ft Jfc II B II I Northfield Sinks in Collision I With Steel Propeller r I UQBOATS HURRY TO RESCUE Water Instantly Filled With Struggling Men andWomen ExcltomentAmong Passengers Makes It Impossible to Determine Loss of Life Now York Juno 15 Tho woodon ldewheoler NorthQold which has boon In tho service of tho Staton 1st and Ilallwn company for tho paat 30 groars was rammed last night by tho atcel hulled propeller Mauch Chunk used as a forry boat by tho Central JRallroad of Now Jeraoy The collision of way was the cause of the disaster i UPSETS IN DRY DOCK Transport Ingalls Turns Turtle In Erie Basin New York June 15 While the United States transport Ingalls was In the dry dock at the Erie basin South Brooklyn yesterday afternoon where che was about to undergo extensive repairs she suddenly slipped from It he blocks and capsized One man Is known to have been killed and many fnjured were about 240 carpenters nachlnists and other laborers at work on tho vessel and dock at the time It is supposed that tho vessel was thrown jfrom an even keel by tho shifting of the blocks on which she rested caus ing her to list to starboard driving the shoring beams through the rotten Avails of the old floating dry dock In Which she was cradled Among the machinists and other workmen who were preparing her for a voyage to Manila there were supposed to have fceen about 30 Italian laborers In the hold of the ship employed In shifting her ballast While tho workmen were trying to escape the dock Itself over balanced by the weight of the ship turned on its side and sank In 50 feet of water A number of the men were borne down Into the water and jammed under and benoath the wreckage which rose to the surface How many were caught could not be learned Martin Anderson a painter was caught under the descending side of the ship and killed outright Others were dragged linf nf ffi wntisr hnrllv Inlnrari nr iMV W Vuw HVW MMUJ MJWI W alf drowned and hurried to the hos itals Added to the horrors was the alnty of tho fate of the men In the essels hold Some managed to get to he dock and leaped Into the water as h vfsRpI win Rlnklncr hut It In fAnrod that the majority were less fortunate t Barn Burner Lynched Y mthens Ala June 17 George Har ris a negro was banged by a mob In lthe northern part of this Limestone county last night Harris was sus pected of burning the barn of the farmer for whom he worked having a grievance against a fellow farm hand who had stock housed In the barn destroyed Y 1 Pingree Bears Up Well London June 17 Dr Thomas Bar low Bald that ex Governor Fingrees condition was unchanged The com plications from which Pingree suffered yesterday continue but his strength has not materially decreased He is bearing up under the most trying con- iUtlooa and that tho amount of tho Indemnity- and tho four par cent rate of Interest woro almost ngrood upon tho only hitch botng with regard to Japan fwhlch country cannot borrow monoy under flvo per cent It la tho doalro of most of tho ministers to nrrango thla satisfactorily aa It Is felt that Japan deserrea special consideration Tho probability la that additional bonds will bo giren sufficient to covor tho loss Special Commissioner RockhllL on bohalf of the Unltod States has agreed to add flvo per cent to tho tariff pro vided China would agroo to tho widen LAST OF THE WHITECAP3 Sioux Falls Penitentiary Closes Upon a Kingsbury County Farmer Sioux Falls S D June 17 Tho con cluding chapter in the now famous Kingsbury county whltecap case wau written when the doors of the Sioux Falls penitentiary a day or two ago closed upon a Kingsbury county farmor named Page who was convicted at a recent term of circuit court in that county for being Implicated In tho whltecap raid Last July a party of men went to the home of Ncls Sands and dragged him out of tho house I After his assailants had beaten him I with clubs they fastened a rope around I his neck and attempted to hang him I He was cut down before life was ex tinct One of his ribs was broken and he was otherwise Injured Early in tho present year four of tho assail ants were convicted of burglary for their connection with the crime and sentenced to terms of ten years each in the Sioux Falls penitentiary where they now are Page another of tho party who has Just entered tho prison will serve two years UNVEIL STATUE OF BISMARCK Emperor William Gives the Signal In of the active houses and tho memorial committee There was an imposing ar ray of officers officials veterans asso ciation students etc and an enormous gathering of people PRESIDENT CANNOT ATTEND Declines Invitation to Black Hills Quarto-Centennial Celebration Washington Juno 17 Accompanied by Commissioner Hermann of the gen eral land office William S Warner of the Black Hills Pioneer society called at the White house Saturday and pre sented to the president an invitation to attend the quarto centennial of the first settlement at Deadwood July 3 to 7 THE NORFOLK NEW8rFlll1AY JUNK 21 1901 mpan thinly htch j nnrnn n mnnm nnman fannnt Dftppnul MnnV at Four Per Hill 111 II Ills 11 1 111 1 1 II I I 1 f 1 1 Cent for China I Poking Juno 17 Tho foreign mln 1 Istors say that although yesterday mooting did not rosult la tho settlement of matters still things aro working most satisfactorily toward a conclusion UUL IV UUIH IllVli UlllllVlli I Pour Deadly Volley Into Camp of Victorian Rifles BNEMY CAPTURES TWO POMPOMS British Havo Eighteen Killed and Forty two Wounded Ono Hundred and Fifty Taken Prisoners but Re leasedKitchener Sends News London Juno 17 Lord Kltchonor has cabled from Pretoria undor yuator daya dato aa follows Nuar Wei mansrust 20 mllea south of Mlddlu burg 250 Victorian mounted rlflos from Qonoral Deastona column were surprised In camp at Steonkoolsprult Another Insurgent General In Luzon Follows Aguinaldos Example Manila Juno 17 Colonels Infant and Gulvar representatives of General Callles yesterday signed the name of their principal to an agreement to Bur- i render Under the terms of this agree ment General Callles Is to assemble I his men at Santa Cruz Laguna prov ince as quickly as possible and there surrender himself and his command to the American authorities The exact number of his force is uncertain but there will probably be more than 500 I JUUU UI uutu UIOUIIUIBUU uiu July UU The invitation was engrossed romanded the priSOner to the Tombs tablet The upon a gold president declined with regrets Knights of St John to Meet Cincinnati June 17 Reports to the local committees show that every sec tion of the country will be represented here at tho 23rd annual International convention of the Knights of St John June 24 to 27 The large delegations will attend from Canada and the west California Colorado and New Mexico will send coramanderles to enter the competitive drills for the worlds cham pionship Over 125000 has been sub scribed to the entertainment fund An attendance of over 30000 knights and their families is indicated from the letters received Rockefeller 8pendi Day In Worship Chicago June 17 Sitting on tho left of President Harper in the gradu ate quadrangle tent John D Rocke feller worshipped for Ave successive hours yesterday in attending the di vine services of convocation Sunday In the decennial celebration of the University of Chicago The session of worship lasted from 8 a m until nearly 1 oclock In the afternoon and at its conclusion Mr Rockefeller was almost exhausted and betook himself to the quiet of Dr Harpers home to rest and did not appear again during the day Convention of Zionists Philadelphia June 17 The fourth annual convention of the American Federation of Zionists began here yes terday with a larger attendance than ever before In lta history Delegates from every section of the country were present The aim of Zionism as ex plained by the speakers is to establish In Palestine a legal home for the op pressed and persecuted HebrewB of Russia Roumanla and other European countries Indians Searching for Black Horn Pendleton Ore June 17 Half a dozen well mounted Umatilla Indians are scouring the Blue mountains to capture Black Horn of the Umatilla reservation and a Yakima Indian who tried to murder Brlsbow chief of the Indian police of Michigan Batangas Llnebarger of Illinois Nueva Caceres Carson of Vir ginia Hollo Bates of Vermont No gros Norrls of Nebraska Cebu Car lock of Illinois Znmboanga Ickls of Iowa Jolo Whltsett of Mlsosurl JURY UNABLE TO AGREE Third Trial of Dr Kennedy Ends With out a Verdict New York Juno 17 The Jury which listened to the evidence Samuel J Kennedy accused of tho murder of Dolly Reynolds reported to Judge Newburger yesterday that they could not agree on a verdict Tho Good News for War Department Washington Juno 17 Officials of tho war department are very well pleased with the prospective surrender of General Callles the Filipino insur gent leader Advices received at the department indicate that this would oc cur soon Callles Is a man of consid erable Influence and with his backing menace to the efforts of the military authorities to stamp out the rebolllon In Luzon His capitulation there fore Is regarded with much rOWIE TELLS OF WEIRD PLOT Zlon Overseer Says Chicago Physicians Are Trying to Kidnap Him Chicago Juno 17 John Alexander Dowlo announcod at his mooting In Zlon tabernaclo yostcrday that certain physicians of this city furmod a plot to kidnap hint lock him In a dutontlon hospital and brat htm on tho head and buck till ha should loso all his reason lng powers and bocomo really Insane Ho said thnt tho kidnaping might take placo that night and iltor his norrlcos ho called a special private mooting of tho male motnboru of Zlon to tako stops to help tho Zlon guard In protecting him Ho also made throats i against tho physicians thnt ho would do to thorn an ho thought thoy woro trying to do to him unless thoy nhall let him alono nud stop calling him a paranoiac With all this Dowlo ropoatod conttn unity his protonslons Governor of Iowa Urges Him to for President Dos Moines Juno 17 Governor Grirwtr mrlwuk n n tn n lino frnn if nt If V- name for tho prostdoncy I iM you will encourago Its use I will be more Minti trlifl in tilt t f Mm tiuaf rf rtiv tiltll it will not bo over 75000000 bushels this year Tho acrcago Is less than usual Higher prices aro anticipated The corn crop is In bettor condition Crickets Become a Plague Douglas Wyo Juno 17 Clouds of crickets aro reported to be moving eouth across the mountains north of tho Larnmlo plnlns Tho pests ap peared In the Big Horn country last summer and destroyed tho range for against Dr hundreds of miles Tho Insects aro about an incli in length and covor tho earth as with a carpet Negro Laborer on the Jury Eldorado Knn Juno 17 Ono of tho Jurymen already accepted for tho trial The final ballot stood four for con- of Jessie Morrison for tho murder of vlptlnn and Pleht for nrnulttnl This Mrs Castle Is a negro laborer Tho the first ono and will Introduce only that evidonce bearing directly on tho tragody itself Baseball Scores Yesterday National League St Louis 11 Brooklyn 5 Cincinnati 0 Pittsburg 2 Chicago 4 New York 4 Western iu - l u il ii - 1m oclock this m they see in it another evidence of tho general disintegration of the insurgent forces French Losses In Tonquln Tacoma June 17 The steamship Tacoma brings news from China that tho French forces In Tonquln have lost four officers and 17 soldiers in a fight along the Tonquln frontier with mar auding bands of Chinese aggregating over 500 The Chinese forces include 1000 regulars who preferred robbery to soldiering Many Chlneso women were killed and they were driven into Kwang Si province Close of Y M C A Jubilee Boston June 17 The work on be half of the religious life of young men the world over was told In words of eloquence and forco from more thaf 100 pulpits In Boston yesterday for this waa the great occasion and the practical close of the International jub ilee convention of the Young Mens Christian association which has been in session for nearly a week Shoots Three Persons and Self Roswell N U June 17 Arthur Kline a well known stockman yester day shot and killed his wife Beatrice Kline dangerously wounded Marshal Maddux and probably fatally wounded the landlady with whom Mrs Kline was living who attempted to Interfere and then committed suicide Kline crazed with jealousy his wlfo bar iwas lng deserted him League St Paul 2 Omaha 3 of some hundreds of men has been a j neapolls 2 Des Moines 1 Denver 2 Kansas City 4 Boston Lumber Yard Burns Boston Juno 17 C W Leatherbeos tlon bv the authorities here who say lumber yard was burned about 1 morning There were be- II 111 RHYS Harrlman Adds the Milwaukee to His Group PUTS AN END TO RTE CUTTING All Lines West of Chicago In a Mutual Agreement for Pront Conference In Chicago Practically Assures Comple tion of Dig Deal Chicago Juno 17 Tho Tribune sayn That tho Harrlman comblno has secured control of tho Chicago Milwaukee nud tit Paul and that a J composite ugruomont has boon tuado l ffiit i ofitiinmiill V rt Itltnrjlllf A V lUl V VWUM w w uauww i been tho plan of Mr Morgan lty Lot Iowa and tho nation rally to The railroads Interested you as never before Do not say no Oats Crop is Poor Des Moines Juno 17 Tho crrnln nuai ui mc iciuuoios uunuiubi o 11 Americans WhO havo been ElVCn tno the cxtromo hot numuur tuuiius uu veiled at midday in tho presence of the moat important circuits as follows emperor and empress Prince Herbert Manila Klnkald of New Mexico and Bismarck Count Von Buelow Prince Qdlln of New Hampshire Apparl after a period of cold and wet weather has caused trouble Last year tho oats crop of Iowa amounted to 130000 Hohenlobe the ministers and members Blount of Georgia Dagupan Johnson u buBhels Grain men estimate that furnish thn woro taken Disturbance Six Expelled funds for tho completion of tho Mil- Two Tnnkton S I Juno 17 Tho quiet waukco and St Paul trunufor poms wore captured by tho enemy or tins years rouuno on uouogo 1 1 ill Tho mooting of tho woutorn offlclals Full details havo not boon rocolved wns brokon last week by n numbor of with Mr Harrlman Is bellovod to havo Tho serious reverse which Lord collogo lads Tho girls dormitory was boon tho rosult of tho recent contro Kitchener roportB Is tho flrat nccldont entered at midnight cordwood and vorsy ovor control of Northern Pacific of the kind that has happonod to tho yolla aiding in tho dlsturbnnco Tho stock which drovo short holders to Australian contlnironL and It la sun- awful nolso coming at tho doad of cover at 1000 a uluiro A fow small posed to bo duo to nogtoct of propor night when all woro alumborlng was picketing Although it Is offset by tho defeat Inflicted upon Dowota forco by Elliotts column on Juno 6 tho losa of tho guns is regarded as a sorlous matter which will encourage tho Boors to contlnuo tho struggle More or leas fanciful accounts are published on tho continent of alleged peace negotiations but there Is noth ing In them and nothing has como of tho Interview betwoen Mra Dotha and Mr Kruger beyond revealing the fact that Mr Kruger will listen to no pro posals unless they are accompanied with a gnarantoo of the Independence of tho republics CAILLES ALSO SURRENDERS too much for some oi inom ana sev eral of tho young women woro pros t rated from fright Somo have boon 111 Blnco Tho boys woro arrested and nt tho faculty moating six woro expelled Two of thoso wore to havo graduated SHAW ENDORSES ALLISON Run roads out of Chicago aro not parties to tho agroomont but It Is understood thoy will consent to anything that will maintain niton and end tho nquabbto that has boon kept up in tho past among tho various western linen It was nssortod that alt the roads west northwest nnd southwest from Chicago to tho Puclflc coast will bo controlled In future by tho following In terests Lines west oV Chicago to the Pacific coast by Harrlman Kuhn Loob tk Co and tho Rockefellers linos I northwest from Chicago by Hill and 1 1 Morgan lines southwest from St uuuu iiiuiiuuuuu iu connection with iuu f Hcptil In 190 i i i Louis by Gould and this Rockefellers bllcun nomination for president lines BouthwcBt from Chicago by tho i last night took notlco of AllLnJ AtclllSOII TopckU Ulld Sttlta I O to mi itnAul Inno Ififit Qiinfitrtr Alllenn inn I i ii t -ii i which uu u ciuiiiiiiuiu uy uuiiiii uiu lng telegram to him I notlco with much satisfaction that the country Is will bo added before long the Chicago Rock Island nnd Pacific J Picrpont Morgan and 10 II Harrlman V fitn r afttl 1m t tin Kim I i1lntnliitil n anl taking kindly to tho mention of youri hiiuii direct policy to be pursued by these combinations thus establishing tho community of InterostB which has In tho Har rlman consolidation with their nillo ago are tho following Atchison To peka and Santa Fe fi94fi miles South- dealers in Des Moines have reports ern Paclflc 7614 Union PaclUc 4439 from many parts of tho Btato which Northern Pacific 4r24 Chicago Mil Indicate that tho oats crop In Iowa waukeo and St Paul 6101 Chicago Prenri nf Rirt ftathrlnn nf Pnnl i i llilc vnnt wilt lw nnnrnp thnn fir aiv a B - r - - -- - seventeen juuges uave uuuu up- j Berlin Juno 17 The Bismarck pointed to tho courts of first Instance oral years The eaiy promises of tho statue facing the column of Victory in Among these appointments there aro crop bureau havo not been fulfilled for ana North western r077 Chicago uur llngton and Qulncy 7180 Missouri Pacific C324 Great Northern 5127 Chicago and Alton 844 Wabash 2 326 Total mlleago 155592 NEGROES ARE BUYING ARMS Canadian Pacific Trackmen Strike Vancouver June 17 All of tho Ca nadian Pacific trackmen will go out illnu t ilnmnnil r hnnn In i lwi nauL is Kennedys third trial for this crimo attorneys for the state have decided j orn division for an Increase in wages 10 maae mis iriui mucn snorier uiunj0 Leavenworth Excited by Their Pur chase of Revolvers From Soldiers Leavenworth Kan Juno 17 Con siderable excitement has been caused by what appears to be a scheme of tho negroes of Leavenworth to arm themselves with revolvers purchased from Holdlcru at Fort Leavenworth Ever nlnco tho burning of Fred Alexan der the negroes of Leavenworth have been In an ugly mood and conservative men say that tho race feeling Btlrred up at thnt time may break out any time The police are doing every thing posslhlo to kill this feeling and aro assisting tho officers nt Fort Leavenworth to recover tho rovolvers 20 cents por day not having been acceded to Officials of the road stated that tho granting of tho demand would mean an additional expenditure of 400000 Mon are being secured to take charge of bridges and portions of the track whoro surveillance is es pecially necessary and it Is announced I that all trains will bo run as usual New Ministers Ordained Jamestown N Y Juno 17 The ses sion of tho Augustana synod of tho Swedish Lutheran church yesterday was dovoted entirely to religious mat ters rather than to the business of the fl w 1A1 fl il Annnlninn lnaAlr n AV twoon 2000000 and 3000000 feet of uu V003 ul luv natlon of ministers new HroaiH inmimr nnHv all of which among VUWU Wf was destroyed 8PARK8 FROM THE WIRE8 Fred Gilbert of Spirit Lake la won the special trap shooters trophy at Hendon Eng The chocolate factory of Runkol Brothers New York was destroyed by fire Sunday Loss 250000 The Womens Relief corps of Iowa has ordered a monument for Jennie Wade who was killed at Gettysburg while baking bread for union eoldlers Fire at Durant I T Sunday de stroyed nine brick and 20 frame build ings in the center of the town The total loss Is 50000 Insurance about two thirds A grand stand collapsed at the field day exercises of the Cook County Nor mal school Chicago injuring 17 per sons one of whom Benjamin Zlegler was stricken blind and may dlo The butchers Btrlke at San Fran cisco was formally ended Sunday Tho striking journeymen butchers decided to withdraw their demand that a union card should be displayed In all retail shops Mrs Lulu Prince Kennedy was found guilty of murder in the second degree by the Kansas City Jury and sentenced to ten years in tho penitentiary for killing her husband Her father and brothers are to be tried for conspiracy whom woro the following N A Ai mer Adullam Neb C W Andoer Stratford la C E Benson Madrid la A J Borgstrom Newman Grove Neb Woolley Starts on Globe Trip Chicago June 17 John G Woolley prohibition candidate for president In 1900 started last night on a trip around tho world for tho purpose of collecting data on the liquor traffic and conditions in the countries visited preparatory to issuing a book on the results of tho prohibition movement Mr Woolley will sail from San Fran cisco on the steamer Mariposa Juno 29 Nebraska Sunday Schools Hastings Neb Juno 17 All prepar ations are mado for the entertaining of the state Sunday school convention which will be In session here Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday An excep tionally large attendance is anticipated and as there is much Important work to be done the convention promises to bo one of great Interest Trial of Jessie Morrison Eldorado Kan Juno 15 In the trial of Jessie Morrison for tho murder of Mrs Olln Castlo better progress was mado yesterday in seloctlng Jurors and at adjournmont It was believed that this evening would boo the taking of testimony 5 fHnantwaMWHHBMPHHnMSHHSBHWMMSnMM Dropsy starting in the feet or anklet comcB from a weak or diseased heart a heart that cannot keep up the circulation The blood then settles in the lower limbs where the watery portions ooze out into surrounding tissues causing bloat and swelling The heart muBt be strengthened and built up before the dropsy to tin uuiah rolnnolK roailu tult uttv lrttUK onuugb can be cured to Btay and tha T ur i I by a superior force of DocrB at 730 a i11M1innil iHn m rr h ni f to twlco bolt tho k1uo Is generally r umnrt ml nK nna uruiiKiug oi iuo ouuuoi auu i ui - - - m - i n i iia Tho mri I vm ui mi - occurred Just off tho Staten Island JUUO J tho world and ho iucldentnlly laid - - - - Ho rlvor8 nml aiso lo certain tariff y1 Dr IVllies ricarrV ure u nrviiii w thin hnrt raniro and nourod a deadly ii - t don dotiarturo of Mr Harrlman I for tho merry aim uv iuo iuui ui huikuuh reforms r tiuiin iu iiiiiuuruiiiiy uiiiu nuuu tuuu street and In losa than 20 minutes tho Tho ministers conaldor It certain flro nto tho camp kJ n two cora m his work was accomplished fTT f f Northfield which was crowded with that everything will fJ ended before I and 10 men and wounding four officers J Mitchell of tho Illinois T passengers sank at the outor end of the pier in tho East river The Mauch iChunk which was badly damaged landed two dozen passengors who July All th ttrtn mm t1 a w 111 UMk irtM ttn 38 men of whom 28 wore Bllghtly INVADE THE GIRLS DORMITORY Savings bank wns aunouncod fn tt hl wounded Only two officers and 50 port of tho Htatomuut that i i h f havo lort uy me ona or nmnna m nt mon eacapod t0 aenerai Heastons Yankton College Doys Create Midnight nud other bankora would rri The romalndor r hin m inr camp were aboard her Over 100 passengers paiac0 for preparation for occupation prl80Der9 nnd roca8ed ion tne sunncn Mortnueiu were araggea by the court lout by tho pooplo on shore and tho Tno director of the Pao Ting Fo rail crews of tho fleet of river tuga which mA has boon notlflod to havo moans promptly responded to the forry boats 0f transportation ready to bring 3000 call fnp finln A ranr nf tln TVnrthn olfiq passengers were hurt and the police be lieve that some lives wore lost Cap tain Daniel Gully of tho tug Mutual uwho saw tho ferry boats crash to gether says that immediately after tho collision 25 or 30 of the passongers Heaped Into the water and that many of those perished Captain dully says lie Is suro that over a score of the Worthflelds passengers wore drowned captains of the tugboats who LTho ere early on the scene are Inclined to think the disaster waB not bo serious as to loss of life Tho reason for such in variance In opinion resulted from the jwlld excitement on the Northfield Tho Aug Mutual saved about 75 persons rfrom the Northfield and the tuga Unity nd Arrow saved between them 150 persons Two policemen rescued 30 people between thorn As soon as tho crowd which had followed the sinking Iferry boat along the river front were able to render any aid they worked Iwlth a will and In many instances men eprang Into the water to save life jfThe greatest service was rendered by the tugboats which circled around the wreck and made a bridge to tho Spanish plor Men and women climbed over the tugs to the shore While the Northfield was well sup plied with life preservers which were etored in out-of-the-way places not more than two dozen of tho endan gered passengers were able to get tho life belts on This state of affairs was because the life preservers were not handily obtainable and tho wildest sort of a panic followed when the hundreds of passengers realized their danger kThls was only a few minutes before tho oVorthfield sank to the bottom and then all who had not Jumped to the lugs themselves In tho water The swift running flood tide and the uestion of wllch boat had the right Chinese troops to Peking dsuat John mat and In Blip- Mr Mttchull I had palpitation shortnofw of breath nuln in heart nwolllnu of foot and anklos hungry hdoIIh nnd was confined to my bod nnd cany olmlr A fow bottles of Dr Miles noart Cure made mo wolL Miw a OfluoitNK Clydo O Dr Miles Heart Cure given new strength to the heart regulates the circulation stimu lates the digestion and restores health Sold by druggists on a guarantee Dr Mllos Modlcal Co Elkhart lad HEADACHE tuaa yWHIBil Al til drug itorrm 4m 25 Dom 25c aMJt rLj kaii y mmla 3 JUIY 2 R 13 INCLUSIVE I901 CHAOS Kirt and Rnst Fair of tho Season All Attractions of Hmh Order Concert Mm Io a Special Feature A Grand Fourth of Inly Celebration Genuine Mexican Hull Fights Everyone Invited Reduced Rates from All PolnN Dont Fail to Oome JULY 2 to 13 Kocnifilciii8 Pharmacy Corner Fifth and Haiti Sts NORFOLK NEBRASKA ILLINOIS CENTRAL EXCURSION RATES TO THE Pan American Exposition AT BUFFALO It whh wild wlmn tlm Wnnlft Fair closod Unit IIiih rountry would not huo iu ixiu il in ilfty jir In nil lint tho Himco occupioil liowevor Hid Iiin Auiiiriftftti itixtltloM nt IiiilTiilo thlx ynir will nxcol tliu KroatHhow of y Til In iiiouiih tluit mon can In hddii in tho hhiiii ImiKtli of tlmii nt tlni Iliti Ainoricun mill with loan of tho fatlKiii nnii woirlimss thnt wns umivolilublo ul tin WiirlilriKufr Tho ojchihlu will ho vuriml intorintiu nud inatructivi nnii tho iinproviiinout in tholrsnloc tlou nnii tho mmiiiur iu which they nrq ilin iilimtil ilmi to tho uxiMirliiico kuIiiijiI hy ox- hlbitorn nt thn ruennt urcnt Expositions will lx vnry iiotlcciilihi In tho vnriuty iinlity nov ulty nnii nuiiilmr of ita ontortitlument fouturos tliu llnifnlo Exposition will Burpiiea nil othora Tlmru nro clllToront rntos for tickets with illlforimt limits mid if ou expect to visit Ilillfiilo mid will sand vniir ndtlriian tn thn nn dorslKiiod tlii ni tea now in effect will hofiuotod you mid you will m kept udvieod of any cliaiiRen An artistic Ixwklet boautifully illustrated mid Kivliik u cone I i description of this reat Exposition will lu milled free to all inquirers J F MERRY Asst Qeul Pass Aifent Dubuque Iowa I TRY THE NEWS FOR UP-TO-DATE PRINTING SALTERS 8EED8 WILL MAM YOU MM ThU U curing Utmeot bat 8U lets xl bwj tt out rry Ua Combination Com QntorcomooerthWtllpotUrily vToiuiiunu ours yruwuHr mion Dollararass umlHt murl of lav TDracim 1 uioosortirpraer rlntl crop six WMka titer owintf Whit Is It OtWloguteU Ill IDo STAMrt u4tLltOTICX suit ir iu i Swnpln tnclttlma bori BplU IMkMii rlio kull 11 MyarstwFAiMiltaWeitLlfcMit I Jefcw auw i m Wr Er KZiHltE2 IB Hi