The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 05, 1901, Image 6

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1 1
tnrt0gmmmt3mi -
Tho Ynnkco peril in still menacing
JRnrope An American grnin elevntor
I to be built M Lelth Scotland
It in said thnt a new kind of glawt him
n discovered thnt cannot bo broken
Itwonldbonjekoto fit ont a vacant
building vflth thin port of glazing and
fool tho stone throwiug kids
The democrats of Missouri have
taken io fraudulent elections to keep
Hint state In lino for tho party and the
conscientious member of tho party are
deserting tho cauho like Filipinos Icav
lng an insurgent regiment
Nebraska fnsionists do not find much
consolation in tho call for tho repnbli
oMi etato convention which will consist
of 1H0U delegates This total indicates
tko iplondid growth of republicanism iu
Nebraska Is shown by tho luet election
Tho ONeill Frontier edited by D 11
OnwIh ta this wetk of are having been
pnWWved for 21 yenw and the paper
new looked better than on its Hist
birthday Tho t ditor belierpsthnt after
an experiment of 21 years he is ntUhd
tanwmrt thai the pnpr hatt corns to
Tfcs wsathvr h hrrn w dry in Lin
mtk thai the umyw prohibited the nt
f fire crackers und other aplosivfi to
b ted of that city A rrti nt rain hoe
wmwd kin to chung hU mind The
traraUon nntumlly urim Where was
Iitseoln when the crops of north Ns
krstdrn wtr bbing flooded
With only a day intervening between
thin and tho Fourth young America is
not to be blamed f or growing roKtkra
ad sharing pomewhat whon naked to
perform th unpatriotic chore of split
tlnR tho kiudling or bringing abuolu of
water Afnr th Fourth for a fvw days
ten will be too tind fw ra h labcr
Some of the commente on the shirt
vtviM pict ion for men would lead n
porBOU H Iwllevt that many of the very
MTttllest society people would prefer to
Welcome n fur coat fad for summer
wea than a shirt waist There are
many however who prefer Krasibl
isorafort to nncomfortablo convention
The Battlo Orevk editors havo decided
to eclobrato in proper style and no pnprr
will he issued in thnt town next week
It to very seldom indeed that the eountry
publisher Ib supposed to suspend publi
cation and enjoy a holiday with the rcat
of humanity and have so business cares
to worry him and tho example of the
Battle Orcek editors may become popu
When the republican party took con
trol of national nrTnira the government
vraa paying M000000 annual interest
oat tho publio debt With two wnrs
fiincp that would ordinarily mean a
largo increase in interest the annual
payment has been reduced to 21000
000 and tho national credit is gilt elged
fdl of which is scant argument for dem
ocratic necenduuey
Henry Wattereon wants the demo
cratic party to go into the next campaign
penetrated with modern ideas Mr
Wattersou is not alone That sentiment
is quite unanimous with everybody but
republicans They would much prefer
to meet in political battle a dried up or
ganization with non progressive issues
rattling around in its platform than a
xtew creation full of vigor and with
A fellow who was arretted for insanity
at Sioux City during one of the recent
hot days complained that he was cold
and his shivers indicated that he was
The sweltering people of the city envied
him that day even though he was bug
house If the mind doctors could but
make people believe that they were cool
en a hot day and wars on a cold one
their business would attain magnificent
proportions Here is a suggestion that
toesnt east anything and the shrewd
healer may tarn it into a fortune
Dakota City has a strong Political
Sqnality club but the Eagle is sown
what in ignorance of what the member
ship desires The Nebrka laws give
them a voice at school elections bnt at
sack an election held Monday afternoon
net a member of the club was present
nod the Eagle considers it the most im
portant election of the year The men
present however acted magnanimously
nnd elected two ladies as members of
the board of education Perhaps the
ladies are more interested in the clnb
and its meetings than any old election
Now the kissing bug stories are ripe
nnd a story comes from Derby Conn
that Burton Griffin an athlete 80 years
L of age had died in great agony from the
bite of one of these bugs He worked
in a foundry and one day felt a stinging
sensation on his arm and noticed a drop
of blood appear while a large black bug
flew slowly away The next day his
arm swelled and he Decame ill and died
two weeks afterward Now the work
men can scarcely be persuaded to stay
in the foundry and a piece of floating
soot drives them into a panic Someone
nhould now construct a nice sea serpent
story and everyone will realize that
summer is here and at its beet
The improved appearance and matter
that it was iwrned by tho
- -td
issue of tho
w a 111 contained in Mondnys
TDCjHOPIOlKJHCtUB ton iuKtstr is explained by tho fact
ladles of tho
Methodist chnrch of that city with Mm
W N Orris as editor and Mrs Ohas
Chnce assistant Mr Pont might mako
a ton strike by retiring permanently in
favor of tho Indies Tho pnjKir is full of
good advertisements in which Norfolk
merchants aro well repMsented Ono
of the editorials is If Mrs Nation
desires a quiet life why doesnt ho get
into business with ponio fellow who
doesnt believe in advertising InsUad
of using her hatchet They are tho
people who can furnish more quiet to
tho square inch than any other class of
I a pplto of several qnito largo bank
failures during tho past week Duns
Review of finance and trade hays
Tho country is undeniably prosperous
and with prospect of an abundant bar
vst to supply our own needs and iu
creasing European deficiencies tho kitu
at ion is viewed with confidence Con
fidence though much derided by tho
fuskwints was a republican argument
tbaSvtfftJfhe day for protection and pros
perity and will continue to maintain
prosperous conditions The American
people have every reaum to b confident
with a party of confidence in power and
a few failures even though of some im
portance seed scarcely oatute a ripple
oa tho surface of general condition
B4dH the hew internal rovenno law
thero are suveral now stats laws that aiw
operative today for the first time The
game law has ben very gtmirally pre
swntvd One feature of tha law not
generally known is that every county
Hherifi and constable is authorised and
required to assist the comtniseiomtr and
deputy cowmisfiioBw in its mforcemnt
The new election law passed by the
lute legislature doea away with the
blanket ballot replacing it by one six
incUefi wide on which by n single mark
the votr may vote a straight party
ticket A non partisan election board
may be summoned like jurors in a court
and their service made compulsory It
nlso provides that a state convention
may make Bupport or opposition of a
constitutional amendment port ol a
party ticket The legal practice of oite
opathy in Nebraska also dates from to
day The new inheritance tax law
gor into effect Kidnaping is iundo a
crime with penalties rouging from three
Years imprisonment to the death pen
alty An inheritance tax law compul
sory chool attendance law one protect
ing cattle owners agaiurt rastlerB
and many other new laws take effect
while several laws among them the
barbers examing board law beoome in
operative As igorance of the law ex
cuse no one it would be well for every
one to secure information regarding the
new statutes
Beginuiug with Monday for the first
time 6ince 1898 the American people can
havo their chewing gum use their per
fumery and cosmetics send telegrauiE
aud express packages insure their lives
and trau imot legal aud financial buta
nes without paying Undo Sam for the
privilege The new revenue tax law
which goes into effect on the first re
lieves the publio of about -15000000 in
annualexpeudituros aud deprives the
government of a limilar amount of in
come Those who ub revenue stamps
have undoubtedly been buying carefully
since the new law was passed aud yet
there will beN many who will have a
supply on hand when the lnw goes
into effect and a bargain Bale in tho in
terest of Uncle Sam might be received
with popular approval The revenue
department is authorized to redeem such
stamps but there will be many possess
ing a few stamps who will not wish to
go through the form required for their
redemption and would dispose of them
at a sacrifice and the person who would
purcluwe them at a fraction of their
value might be able to make a consider
abls profit Included among the articles
on which the tax has been repealed out
right are bank checks bills of lading
for export bond or obligation by guar
antee company certificates of damage
certificates of deposit charter party
chewing gum commercial brokers
sight drafts express receipts life insur
ance policies leases manifests for cus
tom entry mortgagee or convey
ances in trust orders for payment of
money on sight or demand perfumery
and cosmetics power of attorney prom
issory notes proprietary medicines pro-
teste telegraph messages telephone
messages United States mostey orders
and warehouse receipts
In reply to the suggestion of The
News that patrons of the railroads
might not like to have their view ob
structed by a continuous grove of trees
along a railroads right of way the Con
servative says Passengers can live in
betdth and prosperity without viewing
landscapes But all animal existence on
this globe will periBh when all forests
have been destroyed As between hu
man life and landscapes from car win
dows the Conservative prefers life
This is quite a radical view of the ques
tion If human life depended upon the
foresting of railroad rights-of-way this
paper would be the lost to raise an
objection There ib an abundance of
land obtainable for forest purposes es
pecially in Nebraska without depriviug
travelers of their pleasures and again
there are landscapes which should be
hidden from tho yos of the ordinary
railroad passenger and a pcreen of troes
would prove welcome and lcncfloial
Tiir Nkwb is a warm friend of arbori
culture and would be pleased to see tho
railway compnuiea and other corpora
tions that upo a largo amount of wood
mnterial becomo prime movers toward
forest extension and preservation and
when it conns to a matter of life and
death will favor the use of every foot of
railroad ground for tho growing of trees
but until that time arrives this paper
will stand np for tho rights of the
scenery loving traveler The forestry
question is important to health to cli
mate to building schemes and for many
other purposes but there aro millions
of acres which should be employed in
Krowing trees that aro now of little or
no value and until this is used there
will bo small excuse for continuous rows
of trees along railway trackB The
railronds could acquire title to large
tracts of land and grow tho timbers
they require economically and benefici
ally and The News hope they will do
Ir Day In China
Mew Years Is the notional pay dnj
la China All accounts must be squar
ed up nt that time and the man whe
cant ralw money enough to pay till
debts has to go Into bankruptcy Tht
mws are utich that the creditor can en
tor the debtors houve aud take what
m itauiee If turt Ih no mttlenwut
To prevent euch action families clut
together and make all sorta of com
promisee to keep up the busiuees rp
tntlou of tho clan New Years to I
great day for the pawnbrokers Ttteli
shops mm crowded with people wbt
want to redeem their best clothes be
fore the new year There nro crow
atoo wIm wnut to pnwn other thlngt
la order to get nwj to pay thcti
debts Pawnbrokers receive high ratet
of Interest In which they are protect
d by the government
Tbe Chines pulut the whole conntrj
red on New Years day In more bpiikw
than one Ited In the color which wltk
them denotes good luck null prosperi
ty nnd all the New Years cards nn5
rnvltntlons nre on paper of thnt color
Every child gets Its New YearB pres
ent wrapped In red paper nnd red In
scriptions are pasted over the doors ol
tbe houses London Mall
Tk Stottb Bxtutnirtd
At one of the great department stores
the other day a young man was In
dulging In airy persiflage with the
pretty shopgirl behind the counter
while waiting for his change
What a wonderful place you have
here he said What do you Bell
Everything was tbe reply
Everything was the incredulous
comment What do you mean by ev
Just what I say responded the
girl Anything you want we can
supply you with here
Oh you can eh commented the
pretentious Alexander Well let me
look at some family ties
Without remark but with demure
countenance the girl went away but
In a moment returned nnd said I am
sorry but the manngcr tells me thnt
We nre Just out of family ties owing
to the great demand Perhaps youd
like to look nt some family Jars
The young mnn decided however
that the latter was an undesirable com
modity aud he would have none of tt
New York Tribune
Chnrnelor Ih the Hair
If your hair Is flue it denotes gentle
birth If the ends cling together It 1b
a sign of great Intellectuality and a
tendency to curl shows Inherent grace
and a poetic nature
These are some of the things set
forth by the science of hair reading
yet undeveloped but likely to give us
away in a manner often more accu
rate than pleasing
This science tells us too that the
person with straight lialr has a firm
positive and practical disposition Col
or shows the temperament For In
stance It Is well to watch out for the
person with black lusterless hair lies
apt to be treacherous aud jealous Tbe
lighter the lialr the more sensitive and
touchy Its owner Brown hair be
longs to him who has common sense
good Judgment and reason In high de
gree which would Indicate that hu
manity isnt even half bad Kad hair
shows uouesty aud ckvernse
In HU MlnS
When early in September 1807 Rich
ard Croker was returning to the United
Btaten for the municipal campaign there
were lots of would be politician on board
the New York with him The suino
ridlcalous offers of asuibtance were made
to him ou the steamer Oue man who
ssid hiB name wsb Gross told the Tam
many boes that he coutrolled so less
than 10000 votes in New York city
1 have them right here in the palm
of snj hsnd be said They are all
yours fot the mere asking Mr Croker
gravely thanked the tnsn
Will you keep those 10000 votes is
mind swrssted Gross
Yes replied Mr Croker with s twin
kle of bis eye and a wink at a triend
Ill have those 10000 votes in my mind
jrt t where you hv them sow New
York Work
Parts Xm Praatr
Paris baB always been France All
tbe great movements of the country
nave ueen centered nere whether jo
lltlcul religious social literary or ir
tlstlc So that any attempt to trace the
history of the city launches one Imme
diately Into tbe study of the nation
while an effort to master the history of
the French people sends one to Paris
One realises this particularly when be
comes to study the lives of her great
men and women They may have been
born In the south or east or north or
west but to rise to the first rank they
were obliged to seek the capital It
was there they sought Instruction
formed relations began their careers
played their parts Bcrlbners 4
Power Elected Vice President of Inter
state Sheriffs Association
Chicago June 28 Methods of re
forming criminals while incarcerated
In county Jails formed tho principal
subject of the discussion nt yester
days session of tho Interstate Sher
iffs association ShcrlflR represent
ing 77 counties in 12 states were pres
ent and the trend of the remarks wub
that no adequate reform could be had
until the JuIIb themselves were To
formed The following officers were
elected President J M Fox Free
port Ills first vice president John
Tower Omaha secretary treasurer
Phil T Megnrden Minneapolis
Strawboard Trust Reaching Out
Chicago June 28 The American
strawboard officials havo a scheme for
tho consolidation of all the more Im
portant boxboard mills of tho country
preparatory to reaching out for the ab
sorption of the paper box manufact
urers While options have not been
given by a majority of the mills there
1b said to be sufficient encouragement
for the lnunchlng of the scheme nnd
the Initial steps were taken yesterday
In the Issuance of a circular to the
stockholdcra by the American Straw
board company asking them to give
their consent to a blind pool This
pool consists of three of the leading
members of the directory
Cuts His Wifes Throat
McKlnney Tex June 28 Bev
John Long colored while walking
along a principal street of this city
yesterday with his wife deliberately
cut her throat from ear to ear wth a
pocket knife Her head was nearly
severed from her body and death was
instantaneous Long then tenderly laid
her on the grass folded her arms
acroes her bosom and proceeded down
the street w
after a vicious fight and placed in
Jail Long was released from on asy
lum Severn months ago
Bide The Vatican officials are anxious
concerning the popes health
Last of Volunteers Arrive
San Francisco June 28 The Forty
third regiment the last of the volun
teers to leave the Philippines arrived
here yesterday on the transport Kil
patrick 23 days from Manila The
Forty second infantry was mustered
out of the service yesterday
oers Attack Richmond
Richmond Cape Colony June 28
A large force of Boers commanded by
Malan and Sroit attacked Richmond
at daybreak June 25 The fighting
lasted till dark when the Boers re
tired on the approach of British who
received reinforcements
The formsl trial of the torpedo boat
Biddle was held Tuesday The con
tract speed was 28 knots and she aver
aged 286
As a result of tbe plow consolida
tion it is expected that nearly 100
northwestern traveling men will be
forced to look for positions
President OConnell of the Interna
tional Associstion of Machinists said
Tuesday that be regarded the machin
ists strike as practically won
The stables and wharves of tbe
Metropolitan Coal company on First
street South Boston were burned
Tiriiila0iln vtsxwnl T not tJAA AAA
A richly dresHd woman entered tho
office of a trust company In Philadel
phia the other day to rent n box
Have you any one to Identify you
asked the utteudnuL
Certainly not snld the woman in
dignantly Kncrybody knows who 1
That may bo was the reply but
I dont know thnt you nre the woman
of thnt name
Just then another womnn who had
been trnnnnctlug some buBlncss raised
her head and a frigid nod passed be i
tween them I
Do you know this woman asked
the bank official I
1 dont want to know her Bnnppod
the womnn She lives next door to
me and Instructed her footmnn to
kick my dog Just beennse It chanced
to be on her step You neednt ask me
to Identify her for I wont
1 wouldnt let you Identify me re
torted the npplicant for n box I think
you have acted horridly about your
old dog and you left the Dorcns so
ciety tolling everybody you wouldnt
belong ns long as I was a member A
nice Christian spirit 1
In the meantime the bnnk official en
tirely Hiitlstled that the Identification
wuh complete handed over the key to
the box to the 111 concealed chagrin
of the other woman who hnd identified
her against her will New York Trib
A Little Hit To rnt1lT
This cold hard world has few iranls
as musltlve bh a young man who killed
hluwlf In Parts the other day His
home diiK In Lyons aud hto father
had given to him 30000 francs or ffl
000 to establish a branch office of their
boslnewB hi Paris After he hod been
In Paris for several days his letters
hom ceased nnd be disappeared from
1 iikj mii circle oi lriuuuH iuhi uc uu
here he was captured J jua Hc had seemed a quiet steady
Writ of Habeas Corpus Crantsd
Denver June 28 Judge Hallett of
the United States district court yes
terday granted a writ of habeas cor
pus In the ease of Edward H Reld a
cattle shipper of Omaha who wa con
victed In the district court of Arapahoe
county of having violated the Colorado
statutes by shipping cattle into this
state from Texas without having a bill
of health from a state Inspector and
was sentenced to six months impris
onment In the county Jail
Fatally Shot In Saloon Brawl
Joplln Mo June 2S Will Moore
manager of the S C Henderson
Grocery company of this city and one
of the most prominent young business
men of southwest Missouri was shot
In the back and perhaps fatally
wounded by Wilklns Taylor son of
one of the wealthiest mine owners of
the city The young men had been
quarreling for an hour in a saloon
over a local racing matter Both had
been drinking
Find Another Body
Peru lnd June 28 In removing
the wreckage at Cass the scene of the
wreck on the Wabash railroad Tues
day night another body was found un
der one of the demolished cars It was
Identified as Pasceno Manteno aged
10 daughter of Teusa Manteno who
was also killed The dead were burled
hore in the Catholic cemetery
Pope Is Seriously III
Paris June 28 A dispatch to the
fellow and be had chosen his new as
sociates with discretion When they
missed him they wrote to bis father
supposing that he knew where his son
was The father however was igno
rant of the young mans whereabouts
and the police were summoned and a
search made of his apartments On
the bed In his room was found bis dead
body with a note by his side which
I have lost 25000 francs of the sum
that my father intrusted to me and as
I would not have it believed that I
have squandered the money I am kill
ing myself This furnished a clew
but nothing more could be learned for
several days Finally when searching
the rooms for the young mans proper
ty his pocketbook with the 123000
francs was found In a corner of the
bureau drawer where he had put It
and then forgotten
DM She Set tin- HntT
It was a mean trick of course and
some day she will doubtless get even
with him
She saw him take a piece or paper
from his pocket carefully fold it up
put It In an envelope and then place
the envelope In one of the far corners
of the drawer of the library table
Whats that she asked
Oh nothing of any consequence
be replied
Now If he had simply thrown It care
lessly Into the drawer she would have
thought nothing of It but the core hu
took to put it clear over In the far cor
ner and the fact that he seemed ill at
ease after he found that his action had
been observed aroused her curiosity
She wondered what it was and she
Petit Bleu from Home announces the I
A I reasoned with herself that be hnd said
jjujc iu uc Benuusiy ill iiuu bilja luai
Dr Lapponnl his attending physi
cian does not leave the pontiffs bed-
i It was nothing of Importance so he
would have nobody but himself to
blame if she took a look at it She was
Justified in inferring from his words
that there was no reason why she
should not And this is what she read
scribbled on a piece of paper
Ill bet you a new hat your curiosity
will not permit you to let this alone
It was a terrible predicament In
which to place a woman How could
she claim tbe new hat without giving
herself away Chicago Post
Tb Iceland Dinner
In Iceland the natives dinuer usual
ly ccnslsts of dried fish and butter
The fish is ling or cod which when
caught is split open and then hung on
the lines by the seashore to dry in the
cold winds and hot sun When thus
preserved they will keep for years
being as bard as the nether millstone
When wanted for dinner the fish Is
well hammered by a stone mallet and
then cut up Into strips In this state
It Is eaten but It Is said that It
needs an Icelanders teeth to get
through the meal Tbe butter Is not
spread on tbe fish but the two are
taken alternately first a mouthful of
fish then a mouthful of butter It
may easily be supposed that tbe Ice
lander Is thankful to have his jaws
well greased after every mouthful if
the tough morsel
Spoiled HU Dose
A town that has played Its part In
history for more than 100 years ought
to be forgiven for being a little sleepy
L 77 T T I by Ms time although Its new neigh
M M Welch of Atlanta wbb Tues-
bors be Inclined to fun at It
day elected acting corresponding sec
retary of tbe Baptist Home Mission
board to succeed the late Dr F H
Albanian and Turkish troops are
again pillaging and outraging in tbe
Servian villages of Sandjak and Novi
Bazar under the pretext that they are
searching for concealed arms
Professor Julllen one of the sur
geons at tbe St Lazare hospital Paris
has announced to tbe academy of med
icine that be and M Justin De Lisle
have discovered tbe microbe of
Mrs Fannie Wilson committed sui
cide at Hot Springs Tuesday by taking
morphine Her husband known as
Texas Wilson upon hearing of hla
wifes act left the city and his dead
I body was later found rn tbe suburbs
may poke
It Is told that a Bladensburg mer
chant was dozing In his store one day
when a little girl came In with a pitcher
and asked for a quart of molasses The
merchant yawned stretched himself
opened his eyes and then said In an in
jured tone
Well aint there nobody what sells
molasses In Bladensburg but me
Refrlserated Egtim
Eggs become unwholesome when
kept In refrigerators A fungus forms
in them which is easily found by tbe
microscope although It is not noticea
ble to the taste Tbe fungus consti
tutes a danger when we consider bow
many eggs are consumed by all classes
of society and people of delicate con
stitutions ought to be particularly care
ful that they eat fresh and not kept
- fiU
Conventions Up to Date Show Him to
Have Majority of Delegates
Dos MolncB July L In the county
conventions held Saturday Calhoun In
structed for Cummins Allamakee in
structed lor Trewln Delaware In
structed for Hurrlmnn Tama divided
its delegation giving nine of the 17
votes to CummlnB and Washington
and Decatur took no action on govern
or neither having a district candidate
for governor nnd both having a dis
trict candidate for supreme Judge
The governorship contest is fast
Bearing a close 67 of theJJD counties
having held conventions To this date
and selected 1138 of the 1651 dele
gates which will compose the Btato
Tho standing of the candidates for
governor at this time is as follows
Cummins 611 Harriman 141 Conger
U Herrlott 71 Trewln 83
The list of unlnstructed delegates
whose preferences are unknown num
ber 218 If It were known how many
of these could be counted upon to sup
port Cummins It might then be told
how close CummlnB Ib to tho number
necessary to nominate and whether
the claims of the Cummins leaders
that their candidate Ib 6afely under
the wire are well founded
From returns received from Warren
county it would appear that Conger
won against Cummins there
Warren wbb the last county In tho
Seventh district to hold Its conven
tion ThlB would give two counties
to Conger the other being Madison
Jesse F Thayer Commits Suicide B
cause His Wife Horsewhips Him
Omaha July 1 Humiliated by a
public horsewhipping administered by
his wife and piqued because his love
for Nettle HaBhenberger was unre
quited Captain Jesse F Thayer form
erly In command of the American Vol
unteer corps at Lincoln committed
suicide in Jefferson square Saturday
by taking poison
Captain Thayer came to Omaha
from Lincoln on Wednesday with Miss
Nettle Hashenberger a dressmaker
who had won his heart during the
meetings at the barracks
The young woman eays that she met
Thayer at the volunteer barracks
where the latter has been in charge
for four years She permitted hiB at
tentions until she says there was con
siderable gossip in army circles when
it seemed to her too late to withdraw
When Thayer proposed flight to Oma
ha the girl acquiesced
I liked him as well as any one
said Miss Hashenberger although I
would not marry him I took poison
and a razor away from him and made
him promise he would not kill him
self but he has not kept his word
Thayer still shows the marks of the
severe punishment he received from
his wife who recently horsewhipped
Before he joined the volunteers
Thayer was a singer In comic opera
He came to Nebraska from Freeport
Rich Pearl Find at Lansing
Lansing la July 1 This city bids
fair to become famous for the many
fine pearls found here One yesterday
sold for 1800 It was found by an
old Swede named Benson on the clam
bed which produced the famous Queen
Mary about a month ago and although
weighing less 6C grains Is a much
finer and more valuable gem No less
than 12 pearls were found here one
day last week but fhe Benson pearl
will probably go down in history as
the finest of them all
Jury Acquits Dr Wintner
Granite Falls Minn July 1 The
Jury in the murder trial of Dr Wint
ner late last night returned a verdict
of not guilty Dr Wintner on April
15 last shot and killed William Len
ard a gambler with whom he was
playing poker explaining at the time
that he discovered Lenard to be
cheating him He demanded his money
back and secured part of It from Len
ards partner but the other man re
fused to give up what he had won
and Dr Wintner shot him
East bound freight rates are demor
alized as a result of a fight by Kansas
City roads
Two farmers Lee Hine and Isaac
Tryon were killed by a Lake Shore
train near Waterloo lnd Saturday
A boy smoking a cigarette started
a 150000 fire in the livery stable of
Charles Seibold at Alton Ills Satur
day x
Mrs Eliza Potter wife of the Right
Rev Henry C Potter Protestant Epis
copal bishop of New York died sud
denly Sunday
Mrs Lulu Prince Kennedy was sen
tenced at Kansas City Saturday to
ten years in the penitentiary foe
the murder of her husband
Martial law baB been proclaimed
In Panama owing to a report that the
rebel forces have been reorganized
Considerable fighting is in progress la
the interior
M Fournler won the automobile raco
from Paris to Berlin making the dis
tance from Hanover to Berlin In 11
hours 46 minutes and 10 seconds Tho
raceis were welcomed to the German
capital by a crowd of 10000
The steamer Mohawk with 700 ex
cursionists for Danbury Conn aboard
struck on a rock near Glen Island Sat
urday and sank in water that sub
merged the first deck Many were
injured in the panic that followed
The government ended Saturday the
most successful financial year in Its
history The surplus is J75000000
which exceeds any year in the last
decade except 1900 and would have
beat that but for 115000000 bond pur