The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 05, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Storm Strikes Fort Crook
Fort Crook Neb July 2 A heavy
wind and electrical storm followed by
a downpour of hail and rain visited
this section yesterday A largo por
tion of the roof on the Burlington de
pot was blown off and telephone and
telegraph wires wore burned out
Eighty seven Deaths From Heat and
Many Prostrations
New York July 2 Yesterday was
the hottest July 1 on record At 310
p m the thermometer at the weather
office reached 98 degrees In the
early morning hours there was a light
breeze blowing but during the early
part of the afternoon the breeze died
away and the city was baked in
torrid heat The suffering la the
city was most intense As tho day
grew the deaths and prostrations in
creased and although provision was
made in all the hospitals for this
emergency the authorities were
scarcely able to cope with the great
tax made on their resources During
the day there were reported 87 deaths
and 106 prosptrations from the heat
Charges Against Judge Humphreys
Washington July 2 It la under
stood charges have been filed at the
department of justice against Judgo
Humphreys ot Honolulu Theso
charges are said to be caused by
the action of the judgo in certain mat
ters coming up before him The
judge is now on his way to thia coun
try and it ia understood will bring
a petition signed by leading citizens
of Honolulu endorsing his course a
number of letters to that effect hav
ing already come to the department
Pittsburg Like a Furnace
Pittsburg July 2 Pittaburg waa a
veritable furnace all day From sun
rise till long after dusk there was no
cessation in the terrible heat All
previous records were broken and the
death rate was more than doubled In
fants and aged people succumbed
alike and the suffering among all
classes waa intense Eighteen
deaths and 40 prostrations were re
Child Killed by the Pilot
Fort Dodge la July 2 Irene the
6-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs
John M Thorpe of Richards 20 miles
southwest of Fort Dodge was struck
and killed by an Illinois Central pas
senger train yesterday The child at
tempted to cross the track before the
train and was struck on the head by
the pilot Her skull was crushed and
she did not recover consciousness dy
ing In a few hours
Summer Hotel Burns
New Tork July 2 Fire destroyed
the Allenhurat ina at Allenhurst N
J and three cottages adjoining It
The loaa la 170009 Insurance 107
900 The hotel was one of the best
known on the New Jersey coaat
There were 165 guests registered at
the tine of the fire but thoy all got
out safely most of them being at
their dinner at the time
Little Whirlwind Goes Free
Helena Mont July 2 Little Whirl
wind the lire prisoner whose case
was taken up by the Indian Rights asso
ciation and bis pardon urged la a free
nan The state board of pardons yes
terday endorsed the action of Gover
Bor Toole la ordering him set at
British Government Seta Aside Consti
tution and Reverts to Absolutism
London July 2 Tho Dally Nown
nrlnta an artlclo by ltd parliamentary
Rain Comes When Needed and correspondent on tho political aim
Hon Ga Colony In flow of tho
Com is DAtnant fl i
Rejuvenated prorogation of tho Capo parliament
tho wrltor Haying that an Ibbuo of tho
BIG WIND 8WEEP3 IOWA TOWN gravest moment naraoly tho
I alon of tho constitution of Capo
Colony la Involved Ho addB
Cambridge Loses Several Small Build- Prom tho night of Juno 30 for an
Inga Damage Reported at Marshall- Indefinite period tho klngB subjects
Crook1 Cpe Colon will I be depHof Ito
town Storm Strike Fort
Blowing Roof Off Depot
Omaha July 2 Anothor ono of
thoso million dollar ralna fell
throughout Nebraska From all over
tho state comoB nowa of aaaurod cropa
The long period of oxtromoly hot
woathor which baa occurred waa be
ginning to cauao somo anxiety
Every county in tho Bouthorn part ot
tho Btato rocotved a heavy soaking
and while somo accidents aro report
erf aa due to lightning or th9 heavy
wild which accompanied tho rain In
bobs psrtlons from no point la It re
ported that serious damage has been
dons to cropa
Range landa wero in the rain belt
Mid cattle are assured excellent pas
turage for the summer
The most sovere damage reported
waa at Marshalltown la where ono
building was plckod up and hurled
against a groat warehouse but dam
aging only Itself Ths roof of an
other warohouso waa carried away
Lincoln July 2 Lincoln got aa Inch
and a quarter of rain betwen the hours
ot I and 5 yesterday afternoon break
lag an almost uninterrupted drought
existing since the third of June and
causing a fall ot temperature of near
ly 40 degrees All of southeastern
Nebraska received a good wetting and
there was a hoary downpour along
tho main lino of the Burlington a hun
dred miles west three Inches falling
ia some towns Tho rain Is of Ines
timable value to growing corn which
waa withering
Windstorm at Cambridge la
Madrid la July 2 A severe wind
storm visited Cambridge yesterday
afternoon A number of small build
ings were destroyed The Milwaukee
telegraph lines wore prostrated and
communication interrupted Ths
wires were also badly prostrated be
tween Madrid and Perry
lirOlUUVlOU Ul III UUII Will uu nuioiuou
contrary to Ita exproaa provisional
Taxes will bo appllod under warrant
of tho Rovornor without appropriation
by parliament
This Illegal mothod haa been resort
ed to by tho government and ministry
doubt lesa at tho Instigation of Lord
Mllnor and Colonial Secretary Cham
berlain In a word tho Imperial gov
ernment has abrogated every article
ot tho compact under which a froo
people own alleglanco to their nilera
Liberty la dead so far as our dutlous
subjects are concornod
Tho crisis calls for tho authoritative
Intervention of tho liberal party In
which thoro Is a feeling In favor of
summoning a groat popular confer
ence to consider tho situation
Cronjea Force Quartered on Barrels
and Tuckers Islands
Hamilton Bermuda July 2 Tho
930 Boer prlsonors who arrived hero
Juno 28 on tho British transport Ar
menian wero moved Into tho camp pre
pared for them on Barrels and Tuck
ers Islands Those are part of tha
force of General Cronje and wore cap
tured at Paardeburg They include
several boys ot eight and ten yoari
who carried ammunition to their fath
ers when tho latter wero in tho
trenches Among the prisoners wera
also two Boers so old that they
crawled on all fours down tho trans
ports gangway These two old men
aver they never saw salt water beforo
reaching Cape Town The prisoners
are pleased with Bermuda and are
enjoying the ea bathing They say
they aro sorry thoy wore led Into tho
war and that they long for Ita ter
mination They expressed themselves
as grateful for tho treatment accorded
them by Great Britain Some of tho
more wealthy prisoners have Inquired
aa to their chances of spending
money in Bermuda
The gunboats Medina and Medway
are guarding Barrels and Tuckers
Judge McPherson Says Officials Are
Working Mostly for Fees
Des Moines July 2 Judge Smith
McPherson of Red Oak Issued an or
der in the United States court for the
southern district yesterday that cre
ated consternation in official circles
and dismay to those who have been
making big fees working the federal
courts The order as issued to all
commissioners and deputy marshals
declares that complaints have been
made by the departments at Washing
ton that there are too many petty and
frivolous prosecutions in this district
that tho talk and belief are quite gen
eral that these prosecutions serve no
other purpose than to make fees
I Intend Judge McPherson Hays
that this shall not continue Thi3
court should punish those tiilty of
crime and allow the fees of officers as
an Incident and not make allowance
of fees tho business and the convic
tion of accused the Incident
Captured by Chinese Troops and
Turned Over to American Minister
Peking July 2 Five men calling
themselves Americans were captured
by Chinese troops in a town 50 miles
from Peking and were yesterday
turned over to Major B Robertson
commander of tho United States guard
here The men who were armed de
manded 5000 taela from the keeper of
a pawn shop aud got 500 They filled
five carts with plunder and then be
gan shooting not knowing that the
town was occupied by 100 Chinese
troops The United States legation
waa notified and the quintette was
brought In
All parts of Poking occupied by the
British for police purposes were
turned over yesterday to tho Chinese
Transmlssisslppi Congress
Cripple Creek Colo July 2 This
city Is making extensive arrangements
for the 12th annual session of tho
Transmlssisslppi Commercial con
gress which will begin July 16 Six
governors have already accepted Gov
ernor Omans Invitation to be pres
ent and quite a number of distin
guished public men will take part in
the program The citizens are pre
paring for at least 10000 strangers
in the city during congress week
Will Make a Rush for Lands
Denison Tex July 2 A company
of Texas Indian Territory and Okla
homa men has been formed to make
a rush for tho lands ot the Kiowa and
Comanche country when they are
opened to settlement They have
employed counsel and it necessary
will fight their case in the courts
claiming that there is no provisions
in law for seloctlng claims by drawing
Breaks Two Hundred Yard Record
Cheyenne Wyo July 2 Peto Ber
gerson in the regular shoot of the
Cheyenne Rifle club broke the worlds
record for standard targets at 200
yards scoring 98 out ot a possible 100
The record Is official and will be rec
ognized Bergeraon held tho previous
record of 97 points His latent score
nil is n
Bolt Strikes Fishermen on a
Chicago Pier
Thunderbolt Wrecks the Structure and
Only One Boy Survives Hla Com-
Being Burned and Shrivoieu
Chicago July 2 Crowded togolhor
In a llttlo zlnc llnod shanty under a
north ahoro plor ten boys and young
men and ono old man mot Instant
plor at tho time They rushed for
the only nvallablo shelter and crowded
themselvea In through the llttlo trap
door In tho top of tho cabin till thoy
wero packed almost to a suffocation
Then came the thunderbolt It was
tho worBt of tho storm Watchers In
the pumping station Baw tho zig zag
lightning strike tho water as they
thought They did not know of Its
tearful work
There was ono small boy however
who saw the bolt But for him tho
dead might have laid where they were
for hours and littlle Willie Anderson
might have been suffocated under
their bodies
Percy Koane clad In bathing trunks
and watching from the water station
thought he heard a scream as tho bolt
struck Mindless of tho storm he
rushed across the beach At tho pier
he heard a cry Help get me out
He looked into the cabin and in dis
may saw the twisted bodies
Young Percy crying pulled at tho
dead mens arms and legs to got them
away Ho saw Willie Andersons
head and part of his body but he could
not pull him out nor could he pull
the heavy bodies from on top of him
Then young Keano telephoned to the
police who succeeded after a great
deal of difficulty In rescuing young
Anderson and recovering the dead
bodies of the others
Five persons dropped dead on tho
Btreets from the effects of excessive
heat and 15 others had to be removed
to hospitals A number of the pros
trated are in a serloua condition and
may die At noon the temperaturo
In tho streets waa over 100 Tho
thunder storm brought relict and tho
mercury dropped 20 degrees
The dead Peter Badjlk Bosso
Pool John Smith Joa Sobozok
Thomas Walsh
Eastbound Union Pacific Express
Crashes Into Freight Train
Woodworkers Strike Averted
Chicago July 2 The threatened
strike today ot the 3000 woodworkers
In Chicago was averted last night by
the manufacturers of saloon store and
office fixtures who acceded to the de
mands of tho men and signed a two
year agreement granting an advance
of 26 conts a day in the mens wages
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League Philadelphia 1
Pittsburg 0 New York 5 Chicago 4
Brooklyn 8 St Louis 10 Boston 9 4
Cincinnati 1 2 American Leaguo
Milwaukee 5 Cleveland 8 Washing
ton 13 Philadelphia 13 Baltimore
7 Boston 5
Negro Paya the Penalty
Richmond Va July 2 A negro
who attempted an assault upon a
Brunswick oounty woman a few days
ago was taken from the jail at Law-
was made with ordinary peep sights K br W WWbk
Columbia Defeats Constitution In a
Thirty Mile Trial
Nowport 11 I July 2 Tho Conntl
tutlon waa dofentcd by tho Columbia
yesterday by tho small margin of 48
seconds in tho Hist rout race la which
tho now Horruscttoff yacht has partici
pated The contosi from start to
flnlHli wan oloso and at tlmoa excit
ing In tho opinion of a majority of
yachtmon In Nowport tho Constitu
tion lost through misfortune How
ever tho result of tho contest la far
from UUIHlliniVU ami muiu In still much
panlons Ten Boys and One Man
m d0tlui n9 rolllivrt inorts
zrw zrr m is -
r - i n mn who down on tho run home This gala
B UIJBL III nuanuo ll II- lln hnl tlnt
found thorn Bald
Thoro wore 12 who sought shelter
and JuBt oao escaped Twelve-year-
it -trim A nlifti wa ii wn tnrnil
tho heap of dead bodies
Tho dead comprised a party of men
who wore Ashing and seeking relief
from tho heat of the day Joined by
a number of boys who had come to
wado and swim on tho boach
Tho names of tho dead aro George
Brabinat It yoars old Meyer Jacobs
45 Oeorgo Porlbs 12 Frank Coosey
11 Carl Knise 18 Edward Bloeh
13 five unknown
The storm was art violent a visita
tion as had been experienced In Chi
cago Tho skies wero filled with the
flashing glaro of tho lightning and
tho air rumbled steadily with thunder
Half a dozen houses outbuildings and
trees In the vicinity wore struck and
nlmost all ot the telephone wires
burned out
ot tho two racers
Tho mishap to tho now boat camo
about an hour after ths start While
the boats wore on tho second long
tuck to windward the clow of the Jib
of lie now boat was carried nway
Wlin IllllllJUIflUlllJ Ullll IU liiu vl ill
dent for In crossing the line In gyb
UlU TTIUIU niiwui - 1 U
but ho lay many long minutes before 7 T
and she had to bo owe to
he could be drawn out from under
liiu uhj ii win iro nntnnm m
Loss 40000
she came up In tho hotter wind Tho
Columbia did not escape without acci
a new npar before the Columbia can
race again hut It Is expoctod It will
bo In place for a race tomorrow
Nearly Whole Business Portion of the
Town is Destroyed
Aurora Nob July 2 Nearly the
ontlro business portion of Hampton
the llrnt station east of Aurora burned
yostnrday Tho fire started In Charlua
Hudsons confectionery store and
spread rapidly The stores burned
are as follows Charles Hudson
confectionery Hondrlckaon general
store Mrs Bennett restaurant Mlsa
Wind millinery C Newman hard
ware ami farm machinery Hough
tons bank Charles Feolhavor drug
There wero 13 men and boys on the1 store Hana Lorenson butchor shop
etween Union Labor and Big
Company Is On
Pittsburg July 2 Tho end of the
first day of tho strike troubles bo
twecn tho Amalgamated Association
ot Iron Steel and Tin Workers on
ono side and tho American Sheet
Steel company and Amorlcan Steel
Hoop company constituent companies
ot the United States Steel corpora
tion on tho other finds all of the
union plants Idle and many workers
from open mills who aro members of
the Amalgamated association on
strike Tho association officials Bay
they are satisfied with tho situation
and claim that thoy will be able to
control between 35000 and 40000
men In the two companies No move
waa made on the part of either eldo
to the controversy and It Is doubtful
If anything dcclsivo will be dono for at
least a week Both men and manufac
turers agree that a shut down for
about two weeks Is necessary whether
a settlement is reached or not
Cereal Company to Reorganize
Akron O July 2 It was stated by
an official of tho American Cereal com
pany yesterday that tho company
would be reorganized with u capital
ization of 8000000 preferred and
4000000 common stock It is sup
posed tho Increaso in tho capital stock
of the American company Is made
with a view to buying out the Great
cial of the latter stated that his cor
poration would not sell that If the
American Cereal company offered 180
for the stock they would mako a
counter bid of 190
C W Coleman one of tho promi
nent lumbermen of tho northwest
died at LaCrosso Monday night of
Disastrous hurricanes on the coast
Cheyenne Wyo July 2 Eastbound of New South Wales have paralyzed
Atlantic express No 6 dn the Union
Pacific ran into tho rear end ot a
freight train at Rock Springs last
night Between 15 and 20 persons
all but two of tho passengers on the
eastbound train were slightly Injured
Traffic was delayed for nearly 14
No Meat for Union Restaurants
San Francisco July 2 The strike
ot cooks and waiters in this city has
assumed a new phase Tho Joint ex
ecutive committee of the Butchers as
sociation and the retail and jobbing
butchers sent out notices to all res
taurants in the city to the effect that
no more meat would be furnished to
restaurants displaying tho union card
It Is understood that the wholesale
dealers intend to take similar action
shipping Two vessels have boon
wrecked and ten persons drowned
W P Wall was appointed receiver
fray the expenses of Frances Chi
nese expedition
Tho now revenue collection district
embracing North and South Dakota
was established Monday with Herman
Ellermand as collector Tho office
Is locatod at Aberdeen S D
Although three months have ex
pired sinco the government completed
tho contract to raise tho hull of the
battleship Maine from Havana har
bor no work to this end has yet been
Throe tons of molten Iron which
exploded with terrific force In tho Il
linois Steel works at South Chicago
Monday night Instantly killed John
Kabo and Injured several other em
uiarenco Mackay has purchased of
Sam Hildretb the 2-year-old colt
Brunswick The price ia said to have
been 12000
All the flint glass factories of tho
country operated under the scale of
the American Flint Glass Workers
union have closed for periods ranging
from four weeka to two months Fullya
40000 men and boys vill enjoy the cub-
tomary summer vacation
Twonty of tho leading Indiana coal
operators met In Chicago Friday and
discussed consolidation ot all the In
terests In the Indiana bituminous coal
fields About 30 mines it la said will
come under tho control of one company
U the deal is carried out
Passes Away at His Home I n
Aberdeen S D
Sinks Suddenly When Chanooe for
His Recovery Were Considered Fa
verabte Caused by Origins Die
oane Had Boen III Ten Days
Aberdeen S I July 2 Honatot
Kylo dll yesterday afUtrnoon at 605
Senator Kylo waa atrlokun nt bin
home at Aberdeen about ton days ago
Ills troublu was or malarial origin and
resulted In a functional affection ol
the heart which caused the greatest
alarm A consultation of physicians
waa held aud his cuio wwn took n
turn for the bettor the liealt cation
growing stronger and tho guueral con
dltlou much more encouraging Ono
of tin latest bulletins from hla bedside
last week was to the effect that ha
hail pOAeiexl the daugur point ami that
his rocorery would be certain though
The senator had a similar attack
In the oast some time ago and wae
liable to a ntcurnmco of the tniublo
His health has not buon robust for a
year or so Ills relapse waa not ax
pectud however
Hla wife Is prostrated and In Iticon
aolate They have two children a
daughter Hthoiyn about 15 and a
baby boy Tho city Is In
over tho great loss that has fallen on
It Beaator Kyle was highly os
teemed and by his death Aberdeen
Western Cereal company but an of Cuba
loans a friend who cannot be replaced
Jamos HondtM aon Kylo was born
near Xenla O Feb 24 1854 ol
Scotch parents and waa graduated
from Oborlln college In 1878 studied
law awhile but changed hla mind and
took a course at tho Woatorn The
ological souilnary at Alloghany Pa
from which he was graduated In 1882
After three years In Utah ho located
at Abordoen S I In 1885
On July 4 18t0 tho people had gath
ored to a big Fourth of July celebra
tion tho orator of tho day failed to
arrive aud the managers asked tha
preacher who had Invoked tho divine
blosalng on tho oxerclnes to say a
few words Ho upolco just half an
hour and captured tho audience His
thomo was brlofly this Tho con
centratlon of woalth 1b tho ruin of o
ropubllc It has destroyed all freo gov
ernments whero It has prevailed and
at present rates will soon destroy
this thoreforo the farmers and other
laborors must act together and devlso
a fiscal and industrial system which
will rovorso tho present process
Tho applause was great and In a few
days tho orator waa the most talked
about man In that soction At tho
next election ho was chosen state sen
ator The legislature had a deadlock
and tho Democrats Joined In electing
him senator Ho was ro elcctcd In
1897 and usually votod with tho Ro
Conference Supposed to Have Bear
ing Upon Presidency of Cuba
Now York July 2 General Max
imo Gomez has boon spending much
of his time In conference with Tomas
Estrada Palma at tho Waldorf Astoria
Neither would dlvulgo tho exact na
ture of their talk It Is thought Gon
oral Gomez is here to sound the head
of the Cuban junta on the question
of his candidacy for tho presidency
General Gomez who Is him-
self a presidential possibility declared
rocontly in favor of Sonor Palma
When this subject was mentioned to
Estrada Palma last night ho said
I would rather not discuss tho mat
tor It Is too early anyway and tho
Cubans have not yet mado up their
minds whom they desiro for presi
General Gomez expects to go to
Washington today and call upon Pres
ident McKlnley
Buseey Must Hang
Camden Ark July 2 Circuit
Judgo Smith ovorruled tho applica
tor tho Staunton Milling company of tlon for a new trial In tho case of
Staunton Ills whoso mills have a i Will Bussoy colored under sentence
dally capacity of 300 barrels of flour to nanK for criminal assault
ti Trrnni phnmhnr nf loniitfna i crnor Davis recently granted a
I Prlove of 3 days in order to allow
Monday voted supplementary credits
do- Judicial action following the
amounting to 80000000 francs to
slon of Mrs Tom Wataon tho prose
cuttng witness that she testified false
ly against Bussey at the behest ot her
husband Judgo Smith stated that
tlae witnesses wore so utterly unrelia
ble that their evldonco was not worthy
of belief Tho court then sot Aug 3
for the execution An appeal will bo
taken to the supremo court
Pingreea Remalna Arrive
New York July 2 The remains of
former Governor Hazen 8 Pingree ot
Michigan arrived hore yestorday on
tho steamship Zealandla With the
body came Hazen S Pingree Jr who
accompanied bis father to England
The body will be taken from tho ship
today Frank Pingree a brother ot
tho lato governor Mayor William G
Maybury of Detroit and R G Solomon
ot Nowark wero at tho dock to meet
tho Zealandla
Death of Dr Hyatt
Ottumwa la July 2 Dr B F
Hyatt the only Republican member of
the council of Ottumwa died suddenly
last evening ot peritonitis Ho waa
ono ot the most promlnont physicians
ot southern Iowa
Kills Wife Attempts Suicide
Newton Falls O July 2 Rollln
Hawkins a farmer residing near here
shot and killed his wife and then tried
to shoot himself but was not seriously
Injured The oouplo had quarreled
Denvor Preachers Cited for Contempt
of Court Dismissed with Reprimand
Donvor Colo July 2 Judge Pal
mor of tho district court yosterdajr
rnprlmaadod ftov Hador pastor of
Grace Methodist church Rev Tal
mago stato superintendent of the An
tl Baloon leaguo and Secretary Wyn
koop of tho Christian Iflntloaror so
ciety who wero chargud with con
tempt of court and discharged thorn
In the coumo of his remarks com
cemlng tho two canon Judgo Palmer
said that certain of tlm clergy through
out tho whole country through n
tondoucy to nlray from bonlon pathn
In Hoarch of something Biuisatlunnl
havu woikeuod Iho cause of Christian
ity llo did not know whether tno
oU way wan distasteful lo thorn oc
they found It nocoiisury to outer for
olgn Holds In order to attract people
whom they thought might he late
sHtnd and thus perchance preserve f
themselves an easy existence Ho
nalil ho proposed to oxerola for the
edification of Messrs Rador and Tal
mage who he said were dwervlng
f noverer punishment the Christian
virtue forbearance and altbountt
they were hold guilty of contempt ho
would discharge thorn with tho under
standing that the remarks dlnwted to
thorn Hboitlil bo considered In the aa
ture of a reprimand
Only Four New Counterfeits Placet h
Circulation Last Year
Washington July 2 The aanwal re
port ot Chief Wllklo ot the ocrt
service division treasury dopartmool
submitted to Soorulary Gage yester
day utatuu that during the 12 months
ending Juno SI 1901 thoro were
placed In circulation but four now
counterfeit notes agalntit an average
of about ten for rack year during thfl
precodlng ten years Only ono of
those now notes was at all dangerous
tho others being the product of un
skilled workmanship The total
amount of counterfeit currency which
came Into tho possession of tho dlvtn
Ion during the year amounted to 30
05G while 18117 In counterfeit coin
waH ronllHcatod Coin counterfeiting
decreased all ovor tho rountry ex
cept In Now York and vicinity whom
thoro lias been a gradual Increano In
tills class of crlmo particularly In
casos where gonulno silver forms the
basis of tho Imitations Tho aVrestH
for 12 months show a total at 594
Charged With Bribery
Cripple Crook Colo July I
Charles Wells a prominent politician
and director of the school board wan
arrested yesterday having boon in
dlctod on five counts brlbory solicita
tion of a brlbo and throo chargoB of
obtaining money on falso pretonses
Charles Northcutt ox pollcemun
charged with being a beneficiary of
tho Manila house robbery boiiio
months ago was also arrested
Brings One Million In Gold
Seattle July 2 Tho steamship
Victorian urrlvcd yesterday from
Skagway with 75 Dawsonltes and be
tween 800000 and 1000000 In gold
part of tho Spring cleanup In tho
Klondike district II I Mills a well
known cattleman of this city is re
ported to have brought 100000
Hi- Won Ili t
A showman was making great
noise at tho front of the exhibition of
wonders he had on show A man
standing In the crowd with a llttlo dog
beside him cried out
Ill bet you a quid you cant lot me
see a lion
Done said tho showman eagerly1
Put down your money
Tho man placed a sovereign In tho
hand of a bystander and the showman
did the same
Now walk this way said the show
man aud Ill soon convince you
There l said he triumphantly Look la
that corner at Uie beautiful Numldlan
I dont bcc any responded the
Whats the matter with you ask
ed the showman
Im blind was the reply and lu aj
few mlnutoH the blind man pocketed
the two sovereigns anl went away
IxMidon Answers
How Ske Knew
Speaking of kindergartens for color
ed children cnllB to mind the experi
ence of a befo de war matron who
waa teaching ono of tho llttlo darkle
on her plantation how to spell
Tho primer sho uaed was a pictorial
one and over each word was Its ac
companying picture and Polly glibly
spelled o x ox and bor etc But
the teacher thought that Bhe was mak
ing right rapid progress so she pat her
band over the picture and said
Polly what does o r spell
Ox answered Polly nlmWy
now do yen know that It sneUa ex
Beed hU tall renltod the ant Petty
Memplile Scimitar
DBbfcMM Oeimptimutrmt
And hew did you and grands got
along Inquired the detlaqj ananimn
tho precocious child
no was pleasant as pee realte the
As pleasant as pie
Yes mamma abort and crusty
Cleveland Plain Dealer I
Tonri Lnnefe
Undo who left bis nephew refresh
Ing Well Tommy you Bee Imback
Are you ready What have I to pay
Waitress Three buns four sponge
cakes two sandwiches one Jelly five
tarta and
Uncle Good gracious boy I Are you
not ill
Tommy No uncle but Isa very
thirsty London TU B1U