M i 1 1 A MMMMIMMMWMMWIMMMM There tnny be A WEDDING to which von have been bidden Yon dont know juBt what to buy 1 for a present ITS A HARD QUESTION TO DECIDE Drop in nnd Bee if wo cannot help yon Seeing thinRB will eng geBt what yon ought to bny and the price ehnll not deter yon from buying anything in ourttore C F W MARQUARDT JEWELER NORFOLK - NEBRASKA aMMMtMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN PARISH Fresh Celery Just Received PARISH YOURHOME will look barren and cheerless no matter how much furniture you may have if you dont bave the walls nicely papered We have a pleasing selection 6f Damasks Ingrains Glimmers and Blanks at prices to suit the slender purse Remember we handle the Monarch Mixed iPuiut the best paint made KIESAU DRUG CO WE DO NOT BELIEVE in carrying goods over from one season to the other In J order to close out our en- tire line of SUMMER MIL LINERY we will sell every thing at COST PRICE We have a few Street Hats left that we will close out Regardless of Price I Miss E J Bender The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a tn to day Maximum temperature 04 Minimum temperature 58 Average 70 Precipitation 06 Total preoipitation for month 67 Barometer 2086 Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Saturday FRIDAY FACTS A daughter was born Wednesday to Mr and Mrs P OToole Rev L W Scudder will preach in the Presbyterian church Sabbath morn ing at 11 oclock Sabbath school at 10 oclock W H Rish has secured the contract for furnishing plumbing supplies to the Norfolk hospital for the insane for the quarter beginning July 1 Rev J P Ashley PhD of Fostoria Ohio will arrive this evening to remain about a month and during that time will have charge of the services at the First Congregational church Dr j Ashley comes highly recommended as a minister and pulpit oratpr as well as an educator having served one of the eastern colleges in the capacity of pres dent Ho will bo a guest at the home of Col S S Cotton during his visit to Norfolk A fire alarm this afternoon got a qnlck reppouse from the department although the signal at tho pumping station was somewhat confusing the first indicating a blaze in the Fourth ward and iho Becond in the Third The fire was finally located in a refuse heap in back of the Freeland barn in Hayes addition But one company the Qneen City got to that locality Tho members succeeded in extinguishing the blaze with little difficulty B Harrison father of Mrs H J Cole suffered a partial stroke of paral ysis Thursday morning and is still ter ionsly nffected When called in the morning he failed to respond and in vestigation developed that he was par tially paralyzed He is conscious at times and able to converse to Eome ex tent but no material change is shown in his condition since yesterday morning He is well along in years and his ago will undoubtedly make recovery more slow than though he were younger Todays press dispatches Ftato that the Gentry trained animal show which is billed to exhibit in Norfolk tomorrow suffered disastrously from a wind storm that Bwept over Grand Island yesterday afternoon Some of the reports state that the show sustained a loss of about 5000 to tentB poles seats and other paraphernalia One of the leading men of the oompany is quoted as believing that the show will miss about three dateB as a result of the disaster before the damage can be repaired If this is true Norfolk would be one of the places missed but as nothing has been heard from the company regarding the can celling of the date it is to be presumed that they intend to be here and fill the engagement The street parade is an nounced to take place at 11 oclock and performances will be given afternoon and evening The Ladies Industrial room will open again in the basement of the Congrega tional church July 111 A meeting of the Senior class Nor folk High school is hereby called for this evening at the High school building to attend to the Eale of the Milestone Stella luikaut Business Manager Lost On the road east of town nn opal and diamond brooch Finder please return to this office Dr Robert B Johnson oifico in Mast block over Norfolk National bank Prof M B Singer will open a class in German Monday July 8 Information will be given at Degners hardware store DEFICIENCY DISAPPEARING ISoiircl of Kritimtluii in Saving Something to TiixpuyerR Secretary h K ort Report of receipts and disbursements of the school district of Norfolk city for the fiscal year beginning July 1 1000 and ending Juue J0 1901 KECHIIIS From cash on hand July 1 looo oi From conuty treasurer taxes lJi6ii U0 From county treasurer state apportionment 2ar6 58 From police judge lines 154 05 From saloon licenses 4000 00 From insurance loss HO 00 From rent residence property 44 00 From non resident tuition 05 09 From unearned premium in surance 2 75 Total 20777 81 DIB11U11SEMENTS For superintendent and teachers salaries 11055 46 For officers and janitors sala ries 1731 00 For books 202 82 For supplies S41 92 For repairs 82 06 For fuel 1024 30 For furniture 7 00 For census enumerator 40 00 For telephone rental 35 00 For electrio lighting 23 83 For examining committee 34 85 For miscellaneous 89 70 For interest on warrants 909 97 Total 115829 48 This fiscal year shows an increase in receipts over the year ending June 30 1900 of 13738 25 and a decrease in ex penses of 874236 compared with the same period H O Matrau Secretary Good farmB to trade for town property G R Seilek Farm and oity loans Tux Dukland Tkcst Co Fob Sale 7 room house and 5 lots 11600 G R Seiler When the plate is furnished The Newb will supply engraved cards at 76 cents for 60 or 100 for 100 For Sale Eight 8-year-old three 2-year-old and one yearling thoroughbred Jersey heifers For prices and fnrther information call on Rome Miller at Depot Hotel Norfolk Junction 160 acres in Hodgeman county Kan sas unimproved to trade for Norfolk property G R Seiler 100 acres improved near Wilsey Kansas to trade for Norfolk property G R Seiler Order your engraved visiting cards at Tub Newb office 100 cards and plate 160 60 cards and plate 1 THE NOKIOLK NEWS K1UDAY JULY i MM1 1 11 111 Picnics and Lawn Parties Were Popular NEARBY TOWNS ASSISTED CeUhrntlnn for IlonftltMl latlMito W h Bncre Revem Fourth nf Inly Acrl dfinta lAdilrri t the Lmt In Norfolk ml Vicinity Norfolk had no pnblio celebration of the nations birthday but her citizens very generally observed the day in one way or another Tho weathor was of the kind popularly attributed to the day hot with threats of showers and thunderstorms dnring tho afternoon There were picnics nnd family parties in abundance while a great many went to neighboring towns where celebrations wero held Perhaps the largest number of people went to Madison and assisted county seat citizens in an enthusiastic observ ance of the day Many drove over nnd the 1 1 oclock Union Pacific passenger was crowded with exuursiouistB The town was nicely decorated and a vigor ous effort to show visitors a good time was put forth A parade was one of the features of the day and tho usual exer cises of musio and speaking wero held Judge W M Robertson of this city made the oratiou of the day and those who heardhim speak in flattering terms of his address A ball game between the Madison nnd Norfolk jnnior leaguers was a feature of the sports tho former team winning by n score of 0 to 2 A fine display of fireworks in the evening caused a nnmber of Norfolk people to miss their train it having been reported that the train would be held until after the display Those who drove came in dnring all honrs of the night somo not getting home until this morning The officers employes and patients of the Norfolk hospital for the insane ob served the day in an enjoyable and pa triotic manner a number of people from the city participating A base ball game between a nine composed of the patients nnd a picked nine of employes and others was witnessed by the other patients and employes with much inter est Lawn tennis was among the sports enjoyed there being games during the forenoon and afternoon The magnifi cent new flag one of the largest in the state was raised and allowed to float during the day from the flag staff of the institution It had been planned to serve the patients with supper on the lawn but tho threatening wenther inter fered and they were served with nn ex tra spread in the dining room Guests of the officers were served in tho parlor of Dr and Mrs Teal After the supper the patients wero assembled on tho northwest corner of the grounds wheie a fine display of fireworks was shown A lnrge number of Norfolk people drove out o see tho display and were wll re paid for their attendance Tho displiy was not as largo as might have been had not sparks ignited one box of the explosives nnd cana d an independent and somewhat mixed discharge not down on tho program The patients appeared to thoroughly enjoy every feature of the celebration and the offi cers feel that their efforts in behalf of the states charges were not in vain Similar exercises by direction of the state board were held at all like institu tions of the state Tafts grove south of tho city was a popular resort for picnickers and besides tho family nnd neighborhood picnics there was a large and well planned af fair participated in by members of B B lodge No 1 of South Norfolk This organization was formed at a social some time ago with a membership of 20 and its rolls now disclose about 90 mem bers with more applications to act on It was formed for social purposes parlia mentary practices etc and is composed largely of yonug people C J Chap man IB a leading and enthusiastic mem ber of the society It now hns several degrees of secret work and more are to be added soon They went to the grove well prepared for a day of pleasure but the storm that threatened cut their pleasures short and they returned home early in the afternoon Before eating their picnio dinner the officers of the lodge were installed with impressive and interesting ceremonies Mr Chap man acting as installing officer Origi nal odes were enng and the excercises were highly interesting all the picuick era in the grove being invited to attend A party of about 00 people from the West Side picnicked at Tafts until the storm threatened early in the afternoon when they returned to town and fin ished their celebration on the lawn at the home of Mr and Mrs J N Bun dick Another picnio party that started the day on the banks of the Northfork river finished their celebration on the lawn at the home of Mr and Mrs A J Dur land Fourth of July Accident Norfolk and vicinity furnished a share of the U6nal accidents to young America growing out of a celebration with explosives Walter Sdudder son of Rev and Mrs L W ScudcUr was celebrating in a large dry goods box at the home of his parents on North Eleveuth street He had a con of powder in the box beside J him nnd was lighting a piece of pnnk A spark from the match or the pnnk fell into the powder and a serious exploMon resulted Tho little or fourth finger was almost entirely torn from one of his hands tho bono being broken nnd he waR otherwise burned and injured the hnir being singed from his face Tho finger was not amputated but the wound was dressed with the hope of saving the member Leo lion inky had his face filled with powder and was otherwise quite badly burned through the txplottiou of a toy cannon the powder from tho vent hav ing done the damage SiHincer Bntterfleld was also hllghtly burned through the premature explosion of a toy cannon A son of August Ntinow who lives two miles north of Pierce hud his hand badly lacerated by the explosion of a cannon cracker while celebrating in Pierce His nose was also injured and his hat torn His hnud was dressed and amputation may not be bo necessary We ninke loans on renl estato at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odioune Sen For Sale Tirooin house and 2 lots on Fourth street 1150 G 11 Skiiijr Bturgeon is tho piano man PEHSONAL K T Chambers wus up from Stanton yesterday L K Mnnn was in tho city yesterday from Randolph Miss Hildreth Sisson went to Omaha this morning for u few days visit John R HayH returned Wednesday from a two weeks trip to Missouri Editor R G Strother of the Monroe Republican was in the city yesterday G R Seiler has returned from a busi ness trip to Dcadwood and Leed S D Miss Theobald Perry Theobald and B Goodyear of Wayne were in Norfolk yesterday Mr and Mrs Edward Mittelstadt of Laurel are visiting at the home of L C Mittelstadt W D Mason J B Goff and Miss Louise Iuhelder of Pierce were Norfolk visitors yesterday Mrs S R McForlnnd and children went to Dodge Wednesday and will return thiH evening B K Warrick of Broken Bow formerly of Battle Creek was in the city yesterday greeting friends Mrs Iugilis and son Fred left tins morning or Pawnee City where they will spend a month with friends Dr F M Sisson and Miss Katharine Sisson spent their Fourth in Carroll where tho doctor made an address Judge W M Robertson was in Mendow Grove Wednesday and ad dressed the people assembled at tho re union Mr and Mrs Henry Schmodo who have been visiting relatives and friends hero returned to their home in Leavitt today Miss Luella Remy of tho postofllce force went to Ainsworth last night for a two weeks visit with friends and rel atives x H S Adams formerly connected withtho beet sugar factory at this place is in the city calling on old friendB and will remain until tomorrow He is enroute from Colorado to his homo in Brooklyn Miss Lillie Ctiesnutwood will leave tomorrow morning for Buffalo N Y to spend a two weeks vacation at the exposition She will be met at Omaha by her brother D J Okesnutw ood who will accompany her Geo D Butterfleld camo in from Chicago yesterday and spent the Fourth at the homo of hispnreutB Mr and Mrs W H Bntterfieid Mrs Butterfleld and Edith who have been visiting here several days returned with him to Creighton todny Dr R A Mittlestadt dentist Bishop block BEGA Rev Mr Butler of Hoskius preached in Bega Sunday Andrew Johnson of Hoskins visited in Bega Sunday Benjamin and Henry Wilson visited in Norfolk Tuesday Thomas Anderbon of Bega visited in Norfolk over Sunday Andrew and Carl Swenson were in Norfolk on business Tuesday Mrs Lundqnist and son Elmer were in Norfolk on business Monday Andrew Olson who has been attend ing college in Wayne rode home on a wheel and spent Sunday with relatives Rev J S Cederberg of Wahoo a Swedish minister is holding meetings for a few evenings beginning Tuesday Houses for aale T E Ooiobvb CITY 8TYLES AT LESS THAN CITY PRICES We will sell all our Hats Trimmed and Street Hats at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES J E DURLAND MIGHTY TOUGH 11 Will be the condition of the grass on your lawn as the season advances You cant make that OLD MOWER go much longer Better order a new one now Prices reduced G E MOORE Norfolk Saturday July 6 Afternoon and Night GENTRYS i m Ms I rained Mia Sow The Worlds Best Trained Animal Exhibition 0OK TRAINED 0OC Old ANIMAL ACTORS OZJ Performing Ponies Dogs and Monkeys Mud do everything but talk See the Herd of Smallest Performing Ele phants in Captivity A Revelation in Animal Training Mammoth Waterproof Tents WILL BE AT Corner of Second Street and Madison Avenue SEATINd CAPACITY POR 3000 Wateh for the Grand free Street Parade AT I I OCLOCK A M I Get What You Ask for at UHLES GROCERY ALL ORDEIIS arc filled promptly and witn care t Our goods are lIKST CLASS in every particular We know precisely what is wanted by our custom- ers We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money South side Main St between 2d nnd M Telephone 11 BABIES WHEATLING FOR CRY AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS C W BRAASCH DEALER IN III CZG Xi I Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the beet In the market Scranton Hard Coal In all nlzes TELEPHONE 61 O A LU1KABT Pbehident CI A 8 B HBIDGE Vice Ihsident W II JOHNBON Cabhise LEO IABEWALK Asbt Cabbies The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 Boy nd toll exchange on tbla country ami allfrarU of Europe Farm Loin Directors Cabi Abmcb W H Johnson Gbas S Bbjme O W Dbaabcb O ti ttWANH I ivUIBAHT 1 r BEMMINUKB U DUIIUH We are now prepared to fill all duplicate orders from any negative that was taken by Mr Hoyer or Michael nnd will be glad to have yon call on ns when wishing any duplicates Remember the place South Fourth street and Madibon avenue JOHNSON JOHNSON ArtistB For Iloinbit Steam Fitting Tumps TaiW Wind Mills And all work in tblt line call on W H RISH Bhtiifaciton Guaranteed riret door Scull of Tm Dailt Newb Ottice ART McCOY DKAIKH IK to Feed Baled Hay sttss Flower Garden and Grass Seeds Call telephone 121 and ask the oil wagon to etop ART McCOY