The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 28, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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    Jfr t
rT a
W H Bntterfield hns returned from
Oarl T Seoley of Madison was in
Norfolk yceterdny
T II Brenton of Nollgh hnd business
In Norfolk yesterday
Frnnk Twlss went to Wayno todny to
visit friends over Snndny
Norman nnd Delia Ocksn of Madison
wore Norfolk visitors ycEterdny
MIbs Edith Estabrook will lenvo to
night for Stuart to visit friendB
Mrs Warner and daughter of ONeill
wore Bhopping in tho city today
Miss Nettie Lowo left this rnorulug
for Coleridge to visit Miss Pearl Keth
Alexander Morrison 1b homo from
Sihley Iowa for a few dajb visit with
hts family
Miss Muttio Davenport went to Mudi
Hon last evening to visit her Meter Mrs
Arthur Pilger
Mr and Mrs P J Fuesler and Mr
nnd Mrs J H Sanford each welcomed
baby boys to their homes yesterday
Tho plasterors aro hero to fluibh up
tho interior of the Stortz block on which
nothing has been done since tho roof
was laid last week
Prospects are said to be excellent for a
magnificent hay crop thiB season Hay
is ono of the crops that cannot be mined
by too much water
Tho harvest of the wheat crop at
Wymore haB begun the weather there
being ideal for ripening and tho yield
promises to be large
Mr and Mrs S Buel Dunham of
Oneida Iowa are visitors at tho homo
of E B Ken y on Mrs Dunham is a
sister of Mr Kenyon
The roof over Vails jewelry 6tore
has received some needed repairs to keep
out the copious showers that prevail in
this part of the country
The beautiful mud holes along tho
outer edge of tho Main street sidewalks
speak eloquently for a curb or some
efficient sort or drainage
Melvin Mayer very pleasantly enter
tained a number of his young friends
last evening at the home of his parents
Mr and Mrs Morris Mayer
The Gentry trained animal show that
has proven so popular in other parts of
the state and country is billed tonppear
in Norfolk on Saturday July 0
I Newman clerk in the Star clothing
store has been summoned to Chicago by
n telegram announcing the death of hi
fathpr He departed for that city yes
terday noon
Meadow Grove is counting on a new
Bteam merry-go-round for the reunion
on July 2 3 and 4 and the music for its
bowery dance will be furnished by the
Italian orchestra of Omaha
The frog and weed crops seem to be
doing mighty well and a large yield is
promised If people cant rnise corn to
fntten hogs for pigs feet they can haye
frogs legs There is always something
to ent in Nebraska
id is stated mat enonga nan iell in
the Berry and Low neighborhood north
of Battlo Creek during yesterdays
storm to do a large amount of damage
to crops Hail stones by the wagon load
could have been scooped up after the
Charles Oelslagle jr of Tilden was
the victim of a shotgun accident Wed
nesday morning He had leaned the
gun against a building and as he started
toward the house it fell and was dis
charged the load of No C shot entering
his ankle Amputation of the limb
may be necessary
The Catholics of Madison are making
nn effort to establish a parochial school
nnd erect a new church edifice The
new church will cost about 5000 and
the old building will be converted to
school purposes The parishoners
pledged 1750 to the proposed improve
ment at a meeting held last Sunday
Hight Bros have closed a contract
with the Brunswick Balke company of
Omaha to put in a three track bowling
alley in the room next to Lodors saloor
Boon to be vacated by Hoffman Smith
The tracks will be of regulation length
with a 15 foot run and will be completed
about the last of July or the first of
The cattle barn of August Haase who
lives three miles northwest of the city
was struck by lightning during the
storm of Monday and two of his cows
were killed All cattle were in the barn
and it is considered fortunate that but
the two were killed Another fortunate
fact is that the barn was not set on fire
and burned
Battle Creek Republican David
Whitla has purchased the Preece prop
crty west of Dr Daniels place A
house and three lots constitute tho pur
chase Mr Whitla will take possession
about July 1 and he will either build a
large addition to the bouse as it now
standB or will remove it entirely and
build a fine new house in its place
Battle Creek Enterprise Charles
Fenske believes that the cow is the sal
vation of the farmer From twenty five
cowb he sold during the month of May
100 worth of cream besides supplying
his family with the lacteal fluid He
useB a separator thus doing away with
the trouble of hauling milk from the
creamery separators Mr Fenske be
lioves that what he has done can be done
by any farmer and is surprised that a
greater interest is not taken in the dairy
Littlo things at times show up a mans
character to a finish One fellow
whopo barn Mauds on tho gulch was
seen to pitch his barnyard into tho cur
rout during tho recent freshet where it
would wash down upon other mens
property in order to save hauling it
away and after tho storm a man on tho
street had the nervo to ask Is thin wet
enough for yon
Mrs Ed Jones of tho Willow neigh
borhood Antelope county has been ad
judged iuBauo and is now an inmate of
tho hospital here Her insanity ib sup
posed to bo tho result of au injury re
ceived some tnuo ago though thero was
insanity iu her family Mr Jones
neighbors indicated their sympathy for
him in his nllllctUm by nppoaring in his
cornfield with 18 tenuis and laying the
weeds low
Kev Franklin Baker pastor of tho
Second Congregational church will
leave for New York City Monday noon
and will sail from that port Saturday
afternoon on tho Steamship Minnehaha
for Europe His trip will include a
visit to England France Germany
Switzerland and Italy nnd will require
about threo mouthB time Ho expects
to return to Norfolk about the middle
of September
Another of those daily showers this
morning added to tho accumulation of
surface water in thiB vicinity also
added to tho anxiety of tho farmers who
see the weeds taking their crops and are
unable to cultivate Although tho rain
guago at Dr Salters recorded but 15 of
au inch precipitation the fall rnubt have
been much heavier in the hills drained
by Poverty Run aB it was filled to tho
brim about U 50 and overflowed in sev
eral places
Three more persons implicated in the
disturbance of a religious meeting in
the Walker settlement southeast of the
city wore arrested Thursday aud taken
before County Judge Vining ot Stanton
where they pleaded guilty and were
fined 20 each and costs The dis
turbance took place last Sunday night at
the Duffy school house when the
Christian Endeavor society was in ses
sion and with this labt haul seven per
sons have been punished for the offense
Rev L W Scudder of Sheltou is to
become a Norfolk citizen after July 1
and will reside ia one of the Bishop
houses on North Eleventh street He
comes as pastor of the Presbyterian
church taking charge of the work of
that denomination here aud at Winside
and regular services will be held after
that date Tomorrow morning at 11
a m Rev Mr Scudder will preach iu
the G A It hall and in the afternoon
at Winside There will be no preach
ing on the J0th
The Piano headquarters are now nicely
located in the building formerly used
for a planing mill by T W Wheaton
The office in tho northwest corner of
tho large room is nicely fitted up with
telephones electric lights and other
modern conveniences tho rooms being
finished in oiled hard pine nnd
papered A sleeping room for the ma
chine expert occupies the northeast
corner and the main room of the build
ing will be UEed for storing and setting
up machines the storage of binder
twine repairs nnd for the other uses of
the business It is n convient arrange
ment and Manager Blakemau and his
office force are well pleased with the
new quarters
Newman Grove Herald Iver Byg
land returned homo last Saturday even
ing from his trip in the Rocky Mountain
country He 6ays he never before ap
preciated the good Nebraska soil as he
does now The great stretches of alkali
land sage brush and mesquite in Utah
and Idaho he thought was a very cor
rect representation of desolation The
mountains too were disappointing on
account of the lack of vegetation as
compared with those of Norway al
though loftier they lacked the beauty of
the tree covered hills of his native land
He thought Denver was a magnificent
city was delighted with Salt Lake City
and the Mormon girls but is more than
ever convinced that Nebraska is the
best country that lies outdoors It was
like waking from a bad dream when he
again beheld the beautiful Platte valley
Saturday morning
Low Kate Kxcumluna to Colorado anil
Dates sale June 18th to iiOth
Rate to Denver Colorado Springs
and Pueblo Glenwood Springs Ogden
and Salt Lake City one regular first
class normal tariff not temporarily re
duced fare plus 2 for the round trip
Final limit October Hist
Transit limits To Colorado destina
tions continuous passage to Denver
after reaching Denver stop over will be
allowed on going trip regardless of
transit limit j return trip to be continu
ous passage commencing date of execu
tion except return trip Bhall not be
begun earlier than five days after date
of sale
Utah destinations Continuous pas
sage to Denver west thereof stop over
will be permitted in both directions
within the going and return transit
limits of thirty days each not to exceed
final limit Tickets will be good for
return prior to five days from date of
Joint agency fee A fee of twenty
five cents will be collected from passen
ger at time of executiou nnd delivery of
return portion oi ucKei except tnat no
fee will be required for execution of
return portion of tickets to Glenwood
Mr and Mjh Dan llinefl left for Iowa
Mrs J G Troutinan Bpent Sunday in
Grand Island
W O Fry wub greeting friendB in tho
city yesterday
Harry Barnes wan down from Battle
Creek Saturday
D L Upton of Pierce wub a Snilday
visitor in Norfolk
S F Heltzman of Battlo Creek spont
Sunday in Norfolk
J K Baker wns a Sunday guest in
Norfolk from Beemer
Mrs Frank Hirsh was In tho city
from Stnnton Saturday
Mrs Boeman and son of Tilden were
Norfolk visitors yesterday
Burt Mapes aud family spent Sunday
with friends in Plainview
MrB G H Main left for Iowa on tho
noon train to visit relatives
Miss Auuio Herman visited with
frionds iu Stanton over Sunday
Ed Walters of Humphrey visited
with Norfolk friends over Sunday
E II Lnikart of Battlo Creek visited
at the homo of his parentB over Sunday
L L McKim was over from Sioux
City to spend Sunday with his mother
Mr and Mrs Van Kirk of Neligh vIr
ited with Mr and Mrs Coryell over
O E Doughty is arranging to open a
plumbing shop in the old steam laundry
Dennis Sheeau of RongiB Wyoming
is here visiting his father-in-law Geo
Mrs W R Hoffman departed at noon
for New Hampshire expocting to visit
until September
The family of W II Butterfleld re
turned from their visit to Creighton
Saturday evening
The family of W A Witzigmnn of
Meadow Grove visited with Mr and
Mrs G A Lnikart yesterdny
Mrs Garlinger and Miss Garlinger
expect to leave tomorrow for n vibit with
friends in Iowa and Missouri
Mrs O D Jenkins and daughter
Gladys went to Dorchester Saturday
evening for a Bhort vibit with friendB
Misses Nettie Nenow aud Minnie
Verges returned yesterday noon from
their trip to Hot Springs South Dakota
Mr and Mrs C F Shaw nnd child
ren are preparing to leave tomorrow
for Illinois to viBit relatives and friends
Mr and Mrs Adolph Mittelstadt re
turned to their home iu Laurel today
after a weeks visit with Norfolk
Mr aud Mrs F W Juneman visited
in Sioux City yesterday with friends of
Mrs Juneman who formerly lived in
the east
The mother and sister of J N
Bundick arrived from Washington D
C Saturday night to mnke their home
with him
Mr Weeks aud fimily of Long Pino
are moving into tho house on South
Fourth street recently vacated by
Myron Collamer
Harry Luebke and Martin RanEch
who have been attending school at
Watertowu Wis came homo for the
summer vacation Saturday night
A son of Rev Carl Toenje of Fremont
was drowned in the Platte river while
bathing Friday evening and tho body
was recovered Saturday afternoon
A J Durland is home from Knox
county to visit and look after his busi
ness interests hero until Wednesday
when ho will return to that county
H L McCormick won tho box of
cigars offered by Sesler Daniel for the
highest bowling score made in their
alley up to 10 oclock Saturday eveniug
It is expected that the Hight Bros
bowling alley in tho Marquardt block
will bo opened to tho public in two
weeks instead of four as suggested
George Richardson and daughter
Alice of Denver Col nre guests at the
home of W H Bridge Mr Richard
son is a banker and is a brother-in-law
of Mr Bridge
The warm south wind has almost suc
ceeded in raising a dust and the street
sprinkler was out for the first time in
several weeks laying the anticipated
rise of renl estate
Mrs J A Read and son left yester
day for North Carolina to visit relatives
about two months They will stop a
week in Chicago to viBit Tom Roy and
John who are now there
Mrs J D Sturgeon departed last
evening for Deadwood and other points
in the Black Hills If she is benefited
by the change of climate sho will prob
ably remain during the summer
O E Doughty left yebterday for
Counoil Bluffs Iowa to put one of hiB
furnaces in a house belonging to H E
Owen of this city This makes four
furnaces he haB placed for Mr Owen
during the past eight months
Norfolk dealers have excellent assort
ments of pyrotechnics firecrackers and
other noisemaking and fire displaying
contrivances aud the young boy who
hasnt a nickle nor seeB nn opportunity
of earning one is on tho anxiouB seat
The ball game yesterday between a
team from the Junction and one from J
tho rlty proper resulted n a victory for
tho Junction plnyers by a score of 10 to
2 Tho game was too one sided to bo
highly inteiesting but several good
plays were made
Mr and Mrs Henry Sohmodo and
son of Leavitt visitul L U Mittel
stadt ami IiIb mother over Sunday Mr
Schmode who Ismnsler meehauloof the
sugar factory nt leavltt returned to bin
duties today but Mrs Schmode will
visit hero several weeks
Tho number of people in Norfolk Sat
urday on business would seem to indi
cate that they no longer had any fear of
catching the smallpox which in perfectly
proper Norfolk is as safe to visit now aH
any town iu tho state tho smallpox situ
ation being conilutd to a few houses
Art RcevcR of Tilden got tho contract
for bnildlng tho now Catholic church at
that plaro hiR Ibid being WSM Tho
bids ranged from 2 4bO to fltOO both
oftheso being made by contractors
Building will begin as soon uh tho old
building is removed from itH present
A telegram from IairIc Wyoming
asking fur music for their Fourth of
July celebration Iiuh been icceivid iu
Norfolk and ilvo piiceH of BohnertH
orchestra will go to that place to play
Lubk is preparing to have tho biggest
celebration that ever happened iu Wyo
Tho Norfolk band had been practic
ing to entertain tho people of Creighton
and vicimty on tho Fourth but the
members have been recently notified
that on advice of tho board of bealth the
town would not celebrate on account of
the smallpox situation The boys aro
somewhat disappointed but may yet se
cure an engagement for the day
Warm weather has begun tho ther
mometer yesterday indicating a maxi
mum temperature of HO degrees in tho
shnde Stirred by a vigorous south
wind it is resulting in a quick drying of
tho wet places nnd tho farmers aro mak
ing tho bcBt of it by ridding their fields
of weeds With a few days of like
weather their crops will soon bo rid of
tho weed pest
Wm Spotted Crow of Piuo Ridge
agency wbb in tho city Saturday even
ing enroute home Iloisu member of
tho agency ball team which has been
away for a period of fonr years engaged
in playing tho national game William
is a husky Indian His makeup in
dicates that ho is well qualified to
spot the ball and his name should bo
chauged accordingly
Fordinand Koch of West Point thinks
ho has discovered a certain cluo to the
fire bug who has been responsible for
tho incendiary practice in that town for
tho past few mouths and preparations
aro in progress to give tho fellow a coat
of tar and feathers At tho last fire
Mr Koch found a letter that had evi
dent been dropped by tho person re
sponsible for tho blazo and recently he
lias received an nnouymous threat on a
pobtal card in tho same handwriting
Mr nnd Mrs John Quick left on tho
11 oclock train this morning for Salt
Lake City Utah where th y expect to
make their future homo and tho best
wishes of a largo number of Norfolk
friends accompany them Saturday
evening members of tho Degree of
Honor and Tribe of Ben Hur lodges sur
prised them at the Junction and all
participants enjoyed the occasion very
thoroughly tho ono disappointing feat
ure being that it was a farewell to two
popular members of the orders repre
A company of 29 Omaha Indian boys
and girlB were in the city today on their
way home from tho Genoa Bchool for
their summer vacation Those belong
ing to tho Winnebago and Pine Ridge
agencies will leave for their homcB to
morrow Dressed in their neat uni
forms tho boys and girls looked and
acted very intelligent and could prob
ably give some of their white brothers
and sisters pointers on manners morals
and scholarly achievments They were
in charge of one of the officers of the
Word was received at noon from J B
Barnes who is in attendance at the
federal court iu Omnha that a decision
has been rendered by that court in the
case of the several material men and
laborers on the Norfolk asylum against
the United States Guaranty and Fidel
that large ones of the same species may
be caught in tho future
J H Voll rath owner of tho bowling
alley in tho Ahlmau building will leave
tomorrow morning for Boonovillo Mo
for a visit When ho returns from
there ho will move hisuley to tho south
eastern part of the state
Tho Pierce Leader states that Mr aud
Mrs W 0 Toliver formerly of this
city but now of Laurel aro preparing to
move to Riverside Cal whero they will
go into business with W F Enderly a
brother of Mrs Toliver
People at tho Oxnard hotel have been
enjoying freo music from tho nicklo in
tho slot machine sinco Sunday morning
Someone dropped a penny iu aud clog
ged the shut off machinery so that all it
now requires is to be wound up and the
music flows freely
W N Huso has purchased from Sol
G Mayer and R B Weller tho lots on
Main street east of tho residence of O
S Bridge and tomorrow George Stalcop
will begin the work of moving his
house from tho near vicinity of Corpora
tion gulch to the new locution
The flood in Virginia aud West Vir
ginia should call for tho particular sym
pathy of this locality Tho press dis
patches indicate that thero is an Elkhorn
valley concerned also a North Fork
rivor a Norfolk Norfolk Junction and
other names familiar to this portion of
Nebraska aro used in connection with
A gang of several tramps struok Nor
folk yesterday that did full credit to
familiar tram cartoons of some of the
papers so faros their appearunco wns
concerned Their rags and tatters and
unkempt whiskers were fully equal to
those of the average cartoon of the
tramp They were -Weary WillieB
with a veugeuuee
Tho people at the Norfolk hospital for
the insane are preparing to celebrate the
glorious Fourth in a spirit truly patri
otic One of the features of tho cele
bration will be a flag raising when a
beautiful banner of wool bunting 1 1 by
ity company The decision is iu favor 22 feet in size will be for the first
of the various material men and laborers
who will now get their pay unless the
case is carried to tho court of appeals
This case has been ponding iu the
federal court for something over three
years it having been commenced about
the time of tho completion of the wing
at the asylum
The Elks had au interesting meeting
Saturday night in their hall iu the Mar
quardt block and a number of candi
dates and visitors from out of town at
tended the session Tho following
named candidates were inducted into
the mysteries of the order J P Mann
Dr J P Guligan J B Meller and H
H Snyder of ONeill W H Green and
Fred Hufsmith of Creighton G 0
Maryott of Pender John Hoar of West
Point Dr J L McDonald of Atkinson
aud II E Owen of Norfolk The out
of town members present were II B
Strong Pender WilliB McBride Madi
son W P Evans A F Biglin and D
H Oronin of ONeill
George H lugli was up from Stanton
W I Mason was a city visitor today
from Pleico
W R Olnybuugh Is a Norfolk visitor
from Wayno
J R Williams of Cnrnlea was in tho
Sugar City yesteiday
A 11 Allinson was in Meadow Irovo
today oncieanuiry business
H M Mobher of Randolph transacted
business in Noriolk yesttiday
TIioh Dougherty was a Norfolk
guest yesterday from Newcastle
Dr Frank Halter wont to Vordlgre
yesteiday on professional business
F I Case of Meadow Grovo was a
buslnesH visitor to Norfolk yesteiday
Tho delivery wagon of Curl Ahiuuh
grocery Is resplendent in a now coat of
Dr 1 II Salter aud Initio returned at
noon from their trip to tho east and
mu th
Two carloads of machinery for Stan
tons new mill have locn received at
that place
B 0 dentin of tho Norfolk National
bank has returned from a weeks visit
with his parents at Oestoii Iowa
Mrs O R Eller of Lincoln arrived
last night for a five weeks visit with
her puientM Mr and Mrs 11 0 Mat rau
Miss Gladys MuhatTy of tho Johnson
Dry Goods company will leave tonight
for a two weeltH vacation ut Alnsworth
Will McCuue who formerly drove
tho oil wagon hero now has charge of
tho Standard Oil companys station nt
Dr G O Remy who at ono time
made Norfolk his homo has deuided to
leave Craig aud re locate in Aiusworth
where he formerly practiced
Tho resldenco of Mohcb Kidder nt tho
corner of Twelfth street and Elm
avenue is undergoing repairs of which a
new roof is not the least important
Tho government thermometer gave
the maximum temperature yesterday at
I1 degrees and today promises little or
no change as the south wind lb still
Some of tho fishermen aro catching
small channel catfish in the water below
the mill dam and hopes are entei tallied
flung to the breeze from the loftiest
poiut of tho institution The flag has
just been received
The state board of public lands and
buildings in session at Lincoln Monday
afternoon awarded a contract for con
structing a standpipo at the Norfolk
hospital for tho insane to Drake Wil
liams A Williams of Omaha The ap
propriation by tho legislature for this
purpose was 3500 and tho contract
price is f3 140 The work of construc
tion will probably begin aB soon as tho
materials can be got on the ground
Pierce Leader The west Bide of Nor
folk waB flooded Wednesday morning
lawns cellars and furnaces beiug sub
merged for au hour or two tho water
doing considerable damage Norfolk
people will undoubtedly endorse the
pastor of a negro church in n rural dis
trict in the south who recently incor
porated this petition in his prayer
Lawd if you thinks we hez had rain
enough please tell do rain ter quit
Mast Block
raining but of ye dont think wes had
enough please ferglvo us fer looking
glum en growling
Mlnden Gazette Andy Oliristonson
can tell some pretty good fish stories
but ho bumped up against another good
man tho other day and after Andy had
worked up a good sweat with bomo of
his best ouch the other follow made fun
of him and really knocked him out by
saying that he had a friend who owned
a bird dog which Is especially good nt
fetching things out of tho water In
order to show a friend what tho dog
would do ho threw a fid cent pleco into
tho water anil told the dog to fetch it
Tho dog dived and brought back a two
pound catfish aud 15 cents in chango
Business men nre discussing tho pro
ject of holding a harvest festival street
fair or some other sort of entertainment
for Norfolk this summer or fall aud tho
sentiment iu favor of Mich an entertain
ment seems to bo quite unanimous
Towns that held this boit of entertain
ment last year aro quite generally pro
viding something similar for this year
and Norfolk could undoubtedly realize
much pleasure and profit from an effort
along tho amusement line If a success
is to bo made it is none too irly to be
gin the preliminary work and it should
lo undertaken in a manner that will
leave no room for such u word as post
ponement or failure
Clarenco Salter assisted by Dr and
Mrs Frank Salter entertained about
foity of his friends last evening at a
lawn party the enjoyable social func
tion being given at the family homo on
North Tenth street Prepared programs
were so arranged that each gentleman
was directed to some hammock porch
or cozy corner whero a congenial com
panion was found with whom to while
away the time lx tween bells Tho
splendid moonlit evening proved ideal
for the sort of entertainment provided
and all enjoyed this occasion thoroughly
with music as a pleasing feature of the
evening One object of tho party was
to dispose of some of tho luscious home
grown strawberries picked at tho Salter
homo and this was successfully accom
plished generous dishph of tho popular
fruit being served at tables arranged in
tho house
A UciimI 1 hint-
Genu iu Syrup is cliu special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee n celebrated
German physician anil is acknowledged
to bo ono of tho met fortuuato discover
ies in medicine It quickly cures
coughs colds and all lung troubles of
tho severest uutuio removing iwit does
tho cause of tho affection and leaving tho
parts in a strong and healthy condition
It is not au experimental medicine but
has stood tho test of years giving satis
faction in every case which its rapidly
increasing sale every season confirms
Two million bottles sold annually Bos
chocs German Syrup was introduced in
tho United States in 18iS nnd is now
sold iu every town and village in the
civilized world Three doses will relieve
any ordinary cough Price 75 cents
Get GreouB prize nlmunuo Asa K
Tho fast trains of the Union Pacific
reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead
of nil competitors If you aro in no
hurry take a slow train by ouo of the de
tour routes but if you want to get there
without Buffering any of the inconven
iences of winter travel take the only
direct route the Union Pacific De
tailed information furnished on applica
tion F W Juxkman Agent
In summer
by taking
can do prevented A
Scotts Emulsion 4
Its as beneficial In summer ae
in winter it you are weaK or
run down It will build you up
SUiid for frt eiamplc
409 415 1ratl Strict JsewYork
50c uuu ioo on druggiMs
Wmlllb follovlof rmmdnittltki
lpkBlot RL4Tol S4 It
1 X rtitr Uu hn J
1 rirtu 01 B4 410
a -- vwria UHIMM -In
1 11 UrkdUkbH li
J ittsi
Worth 100 fr u ci
AUn 10 ukti rut uonliii viu
lUmunj sti cuoumiii uiuii
M Ullllou Dollr Gnu
AU Choice Uulea Seed 0c IV
V rtuuttittn
IlLUl an4faan 4
rr w p i mih
8J 7 W mtm do viiUot
v m
For 14 Cents