I M T - y H 1 1 IB Westbound Passenger Plungc3 Through Trestle in Indiana FIFTEEN ARE REPORTED KCLLED Dozen Passengers and Englno Crew J Meet Death In Catastrophe Near Peru Disaster Due to a Washout 1 Three Coaches Overturned Peru Ind Juno 2G West bound passenger train No 3 on tho Wabash railroad ran Into a washout at Caso 15 miles west of hero at 1230 oclock this morning wrecking tho englno and flvo cars It la roportod 15 porsons wore killed Tho train la duo at Poru at 1055 but loft hero ono hour late In chargo of Conductor Brownloy Tho train was running at high speed to make up lost ttmo and at Caso n witch Ave miles oast of Logansport plunged through a trestlo that had been swept away by a washout Tho engine was totally demolished and tho three passenger coaches and two bag gago cars were derailed and over turned Every surgeon In Peru was sum moned and tho relief party left here at midnight for the scene Details are meager but it Is rumored Engineer Butler and Fireman Adams and at least a dozen passengers were killed and many more injured DERAILED BY COW9 Iron Mountain Passenger Train Wrecked at Beebe Ark Little Rock Ark Juno 2C Tho couth bound Toxas special on the St Louis Iron Mountain and Southern railroad struck two cows In the su burbs of Beebe Ark at 615 yester day morning and was wrecked Mrs Howard of Waco Tex en route homo from a St Louis hospital on a cot was badly bruised and seriously injured Postal Clerks W E Seybold M E Simms and Butler Campfleld were In jured but not seriously The tender two baggage coaches and ono mail coach were turned over and smashed into kindling wood and scrap iron None of tho passengers except Mrs Howard was hurt but many were thrown from their berths and chairs with great violence Fire Panic In Chicago Hotel Chicago June 20 One employe H M Cutting was seriously burned and several other persons panic stricken by a fire which partially destroyed the wholesale paint and varnish estab lishment of Devoe Reynolds com pany 170 Randolph street The fire etarted in the fourth and top story from spontaneous combustion the out burst of flames being followed by sev eral small explosions In one of these Cutting was hurt Guests at the Bis marck hotel adjoining and at the Briggs house opposite rushed from tho respective buildings but none was injured The losses on building and contents aggregate 70000 Leipzig Bank Failure Berlin June 2G The crash of the Leipziger bank was a complete sur prise to the Berlin bourse where yes terday the bank shares were quoted nt HO This failure now turns out to be worse than at first reported Ml well Informed Berlin financiers Infer that the Leipziger bank will save little if anything out of the wreck and fciat the failure of the institution will serl cusly affect a number of other banks Massacre of 300 Converts Victoria B C June 26 The steam er Kakamara Maru arrived bringing news of the massacre of over 300 French converts at Quelparl Korea Tho converts attacked a meeting of natives wounding one and carryiug off six and then invading Saishlfu The natives when their forces were larger returned and massacred the en tire number Defense Force Mobilized Barkley East Cape Colony June 26 General Fouchs two Boer com mands have advanced beyond Glen Al mond which Is ten miles south of Allwal North Boer and British ecouts have exchanged shots six miles hence All the local defense forces have been mobilized Hot Wave Brings Death Chicago June 26 Tho third day of sweltering heat resulted In two deaths and 18 prostrations The dead Paul Dooley laborer and Nicholas Schusk rath laborer The thermometer reached 94 and the heat being accom panied by great humidity Buffering was Intense Pope Growing Feeble Rome Juno 26 Owing to his In creasing feebleness Dr Lapponl the popes physician has forbidden the pop to follow his usual custom at passing the hot weather In a pavilion In the Vatican garden Notwithstand ing this fact no alarm concerning the pope is felt Dennisons Body Is Found Dubuque la June 26 The mys tery surrounding the disappearance of Leonard Dennlson from the steamer Lotus was cleared yesterday by the finding of the body floating in the river at Muscatine Morrison Case In Jurys Hands Eldorado Kan June 26 B It Leydlg finished his argument for tha prosecution la the Morrison murder trial this morning and tho case now foea to the Jvjr BOLT STARTS COSTLY BLAZE College of Physicians and Surgeons Chicago Destroyed Chlcnto June 26 During a hoavy thundor storm last night a boll of lightning struck tho Collogo of clans and Surgoona on Harrison I strooL Tho flro which followod tho lightning In a Bhort tlmo destroyod the rollego building which was ono of the finest of its kind in tho wosL Loss 1200000 Tho lightning struck tho collego squarely on tho top of a rising pro jection In tho front part of tho roof and such a tremendous crash of thundor accompanlod tho flash that alt peoplo In tho neighborhood thought that an explosion had taken place In tho col lego Almost boforo tho first flro on glnos had arrived tho flames had spread all through tho flvo stories of tho building Adjoining tho collego Is tho smaller building of tho Wost Sldo hospital which was filled with patients about 100 being In tho vari ous wards As soon aB It was sqon that tho collego could not bo saved and thnt Its walls wero Uablo to fall at any tlmo tho work of removing tho patients from tho hospital bogan The rain was pouring down heavily at tho tlmo but fortunately thero are so many hospitals and medical Institu tions that It was necessary to romovo the patients only a short distance most of them being taken to tho County hospital ono square away Tho flromen and the attondants at tho hospital did most of tha moving carrying the invalids on bods cots stretchers or whatever came to hand Nono of tho hospital patients wero Injured AIM BLOW AT RAILROADS Merchants Will Ask Congress to Force Uniform Classification Chicago Juno 26 Tho Tribune says Prominent wostern merchants all heavy shippers of merchandise are preparing to call to account beforo the Interstate commerce commission1 the heads of the various railroad com binations and the community of In terests alliances of the tnmc lines of the country Charges are mado that following these movements of consolidation freight rates have been advanced from 30 to 50 per cent through quiet and organized manipula tion of tho various classifications of commodities Merchandise formorly In class 4 has been placed under class 2 with a consequent increase of 30 per cent in shipment charges and so on through the voluminous tabulated classifications of all commodities Behind the movement to attack this scheme of freight advances by ap plying to the interstate commerce com mission for relief lies the plan for a still more vigorous blow Tho com plainants Intend to press a dcman l that congress shall take a hand In forcing the formation of a uniform classification of freight which shal bo effective on every railroad in the Unit ed States TO GO BACK REINFORCED United States Marshal Will Try It Again at Thacker Thacker W Va Juno 20 The United States deputy marshals who were fired on here while endeavoring to serve notice of injunction on strik ing miners left for Charleston having received orders from United States Marshal Thompson to come thero at once It is supposed they will bo re inforced and returned and that state militia may be sent While the United States marshals were in the station hero waiting for the train probably 50 shots were flred Into the depot by strikers who had gathered on the Kentucky side of the river At Maritime yesterday a small force of nonunion men are at work Aside from this every operation In the field Is Idle TORNADO AT NEWARK O Glass Works Wrecked and Seven Men Injured Several Houses Unroofed Newark O Juno 26 A tornado swept over the northern and western sections of Newark yesterday The upper portion of the new factory at the E H Everett glass works where 75 men wero at work was wrecked and seven men were caught in the debris Lloyd Cunningham was fatal ly Injured by a falling beam his chest being crushed In and hip broken Wal ter Dickinson and Thomas Douglas each had a leg broken Tho damage to the building Is estimated at about 10000 Ono side of tho Rugg halter works was blown in and J W Athey and James Burns were Injured but not seriously The Ice manufacturing plant and several houses wero un roofed BRITI8H CASUALTY LIST8 Evidence of Severe Fighting In Vari ous Parts of South Africa London June 26 The casualty lists made public by tho war department continue to show rather severe fight ing in various parts of South Africa that are not reported In the ordinary dispatches This is noticeably so with regard to the Zeerust position In Cape Colony It also inspires dis quietude which is added to by tha re peated looting of Jamestown In spite of the proximity of a strong British force at Allwal North It appears that Including the Boer prisoners and those In the concentration camps tho cost of supporting some 80000 Boers la to day falling upon the British taxpayers Insane From Cigarettes Ottumwa la Juno 26 Thomas Collingwood 19 years of age was adjudged Insane yesterday and or dered taken to Mount Pleasant Col lingwood had been employed at tho Daln Manufacturing companys plant and Is said to have been forced to give up his work on account of the exces sive use of cigarettes THE NORFOLK NEWSQKRIIAYt JUNK 28 1001 hh usm on sol Later Estimates of Flood Vic tims Not So Fearful PROPERTY LO03 IS VEnY HEAVY Newspaper Correspondents Collect Facts Regarding the Storm In Wost Virginia and Describe tho Scenes In the Dovaatatcd District Bluoflold W Va Juno 20 Tho flit uatlon In tho Elkhorn valloy Is great ly Improved today although It marked tho first tlmo that reporters wero able to got Into tho area of tho flood dis tricts Many nowapapor correspond ents wont Into tho contor of tho dov astatod districts and It waa evi dent that tho facts woro not exagger ated so far as property loss Ib con corned From Ennla dowu tho loss was tho worst Cars wero wronchod to pieces and pllod up In ruins Tho track for Bovoral hundred yards was washed away houses wrockod and many demolished and many coko ovons woro ruined At Powhattan tho railroad sufforod greatly At North Fork Junction the doublo tool bridge waa washod away and tho 60 pound rails of both tracks woro Bnapped like throads Thousands of tons of driftwood remnants of houses logs and trees wore piled up Many of those drownod on tho North Fork nre supposed to bo burled in tho debris Tho Iron brldgo botweon North rFork and Keystone was under mined and tho rails bent llko hairpins Flvo bodies lay with tho cofiln lids washed away and exposed to tho gazo of the curious at this point They had been buried on tho river bank but wero washod out Tho Iosb of life It Is now conserva tively estimated will not exceed 50 Koystono a town of 2000 Inhabitants was torn to pieces Thirty buildings were deluged and groatly damaged The contents of many other houses wore seriously damaged Tho rail road bed wi3 washed out to a depth of 25 feet The loss at Koystono was Immense Tho huge drift west of tho town cannot be described It had a house with a tree driven into tho door on its top Many dead bodies aro sup posed to bo confined in this immense pile of debris At Shawnee where tho beautiful homes of tho officers of tho Shawneo Coal company wore located with their splendid lawns and tennis courts tho river is now running Vivian Yard Is a complete wreck Between Welch and Vivian all tho bridges are damaged and several of the most important aro gone Superintendent J B Connors or tho Scotlo division with a largo force of men is working at the extreme went end of the flooded district and has the track clear as far east as Prathor Trainmaster Johnson also of the Scotlo division has a largo force of men at work on this lino Tho pas senger train which was overtaken by the flood at Vivian from which so many passengers made miraculous es capes has been reached by tho rescu ing party and will be brought to this city today Tho Clinch valley division Is open and the first passenger train arrived at 7 p m yesterday Trains brought stories of damaged crops destroyed homes and loss of life The drowned on this division will not amount to over 15 former reports being verlfed Hon William Jennings Bryan has telegraphed tho Y M C A that he vl deliver a lecture at Pocahontai on tho night of July 2 tho proceeds to be given for tho relief of the desti tute Corbin Sails for Manila San Francisco Juno 26 Tho trans port Hancock sailed from Manila yes terday with Adjutant Goneral Corbin Surgeon General George M Stern berg General Chambers F McKlbben who will Join General Chaffees staff General John F Weston Colonel W P Hall who Is to succeed General Barry as adjutant general In tho Phil ippines Senator C H Dietrich of Ne braska and Congressman Julius Kahn OwLig to the reports of plague at Honolulu tho Hancock will not call there but will go direct to Manila Catholic Knights In Session Cincinnati Juno 26 Tho second days Besslon of tho convention of the Catholic Knights of St John was de voted to hearing tho reports of te va rious officers Supremo President Fries recommended that a paid organ izer bo placed In tho field and ap proved the scheme for federation of tho various Catholic orders Rev Joseph Cook Is Dead Whitehall N Y June 26 Rev Jo seph Cook tho distinguished lecturer and author Ib dead at his summer home in Tlconderago He had been In HI health for several years Mr Cook is best remembered by bis ef forts to show in his leeturos tho har mony or mo didio wttn science Henderson 8ees Inspection London Juno 26 D B Henderson speaker of tho United States house of representatives and Henry White secretary of the United States em bassy witnessed the Inspection of the yeomen of the guard by King Edwrfrd in tho garden of Marlborough house yestorday afternoon Fattest Girl In World Dead Baraboo Wis Juno 26 Miss Car rle Brown aged 22 years died in Cale donia yesterday of heart trouble She was considered the fattest girl in tho world She weighed 650 pounds was 5 feet 7 inches In height and her bust measured 72 inches NASH AND MPPERT HEAD TICKET Ohio Republican Convention Beats the Record for Fast Time Columbus O Juno 26 Tho Repub lican Htatu convonllon hero yustorday broko tho Ohio rocord by completing ita work In throo hours Tho lutonas heat was prostrating and Chairman Hanna not only cut short his own speech but also thoso of othorn nnd then dispatched business with tho ut most spood lu thoso three bourn tho convention nominated a full utnto ttckot adopted Us declaration of principles endorsed J I Forakor an tho Republican candi date for ro oloctlon as United States senator completed tho party organtza Hon for tho campaign and traiiHacted other business Of tho sovon nominations only throo were now mon and ono of these Nip pert for llcutonant governor wbb nom inated without opposition after Lieu tenant Govornor Caldwell had de clined ronomlnatlon Nash Shoots Cameron and Johnston wero rouoml nated for Hecond tormB without oppo sition Thero woro freo for all con tests for the nominations for supremo Judge nnd clerk of tho supromo court Tho vote ahowod that J L Prlco and Lawson 12 Emurson had formed a com bination that worked successfully for botli of thorn Judgo Prlco of Lima has been on tho common pleas and circuit court benches and Emerson has been prominent In politics in uasturn Ohio for many yoara FUNERAL OF ADELBERT HAY Body Is Laid to Rest In Lakevlew Cemetery Cleveland Cleveland Juno 2G In a grave on a magnificent hill that overlooks tho city In beautiful Lakovlow cemetery tho body of tho lato Adelbort Stono Hay was laid to roat yesterday Tho funeral party urrlved In Cleveland from Now Haven at noon and tho fu neral servlcoa woro held In tho Wado Mortuary cliapol a fow houra later Accompanying tho romalns wero tho parents of tho deceased Tho casket rosted on a whllo marblo catafalquo In tho contor of tho now mortuary chapol lu Lakovlow ceme tery It waa covered with a profusion of flowers A magulflcont wreath of roses was tho gift of tho atato de partment at Washington Tho class mates of tho deceasod nt Yale wero tho honorary pallbearers Secretary and Mrs Hay showed evi dence of tho great Borrow tlioy felt and Mrs Hay was so nearly prostrated that her husband had to assist her nearly all tho tinio HELD FOR CATTLE 8TEALING Old Resident of Keya Paha County Charged With Rustling Sprlngvlow Neb Juno 20 Joseph Bingham an old resident of Keya Paha county had a preliminary hearing yes terday beforo County Judge Estcs on a chargo of cattlo stealing and was bound over to the district court in tho sum of 1500 Tho defendant offered no testimony In his own bohalf It is assumed by stockmen that thero is a strong organization of stock thieves along tho Keya Paha river and that Bingham and many other prominent peoplo are connected with it Tho talk is that some of tho United States deputy marshals may bo connected with the organization and the stock associations of this part of the cattlo country proposo to have tho matter thoroughly investigated RAILWAY AGENTS THROWN OUT Consolidation of Separate Offices Af fects Thousands of Men Chicago Juno 2G Tho Chronicle i says It Is reported hero tlnu Die offices of railroads In the different combinations located In all principal cities throughout tho country will be consolidated Tho report Is revived In connection with tho Morgan Hill syndicate operations It is said that wherever soparato offices are now maintained by tho Groat Northern Northern Pacific and Burlington joint offices will be substituted After tho offices of Individual lines under tho same ownership have been brought to gether it is said thousands of solicit ors and freight and passenger agents will bo eliminated in tho interest of economy POISONED AT A PICNIC Dr Baughman of Fort Dodge Critically III From Eating Canned Beans Fort Dodge la June 26 Dr Baugh man a veterinary surgeon lies In a se rious condition here as tho result of ptomalno poisoning caused by canned beans eaten at a picnic Fears for ills recovery aro entertained Twenty five picnickers were affected by tho poison ing but Dr Baughmans condition Is the most serious Consolidation at Sioux City Sioux City Juno 2G A big business consolidation has been effected by which tho Sioux City Gas company and tho Sioux City Electrical com pany have been consolidated under the title of the Sioux City Gas and Electric company with a capital stock of 1500000 Tho incorporators aro Sioux City men TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Before the eyes of their eight chil dren lightning struck Mr and Mrs George Wels Tuesday on their farm at Fern Creek Ky Tho National Plow company In which a number of western capiiallsts are Interested was organized In Jer sey City Tuesday Tho cargo of juto of the steamship Jupiter was damaged between 50 000 and 60000 Tuesday by flro as sho lay at her dock In Now York bay By a vote of 71 to 91 tho Kansas City Live Stock exchange has refused to Join the National Live Stock exchange which has headquarters la Chicago BAGQAGE FOR BUFFALO How to Tnko tho Necessary Precau tions as to Marking and Checking Buffalo Juno 27 In vlow of tho nteadlly Increasing attendance nt tho Pan American exposition the Increase being now attributed lu tho arrival of people from distant polutH tho man agement ban requested the publication of the following Information for tho bunullt of visitors It In Hafo to say that If tho Instructions aro followud the exposition visitor will not exper ience lie humiliation of being without baggago nnd fruah clothes nt a mo ment when such aro absolutely neces sary to their penco of mind and per sonal appearance Tho suggestions nre All Imggngo nhould bo plainly marked wltb tho owners uamu In full nnd permanent or homo address Avoid chocking satchels and hand baggage when possible Identify nnd have your baggage checked In your prusonco nt starting point to avoid or rors Do not leave that to a hackman or obliging friend Keep memoran dum of chock numbers nnd fuJl letter ing on tho checks Do not oxchnngo your chucks for tliono of hackiuen tin less you get chocks In exchange and then take memorandum of hackmaua number nnd lettering of badge Chock bnggago to Iluffalo and not to ox position grounds no bnggago facili ties there To avoid extra chargoB call for bnggago ami romovo It upon nrrlval of same Always have a chock for your baggago when It in not in your possession UNFRIENDLY TO NEW YORK PLAN Kansas Not In Pressing Need of Un employed Labor Kansas City Juno 27 Tho proposal of a New York alderman to send 5000 men and women from that city to help harvest Kansas wheat la not well re ceived Governor Stanley of Kansas said Wo aro In no pressing nood of un employed labor in Kansas Recently we havo called upon adjacent states for help In tho harvcHt fields but that work la about over now and I know of no reason why wo should uncourago Now York city to dump a Joblot of tin employed and monuyloss men and women upon us Wo invito Immigra tion but its thrifty helpful peoplu that wo want E B Howard superintendent of tho free labor bureau of Kansas City la equally unfriendly to tho Now York idea but says if they would hcikI 2000 or 3000 young women for serv ant girls that would bo a different proposition Wo need servant girls but havo no uso for more men They can Bond servant girls but no others need apply TOM RICHARDSON IS DEAD Victim of Bill Sales of Shenandoah Succumbs to His Stab Wounds Shonandoah la Juno 27 Tom Rlchnrdson of Maryvilio Mo who was Btabbed horo two weeks ago by BUI Sales of this city died yesterday An inquest was hold resulting In finding that Richardson camo to his death from wounds caused by Sales Sales was bound over to tho next term of court when ho will bo tried for man slaughter Congress of Religions Buffalo Juno 27 The seventh gen eral session of tho congress of re ligions held its first meeting last night in Both Zlon tomple Rev P O Gif ford Dr Israel Aaron and Mr Herbert P Bissell delivered addresses of wel come Tho Rev II W Thomas presi dent of the congress of religions re sponded The object of the congress of religions la not to thresh out differ encea but only to discuss points of agreement in tho various creeds and beliefs Hannas Gift to Kenyon College Gambler 0 Juno 27 Sonator Han na and Governor Nash participated prominently lu tho commencement ex ercises of Kenyon college hold here yestorday Tho sonator at tho alumni luncheon unexpectedly announced that ho would givo 50000 to tho in stitution for a dormitory A year ago Kenyon collego bestowed tho degree of doctor of laws upon Senator Hanna This large gift is an acknowledgment of tho honor conferred by tho collogo Morgan Gives Million to Harvard Cambrldgo Mass Juno 27 Presi dent Eliot announced at tho Harvard alumni dinner that J P Morgan had given more than 1000000 for tho erection of three of tho flvo buildings planned for tho Harvard modical school in Boston Two Drowned While Swimming Ottumwa la Juno 27 Eber and Louis Pearsons small boys wero drowned in tho river hero last night whilo swimming TELEGRAMS TER8ELY TOLD Destructive gales with heavy loss of Hfo and great damage to Bhlpplng aro reported from tho Fiji Islands A collision at Montgomery Ala Wednesday between a trolley car and a hose cart killed one fireman and In jured four Peter L Foy 87 years of age who waa postmaster of St Louis during the civil war died Wednesday after an illness of two weeks At a special meeting of tho stock holders of tho Missouri Pacific Rail way company Wednesday it was voted to increase tho capital stock 30000 000 Chicago Oreat Western officials deny that thero has been any recent occa sion for tho rumors again current that tho line will bo absorbod in tho Hill Morgan syndicate An immense grain flro is raging nine miles south of Los Banos Cal Ton thousand acres of grain have been burned and a still larger area of graz ing laud bis tigon swept by tjhe flames IS Hi Clarinda Man Kills Himself on His Wedding Day PUTS BULLET INTO HIS HEAD Thomas Rogers Commits Deed at Home of His Sister Just Boforo th Hour Announced for the Ceremony Because Sho Would Not Attend Clarinda la June 27 Thomnn J Rogers who wan to have married Minn lClnoz C Plank a highly respected young lady of this city at ii oclock Inst evening nhot himself through tho head nt that hour Instead of going to tho home of tho brldo where tho ceremony was to havo been performed Ho died an hour later During tho day Rogers bad aulied for tho minister to porforsn tho marriage ceremony About 20 In vltnd guents woro uaaumblod at tho homo of tho brldoa parents Mr nnd Mra J C MoKlnnon when word wan brought that Rogers bad committed nulcldo Mr Rogerrt was 27 yoara of ago Three years ago ho Inherited 12000 from hla father and had npent all of this amount but 85 However ho had never shown signs of bolng do pressed lie waa nt tho homo of his sister Mra Charles Hotlln In thUj city Ths doeil waa said to have been done be cause Ida alater refused to attend lbs wedding which waa to be two blocks from her home The Blatur objoctos to tho marriage TESTING COLORADO LAW E H Reid of South Omaha Resists Cattle Quarantine Enactment Denver Juno 27 Ed H Held of tho Flato Commlaalon company of Omaha was arrufltud horo yestorday chargud with bringing Into Colorado 27 cars of cattle from below tho 3Gth parallel In Texas after having refused to submit to an Inspection by a Colorado In apector nnd declining to pay an In Hpoctluu feo aa la provided lor by tho Colorado statute ho maintaining that his fudoral bill of health was suf ficient to carry his cattlo Into or through any atato In tho Union Mr Hold was taken boforo tho criminal court whero he was defended by Ralph Talbot who represented tho Na tional Llvo Stock association Tho prisoner was convicted and sontoncod to hIx months In jail Judgo Hallott or the United States district court will today hoar sin application for hla ro lenae osi a writ of habeas corpus It Is tho intention of tho National association to carry the caso to the su premo court of tho United States with a vlow of having tho law providing for foe and Inspection of Intorstato ship ments tested Start of Automobile Race Paris Juno 27 There was a wolrd sceno early this snornlsig beneath Fort Chasnplgny when tho racing automo biles bogan gathering shortly nftor 2 oclock at the cross roads whero tlioy wero swissed Each machine camo up at a good rate of speed and then took its placo In the lino panting and vibrating llko a husnau being Tho racers waited tjtitll 330 when tho starter gave tho word No 1 start Tho automobilo numbered ono went to tho front nnd asaumed Its racing speed and disappeared Two minutes later automobilo No 2 was started In tho same manner Arrangements had been mado that automobiles leavo at two minutes Intervals Iowa City Block Burns Iowa City Ia Juno 27 Firo broko out in the W C Coast block In which tho Citizens Savings bank Is located at 3 a m and for a tlmo threatened to consume tho entire business section of tho city Tho flro started on tho third floor in Goodsolls music studio Tho losses are Coast building 1 000 Edlison building 3000 Dr Knlpe furniture 1000 A E Swisher law office 750 H E Goodsell 1000 Citizens Savings bank 500 small losses In offices and dwellings Total loss 12000 largely Insured Confesses Double Murder Vlnlta I T Juno 27 George Will lams lying on his death bed yester day confessed to being an accomplico in tho murder last September at Pryor Creek I T of T E Smith and Greon Smith of Sweden Mo In his state ment Williams also Implicated Will iam Nichols of Vlnlta William O Smith and Lon Smith of Pryor Creek and John Smith tho latter now serving a term in tho Kansas state peniten tiary for cattlo stealing Nichols and tho two first named Smiths woro ar rested Mrs Hassock May Be Pardoned Indlanola la June 27 Mrs Has aock whoso trial and conviction for her husbands murder attracted stato wide attention may receive a pardon It la understood that at New Virginia the scene of tho crime and where the Hassocks have resided for many years agitation has been begun looking to ward a parole It la realized that tha woman baa but a few years to llvo and in view of the fact that the guilt waa not fully fastened upon her it Is ba lloved that a parole Is due Find Body Under Bridge Ponca Neb June 27 Tho body of a man was found under a bridge yes terday by farmers In Dally township 16 miles west of Ponca He 13 a stranger and ia supposed to bo a cattlo buyer His head was crushed and It Is supposed that he waa murdered Senator Kyle 8hows Improvement Aberdeen S D June 27 Senator Kyle Is improving steadily and la now considered gut ot 4Ber