n M i JH nufiii Extent of the West Virginia Disaster Still in Doubt I FIFTY BODIES ARE RECOVERED Estimate of the Property Loss Vary From 1500000 to 2500000 All Wires Aie Down and Information Comes In Slowly Minefield W Va Juno 25 Details of the terrlblo flood In the Pocnhontnn Flat Top region nrc slowly drifting Into this town which Jh situated 26 miles south of tho Bceno of the wrecked monies nnd fully benr out tho fears early entertained as to the havoc wrought by the storm Fifty dead bodies havo been found ThoiiBiindB of people are homelesB nnd It Ib fenred ninny nro without food or nt tho boBt with only food enough to last n fow days Tho work of ontnbllBhlng rail road commuulcaltlon la being pUBhcd with vigor There Is little hopo of vending tho sufferers Biiccor until rail road connection Ib ngulu renewed Men nro at work clearing awny tho debris and ravcrlng tho hodles of tho dead Tho dend are being aug mented hourly Property Loss Placed at 2500000 Estimates of tho property Iobh In tlo Hooded district are growing largci and tho lending officers of tho Norfolk and WcBtern road fix tho damngo to railroad property between Cooper and IVlvlnn W Vn at 1000000 Thlfl covcrfl a territory 25 miles In length nnd the same officials consider that tho damage to the property of tho coal operators of the field will far exceed this amount Tho total loss Is now ap proximately estimated at 2500000 Tho recovery of bodlOB In tho laBt 24 hours has not amounted to many he reason assigned Ib that tho corpses of tho missing aro hidden In mam moth piles of dobrls The llBt of miss ing and reported drowned Is 249 It will probnbly never bo known how mnny havo perished Hundred Miles of Track Destroyed Over a hundred miles of track be longing to tho various coal operations arc practically a total loss Tho rallB nro bent nnd twlBted llko wires The force of tho flood Ib better understood when It Ib explained that by reason of a long fill nnd n log nnd Iron brldgo tho water was dammed up When UiIb obstruction gnvo way It let down n great flood on tho villages and mining cnmpB below Issues Appeal for Aid Governor Whlto has Issued nn ap peal to tho cltlzenB of West Virginia for contributions to aid sufferers by tho flood In tho Flat Top region Tho governor BtatcB that while ho has no definite Information It la evident that an appalling calamity ban visited that region yet aid will be required to care for tho Hick and destitute and caro for tho dead In response to a message from Gov ernor Nash of Ohio asking whether as sistance would ho needed Governor Whlto replied that ho hoped for defi nite information from the stricken re Klon tomorrow but the suffering would undoubtedly be great Deaths In Elkhorn Region Number 75 ltoanoke Vn Juno 25 Tho follows ing short statement by one of the gen oral officers of the Norfolk nnd West ern railroad summarizing tho Hood Bituntton in tho light of the lntcst ills patches wub given to tho Associated Tress Restoration of tho telegraph lino develops that tho damage by tho flood through tho coal Holds was exag gerated Tho loss of life will not ex ceed 75 and tho damngo to property Including repairs to tho railroad and coal operations will not exeded 500 000 It Ib the expectntlon that tho rail way will get a lino through tomorrow Story of an Eye Witness E H Stewart n furniture denier In this city waB In tho midst of all tho storm and traveled on foot nearly tho whole of the route devastated When the train on which Mr Stewnrt was traveling from tho north reached Viv ian W Va about 9 oclock Sunday morning water already covered a largo portion of the yard and the trainmen knew that no further progress could bo made The train was placed at tho lilghest point In tho yard Rain was coming down in torrents and whllo In the train Mr Stewart saw about 30 cars washed out of the yards and car ried away by the rushing torrents largo trees uprooted nearby whllo nouses bridges furniture went whin ing by in the water As the flood in creased the water cut a channel on tho other side of the train leaving It be tween two 6treams Then It was de cided to take out those passengers who wished to leaye the train and a rope was attached to the platform of one of the cars and to a tree on the bank Among the passengers was a lady who with the assistance of sev eral men was gotten safely to the bank A number of men had narrow escapes from drowning in making the trip There was a let up in the rain and the flood subsided about noon and at 1 oclock Mr Stewart and another pas senger left tho train and started to the next station Keystone five miles distant Much of the track and several bridges had been washed away and the trip wbb made with great difficulty a portion of the way on the track and the balance on the bluffs along the route Mr Stewart EayB he saw a number of corpses along tne route Dut ooes not think more than 40 persons were drowned When he reached Keystone about 3 oclock he found that a num ber of buildings bad been washed away and it was estimated that along the whole route of the Etorm between 200 rsffjwrwinr r jcBnMxrifvs i and SOO liouncn had boon carried awny but tho occupants of many of them had escaped to tho IiIUb He saw one very largo building go down with the flood Most of tho buildings bow ever wcro small nffnlrB Tho coke rompnnlcB lost heavily on bridges nnd supplies At KnnlB tho depot wbb washed awny nnd when Mr Ftownrt icft tho safe had not been found Ho walked from Keystone to KnnlH nnd wnB taken from there to Minefield Mr Btcwnrts 6tntenient can bo relied on as being a truthful Btory of the flood nnd tho most complete statement so fnr given out An official telegram from EnnlB Bnyn tho water came In a wnvo and so sud den Mint peoplo could not get out of the wny of It The water roflo to a height of bIx foet In 30 mlnutefl J W Crotty n flrcmnn on the Nor folk nnd Western road received a message from Ulucflold that IiIh father mother ono sister two brothers nnd with hor two children wore lost In the flood nt Keystone CrottyB people lived In tho center of tho town A neighbor of tho Crottyo who cBcaped the flood Informed Mr Crotty nt Minefield Ihnt ho saw tho Crotty house move off In tho waters HAY RALLIES FROM 8HOCK Body of HIb Son Id Take to Cleveland for Interment Now Haven Conn June 25 At 730 last evening tho body of Adelbcrt S Hay who wuh killed by a fall from a window of tho Now Haven houso early Sunday morning wnu started on the Journey to Cleveland where the fu neral nnd Interment nro to take place In the pnrty accompanying tho body wcro Hon John Hny Mrs Hay mother rt ttin ilonil mnn 4rin Xflattna l lntr liln GOES OVER EMBANKMENT Two Killed and Forty Injured In a Wreck Near Pittsburg Pittsburg June 25 Tho north bound pnssenKer train on the llttsburc nnd rTln cIIa eoliinlAil pnnetcla it flfiQ THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JUNE 28 1001 1 DS OF tlVES LOST Cloudburst Descends Upon Po cahontas Coal Fields KEYSTONE THE WORST 8UFr ERER Town of Two Thousand Inhabitants It 6wept Away Two Hundred Lives Lost l the Loweet Estimate Prop cry Lost Rivals Johnstown TtliififlMil W Va June 24 Thin irr - Air 1 lia III1 I I1 Prominent d Bisters nnd Clarence Hny a younger j Reach Six brother Mtb and Misses Hay reached New Haven nt 530 and were driven direct ly to tho Moscly residence on Wall street Thero mother and father met After the sad greetings Colonel and MrB Hay with their daughters Helen and Alice and Clarence the son en tered tho quiet room where tho dead lay For a few minutes only they re mained and then tho casket vAis closed to bo opened no more All the mem bers of the family went through tho trying ordeal calmly Secretary Hay had apparently recovered In a largo mensuro from tho prostration of tho previous day Immediately after tho closing of the casket tho body was taken to the rail road station nun turn jubi ulxu viniivu ujr u uuuil the extent of which In all probability will equal or exceed that of Johnstown in 1889 so far as tho lots of property Jb concerned Early yesterday morn ing a heavy downpour of rain begnn accompanied by a severe electric storm which violently Increased In volume nnd continuing for several hours This continued throughout tho cntlra day nnd night and whllo tho storm has abated the lowering clouds would In dicate another terrific downpour at any moment Many mllcB of tho Norfolk nnd Western railroad tracks bridges nnd telegraph HncB nro entirely do etroyed and communication Is entirely cut off west of Elkhorn bo that It la impoBslble to learn tho full extent of the loss of life nnd property but offi cials of the coal operations located In the stricken district have sent out mes sengers to Elkhorn tho termlnuB of both telegraphic and railroad nlcatlonB nnd havo received a report that a conservative cstlmnte as to the loss of life will easily reach 200 A number drowned are among the most May Hundred Lnko Erlo railroad known as No 23 tically the entire town being washed was wrecked at Monacn 26 miles from away This town Is the principal one PittBburg last evening Two persoiiB were killed three fatally Injured and 40 others were moro or Icsb hurt Tho dead William J Cunningham fireman Lowery Dlack bnggngemas ter Fatally Injured Mrs Loin n Per kins Cleveland abdomen punctured by splinters Mrs James Lee Wash ington r Pa hint internally Mrs Jef A dispatch from Ronnoko says tho Iobb of life will probably reach 500 or GOO and possibly this number will bo swelled when fuller details are ob tainable The PocahontnB coal Held Ib located in a basin with high mountain ranges on either Bide Elkhorn creek flowing through the center of the baBln which ranges from one fourth to ono mile in width From Ennls W Va to Vivian Yard W Va a dlstanco of ten mlleB miners cabins coal company commis saries and coke plnntB line this basin Elkhorn creek being fed by numerouB small streams coming from the moun tain Bide rises very rapidly and this water spout came so suddenly that the entire basin between the two moun tain ranges waB flooded and before the terror Btrlcken peoplo realized what was upon them they were carried down by the flood which swept every thing In its path Tho little town of Keystone with a population of about 2000 Beems the greatest sufferer prac in the Pocahontas coal fields and is located near Its center It was to a great extent headquarteis from which the mining population purchased sup plies and was also the only place in tho field where whisky could be pur chnbed At this place there were some 12 to 15 snloons all of which were washed away The report comes that the mining population are now occupy feison Cnrse Reaver Pa badly cut lug tho banks of the streams below nnd bruised catching merchandise and barrels of Tho train whllo going nt vory fast whisky and beer as they float down speed ran into nn open switch at Mo nacn and the entire train went over an embnnkment some 23 feet high Every enr was turned over two of them going over twice WORLDS FAIR SITE SELECTED Board of Directors Picks Forest Park as the Place St Louis June 2G At its regular monthly meeting the board of direct ors of tho Louisiana Purchase Expo sition company unanimously adopted the report of the executive committee which had selected tho Forest park site as Its choice for tbo location of the Worlds fair to bo bold in this city In 1903 A resolution was then passed empowering the executive committee to report tho result of the boards action to the national commis sion for ratification President Carter and other mem bers of the national commission have Btated ail along that they would defer largely to the Judgment of tho local Worlds fnlr management In the mat ter of the site nnd it is not thought that there will bo any delay In tho rati fication of tho action of the local di rectors gieat number of the coal and coko plnnts tlnoughout the Pocahontas re gion aro piactlcally destroyed and are in some instances entirely washed awny Owing to the very high water which has flooded the region and pre vented communication anything like a correct estimate of the loss of prop erty Is Impossible but from the best information obtainable the loss to prop erty will easily reach 2000000 Passenger train No 4 of the Norfolk nnd Western railway reached Vivian about 830 a m met the flood and was unable to proceed further The waters reached such a depth that the coaches had to be abandoned the pas Bengers being rescued by means of ropes strung from tho windows of coaches to the topB of remaining coke ovens some distance away Between Elkhorn and Vivian a distance of ten miles 100 cnrB are said to he washed from tho tracks and many of them were carried down the streams A rough estimate places the number of bridges washed away between Dlue fleld and Vivian Yards a distance of 28 miles at from 15 to 20 and from present Indications It will bo Impossi ble to get trains through to Vivian and points west of there under a week or acres In the western or unimproved I fa J1 der npof1 Dto tho portion of Forest park which contains I V B rlf df between 1300 and 1400 acre and Is KQ hLJi nl aiedfwlth nr ms3 fod lnd0 tho Becond largest city park In tho vfn ndtwl1thoult Bcrlbable suffering Is inevitable country In addition 450 acres ni - joining on the south and west aro available This makes a total of 1118 acres or one third more space than was used by tho Columbian exposition In Chicago Strike Situation at Reading Reading Pa June 25 With a strike of 2600 Iron workers of the Reading Iron company and 1000 emnloves of tUuu wvo uu wutno ouiaii ings of all descriptions trees tele graph poles hugo boulders and every imaginable moving thing that cama within the sweep of this mighty tor rent of maddened waters went down the mountainous district In a seeth ing roaring mass of debris Dead bodies could be seen floating along the valley by those who bad gained a place n nontiinc miinrav nn ni i of safetv on the hlch hills city Ib In a state of exnectancv as to I Great damage Is also reported to what the railroad shop handB will do have resulted in the Clinch valley sec- today the time set by President Baer for the shop handB to return or be dis charged There are no indications of a stampede and the prospects are that the fight will be long drawn out with other interests to be Involved Dies From Heat on Train St Joseph June 25 A man who Is Bupposed to be W B Bradford of Utlca died aboard a Burlington pas senger train near thlB city from the effects of the excessive heat He pur chased a ticket at Kansas City for this point and on the way repeatedly complained of the heat He waB seized with 8pamB and died within few minutes tlon which extends south from Gra ham Va Ten lives are re ported to have been lost along this val ley A message reached the Associ ated Press from Coaldalo W Va 14 miles west of Bluefleld Baying that there had been an Immense loss of property and some lives at that point Details Hard to Obtain Details of the great Pocahontas flood are hard to obtain owing to the inac cessibility of the mining district wheie the fury and havoc of the angry waters caused the most appalling loss of life and property At Keystone the water began to rise at 9 oclock Sun day morning and by 11 oclock the flood had spent its fury and at least IwothlrdB of tho little city had been washed wny or demolished It Ib known that 1G residents of tho north fide of tho stream lost their lives nnd at least 50 of those living on tho south sldo were drowned At Uurke a suburb of Keystone a miinlifir nrrt mtablncr ntifl fitt lit ni n rn ported dead It Ib now certain that tho total llBt of tho dead from ono end of the Elk horn valley to tho other will reach 200 A full list of the names of the victims cannot he ascertained at this time Hundreds are missing having taken1 refuge In the mountains to escape the fury of the flood The list of the dead eo far recovered and Identified that it has been posnlble to obtain at this time are John Lewis and Martha Morgan white Samuel Poyndexter Mettle Drown John Bollard Annie Smith Laura McCoy Nellie Smith all colored nil of Keystone Ivan Solosky white and a colored family named Halrston consisting of mother and four children at Algona BodleB nro being covered many miles down tho stream where they were washed ashore When it Ib con sidered that the Elkhorn river Ibbo small that It If rely furnishes enough water to flUBh the coke ovens when In its normal condition some idea of the extent of the cloudburst may be formed Tho railroad company now estimates the damage to Its tracks be tween thlB city nnd Vivian at over a half million dollars There is at least a hundred miles of track bordering Tug river that cannot be heard from as there is no means of communication Intact Communication has been estab lished as far west as Ennls this being about one fourth of tho stricken dis trict Late reports say that the lower end of tho coal field between Vivian nnd Gray suffered severely Fully a million dollars damage has been dono to coal and lumber Interests Three daughters of Coal Inspector DInsmore are reported drowned at Key Btone They were alone In their residence when the flood came and all trace of them Ib lost Relief committees left here at day break for the stricken region CURFEW LAW ILLEGAL Declared Unconstitutional by Judgs Smith at St Paul Neb St Paul Neb June 26 County Judge Smith has declared the Nebras ka curfew law unconstitutional A week ago four young women daugh ters In each Instance of prominent families engaged in a night charivari All were grown but of an age which brings them within the provisions of the curfew ordinance They were ar rested and detained not for disorderly conduct but for being out late Habeas corpus proceedings were begun with tho result that the law has been de clared Illegal and the girls ordered re leased An appeal will be taken to the higher courts Fatal Quarrel Over Town Lots Guthrie O T June 26 As a re sult of a quarrel yesterday over town lots in Addington in Kiowa Indian reservation R S Castleberry shot J M Wambold president of the National bank three times the balls entering Wambolds stomach inflicting mortal wounds Castleberry then turned his gun on Horace Addington who was at tracted to the scene by the shooting and shot him in the shoulder inflicting a dangerous yet not necessarily fatal wound Castleberry surrendered to the marshal New Trial for Mrs Botkln San Francisco June 26 The case of Mrs Cordelia Botkln under life sen tence for the murder of Mm Eliza beth Dunning of Dover Del was called In the superior court yesterday for the purpose of fixing the date for a new trial recently granted by tho Btate supreme court After some legal sparring the case went over till next Saturday when a date for trial will be determined Lone Wolf Denied Special Appeal Washington June 26 The court of appeals yesterday denied the motion of Lone Wolf and other Kiowa and Comanche Indians for a special ap peal from the decision of Judge Brad ley refusing an Injunction against the secretary of the interior and other offi cials to prevent the opening of tho Kiowa lands The court held that the case did not justify a special ap peal Murders Mistress Kills Hlmseif Poplar Bluff Mo June 26 Stephen Clark a gambler while in a Jealous rage last night killed his mlstreso Pearl Clark a handsome woman 2S years of age and then stabbed nlm self inflicting a fatal wound Clark stabbed the woman in the back with a butcher knife after which he beat out her brains with a hatchet Lowers Worlds Record Salt Lake June 26 In a special ten mile motor paced race on tho Salt Palace track last night between Vaugban of Los Angeles and Chap roan of Atlanta and the Turville brothers of Philadelphia the worlds record was broken the race being won by Vaugban and Chapman In 1715 Big Gusher at Red Fork Denlson Tex June 26 What is eaid to be the latest oil gusher yet struck in the southwestern field was brought in yesterday at Red Fork Creek nation north of Denlson The oil spouted 400 feet In the air It is still gushing and is wasting in great quantities Jumps Into the Ocean Glasgow June 26 The captain of the Anchor line steamer Furnessla 1 from New York June 15 which arrived here yesterday reports that Richard Walke a lawyer of West Virginia jumped overboard June 20 and was drowned FLOOD 11 Second Cloudburst Completes Work of Destruction LOB8E8 ARE REPORTED GREATER West Virginias Devastated District Is Again Under Water More Than One Hundred Dead In Initial Disas ter Eight Millions Damage Bluefleld W Va June 27 Another dcstrucUve storm visited the flood swept district last night and whllo no loss of life Ib yet reported the dam aito to nroDcrtv has been great The work dono by the largo force of menj repairing the damage of last Satur days flood has been destroyed In many places Details are hard to gather for the communication destroyed by Saturdays flood has not yet been re paired Roanoke Va June 27 Word was received hero last night at a late hour confirming the lepurt that there had been another heavy tall of rain In tho West Virginia coal fields The intelli gence received here says another Btorm haB occurred and that hontns Ib damaged moie than last Sat urday All railroads ate threatened Williamson W Va June 27 Thero Is no longer any doubt but the list of dead the result of the receut flood will exceed 100 PartleB reached here Inst evening from the upper end of the flooded list let bringing the first au thentic intormation received from the scene of disaster The party jUBt rived consisted of Judge Doollttle Judge Flourney of Charleston and Ellas Hatfield These gentlemen left Vivian Sunday morning Judge little said that wcrdB could not de scribe the scene of devastation be 1 tween Vivian and Davy It was a tidal wave from a cloudburst and swept everything before it In the track of Its course everything is gone At Vivian the water came roaring down the mountain sides in monster waves and people who attempted to flee to the hills for safety were washed hack and carried away by the raging current of the Elkhorn Fifteen per sons are said to have been drowned at Eckman At Keystone the loss of life waB great Probably 30 persons per ished there Mothers and babes were Bwept away by the raging current Btrong men battled for their lives with out avail in many instances On Dry Fork the loss of life Is ex ceedingly great Bodies are scattered all along the stream many of which will never be identified v The loss of property by the flood on the Elkhorn and the Tug rivers Is now roughly estimated at from 5000000 to 8000000 TERRIFIC STORM AT PITTSBURG Lightning Bolts Strike Several Houses Panic Among Picnickers Pittsburg June 27 The storm which struck Pittsburg and vicinity yesterday was of short duration but terrific in power and disastrous in ef fect Tho lightning and thunder was practically continuous for about 30 minutes the wind attained a velocity of 30 miles an hour and there was a heavy rainfall In two minutes of the time 015 of an Inch of water fell One woman Mrs Alice Lester was killed instantly by lightning and several other persons may die from the same cause Numbers of houses and churches were struck by lightning Tie waters rushed down the hill sides at Homestead and literally en gulfed the town The extent of the damage done there Is the worst In the history of the town and will reach many thousands of dollars Besides the numerous houses that were wrecked four iron bridges of the Mo nongohela Street railway were washed out At South Avenue park a picnic party composed of 1200 persons 700 of which were children gathered In the dancing pavilion for shelter from the Btorm Lightning struck a tree within eight feet of the pavilion and set fire to the pavilion The picnickers were panic stricken Women and children and even men gave way to their fright Fortunately the heavy rain ex tinguished the flames and though a large number of the party were more or less hurt in the panic none was Eerlously injured A similar panic ensued at St Jo sephs parochial school on Mount Oil ver where commencement exercises were being held The hall was filled with children and their parents when lightning Btruck the building tearing a portion of the roof away Pande monium reigned for a time but no fatalities resulted I From all surrounding towns reports are coming telling of the widespread damage done by the storm all reports uniting in saying that it waB the se verest known in years 1 FIRE IN NEBRASKA PRISON Attempt to Destroy Remaining Wlnf Is Thwarted by Prompt Discovery j Lincoln June 24 The remaining wing of the Nebraska penitentiary buildings one of which was burned last March narrowly escaped destruction last evening from a fire started malici ously Governor Savage and Warden Davis say by convicts employed in the broom factory Prompt discovery al lowed the flames to be quenched in their lnclplency and the damage is nominal An investigation in the broom factory showed that a candle had been lighted and so placed that after burning itself about half way would communicate to a mass of broom corn The nozzle of the hose bad been plugged but the pressure waB so strong that the water removed the ob struction and the fire was quenched BURNED BY MOLTEN METAL Prlghtful Accident In the Cupola Rocm of a Chicago Foundry Chicago Juno 27 Caught in streams of molten metal which poured Into tho cupola room of tho soft foundry department of the American Car and Foundry company yesterday seven workmen were frightfully burned three of them fatally The explosion of a dynamite shell which had been placed In the cupola with scrap Iron caused the accident When the shell had been heated it burst breaking the walls of the cupola the molten metal streaming forth In nil directions Not one of the men in the room escaped the white hot metal Tho victims Thomas Cusack fore man of the cupola room died on way to hospital Frank Baleen Bkull frac tured and entire body burned Michael Bmentak entire body burned by metal both legs broken Charles Brown scalp wounds and burned about body Frank Dledo arm broken and burned about face and head William Burke body burned John SefetV body burned and leg broken STRIKERS STONE THE POLICE Thousand Laborers at Rochester Grow Riotous and Defy Authority Rochester N Y June 27 Striking laborers numbering 1000 had a brisk encounter with the police In which 11 polcemen and 20 strikers were In jured The rioters set out as several times before to drive off the laborers who were at work on street Improve ments At Mill and Commercial Btreets they encountered 50 laborers employed by the Rochester Gas and Electric company in digging a trench and advanced on them and drove them from the trench The workers Bought refuge In the power house of the com pany and the police undertook to dis perse the mob A volley was fired over the headB of the strikers who in turn assailed the policemen with bricks BtoneB shovels and pieces of wood After hurling their missiles the crowd dispersed BODIES FOUND BY ROADSIDE Death Comes to Quincy Ills Young Man and Woman After Quarrel Quincy Ills June 27 The bodies of Frank C Forrest and Louise Strothoff were found In the road five miles from here early yesterday For rest who was well known In Quincy had quarreled with Miss Strothoff and later had leceived a note asking him to diive out to her home and see her He went accompanied by John Dltt mar During the evening Forrest and the girl took a walk and that was the last seen of them until their bodies were found half a mile from the house Whether he or she did the shooting Is not known PRISONER JUMPS FROM TRAIN Charles Holmes Prefers Chance to Get Killed to One for Penitentiary Plattsmouth Neb June 27 A tele gram from Sheriff Wheeler at Albia la states that Charles Elmer Holmes who was arrested in Chicago and being brought to this city to be tried on the charge of perjury in connection with the case of stealing brass from the Burlington shops here had escaped by jumping through a car window of train No 5 He was handcuffed at the time Looks Like Denver Thug Denver June 27 Charles Griffin about 35 years of age who claims to be a switchman Is In jail charged with having attempted to assault a woman at a lonely spot on Thirty first street near a bridge over the Platte river Griffin was lodged in jail and the po lice declare that his description tallies perfectly with that given of the man who made a murderous assault on Miss Celestine Coleman last Monday night and also with that of the Cap itol Hill Thug Dowieites Driven Out of Evanston Chicago June 27 Four Dowieites who went to Evanston to hold an open air meeting last night were hooted down rotten egged jostled about the street and finally driven out of town The mob numbered hundreds of peo ple The police seemed unable to cope with the crowd No arrests were made Hung Jury Is Predicted Eldorado Kan June 27 At a late hour the jury in the Jessie Morrison murder case had not agreed upon a verdict and a hung jury Is generally predicted Judge Alkman allowed the Jurors to eat supper at 6 oclock but sent them back to the jury room Im mediately thereafter SPARKS FROM THE WIRES Young Corbett knocked out Oscar Gardner In the sixth round of what was scheduled as a ten round go be fore the Denver Wheel club Wednes day night William Grundman an old man was fatally shot at Winona Minn Wed nesday by his son-in-law Joe Camp bell who later shot out one of his eyes in an attempt to commit suicide Both will probably die The grand Jury at Chicago Wednes day indicted former Deputy Coroner John C Weckler for malfeasance in office the specific charge being that he conducted a false Inquest on the body of Miss Marie Defenbach Secretary Grimes of Oklahoma Wed nesday issued a charter for the Okla homa Colorado nnd Chlclasaw Rail road company capital Btock 60000 000 It Ib to run a line of road 1000 mlleB long from Denver to Fort Smith Ark The arrival Wednesday of the trans ports Thomas and Buford brings near ly all the volunteer army homo from the Philippines There are yet to ar rive the Indiana with the Forty-second regiment and the Kilpatrlck with the Forty third y y