Have Piles Rectol baa cured piles of people of the piles to stay cured A pile pipe free with each package We sell it on a positive guarantee No care no pay 50 cents Samples free Kiesau Drag Co Sole Agents Any advertised dealor is authorized to guarantee Banuer Salve for eczema piles sprains scalds ulcers and any open or old sore Kiesau tetter burns A H Notice of Special Election Notice is hereby given that ou Mon day the 20th day of July 1901 between tho hours of 8 oclock a ni aud 3 oolock p m a speoial election will be held iu tho several wards of the city of Norfolk in Madison county Nebraska for the purpose of voting on the follow imr proposition Shall tho city of Norfolk in Madison county and state of Nebraska issue its coupou intorest bearing bouds to the ex tent of five per cent of the assessed valuation of tho taxable property of said oity to wit to the amount of sixteen thousand six hundred dollars 10000 bearing not to exceed six 0 per cent Interest payable semi annually and maturiug iu 20 years from the date of said bouds but all or any portion thereof payable at auy time after the expiration of ten years nt tho option of said oity and shall tho city otneers or said city cause to bo levied annually a tax suffi cient for the payment of the interest on the said bonds as the same become du and for a sinking fund sufficient to pay the principal of said bouds at their ma turity Priucipal aud interest payable at the fiscal agenoy of the State of Nebraska in the city of New York and of New York Said bonds to be Issued for the pur pose of establishing exteuding and maintaining a lighting system by means of electricity the power house thereof to be located on lots 5 and 6 in block one of Machmullers addition to tho oity of Norfolk Nebraska the same being the lots upon which is now located the pow er house and pumping station of the water works plant now owned and operated by said city and to be operated in connection with said water works plant as for the same can be doue practicably and economically The ballots to be used at 3ald election shall be written or printed as follows Shall the oity of Norfolk issue its bonds for the purpose of establishing exteuding aud maintaining a lighting Rheumatism Rheumatism Is due to an excess of acid in the blood When tills escapes through the pores of tho kin as it often doe it produces adme form of skirt eruption some itching dlscaae like Eczema or Tetter but when these little tubes or sweat elands are suddenly closed by exposure to cold and sudden chilling of tho body then the poisons thrown off by sy a torn aud levy an annual tax for the payment pt the interest thereon Yes No Tho voting ploce3iu the several words shall be as follows The First Ward in Oity Hall building The Second Word nt the residence of Anton Bucholz The Third Ward at third ward hose house The Fourth Ward at fourth ward hose bouse Of which all voters will take notice aud govern themselves accordingly Daniel J Koenostkin S R MoFarland Moyor Oity Olerk Dated Norfolk Nebraska July C 1901 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ELKHORIN in i m i nnn nuinni Kin lino mill XiiiiiiiN 0 w v Association Of Norfolk Nebraska on the 30th day of June 1901 ASSETS First mortgage loans 32340 00 Stock loans 8850 00 Contracts for sale of real estato 1 395 95 Furniture and stationery 93 00 Cash 2270 03 Delinquent Interest premiums and fines 560 22 Expenses and taxes paid 132 25 Other assets installments due GOO 00 Judgment 355 40 School and state warrants 797 00 Tax certificates 457 08 Personal account 72 02 Premium account 29 31 Total 32958 80 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up 31300 48 Reserve fund 200 00 Undivided profits 738 38 Other liabilities installments unearned 000 00 Totnl 32958 SO RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE SO 1901 RECEIPTS Balauce ou hand July 1 1900 4220 74 Dues 3818 14 Interest premiums and fines 2189 21 Loans repaid 5478 73 On contract 05 00 Warrants redeemed 400 33 Tax certificates redeemed 452 01 Total 10030 70 EXPENDITURES Loans 8900 00 Expenses 358 39 Stook redeemed 3195 70 Cash on hand 2270 03 Paid stock cancelled 700 00 Warrants 1197 23 Taxes paid 9 35 Totnl 10030 70 State of Nebraska Madison county ss I T E Odiorue secretary of the above named association do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of the condition of said association is true and correct to the best of my kuowledge and belief T E Oimorne Secretary Subscribed aud sworn to before me this 2nd day of July 1901 G A Luikart Approvod Notary Public Aliikht Dboner F E Davenport H J Cole Directors KIDNEY DISEASES are tht moit fetal of all dis eases FOLEYS BLKU or money refunded Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles PRICE 50c and 100 T WILLE City Scavenger Water Closets and Ciss Pools Cleaned Leave orders at Braascha Coal Office TkAbphonbLGI Tjai yi a - h muscles tissues and nerves These paru become greatly inflamed feverish and hot dagger like maddening pains follow in quiqk succession the muscles become extremely tender the nerves break down ahdilie sufferer is soon reduced to a stato ot helplessness and misery Tills acid poison penetrates tna Joints and seems to dry out the natural oils and the legs nrms and fingers become so stiff and sore that every movement is attended with excruciating patns Liniments plasters electricity and baths while their use may give temporary ease cannot be called cures for the disease returns with every change of the weather S S S cures Rheumatism H llln - v M -A--1 m I 1 J - un ynara Biro x nun b Tern hihk ox lav arrtppe whioh loft ma almost physical wreak To add to my wretohed condition a form of Bheumatlam developed X tried all the phyalolana In our city but none of thwm oould do so anjf permanent rood I uaed all the rheumatto cures X eould hear of but xaoelved no benefit After beginning 8 8 8 1 was relieved of the pains and have trained lit ffeata and atrenfftb and my reneral health Is batter than for years X eonalder 8 B 8 the grandest blood medicine In the world and heartily reoommend It to any one seek iaT relief from the tortures of Bheumatlam S 7 GHKOOBY Union S O working a complete change in tho blood the acids are neutral ized the circulation purified and tho rich healthy blood thatto carried to the irritated aching muscles and joints soothes ana wheals them b S S cures matism even when inherited or brought on by the excessive use of mercury Opium in soma form is tho basts of nearly all so -called Rheumatic Cur as which deaden the pain but do not touch tne disease ana lead lo ruinous habits Alkalies and the potash and mineral remedies so often pre scribed affect the tender lining of the stomach find weaken the digestion thus adding another burden to the already weak and impoverished blood S S 8 con tains no mineral Or dangerous drug of any kind but is a simple vegetable remedy and the most perfect blood purifier known Send for our book on Rhem ynatism and write ouf physicians if you wish any information or advice WcVould cglad to mail you a book free we charge nothing whaterer for medical advic 1HB SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA CIA t Thoughts IZIZHaflaflHHaflBlHEZZ wander when the brain is tired Overwork nervous irritation worry and mental strain exhaust the brain forces and diminish rhair thought power Fee brain strengthen the rorvui and build up new vigor vi tality and mental power The greatest of all brain foods and nerve tonics is Dr Miles Nervine I have used Dr Miles Nervine at various times for years I have found it a perfect remedy in cases of nervous ness and Insomnia caused by pro tracted mental strain and overwork Have also used it in my fami y and I know It is a true brain and nerve food R H Martin Charleston W Va Dr Miles Nervine feeds and nodrishes the brain and nerves over comes irritation and brings sweet refreshing sleep Sold by druggists on guarantee Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind Photographed irom ui VfUsroToxa V M ARC uwaccuto RMTHC IMOVAL obst or orait V I FIXALElRRrcuiiiitTirc O fSSffsWW Z VuOGWV m FoRsrOoiSS m X - REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY rTrA tvaw iJfc in Made a Well Man the V tejEkJ of Me produces the above results to 30 days It acta powerfully and quickly Cures when an others fall Youngmen will regain their iDEttninhoodandoliS men will recover tbeir youthful vigor by oalaa BKVIVOu It Quickly and a wely restores Nerroua nest Lost Vitality topotenxy Nightly Emissions Lost Power Falling Memory Wisttna Diseases snd aU effects oC seU abuso or excess and Indiscretion which unateons for study business or marriage It not only curw by starting attbo antt ot disease but la a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring ing back tna pink glow to pale cbeckaandra atorlig the fire of youth It wsida off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having BE VIVO no fttber It can bo carried in vest pocket By mail M00 perptckage or six ot VOOO with a poal tlvo wilsten guarantee to ear or reraaa tbe money Book and advise froe AOitress ROYAL HEWCINE CO EfiSSffiF For sale In Norfolk Nebraska by Geo B Ohristoph druggist RED CROSS - ILLS w W v RCOCMSS PILL ARC PURW VttlTABLC lUl MID Oa0 WTC8 CffECT VTMYHVC TMt V OlOORSCMCMi OriVCRY PHYSIC1AK rntUAAwirHTHe Tin oc cinchona ca DCS MOINCSsMti For 8ale by George B Ohristoph HEADACHE k aJB 4tjg atofta 35 Pasts 2U Dont Be Fooledi Take tbe genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TCA Mads only by Madlaoa Msdl clne Co Msdlson Wl It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price as cants Never sold In hulk Accent BO aubftl sortKATiMM tuU Ask your druggUt w t jttttsskMisia y ii i