The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 12, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Mrs Gadsden the Subject of
Many Suits
114 Not fMrr tlur BiUiww Kut Wm Or
ftfrul TnuwfwrrM lo the lliUn Any
luw Jnln ClarnUli T Uttrnln I mum
it Itowtrnlnlnff Or4nr
Perhaps thoro boa bam no ow In tlio
Norfolk honpitat for tho liwonathnt 1mm
exoltpd nioro general lutorest thou that
of Mrs Ins Qariffdou of Bohuylcr
Thoro is a rontontloubotwm Mr Uiulrt
don ntul tho pntlonts family that has
brought nbont numerous complications
Mrs Gndsdon in Rtlll iw Inmato of tho
hospital horo nndor a restraining ordor
granted by Judge OornWi of Lincoln
Tho board of publlo lands nnd buildings
ordorcd hor romovod to tl Llnooln
Asylum nnd hor rolatlvos haaring of it
got ont this restraining ordnr boforo tho
order of removal reached tho hospital
Tho Schuylor Qnlll contains tho fol
lowing article regarding another oaso
ponding boforo tho dlstriot court of Col
fax county brought by tho pntlont
Tho commission appointed by
Tudgo Hollonbock to Investigate in
regard to tho granting of tho applica
tion of Mrs Fnnnlo Gadsden for a dla
ohargo from tho hospital for tho insane
nt Norfolk has reported against hor dis
charge but rooommoudiug hor removal
to tho Llnooln asylum Tho commission
was oompoBod of O 1 lholps of this
city and Dr Evans of Oolumbuc
Tho testimony oh brought out in tho
examinations by tho commission shows
that Mrs Gadsdens condition is consid
erably Improvod as comparod with tho
time of hor entrance Into tho hospital
but she Is not yet consldorod normal
Tho testimony shows that sho Ih Htill
eubjoot to spoils of molauoholy and do
prossiou and nt times givos ovidonoos of
homicidal and snloidal illusions Ac
cording to tho asylum rooords this mel
ancholy and depression was usually ro
ourrout upon tho receipt of loiters from
home This lod to tlio roiiuest of Dr
Teal to hoo tho lottors and to tlio ulti
mate suit and Injunction prohibiting
Gadsdon from writing to his wife Dr
Young testifies that tho oxtrnot of a lot
tor as published in tho Stato Journal
last week copied In tho Quill is gouu
ino Wo hnvo not hoard Mr Gadsdon
dony having written it but ho has told
ub that ho defied uuyono to produce tho
original lotter It would soem Mrs
Gadsdon is cxtromoly nervous and has
but little will power According to hor
own statomeiit she and Mr Gadsdon are
on tho best of terms In a deposition
shown to us this week sho testifies that
tho Loos hor relatives otTorod to dis
miss tho cases ponding if Mr Gadsden
would transfer to hor a largo amount of
property or a largo Bum of monoy to be
held in trust for hor by her father or
brothors Mr Gadsdon claims tho caso
to bo all splto work and to hiwo its ori
gin in tho fact that tho Loos aro bank
rupt and nood somo money
A greater mix up or a more unfortu
nato iiiTair it would bo hard to find It
would uppoar from tho ovidonco at hand
that tho Loos are uot fit parties to act ns
guardians and if Mr Gadsdon is liable
ns it nppoars to givo way to angor or
jealousy and writo letters or utter
words to his wife such as aro olaimod to
have boon written by him thou ho la
not n proper person for a guardian It
eooms to us that tho wiser plan would bo
to romovo Mrs Gadsdon to Lincoln and
keep hor as quiet as possiblo with noth
ing to irritate or disturb hor To do
this it is evident that both Mr Gadsden
and tho Loos would have to bo enjoined
from communicating with hor and a
disinterested party would havo to bo ap
pointed as guardian
This is about in accord with Dr
Teals positiou Boforo tho mooting of
tho board of publio lauds and buildings
ho recommended her removal to tho
Lincoln asylum believing that inasmuch
ns sho was not satisfied to romaiu horo
bettor results might bo obtained through
her removal Not only did ho recom
mend her removal at that timo but is of
tho 6umo opinion and would again re
commend it if called upon by tlio court
issuing the restraining order
Dr Teal was asked today what thoro
was in tho rumor that ho had retained
her horo after tho ordor of romovol to
Lincoln had been mado by tho board
and said
I considered that I had uo right to
remove Mrs Gadsdon without tho writ-
ton order of tho board At tho timo tho
ordor was given I wan iu attendance at
the board meeting and in fact recom
mended hor removal Thoy told me
that this order should accompany Mrs
Gadsdon and constitute her oomniitniont
papers to tho Lincoln asylum They
also instructed me to conduit with Dr
Green about haviug hor admitted thoro
This took some time Tho written or
der for her removal camo four days
after tho board meeting and Dr Groeus
letter saying he would reoeivo hor camo
four or five days aftor tho restraining
order had been granted It was impos
Bible for mo to legally romovo hor bo
fore the restraining order was issued
Mra Gadsden will continue as ou in
mate of the Norfolk hospital until after
tlio honriug on tin restraining ordor In
had Iniforo Tudgo Cornish nt Lincoln
VVlion tho plate is furnlshod Tun
Nkwh will supply cngravod cards at 7fl
conts for 50 or 100 for 100
Dr l II Haltor wont to Oroighton
Guy T Grnvos of Pondor won In tho
city today
Mrs J 11 Maylard in visiting with
Mrs A K Shirtloff of Omaha
Mlssos Anna nnd Ohistlnn Johnson
wont to Omaha yostorday to visit
Tlio Norfolk Shoo conipauy ulno will
go to Ploroo tomorrow to play ball with
a young team of that town
Mrs 0 8 Barcolt who has been vis
iting relatives horo for soveral wooks
loft yostorday foe tho wost
Arohltoot J 0 Stltt Is preparing to
draw plans foe n largo addition to the
publlo school building at Nollgh
lndro R E Evans of Dakota Olty
grand master mason mot last evening
with Mosaic lodge No 55 of this olty
Tho work of pointing tho rosldonoe of
15 A Bullock on Madison avonno and
Twolfth stroot has just boe completed
Miss Clark Miss Clara Ftlhorhaui
iftul Miss Ada Ellonwood of Stanton
woro tho guests of Miss Otolla Pilgor
Judge and Mrs I Powers expect to
leave tomorrow morning for Soattlo
Washington and othor points of inter
est in tho Pacific northwest
Sonator Allou of Madison was in tho
olty today ourouto home from Stanton
whero ho roprosoutod tho plaintiff In
tho caso of Martin vs Stanton county
John Hondricks father of Mrs J L
Daulol is vory alok at Mrs Daniels
homo In this city Two of his daughters
arrived this noon from Sorlbuor to visit
Elslo daughter of Mr nnd Mrs H O
Truman is six years old today and this
afternoon is ontortaluiug n company of
little friends iu colobrntion of tho oc
Tho pupils who woro mombors of tho
Sixth grade lost year and attended
school in tho room taught by Miss Kato
Stafford aro onjoyiug a picnic today nt
TaftB grove
Missos Lena Mills and Oriolo Adams
loft this morning for California They
will visit frlouds at sovoral placos in
that stato and bo gono until about tho
first of Septombor
Horaco Elsolov and bridoroturuoalast
evening from Minneapolis whore thoy
woro marriod on Monday The lady s
namo was Miss Minnie Russell They
will go to housekeeping on South Fourth
H E Hardy writes from Chicago
that ho and Mrs Hardy arrived there
safoly and oxpoctod to loavo today for
Boston They aro roady to acknowledge
that tho heat iu Chicogo is something
Tlio F E M V company is replac
ing tho old rails ou Ub track with heavy
steel ones ami tho work has progressed
as far as Stanton whore six carloads of
tho now matorial was received and un-
unloaded Monday
A telophono mossago received in Nor
folk today announces the death of Mrs
A HotluB wifo of the Gorman Luthorau
minlstor nt Piorco which occurred yes
terday Rev J P Mueller of this city
will conduct tho funeral services which
will bo hold tomorrow
Tho faddists now hnvo gaily colored
shoo strings to attract their attention
for tho present A largo supply of the
articles woro purchased hero the othor
day and tnkon to tho reunion at Neligh
where tho purchaser hoped to find a
large douiaud at handsome prices
David Whitln chairman and J L
Kuosol socrotary of the republican
county central committee havo called a
mooting of that committee to bo held iu
Battle Creek July 20 at 3 oclock in tho
afternoon for tho purposo of setting
the timo and place for holding tho re
publican county convention
S R MoFarland sr of Stanton
uuolo of City Clerk MoFarland is horo
and this morning submittod to an oper
ation which it is hoped will give him
the use of his left leg About a year
ago ho was kicked on tho lowor part of
his leg by a horse The bone was
spliutored and broken and never healed
Dr P H Salters thermometer yes
terday indicated a maxium temperature
of 103 which is certainly the highest of
the season A Blight shower this morn
ing cooled the weather to some extent
but later in tho day it warmed np to
quite on uncomfortable degree The
bureau promises thunderstorms and
cooler for tonight and tomorrow and it
is to be hoped that the term of oppres
sive heat is passed
A special train of cattle loaded by
Wood Bancroft and Morris Gross at
Madison Monday experienced consider
able difficulty when the train started
for Chicago The dryness of everything
made fires easy and cars twice caught
on fire once after they had been wet
down One car and part of another
wore unloaded two miles south of town
One of the cars unloodod was not sent
out until the night train
Beaoh Bowers famous minstrel
troupo is billed to appoar iu Norfolk
noxt Tuosdny Tho porfonnauco will
be given under canvas tho tont to bo
orootcd ou the vacant lot at tho ooruor
of Philip avonuo and Third stroot across
from the Llnooln school building This
company has boon on tho road many
soosouh and has provon popular whoro
it has outortatuod Thoy claim to be
tho oldost whlto mlnstrol company ou
tho road uudor ouo continuous manage
A ohoapway of getting to Buffalo
nnd tho exposition is glvon as follows in
tho Uao Twolvo young mon in Jorsoy
Olty somo timo ago hit on tho plan of
hiring n froight enr In which to mako
an economical trip to tho Buffalo expos
ition Tho idoa has sinco attractod tho
favorablo nttoiitiou of somany of their
friends that ouough of thorn to fill nlno
similar cars have dooldod to join this
novol excursion Bunks will be fitted
up along the Bides and they will live in
the cars during the trip which will lost
four weeks
The G A R reunion of the North
Nebraska district is being held at No
ligh this week comniopcing Tuewlay
and continuing until Friday night
There la a good attendance the grounds
ore nicely located and everything points
to a good time to thou participating
Gambling and kindred view ore pro
hibited on tho grounds bat the Leader
of last week gives somo encouragement
to tho fraternity by remarking If
visitors desire an opportunity of losing
thoir money no doubt they oan find
abundant chances on the outside whloh
is beyond the control of the managers
of the reunion
Tho orop bulletin pnbllshod from tho
university of Nobraska for the week
ending July 0 shows vory favorablo
conditions in the northeastern seotion
of the state the following being tho
roport from this nnd neighboring
oouutios Antelope Ryo harvested
good crop corn doing well plouty of
rnln Knox Winter ryo out good
orop wheat oats and corn doing splen
didly grass growing well some dam
ago from hall Mudlson Rye being
out oats and wheat looking fine and
fllllug well hay big orop corn growing
splondidly Pierce Small grain and
pastures fine vory little corn laid by
and is weedy but looks fine and grow
ing fast Platte Showers have been
local and parts of county noed rain
much of tho com laid by harvesting
progressing rapidly
To Prevent Heat Prostration
Just now tho nowspapor doctors and
othor kinds ate engagod in laying down
rules to prevent prostration by heat
Many of the printed rules aro good but
perhaps thoy may be improved upon
All rules will not work in all climates
For Columbus and vioinity the follow
ing code is promulgated for the guid
ance of all who do not desire to die from
the offects of hot weather
Wear a shirt waist if your wife will
lot you
Trust in God and pay your grocery
Dont try to bull tho corn market
whilo thoro nro any bears iu sight
Dont try to sell hair restorative to
Charley Pollock or Attorney Coruolius
Douc ask Judge Curtis to play ball
Advertise in Tho Telegram
Dont bo afraid of water
Stoor cloar of doctors and lawyers
Dont havo the toothache
Smoke cigars mado in Columbus
Buy Columbus real estate
Dont spoil good democratic whiskey
by mixing it with water
Mako lovo to ouo womau at a time
Columbus Telegram
An Extract from Her Letter
If you could only be horo this winter
morning aud see for yourself you would
no longer doubt mo Rores aro bloom
ing iu our front yard aud all naturo is
as far advanced iu this lovely American
summerlaud as it will be iu your cold
eastern home by June
We made the journey from Missouri
river to the Golden Gate on the Union
Pacifio to avoid the circuitous routes
an important item iu the winter A
trip to California is mado delightful by
the perfeot service and luxurious ac
commodation of The Overland Limited
which is perhaps tho most finely
equipped train iu the world
Detailed information furnished on ap
plication F W Junfuan Agent
Pail American Kzpoattluu Kxcurslou
Excursion tiokets will be sold by the
F E M V Northwestern line on
May 0 1320 21 and 28 with a return
limit of 7 days at 3055 via standard
and 2901 via differential lines
Every day until September 30 with
return limit of 15 days at 3330 via
standard and 3630 via differential
Every day from May 15 to September
30 good for return until October 31 at
4775 via standard and 4535 via differ-
euuai lines
Full particulars will be oheerf ully fur
nished all Inquirers
H 0 Matbau
To the Ladle or Norfolk
Miss Mary Shelley announces that
during the balance of July and through
August she will take her vacation and
hor parlors in the Cotton block will be
dosed until the first of Septombor A
portion of her vacation will be spent in
Chicago whero she will study the latest
styles lor tho benefit of her patrons
D L Upton of Piorco was in tho city
J S MoClary nttondod tho rouulon at
Noligli yesterday
Dr Win Klosau and brldo returned
last ovonlng from their wedding trip
into Iowa
J A Hornborgor at ono timo super
lutondont of tho Norfolk sobools was
horo yostorday from Chicago
Whoat threshing has commoncod in
tho neighborhood of Tablo Rook and tho
avorago yield in thought to bo about 20
bushels to tho aero
Mrs Fred Jenel of Bloomflold for
merly Miss Anna Mans of this city ar 4
rlvod last night for a two weeks visit
with relatives and friends
Fremont Tribune Judge Barnes of
Norfolk who is prominently spoken of
as a candldato for the republican nomi
nation for supreme judgo this fall was
a posHougor through Fremont on his
way home to Norfolk
Miss Rosa Eddy of Glonn Falls N
Y is expected here tonight to visit her
sister Mrs P T Blrchard At Mar
ahalltown Iowa she was met by Mr
Blrohard and the children who will ac
company her to Norfolk
Miss Annie MoBride left on the noon
train for Aurora 111 and other points
expuctlng to be absent about four weeks
Miss Clara Whymau formerly of this
city expecU to return with - Mies
Mu Bride for a three weeks visit
Ed A Wood of Oolorlchra was in the
olty over night on his way home from
Stanton whore he played with the Stan
ton team in an interesting game of ball
against Wost Point It was a 10 inning
gauio and resulted in a victory for Stan
ton by a score of 10 to 0
Mrs A N Gerecke entertained a
company of eight young lady friends at
a four course 1 oclock luncheon Wed
nesday complimentary jjto MlssNelle
Gerecke soon to bo married It was a
vory ploasant affair and greatly en
joy od by thoee attending
Invitations have been isrued byJMr
and Mrs Herman Gerecko to the mar
riago of thoir daughter Nelle Mildred
to Mr Frank Wyllys Emory Monday
morning July 22 at 10 oolock The
anuounoemont is likewiso made that
the couple will bo at home in Chicago
aftor September 1
Yesterday was a record breaker ao
cording to Dr Salters J government
thermometer which showed a maxium
temporature of 103 Tho highest ever
bofoio recorded during tho seven years
that Dr Salter has kept a record was
103 aud ho was slow to believe that yes
terdays tempejaturo wm recorded cor
rectly but todays papers indicate that
it was no higher than in othor plaoes
aud he has decided that the showing
was correct The minimum tempera
ture was 01 which was much lower
than yesterday and brought tho average
lower than that of yesterday by several
Tho banner warm weather story
comes from tho homo of Herman Ge
recke aud what is important it is said
to bo true Several days ago Mr Ge
recke brought iu somo eggs from tho
barn and thoy were placed in tho
pantry This morning tho girl em
ployed by Mrs Gerecke heard a noise
in tho pantry which she thought was a
mouse and after securing a broom
bravely proceeded to enter aud make
war upon tho pest She was astonished
to find that the author of the disturb
ance was a very young chicken that
had emerged from the pan of newly
harvested eggs A strange part of the
story is that it is not known that the
eggs had been sat upon and Jthe result
is thought to be entirely due to hot
For some reason there is a scarcity of
water at tho command of the city
waterworks pumping station and while
thero is at present no cause for groat
alarm consumers would do well to
practice economy In tho use of the water
Undoubtedly many aro using it over
time and otherwise extravagantly and
suoh extravagance is not only against
the best interests of the city but may
mean a loss to tho people A test is to
bo conducted this aftornoon to learn if
there is plenty of water in the wells to
supply tho pumps If thowells are giv
ing out or not adequate to supply the
demand tho condition is more serious
than one that could be quickly aud
thoroughly remedied Fire Chief
Hartford makes the request that in case
of a fire everyone who is using
water will shut it off and give the fire
men all the pressure possible Last
evening there was scarcely any pressure
at all and if a large fire had started the
firemen would have been at a decided
disadvantage It is to be hoped that
the situation is one that can be easily
and early adjusted
Career and Character of Abraham Llncolu
An address by Joseph Ohoate Am
bassador to Great Britain on the career
aud character of Abraham Lincoln his
early life his early struggles with the
world bis character as developed in
the later years of his life and his ad
ministration which placed his name so
high on the worlds roll of honor and
fame has been published by the Chicago
Milwaukee St Paul Railway aud may
be bad by sending six 0 cents in post
age to F A Miller General Passenger
Ageut Chicago 111
That wo are constantly growing in tho art of
making Pino Photos and our products will al
ways bo found to embrace tho
TKAiomt Ideas
and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fiue line of Moldings suitable for all
kinds of framing
noi maii
chronic unUnUn I 0
SVD Consumption
warm to D A H KttCH
Dr Caller Specialist la Nm Throat Lane
aaJ Klcy Oleeaso will correspond with you
In regard to your condition
m hi na
President Proclaims Aug 6 as
Date of Oklahoma Rush
Only Registered Applicants Will Be
Allowed to Enter the District to Se
cure Homesteads Sixteen Days
I for Filing of the Names
Washington July 8 The proclama
tion of President McKlnlcy opening
to settlement the lands ceded by In
dians in the territory of Oklahoma
was given to the public today The
proclamation covers tho cessions mado
by tho Wlchltas and affiliated bands
of Indians in accordance with the act
of March 3 1895 and those made by
the Comanche Kiowa and Apache
tribes in pursuance of tho act of June
6 1900
The proclamation provides for the
opening of the lands in those reserva
tions which are not reserved at 9
oclock a m on tho Oth of August
next the lands to be open to settle
ment under tho homestead and town
Bite laws of tho United States
The proclamation says that begin
ning on tho 10th inst and ending on
the 2Gth those who wish to make entry
of land under tho homestead law shall
be registered The registration will
take place at the land offices at Reno
and Lawton Tho registration at each
office will be for both land districts
To obtain registration tho applicant
will bo required to show himself duly
qualified to make homestead entry of
these lands under existing laws and
to give the registering officer such ap
propriate matters of description and
Identity as will protect the applicant
and tho government agatnst any at
tempted lmporsonatlon
Registration cannot be effected
through the use of the mails or the
employmont of an agent oxcoptlng
that honorably discharged soldiers
and sailors may present their applica
tions through an agent no agent being
allowed to represent more than one
soldier No person will bo allowed
to register more than once After be
ing registered applicants will bo given
certificates allowing them to go upon
the ceded lands and examine them la
order to aid them In making an intelli
gent selection
It 13 explicitly stated that no one
will be permitted to make settlement
upon any of the lands in advance of
tho opening provided for ifid tho
Btatement Is added that during the
first CO days following said opening
no ono but registered applicants will
bo permitted to make homestead set
tlement upon any of said lands and
then only In pursuance of a homestead
entry duly allowed by the local land
officers or of a soldiers declaratory
Btatement duly accepted by such offi
The ordorof the applications is to be
determined by drawing tho plan for
which is described as follows
The order in which during the
first 60 days following the opening
the registered applicants will bo per
mitted to make homestead entry of
the landa opened hereunder will be
determined by drawings for both the
El Reno and Lawton districts public
ly hold at the United States land of
fice at El Reno O T commencing at
9 oclock a m Monday July 28 1901
and contlnulngfor such period as may
be necessary to complete the same
The drawings will be held under the
upervislon and Immediate observance
of a committee of three persona
whose Integrity is such as to make
their control of the drawing a guaran
ty of Its fairness The members of
this committee will be appointed by
the secretary of the Interior ayho will
prescribe suitable compensation for
thplr services Preparatory to these
drawings the registration officers at
the timo of registering each applicant
who shows himself duly uaMed
Medical Opinion In regard to
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
An editor of a medical journal
writes as follows
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozono
offered by tho Dr A H Keller
Chemical Company as a core for
Consumption Asthma Bronohitis
Hay Fever Catarrh Coughs
Colds and all diseases of the air
passages This wo know to be a
genuine specifio for these com
plaints and as such entitled to
our confidence aud that of our
Close examination into the
practical results which have been
had from the use of this remedy
has caused us to endorse it as be
ing an undoubted oure for the
above ailments effectual in re
moving the exciting cause in a
number of attaoks which had been
of the severest and moat tedious
character Dr A H Kellers Syl
van Ozone permanently restored
health and in cases which were
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief
mako out a card which must be
signed by tho applicant stating the
land district In which he doslrea to
make homostead entry and giving
such a description of the applicant as
will enable the local land officers to
thereafter Identify him This card will
bo at once sealed In a separate en
velope which will bear no other dis
tinguishing label or mark than such
as may bo necessary to show that it Is
to go into tho drawing for the land
which the applicant desires to mako
entry These envelopes will bo sep
arated according to land districts and
will be carefully preserved and remain
scaled until opened In the course of
tho drawing as herein provided
When the registration is completed
all of these sealed envelopes will be
brought together at the place of draw
ing and turned over to the committee
in charge of tho drawing who in such
manner as in their judgment will bo
attended with entire fairness and
equality of opportunity shall proceed
to draw out and open the separate en
velopes and to give to each encloeed
card a number In the order in which
the envelope containing the same Is
drawn The result of the drawing for
each district will be certified by tho
committee to the officers of the dis
trict and will determine the order in
which the applicants may make home
stead entry of said lands and settle
ment thereon
Two Killed at a Dance
Texarkana July 8 News reached
here that two men were killed and
two wounaea in a desperate battle be
tween four or five negroes near In
dex nine miles north of here on tho
Kasas City Southern railway last
night The fight occurred at a dance
In Little River county just over the
river from Index
Car Famine In Kansas
Kansas City July S Thoro Is a
shortage of cars to move tho Kansas
wheat crop although the marketing
of that cereal has barely gotten under
way The wheat movement started
much earlier this year owing to the
fine harvest weather and tho railways
it is stated are unable to care for It
One railway has contracted for 1500
new cars to be delivered this month
77i A Baym
I r J5 I in ir L I JJ
V K III I lr
is verv murh lilrp th tilnccnm
ing of a flower Its beauty and
perfection depends entirely
upon the care bestowed upon
its oarent Rrnpotant nintliBrc
should have the tenderest care
They should be spared all worry
and anxiety They should eat
plenty of good nourishing food
Ann tfklrA nrartrtu AviiiIiao fPl2
will go a long way toward preserv
ing their health and their beauty
as well as that of the little one to
come But to be absolutely sure
of a short and painless labor they
should use
iffJridrB the months of gesta
u A Tfil8lsailnPIoinirat which
ftrenirth and vigor to tho muscle and
prevents at o the discomforts of preir
m nw4tt U9CU vU III I OK
danger whatever
jet Mothers Friend at the dm
store l per bottle
9 VrlU fa OU ftrA kuh n BW u
-- l wmm w mmww l exaaia i
a y