8 N I I hi i i - I t i i fc t K jap imwCL jCj - iV JSJK 8 0 w i I Ambroz J Bilgcr Tells Soldiers Life of a STORY OF EIGHT MILE RIDE Native- arn Cllml lo Unto Ainnrtran Pro tartlnn Solillnrs Ktpnrlnnrn ahlei Uitnnl lluty Tlia NatWn Ilrtnka Sea Hliclls are Plenty Dr G F Bllgor has received from hU son Atnbrono n letter from whioh Ttni News In permitted to quote fur tho itf formation of tho young mans friandn Tholottorls dated Mny It and was writtou from Oraqulotft Mindnnart Fhilippluo Islands wliorn th youujj man Ib sorving lu company L Tenth reglmout U S regular infantry H states that ho has hivd uoobAncvtowirifcfl for two week becatwo tkora Km bnun no opportunity to send or reoaive mall m thoy nro about RCO w Hot from Manila and out of tho way of tha mala boats continuing ho says I not wall and like this place vary much olthoujjW w soe no one but Filipinos W have 15 native two Oainosa and four garrison prisoners that uummi 71 prisoners in all and tharo nro only 1J5 AiMorfctui soldlws and W nntlvti scouts Tho scouts say that if tto rogahur soldiers loft thoy would got thoir hands out off by tho iusuroetos Tho native soldiers or wonts do omvhalf as muoh duty as tha American aoldlars and are but oue fourth us strong in numbers but an American is equal to about nix natives in lighting strength 1 am try ing to learn tho native lauguago h that I can understand them I can already understand a good mauy words I think that if a person wants ho can ioarn tiro lauguoga in about throo mouths Most of thorn speak Spnulali so that makes it muoh easier as wohaVe translating books Wo ora doing protty heavy guard duty a niau only gottluir threo nights iu out of four Wo lmvo guard monut at S oolook in tho morn ing and are on till 8 oclock tho next morning then drill from 4 to 5 in tho evening and rotreai at 5 W Noxt morning wo ohnso prisoners all day that is soo that they clean up tho town and do all tho odd work thoro to to bo demo Ouo man usually has from two to si x men to look after and if ouo trios to got nwuy shoot him down A pris oners lifo here is not worth muoh as most of thorn aro vory treacherous I juBt canio off guard this morning I wus on outpost duty lust night whore we expect our first attack It is about a milo from headquarters and our orders were to halt twico and shoot tho third tiiuo but thero was no shooting douo I lmvo boon ou guard throe times in ten days so you can tell that wo got thore quito often Thoro aro 110 for duty nud mount 25 overy forday guard duty thatmenub busiues horo Wo rolluved company 1 Fortieth Volunteers A fow of thorn woro yory good shots and now tho uativos think all American soldiers nro good shots Thoy say when Americano boom sing thoy como very close and thoy dont like that Tho natives in town treat tho boys very nicely bocnufco thoy aro afraid of thorn although thoy know thoy aro Bfo from thoir worst onomy tho iu 8urectos Thoy aro afraid of thoir nocks for tho iusuroetos kill the people iu town when thoy como Americano boom boom iusurecto cut their hoods off they draw their hands acrow thoir necks as a sign You should hear tho baud thoy hava here It would beat a great many American bauds if thoy had a fow more different pieces Thoy play both Amer ican and Spanish aira and do it vory nicoly I expect to go and hoar the band play at tho cock tights horo this afternoon Thoy have oook fights overy Sanday horo church in the forenoon and betting on the best rooster in tho afternoon is the way they spend tho day We have a very uioe pott here In oar back yard thoro aro a largo number of cocoauut trees plantod iu rows Wo have a fow horses aud 20 of our men are detailed for mounted duty Last Wed nesday the mounted detail went out ou a march for about eight miles 1 wout with the detachment taking tho pluco of one of tho men who was on guard We wout across a great many bridges and forded several streams to arrive at our destination The bridges horo are made of poles A few logs aro thrown across a stream and light poles ore laid together for the floor Thoy aro dan gerous to cross the poles moving uudor the horses feet The place we wont to is a small iuterior town whioh a fow years ago was a thriving village but now all is tumbling down and going to ruin The road is nothing but a horse path wide enough in some plaoes for two to ride side by Bide and is soarcely six feet wide On the way out we met gome natives with caraboa aud sledges The sledges are mode of bamboo and are slanted up to the oaraboa necks They had eisal on the sledges bringing it to town to exchange for provisions suoh as rice fish corn etc Ou both sides of the road there were rioe fields flooded with water in the low places and where the land was high it was covered with banana cocoanut mahogany and palm tree We passed through several small towns on the way and eaoh had a store or two whoro thoy sold nativooloth nm brollafl pioturos aud othor uiorohaiidlno that f couldnt uatuo on account of their peculiar shapo Iu front of nearly ovory shiok thoro lit a stand whoro thoy have flub bananas and tubatho uatlvodrtnk for Rftlo Whoti wn iwrivod at our destination wo worn mot by natlvo polioo who trontod tift vory kindly flhowing us overythln tha ofnaan wanted to find out Tlwy tried to gt ut to dnuk tuba but tba ordarri w ajralnAt drinkiug in toxiwmt m no lulu Tub is tha sap of tbg oooonuut twi whioh U hinpml in tlw auma way im th maple thu ig by Irortntf a hola in fch trn and putting a roimlmo cap under thfl holt and catch inthmtp whloh mnj Ilka water and is a vary light rd cohir It Is vary inttixlotttinjr tHtiaff lllia hanl elder Thra4 U aaothor drink cullad beno whioh is a fmur wina similar to groo wlua but is not vary Intoiionling W are on tha boooh ivnd omi s ovwr tha wotur A puwon can find all hindu of swn nhelhi and mma of tha hoya ftlranHy hava nice collections I hva about BOO RhnlU but mot of them are small afl they aro tho pratttMt tuid do nat talta np m muoh room Tha ltrttu olowui with a hop that more ona lu written when tha inaurectoa mirrettdar DROWNED IN ELKHORN mat Manwliutd mt StmuUm emrrtai nixlnr by Cuprvnt TMtnlitf non Frrwi nainritnrn Dullyi Homer MoPwIaoiI tho tweoud son of W T MoFarlnnd of Stanton aud a cousin of S R MoParland of this oity wu drowned tn tho Elkhorn river yoa torday aftornooh whilo bathing Iu company with a number of boys ho wout swimming near the fair grouuda aud had not boon in long when tho swift current carried him out into the oentor of tho stream Tho rivor is about six aud ono half foot highnr than nor mal owing to tho dam at Nuligh going out aud rushed aloug with a power aud swiftnosN that deterred hw coiupouions from agisting although ho calLd to them Ho soon dlRappoored under tho water and although ovory effort ha boeu mado to rocovor his body it has not boon found at tho last roports A uot haa bouu Htrotohed across tho river be low tho place ho was lust soon and it is hoped that tho body will soon bo re covered S R McForlaud went down this noon to assist iu tho ftoorch aud do what ho could toward consoling the griof stricken family The drownod boy was 10 years of age His father is one of tho oldest settlers iu Stautou county was a soldier in tho war of the rebellion and for 13 years served as postmaster at Stautou The Norfolk friends of tho family will sin coroly sympathize with them in their Bora aftliottou NirthorM WIhcohhIu Kiillwuy Vuriu IitHrin Far Sale Tho Chicago St Paul Minneapolis it Omaha railway has for sale iu North ern Wisconsin at low prices aud easy tonus of payment about J150000 acres of choico farm lauds Early buyers will secure tho advan tage of locatioua on tho many beautiful streams aud lakes whioh abound with fish aud furnish a uovor ending and most excellent water supply both for family ue aud for stock Laud is generally well timbered tho Boil fertile and oasy of cultivation and this Is rapidly doveloping into ouo of the greatest sheep aud cattle raising regions iu tho uorthwost Chicago Milwaukoo St Paul Minn eapolis Duluth Superior Ashland and othor towns ou Tho Northwestern Lino furnish good markets for stock aud farm produco For further particulars address Gbo W Bhll Laud Commissioner Hudson Wis or GH MacRak Asat GenlPaas AgtSt Paul Miun Uuml Ailvlcs The most miserable beings iu tho world are those suffering from Dyspepsia aud Liver Complaint More thou soveuty five por cont of the people iu the United States are afflicted with these two dis eases aud their effects such as Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Cost ivenoss Palpitation of the HeartHeort burn Waterbrosh Gnawing aud Burn ing Pains at the Pit of Stomach Yellow Skin Coated tongue and Disagreeable Taste iu the Mouth Comiug up of Food after Eating Low Spirits etc Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 oents Two doses will re lieve you Try it Get Greens Prize Almanac Asa K Leonard The complete sorvice of Tho Special via Union Paoifio enables passengers to reach the princl pal cltios between the north and Paciflo ooast and Missouri river not only in the shortest possible spaco of time but also in the most comfortable and enjoyable manner The dining cars on this train are Btooked with the best the market affords All uioals Berved a la carte What Shall W Uavu for Dsuert T This question arises in the family every day Let us answer it today TryJell O a delicious dessert Pre pared in two minutes No baking I add hot water and set to cool Flavors Ltuion orange raspberry aud straw berry At your grooers 10 oents THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JULY liXJl WORKMAN CONTRACT Tim Nnwn Wilt ltihlUh tlio ontcln1 OrRAn of tha A O V VT Anotlior Two Ymm From Tiiomlftjri Dnllr Thoro Is Joy lu Tim Niiwh offlco today aud tho force fools llko bogiuulug to colobnito tho Fourth of July at onco Mr Hnso sonds tho choorful message from Grand Island that ho has boon sue comfulin securing auothor two years contract for publishing tho Workman tho official organ of tho A O U W of Nobroeka jurisdiction aud the employ as of tho office reoJizo that tho news moans a continuance of work Mid wagoa to thorn This la the third two years con tract that Mr Hun has secured and is a record breaker in thu history of tho jurisdiction no othor publisher having wwurod tho contract for a second time The employe fool that it has been pos sible only through th untiring effort in ths interest of the publication and tho ordor by Mr Ham and they fool that tha grand lodga flrjanco committee having the contract iu charge showed commendable wisdom la again award ing it to him The four years history of the publication uudor tho manage ment of Mr Hush was an argument uot oaally ovorootno aud tho writer is not Uttering the publisher iu the loast whou ho asserts that it is a bettor publi cation thau tho jurisdiction ever knew before aud ranks high among fraternal publications of tho country Norfolk iu a gainer insofar aa tho publication is au advertisement aud lu that a number of printers will have wagco to spend with tho merchants that they would net have otherwise Tho ouo Institution that may not bo ploiwod with the new contract la the postofHco Tho handling of 30000 papers oflflh mouth Is no small job aud roqniroa oxtra holp thorn with a certain amount of troublo during several days of tho month However as thoro has betmaroiseiu the postmasters salary and au additional allownuco for clerk hire which the Workmau has boon ouo of the several factors iu securing by in creased business tho mourning will probably uot be vory loud or deep In Undo Sams Norfolk headquarters aud takiug everything iuto consideration Norfolk has reason to rojolce with Tavt Niews employes over tho success of Mr Huse SCHOOL ROOM CLOSED Bmvrtl or ICiluontlau Find It Cun Lllnpeutte Wltk Oho Taacher The regular meetlug of the board of oduatiou was hold at 8 oclock last even ing with Messrs Doan Brueggemau Bear aud Matrau preseut Vice Presi dent Dean presiding Minutes of pre ceding moetiugs were read aud ap proved The following bills were rand and al lowed W H Rlsh plumbing fi75 M O Walker oil 150 O W Lemout lusurauce 177 The building committee made a verbal report of its action iu re iusariDg the High school buildiug and satno was ap proved Tho Juue report of Treasurer Carl Wildo was road showlug a balance of cash iu the general fund of 1408 with uupaid outstanding warrants amounting to 020000 Tho report was accepted and ordered filed President Salter appeared aud took the chair After cauvassiug tho report of pro motions aud changes which indicated a falliug off in some of the grades it was ordered ou motion that tho room formerly occupied by tho Fourth grade iu the Graut school bo closed for the en suing year the pupils to be distributed between the Third and Fifth grades This action rendered unnecessary the election of a teacher in place of Miss Morrow reslgued The secretarys annual report was road aud ordered accepted aud filed aud tho board adjourued All Competition DUtaacad To Denver Salt Lako Portland San Fraucisco Tho Union Pacific fastest time only one night to Utah only two nights to California ouly two nights to Oregou Shortest line from Missouri river to Salt Lake Oity 104 miles shorter thou any other line San Francisco 263 miles shorter than any other line Port laud 258 miles shorter than any other line Beat traok Sherman gravel decom posed granite tho finest ballast in the world is used on the main line of the Union Paciflo making a perfect road bed No dust no jarring smooth and easy riding Detailed Information cheerfully fur nished on application F W Junkhan Agent Sudden Death of Mr WhUler The following from a Davenport Iowa paper of June 0 will be of inter est to many Norfolk people as Mra Whlsler made several extended visits with her daughter when Mr and Mrs Mast made this their homo During those visits a number of Norfolk people became acquainted with her and they will be sincerely sorry to learn of her death Wnrd la vwaivaH nf tin anAAai death of a very well known Davenport lady one who hat lived here several yoars and mado many friouds On Thursday ovonlng at 7 J0 Mrs Alico E Whislor dlod at the homo of hor daughter in Flouiingaburg ICy Sho was in hor th yoar Mrs Whislor loft Davenport two woekH ago last Wodnosday a sufforor from consumption hoping to find bono fit iu tho chaugn of atr Tho deceased loavos throo daughters Mrs O A Mast of Davonportj Mrs Josio L Hobbs of Duhnquo and Mrs May Tucker of Flouiingaburg Ky also a brother Samuel Bernor of Wntaga The remains aro oxpoctod to arrlvo in Davon port tomorrow morning Tho hour of tho funeral has not yot boon uamtd IfUr IIhI List of letters remaiulug uncalled for at thu postoWco July 1 1101 Mrs Davo Barnett Frank Elllck Mr Frank O J French Jabok Horst W W Halo Albert Johnson Geo Mauror Frank H Mlllor Mis Madgo Rhlnort 2 O Wlilmpkiu Geo W Solver 2 If not called for lu 15 days will be sunt to tho dead letter offlco Parties calling for auy of the abovo pleaea say advurtieud P F SPItBCHK P M BUNDICK IS MANAGER Promoted to the luhmt Position mt tav Nsrfalk SHfliir Fiwtary Mr Keller In Simla Uankler From Monitor Dolly Mr J N Bandick is now manager of tho Atnerioau Beet Sugar companys plaut iu Norfolk This promotion came with the visit of Mr K C Howe gen oral manager of tho company and was auuounced Saturday eveuiug tho com mission taking effect this morning Mr Buudiok has mauy frieuds iu Nor folk who will be glad to congratulate him his advancement For about a year he haa been to- a degree upon probation having been acting manager dining that time He no doubt would have been made actual manager long ago but for the fact that he was not ouly young iu years but comparatively porienced In tho busluoss having only beeu engaged iu it siuce November 1898 when ho outered the office at the factory as cashier When Mr Baird was seut to tho Rocky Ford factory a year ago Mr Buudick was placed in charge it was supposed temporarily but ho so quickly adapted himself to tho business that the company began to think that he would make a good mana ger and as time wentou aud he brought to a successful termination all questions whioh came up in the management of tho factory the belief grew into a con viction that he was the man wanted Today hecelebrates his thirty first birth day as well as his promotion making him probably the youugest manager of au iustitutiou of the size aud import ance of the Norfolk fnctory iu the United States His youth however does uot prevent him being a thorough business man as he has demonstrated duriug tho past year and will continue to demonstrate in future Mrs N A Keller who has been act ing cashier for the past year has been promoted to the cashiership Mrs Keller has been with the factory nearly ten years and is a woman of unusual ability iu that Hue SEVENTH NATIONAL CLOSES One of the Oldest Banks In New York In Receivers Hands Now York June 28 Tho Seventh National bank of New York closed its doors shortly after 11 a m yesterday Tho comptroller of the currency ap pointed a national bank examiner aa temporary receiver and the directors Immediately took steps to reorganize the institution The failure of the bank was precipitated by tho Inability of its management after refusal of the clearing house to come to its aid to comply with conditions imposed upon it by the government officials In In tho comptroller of tho currencys department in Washington also by tho enormous withdrawal of funds by country banks which kept their ac counts with the Seventh National Tho statement of the Seventh Na tional bank for the week ending June 22 1901 to tho clearing house was as follows Capital 376600 net profltB 234 400 loans 4407100 specie 557700 legal tenders 7777 1 deposits 5- 712400 Tho Seventh National bank was originally the old Seventh Ward bank and was established In 1833 In May 1899 First Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Perry S Heath practically ac quired a controlling Interest in the stock of tho Seventh Battery Place Battery place Is the traditional spot where on May 0 1G20 the Indian own ers of Manhattan bartered It to the Dutch for baubles worth GO guilders As early as 1003 there being a war with the French a platform upon the outmost point of rocks under the fort was designated as a suitable place for a battery and the council was called upon by Governor Fletcher to furnish 80 cords of stockades 12 feet in length for the purpose of buildiug ume In 1735 a really Imposing battery with a no less Imposing title The George Augustus Royal battery was erected by Governor Cosby and The Battery has remained on our city map ever since associated though It has been with the pleasures of peace to a much greater extent than with the art or the practice of warfare New York BUflu II I Norfolk People Will Celebrate With Neighbors SOME OF THEM WILL PI0NI0 Ilonpltal Patient Will be Kntertalnnd and Norfolk People are Invited to Partici pate fllitli flnnil Annnal Meeting of the Klkluirn Valley Medical Society From Wednoedity Dally While a groat mauy Norfolk people have plannod to colobrate with neigh boring towns a largo tinmbor arc ar ranging to enjoy family nud neighbor hood plcnios aud thero nro few who havo not plannod to colobrate in some manner from which thoy anticipate a day ot pleasure and recreation Tho small boy is especially full t f auticipa Hon and tho llroworlcn morchants nre today enjoying thu dual rash of trade loading up to a patriotic obwrvauce of tho nations birthday Tho mauagomout of tho hospital for tho iusaue has planned to gtvo the pa tieuts some ou joy niout in honor of the occasion Au extra dtnuor will bo Berved thorn ut noon and iu tho after noon rhoy will probably look on or par ticipate in some sports or amusements among whioh may bo a bail game In tho ovonlng thero will be a uico display of fireworks the state board having al lowed tho management souw money for tho purpose of making sucht a display Norfolk people nro iuvited by the officers to come out and participate tn the pleasures of tho evening and if they de sire may bring their firoworka nnd dis charge them there A display of fire works from the hill will bo a flue sight aud may be seen for many miles and many of the patients will undoubtedly thoroughly enjoy tho day and evening Meeting of the Doctor An interesting and profitable meeting of the Elkhorn Valley Medical society was held in the parlors of the Oxnard hotel yesterday afternoon it belug the sixth semi annual session of the- society The meeting was atteudod by about twenty members of the society and sev eral unusually interesting papers were read aud discussed The following pro gram was observed Symposium on The Bowel Trouble of Children in Hot Weather Causa tion W F Conwell Neligh Symptoms aud Diagnosis A B Cherry Winslde Treatment F A Long Madison Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment of Scarlet Fever C O Sackett Laurel Sensory Disorders Their Source and Meaning Joseph MvAikin Omaha Auto iutoxication D W Beattie Neligh Some Points ou the Treatment of Trachoma H Gifford Omaha The Advisability of Removing Sar comatous Tumors J J Williams Wayne Treatment of Infected Wounds of the Haud J E Summers jr Omaha A Case of Interstitial Pregnancy O L Wilsou Rushville After the reading of the papers and their discussion the doctors went to the restaurant of Bert Eberhart where they were served to lunch A uumber of the members who remained over uight were entertained during part of the evening at the Elks headquarters Among those present were Presi dent P H Salter Hagey Bear Kieau F Salter and Bryant of Norfolk J Summers Gifford aud Aiken of Omaha Muirhead of Winside Pringle of Pierce Beattie of Neligh Sackett of Laurel Thompson of Albion Camp bell of Tllden Conwell of Neligh and Miuton of Oakdale SPARKS FROM THE WIRE8 Albert L Johnson of Cleveland brothor of Mayor Thomas L Johnson died Tuesday night at Fort Hamilton a Brooklyn suburb Tho big Homestead hotel at Hot Springs Va was destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning Loss 500000 No loss of life Eleven children one woman and a motorman were seriously Injured Tuesday night In a street car collision at Lakeside a Chicago suburb The plant of tho National Fireproof lng company near Keyport N J was burned Tuesday entailing a tosa of 200000 insurance 100000 Governor Plngreos body lay In state Tuesday in the large chapel of the undertaking rooms at Now York and was viewed by many people St Agnes church of Brooklyn was destroyed Tuesday from a fire result ing from a lightning bolt Loss 250000 Three firemen were fatally injured The poatomce department an nounced Tuesday that summer mall service is now In operation between Lake Bennett and Dawson In the Yu kon territory The quartermasters department of the army has completed arrangements for the expenditure of 1000000 for quarters and barracks for men of the coast artillery Ten boys were overcome Tuesday by foul fumes In a tunnel leading to the Keeting mine near Pittsburg A train which came upon them crushed two of them to death Jacob Neumayer Jr a prominent contractor of Louisville Ky was killed Tuesday by falling from the sec ond story to the basement of a build InjgoLugjup at Fifth 4d Male ttrjeti THB MOUNTAIN LION Ow htrt rldgc tlirouh drrue thicket flldtntv Stealthy nj aure do I follow my prey I Along the dirk canyons In tangled ferni hiding- RelrntlMM I trail and remorecleM I ally I Btrong are my liiiem and trackleoa my winding- NoUeloM u dew la the fall of my paws SfcMthcd In the folda o their relrety binding Tougher and sharper than iteel are my claw Swift u a sword are my cjei In their seeking Piercing the day or tho blackest of nights Sleek U my muule with blood often reeking Heady my teeth for the focman who flglits 1 am a king dost thou aak me lo battle t lather thy atrcngth for I glre not a slgnt What I Art thou sounding so soon the destti rattlcf I diink U thy health In the blood that w thlnel Alfred 1 Townscnd l Overland Monthly MODERN MINE SALTING Tae War Thla swindle la Artfully Woa kcd In Mexico Mlup salting nowadays has doveb oped Into a veny nice art snld an en gineer aud assayer who has lately ro tutued from the Inspection of some properties In old Mexlcd In former times It was done crudely A rascal who wanted to glvo fictitious value to a worthless prospect hole genorally bought or stole a sack of high grade ore and simply scattered It about tho excavation where the victim would be likely to pick up a few pieces for sam pling If an exposed ledge was to be dealt with he sometimes filed up a 27 goldplccc loaded tho dust Into a shot gun and fired It against tho surfaco from which specimens would bo taken But at present greater finesse la needed The up to date purchaser in slsts upon having fresh ore blasted out from beneath the surfaco where II could not possibly be tampered with and seals It up In a little canvas sack for the assayer with his- own hands It Is then that the latest development the hypodermic syringe comes Into play The scientific mine- salter boa one of these bandy little Implements In his coat pocket charged with a solu tion of chloride of gold Die watches for an opportunity and when one presents Itself quietly thrusts the tip of the needle through the can vas sack and gives the piston a geutlo push The cousequence Is that a fow drops of the liquid are discharged over the surface of the ore The quantity of gold in the solution Is almost infinitesi mal but It Is enough to run up an as say 1000 a ton Meanwhile the victim is tranquil In the knowledge that he has selected tho samples himself and has them safely Backed under his own private seal Hypodermic mine salting Is all the go In Mexico at present It beats the old method to death New Orleans Times Democrat An Trenntlou Wife An Incident occurred at the redemp tion bureau of the treasury which ought to be a warning to wives A woman In New England placed 48 in bank bills In the oven of the kitchen stove In order to hide It from her hus band She forgot to take It out and lu the morning he kindled a hot fire and reduced the money to a crisp before his wife remembered where It was She picked up the ashes enough to half fill a wineglass put them In a lit tle box and sent them down to Wash ington to be redeemed The experts by the use of magnifying glasses Iden tified the bills to the amount of 38 and sent her that money but It cost her 12 to fool her husbnnd and she will probably not try It ngaln Chicago Record Earth Fortification Military engineers are practically agreed that no material for fortifica tions Is superior to earth When clay Is not obtainable as on the seashore sand Is collected Into bags and these nre laid In regular heaps along the line of the proposed fortification In such a fortification the balls from the ene mys guns sink without doing damage and shells explode harmlessly 4AaAAAAi o i 1 i i Iggggg x A Sm ggm jK JFZ Jf flu o glgggga in hi i11 ii SS ih WijgggggggtiBKlw2S For a Republic We Mtcst Have Men For a successful business there must be buyers A well equipped store a well assorted stock of goods efficient clerks all attract buyers but no mat- tor iVi ftnu - u k ayjui uu matter what the stock no matter how agreeable or efficient the help uuyers Wui not oe attracted un- less they know the facts Telling the rrt In ini n - i - - ---B iw UIM una ne33 is advert Ltinrr Ttiif rriVi ui will tell them to tha largest number of prospective buvera is rh Kf mni It is obvious that the best method of telling the facts to the buyers of this community is through the advertising col umns of this paper Are you employing this method to the best advantage MI Mt r